Lightly salted cucumbers in cold instant brine. Recipes for lightly salted cucumbers that are delicious, crispy, and quick to prepare

  • 18.10.2019

Pickles are prepared using a special technology that eliminates the use of vinegar and sugar. As a result, vegetables acquire a unique taste, especially if they are pickled in barrels. But not every house has a cellar that allows you to put a tub of pickles. Many housewives, trying to feed loved ones with such a snack, are looking for an opportunity to prepare it quickly and in small quantities, so that it is possible to store it for some time in the refrigerator. Instant pickles are different from barrel pickles, but they are even less similar to pickled ones. The taste of this vegetable snack is unique, and it makes sense to try it at least once. Moreover, a number of Russian cuisine dishes require the use of salted rather than pickled vegetables.

Cooking features

Many housewives know how to pickle cucumbers. Many have learned to make lightly salted cucumbers in a quick way. But the technology for preparing pickled cucumbers has significant differences. It requires keeping cucumbers for a long time at room temperature in order to ferment them. Natural fermentation subsequently allows cucumbers to be stored in a cool room or refrigerator for quite a long time. Rolled up in jars, you can even keep them in a cool basement until spring. Pickling cucumbers in a quick way has a number of nuances, knowing which even an inexperienced cook can cope with the task.

  • Select medium-sized and dense cucumbers for quick pickling. Pimpled ones are preferable - they have thin skin, they salt out faster.
  • Before cooking, cucumbers must be soaked for 2-3 hours in cold water. This will keep them crunchy and make them more susceptible to brining.
  • To ensure that the cucumbers are salted but not rotten, they should be washed thoroughly, one at a time.
  • In the process of pickling cucumbers, organic acids are formed. Some materials, when reacting with them, create harmful substances. These materials include aluminum, so containers of them are not used for pickling cucumbers. Enameled pans, glass and ceramic molds, and jars are suitable. Moreover, gourmets claim that cucumbers pickled in a pan and a jar do not have the same taste.
  • To speed up pickling, place 2-3 pickled cucumbers in a jar or pan with fresh cucumbers. Their presence speeds up the fermentation process.
  • You can pickle cucumbers hot or cold. If the cold method is chosen, the salt must first be dissolved in water, then pour the brine over the cucumbers. In this case, the sediment formed at the bottom is not used. If you first pour salt on the cucumbers and then pour in water, they will not ferment, but will rot. It is better to take water for cold salting from spring, mineral water, or at least passed through a filter, rather than collected directly from the tap.
  • It is necessary to place a bowl or basin under the container with cucumbers during fermentation, as foam may form and overflow over the edges.
  • The warmer the air in the room, the faster the cucumbers pickle.

The shelf life of instant pickles depends on storage conditions. Hermetically sealed, they can last for several months in a cool room. In a saucepan or jar under a plastic lid, they can only be stored in the refrigerator and for no more than a month.

Recipe for quick hot pickling of cucumbers

  • cucumbers - 1 kg;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • water - 1 l;
  • salt - 40 g;
  • dill - 2 umbrellas;
  • horseradish leaves - 2 pcs.;
  • currant leaves, cherry leaves (optional) - 2 pcs.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the cucumbers thoroughly, cut off their ends, place in a bowl or pan, cover with cold water, and leave for 1-2 hours.
  • Cut the garlic into slices.
  • At the bottom of the pan or other container in which you plan to pickle the cucumbers, place a horseradish leaf torn by hand, a dill umbrella disassembled into small “bouquets,” and a currant and cherry leaf.
  • Place the cucumbers on the spices, sprinkling them with garlic slices.
  • Cover with remaining spices.
  • Boil water, add salt to it, boil for 2-3 minutes until the salt is completely dissolved.
  • Pour the hot marinade over the cucumbers. Cover with a plate and place a jar filled with water on top.
  • After 3 hours, the jar can be removed, but it is better to leave the plate - it will not allow the cucumbers to float to the surface.
  • Leave the cucumbers in a warm room for a day.

In a day, hot-salted cucumbers will be ready to eat. If you are not ready to eat them all at once, put them in the refrigerator - they will not spoil there for at least 2 weeks, but they can last longer, up to a month.

Quick cold pickling of cucumbers

  • cucumbers - 2 kg;
  • bell pepper - 0.4 kg;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • dill umbrellas - 100 g;
  • water - 2 l;
  • salt - 150 g;
  • black currant leaves - 2 pcs.;
  • cherry leaves - 4 pcs.;
  • hot capsicum (optional) - to taste;
  • pickled cucumbers (optional) - 2–3 pcs.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the cucumbers and cut off the ends. Soak the fruits for 2-3 hours in cold water.
  • Wash the bell peppers, remove the seeds and stems. Cut the vegetables into large pieces, dividing each fruit into 4-6 parts with a knife.
  • Cut the garlic into slices.
  • Rub the dill between your palms to separate the seeds - only these are needed for pickling cucumbers.
  • At the bottom of a saucepan or other dish used for pickling vegetables, pour half of the dill, place 2 cherry leaves and a currant leaf. Put 4-6 pieces of bell pepper, 1-2 hot rings.
  • Lay out fresh cucumbers, placing a few pickled ones between them.
  • Sprinkle with garlic and dill, place the remaining pieces of sweet pepper and fruit leaves on top.
  • Add salt to the water and stir thoroughly.
  • Pour the marinade over the cucumbers, avoiding any cloudy sediment.
  • Leave in a warm room for 2-3 days: if you added pickles, pickling will occur in 2 days, otherwise you will have to wait three days.
  • Place the container of pickles in the refrigerator and use them as needed.

You can pickle cucumbers according to this recipe in the refrigerator, but then they will be ready no earlier than in a week, and will have a slightly different taste.

Recipe for quick pickling of cucumbers in jars

Composition (per 3 l):

  • cucumbers - 1.8 kg;
  • water - 2 l;
  • garlic - 10 cloves;
  • salt - 150 g;
  • horseradish - 1 leaf;
  • currant leaves - 2 pcs.;
  • cherry leaves - 2 pcs.;
  • black peppercorns - 5 pcs.

Cooking method:

  • Wash the cucumbers, soak for 2 hours in cold water, after cutting off the ends.
  • Wash the jar with soda. If you plan to store cucumbers for a long time, the jar should be sterilized.
  • Add pepper and garlic cloves to the bottom of the jar, place a currant and cherry leaf, and half a horseradish leaf.
  • Place the cucumbers tightly in a jar, cover with fruit leaves, and place a horseradish leaf on top.
  • Dissolve salt in water, pour brine over cucumbers. A little brine may remain; it will no longer be needed.
  • Place the jar in a bowl and cover the top with a plastic lid. Leave for 4 days.

After the specified time, instant pickles are ready to eat. If you plan to store them longer, pour the brine into a saucepan and boil, skimming off the foam. Remove the top leaves, pour boiling water into the jar, drain it after 10–15 minutes, replacing it with hot brine. Roll up the jars, turn them over, cover with a blanket. After cooling, remove to a cool room and store as you would regular canned vegetables.

Instant pickles can be prepared for immediate use or for the winter. They can be added to rassolnik, solyanka and other dishes, or served as an independent snack.

The rules of healthy eating include offering cold appetizers before serving main courses, which increase appetite and speed up metabolism. One of these snacks can rightfully be called quick-cooking lightly salted cucumbers, the recipe for which every cook should have in their arsenal. Fresh vegetables can be found in the retail chain all year round, and if you don’t have your own homemade preparations for the winter, you can also use imported fresh fruits.

Ingredients for pickling

Quick pickling of cucumbers can be done in several ways, which we will be happy to list and briefly outline each technology. All you have to do is choose a quick recipe for lightly salted cucumbers that suits you.

Before studying the technology, it should be said that the same ingredients are used for the brine, which you can vary based on your own taste preferences.


The salt used is rock salt, not iodized.

For brine, the proportion is as follows: 1 table is required for 1 liter of water. a spoonful of salt, although some home cooks recommend 2 spoons.

It is worth noting that everything is determined by one’s own experience. For dry pickling of vegetables, take about 1 table for 1 kg of cucumbers. spoon of rock salt.

Greens and herbs

How to quickly pickle vegetables without using special herbs? No way! The standard set is seeds, umbrellas and dill leaves in combination with garlic.

But most recipes also contain additional spicy and aromatic herbs, such as tarragon, savory, cilantro, basil and others. It turns out that greens and parsley stems should not be added to cucumbers, because then they soften and lose their crispness.

In addition to herbs, real pickling specialists use plants rich in tannins, such as oak leaves and bark, cherry and currant leaves, horseradish leaves and root.

Such additives prevent lightly salted vegetables from becoming too salty and acidic, and the pickles become pleasantly crispy.

Herbs and spices

The most popular spice is garlic. It is cleaned, cut into several pieces and placed with vegetables. As they say, “you can never have too much garlic” - it gives strength and flavor to lightly salted cucumbers, and not only them!

Among the spices added to pickled cucumbers are bitter and allspice peas, red hot pepper in a pod, bay leaf and cloves. The quantity depends on taste preferences.

But remember that too many strong spices destroy the flesh of the fruit and they become soft and over-salty.


Sugar speeds up fermentation, but how can you quickly cook lightly salted cucumbers if you don’t speed up the fermentation process?

We take a little less sugar and salt: for 1 liter of water - about 1-2 teaspoons. spoons or per 1 kg of fruit - approximately 1 dessert spoon. But it’s also worth saying that you can do without sugar. It's a matter of taste!

*Scullion's Advice
Choose medium and small cucumbers, keeping the fruits approximately the same size so that they are evenly salted. Be sure to cut off the “butts” of the fruits to allow them to quickly “salt.”

How to quickly pickle cucumbers


  • — 1.5 l + -
  • - 2 tsp. + -
  • - 2 tbsp. l. with top + -
  • how much will go into a 3 liter jar? + -
  • — 2-3 umbrellas + -
  • - 4 cloves + -


  1. This quick method consists of placing prepared cucumbers, spices and herbs in a 3-liter glass jar and pouring brine.
  2. In order for the recipe to quickly allow you to get a fragrant, crispy snack to the table, cucumbers in a jar, the bottom of which is covered with greens, need to be laid vertically, sprinkled with sugar and salt on top and pour boiling water over it.
  3. Leave the glass container at room temperature for active fermentation.

In a day the snack is ready!

Scullion's Advice
If you pour plain purified but cold water, this increases the time for salting vegetables to 2-3 days, but in this case, lightly salted cucumbers will become crispier and more flavorful. Choose!

Dry salting method “in a bag”

This is a very popular method that will please you with its ease of preparation and excellent results.

  • We put the prepared fruits of the same size in a thick plastic bag, add herbs and spices well rubbed between the palms, sprinkle with salt and sugar and tie the bag tightly.
  • For 1 kg of cucumbers we take approximately 1.5 table. spoons of rock salt and 1 tsp. Sahara.

  • We carefully rub its contents in our hands to evenly distribute salt, sugar and aromatic herbs.
  • Leave in a warm place (but not in the sun) for a couple of hours, periodically stirring the contents of the bag, and then transfer to the refrigerator.

After 6-10 hours, lightly salted cucumbers can be served.

How to cook cucumbers in 2 hours

How to cook lightly salted cucumbers in an hour or 2 hours? Are there such options? Of course have! And they are so easy to prepare that you can treat your family to freshly prepared lightly salted vegetables almost all year round.

It is enough to cut each cucumber into four parts along the fruit and salt it dry (1 tablespoon of salt is required for 1 liter of water).

While you're preparing lunch or dinner, a healthy snack will do the trick. Set the table, serve the main courses and surprise everyone with a quick pickled cucumber recipe!

Pickling cucumbers in 15 minutes

How to make lightly salted cucumbers in 15 minutes? Is this possible? Yes! Even a “five-minute” is possible - for the most impatient! Let's reveal secrets!

  • Wash the vegetables, trim the ends, and cut each fruit into 4 slices and put them in a tight food-grade polyethylene bag. For the recipe you will need 1 kg of cucumbers.
  • Mix herbs, finely chopped garlic (6-7 cloves), salt (1.5 tbsp) and ground black pepper (pinch), break a few bay leaves and add cucumbers.
  • We tie the bag and carefully rub its contents in our hands. Leave in a warm place.

We'll taste it in 15 minutes!

Five-minute cucumbers

The whole secret of such quick pickling is in finely chopping the fruit! This method can be called winter, since a greenhouse harvest is also suitable for the recipe.

In addition to all the standard spices and herbs (and in winter they can be dried), we use:

  • 700 g cucumbers;
  • Vegetable oil - 100 g;
  • Salt - 1 tbsp;
  • A glass jar suitable for mixing ingredients.

How to cook cucumbers in 5 minutes

  1. We cut the cucumbers into rings approximately 4 cm wide, and then cut the resulting pieces into strips 1 cm thick.
  2. Place all the cuttings in a jar, cover it tightly with a lid and begin to shake vigorously for 3-5 minutes.

Ready! In just 5 minutes we get a wonderful snack that leaves no one indifferent. Swept off the plate in the same 5 minutes!

Lightly salted cucumbers in their own juice

This method is not as popular as the more familiar ones, but men are crazy about it! Instead of water for brine, use strained cucumber juice (without pulp).

Excellent lightly salted cucumbers are obtained, and the brine can be used further “for its intended purpose”! Is it possible to pour out such a delicious thing?

We hope that by studying and testing our recipes for quick preparation of lightly salted cucumbers, you will add your own twist to each one. After all, everything that we cook with passion and imagination cannot be tasteless. Go for it!

Pickles are a universal product. They can be used as an ingredient in a salad or as an appetizer for a specific dish. They can also be consumed in their pure form. Pickled cucumbers are a must on any holiday table. There are quite a few recipes for their preparation, and each housewife has her own. Along with cucumbers pickled in the traditional way, lightly salted cucumbers are also loved by many. The effort needed to prepare them is minimal. The main advantage of such a snack is the speed of its preparation. Within a day after pickling, these cucumbers are ready to eat. Typically, lightly salted cucumbers are made in the summer, when there are a lot of cucumbers. Everyone has the opportunity to prepare such cucumbers. Which recipe to choose is up to everyone to decide for themselves. There are quite a lot of them, and some of them are both traditional and unusual. One of these is lightly salted cucumbers in a bag. However, many people choose another, simpler recipe - pickling cucumbers in a pan. If this is your first time deciding to pickle such cucumbers, but you don’t know how to make lightly salted cucumbers in a saucepan, then we are ready to help you.

Lightly salted cucumbers recipe in a saucepan

If you cook lightly salted cucumbers in a saucepan, then, I have no doubt, you will not regret choosing this recipe. These cucumbers are very tasty. Even if you don’t know how to pickle cucumbers in a saucepan, once you get acquainted with the recipe for its preparation, you can easily make such cucumbers. If you follow the recipe exactly, you will get delicate, lightly salted cucumbers that will have a fairly pungent taste.

Any housewife can prepare such cucumbers. In general, this recipe is no different from cucumbers made using other technologies. But he has one advantage. It lies in the fact that using this recipe you can get really tasty cucumbers that have a pleasant crunch. In addition, lightly salted cucumbers according to this recipe are a truly appetizing dish.


If you decide to prepare cucumbers according to this recipe, then you need to prepare the following products in advance:

  • fresh cucumbers – 1 kilogram;
  • garlic – 1 piece;
  • salt – 2 tablespoons;
  • granulated sugar - 1 tablespoon without top;
  • water – 1 liter of water;
  • dill - several umbrellas;
  • black currant leaves - several pieces;
  • cherry leaves - to taste;
  • horseradish leaves - to taste;
  • black pepper - to taste.


Horseradish and cherry leaves make cucumbers crispy. The addition of currant leaves, which have an amazing aroma, provides ready-made lightly salted cucumbers with a unique taste. When preparing lightly salted vegetables according to this recipe, you need to start with the cucumbers themselves.

  1. Prepared vegetables should be washed, then placed in a container, then filled with ice water. Cucumbers should be soaked for three hours.
  2. After this, the cucumbers should be washed and then cut off their tails.
  3. Next, the vegetables need to be placed in a pre-prepared pan, where washed dill and currant leaves are then added. In addition to them, you can throw in a small amount of garlic and pepper. It is best to cut the garlic into slices.
  4. Then everything is covered with horseradish leaves, and then a second layer of cucumbers is laid out.
  5. Horseradish leaves are placed on top of them again, and then another layer of cucumbers. Garlic and spices are placed on top.
  6. Now all that remains is to make the brine. To do this, take water, salt and sugar in the required quantity. When the water boils, add all the ingredients to it. Pour the brine into the pan while it is hot to the very top.

Which cucumbers to choose? When choosing cucumbers, preference should be given to small, bubbly fruits. One of the best varieties is Nezhinsky. Of course, you should not pick fruits that are yellow or have a bitter taste.

You should definitely try cucumbers, then you are guaranteed to get a delicious snack. The best option is if fruits that have just been picked from the garden are used to prepare lightly salted cucumbers.

When planning to make such cucumbers, you need to know about one of their features. They should be the same size. If this condition is met, then the cucumbers will be evenly salted, and this is all due to the fact that pickles are in the brine for a very short time.

Lightly salted cucumbers They are considered the number one snack in the summer and this is not surprising, because what could be better than crispy pickles with a spicy aroma to accompany them with butter or cracklings. Lightly salted cucumbers are considered a traditional dish of Russian cuisine; however, cucumbers have been pickled for a long time in Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova and many other countries, in particular in China.

The classic recipe for lightly salted cucumbers involves pouring cucumbers and herbs with cold brine, followed by infusing them for several days in a warm place. This method of short-term pickling of cucumbers is called cold. In addition, there are other methods of salting - hot and dry. The hot method, as you may have guessed, differs from the cold method in the temperature of the brine, namely in that it must be hot.

The dry method of preparing lightly salted vegetables has become especially popular in recent years. Its essence lies in marinating, most often, sliced ​​cucumbers in their own juice along with salt, spices and herbs. As a result of this salting, you can prepare lightly salted cucumbers quickly in a saucepan or in a package in just 1 hour. Agree that this is very convenient if you can’t bear to enjoy delicious cucumbers.

Regardless of which recipe you use to prepare this appetizer, remember that the cucumbers must be very fresh – firm and juicy. Of course, ideally these are cucumbers that have just been picked. But don't be upset if you don't have any. Sluggish cucumbers can also be “reanimated”. Just fill them with cold water and leave for 5-4 hours. During this time, they will be saturated with moisture and become juicy and elastic.

As for the size of cucumbers, for pickling them in a jar it is best to take cucumbers at the gherkin stage or no longer than 10 cm. If you have large cucumbers, then Instant lightly salted cucumbers in a saucepan- This is what you need. They are ideal for dry pickling, which we mentioned above. Well, now let's get straight to the recipes.

Quickly pickled cucumbers: the best recipes

Lightly salted cucumbers (cold method)


  • cucumbers - 1.5 - 2 kg;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • pepper (sweet) - 2 pcs.;
  • old dill – 0.1 kg;
  • cherry leaves - 5-6 pcs.;
  • currant leaves - 4-5 pcs.;
  • salt - 4 tbsp. l.;
  • water - 1 l.

Wash small cucumbers well under water. If they have a bitter skin, then fill them with cold water and leave to soak for 6 hours. Peel the garlic and then cut it into small slices. Then wash the green leaves, dill and sweet pepper (you don’t have to remove the seeds from the pepper). Prepare a container in advance where your cucumbers will be pickled. Take glass jars or a deep bowl.

Place bell peppers, spices and garlic at the bottom of this container. Place the cucumbers in such a way that there are no large spaces between them. Place garlic, spices and pepper on top. Then make the brine and pour it over the cucumbers. Cucumbers should be completely in brine. In order for lightly salted cucumbers to cook quickly, you need to leave them for a day in a warm room, since in the cold they will cook much longer.

Now let's look at how to cook lightly salted cucumbers - quick cooking recipe in a saucepan.

Lightly salted cucumbers in a saucepan - recipe


  • Cucumbers – 1 kg.,
  • Young dill - a small bunch,
  • Garlic – 5-6 cloves,
  • Rock salt – 1 tbsp. spoon.

Cut the cucumbers into slices or thin strips. You can also use a vegetable peeler to cut them into thin long slices. Pass the garlic through a press. Chop the dill with a knife. Place cucumbers in a saucepan, add garlic and dill. Add salt. After this, mix the cucumbers thoroughly with your hands. Cover the pan with a lid. Place in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Lightly salted cucumbers - a quick recipe in a saucepan, which you will now recognize, is also called Korean or Chinese. The cucumbers according to this recipe are spicy, crispy and with an oriental aroma due to the use of sesame oil and soy sauce.

Pickled cucumbers in Chinese style - recipe


  • Cucumbers – 1 kg,
  • Soy sauce – 100 ml.,
  • Sesame oil – 3 tbsp. spoons,
  • Sesame grains – 1 teaspoon,
  • Hot chili pepper – 1 pc.,
  • Garlic - 1 head.

Cut the washed cucumbers lengthwise into 4 pieces. Place them in a saucepan. Mix soy sauce, sesame oil, sesame seeds in a separate bowl. Chop the hot pepper into small cubes. Peel and then finely chop the garlic. Add pepper and garlic to the sauce. Mix the marinade and pour it over the cucumbers. Cover the pan with a lid and shake. Place the cucumbers to marinate in the refrigerator for one hour. Lightly salted cucumbers are eaten in Chinese style using wooden chopsticks.

Quick lightly salted cucumbers in a bag - recipe


  • cucumbers – 2 kg;
  • salt – 2 tbsp;
  • fresh dill;
  • garlic – 1 pc.;
  • vegetable oil – 6 tbsp;
  • vinegar – 4 tbsp;
  • spices to taste.

This is probably one of the fastest ways to prepare lightly salted cucumbers. For this salting method, you need a medium-sized plastic bag. First, wash the cucumbers well under water. If the peel is bitter, then you can peel it off and lightly salted cucumbers will become even more tender. In this case, the cucumbers must be cut, because this is the key to quickly pickling them. After this, finely chop the dill and garlic.

Add garlic, dill, salt to the cucumbers and pour in vinegar. Add vegetable oil as well. To mix everything well, place the spiced cucumbers in a bag and shake vigorously. Place the bag in the refrigerator. Our beautiful Instant lightly salted cucumbers in a bag They will be ready in 2 hours, and they will have a lightly salted taste in 20 minutes.

Spicy lightly salted cucumbers with carrots - recipe


  • cucumbers – 1 kg;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • carrots – 300 g;
  • sugar – 60 g;
  • salt – 1 tbsp;
  • red pepper – 0.5 tsp;
  • vinegar – 50 ml;
  • vegetable oil – 60 ml.

Cucumbers can be pickled not only on their own, but also with various vegetables, such as zucchini, carrots, onions, eggplants, or fruits and berries (apples are often used). In this case, the cucumbers will be marinated with carrots and red pepper, which will make them even spicier and tasty.

Rinse the cucumbers thoroughly in cold water and trim off the ends on both sides. Then cut them into at least 8 pieces lengthwise. Peel the carrots and grate on a coarse grater. Mix with cucumbers. Press the garlic onto the cucumbers. Then add salt, sugar and pepper. Next, pour in the vegetable oil and then the vinegar. Mix the cucumbers with the dressing thoroughly, place them in jars and close the lids.

Leave the lightly salted cucumbers for about 1 hour in a warm room, and then put them in the refrigerator. Lightly salted cucumbers are ready.

Lightly salted cucumbers quickly (hot method)


  • cucumbers – 1 kg;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • currant and cherry leaves;
  • dill (umbrellas);
  • salt - 1 tbsp. for 1 liter of water.

This method of preparing lightly salted cucumbers is practically no different from the classic preparation of lightly salted cucumbers, the only difference is that our cucumbers will be poured with boiling water. It is this moment that will speed up the salting process. Rinse the cucumbers under cold running water.

To make them even crispier, you can soak them in water for a couple of hours. Wash the greens well. Peel the garlic. Place half of the pickling greens on the bottom of a glass jar, then place the cucumbers tightly on top and the garlic on top. Place the rest of the greens on top. Boil water, then dilute salt in it and pour the brine over the cucumbers. Leave them for a day in a warm place. This is how you can quickly and easily get delicious lightly salted instant cucumbers.

Quick lightly salted cucumbers in 5 minutes


  • cucumbers – 800 g;
  • vegetable oil – 0.1 l.
  • salt – 1 tbsp.

The incredible speed of cooking these cucumbers is achieved due to their fine cutting. Since greenhouse cucumbers can also be used for this recipe, it is also called a winter recipe. Wash the cucumbers well under water. Cut off their ends and carefully cut them into rings (the width of the rings is about 4-5 cm), and then cut these rings into thin strips (about 1 cm thick).

Place the cucumber strips in a bowl, sprinkle with salt, and then pour in the vegetable oil. Mix cucumbers with marinade. Place them in a jar, close the lid tightly and shake vigorously for 5 minutes. And now our quick-cooking lightly salted cucumbers are ready. In just 5 minutes you can get such an amazing snack that will simply not leave anyone indifferent.


  • cucumbers – 3 kg;
  • garlic – 4 cloves;
  • vinegar (9%) – 2 tbsp;
  • black pepper (peas) – 2 tsp;
  • water – 1 l.;
  • salt – 2 tbsp;
  • sugar – 1 tsp;

Consider an incredibly simple quick pickled cucumber recipe. Rinse the cucumbers well under water. Cut the ends off both sides of the cucumber. Pierce the cucumbers in several places with a knife to help them marinate better. Peel the garlic and cut it into small pieces. Take a jar where you will put the cucumbers. Wash it well with soda. Next, place the cucumbers in it and sprinkle with garlic and pepper. Then you need to make the brine.

Consider a quick recipe for lightly salted cucumbers. It will take very little time and tomorrow you will be able to enjoy delicious cucumbers. First you need to prepare the cucumbers for pickling, that is, wash them well, cut off the “butt” on both sides and pierce each cucumber in the middle with a knife. Next, start preparing the brine. Add salt to the water. Let the brine boil for 3-4 minutes.

After this, finely chop the garlic. Rinse the greens. To make our lightly salted instant cucumbers more crunchy, you need to put greens (currant, horseradish, oak leaves) in a jar. Place the cucumbers tightly in the jar and add some greens on top. In order for them to be ready tomorrow, fill them with hot brine. Jars of lightly salted cucumbers should be kept warm for at least 5-7 hours. The very next day, drain the brine before the cucumbers absorb a lot of salt. Instant lightly salted cucumbers ready.

Quick recipe for lightly salted cucumbers


  • cucumbers – 2 kg;
  • coarse salt – 3 tbsp;
  • water – 2 l.;
  • dill – 1 bunch;
  • garlic – 5 cloves;
  • hot pepper - to taste;
  • currant leaves, horseradish
  • mustard seeds – 3 tbsp.

Wash the cucumbers thoroughly. Take a basin or large bowl, place the cucumbers there and fill them with water so that they are completely submerged. Let them sit for a couple of hours. Once the time is up, drain the water and trim the ends of the cucumbers. Next, put the water to boil. Place green leaves (currants, horseradish) at the bottom of the vessel where the water is boiling. Next, place the cucumbers in a separate bowl, sprinkle them with pre-chopped garlic and dill.

You can simply put the whole pepper on top of the cucumbers. Sprinkle with mustard seeds. Add salt to boiling water and stir. Next, remove the brine from the heat and let it cool. Pour warm brine over the cucumbers and place a horseradish leaf on top. Once the cucumbers have cooled completely, place them in the refrigerator. According to this recipe, lightly salted cucumbers will be ready on the second day.

Summer pleases us not only with excellent weather, but also with a fresh harvest. Surely many people miss small, crispy, aromatic cucumbers! When the long-awaited summer cucumbers finally appear, we begin to want to experiment, because just fresh cucumbers, although tasty, quickly become boring. We ate pickled and pickled cucumbers in the winter, but now we just want to diversify their fresh taste. A great way to maintain freshness and experiment with flavor is to make quick, lightly salted cucumbers.

There are a huge number of ways to prepare lightly salted cucumbers, but most recipes require cooking for at least a day, but, as a rule, you want something tasty here and now. Quick lightly salted cucumbers are called fast because their preparation time is only from 20 minutes to 2-3 hours! Therefore, for each feast, you don’t have to limit yourself to just one recipe; take note of several of the recipes below, and let the cucumbers on your table be distinguished by their bright taste and variety.

Before you get down to practice and prepare quick lightly salted cucumbers, you need to familiarize yourself with the theory. There are three ways to prepare lightly salted cucumbers: in brine, in their own juice, and the “dry” method, when the cucumbers are salted without brine and are ready for consumption in a maximum of 1-2 hours. It is worth trying to prepare cucumbers using each of them, since the taste of cucumbers prepared in different ways will be different. To prepare quick lightly salted cucumbers, it is better to choose small, strong, thin-skinned cucumbers, bright green in color and with pimples. Overgrown and overripe cucumbers can be used to prepare lightly salted cucumbers in their own juice. If the cucumbers are not just picked from the garden, then it is better to pre-soak them in cold water. Before cooking, do not forget to cut off their ends, so the cucumbers will cook faster. If you want lightly salted cucumbers to be crispy, do not pack them tightly into the jar. Salt should not be iodized, and prepared lightly salted cucumbers should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than 2-3 days.

500-600 gr. fresh cucumbers,
1-3 cloves of garlic,
2/3 tsp. fine salt,
dill umbrellas.

Wash the cucumbers well, cut them in half or into quarters, and place them in a deep bowl. Peel and cut the garlic into slices and add to the cucumbers; the dill can be chopped or put in whole umbrellas. Add salt and mix with your hands so that all ingredients are distributed evenly. Place everything in a bag, release the air from it and tie it. Leave at room temperature for 1 hour. After an hour, you can try quick lightly salted cucumbers.

Lightly salted cucumbers in a container

fresh cucumbers,
2 cloves of garlic,
black pepper,

To prepare quick lightly salted cucumbers according to this recipe, you will need a plastic container with a lid. Chop the greens and place them at the bottom of the container. Crush the garlic with the handle of a knife and add to the greens. Add crushed black and allspice peas there. Cut the cucumbers in half lengthwise, place in a container and add salt. The amount of salt should be based on your taste; to do this, imagine how much salt you take to eat a fresh cucumber, increase this amount by about 4 times and salt the cucumbers in a container. Close the container tightly with the lid and shake it well. The contents of the container will bang against each other, as well as against the walls of the container itself, as a result of which the cucumbers will release a large amount of juice, which will dissolve the salt. After 10 minutes, the cucumbers will be half in a brine made from their own juice, green juice and salt. If you want cucumbers here and now, and there is no strength to endure, then shake the container for another 15-20 minutes. If you can wait a little, then leave it at room temperature for about 1 hour, then wash off the excess salt from the cucumbers and serve.

Quick lightly salted cucumbers with zucchini


1 kg cucumbers,
1 kg of young zucchini,
3 tbsp. salt,
1 tsp Sahara,
3 cherry leaves,
5-7 black currant leaves,
2 leaves of horseradish,
1 bunch of dill with umbrellas,
3-5 cloves of garlic.

Wash the cucumbers, dry them and trim the ends. Peel the zucchini and cut into slices. Chop the cherry, currant and horseradish leaves, chop the dill and garlic. Place all ingredients in a container or pan, cover and shake well for 5 minutes. Leave in a warm place for 1 hour, then put in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

Quick lightly salted cucumbers with lime juice

1.5 kg of cucumbers,
1 bunch of dill with umbrellas,
6-7 black peppercorns,
4-5 peas of allspice,
4-5 sprigs of mint,
4 limes,
1 tsp Sahara,
3.5 tbsp. salt.

In a mortar, crush black and allspice peas with sugar and 2.5 tbsp. salt. Wash the limes well, dry them with paper towels and remove the zest. Add the zest to the pepper, salt and sugar mixture. Squeeze the lime juice. Finely chop the dill and mint; you will need not only the leaves but also the stems. Cut off the ends of the cucumbers and cut each cucumber lengthwise into 2-4 pieces. Place the cucumbers in a deep plate, sprinkle with the mixture from the mortar, pour over lime juice and stir. Then sprinkle with the remaining salt and chopped herbs and mix again. Leave the cucumbers at room temperature for 30 minutes. Before serving, shake off excess salt and herbs from the cucumbers.

Quick lightly salted cucumbers with sourness

1 kg fresh cucumbers,
5 cloves of garlic,
1 bunch of dill,
½ tsp ground coriander,
4 tbsp. vegetable oil,
2 tbsp. 9% vinegar,
1 tsp black peppercorns,

Wash the cucumbers, dry them and cut them lengthwise into 2-4 pieces. Place the cucumbers in a container or pan, add salt, peppercorns, finely chopped herbs, coriander, garlic crushed with a knife blade, vegetable oil and vinegar. Close the container with a lid and shake vigorously several times. Leave at room temperature for 10 minutes, then shake again and place in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes. If after this time the cucumbers do not seem ready to you, you can leave them in the refrigerator for another 20-30 minutes.

Quick pickled cucumbers in Chinese style

3 large cucumbers,
1 pod of red hot pepper,
3-4 tbsp. soy sauce,
2-3 tbsp. rice vinegar,
4 cloves of garlic,

Wash the cucumbers, dry and cut into slices 1 cm thick, place them in a tight, clean bag, add soy sauce, salt, rice vinegar, tie the bag and beat it well with a rolling pin. Finely chop the garlic and red hot pepper and add to the cucumbers after 20 minutes. Shake the bag well for 1-2 minutes and leave in the refrigerator for 1 hour.

Quick lightly salted cucumbers with grated horseradish

700 gr. overgrown cucumbers,
1 kg small fresh cucumbers,
½ tbsp. grated horseradish
1 bunch of greens,
1 tsp dill seeds,
1 tbsp. salt.

Wash the overgrown cucumbers and grate them on a coarse grater. Finely chop the greens and add to the cucumbers. Add horseradish grated on a fine grater. Add salt and dill seeds, mix thoroughly. Place a layer of the resulting cucumber mixture in a deep container, place a layer of quartered cucumbers on top, place the cucumber mixture again, continue alternating layers. Cover the container with a lid and refrigerate for 2-3 hours. If you want the horseradish taste to be felt more clearly, leave the cucumbers in the resulting mixture for a day.

Lightly salted cucumbers are prepared quickly and easily, and their summer taste and aroma will decorate any feast. Quick lightly salted cucumbers are a real godsend for those who don’t like to wait a long time; you can start eating delicious crispy cucumbers prepared according to quick recipes almost immediately after pickling! You can pamper yourself and your loved ones with such cucumbers not only at home, but also outdoors, for example, while barbecuing or potatoes are baking over coals. Don't put off making this delicious summer snack because fresh cucumber season is here!