First soloist silver. Group "Serebro": composition, origin and development of the team

  • 30.08.2019

In the spring of 2014, Elena Temnikova suddenly left the Serebro group, being the most popular of the trio and at the peak of fan love. For many, this departure looked strange - no one understood the reason for the change of the public's favorite soloist.

One of the first lineups of the Serebro group

Neither the singer herself, nor the producer, nor the group members commented on the situation other than “she left for health reasons.” Later for a long time Elena finally decided to reveal the true motives for her departure.

It is unknown why Temnikova decided to reveal the truth only now, but recent interview To the magazine "Caravan of Stories" she laid out everything that she had to face as the lead singer of a shocking trio.

When the group was just created, the emphasis was on tenderness and sensuality - there was not even a thought about any shocking sexuality or provocations. Those fans who have been with the Serebro group from the very beginning remember what chaste outfits the girls wore on stage, how they moved and what they sang. However, after some time, the concept of the group and the vision of producer Maxim Fadeev regarding appearance, manners and presentation of material by the group have changed significantly.

The further, the stage and everyday outfits became more revealing, the dancing more provocative, and the lyrics sometimes downright obscene (just remember the latest videos or the so popular “Mama Lyuba” with its show-off and frank video).

I felt terrible and could hardly restrain myself from bursting into tears. She was a homely, complex girl - not at all about sex. And Fadeev began to mold us into some kind of sexy “terrorists”, because erotica and scandals sell best. I complained: this is not mine, I’m ashamed. He didn't listen, he said he knew better. On the other hand, a contract is a contract.

Temnikova also cannot forgive the producer for the PR novels that were attributed to her to attract attention. There was a lot of noise then around the singer’s relationship with Fadeev’s brother. The star admitted that she refused to deceive her fans, but threats from management forced her to follow their lead.

Maxim Fadeev appointed me as the head of them; he did not involve other girls. Ostensibly due to the lower rating. First there was the story with Edgard Zapashny, quite harmless. I wish I knew what awaits next! One day, 10-15 minutes before the performance, Maxim called: “Len, my brother Artem has a musical coming out soon, he needs promotion. We figured out that you were having an affair. Give an interview to a popular publication, tell them that you are dating, that you are thinking about marriage

Maxim Fadeev tried to turn the group members into real “sex bombs”, since this is what the public loves and such material sells well. That is, he really sold them as some kind of thing... The singer herself did not consider herself a sexual seductress and felt awkward from revealing outfits. The girl repeatedly complained to the producer about excessive “nudity,” which made her feel absolutely awkward and uncomfortable, but Fadeev stood his ground. At times, Temnikova admitted, she had to restrain herself so as not to cry on stage. Friendly relations with the soloists, in particular with Olga Seryabkina, were also just a game for the public. Elena’s poor health – stomach ulcers and serious problems with knees, and a husband whom the singer met after one of the concerts in Sochi and who helped find money to pay the penalty.

Now, trying to figure out how the situation with the Serebro group reached such an intensity, the singer makes an assumption as to why the producer treated her that way:

There is one guess. Many years ago, Maxim invited me to dinner, where he made it clear that he was still young, full of strength and knew how to make me happy. I immediately closed this topic once and for all. Perhaps I offended him with this?

But all this is left behind, Elena is truly happy with her husband, whom she carefully hid from the press for a long time, protecting her fragile happiness. Only in 2015 did she begin to appear openly with her husband, 32-year-old Dmitry Sergeev, president of an it company (content provider Playmobile).

We have a very affectionate relationship. Romantic surprises are present in our lives every day. It is impossible to get used to them, they are different every day. Flowers, a note left on the table, a declaration of love made out of candy, an unexpected date. Love is a person’s willingness to do everything for his loved one: move mountains, pull a star from the sky, let him sleep. Anything to make your loved one feel good

Olga Seryabkina, participant Russian group SEREBRO, published an official message on Instagram regarding the breakup of the team. Fans immediately picked up on this news and were upset.

A member of the group announced that a casting was starting to find three new soloists. On Wednesday at official group SEREBRO published news authored by Olga Seryabkina. She said that the team was breaking up, and this situation had been observed many times throughout its existence, but there had not yet been a complete change in composition.

Surnames of the Serebro group from the beginning

The pop project Serebro, formed in 2007, quite often changed the first and last names of its soloists. Some went on a solo and successful voyage, Elena Temnikova being a prime example of this, some for health reasons, and some for not entirely obvious reasons, which fans are still guessing about.


  • Lena Temnikova; Olga Seryabkina; Marina Lizorkina.


  • Elena Temnikova; Olya Seryabkina; Anastasia Karpova.

In 2013-2014:

  • Lena Temnikova; Olga Seryabkina; Daria Shashina.

Period for 2014-2016:

  • Olya Seryabkina; Dasha Shashina; Polina Favorskaya.

Team 2016-2017:

  • Olga Seryabkina; Polya Favorskaya; Ekaterina Kishchuk.

Well, oh current composition, in which the Serebro group resides, was written at the very beginning of the article. All that remains is to note what the most significant trophies the girls have.

Of course, the most important thing was third place at Eurovision 2007, when the project of pop singers had just appeared, and there could have been a victory if the participants had gained a little experience.

In Russia, the Serebro group is always admired, the 2018 lineup is no exception, and they put it at the top positions in the charts.

Why does the Serebro group break up in 2019?

Back in October 2018, news was published that Olga Seryabkina plans to leave the project, actively developing solo career, appearing in the information space under a new name - MOLLY. The text of the new publication introduces all fans of the popular group to the fact that Katya Kishchuk, as well as Tatyana Morgunova, who are now part of the trio, will not leave the music industry after the breakup of the group.

It is noteworthy that the team will continue to work with the same composition until February 2019. According to Olga Seryabkina, the group is reaching new level thanks to new music and new soloists. The next contenders will be selected by Maxim Fadeev, producer Russian team. In her publication, Olga Seryabkina expresses her gratitude to the producer and explains that anyone can take part in this procedure. Applications are accepted until December 4 of the current year. Any girl who has vocal abilities can post a video on Instagram, performing any song of the group with the hashtag #serebrocasting.

Composition of the Serebro group in 2018 (photos, names and surnames)

Now the trio consists of Olya, Katya and Tanya. In this format, the work of the Serebro group will be stopped in February next year, however, the collective itself will not cease to exist.

In 2018, the Serebro group performs with the following lineup: Olga Seryabkina, Ekaterina Kishchuk, Tatyana Morgunova.

The first girl, Olga, has been working in the project since the time when Maxim Fadeev first announced the creation of a new group (2007).

Ekaterina Kishchuk, in turn, got into the group in 2016 thanks to a casting initiated by Fadeev. After the fans voted for her, it was decided to accept Katya into the team.

Tatyana Morgunova joined the team at the beginning of 2018 after participating in an online casting. Fans of the group, as well as two current soloists, together with the producer, chose the last, third performer.

The SEREBRO group is very popular today, although this popularity was gained back in 2006, when they first formed.

The idea of ​​creating a group came to the mind of Elena Temnikova, who at that time was in the “Star Factory” show under the direction of Maxim Fadeev. True, after a certain period of time, in an interview with Yuri Dud, the composer admitted that according to the original plan, this group was supposed to perform exclusively in Asian countries. In 2006 in musical world A completely new group appeared, which included: Elena Temnikova, Olga Seryabkina (Elena Temnikova invited her to the group) and Marina Lizorkina ( this singer selected by Maxim Fadeev himself). True, this composition lasted until 2009. This year the group is undergoing changes and Marina is being replaced by a new member - Anastasia Karpova.

Then in 2013, Karpova left the group and was replaced by Daria Shashina. After a while, it is learned that Elena Temnikova’s contract is coming to an end and she does not want to renew it. Thus, she leaves the team and begins to study solo career. Instead, Polina Favorskaya joins the group. In the spring of 2016, an advertisement was published on VKontakte, which stated that the group was looking for a replacement for Daria Shashina; a month later they found a new soloist in the person of Katya Kishchuk.

Music career

As mentioned earlier, the group was supposed to perform in countries such as China, Japan, Korea and others Asian countries. But everything changed dramatically as soon as one of the producers of Channel One found out about Maxim Fadeev’s idea. He suggested that he leave the girls in Russia and try his luck at the competition, which was to select Russian representatives at Eurovision 2007. This prospect did not suit the composer, but he still agreed. After a while, they overtake such groups as Banderos and Zveri. This was followed by a trip to Finland, where they were able to take third place with their song “Song#1”.

So, their song becomes a hit in many European countries. Then they released other songs, such as “Breathe”, “Tell me, don’t be silent”, “Opium”, “What’s Your Problem”, etc. In 2008 they received an award from the MTV Russia Music Awards in the category " The best group" A year later they release their debut album called “OpiumRoz”. This was followed by other compositions that were no worse than the previous ones. The most popular hit was the song “Mama Lyuba”, which later became the soundtrack to three films.

So their career was at its peak, they began to tour many countries in Russia, as well as beyond its borders. They participated in some festivals and released songs such as “You Are Not Enough”, “I Won’t Give Up”, “Love Between Us”, “Chocolate”, “Pass”, etc. In 2017, the next replacement takes place - Tatyana Morgunova comes to replace Polina Favorskaya.

Main lineup for 2018

Olga Seryabkina

Olga Seryabkina is the lead singer of the group “SEREBRO”. She was born on April 12 (according to the horoscope Aries) 1985 in Moscow. Her height is 158 centimeters and her weight is 54 kilograms. Has a diploma from an art school and university foreign languages. On this moment has no relationship.

Tatiana Morgunova

Tatyana Morgunova is the lead singer of the group “SEREBRO”. She was born on January 25 (according to the horoscope Aquarius) 1998 in Aktobe (Kazakhstan).

Her height is 163 centimeters and her weight is 43 kilograms. For some period I studied at the Polytechnic University of St. Petersburg. Currently has no relationship.

Maxim Fadeev himself announced this on his page on social network: "This is how it will be composition SEREBRO 2018. And today we close the casting at SEREBRO. Tanya Morgunova became the new soloist of the group. Congratulations, girl! Welcome to family".

Fadeev also said that new soloist will begin working in the group next year, and until the end of this year Polina will remain in the group. And she will continue to delight fans at all concerts.

19-year-old Tatyana Morgunova from St. Petersburg competed for a place in a group with 18 thousand girls from all over the country - that’s how many applications were received for the casting. At the decisive stage, she beat out two more finalists -

Tatyana addressed words of gratitude to everyone who supported her: “There are no limits to emotions, words are confused, eyes are watering. In fact, I really want to find the right words, but I can’t pull myself together... I want to stop for a second and shout to the whole world how happy I am! I realize, I understand that this is just the beginning enormous work and the most interesting things are yet to come! Thanks to everyone who supported and believed in me, I won’t let you down!”

However, on the page of Maxim Fadeev, real battles unfolded between those who were satisfied with the choice of the producer and those. who thinks that Tatyana is completely unsuitable for the role of a group member. Some even refuse to listen to the songs of the group in the new lineup, others accuse Fadeev of not listening to the opinions of the fans, because Nastya Gribkova won the popular vote. But the majority are satisfied and believe that Tatyana is a good choice and will perfectly complement Olga Seryabkina and Katya Kishchuk.

For some time now, the new group Serebro, the 2018 lineup has changed the names and surnames of the soloists almost completely, when compared with the original 2007, has been delighting its fans with its songs, such as “Love Between Us,” which simply captivated the fans.

In the article you can learn a lot of interesting things about the Serebro group of the 2018 lineup, read the history of all Serebro lineups.

Soloists of the group Serebro 2018:

  1. Olga Seryabkina
  2. Ekaterina Kishchuk
  3. Tatiana Morgunova

So, the members of the Serebro group are in the order of joining the team. The name of Olya Seryabkina could be heard from the very beginning of the pop group project, which was created by Maxim Fadeev in 2007.

The appearance of the surname Katya Kishchuk in announcements occurred in 2016 through a casting conducted by producer Max Fadeev. As a result, the girl won with a huge advantage by voting among fans.

The names of the Serebro group have been replenished new member– Tanya Morgunova, at the very beginning of 2018, when the former soloist of the group left the project. The girl also passed the online casting, but it was somewhat tougher and the choice was made by the fans, Max Fadeev and the two remaining girls in Serebro.

Surnames of the Serebro group from the beginning

The pop project Serebro, formed in 2007, quite often changed the first and last names of its soloists. Some went on a solo and successful voyage, Elena Temnikova being a prime example of this, some for health reasons, and some for not entirely obvious reasons, which fans are still guessing about.


  • Lena Temnikova; Olga Seryabkina; Marina Lizorkina.


  • Elena Temnikova; Olya Seryabkina; Anastasia Karpova.

In 2013-2014:

  • Lena Temnikova; Olga Seryabkina; Daria Shashina.

Period for 2014-2016:

  • Olya Seryabkina; Dasha Shashina; Polina Favorskaya.

Team 2016-2017:

  • Olga Seryabkina; Polya Favorskaya; Ekaterina Kishchuk.

Well, the current composition of the Serebro group was written at the very beginning of the article. All that remains is to note what the most significant trophies the girls have.

Of course, the most important thing was third place at Eurovision 2007, when the project of pop singers had just appeared, and there could have been a victory if the participants had gained a little experience.

In Russia, the Serebro group is always admired, the 2018 lineup is no exception, and they put it at the top positions in the charts. The release of albums also does not stand still, new videos are being shot, which are more and more impressive every time. In general, the girls continue to delight not only Russians, but they also have more and more fans in other countries.