Street dance training. Street dancing for beginners

  • 05.07.2019

Studio Balance Club invites everyone to study the fashionable direction of Street dance or Street dance. Lessons are held street dancing in a large bright hall with the participation professional teachers. There are 5-8 students in the lesson, so everyone gets the attention they deserve.

What is street dancing

Street dance originated on the streets of large American cities. This direction is characterized by impulsive movements, sudden changes in rhythm and spectacular freezing in statics. Gradually, the dance was enriched with movements and techniques from such directions as funk, break, disco, RnB. Street dance emerged as an independent movement in the 70s in America.

It is curious that despite the chaotic plexus different styles in this direction, street dance has its own philosophy. In dance, a person talks about himself, shares his feelings and experiences - this is a small story in movement, where tricks and steps serve only as a way of self-expression.

Where to learn to dance Street Dance

The Moscow Street Dance School is located in a convenient area of ​​the city, next to the metro station just a 5-minute walk. Several groups teach street dancing to girls and boys different levels preparation.

By doing street dancing in our studio, you:

  • improve your physical fitness;
  • develop a sense of rhythm;
  • practice coordination of movements;
  • improve posture;
  • strengthen the muscular and respiratory systems;
  • feel your body and increase your self-esteem.

Enrollment for classes Street Dance Open for beginners! You can sign up and find out prices on the website, by phone or in the studio - come and dance with us for fun.


Cost of Street Dance classes

Trial lesson 350 rub.
One-time lesson 600 rub.
Subscription for 4 classes 1,800 rub.
Subscription for 8 classes 3,000 rub.
Subscription for 12 lessons 4,200 rub.
Unlimited subscription 6,500 rub.

Street dancing is a magnetically fascinating spectacle. Surely you have seen how dancers turn into robots, simulating mechanical intermittent movements, or flutter above the ground, magically almost without touching her with his feet. Here is a video of one of the most famous street dancers, Marquis Scott:

It all seems so impossible, unattainable. I would like to immediately dispel the doubts that most viewers have when watching the video.

Common misconceptions about street dancing

1. This guy is a genius because he improvises.

I'll tell you a secret: everything you see here, every smallest movement, is the result of long training and repeated repetitions. Do you see how easily, for example, a “wave” passes through Marquis’s hand? Before he succeeded, he:

  • flexed my wrist thousands of times;
  • I bent my elbow thousands of times;
  • pushed his shoulder forward thousands of times;
  • connected these movements tens of thousands of times in succession.

Over time, awkward hand rotations turned into a smooth wave. Actually, here it is, for clarity:

And so with any element that you see in the dance. Each of them first undergoes a long process of cutting and settling in the motor memory of the body. Improvisation is a free combination of such elements.

2. This guy has talent, not everyone has that talent.

The movements of each dancer, no matter how free and easy they may seem now, were initially just as timid and clumsy as yours. The same Marquis Scott, whom many would call a genius, before he started dancing, moved no better than anyone else. Dance is not some school of magic inaccessible to mere mortals.

Dance is first and foremost a technique. Technique worked to perfection.

Do you hear music, try to move to it, but it turns out something extremely awkward? But the body of the masters “dances on its own”! But how can your body dance if it doesn't know the moves? Teach it first, and then it will perform the dance for you. And everyone can cope with this.

3. I will never succeed

With desire and effort, everyone can succeed. Get rid of vanity thoughts about your exclusivity.

Surely while watching the video, “Wow!” flashed through your head. If only I...", but you don’t even dare to continue this thought to the end, because, of course, “not everyone is given such a talent, and even more so for me.”

Most likely, many of you watched the video, went to the mirror, tried to portray a “wave”, instead they got a real storm with 11 points on the Beaufort scale, laughed and went on about their business. For some reason, people think that a street dancer is naturally gifted. No, he just goes to the mirror one day, tries to do something and laughs at his failure. Only after this does he approach the mirror again and again.

Street dance in most cases is an improvisation based on a free combination of elements of various dance styles honed to perfection.

Yes, street dancing is an extremely broad concept that includes breakdancing, locking, house and much more.

So, have you realized that there is no magic or mystery in masterful dance, and the secret of its ease lies entirely in working out various movements? Already good. Let's move on.


What is technical development?

  1. Selecting a specific movement.
  2. Breaking it down into its elementary components.
  3. Multiple repetitions of each of them separately.
  4. Consistently combining them into the desired movement.
  5. Repeating this movement, using it in conjunction with others.

Repetition, repetition, repetition is the basis of the technique. Why? Because this is the only way our body learns. At first, the path to each movement will lie through huge volitional efforts, control and concentration. Everything will happen slowly. But with each repetition, new movements will be adapted by your motor memory mechanisms. And in the end the movement will be performed naturally and easily, like waving your hand. You won't have to think about it. It's like learning to ride a bike.

So, mastering dance is available to everyone. But the path to it lies through the development of technology. And working on technology is labor that is long, difficult, and sometimes makes you want to cry.

But there is also good news.

You can work at home. And most importantly, you will find it interesting to work.

Because any routine, unpleasant work receives a motive and becomes much more interesting when it brings some result. And the sooner this result manifests itself, the more noticeable it is, the greater the desire to continue the person lights up.

Believe me, you can learn the simplest techniques of magical plastic surgery in as soon as possible without leaving home. Of course, you won’t become Marquis Scott so quickly, but you will definitely be able to surprise your friends and family, and yourself. Let's take the mentioned “wave”. By following the instructions from the second video of this article every day for at least 15 minutes, in just a couple of weeks you will be performing the movement correctly, quickly and with the necessary automaticity.

Dancing at home

Now about the main thing. The studio has a professional choreographer who teaches and demonstrates movements. What about at home? And at home there is YouTube, on which no less professional dancers Thousands of training videos have already been posted.

If you are one of those people who thought, “Wow! If only I..." when watching the first video, the action plan is as follows: you go to one of the YouTube channels presented below, watch dance videos and determine whose style you like, open the training videos and, getting up from your chair, without leaving monitor (it’s good if there is a mirror nearby), you begin to do what is shown in them. That is, repeat, repeat and repeat the movements.

Don't worry about the small space: we're not learning the waltz, and you'll have plenty of room to learn the basic movements and perform simple sequences. Here, of course, a lot depends on the dance genre. For example, you will be able to master the lower break only if there is a large space and a slippery floor covering.

The life hacker chose the most undemanding styles in terms of square footage, united under the name dubstep. It doesn't really matter whether you like the music: elements of the style itself can be used in completely different directions.

3. Among the foreign channels we can highlight TheRussianTiger And El Tiro. Thanks to the latter, you will learn how to perform the “robot dance” relatively quickly.

4. There are good videos on breakdancing in schools Break Dance School And " Breakwater" Again, this style is not easy to practice at home due to the large space it requires and the special flooring it requires.

Remember, the main thing is sincere desire and regular practice. Without one there will be no other. At the same time, desire and practice are a universal remedy for all “failures.”

Good luck in your dancing endeavors!

Street dance (Street Dance) as a dance direction appeared in the USA in the last century. At that time, dancers learned to dance right on the streets, since they did not have special premises. Now this style is one of the most popular among young people; many who want to stand out from the crowd want to learn it.


  • Street dancing is classified as Freestyle. It is based on spontaneity, as well as combinations of various styles that are incompatible with each other. For example, jazz and classical. The main thing in street dancing is the dancer’s ability to convey to the viewer how he feels dance without any skills and abilities, and various tricks only complement the performance. Street dancing involves a transition from fast and pulsed movements to slow ones. There may also be elements of freezing in the dance. This direction combines such genres as house, new-style, break dance, hip-hop.
  • To learn how to perform all the movements of this style, you can sign up for dance courses that are available in your city. Choreographers will demonstrate basic movements, elements and transitions. However, this is only a technical basis. The performance requires the dancer to be completely immersed in his world and relax his soul, and not just memorized movements performed to the music. Everyone can learn Street Dance and show their skills in public without any special preparation, the main thing is to listen to the language own body and dissolve in fiery music.
  • If you are too busy to take choreography courses, but want to learn how to perform all the elements, then video lessons that can be bought at any specialty store or watched at the end of this article will help you. The only disadvantage of this training system is the absence of a teacher who can tell you how to do it correctly. Otherwise, this method will allow you to plan your time and save money. Because during the courses the teacher cannot physically pay attention to each dancer, so you will still need to study at home.
  • You can also read the article, it also provides some tips and tricks for training

The name Street Dance (street dancing) speaks for itself. This direction originates not from ballroom classes and choreographic circles, but from the streets. Street Dance was born on noisy roads and city streets. It is characterized by impulsive fast movements, unexpected transitions from fast to smooth elements, as well as unexpected freezing.

Video lessons

Dancing is accessible to all social classes and people of all ages. With this art you can show freedom, despondency, passion, express love and other feelings. Eat classical dancing, which appeared a long time ago, but also over time, new directions and styles have come that are danced differently. Street dancing has become very popular. In this article, UchiEto will help you learn the elements of street dancing.

First steps to learning

In all big cities there are schools that teach dancing. If you find a school that teaches street dancing, don’t rush to sign up. Why? Because these dances have different directions, so figure out what style you want to learn. You will be surprised how diverse the range of dance elements is. But how can you learn street dancing if you don’t have any special talent or ability? Don't be discouraged, they appear with training, and also if you learn to feel freedom.

It is the mastery of the body and the spirit of freedom that is the basis of street dancing.

Home school

You can also learn to dance at home. Moreover, you will devote as much time to classes as more than one dance coach will be able to devote to you, you will deprive yourself of embarrassment in front of other people, and also save your time and finances. You will be able to awaken the excellent dancer within you. Now only desire and performance will show that you can. Ready-made interactive lessons are required for training. They are needed to master the initial movements.

About 15 years ago, people never dreamed of video lessons for beginners. They didn’t even imagine that the video would help a person learn street dancing, and the street dancers themselves were called hooligans. No one could have imagined that these same hooligans would teach others, and even online. Nowadays everything has become different. Street dancers are not uncommon, and the Internet has provided access to video lessons. Among large quantity lessons should be given preference to specialized video schools. Only professional street dancers teach there.

So, if you are ready to master the most popular and popular dance direction, then finish reading the article, and at the end you will find a pleasant surprise in the form free videos lessons. Try to repeat all the movements to learn the capabilities of your body and feel freedom.

I want to dance, teach me!

In addition to the empty statement: “I want to learn how to street dance,” you need patience and desire, because before starting training, you need to review all the styles of this direction and choose one. Regularly hone all the elements, bringing them to perfection, repeat even the simplest movements after the teacher.

If we're talking about about tectonics, that is, exercises that develop the plasticity of the body. The main thing is to feel the music! Distinguish between weak and strong beats of rhythms. Learn to perceive so you can improvise.

The Tut dance is based on elements that are typical for the inhabitants of Ancient Egypt. The dancers clearly change positions, huge quantities elements are made at right angles, the hands should always be as straight as possible, and the head should be kept at the same level. The essence of the dance can be seen in illustrations depicting the rulers of Egypt.

I also need to say a few words about clothes. She does not have a special style, since there are more than 20 varieties of this trend. It doesn't even matter what color it is. The main thing is that it does not restrict movement. You can wear sneakers with wide jeans, a hoodie, even a formal suit.

Stick to your workout schedule and you can achieve what you want!

Video lessons