Give a lot of mana to the poor sorceress. Children's stories online

  • 12.06.2019

Collect bottles of Rejuvenation and put them all in the chest. It’s also useful to put all the mana potions you find in it, leaving three or four in your inventory. Try not to waste bottles of mana. Remember that they (unlike health drinks) are not sold, but are only found by the hero himself in his adventures!

Pay special attention to the selection of a staff for your sorceress. Try to buy one that increases the Warmth ability by 3 (the maximum increase in a skill or spell using a staff is plus three units!), and also increases your favorite spell by the same three points: Glacial Spike, Blaze, Chain Lightning or another.

Try to buy and find magical amulets and rings that give mana for kills or allow you to cast spells faster (of Apprentice or of Magus).

Knowing how to retreat in time to restore mana is the most important skill. Use it often. It is very useful to periodically return to the city to talk with the seller, who will automatically restore the heroine’s mana and life.

Don't go after a high Defense Rating, it's better to increase your defense against magic or add Faster Run/Walk to run away from enemies faster.

Of all the characteristics, it is most profitable to develop Energy and slightly pump up Strength. It is almost pointless to increase Dexterity, and even more so Vitality. Why is it important to use almost all points on Energy? Of course, it is obvious that this will allow you to accumulate a larger supply of mana... A little less obvious is that with an increase in the supply magical energy at the same time, its regeneration is accelerated. As for strength, this stat is only needed so that you can wear cool things like advanced boots and heavy belts with a few extra slots for potions. Usually to more powerful protective equipment (read: requiring great strength) very cool magic amplifiers are added. What magic amplifiers do you need? The more or less common ones are increasing the number of lives and accelerating mana regeneration. In the early stages, you really need things like the chain mail of Tiger, which adds about 30 lives. Well, then items of the Colossus, which increase the maximum lives of dozens at once by five or six, won’t hurt either.

Your task is to avoid hand-to-hand combat. Believe me, even if you fight off the enemy more or less well, you will still lose a certain amount of lives (it’s better to spend mana, which will be restored on its own) and will further reduce the strength of your weapons and armor. You will still lose a certain number of lives from enemy ranged attacks and attack magic, so fill the first three slots with bottles of treatment, and the fourth with a mana drink, just in case.

To effectively play as a magician, try to use as many killer spells as possible in such a way that they do not immediately eat up your entire supply of mana.

A sorceress can follow several development paths. She can try to learn all available spells, having a one or two in each of them. In this case, the damage from each spell will be small, and their effectiveness will be low. On the other hand, the magician will be able to select a special combination of spells for each enemy or situation. For example, you can cast Ice Bolt on a fast enemy to slow him down, then switch to the more lethal Fire Bolt and shoot the enemy from a distance. The next spell, when the enemy gets closer, will be Inferno. However, I repeat, having a rich repertoire of spells, you will be able to approach the battle with each enemy more flexibly, but on the other hand, each spell will not be very strong. If you can compensate for the lack of power by using it correctly, then go ahead.

Another option is to upgrade a “fire”, “ice” or “electric” sorceress. This approach is good because each spell of the selected element will be well pumped up. On the other hand, if you run into a monster with great resistance to your element, then it will be more difficult to fight with it.

The third option I chose was to download all three elements, but not completely, but only selected “branches” of development. For example, in the ice element I abandoned all three “shield” spells. If a strong monster gets to me, they won’t help, but I’ll fight off a weak one anyway. From “lightning” I did not download the branch starting with telekinesis. In the element of Fire, the branch starting with Fire Bolt remained undeveloped.

Your goal is to select five or six spells in such a way that for every possible game situation one of them is as effective as possible. I advise you to find one spell that hits a single target. For example, lightning or Ice Blast. The second could be witchcraft mass destruction: Glacial Spike, for example, or Fire Ball. The third and fourth will be spells that can be used in special situations: Cold Nova and Inferno. A good fifth would be Blaze or any other spell that spends little mana, but takes time to cast (while you use it, you have time to recover a little mana).

Ice element

Important note. If a frozen enemy is smashed or hard-frozen again to the point where they run out of lives, they will turn into a pile of broken glass on the ground and melt. Humiliated In a similar way creatures cannot be resurrected by enemy shamans and their bodies cannot be used by either you or the enemy. Well, for example, the creature from the fourth episode will not be able to use bodies as projectiles.

Ice Bolt. In terms of the amount of damage, casting speed and flight speed, it is inferior to Fire Bolt, which is similar in action, but, nevertheless, differs from latest topics, which freezes the monster for a significant time, slowing down its movements and attacks twice as much. Very useful against fast opponents fighting in hand-to-hand combat. Slow down a little - and shoot at them with all your guns.

Ice Blast. The spell allows you to freeze an enemy for a while, completely paralyzing him. Unfortunately, it does not paralyze cool “named” creatures and champion monsters, but it slows them down for a while. I advise you to take this particular spell when you reach the sixth level.

Frost Nova. Absolutely not a combat spell, but useful during a tactical retreat. Enough big circle blue flame slows down all enemies who are close to the sorceress. At first it is used to disperse peaceful demonstrations of all sorts of small fry. Demons were used once or twice in the center of a party - and they were dead. In the second and subsequent acts it is used to slow down particularly fast enemies. After all, if you use Ice Blast, then there is a chance to miss (that’s one), and secondly, you need to turn towards the enemy and lose some precious time, which the enemy uses to reduce the distance between you (that’s two). If you need to get away (don't forget to turn on Blaze!!!), then this is it.

Frozen Armor. A magical protection that lasts for some time, increasing the level of armor and freezing everyone who attacks the sorceress. Unfortunately, it’s not a very useful thing, since everyone knows that... it’s correct! Witches don't fight hand-to-hand! And constantly renewing a spell that hardly helps is more expensive for yourself. You can try using it together with Inferno, if the latter is sufficiently pumped up.

Shiver Armor. The same as Frozen Armor, but a little stronger and causes minor damage to all enemies attacking the heroine.

Chilling Armor. Takes revenge on shooting enemies by sending them ice gifts in return. Just as unusable in most tactics as the two previous armors.

Glacial Spike. The same as the previous spell, but it only causes more damage and hits several nearby creatures. A sort of freezing Fire Ball. A very effective spell and almost the only salvation when there are many enemies, they come almost close, and you have nowhere to retreat. A good spell against archers and magicians, as well as against all fast opponents.

Blizzard. A flurry of ice floes over a large area. It hits enemies and also slows them down. Rulezzz against hordes of slow, fat and big creatures. The smaller and faster the creature, the worse it will work. Good to use in the last act. It is useful to throw it at the enemy and after a couple of seconds - at yourself. So the enemy who runs towards you will be under the spell for quite a long time.

Frozen Orb. A fairly expensive clot of ice in terms of mana costs, which causes decent damage (with the help of ice flakes scattered in all directions) and freezes enemies for a significant period of time. Use it if you have a more or less pumped-up mana reserve.

Cold Mastery. Passive skill. Ice attacks are now better able to overcome monsters' innate resistance to them. A must have for Cold mages.

Fire Release

Fire Bolt. A small ball of fire with which you begin your acquaintance with the magic of the witch. It casts very quickly, flies quickly, eats little mana, but does little damage. There is no point in having more than one.

Fire Ball. A classic fireball, an average crappy spell that hits several opponents who happen to be close to each other. Average: neither particularly strong nor particularly weak.

Warmth. A cool passive ability that allows you to increase mana regeneration initially by 30%, and then by 12% for each point invested. Mandatory for leveling up as a magician, it is advisable to develop the level to 10... You can also develop it if you clearly do not need to learn other spells yet.

Inferno. A small, portable flamethrower. A stream of fire comes from the magician until you release the mouse button. You can aim it at one enemy, but no one is stopping you and move it in all directions to hit several opponents. Good to use in conjunction with Ice Blast or another freezing spell, especially against slow and tenacious melee units. If you drive a shooter or mage into a corner, this option will work quite well.

Fire Wall. Well what can we say? Eats a lot of mana, lives relatively short and creates a not so large wall of fire. If you pump it up, then maybe it will do, but does it make sense to pump it up if there are better things?!

Blaze. An ideal spell when there is little mana, a lot of enemies and there is room for maneuver. It takes a little skill to use... The easiest option: slowly move away from the enemy (make sure he follows you!) and wiggle - go in small zigzags. Great against slow but strong hand-to-hand opponents. It almost doesn’t work against shooters; when used on magicians it is slightly more effective than on shooters. Sometimes it is used not to harm the enemy, but to create turmoil in the enemy’s camp.

Enchant. Allows weapons (ranged or melee) to deal additional Fire damage. There is no point in using it in a single player game.

Meteor. A weighty fiery gift falls from heaven to the indicated point. The radius is not very large, but it does good damage and does it right away, almost without delay. Good against small groups of monsters.

Hydra. A fiery creature rises from the ground, spitting balls of flame for not very long. Not very dangerous for enemies, but if you invest a few points, it will become very good. Used when enemies are far enough away, and it is desirable to have several of them.

Fire Mastery. Passive ability that increases damage from fire spells. A must-have item for magicians who use two or more spells of a given element.

Lightning Release

Charged Bolt. Several electrical discharges fly in the direction where the spell is directed. They fly in a random direction and can easily miss. If most of If one of them hits the monster, it will receive quite serious damage. Excellent against crowds, while Fire and Ice Bolt are used against individuals.

Telekinesis. Telekinesis, influencing objects with the power of thought. Allows you to pick up things from afar, influence doors and drawers, and repel monsters. I wouldn't spend even one skill development point on all this.

Teleport. The hero is instantly transported to the selected point. Used to fight clumsy “melee” fighters. Useful if a crowd of demons is about to squeeze the magician in the corner.

Energy Shield. Mana takes on part of the damage received, thereby allowing you to maintain health. Not a bad spell if you have well-developed regeneration and if you spent points on teleport and telekinesis.

Static Field. The creatures located not far from the heroine receive an electric shock. Tests in military field conditions, however, showed that the spell was not very useful. Weak.

Nova. An electric circle emanates from the character in all directions. Spends a lot of mana and doesn't hurt monsters very much. The range of action is also small, that is, if the enemies survive and come closer, problems may begin. So-so.

Lightning. Lightning that strikes enemies, passing through their bodies and harming all creatures that are in its path. It’s good if the enemies are not very close, but lined up. If you are close and not in line, then I recommend Glacial Spike. It has its drawbacks: firstly, it does not pass through all sorts of obstacles such as trees and small walls, which do not serve as a barrier for various balls of ice and fire. Secondly, when throwing lightning, the magician stops in place and “holds” the spell he caused for about a second. Various balls, for example, can be thrown in half a second and immediately continue the heroic path, without worrying about the further flight of the spell. Conclusion: lightning is a great thing in narrow corridors and against not very fast enemies.

Chain Lightning. The same power thing as Lightning, but only capable of targeting some standing nearby enemies. Spends slightly more mana, dealing damage to additional enemies. Therefore, it is much more effective than simple lightning and completely replaces it.

Thunder Storm. For some time, a single lightning bolt falls on one monster that is not far from the hero. The gap between lightning is large, and the damage is average in magnitude. Useful as an additional spell that spends a little mana and makes life a little easier for a long time.

Lightning Mastery. Passive skill. All Lightning elemental spells cost less mana. For fans of Chain Lightning and frequent teleports.

Current page: 1 (book has 14 pages total) [available reading passage: 10 pages]

Natalya Pravdina
Be rich! From poor Cinderella to rich princess

© Pravdina N., 2015

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2016

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I read this book several years ago and I can say with confidence – it works! When I saw the new edition, I was very happy. I know that Natalya Pravdina is a tireless worker, she constantly conducts seminars, continues to study herself, and masters new techniques. I was not mistaken; new, very interesting rituals appeared in this book. Thank you to the author for your work and for another dose of optimism, which helps you move towards your happiness.

Marina, St. Petersburg

You need to work with this book. Read and do everything as Natalia writes. Don't be lazy. It won't take much time. At first I just read this book. I didn't do any practice. Of course, I began to think differently about some things, but there were no significant changes in my life. And then I really wanted to become richer and more successful! And I began to really work with the book - I repeated affirmations, meditated, and changed some things in the house. And then a real miracle happened! Appeared new job and big money. In fact, I went from an average person to a successful woman!

Sofia, Izhevsk

I will definitely recommend this book. And not only fans of Natalia Pravdina’s work. She will help anyone. Even if your goal is not to get rich, the practices in this book will help you achieve what you dream of. They teach you to think correctly and look at everything that happens around you. It was after this book that I began to believe in my strength, that I could do anything. And of course, there were results. For example, I couldn’t find a job, and after reading this book, literally a week later I was already working in a very prestigious company, which I could never even dream of before. And the problem was that “I couldn’t dream.” And then I dreamed, and everything worked out!

Ekaterina, Penza

I always knew that optimists rule the world! And this book was the first real evidence that this is so. And not just proof, but a guide to action. Knowing is one thing, acting is another. Natalya Pravdina in this book not only reveals this truth to us, she teaches, and very well, how to act, how to live every day in order to become richer. I live according to Natalya Pravdina and I can say that I have become wealthy man only thanks to her creativity, her books, advice.

Elizaveta, Moscow

Natalya is a real sorceress! I was on the verge of real poverty - no job, no money, no support, only vague dreams. But after this book I believed in myself. I started doing the exercises, and my life began to change. And don’t think that ten years have passed. No! Everything will change at the same speed as your consciousness changes. It’s worth living one day positively, as Natalya teaches, and the next day expect a reward. Everything is just like that! Believe me! Today many people envy me, they wonder how I achieved everything, they are looking for tricks. And my secret is simple - I studied according to the book by Natalya Pravdina!

Angela, Kazan

Appeal to readers

Hello my dear readers! I want to give you the keys that unlock the doors to the land of Wealth! I have 24 of them. These are secrets, secrets, advice, observations - you can call them whatever you like, which help to understand why some people get money into their hands, while others, no matter how hard they try, are left with nothing. Because I am sure: wealth and prosperity are available to everyone. You need, firstly, to discard false prejudices about money (alas! There are a lot of such prejudices in your life, and you will understand this by reading the book). And secondly, discover the laws by which money comes into our lives!

I have written about wealth and money in many books. But this book is special. Here is collected the most important information about money! These are laws, guidelines and practices that together are a very powerful technique for making money! Start studying with this book and you will succeed! Because these practices have been repeatedly tested by my readers, seminar participants, and friends. And I am sure that, like them, you will soon be able to say to yourself: “I am happy and rich!”

Third edition of the book

Due to numerous requests from my readers, I am publishing this book for the third time. She is one of my best practical recommendations happy and successful life.

Thousands of people around the world have successfully followed my recommendations and achieved unprecedented success. I myself constantly use them in my life, so I can safely offer them to you, as I am confident of a positive result!

How to use this book

Step by step you will discover new secrets of wealth and prosperity. You will learn how to manage the energy of money (yes, yes! money is just energy that you can attract into your life!). You will be able to change your thinking and attitude towards money, get rid of the psychology of poverty. You will learn that all your financial desires are feasible and you are able to conquer the most high peaks success. You will believe in yourself and your strengths and, finally, become a real magnet for wealth.

Together with theoretical knowledge I offer you a series of practices that will allow you to put the theory into practice! Your task is to create your own schedule of classes and perform them regularly, consistently moving from one secret of wealth to another. You can choose any frequency, say, twice a week or every day. It all depends on your capabilities. The main thing is that if you have already embarked on the path of wealth, you must follow it to the end!

You are ready? Then let's go!

Wealth Secret No. 1
Money is universal energy. They can be controlled!

You need to learn to tell your money where it should go, rather than asking it where it goes.

Robert Babson

What is money? Banknotes and coins? Exchange equivalent of labor? I don't know about you, but for me money is one of the forms of abundance, endless universal energy. When you begin to see money as a form of energy, and a very powerful one at that, you take a major step towards sustainable abundance. This means that there is as much money in your life as you are willing to accept the energy of abundance! And this also means that money for me is not a goal, but just one of the ways to achieve well-being, happiness, prosperity, joy...

This attitude towards money - as energy - has a very beneficial influence on financial situation! For example, it removes many stereotypes and limiting beliefs that prevent people from accepting money in their lives. You can say about the papers that they are dirty. Can you say the same about energy? Jingling coins, you can remember the famous line: "People are dying for metal." And when you work with energy, it won’t even occur to you!

And most importantly: when you treat money as energy, it becomes precisely energy in your life: free, inexhaustible, flexible and mobile. And then you understand from your own experience the groundlessness of many negative stereotypes surrounding the topic of money.

Here, for example, is a widespread stereotype: “At forty years old there is no money - and there never will be!” This false negative attitude still lives in the minds of many, many people. Indeed, if you treat money like pieces of paper and coins - if a person has not managed to accumulate enough “cellulose” and “metal” during the most active working years, then after forty he is even more unlikely to succeed... If you only knew how many people this attitude prevents them from achieving success! You and I will learn to change the vector of your consciousness, which will definitely lead to a different result - a positive one!

And if you look at this installation from the point of view "money is energy"? Is it possible to accumulate energy and store it for future use? And after all, most people learn subtle work with energies precisely in the most active mature age- on average from forty to sixty years.

By the way, this is confirmed by statistical data based on a thorough study of the activities of thousands of people: all the best is created between the ages of approximately thirty-five and fifty-five. Including states!

It is enough to cite as an example the millionaire Henry Ford, who founded his company only at the age of 40. Or Abraham Lincoln, the President of the United States, whose portrait adorns the five-dollar bill: until the age of 40, he was a failure in almost every business he undertook.

Knowing that money is energy, you take the first step not only to wealth, but also to success, happiness, health...

After all, now your goal is not banknotes and coins, but energy! And a person who knows how to work with energy is able to control himself, his body, his life, even the world around him!

You just need to follow the laws that apply in the world of energy.

What will this change in your life? You will become a real money magnet that attracts the energy of abundance and wealth!

Awakening monetary energy

The energy of money gives a person many life opportunities - power, fame, authority, control of other people, pleasure. And the more monetary energy a person has, the more opportunities he has.

However, in some hands wealth becomes a creative force, in others it becomes destructive. Although, in essence, the energy of money is neutral. Only thanks to a person does it acquire a positive or negative charge. Someone begins to put their capital in a “stocking”, saving every penny. At the same time, even if he accumulates a million in his account, he will remain with the psychology of a poor man and will limit himself in everything. Someone throws their capital left and right because subconsciously they also cannot accept money. And someone begins to put himself above others because he has an extra hundred bucks in his pocket. For him, money becomes an end in itself, and he does not spare anyone on the path to wealth. True, in the end such a person himself becomes a victim of his greed. And there are many examples of this.

Of course, you shouldn’t pray for the Golden Calf, but you shouldn’t underestimate money either. Otherwise, the energy law of their movement is violated. How then can you pass the test of money and learn to use its energy for your own benefit?

To manage money, you need to remember that it is just a means to achieving well-being.

To prevent finances from slipping through your fingers, and for your monetary energy to grow by leaps and bounds, focus on wealth. Remember: “Money loves counting.” And it is not just words. When you count your income, you exchange energy with it. Your love and careful attitude you transfer money, and from it you receive a charge to attract new income.

Do you want to be rich? Tune in to the energy of abundance and beauty. It is useful to visit palaces where monarchs and aristocrats lived, to meditate on works of art and gold jewelry in jewelry stores. This is how we become saturated with the energy of wealth. The energy of wealth begins to fill your aura, which will attract even more luck and abundance.

And further. Take care of your own energy. To do this, you can contact a specialist or study energy practices yourself.

Practices to help
“Money Tree” ritual to awaken financial energy

It is best to start this powerful ritual on the waxing Moon - so that its energy fuels the growth of your money tree. And if, along with this ritual, you carry out other practices that I will share with you, their power will increase many times over! Especially if you can do these practices regularly and in accordance with the lunar cycle.

A synergistic effect is when the overall whole is greater than the simple sum of its parts. And this is precisely the case when a combination of several methods gives an effect much greater than the sum of the results of each practice carried out separately.

1. So, get ready to perform the ritual regularly for two weeks. Set aside a specific time for it when no one will disturb you. It is best if you perform the ritual every day at the same time - this will help harmonize internal and external rhythms and make the practice even more effective.

2. Prepare a pot for your money tree in advance. Here everything depends only on your imagination: it can be a real flower pot (preferably ceramic, not plastic, and definitely new), a beautiful box, or a new wallet.

3. Now let's prepare the ground for the money seed. Place a few salt crystals in a pot and add a drop of menthol aroma oil. This will help attract subtle monetary energy.

4. Finally, we move on to the ritual itself.

I recommend starting it with a 1 ruble coin. Of course, you can choose a larger coin, but I advise you to calculate in advance how much you will need to conduct full ritual. If you abandon the ritual halfway through, you will deprive your Word of power. And just waste your time! So it’s better to soberly assess your strengths in advance and estimate how much money you can work with now.

So, we wait for the first lunar day. By the way, this is a day of creative ideas and work with subtle energies - the ideal time to start a money ritual.

At the chosen time, sit down where no one can disturb you, take a pot of fertile money soil prepared in advance and the first grain of money - a 1 ruble coin. When dropping a coin into the pot, say it clearly, out loud! - a suitable affirmation.

Here are several options: choose the one that is closer to you, which is in tune with your worldview.

I reveal internal source wealth, abundance, prosperity - and enjoy endless cash flow in my life!

I am a magnet for wealth and success, I attract money and good luck to me!

Wealth is in me! I accept the limitless generosity of the Universe!

A higher power created me for joy and abundance. I open my world to the flow of divine wealth!

My world is filled with abundance, prosperity; I am the personification of wealth!

5. Now place the pot of wealth in the wealth zone: in the southeastern sector of your apartment or room. But remember that tomorrow you will need it again! On the second lunar day, put 2 rubles in your pot while saying an affirmation. On the third lunar day - 4 rubles, on the fourth - 8 rubles...

So gradually towards the fifteenth lunar day you will reach the amount of 16,384 rubles (and in total for the ritual you will need about 33,000 rubles). So that you don’t get confused, look at the table sometimes, and I will remind you of the next grain in each workshop.

On the day of the full moon yours Money Tree It will bloom, and on the waning Moon it will begin to bear fruit. All you have to do is use the harvest wisely!

Money tree growth chart

Practice of attracting wealth

This practice will help you awaken the energy of money and easily attract it into your life.

1. Imagine great amount gold coins, they are scattered throughout your apartment, throughout the house. The coins shine, shimmer, and give off a golden haze.

2. When you think about the energy of money filling your home, be positive, complacent and joyful.

When creating various images for yourself, use your imagination, try to make the impression bright, strong, and be sincere.

Images of wealth attract the energy of abundance to you!

Drink to attract money energy

1. To prepare the drink you will need a pinch of jasmine leaves and cinnamon on the tip of a knife.

2. Brew the herb with boiling water for 10–15 minutes, while visualizing how the tea is filled with the energy of abundance. Then add cinnamon.

3. You need to drink the drink warm.

Money fruit

1. Oranges should always be in the house! This is a symbol of happiness and wealth.

2. Grapes are also a symbol of wealth. If you want to be rich, let a sprig of grapes decorate your fruit basket!

3. The presence of nuts also indicates prosperity.

Herbs to attract wealth

I’ll tell you one more little trick to activate money energy.

1. Focus your intention on the fact that you want positive changes in your life.

2. Place herbs in your shoes that attract wealth - mint, cinnamon, mustard.

3. When you wear shoes with money herbs, you attract wealth into your life.

“Golden poppy” ritual to activate the energy of money

1. You will need: gold and silver coins, a gold candle, pen and paper, poppy seeds.

2. When the Moon appears in the sky, take the coins and charge them moonlight and invoke the blessing of Jupiter.

3. Light a candle and by its light write on paper why you need money luck and what are you going to do with the money that comes to you. Take your time, it's very important stage ritual.

4. Place coins on either side of the candle and then extinguish it.

5. Place the sheet of notes under the candle and go to bed.

6. The next evening, light the candle again and re-read the notes - you may want to change something. If you are satisfied with everything, meditate for a while on the candle flame. Burn the leaf and collect the ashes. Mix it with poppy seeds and coins and bury it in the ground.

Ritual to attract money for an expensive purchase

If you suddenly urgently need money for a specific purpose, you can also use their energy.

1. Rub eight small green candles with cedar or patchouli aromatic oil and place them in a circle.

2. Place a clay pot wrapped in green cloth or foil in the center.

3. You will need some silver coins.

4. Light the candles.

5. Take one coin and, having made a wish for a large and desired purchase, place the coin next to the pot. Repeat this procedure with the remaining coins.

6. When all the coins are laid out, imagine the fulfillment of each wish in turn. Bright, figurative, one picture for every desire. Feel the joy of having the things you need.

7. When the candles burn out, put the coins in a pot and always when you return home, put all the change there.

8. If the pot overflows, take some money from there and spend it on something nice. Remember: the pot should never be left empty.

Choose any practice that you like and take action. And so that your actions produce results as soon as possible, strengthen them with affirmation. Now I will tell you a little about what it is, or rather, how to create a special, magical affirmation that literally materializes the Word!

Magic Affirmations

One of the most effective practices for attracting anything, including wealth, is affirmations.

In accordance with the program laid down by affirmations, joyful, bright events will gradually begin to enter your life. You can't even imagine how powerful affirmations are!

Affirmations are positive statements that program your subconscious mind to fulfill all your desires.

That is why, while practicing, we will repeat them again and again, so that they are firmly imprinted in your subconscious.

Affirmations are your main key in reprogramming your consciousness.

1. Take a comfortable position and discard all extraneous thoughts.

2. Say:

“I let bliss, love, money into my life!

Money is energy!

I am a magnet for money energy!

My wealth gives me strength!

My days and nights are filled with wealth!

Wealth Secret No. 2
Abundance and prosperity are already within you!

As a rule, the most necessary things are already at hand. You don’t see what you need only because you are hampered by continuous searches on the outside and the conviction that you don’t have what you need.

Mike Dooley

I want to ask you now very important question. It's very simple. Tell me, my dears: what do you need to be rich? What needs to happen for you to become rich? Think carefully, do not rush to answer! Maybe it's luck? Education? Faithful friends? Useful connections? Or all at once?..

Whatever you call it, I'll tell you: everything you need is already at your fingertips! I hear indignant and incredulous exclamations. And yet: everything you need is right now, in this very moment - and always! - is very close. Literally in yourself!

Listen carefully: the wealth of the world lies within us - and in each of us!

The word “wealth” itself comes from the word “God”. And we remember that man was created in the image and likeness of God. This means that each of us is capable of creating our own reality. That each of us has everything we need to make our desires and dreams come true. And that, finally, our possibilities are limitless, and our internal resources are inexhaustible!

If you are able to think, then you are able to create. If you are able to set your goals, then you have the ability to achieve them! If you realized, what exactly will make you happy means that you have the potential that can lead you to this happiness! Just accept it as a fact and don't even try to argue.

If you want to argue, most likely it will come down to self-justification or complaints. And neither one nor the other will lead you to power and wealth, which are quite accessible! Therefore, free your mind from complaints and your heart from mistrust (for you cannot put anything into a filled vessel) and try to imbue yourself with new ideas.

Become an arrow flying towards the target. Realize the powerful force within you that can change any situation if you are alive, healthy and in your right mind. This is such a miracle! You may not even believe me, but I ask you, my dears, - believe in yourself! This is the most important thing you can do in your life. Believe that there is a huge reservoir of energy inside of you that is just waiting for you to put it into practice. How? First, believe in yourself. YOU CAN!

Every day is yours have a wonderful life presents you with a gift of opportunities, the use of which is your task. And don’t tell me where you were born and why you didn’t receive a prestigious education. Why? Because maybe I will surprise you, but for the power that is inside you, this is, by and large, indifferent. The infinite universal intelligence does not care how old you are or what your waist size is.

What is important, you ask? What matters is how much you can feel part of this force., my dears! Without this awareness, you can turn to astrologers, healers, anyone, but until you understand that the main power is in yourself, things will not move forward.

Wealth is, first of all, an internal state. When you realize this wealth within yourself - and only then! – you will begin to attract wonderful changes, the people you need and happy events into your life.

Imagine an endless ocean. A drop of rain falls on it. Will anything change in the ocean? So, the ocean is your inner endless wealth, your connection with limitless divine abundance. And a drop is one of those things that you lack for “complete happiness and wealth.”

This is the basis of prosperity and abundance.

First you need to create within yourself a state of balance, harmony, benevolence towards all living beings, to realize your limitless, infinitely abundant essence.

And it all starts with state of mind. It is impossible to attract money and good luck by being aggressive or crying!

Happiness attracts more happiness, success attracts more success, money attracts more money.

Realize your connection to divine abundance, and then in a few years you will look around you and say: “Wow, now I have everything I ever dreamed of! We need to set new goals for ourselves!”

The quality of life is determined not by what you do or what you have, but by who you perceive yourself to be. Money, social status, luxury cars and country houses- this is all just a manifestation of your inner greatness and prosperity. They themselves are transitory, like everything material - cars can be stolen or broken, houses deteriorate over time, money is subject to inflation.

But if a source of endless abundance constantly flows in your consciousness, then you will not be afraid of either crises or material losses. You will know that always, under any circumstances, you will be able to materialize on the physical plane everything that you need. Magic? Yes, partly. However, for those who practice the power of their creative thinking, is the norm.

Release year: 2008

Genre: romance, comedy, drama, everyday life

Type: TV

Number of episodes: 22 (25 min.)

Description: So, before continuing the story about Tomoe and his friends. The series continues storyline, where the first season ended. Our heroes have grown up, rested on summer holidays and are ready to meet your last school year. Many have already decided where to enroll, but there is still concern for the future in that little-known adult life. Our main character Tomoya Okazaki moved in with his girlfriend, Nagisa Furukawa, and for him the girl’s family turned out to be an unimaginable miracle that he was deprived of as a child. Only after going through all the trials did he realize how valuable it is that he has close friends with him, a girl to whom he is ready to devote his whole life. Tomoya has thawed out, but new challenges await him on his life’s path.

So, the heroes of the series understand that the role of family in a person’s life is paramount, and only after understanding how great the art of living as a family is, they begin to move towards real adulthood. But it doesn’t end there, and the main characters of the series again encounter obstacles that they successfully fight, because there is no life without difficulties and losses, such a life is boring and uninteresting to those from above.

Once upon a time there lived a widow who had two daughters: the eldest was so similar to her in character and face that anyone who saw her seemed to see her mother in front of him. Both mother and daughter were both so disgusting and so arrogant that it was impossible to get along with them. The youngest, who in her meekness and good manners was entirely like her father, was also one of the most beautiful girls that have ever happened to be seen. And since everyone, of course, loves someone like himself, the mother was crazy about her eldest daughter, and felt a terrible hostility towards the youngest. She allowed her to eat only in the kitchen and forced her to work incessantly. This poor girl, among her other duties, had to go twice a day to a spring, half a mile from the house, and fetch a large jug of water. One day, when she was standing at a spring, a beggar approached her and asked her to give her a drink. Here, grandma, please,” the beautiful girl told her and, immediately rinsing the jug and scooping up the freshest water, she handed it to her, supporting it all the time so that it would be more convenient for the beggar to drink. The woman got drunk and said: You are so beautiful, so kind and courteous that I can’t help but reward you with a magical gift. (For she was a sorceress who took the form of a poor peasant woman in order to test the girl’s good character.) This gift, the sorceress continued, will consist in the fact that with every word that you happen to say, either a flower or a flower will fall from your lips. gem. When the beauty came home, her mother scolded her for not returning for so long. “Forgive me, mother, that I hesitated so much,” answered the poor thing, and when she uttered these words, two roses, two pearls and two large diamonds fell from her lips. What is this? - said the surprised mother. “It’s as if pearls and diamonds are pouring out of her mouth.” How is this so, my daughter? (It was my daughter who told her for the first time.) The poor girl innocently told her everything that had happened to her, without failing to sprinkle in countless diamonds. Really,” said the mother, “I’ll have to send my other daughter there too.” Here, Fanchon, look what falls out of your sister's mouth when she speaks. Wouldn't it be nice for you to have such a gift? All you have to do is go to the well for water, and when a beggar asks you for a drink, give her a drink with all courtesy.

I will go to the spring for water! – the rude daughter answered arrogantly.

“I want you to go there, and immediately,” the mother answered.

The daughter walked away, still grumbling. She took with her the most beautiful silver vessel that was in the house. Before she could reach the spring, a magnificently dressed lady came out of the forest, approached her and asked her to drink. It was the same sorceress who had appeared to her sister, but this time she dressed as a princess in order to experience the extent to which the evil character of this person extended.

“Isn’t that why I came here,” said the arrogant and ill-mannered girl, “to serve you water?” And did she carry a silver jug ​​to give your ladyship something to drink? Well, drink if you want.

“You are not at all polite,” the sorceress objected, not at all angry. “If you are so unkind, I will give you such a gift that with every word you say, either a toad or a snake will fall from your mouth.”

The mother, as soon as she saw her, shouted: So what, daughter?

So that's it, mother! - answered the rude daughter, and two vipers and two toads jumped out of her mouth.

Oh my God! - exclaimed the mother. - What is this? It's all her sister's fault; she'll pay me for it.

And she immediately rushed to the one to beat her. The poor thing ran away and hid in a nearby forest. The king's son, returning from a hunt, met her and, seeing how beautiful she was, asked what she was doing here all alone and why she was crying.

Ah, sir! My mother kicked me out of the house.

The king's son, seeing that five or six pearls and the same number of diamonds had fallen from her mouth, asked her to explain what was the matter. She told him her story. The king's son fell in love with her and, judging that such a gift was worth more than any dowry, took her to his father's palace and married her there.

And her sister was so hated by everyone that even her mother drove her away, and the unfortunate woman, whom no one wanted to shelter no matter how much she wandered, died somewhere in the forest.

Hello, dear reader. The fairy tale The Sorceress (The Fairy's Gifts) by Charles Perrault is extremely instructive. The youngest daughter from Perrault’s fairy tale clearly inherits the magical, but not quite convenient in everyday life, ability to spit out pearls and diamonds with every word from the heroines of Italian short stories who kindly treated the fairies: this is Blanchebelle from Basile’s “Pentameron” (III, 3), as well as the stepdaughter from the fairy tale “Three Fairies” (III, 10) both beautiful and kind youngest daughter in the short story “Two Pies” (IV, 7), from whose mouth roses and jasmine fall, and pearls and garnets fall out of her hair. Marie-Jeanne Lheritier de Villaudon M.-J., 1664-1734, niece of Charles Ileppo, also uses the plot of “The Sorceresses” in her fairy tale “ Magic power eloquence" (1695). She calls this plot “one of those Gallic tales that directly goes back to the storytellers or troubadours of Provence, once so famous.” Probably, the uncle and niece worked on the topic in parallel, each developing it in his own direction: Perrault - in folklore. Leritier de Villodon - in the spirit of a gallant novel, with the introduction of completely modern details. Thus, her heroine Blanche, like Cinderella, suffering from the machinations of an evil stepmother who wants to imprison her in a monastery, tries to lose herself in reading novels with Greek titles. The stepmother and her ugly daughter attend performances, balls and promenades, musketeers and young officers stare at them. Blanche meets the prince returning from a hunt not at the well, but at the fountain. Instead of a bow and arrow, the prince has quite modern firearms with him. While chasing a boar, he injures a girl. He tries to stop the bleeding using his neckerchief. True, then you still have to resort to the help of a fairy. In the fairy tale “The Sorceress”, a metaphor materializes: good words are identified with flowers and precious stones falling from the mouth, and evil words are identified with toads and snakes. This can serve as a good lesson for children, so parents can safely read the fairy tale “The Sorceress (Fairy Gifts)” online with pictures, with illustrations from famous books, to children of any age.

Once upon a time there lived a widow with two daughters: the eldest was so similar to her mother in face and disposition that it was impossible to tell which was the mother and which was the daughter; They were both so bad-faced and so proud and abusive that no one could get along with them. The youngest, whose size and good disposition resembled her late father, was the most beautiful of the girls. As it is already known that every person loves more those who are similar in character to themselves, the widow madly loved her eldest daughter and terribly hated her youngest daughter; she forced her to have lunch in the kitchen and work incessantly.
Among other things, the poor girl had to go twice a day with a large jug for water to a source located more than two miles from their house. One day when she came to the source, a poor old woman approached her and asked her to drink.

- Now, kind woman“, said the beautiful girl, and at that very moment she ran to the source, scooped up some water and gave it to the old woman, supporting the jug with her hand so that she could drink more easily. The kind old woman, having drunk, said to her: you are so good, so kind and smart, that I can’t help but thank you (it was a sorceress who, taking the form of a poor woman, wanted to know to what extent the virtue of this young girl extends ); “Here is my gift for you,” the sorceress continued: with every word you say, either a flower or a precious stone will fall out of your mouth. When the beauty came home, her mother began to scold her for taking so long to fetch water. It's my fault, mother, said the poor girl; at these words, two roses, two pearls and two diamonds fell from her mouth.

What I see? cried the astonished mother, are pearls and diamonds falling out of her mouth? What is this from, my daughter? (I called her daughter for the first time). The poor child told frankly everything that had happened to her, and during the story many diamonds fell out of her mouth. You need Fanteta, said the mother of the eldest daughter, and you should go to the source; look what comes out of your sister's mouth when she talks. I think you would like to have the same gift? Go get some water, and when the poor old woman asks you for a drink, give it to her kindly. “That’s good,” the wayward one answered, get some water, get some water! So that all the neighbors start laughing at me! No, no, I won't go! “But I order you,” the mother objected; go now. Fanteta, taking a silver mug with swearing and grumbling, went to the source and as soon as she came to the place where they were drawing water, she saw a magnificently dressed lady coming out of the forest, who approached her and asked her to drink (it was the same sorceress who took looks like a princess, wanting to see how great the evil of Fanteta is). Did I come for this, the rude woman told her, to give water to all passers-by?

That’s right, I brought this silver mug for you. Get a drink yourself, madam, if you like. “You are very helpful,” the sorceress objected without anger. And so for your condescension I must thank you: with every word that you utter, a snake or a lizard will come out of your mouth; her mother, who was waiting impatiently for her, as soon as she met her, immediately shouted: what, dear Fante? What, mother... answered the rude woman, and at this word two snakes and two lizards crawled out of her mouth.

My God! exclaimed the mother, what do I see! Your sister did all this, oh! She wouldn’t pay me cheaply, and she ran to beat her. The poor girl, out of fear, hastily left the house and disappeared into the nearby forest. The king's son, returning from a hunt, met her and seeing how beautiful she was, asked what she was doing here alone and why she was crying. - Oh? sir, said the poor girl, my mother kicked me out of the house.

The king's son, seeing that six pearls and the same number of diamonds were pouring out of her mouth, asked to explain the reason for this; the beauty told him frankly everything that had happened to her. The King's son, being touched by her position and beauty, fell madly in love. Believing that such a gift, which the sorceress awarded her, exceeded the dowry of the richest bride, he brought her to the palace to the King, his father, and having received his consent to the marriage, he married her and lived for a long time safely; As for Fanteta, she became so hated by everyone that her mother herself kicked her out of the house, and the unfortunate rude woman, not finding shelter anywhere, died of despair.