Compatibility of Aquarius and Libra is an ideal union. Libra and Aquarius - compatibility in bed, love relationships, friendships and work

  • 26.09.2019

Compatibility of Libra and Aquarius in love is 80%. A creative couple, their union is stimulating for each partner. These two Air signs are perfect for each other. Innate diplomacy will help Libra deal with the stubbornness of Aquarius. Libra in this union will expect support from their partner. Together they will have an active public life, but despite the fact that the couple has many friends, they will not forget about their interests. Other people's opinions mean very little to an Aquarius, he or she will find it difficult to understand how Libra can be hurt by someone else's comments and he or she may perceive their other half as a very sensitive person.

Although each of them has traits that can irritate a partner, they find it easier than most other zodiac signs to compromise. They have good compatibility, there is a favorable prognosis for love and marital relationships.

Compatibility of Aquarius woman and Libra man

Libra woman and Aquarius man are a bright couple. Having met, they will quickly feel mutual sympathy, which will develop into passionate love. They both love life and will seek excitement and adventure together. Best friends and lovers, they will always find ways to make life more interesting. Problems can arise if a Libra man tries to control the freedom-loving Aquarius woman, who does not accept restrictions.

They need some kind of compromise that allows their partner to feel comfortable in a love relationship. The Libra man is more oriented towards love and family, but the Aquarius woman may consider it premature to move to another stage of the relationship. Their union can be lifelong if both understand each other's needs. Libra will bring balance and harmony to the relationship, Aquarius will give romance and passion, all this will strengthen their bond.

Compatibility of Libra woman and Aquarius man

Libra and Aquarius are signs of the Air element, they have a lot common features, similar likes and dislikes. Usually the kinship of the elements unites, but in this pair it will not become the main driver positive development relationships. As a rule, a Libra woman loves comfort and luxury and appreciates beauty in all its forms. She often does not take life's difficulties seriously. On the contrary, the Aquarius man rarely turns a blind eye to problems and may consider this feature a sign of immaturity or selfishness. She may have to change her approach to relationships, since her chosen one may view love as an extension of friendship. At the same time, partners have common interests, similar dreams and ideals. There is no reason for a relationship to fall apart due to temporary differences.

In a love relationship with Aquarius, you should not put pressure on him or try to force him to take the next step. He has strong convictions and is unlikely to part with them. In addition, men of this zodiac sign do not like to argue. They believe that life is too short to waste it on sorting things out. It takes time to get used to such features of his character. On the other hand, the Libra woman will appreciate his tolerance and friendliness. From time to time, he will treat his beloved as a friend, so she will have to remind him that there is a difference between friendship and love.

Compatibility of Libra in love with other zodiac signs

Compatibility of Aquarius in love with other zodiac signs

And Aquarius" guarantees high degree excellent
relationships in all areas of activity: from love to business. Everything will work out well, because these two signs occupy the top line in the compatibility rating among all

zodiac signs of our solar system.

Aquarius and Libra. Compatibility in love

The relationship between these two people will develop very rapidly, avoiding all troubles and doubts. The lovers do not notice anything around them except each other, which makes this couple truly ideal and unique among the entire star community. Consequently, such harmonious relationships most often lead to a wedding, a lifelong union of two loving hearts and destinies. Their marriage will be so successful that all other zodiac signs will envy it.

Aquarius and Libra. Marriage Compatibility

Family life will never be boring, as each partner strives for adventure. They prefer stormy life, be it social parties, work or warm family evenings. They have common interests, views on life, perception of reality. Between spouses there is not only sincere affection and love. There is also a strong friendship between them, which always comes to the rescue when resolving any issues or overcoming conflicts. It is the friendly relationship between husband and wife that brings this marriage to greater heights. high level, helping to overcome all kinds of obstacles and find compromise on various issues. If in a marriage a woman was born under the auspices of the element of Water (Aquarius), and the husband is a representative of the element of Air (Libra), they are expected turbulent relationship, with the rapid development of events. But the Libra man remains the leader in such a couple; it is he who will have to take full responsibility for material and spiritual development families.

Aquarius and Libra. Spiritual compatibility

These two signs are like two halves of one whole. They complement each other in

all areas. And even in an intimate sense, where Libra is destined for the role of a romantic partner, and Aquarius tends to idealize the physiological side of relationships, these two signs will invariably come to harmony and mutual understanding. After all, due to the fact that each of the partners has a great feeling for their other half, they will be able to avoid quarrels and disagreements, preferring to give in. Libra and Aquarius can be unpredictable in a positive way, preparing surprises for their lover and filling every day with magic. It is these aspirations that will become the main foundation of marriage even after many years.

Aquarius and Libra. Business compatibility

Success will not bypass business relationships, predicting development for this couple in any direction, wherever they move. They can concentrate their efforts as much as possible on one goal and methodically move towards it, directing all their efforts and capabilities towards it. Partners will support each other in any situation. Even at the cost of your own peace of mind. This partnership is not familiar with any minor troubles; it is a tandem of two professionals and devoted business colleagues, close-knit team, which serves the same goals and ideas.

If Libra is lucky enough to meet their Aquarius, and Libra themselves are mature enough to act in their assigned role of “parent” and “teacher” in this couple, then everything will turn out well. Namely, a lot depends on Libra and their spiritual readiness to accept such high responsibility for Aquarius and for relationships in general. On the part of Aquarius, at the time of the meeting, Libra will undergo a subconscious assessment of reliability and experience in order to understand whether this “teacher” is worth trusting. Still, the role of Aquarius paired with Libra is the role of a “child” and a spiritual “student”. Therefore, Aquarius expects to enter into a relationship with those Libra who will be more experienced than him, more mature as a person, stronger morally and wiser.

Aquarius is a rather complex character, and at the very beginning he can literally shock Libra. Aquarius is independent, has his own strong opinion, strikes not with his fist, but with his word, and, to hide it, considers himself above the majority due to his outstanding intellect. Accordingly, the first unique lesson for Libra will be to learn how to smooth out the sharp corners of Aquarius’s character. From the very beginning, Libra must learn to place themselves as number one in this pair and only from this position begin to look for levers of control over the “child” Aquarius. But not with the help of a “belt”, but trying to captivate, like new toy, useful activity. Or unobtrusively push Aquarius to the desired train of thought. Libra can do all this, you just have to try and remember that Libra is the best diplomat among all the signs of the Zodiac.

At first, Libra and Aquarius may even come together and diverge repeatedly while they get used to each other. But this will be just another test of the strength of this relationship. For Aquarius, every departure (and in most cases on his own initiative) will only show dependence on his “parent”. After all, by nature, Aquarius, although he has extraordinary abilities, due to incontinence and restless chaotic actions for a long time he cannot choose his path in life. Libra has the ability to see in Aquarius unrecognized genius and help him realize his hidden potential. In addition, Libra’s task is also to bring harmony into the disordered life of Aquarius.

By nature, this pair of signs, representing the element of Air, has excellent mutual understanding, shares the same values ​​and sees the world in approximately the same way. A common element is always an excellent foundation for long-term and harmonious relationships. In everyday life, Libra and Aquarius know how to ignore minor problems; in communication, even if it seems somewhat conflicting to others due to the disposition of Aquarius, they are able to enthusiastically seek the truth and discover new things; in intimacy they also feel good with each other, although representatives of air signs are usually more attracted platonic relationships and romance.

For Libra, this relationship is like consolidating the experience gained in life with the aim of passing it on to a worthy student of his own air “school”, Aquarius. This responsibility contributes to significant personal growth for Libra. But for Aquarius, falling under the wing of Libra gives a reason to relax. After all, Libra, as a rule, is not too strict and allows Aquarius almost complete freedom. But until the first “roasted rooster”. And this happens in a couple of air signs when they run aground. And here it’s Libra’s turn to be surprised by Aquarius’s ingenuity and ability to create successful business projects out of nothing.

What should you work on in your relationship between Libra and Aquarius?

It is worth repeating that we can talk about harmony if the partners are in their roles corresponding to their type of compatibility according to the horoscope. Any deviation from the given roles leads to inevitable problems.

For example, Libra, who has more weak character and lower social status than Aquarius, you will not be able to consolidate your authority in his eyes. And therefore, Aquarius will allow himself to act like a capricious child-manipulator, exhausting the parent and forcing him to actually be his slave and service staff. When paired with such an Aquarius, Libra does not have to expect anything good.

In the case of parity of partners, when Libra will not clearly dominate due to something, many problems are also expected. Where Aquarius decides that he can disobey, he will not do so. Where he can show his character, he will show it. And the life of this couple, in the absence of strict control levers in the hands of Libra, will turn into complete chaos.

There is also a certain category of Aquarians who consider themselves geniuses and upper class, not created for physical labor, menial work and boring routine. And in order to bring such an Aquarius down from heaven to earth, Libra will need to have a character many times superior to that of Aquarius.

But not everything is so bad for Libra alone. There are also concerns for Aquarius. After all, Libra themselves can also play with control and punishment, and then turn from a “teacher” into an overseer with a whip. Oddly enough, Aquarius, on the contrary, can become even more attached to such types. However, his personality next to such Libra will slowly collapse, and in the end he will lose even the remnants of his will.

Libra woman and Aquarius man

No matter how strange this couple may look in the eyes of society, they have every chance of creating a truly strong union: a mature Libra woman and her adored Aquarius man, who has moved from being close friends or young admirers to the status of a partner. This pair of extraordinary and bright personalities will be able to show society love that breaks all stereotypes.

If a young Libra woman falls in love with an Aquarius man of her own age or older, she risks having her heart broken as soon as the first stage of falling in love passes. She simply won't be able to handle this relationship.

Libra man and Aquarius woman

A wonderful sensual union for both. The Aquarius woman attracts the Libra man with her impetuosity and some unbridled character. He, in turn, is ready to do anything for just one look from her. Conquering the heart of an Aquarius woman will make a strong Libra man even stronger.

Many women would dream of the kind of life that a Libra man is ready to provide to his Aquarius woman: he is ready to free her from any work and fulfill any whim, as long as she decorates his life and brings joy.

Libras have incredible social skills and are quite diplomatic. The Libra lover is a perfectionist and loves a luxurious lifestyle. Somewhat indecisive, Libras are sensitive by nature and love the arts and culture. With a sharp and logical mind, Libras are attracted to beauty and intelligence. To attract Libra, be diplomatic. They love thoughtful people, so plan your dates around unusual restaurants and luxurious social events. Libras want to be praised, courted, and impressed. The first impression of a person lasts forever for Libra.

Aquarius is experimental by nature and is usually surrounded by unusual and unique people. He will cherish and love Libra, enjoying the natural mental connection with them. Aquarius can be indecisive, slightly aloof and rebellious. These traits can be carried over into your love life. To attract an Aquarius, you need to communicate with him a lot. Be a fun and independent person. Surprise Aquarius with a date, visit crowded places sporting events and concerts. Stimulate his mind. Leave whining or complaining at the door.

Sexual Compatibility of Aquarius and Libra

Aquarius has a creative approach to sex. He loves creativity and novelty in the bedroom. Aquarius will show Libra the way to the bedroom, but Libra is usually the most aggressive. This aggressive sexual behavior will help Aquarius to include imagination and creativity in this love match. Aquarius loves spontaneous meetings. Libras are elegant and stylish and value the same in their partner. Both of these zodiac signs have patience and open minds in their sexual relationships. Aquarius is resilient enough to satisfy all of Libra's needs.

Marriage Compatibility of Aquarius and Libra

This successful love marriage is a mixture of energy, enthusiasm, love, beauty and freedom. Relationships will bring real pleasure to Libra and Aquarius, because they are interested in communication, the good of humanity and the desire for world progress. The best aspect of this love union is their collaboration and achieving common goals.

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The element of both Aquarius and Libra is Air. Representatives of both signs are as light as a breath of spring breeze, but can turn into fierce hurricanes. Their similarity makes the union so harmonious that everyone wants to imitate such a relationship, but at the same time it poses a certain danger - if Aquarius and Libra simultaneously enter a hurricane state, they even demolish the surrounding houses. So Aquarius and Libra can live happily for a long time life together, and ruin this very life both for yourself and for many other people. In order for the union of two air signs to be successful, they should first lay a fairway past the pitfalls that strive to dig into the bottom of a love, or even a family ship.

Compatibility in love relationships of Aquarius Libra is considered not easy, but almost ideal. Representatives of these signs view life in a similar way, they have common values ​​and goals, they understand each other perfectly (which is not surprising, because they are almost mirror reflection each other).

Already at the first meeting of Aquarius and Libra, an almost irresistible attraction is felt; this is exactly the case when it is not easy, but most likely. Representatives of the signs are a wonderful complementary pair: the constant fluctuations of Libra are perfectly balanced by the calmness of Aquarius, and the moral tossing of Aquarius calms down under the balanced influence of Libra.

For a couple of Aquarius and Libra, quarrels are a rare occurrence. If the shadow of conflict appears on their horizon, then they prefer peaceful negotiations to open confrontation, and usually such negotiations are more than successful, which only strengthens the alliance.

It should be noted that the relationship between Aquarius and Libra is more reminiscent of friendship than a passionate love affair, but this makes the marriage of representatives of the signs unusually strong. Sometimes it’s not even always clear what exactly connects Aquarius and Libra: whether they are just friends or lovers. But representatives of signs are usually completely satisfied with this state of affairs.

Particularly significant this quality for Aquarius: all Aquarians want to preserve their individuality, but representatives of aggressive signs try to remake them in accordance with their ideas about the ideal, however, it is Libra who does not strive to change Aquarius, but accepts him as he is.

Other signs can recognize such friendship negative quality: From the outside it may seem that the relationship between Libra and Aquarius is somewhat cool, however, this is not so. In fact, the only problem is the eternal secrecy of Aquarius, which may not be too pleasant for Libra - Libra simply wants to share with their loved one not only their bed, but also their affairs and thoughts, while Aquarians tend to hide their thoughts. If Aquarius opens up at least a little, and Libra does not demand the impossible, then the couple’s life will be ideal.

The romance of both air signs adds ideality to the love relationship between Libra and Aquarius - don’t feed them bread, but let them make their partner’s life comfortable. As a result, they can reach sexual heights that are inaccessible to other couples - both Aquarius and Libra want not only to receive pleasure themselves, but also to give it to their partner.

You need to know that compatibility in a love relationship Aquarius Libra is determined not only and not so much by the signs of the zodiac, but also by the year of birth (in accordance with Eastern horoscope). It is believed that Aquarius should be born in the year of the Ox, Rooster or Dragon, and Libra - in the year of the Cat, Snake or Tiger.

The patron of Aquarius is Uranus, characterized by soft tenderness. The daughters of Uranus are feminine and sweet, they charm with their transparent naivety and refined tastes. For them, material goods are secondary, although comfort is highly desirable. However, the daughters of Uranus prefer a romantic bouquet of daisies to a plump wallet, and are ready to go to the ends of the earth for the one who wins their heart.

Anyone who will lay claim to the heart of an Aquarius lady should remember: passion and sex are not very important for her, friendships and intimate conversations are much more important. The charming Aquarius lady craves moral support, she needs strong shoulder, which she can lean on, and a soft vest in which she can cry.

The romantic naivety of the Aquarius lady hides one of the serious pitfalls that can destroy both love and marriage relationships: the lady is quite freedom-loving and often gives rise to jealousy - and the Libra man is quite jealous, since Libra, in general, prefers balance and constancy . In addition, sweet and feminine Aquarius loves parties, meeting with friends and, in general, having fun. Well, the Libra man, having reasoned and weighed all the circumstances, prefers to sit at home with a book or in front of the TV.

However, such a difference in tastes can be leveled out if both Aquarius and Libra wish for it. Libra can give in to his beloved and go with her to a restaurant or even on a picnic - romantic Aquarius will appreciate this. Having acquired mutual friends, and especially - married couples, Libra and Aquarius can spend time in their company, this will satisfy both Libra's passion for being a homebody and Aquarius' thirst for spending time in company. Well, joint trips to other cities and countries can make the relationship between Libra and Aquarius unusually strong.

It is interesting that the Aquarius lady can be quite unpredictable - her behavior is determined by the moment of her mood, the presence or absence of romance of a given second, and the Libra man is in a state of fluctuation - he is constantly looking for balance. And these fluctuations of one and the other partner, oddly enough, make their connection even stronger, their compatibility more ideal. At the right moment they hold hands and share thoughts, at another moment they calmly go to their corners and go about their personal affairs.

An Aquarius woman and a Libra man give each other enough space for comfort, and at the same time maintain an amazing closeness, both sexual and friendly.

The Libra woman is amazingly charming. She may not be the ideal of beauty, but she attracts hearts with her femininity and openness. Such women are distinguished by their intelligence, their intelligence allows them to support almost any topic in a conversation, but at the same time they do not consider themselves omniscient and are capable of not only speaking themselves, but also listening carefully to their interlocutor - this character trait especially attracts the Aquarius man, who often longs to speak out, but holds back, not finding a worthy interlocutor.

The problem in this couple may be the Libra lady's lack of sentimentality compared to the Aquarius gentleman. A man sees his companion as practically an ideal, she is a friend, a lover, and an intellectual outlet for him, but the Libra lady can quite calmly break the ties that bind her to Aquarius - for example, wanting a closer love relationship rather than friendly handshakes.

But if an Aquarius man and a Libra woman get married, then this union has every reason to be long and happy. True, spouses will have to learn to negotiate, to give in to each other, without necessarily insisting that they are right. They would like to hang a slogan in the living room: “Do you want to be right or happy?” - and look at him more often, since following this advice is the key to their happy life together.

Having married young, the Libra woman and the Aquarius man will quarrel quite often, but over time their relationship will improve and enter a calmer phase, especially when the spouses get to know each other better. They will be helped by the initial desire to give pleasure to their partner - this applies not only to sexual relationships, but even to everyday amenities. Gradually, Aquarius will learn to listen to his charming wife, and Libra will not be afraid that her husband will have a romantic interest on the side (by the way, this may well be the case, but at the same time Aquarius is not inclined to leave his wife even for the sake of the most romantic woman in the world - if his wife likes will not encourage this).

Aquarius will have to constantly remember that it is not for nothing that justice is depicted as a lady with scales in her hands - the Libra woman has a heightened sense of justice, and it is this character trait that forces her to constantly defend her opinion, even if this is not very beneficial for her and leads to scandal . If Aquarius can give in to his beloved, wanting to be not so much right as happy, and bring happiness to his wife, then no one and nothing can destroy this marriage.

The Libra woman will have to constantly keep the slogan about righteousness and happiness before her eyes in order to learn to stop at the right moment. In addition, in order to provide her husband with comfort and happiness, she will have to learn to cope with everyday life and run a household. She needs to consider what an Aquarius man wants to have ideal wife, and the list of advantages of this ideal also includes housekeeping, making pies with your own hands, cooking borscht and pickling cucumbers. Moreover, the Aquarius man strives for ideality in everything, including appearance family nest– the presence of dust on the shelves is very important for him, and an unwashed cup in the sink can lead to a scandal. Taking into account that the Libra woman is not a very good housewife and does not really like to solve everyday problems, she will have to try very hard to meet the requirements of Aquarius.

So, what do the stars predict for a couple of Aquarius and Libra? It's simple: this couple expects almost ideal life, but to build it, you will have to make some efforts. Alas, nothing comes for free, especially family or love happiness. With all the makings of excellent compatibility between Aquarius and Libra, they need to work every day, building their ideal family and love building.

Both Aquarius and Libra need to learn to show more attention to their partner (this is especially true for Aquarius, who are prone to secrecy and even sometimes sullenness). Libra will have to learn to hide their constant fluctuations, since Aquarius also needs moral support and a shoulder to lean on (and this applies to both women and men).

Aquarius and Libra need to remember that their quarrels should not lead to a scandal - two hurricanes in a collision can destroy too much, which they will later regret, but it will be too late. Tenderness and mutual understanding are the key to happiness in the partnership of Aquarius and Libra; openness of feelings will help them support each other at any moment and will bring the desired harmony and amazing happiness to the union.

And even if love arose between Aquarius and Libra from the first second, at first sight, they should not delude themselves: relationships that arise instantly can also be instantly destroyed if the partners do not learn to appreciate them. And it’s very worth appreciating, since there are practically no signs that would be as potentially perfectly compatible as Libra and Aquarius.

By the way, most successful star couples, happy in family life, these are exactly Aquarius and Libra!