International youth festival of circus arts. International Youth Festival of Circus Arts 15th International Festival of Circus Arts

  • 30.06.2019

17th international festival circus art will once again gather its fans under the high dome of the Nikulin Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard to present to the audience acts of dizzying beauty and skill. It will be equally interesting and exciting for children of any age and for adults. The event program is designed in such a way that no one will be bored!

About the circus arts festival

The oldest stationary circus in Russia, for the seventeenth time, will gather within its walls the best tightrope walkers, acrobats, magicians and clowns, as well as many trained animals, so that they can all demonstrate their skills and gain recognition from the public, performing at this venerable and well-known world competition.

17th International Circus Arts Festival in Moscow began to be held in the early 2000s with the aim of popularizing circus art and introducing it to the masses. From a simple, inconspicuous and practically unknown event, it has turned into a large-scale competition, in which professionals from all over the world strive to participate. And for residents and guests of the capital this unique chance see how beginners talented artists, and experienced world-famous circus performers.

The International Festival of Circus Arts always takes place in the Nikulin Circus, beloved and close to the hearts of Muscovites, located on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. In 2018, this event will take place from September 6 to 8, and on September 9 the grand finale will be held and farewell to the enchanting holiday until the next season.

How to buy tickets to the 17th International Circus Arts Festival?

If you want to get to this event, then half the battle is already done, because you are on our service. Tickets for the circus arts festival in Moscow very easy to get. What do I need to do?

  • Select your favorite places on the map.
  • Leave a request online or call the numbers listed on the website.
  • Pay for your purchase with any in a convenient way: cash, card, money transfer.
  • Come pick up your tickets yourself or order courier delivery(the service is free for residents of Moscow and St. Petersburg).

Just a couple of clicks - and you are the owner best tickets for an unforgettable and fun event that will become one of the main ones in the coming fall.

The 17th International Circus Arts Festival 2018 is definitely worth a visit for the following reasons:

  • this is a global event that will take place in incredible proximity to you;
  • amazingly beautiful, touching, funny and extreme numbers for every taste;
  • suitable for family visits;
  • the pleasant autumn coolness will be fueled by boiling emotions from the stunts and performances seen.

Book soon best places for yourself and your family, because the holiday is just around the corner!

The Moscow Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard summed up the results of the 14th International Youth Festival-Competition of Circus Art. Artists from 17 countries took part in it. Both professionals and amateurs are allowed to compete. The show is one of the top five international competitions.

The last minutes before entering the arena. For aerial gymnasts from France, this festival is far from the first. We have already performed in Germany and Canada, but this is no less exciting. They admit that the Russian public is special.

“For example, in Canada people shout very loudly and applaud constantly, but in Russia it’s the opposite. The audience watches with bated breath throughout the entire performance, we feel how worried they are for us, but when the performance ends, we receive a full ovation,” comments festival participant Morgan Tisserand.

And now, instead of a small dressing room, there is one of the oldest arenas in Russia. Under the circus big top, without safety nets, the performers prove the limitlessness of human capabilities. In a few hours they will receive the Silver Elephant. In the meantime, a grandiose gala show as the final chord in the celebration of dexterity and artistry.

“This gala show is those very ideal, matched numbers from two programs. From the emotions that happen in the hall, it’s clear that they like the show,” she said main director festival, laureate of the Moscow Government award Oksana Druzhinina. “The most important thing is that the artists are satisfied, happy - the hall is standing up, the hall is full.”

It sometimes takes artists several years to perfect one trick. Here at the festival, they only have a couple of minutes to make the viewer believe in a miracle. The most convincing - the owners of the Golden Elephant figurine - were three at once: Russian trainer Gia Eradze with an attraction with lions and tigers, acrobats from Sweden and tightrope walkers from China. Five girls, balancing on unicycles and deftly throwing plates into the air, seemed to easily win the victory.

“We have already received prizes for this act in China, but to earn the approval of the jury and the public here at the festival in Moscow is a great pride. We worked a lot and are very happy,” admitted the members of the “Tiering Tightropes on Unicycles” team.

A special award has been prepared for young artists - “Golden Elephant”. The best were acrobats from Nizhny Tagil, tightrope walker Anastasia Trushina, who already works at the Vernadsky Circus, and gymnast Mariyam Rzaeva from Pavlovsky Posad. For these guys, the Moscow arena became a chance to express themselves, which they did not miss.

“The idea, the general goal of the festival, for which, in fact, everything was invented, was to find people who want to devote themselves to the circus. In general, probably the most famous, most eminent circus figures come here from all over the world, and they have such a chance to show themselves - they cannot miss it,” commented the chairman of the festival jury, CEO And artistic director Moscow Nikulin Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard Maxim Nikulin.

Among the honored guests of the festival is the most famous patroness of the world circus, Princess Stephanie of Monaco. As president of the European Circus Association, she came with a specific goal - to select the brightest artists who will perform at the festival in Monte Carlo. The laureates will surprise the Western public in January next year.

September 6, 2018 at the Circus Yu.V. Nikulin on Tsvetnoy Boulevard the opening of the 17th International Circus Arts Festival will take place. Four days grand festival will delight the audience with a variety of impressive circus tricks and spectacular performances of various genres. You will see performances by artists from 15 countries. Spectators will be able to appreciate the skills of jugglers and tightrope walkers, aerialists and acrobats, trained animals (kangaroos, tigers, bears and many others). And the jury will choose the best of the best.



Circus Y.V. Nikulina, Tsvetnoy Boulevard metro station.

What is the price

Ticket prices range from 500 to 3500 rubles.

Description of the event

The youth festival-competition of circus arts is being held in the capital for the 17th time. Young artists from different countries, which present acts to the public in a wide variety of circus genres. This is an excellent opportunity for spectators to see an impressive variety of brilliant performances performed in modern technology. The multi-day festival ends with a grand gala concert, and the jury will determine the winners.

The festival is highly appreciated and approved by the largest figures of circus art around the world. It traditionally takes place in one of the most famous arenas in Russia and the world - in the Moscow Circus Yu.V. Nikulin on Tsvetnoy Boulevard.

The purpose of the event: to introduce a wide audience to the achievements of domestic and foreign circus art, to prove that the circus has a bright present and a promising future. Spectators regularly include representatives of the business, cultural and political elite.

Who is it suitable for?

For children and adults, circus fans.

Why is it worth going

  • Performances by artists from different countries
  • Incredible stunts and performances
  • Grand circus event