Download a wish for Valentine's Day. Beautiful cards and wishes for Valentine's Day

  • 19.07.2023

Every year on February 14, the whole world celebrates the professional holiday of all lovers - Valentine's Day. It is customary to congratulate not only your significant other on the holiday, but also friends, acquaintances, and relatives. On this day they wish you the hottest, most passionate, beautiful and, most importantly, happy love.

The celebration of Valentine's Day has always caused a lot of controversy in Russia. Some say that the Western holiday is “foreign” for the citizens of our country, and therefore it is not worth celebrating. Others see a beautiful date as a reason to once again confess their sincere feelings and please their chosen one or chosen one with a bright surprise.

Valentine's Day - as celebrated in Russia and the world

Valentine's Day has a rather controversial history. According to legend, Saint Valentine married Roman legionnaires with their girls even at a time when marriages were officially prohibited by the emperors. For his activities, the priest was imprisoned and executed. Before his death, he managed to fall in love, but was able to confess his feelings to the jailer’s daughter only before his execution.

Traditionally, on Valentine's Day, people give each other “Valentines” - small cards with confessions. Moreover, in the modern world, you can find a themed valentine not only for your loved one, but also for mom, dad, best friend, sister, brother and other loved ones.

There are many traditions on Valentine's Day. Countries organize mass races for lovers, competitions for the longest kiss, wedding ceremonies and other events for couples. Also on this day, every free heart can traditionally find love - it is believed that it is on this holiday that you can open your feelings for a person without fear, even if you previously preferred to remain silent about them.

What to give for Valentine's Day 2020

Gifts for Valentine's Day are often given to each other by lovers. Moreover, the modern market offers a considerable selection of themed soft toys, scented candles and “paired” little things before the holiday. You can buy identical or complementary T-shirts, cups, scarves, mittens and other nice little things.

Emotions are considered a more modern gift. Couples go for walks, to restaurants, to joint photo shoots, or even to skydive - you should choose something that both of you will like, because the most valuable gift will be the time you spend together.

You should choose a gift based on the capabilities of your budget, as well as focusing on the duration of the relationship. For example, for a girl I recently met, would a gift in the form of a set of beautiful sexy lingerie be appropriate? But my wife will definitely like such a surprise.

It is not advisable to give money, household goods, cosmetics and personal hygiene products on Valentine's Day. On the most romantic day of the year, it is important to choose something that will convey your feelings and pleasantly surprise your chosen one.

You can even prepare a gift with your own hands - a Valentine’s card, sweets, a beautiful cake or a collage with a lot of photos together.

Choosing the right gift for Valentine's Day is not at all difficult. The main thing is to plunge into the feelings you experience and give free rein to your imagination.

Happy Valentine's Day 2020

May this holiday be happy
Will bring wonderful news,
It will become a little fairy tale
Where everything is joyful and clear!

Happy wonderful day,
Happy Valentine's day
From the heart of great happiness
I wish, my love!
Let love not fade away
There is a fire in the soul,
And let it shine in your eyes,
Let the light remain in your heart!

I hasten to congratulate you
Happy Valentine's Day!
Let it never happen
You have reasons for crying.

Rejoice, live happily,
Follow your dreams.
Remember, no matter what happens,
I am always next to you!

Happy Valentine's Day! I wish you to meet every day with a feeling of love. I wish you to love your loved ones, your soulmate, your work and activities, your life and yourself. And may all love always be mutual!

On Valentine's Day
It is customary to give love.
I give you my heart
Well, it contains my love.

Like a strawberry - passionate,
Like a teddy bear - cute,
Sweet, airy,
Soft and tasty.

On this bright Valentine's Day
I sincerely congratulate you
And love so great
I wish you from the bottom of my heart!

So that your eyes sparkle with happiness,
And the soul blossomed and sang,
So that life is like in a fairy tale,
It sparkled and made noise!

Happy Valentine's Day.
I wish you happiness and joy.
I'll tell you a secret:
I treasure you!

Let hot love
Gets your blood pumping.
Lots of tenderness and affection!
Let everything be like in a fairy tale!

The holiday of Valentine's Day is emotional and romantic in itself. But there are still a couple of ways to color this day with even brighter and richer colors. So, you can easily add greater sensuality to the celebration by elegantly decorating your home with traditional attributes, ordering an extraordinary gift for your loved one, sending postcards to all your friends for Valentine’s Day 2018. Unlike simple telephone congratulations or poems in SMS, beautiful valenine pictures with inscriptions and wishes for February 14th colorfully demonstrate your sincere feelings and lift your spirits well even on the coldest and cloudiest day. Download free Valentine's Day cards and send them with the first rays of sunshine to everyone you care about.

Beautiful cards for Valentine's Day February 14, 2018

Looking through the beautiful selections of postcards for Valentine's Day on February 14, 2018, you can find a variety of options: cute pictures with doves and hearts, bright illustrations with congratulatory poems and inscriptions, unusual photo cards with confessions and even funny valentines with humorous content. Every lover can easily find a suitable image for their soulmate. But it’s best to download the most beautiful cards for Valentine’s Day on February 14, 2018 for free in our collection below.

Collection of beautiful Valentine's cards for Valentine's Day

Romantic cards for your girlfriend or wife for Valentine's Day 2018: free download

For every loving girl and beloved wife, a romantic card for Valentine's Day is a small, but very expensive present. After all, it is what is chosen with the soul that pleases the most. If the relationship in your couple is not devoid of light humor, download cool caricatures or cartoons for free by February 14th. If you want to distinguish yourself with tenderness and lyricism, we offer romantic Valentine’s Day cards to download for free for your beloved girlfriend or wife in the next section.

A selection of the most romantic pictures to congratulate your wife or girlfriend on February 14

Greeting cards for Valentine's Day to your husband or beloved man

It can be difficult for girls to take the initiative and confess their feelings to their lover. What words to choose? How not to show your excitement? What to interest? These questions have been tormenting timid representatives of the fair half of humanity since long before February 14th. But as soon as day X arrives, you have to make a choice. We recommend using bright greeting cards with characteristic inscriptions and poems: with their help, you will be able to delicately reveal your feelings to your beloved man, and once again fill your husband with them. The main thing is not to overdo it. No fluffy bunnies, roses or lace. Greeting cards for Valentine's Day to your husband or beloved man should be romantic, but calm.

The best options for greeting pictures for husbands and beloved men for Valentine's Day

Bright cards for friends on Valentine's Day February 14, 2018

An amazing holiday - Valentine's Day - provides an excellent opportunity to take a break from everyday worries and daily bustle to remember love, care, affection and true strong friendship. Don’t forget to pay attention on February 14, 2018 not only to your loved one, but also to your family and friends. Send colorful pictures with poems and wishes to everyone who is important to you: parents, girlfriends, classmates and classmates. Add pleasant music or short animation to the image, write a couple of lines of your own. Such beautiful congratulations with bright cards for friends on Valentine's Day on February 14, 2018 will not go unnoticed.

Gallery of bright cards with congratulations to friends on Valentine's Day 2018

Original Happy Valentine's Day cards with inscriptions for a friend

Life without friends would be boring. Is not it? With whom else can we have a good laugh at our own anecdotes, who is able to test the sour cream mask with us, who is the first person we show off about our new purchases? Yes, a true friend deserves the most original card with a funny inscription for Valentine's Day. And if you don’t know where to find one, scroll down. In the next section, we have collected Valentine's Day cards with inscriptions for a friend for free download.

Collection of postcards with original inscriptions for a friend on February 14, 2018

The coolest cards with poems for Valentine's Day (February 14, 2018)

Valentine's Day (February 14, 2018) is good not only for delicate flowers, cute gifts, a riot of romance, but also for good humor, sparkling jokes and funny e-cards. For those who have not yet found their love, such funny congratulations to friends, colleagues and classmates are the best way to express themselves. Choose the funniest cards with poems for Valentine's Day (February 14, 2018), download for free and amuse your loved ones.

Funny and funny cards with rhymes for free download for Valentine's Day

Even if there are still a few days left until February 14, do not put off searching for congratulatory pictures with inscriptions and poems. Select and download free beautiful cards for Valentine's Day 2018 for your loved one today. After all, at the last moment it is difficult to choose the most suitable option for a dear recipient. Be it a boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, girlfriend or close friends.

Love is the strongest, brightest and most beautiful feeling in the world, because it is what pushes people to achieve achievements and deeds, makes them become better people and brings true happiness. Romantic, family and friendly love fills the soul of each of us with light and warmth and gives confidence in the need of other people. And February 14, 2018 is the day when each of us can and even should show our feelings to our loved ones. On this day, the whole world celebrates Valentine's Day, and it has long been a tradition on February 14 to give Valentine's Day cards to your husband or wife, beloved girlfriend or boyfriend, best friends and close relatives. Moreover, thanks to the Internet, you don’t have to buy postcards at all - the Internet has an almost limitless selection of beautiful pictures with inscriptions for friends and loved ones. And here we have selected the best funny and romantic cards for Valentine's Day, which you can download for free.

Beautiful cards to your beloved for Valentine's Day February 14, 2018

Girls love romance and attention, so on February 14, 2018, every representative of the fair sex will expect from her chosen one a beautiful postcard for Valentine’s Day, a declaration of love, and a romantic surprise. And all loving boys and men will definitely please their beloved with gifts and tender words, because Valentine’s Day is a holiday of the triumph of love and the sincere expression of their romantic feelings.

The best cards for Valentine's Day for a girl

To make it easier for men to find the most beautiful picture with congratulations to their girlfriend or wife, here we have collected and posted the best cards for Valentine's Day on February 14, 2018 to their beloved.

Download free Valentine's Day cards for men

Even in past centuries, when society in Western countries was much more conservative than today, on February 14, girls and women were allowed to be the first to confess their feelings and show their love to a man. Therefore, it is not surprising that modern girls rush on this day to congratulate their chosen ones and once again assure them of their love. And if your loved one is not around on this day, it doesn’t matter - girls can download Valentine’s Day cards for free and send them to a man.

Free cards for men on February 14

Here representatives of the fair sex will find the most beautiful cards with congratulations to their beloved men. All Valentine's Day cards below can be downloaded from our website for free.

Cards with congratulations on Valentine's Day to your husband

Many netizens are engaged in drawing e-cards, and while for some it is a source of income, for others it is a hobby. And it is not surprising that many married women create beautiful Valentine's Day cards for their husbands to please their spouse, as well as to demonstrate their talent to all network users. All representatives of the fair sex can download such pictures and send them to their “soul mates”, especially since the choice of postcards for February 14th for the husband is so large that choosing an original Valentine’s card will not be difficult.

A selection of postcards from February 14 for your husband

Our website contains a small selection of postcards for Valentine's Day to your husband with heartfelt congratulations on this romantic holiday.

Funny cards for Valentine's Day February 14, 2018

Laughter is a manifestation of joy and happiness and a way to prolong life, and lovers often strive to make each other laugh and give positive emotions to their loved ones. Therefore, postcards for Valentine's Day on February 14, 2018 will be no less popular than romantic pictures. Such funny cards with funny inscriptions will not only show love and affection, but will also definitely bring a smile to the recipient’s lips. And despite the fact that funny postcards may not seem very romantic at first glance, it is still possible to send your warmth and the brightest and most sincere feelings to your loved ones.

Collection of funny cards for February 14, 2018

You can download original funny Valentine's Day cards to congratulate your loved ones on February 14, 2018 here.

Cards for friends and girlfriends on Valentine's Day February 14, 2018

On Valentine's Day, it is customary to congratulate not only lovers, but also friends. And this is quite correct, because people feel almost the same strong love for friends and girlfriends as for brothers and sisters. Therefore, Happy Valentine's Day cards on February 14, 2018 for friends should definitely be sent to all girlfriends, friends and good acquaintances.

Valentine's Day cards for friends

We have made a small selection of beautiful Valentine's Day cards for friends so that all users can download them from our website on February 14, 2018 and send them to loved ones.

Happy Valentine's Day greeting cards with inscriptions

Beautiful Valentine's Day cards with inscriptions - poems and declarations of love - can touch the soul and evoke a whole range of positive feelings in the recipient. Such cards will tell about the feelings of the sender and give the recipients a feeling of happiness, faith in happy love and the patronage of St. Valentine.

Musical card for Valentine's Day

Paper and electronic Valentine's Day cards with romantic inscriptions dedicated to your beloved husband, wife, girlfriend or boyfriend have long become a classic way of congratulating Valentine's Day. But in addition to such familiar postcards, on the Internet you can find and download for free funny postcards for February 14, 2018 for friends and loved ones, which are a romantic music video greeting. And all visitors to our site can watch one of these video cards here.

Valentine's Day is a very romantic holiday, traditionally celebrated by all lovers every year on February 14th. This, originally a Catholic holiday, has become very popular all over the world, because all people love and fall in love, regardless of their religious views and nationality. It also became popular in the vast expanses of the former Soviet Union, in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and Kazakhstan.

On the Fresh-Cards website you can download for free beautiful Valentine's Day greeting cards for February 14 for women and girls, beloved men, colleagues, teachers and bosses, as well as original photo congratulations in verse and prose with love wishes and gentle inscriptions for a guy and girls, daughters and son, dad and mom, for friends, best friend and girlfriend, wife and husband, sister, little sister and brother, boy and girl, relatives, aunt, son-in-law, parents and family.

Electronic cards without text in the form of a thematic picture and a romantic image of a heart, hearts, Teddy bear, with a bunny, angels and warm hugs will look unusual. In the catalog you can choose templates and backgrounds for Valentine's Day cards, as well as beautiful vintage, antique, retro and original options with short and long congratulations, with animals and flowers.

The presented images are very easy to send online by email, send to a mobile phone via Viber, WhatsApp or post on pages on Odnoklassniki, VKontakte, Facebook and Instagram. A message chosen with love will leave wonderful memories for your loved one, make his life even more joyful and make him feel important to the sender.

Happy Valentine's Day 2020 Pictures

This section is constantly updated with new pictures. Therefore, you can easily find, select and download the latest and new greeting cards for love couples on the upcoming Valentine’s Day for February 14, 2020, which will please your loved one, create a joyful and cheerful mood for him, allow you to celebrate the holiday in a positive way, and remember it for a long time and look to the future positively.