Incoming product control. Modern problems of science and education

  • 22.09.2019

In this article specialists of the company "CertCenter" recommendations are provided that establish methodological and practical assistance to you when conducting and documenting the results of incoming inspection of raw materials, materials, semi-finished products, components, equipment, etc. (hereinafter referred to as products) coming from suppliers to consumers. These Recommendations can be used by you for any type of product used in enterprises of any industry.

1. What is incoming quality control?
Incoming acceptance control should be understood as control of the quality and completeness of products during certification or upon delivery of this product by the supplier to the consumer (customer) before its transfer for construction or operation.

2. Why is it necessary to carry out incoming product quality control?
First of all, to assess its compliance in terms of quality and completeness with the requirements of rules, technical specifications, national standards, as well as the terms of the agreement (contract).
Then, in order to timely identify shortages, as well as detect external, internal or hidden defects in the delivered products.
In order to prevent the launch into production, operation, which does not comply with established requirements, norms and rules, as well as product standards, which, as a result, may lead to an emergency situation or destruction causing harm to human life or health, as well as property, both physical and legal persons

3. Types of incoming acceptance inspection?

  • Continuous - 100% control of all mass-produced products;
  • Selective - this is when a sample or several samples of products are selected from a production batch;
  • Single is the incoming inspection of a certain amount of equipment or products that are supplied in batches under contracts (agreements)

4. Who carries out incoming quality control?
Typically, incoming acceptance inspection can be carried out:

  • independently by the consumer unilaterally;
  • the consumer together with the supplier (manufacturer) of the product;
  • a third independent party usually engaged by the consumer of the product “Customer’s technical specialist”;
  • certification body, testing laboratory or expert organization when performing work related to extraction certificate of conformity

5. Technology for conducting incoming acceptance inspection?
First of all, it is necessary to develop and, if necessary, agree on a program or methodology (card) for conducting incoming acceptance control, in which it is necessary to determine the methods, parameters and sequence of actions when carrying out product control.

Next, you need to decide on the place, date and time at which the acceptance control will be carried out, and then create a commission, which may include both representatives of the supplier and representatives of the customer, as well as representatives of expert organizations and other third parties involved by agreement.

After all the previous steps have been completed, you can safely proceed to the main one, namely, the incoming acceptance inspection, which, if necessary, can be divided into several stages, namely:

  • acceptance by quantity and labeling of products in packaging (in a box, box, container, etc.) without internal inspection, the so-called acceptance according to a delivery note or packing list;
  • acceptance of accompanying documentation for products, which, in addition to transport (shipping) documentation, may include technical, operational and permitting documents(certificates, permits, certificates, examinations, etc.) confirming product quality;
  • visual inspection and checking the completeness of the product, performed after opening the packaging (container)
  • The final stage is checking the quality and warranty, technical characteristics and parameters of the product. If, for example, we consider this in the context of process equipment, then this final stage can be performed only after installation work has been completed and all commissioning tests have been completed.

Note. The decision on the need to introduce, tighten, weaken or cancel incoming control is made by the consumer based on the features, nature and purpose of the product.

6. Registration of the results of the completed incoming inspection?
There are several results: positive, negative and that the product or its individual devices are partially non-compliant.
The result of the incoming inspection is conclusion or signed Act (Protocol) that the products are consistent in quality and quantity and that the consumer has no complaints. From this moment the warranty period established by the seller usually begins. In cases where a negative or partially negative act (protocol) on the control results was drawn up , in this case, at the expense and by the efforts of the supplier (manufacturer), the product or its part or assembly is modified or replaced in order to achieve positive results during re-inspection, or the supplier and consumer, upon agreement, can establish a procedure for compensation for losses from defective or incomplete products, but again, if this is provided for by the terms of the contract or other regulatory documents.


This article discusses the problem of the quality of domestically produced automotive components. As a result of the review of scientific publications, it was found that in Vladimir region up to 40% of customer complaints about the quality of vehicle maintenance and repair are related to the low quality of spare parts. In this regard, based on the regulatory document GOST 24297-87, a methodology for conducting incoming quality control of spare parts at automotive service enterprises is proposed, which includes an algorithm for monitoring components. In this case, special attention should be paid to the control of spare parts installed in systems that affect the safety of vehicles. The implementation of these measures will not only prevent low-quality components from reaching the consumer, but will also contribute to the implementation of the basic principles of quality management: “Consumer Focus” and “Verification of Purchased Products.”

incoming quality control

spare parts

1. GOST 24297-87. Incoming control products. Basic provisions. – Enter. 1988-01-01. – M.: Publishing house of standards, 2003. – 8 p.

2. Russian Federation. Laws. the federal law“On the protection of consumer rights”: [Federal. Law No. 2300-1: adopted by the State. Duma February 7, 1992: ed. dated July 18, 2011].

3. Vereshchagin D. Trust, but verify // Correct car service. – 2011 – No. 4 (71). - P. 5-6.

4. Karagodin V.I. Car and engine repair: textbook. for students avg. prof. textbook institutions / V.I. Karagodin, N.N. Mitrokhin. - 2nd ed., erased. – M.: Publishing Center “Academy”, 2003. – 496 p., ISBN 5-7695-1125-7.

5. Latyshev M.V., Sergeev A.G. Quality management in car service processes: monograph. – Vladimir: VlSU Publishing House, 2005. – 160 p.

6. Stepanova E.G. Managing the quality of vehicle maintenance by improving the supply chain: abstract of thesis. dis. ...cand. tech. Sci. – Tolyatti, 2012. – 16 p.

7. Lada Priora: history of faulty power steering [ Electronic resource]. - Access mode: (access date: 10/15/2013).

Introduction. The work notes that the competitiveness of vehicle service stations (STS) largely depends on the system of interaction with suppliers of spare parts and materials, which operates within the framework of the principle of “Mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers”, and established procurement requirements (clause 7.4 of GOST ISO 9001-2011).

It is believed that cooperation with leading wholesalers and manufacturers is a guarantee of the quality of car components. In this case, the enterprise of the Automotive Maintenance system has the opportunity to rely on good faith permanent partners. Those infrequent cases of defects that the workshop will encounter will bring lower costs than organizing incoming quality control. But such a situation is only possible if the company specializes in repairing cars from the world's leading manufacturers.

Purpose of the study: to develop a methodology for conducting incoming quality control of spare parts at an automobile maintenance system enterprise.

Research methods: analytical research.

Currently, the quality of domestically produced auto components remains at a relatively low level compared to foreign analogues. Thus, the work presents the results of studies conducted on the basis of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education "Vladimirsky State University named after A.G. and N.G. Stoletovykh" (VlGU) in the Vladimir region, which showed that up to 40% of customer complaints about the quality of vehicle maintenance and repair are related to the low quality of spare parts or materials.

In the current situation, it is advisable to organize an incoming quality control post for spare parts at a service station. This mechanism will be especially important for companies specializing in the repair of domestically produced cars and cooperating with a large number of small suppliers. In this case, the costs of organizing a spare parts control post will be recouped by reducing the number of complaints and related costs.

In accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” dated 02/07/1992 No. 2300-1, the consumer has the right to choose a product based on his needs and capabilities. The law prohibits the seller from conditioning the purchase of some goods on the mandatory purchase of other goods. The consumer has the right to choose an original spare part or assembly produced by an independent company.

Considering that, according to experts, factory defects are much more common among non-original auto components, the organization of an incoming quality control post for spare parts is one of the mechanisms included in the quality management system (QMS) of the enterprise and aimed at preventing low-quality components and assemblies from reaching the end consumer .

It should be noted that special attention should be paid to the control of spare parts installed in vehicle systems that directly affect traffic safety. As an example, consider the electromechanical power steering of VAZ 2170 cars and its modifications. The work examines the problem of a malfunction of this unit, which consists in the fact that when a vehicle is moving at a speed of 40 km/h, spontaneous rotation of its steering wheel is possible. This defect, if it occurs during the operation of the vehicle, contributes to the loss of its controllability, which significantly reduces the active safety of the vehicle and increases the risk of a traffic accident.

Taking as a basis the requirements of GOST 24297-87 and the recommendations for organizing an incoming quality control post for spare parts in a car service center, set out in, an algorithm for conducting incoming quality control of spare parts at a service station has been developed.

Incoming quality control of products (in this case - spare parts), which is one of the elements of interaction between the supplier (manufacturer, dealers of spare parts) and service stations, provides for preventing the access to customers of enterprises of the Automotive Maintenance system of products that do not meet the requirements of regulatory, technical and design documentation (NTD and CD), as well as established requirements.

In accordance with GOST 24297-87, incoming inspection of components is carried out by the incoming inspection unit, which is part of the enterprise's technical quality control (QC) service.

The main tasks of incoming control are:

  • monitoring the availability of accompanying documentation for products;
  • control of compliance of the quality and completeness of products with the requirements of design and regulatory technical documentation;
  • accumulation of statistical data on the actual level of quality of the resulting products and development on this basis of proposals to improve the quality and, if necessary, revise the requirements of the technical documentation for products;
  • periodic monitoring of compliance with the rules and shelf life of suppliers’ products.

Incoming inspection is carried out in a specially designated room (area), equipped with the necessary means of control, testing and office equipment, and also meets occupational safety requirements.

Measuring instruments and testing equipment used during incoming inspection are selected in accordance with the requirements of the normative and technical documentation for controlled products and GOST 8.002-86. If metrological means and control methods differ from those specified in the technical documentation, then the quality control department of the service station approves specifications means used and control methods with the supplier.

To ensure compliance with the requirements of GOST 24297-87, as well as the GOST ISO 9001-2011 standard, an automobile maintenance and repair enterprise must develop its own technical documentation establishing the procedure for organizing, conducting and documenting the results of incoming inspection of spare parts supplied to the organization.

Taking into account that spare parts are supplied to service stations in small batches, it is advisable to introduce continuous quality control rather than selective control. In addition, control of incoming parts will be effective only if all spare parts entering the service pass through it.

Continuous quality control is control in which a decision on the quality of controlled products is made based on the results of checking each unit of product.

The main document on the basis of which the incoming inspection of parts is carried out is a working drawing containing information about the main parameters of the product.

The verification technology itself involves manual measurement of all parameters of a part using a special measuring tool or the use of digital equipment, if the organization has one. When inspecting a composite assembly, it is necessary to first disassemble it.

The proposed methodology for incoming inspection of components involves carrying out work activities in three stages:

  • at the first stage, an external inspection of the product is carried out, checking the accompanying documents (passport, certificate, invoices), the presence of nameplates and supplier marks, the date of manufacture and compliance with the completeness;
  • at the second stage - checking the quality characteristics of the products;
  • at the third stage - checking the functionality of the element after installation in the car.

Only those components that fully comply with the documentation issued by the manufacturer and supplier are allowed to the second stage of incoming inspection. Work on incoming inspection should be entrusted to warehouse staff and quality control department personnel.

Based on the results of the incoming inspection, they draw up a conclusion on the product’s compliance with the established requirements and fill out a logbook for recording the results of the incoming inspection (Appendix 1 GOST 24297-87). The list, volume, and sequence of work must be determined by the instructions (routine chart, which describes the entire inspection procedure step by step).

Research results and discussion. In Fig. Figure 1 shows the proposed algorithm for conducting continuous quality control of spare parts at service stations.

Rice. 1. Algorithm for conducting incoming inspection of spare parts in a car service center.

In accordance with the algorithm for conducting incoming quality control, products received from the supplier must be subject to documentary and quantitative acceptance before incoming control. For this purpose, a “product acceptance zone” is organized at the enterprise’s warehouse. Warehouse personnel, in accordance with the enterprise standard (STP) of the service station, carry out control of accompanying documentation, external inspection and quantitative acceptance.

If non-conformities are identified, the entire batch of products is rejected and stored in a place that excludes the possibility of mixing with products that have passed the incoming control (“defect isolator”). Quality Control Department employees make an entry in the incoming inspection logbook, draw up a complaint report, and return the defective batch to the supplier.

In the absence of accompanying documentation certifying the quality and completeness of the product, if it is necessary to urgently replace a failed unit, the auto components, by decision of the quality control department, can be sent for incoming quality control with the mandatory drawing up of a completeness report indicating the missing documents.

If a batch of products is accepted at the first stage of control, then the parts and documentation are sent to the “incoming control waiting area”, where they are stored separately from products accepted and rejected by incoming control.

The time spent by components and documentation in the “incoming control waiting area” should be regulated by the enterprise’s STP.

Whereas, it is not recommended to disassemble mating pairs that are processed assembled or balanced at the manufacturer, because The service life of a vehicle's structural element decreases after the disassembly-assembly operation; at the second stage of the incoming quality control of spare parts, the division of components into composite and non-component is provided.

If the inspected unit is non-separable, then it is sent for incoming inspection, which involves checking the documentation, dimensions and surfaces of the product (for scratches, cracks, chips, etc.).

In the case of inspection of a composite unit, service quality control department employees must be guided by information about previously received complaints related to failures of this spare part. If there was a repeated failure of the unit after installation on the automatic telephone exchange, then the spare parts received by the enterprise are subject to disassembly and inspection of each of its parts. Otherwise, the structural element of the car is subject to external inspection and verification of accompanying documentation. Based on the inspection results, a conclusion is drawn up about whether the part is suitable or defective, and a corresponding entry is made in the incoming inspection logbook (Appendix 1).

A spare part found to be suitable is returned to the warehouse in the “good product storage area”. The defective unit must be marked with red paint or a red marker with the inscription “Defective” and sent to the warehouse to the “defective isolation room”. Quality Control Department employees make a complaint, and the defective items are returned to the supplier.

The final stage of quality control of spare parts is checking the functionality of the parts immediately after installation on the serviced vehicle.

If a malfunction of the unit is detected after installation on the vehicle, this element must be dismantled and transported to a warehouse in a “defect isolation room”, followed by filing a complaint and returning it to the supplier.

Conclusion. Since one of the important goals of such a post is to fulfill basic principle quality management “Customer Focus” (clause 5.2 of GOST ISO 9001-2011), it is important that information about the availability of incoming quality control of spare parts is included in the advertising materials of the service station. Also, the organization of incoming inspection of spare parts provides for the implementation of the quality management principle “Verification of purchased products” (clause 7.4.3. GOST ISO 9001-2011).

Information about the availability of such a post must also be provided to the spare parts supplier at the time of signing the cooperation agreement. And the contract itself must stipulate the mechanism for the action of the enterprise of the Automotive Maintenance system in the event of a defect being detected. It is also advisable to provide partners with information about the methods of analysis and obtain their consent in the event that if substandard products are detected, the wholesaler intends to challenge the results of the inspection. Such a preliminary agreement will subsequently allow you to avoid unnecessary disputes and promptly replace substandard products. Then the incoming control post for components will become a mechanism that helps improve the level of quality of automotive service at the enterprise and, as a result, increase the loyalty of its customers.


Gots A.N., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Heat Engines and Power Plants, Vladimir State University. Alexander Grigorievich and Nikolai Grigorievich Stoletov,” Vladimir.

Kulchitsky A.R., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Chief Specialist LLC "Plant of Innovative Products KTZ", Vladimir.

Bibliographic link

URL: (access date: 03/30/2019). We bring to your attention magazines published by the publishing house "Academy of Natural Sciences"

The article will reveal the main points regarding the incoming control act. What is a document, for what purposes is it intended, and how to prepare it correctly - further.

In the construction industry, incoming inspection of equipment plays a significant role. This is a quality check of objects that arrive at the warehouse. The results of the inspection are documented in a document. How to compose it correctly?

Basic moments

When equipment or material arrives at an organization, an act is drawn up. This is an accompanying sheet on the basis of which the equipment is put into use.

The data of all acts is displayed in a journal, which must be present at any construction site. The document indicates the name and number of objects received for construction.

Incoming inspection can be continuous, selective and continuous. During the continuous process, each unit of product is subject to control in order to identify and make a decision on the possibility of use and release.

It is prescribed when the products are piecemeal. During sampling, several units are removed from a batch of products and checked.

Based on the results, a conclusion is drawn about the quality of the entire batch. It is not allowed to carry out this type until the products are fully completed in the batch.

During continuous inspection, each unit is checked in the sequence in which it was manufactured. and the consumer must agree on a control schedule.

The following persons have the right to carry out control:

Information about acts should be displayed in the journal. The document indicates the name of the material, quantity, documentation numbers and information about the supplier.

Supporting documentation may include:

  • statement of configuration;
  • operating documents;
  • and others.

If the accompanying documents are not fully provided, the commission has the right to postpone the entrance control.

When new materials arrive, it is necessary to ensure that they are stored separately from those that have already passed incoming control.

If a defect is detected, it is necessary to describe each defect in the report. The forms of incoming control are:

What it is

Incoming control is quality control of goods that have arrived to the customer for the purpose of using it. Issued and approved within 3 days after the incoming inspection.

The document is signed by all members of the commission. The essence of control is to obtain information about the condition of an object and compare it with the requirements of regulations.

Based on the results of the control, a conclusion is drawn up to determine whether the product meets the requirements and is filled out.

In the accompanying documentation of the material, a note is made about the inspection, its results and a mark is placed. If the product meets the requirements, it is transferred to production. The defective material is sent to the supplier.

Functions performed

Incoming control is an important part technological process, providing stable activity organization and high quality of manufactured products.

The tasks of incoming control are as follows:

Legal basis

Sample act of incoming inspection of equipment and materials

It is carried out in several stages - external inspection and quality control.


First, it is necessary to develop and agree on a control plan. In the methodology, clarify the verification methods, sequence of actions, parameters, etc.

After this, set the date and place of incoming control and create a commission. It may include representatives of the supplier and customer, and an independent expert.

  • acceptance by the number of products in a batch;
  • acceptance of documents for these products;
  • visual inspection, checking the batch is complete (carried out by opening the package);
  • checking quality characteristics and parameters.

During the control it is necessary:

  • check the accompanying documentation that certifies the quality of the product and register it in the logbook for recording the results of incoming inspection;
  • carry out sampling control, check packaging and labeling;
  • check product quality.

During acceptance of the cargo, the safety of the cargo during transportation is checked. Namely:

  • checking the presence of the sender's seal on the vehicle - whether it is in good order, whether there are prints, what condition the car is in, etc.;
  • checking compliance with transportation rules.

Drawing up the form

The document is drawn up by acceptance specialists - engineer, site foreman, department head. To avoid complaints about the content of the act, a special commission (of two or more persons) is involved in its execution.

They confirm the data of the act with their signature. Before drawing up a document, the equipment must be checked or tested.

After successfully passing the control, the authorized person fills out a report documenting the product’s compliance with the requirements.

If the inspection fails, the barque must be recorded in the report and a claim must be sent to the supplier. Next step This is - the product is returned, the supplier repairs it or exchanges it for the same one, without defects.

Filling example

The act contains the following information:

  • commission members;
  • name of equipment or material and its data;
  • name of the documentation that certifies quality;
  • designations of conditions and technical standard;
  • equipment technological code;
  • classification of materials;
  • weight, number of pieces;
  • name of the supplier's company;
  • agreement;
  • manufacturer's name;
  • date of manufacture.

Features when creating a document

There is no standard form for the act. It can be compiled in any form or use a template developed by the organization. You can use an A4 sheet.

The following information is required to be filled in:

  • fact of control;
  • date and location;
  • results;
  • complete information about the equipment being tested.

Issued in one copy.

For cable products

Incoming inspection of cable products is carried out according to the procedure established at the enterprise, as well as according to GOST. An order is created on the basis of which a commission is formed.

It includes the general contractor, the customer and the organization performing the work. The following cable products are received for incoming inspection:

The first stage of control includes identification of cable products in the warehouse and control of the correct completion of documentation.

The following is also checked:

  • compliance of the markings on the plastic shell, tag or drum with the data specified in the accompanying documents;
  • availability and quality of required documentation;
  • presence of a nameplate.

The second stage is to check the packaging and labeling of cable products:

The last stage includes checking the condition of the protective covers of cable products. The presence of defects and the general condition of the cable are checked.

Based on the results of the incoming inspection, the commission draws up a conclusion on whether the cable products meet the requirements. Unsuitable materials must be marked and work with them suspended.

Nuances in construction

When materials enter the warehouse, information is sent to carry out incoming inspection. Construction quality – compliance of the quality of constructed structures with legal standards.

Incoming control is carried out before the construction equipment is used in the activity. Includes checking the availability of supplier documentation, delivery data, and compliance with documentation requirements.

The contractor is in charge of control. He can carry out the control independently or seek help from a special organization.

If the control results are unsatisfactory (the equipment does not meet the requirements), it cannot be used in construction.

The objects of control include construction products, the process of their creation, operation, storage, etc. Control is carried out in order to identify deviations in initial stage production work.

If the commission has any comments, a repeat inspection may be scheduled. The decision to carry it out must be reflected in the incoming inspection report of building materials.

The document must indicate “Pass” or “Fail.” There are requirements for drawing up the act:

  • indicate the compliance or non-compliance of building materials with the requirements of regulatory documentation;
  • fill in each line, there should be no dashes;
  • can be formatted in tabular or text form;
  • there must be signatures of the commission members.

The act must be registered in a special journal. When materials from the customer are used in construction, they are called toll.

If they are transferred from one organization to another, they must continue to be recorded. Unused materials are transferred to the customer according to the act.

Fire alarm

The fire alarm can be put into service if the check establishes the following:

  • installation was carried out according to the requirements;
  • the alarm operating status is positive;
  • design documentation is normal.

Incoming control includes checking the activity of system nodes, signal reception and output. You can use the alarm only if you have the appropriate certificate. It is filled out by the leading person of the organization.

Reinforced concrete structures

When checking quality, the following is found out:

  • do the shape and dimensions meet the technical requirements;
  • are there any cracks, chips, stains;
  • are the holes positioned correctly?
  • Are the wiring located correctly?

Control is carried out by creating and testing control samples. The main method is compression testing. Make a sample for the concrete mixture (for each brand).

If it hardens naturally, the series should contain several samples. In the case of heat treatment of samples, there must be at least 9. The first test is carried out 4 hours after treatment.

If the deviation is more than 20%, then it is necessary to establish the cause of this and eliminate it. The second test is carried out before shipping the products and the 3rd test after a month of storage.

Thus, incoming control involves checking the quality of materials and equipment. It can be carried out at any stage - at the beginning of the operational period or during use.

The control is carried out by a commission. It is appointed by order and consists of authorized persons with appropriate qualifications.

The results are documented in a document. It indicates whether the product meets the requirements. The form of the act is not regulated; you can draw it up yourself.

How to keep entries in a construction journal? Details

1. The journal for incoming quality control of supplied materials and products is a document that is drawn up by a representative of the construction contractor; the journal keeps records of all materials and products received at the construction site.

2. The supplied materials must necessarily comply with the requirements specified in the design and estimate documentation. In case of non-compliance, the TN engineer issues an order for elimination, on the basis of which the Customer, together with the design institute, makes a decision on approval or non-approval of the material, replacement with a similar one in accordance with the technical specifications register.

3. Incoming inspection is carried out by representatives of the contracting organization (appointed by order of the RM, having the necessary qualifications) and the customer and technical supervision engineer in accordance with the technological maps of visual and measuring control.

4. The log indicates the date, object, batch number, certificate, technical passport, quantity, storage conditions (not storage location - warehouse, site, but conditions), controlled parameter, control results, signature of the work contractor and inspector who accepted the object for quality and determination of the degree of suitability or reason for rejection.

Column 1: indicates the date of inspection of the product or material

Column 2: indicates the name of the material or product indicating its main technical parameters

Column 3: indicates the batch number, certificate number, technical passport, GOST or specifications of the manufacturer in accordance with which the product (material) was produced and checks whether this specification is included in the register of approved specifications, GOST

Column 4: indicates the quantity of material (product) in pcs. kg. packages (decipher)

Column 5: warehousing and storage conditions are indicated in accordance with the data in the accompanying documentation and the manufacturer’s specifications

Column 6: indicates the controlled parameters (length, width, diameter, steel grade, weight, etc.) in accordance with the accompanying documentation

Column 7: physical parameters are indicated in accordance with the requirements of the design documentation

In column 8: signature of the PSO employee who performed the incoming inspection

In column 9: signature of the laboratory supervisor or specialist of the SKK SPO

In column 10: the entry “suitable for use in accordance with design requirements” is made, or “not suitable due to the presence of unacceptable defects (damage), “does not meet the requirements of the design documentation, suitable after receiving the appropriate approvals.”

5. On each sheet of the incoming control log, a representative of the technical supervision puts a mark confirming the incoming control procedure (signature, personal stamp).

6. The incoming control log must indicate:

Name of the Customer

Name of the contractor

Diameter and section of the oil pipeline

Start and end dates for logging

7. The journal for incoming quality control of materials and equipment must be numbered, laced and sealed with the seal of the contractor.

8. After finishing the journal, the person responsible makes the entry “The journal is finished”, puts a date, a signature with a transcript of the person responsible for maintaining the journal.

Incoming inspection log

Hello, dear reader of the foreman’s blog, in this article, the incoming control log, we’ll talk about recording accepted building materials at a construction site, how to fill out the log and why it is necessary.

Why do you need to keep records of accepted materials and equipment at a construction site? If you work in small construction companies engaged in one type of activity, such as the production of industrial flooring, roofing, plumbing and so on, then it is unlikely that you keep such magazines.

I say this based on my own experience, working as a foreman in a company specializing in the production of concrete floors. I didn’t keep an entry control log.

It was of no use at a facility of 10,000 m2 or more, the main Construction Materials these are reinforcement and concrete.

Reinforcement was accepted at the beginning of work on the site in quantities for the entire facility, concrete was accepted as pouring maps were prepared and its quantity was entered into the concrete work log.

It’s a completely different matter if you work as a foreman in an organization engaged in general construction work and are constructing a building from scratch to finishing work.

Here you cannot do without an incoming control log. It very rarely happens that delivered building materials are immediately put into use. Basically, after paying the supplier, he tries to immediately deliver to you his products, reinforcement, crushed stone, hollow core slabs, bricks, metal frames, sandwich panels, etc.

Imagine the situation: you haven’t made the foundation yet, and already marked metal columns with trusses and sandwich wall and roof panels are being delivered to your site. When you accept it, store it, think that you will remember it. When the time comes for their installation, there will be no problems, since you remember everything.

But 2-3 weeks pass, during which time more materials and equipment were brought to the site, plus the usual work problems with deadlines, with workers who do the work poorly, and so on. And it’s no longer so easy for you to remember what you took 3 weeks ago and where you stored it all.

As the stage of installing these columns and sandwich panels approaches, you begin to remember where they are located. Without remembering, you start rummaging through folders with documents and invoices to see what was accepted a month ago and whether I accepted these products at all.

I also did not invent this situation, such a story happened at a construction site, a railway junction complex in Kstovo. The steel incoming inspection log was taken seriously in the middle of construction, as it was a mess. There was a lot of materials at the construction site, but no one knew where to use it or they had forgotten.

They start calling the supply department saying that we don’t have such and such materials, but in response you get, you accepted them, you should have them.

To all of the above, you can also add that you found and used these materials in construction, but you need to hand over your work using hidden work certificates. which must be accompanied by documents on the quality of materials.

And again the problem is accepting these materials, signing for receipt, in invoices and invoices. You put documents on a shelf and think that you will forever remember where they are. But when you need them, you cannot remember their existence and generally doubt that they existed.

These are the kinds of problems that can arise if you don’t take the incoming inspection of materials at a construction site seriously. If the incoming control log is kept from the very beginning of construction, then by opening it and looking at what and when was accepted, all these problems can be avoided.

Filling out the incoming control log

How to correctly enter and fill out the incoming control log can be found in GOST “R 50-601-40-93 Recommendations. Incoming product control. Basic provisions".

“The journal of incoming accounting and quality control of received parts, materials, structures and equipment”, the first sheet is filled out intuitively, indicate the name of the object, the address of the object, the name of your organization and the start and end dates of maintaining this document.

The magazine itself consists of 9 columns.

In column 1, delivery date, indicate the date at the time you accepted this material.

2 Name of materials and structures, write the designation of materials according to GOST or manufacturer’s specifications, batch number

3 quantity total volume, for example, if one machine has fittings of different diameters and quantities, then it is better to write the name and quantity separately in each new line.

4 Supplier, copy from the invoice the name of the organization that delivered the materials to you.

5 Name of the accompanying document, invoice numbers, here you copy the numbers of documents and quality certificates for these materials.

6 Deviations from GOST, SNiP, TU.VSN defects you fill out this item after a visual inspection of the accepted products, preferably when they have already been unloaded. When accepting reinforced concrete products, I was found to have cracked hollow core slabs and reinforced concrete rings. In this case, I wrote down that there were deviations in the form of cracks.

If the slab was not suitable for installation, then a report was drawn up, in which the driver who delivered these products also signed. And they corrected it in the invoice accepted quantity materials, only after that they signed for them and gave them to the driver.

7 Signature of the person exercising control; everything is clearly signed here by the person who accepts the materials. If anything is known, ask someone where he stored these materials and where he hid the quality documents.

8 Note, this column must contain the signature of the laboratory supervisor

This is how the log is filled out for each material or equipment delivered to you at the site. From my own experience, I can say that a carefully filled out journal makes your work easier when drawing up hidden work reports or a work production log, if you have also started one.

You may also be interested in learning how the concrete work log is filled out.

Subscribe to receive new articles by email. write comments on this article in the incoming control journal.

Construction quality control. Construction supervision.


6.1 Production quality control of construction is carried out by the contractor and includes:

#8212 incoming inspection of design documentation provided by the developer (customer)

#8212 acceptance of the geodetic alignment base taken out in nature

#8212 incoming inspection of materials and products used

#8212 operational control during execution and upon completion of operations:

#8212 assessment of the conformity of completed work, the results of which become unavailable for control after the start of subsequent work.

6.1.1 During the incoming inspection of project documentation, all submitted documentation should be analyzed, including PIC and working documentation, while checking:

#8212 its completeness

#8212 compliance of design axial dimensions and geodetic basis

#8212 availability of approvals and approvals

#8212 availability of links to materials and products

#8212 compliance of the construction site boundaries on the construction plan with the established easements

#8212 availability of a list of works and structures, the quality indicators of which affect the safety of the facility and are subject to conformity assessment during the construction process

#8212 availability limit values controlled according to the specified list of parameters, permissible levels of non-compliance for each of them

#8212 availability of instructions on control and measurement methods, including in the form of links to relevant regulatory documents.

If deficiencies are found, the relevant documentation is returned for revision.

6.1.2 The work contractor accepts the geodetic alignment base provided to him by the developer (customer), checks its compliance with the established requirements for accuracy, and the reliability of fixing signs on the ground; for this purpose, he can involve independent experts. Acceptance of the geodetic alignment base from the developer (customer) should be formalized by the appropriate act.

6.1.3 Incoming inspection, in accordance with the current legislation, verifies the compliance of the quality indicators of purchased (received) materials, products and equipment with the requirements of standards, technical specifications or technical certificates for them specified in the project documentation and (or) the contract.

At the same time, the presence and content of accompanying documents from the supplier (manufacturer) are checked, confirming the quality of the specified materials, products and equipment.

If necessary, control measurements and tests of the above indicators can be performed. The methods and means of these measurements and tests must comply with the requirements of standards, technical specifications and (or) technical certificates for materials, products and equipment.

The results of the incoming inspection must be documented.

6.1.4 If control and testing is carried out by external accredited laboratories, it is necessary to check the compliance of the control and test methods they use with the established standards and (or) technical specifications for the controlled products.

6.1.5 Materials, products, equipment, the non-compliance with the established requirements was revealed by incoming inspection, should be separated from suitable ones and marked. Work using these materials, products and equipment should be suspended. The developer (customer) must be notified of the suspension of work and its reasons.

In accordance with the law, one of three decisions can be made:

#8212 the supplier replaces non-conforming materials, products, equipment with appropriate ones

#8212 non-conforming products are being reworked

#8212 non-conforming materials and products can be used after mandatory agreement with the developer (customer), designer and state control (supervision) body within its competence.

6.1.6 Using operational control, the work performer checks:

#8212 compliance of the sequence and composition of the technological operations performed with the technological and regulatory documentation applicable to the data technological operations

#8212 compliance with technological regimes established by technological maps and regulations

#8212 compliance of quality indicators of operations and their results with the requirements of design and technological documentation, as well as regulatory documentation applicable to these technological operations.

The places where control operations are performed, their frequency, performers, methods and measuring instruments, forms for recording results, the procedure for making decisions when identifying non-conformities with established requirements must comply with the requirements of design, technological and regulatory documentation.

The results of operational controls must be documented.

6.2 During the construction process, an assessment must be made of the work performed, the results of which affect the safety of the facility, but in accordance with the adopted technology become unavailable for control after the start of subsequent work, as well as completed building structures and sections of utility networks, the elimination of defects of which, identified by control, impossible without dismantling or damaging subsequent structures and sections of utility networks. Representatives of the relevant state supervision bodies, designer’s supervision, as well as, if necessary, independent experts may participate in these control procedures. The contractor shall notify the other participants of the timing of these procedures no later than three working days in advance.

6.2.1 The results of acceptance of work hidden by subsequent work, in accordance with the requirements of design and regulatory documentation, are documented in certificates of inspection of hidden work (Appendix B). The developer (customer) may require a re-inspection after eliminating the identified defects.

6.2.2 To the procedure for assessing the conformity of individual structures, tiers of structures (floors), the work performer must submit inspection reports of all hidden works included in these structures, geodetic as-built diagrams, as well as test reports of structures in cases provided for project documentation and (or) a construction contract. The developer (customer) can check the accuracy of the as-built geodetic schemes presented by the contractor. For this purpose, the performer of the work must preserve the alignment axes and installation guidelines fixed in kind until the completion of acceptance.

The results of acceptance of individual structures must be documented in acts of intermediate acceptance of structures (Appendix D).

6.2.3 Tests of sections of utility networks and installed utility equipment are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the relevant regulatory documents and are documented in acts in the form established by them.

6.2.4 If defects in work, structures, or sections of utility networks are discovered as a result of stage-by-stage acceptance, the corresponding acts must be drawn up only after the identified defects have been eliminated.

In cases where subsequent work must begin after a break of more than 6 months from the completion of phased acceptance, before resuming work, these procedures should be repeated with the execution of the relevant acts.

6.3 Technical supervision of the developer (customer) of construction is carried out by:

#8212 checking whether the contractor has quality documents (certificates in certain cases) for the materials, products and equipment he uses, documented results of incoming inspection and laboratory tests

#8212 control of the work contractor’s compliance with the rules for warehousing and storage of materials, products and equipment used; if violations of these rules are detected, a technical supervision representative may prohibit the use of improperly stored and stored materials

#8212 monitoring compliance of the operational control performed by the work contractor with the requirements of 6.1.6

#8212 control of the availability and correctness of as-built documentation by the work contractor, including assessment of the reliability of geodetic as-built diagrams of completed structures with selective control of the accuracy of the position of elements

#8212 control over the elimination of defects in design documentation identified during the construction process, documented return of defective documentation to the designer, control and documented acceptance of corrected documentation, transfer of it to the contractor

#8212 control of execution by the work contractor of the instructions of state supervisory authorities and local self-government

#8212 notification of state supervision authorities about all cases of emergency conditions at the construction site

#8212 control of compliance of the scope and timing of work with the terms of the contract and calendar plan construction

#8212 assessment (together with the work contractor) of the conformity of the work performed, structures, sections of utility networks, signing of bilateral acts confirming compliance, control over the work performed by the work contractor, the requirement that subsequent work is inadmissible before the signing of these acts

#8212 final assessment (together with the work contractor) of the compliance of the completed construction project with the requirements of the legislation of design and regulatory documentation.

To carry out technical supervision, the developer (customer), if necessary, forms a technical supervision service, providing it with design and necessary regulatory documentation, as well as instrumentation and tools.

6.4 In cases provided for by law, the developer of the design documentation carries out design supervision of construction. The procedure for the implementation and functions of designer supervision are established by the relevant regulatory documents.

6.5 Comments from representatives of the developer’s (customer’s) technical supervision and designer’s supervision are documented. The facts of elimination of defects based on the comments of these representatives are documented with their participation.

6.6 The author's supervision of the architect is carried out by the author-architect on his own initiative, regardless of the decision of the developer (customer) and the existence of an agreement for author's supervision of the facility. The territorial body for architecture and urban planning, at the request of the author, having verified his authorship, may issue an order to the developer (customer) to ensure the author’s access to the construction site and the possibility of him making records V journal of architectural supervision. Claims of the author-architect regarding the implementation of architectural design solutions may be considered by the body for urban planning and architecture, the decision of which is binding on the developer (customer).

6.7 State control (supervision) bodies assess the compliance of the construction process and the constructed facility with the requirements of legislation, technical regulations, design and regulatory documentation, assigned to ensure the safety of the facility during the construction process and after its commissioning in accordance with the current legislation (Art. 33, part I).

State control (supervision) bodies assess the conformity of the construction process of a specific facility upon receipt of a notice from the developer (customer) about the start of construction work (4.15).

6.8 Assessing the compliance of buildings and structures with mandatory safety requirements as products that pose a danger to the life, health and property of users, the surrounding population, as well as the environment, and as products produced without testing standard sample in a single copy at the site of operation and not reaching the final functional characteristics before commissioning, is carried out in the following forms:

inspection checks of completeness, composition, timeliness, reliability and documentation of production controls (6.1)

#8212 inspection checks of the completeness, composition, reliability and documentation of procedures for the examination of hidden work, intermediate acceptance of completed structures, structures, as well as load-bearing structures of buildings and structures in cases where these tests are provided for in the design documentation.

6.9 Representatives of state control (supervision) bodies, upon notification of the work contractor, can participate, in accordance with their powers, in procedures for assessing the conformity of the results of work hidden by subsequent work, and individual structures according to 6.2.

6.10 When identifying inconsistencies, state control (supervision) bodies apply sanctions provided for by current legislation (Article 34).

6.11 Administrative control over construction in order to limit the adverse impact of construction and installation work on the population and territory in the zone of influence of ongoing construction is carried out by local government bodies or organizations authorized by them (administrative inspections, etc.) in the manner established by current legislation.

Supervision consists of preliminary establishment of construction conditions (dimensions of construction site fencing, time schedule of work, waste removal, maintaining order in the surrounding area, etc.) and monitoring compliance with these conditions during construction. The developer is responsible to the local government body, unless otherwise provided by the agreements.



LLC "433 Military Construction Administration"

Ustinov V.E.


Incoming inspection of product materials and structures


This instruction establishes the requirements for conducting incoming inspection of materials, products and structures.

Incoming inspection of materials, products and structures (hereinafter referred to as products) upon their arrival at warehouses is carried out for the purpose of:

    checking the availability and completeness of accompanying documents,

    assessment and verification of compliance of the quality of incoming products with the requirements of regulatory documents,

    warnings about the use of products in cases where they are defective,

    identifying the causes and culprits of identified defects (suppliers’ fault, OMTS fault, the result of improper transportation, installation defects, etc.),

    ensuring traceability in accordance with Instruction I III-7-13-2007.

The requirements of this instruction clarify the provisions of the Quality Manual “433 VSU” for activities in accordance with elements 7.5.1, 8.2.4 and 8.3 of GOST R ISO 9001-2001.

This instruction applies to the Logistics Department “433 VSU”, the Central Warehouse, the logistics departments of branches, and construction sites.

1.Terms and their definitions

1.1.In this STP the following terms are used:


Identification of products by applying designations to units of products, their packaging, containers, accompanying documents, allowing them to be clearly identified


The ability to trace the history, application, or location of what is being considered.

Traceability may relate to the distribution and location of products after delivery (clause 3.5.4 of GOST R ISO 9000-2001):


Failure to comply with the requirement (clause 3.6.2 of GOST R ISO 9000-2001):


Organization or person providing products (clause 3.3.6 GOST R ISO 9000-2001):


Result of activities or processes (clause 3.4.2 GOST R ISO 9000-2001)

Specified Requirements Requirements established in regulatory documents

or contracts

The procedure by which the main characteristics of the object that it possesses at the time of registration are recorded (recorded) in the relevant document

2. Accepted abbreviations

2.1.The following abbreviations are adopted in these Instructions:

SMU – construction and installation department;

OMTS - logistics department

3.normative references

3.1. This standard uses references to the following regulatory and technical documents:

    GOST R ISO 9001-2001. Quality management system.


    GOST R ISO 9000-2001. Quality management system.


GOST 24297-80. Product quality management system. Incoming product quality control. Basic provisions.

P-7 (dated April 25, 1966). Instructions on the procedure for quality acceptance of industrial and technical products and consumer goods.

4. main provisions

4.1.The type, volume, rules for acceptance of materials and products are determined by regulatory documents (GOST, TU, SNiP, SN, etc.) for a specific type of materials and products and structures.

    4.2.The scope of incoming inspection is accepted in accordance with the requirements of state standards for testing methods and taking into account the degree of confidence in the Supplier.

    4.3. Incoming inspection of materials and products arriving at the warehouses of OMTS "433 VSU" and SMU includes:

    control of the availability of quality documents;

    control of compliance of accompanying documents with actual receipt;

selective quality control of materials and products;

    testing materials and products, if necessary.

    4.4. Incoming control is carried out by:

warehouse managers when accepting materials and products to OMTS warehouses;

    work producers, foremen when accepting materials, products and structures to warehouses at construction sites.

    4.5. The results of incoming inspection are recorded:

OMTS warehouse managers in acceptance logs,

    site superintendents in the "Journal of incoming inspection and acceptance of products, products, materials and structures in construction."

    4.6.In magazines. OMTS warehouses record the following product data:

    name of materials and products;

    date of control (test);

    manufacturer (Supplier);

    delivery quantity; number of the waybill;

    number of the accompanying quality document for delivery;

batch number;

4.8. If there is doubt about the quality of the equipment received at the warehouse, the senior foreman (foreman, foreman) sends them for testing to the laboratory or calls the Head of the laboratory for consultation.

4.9. The results of tests carried out in the laboratory are signed by the performer(s).

4.10. The head of the laboratory sends the conclusion on the results of tests carried out in the laboratory to the Head of the SMU.

4.11. If the laboratory cannot conduct tests on its own, then the Head of the laboratory, with the consent of the Chief Engineer of “433 VSU”, sends product samples for testing to specialized organizations that have licenses to conduct tests for third-party organizations.

4.12. It is prohibited to correct data in acceptance logs and test logs. If an error is made while recording, the incorrect entry is crossed out so that it can be read, and the correct entry is made next to it. The signature of the person who made it and the date of entry are placed next to the correct entry (correction).

4.13. Persons receiving products (warehouse managers, foremen, foremen) are responsible for the accuracy and objectivity of the results of acceptance control.

4.14. The head of the laboratory is responsible for the completeness and reliability of the tests performed and the conclusions made on the quality of the product.

5.Procedure for carrying out incoming inspection
UPTK warehouse managers

5.1. When materials, products and structures arrive at the warehouse, the warehouse manager or foreman checks:

    appearance, surface condition, packaging, marking, compliance of marking with certificate data;

    completeness of the delivered products;

    registers received products;

    controls the correctness of storage.

5.2. Documents on the quality of products arriving at the warehouse (certificates, passports, etc.) or copies thereof are stored in the warehouse.

5.3. Products received without quality documents or raising doubts about their quality are not accepted or are stored separately until the relevant documents are received.

5.4. If the quality of products received by SMU is in doubt, then the foreman makes a decision on:

    calling the responsible representative of the Supplier to file a complaint,

    carrying out tests.

5.5. Information about products accepted into the warehouse is recorded in the Journal (see clause 4.5).

5.6. Products rejected during incoming inspection are marked with the inscription “Defective” and are stored separately in defective isolators until a decision is made to return them to the Supplier.

5.7. With the permission of the foreman, the storekeeper releases into production only products that have passed the incoming inspection.

5.8. Responsibility for the release from the SMU warehouse into production of materials, products and those that do not meet the established requirements based on the results of the incoming control is borne by the Site Manager.

6.procedure for eliminating inconsistencies identified during incoming inspection

6.1. In the absence (expiration of validity) of certificates of conformity, sanitary epidemiological conclusions, fire safety certificates OMTS “433 VSU”, sends a request to the supplier.

6.2. If damage, contamination or discrepancy between the data in the accompanying quality documents and the actual receipt is detected during the incoming inspection of the product, the Warehouse Manager or Foreman:

    notifies, respectively, the Head of OMTS “433 VSU” or the Head of OMTS of the branch about the supply of non-conforming products;

    organizes the acceptance of non-conforming products for safekeeping.

6.3. The head of the OMTS of the branch, after receiving a notification about non-conforming products arriving at the construction site or warehouse of the branch, notifies OMTS 433 of the VSU about this.

6.4.OMTS “433 VSU” after receiving a notification about the delivery of non-conforming products:

    sends a call to the Supplier indicating the date, bill of lading number, quantity of received materials and products and the reason for the call;

    conducts a commission and draws up an Act on the replacement of materials and products.

7.Procedure for storing incoming inspection documentation

7.1.After accepting the products, foremen (foremen) make copies of the invoices and leave them for storage on site until the end of the warranty period of the facility in the construction of which these materials were used

7.2. Warehouse managers (foremen, foremen) transfer delivery notes, invoices and receipt orders for supplied materials, products and structures to the accounting department of “433 VSU”, where they are stored for 5 years.

7.3. Incoming control logs are stored in warehouses and in the SMU until the end of the warranty period of the facility in the construction of which these materials were used.

7.4. The first copies of complaint reports are stored for 1 year.

7.5. Certificates of conformity, sanitary and epidemiological conclusions, fire safety certificates are stored in warehouses and in SMU until their expiration date.

Head of Development,

Head of OMTS “433 Armed Forces of Ukraine”

Responsible executor,

Head of Quality Service

"433 APU"

7.6.Change registration sheet

No. changes

Sheet/page numbers

entries in




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