Horoscope for Pisces expanded for October. October horoscope for Pisces woman

  • 08.09.2024

Fish. Horoscope for October 2018 for Pisces.

October promises to pass without any major disasters for Pisces, but it won’t let anyone relax either.. You will have to maneuver, make decisions and make choices. Unusual situations await many, but the stars say that they can be turned to your advantage. You may be torn by passions and ambitions, but you are not yet inclined to show this to others. Not everything is smooth in relationships with a regular partner, although dating can be quite successful. If you are going to change jobs, it is better to do it in the first half of the month.

Favorable days in October 2018 for Pisces – 1, 2, 10, 14, 15, 24, 25
Unfavorable days in October 2018 for Pisces – 3, 4, 12, 13, 19, 23

Career and finances of Pisces in October 2018
In October, Pisces may face troubles in the career field.. But you shouldn’t be pessimistic in advance. You have enough strength and wisdom to make the right decisions. This month you are very efficient, and you need to work as if inevitable success awaits you ahead.
During this period, you will be visited by constructive ideas regarding transformation in your professional activities. Before you do anything, think about the consequences. Try not to hurt other people's feelings. Develop an action plan, taking into account all the details, and present it to your colleagues. Surely they will want to bring new ideas to life. It is very good if you work in pairs or groups. But do not get involved with people with whom you have previously failed to reach mutual understanding.
In financial terms, in October the stars warn Pisces: Don't be tempted to spend a lot of money on entertainment, even if it seems worth it. These tools will come in handy very soon.

Personal life of Pisces in October 2018
At the beginning of October, Pisces will become categorical in matters of personal life.. In this regard, your partner may lose self-control. Try to be flexible in relationships, especially since you have an innate sense of tact. Forgive your loved one's occasional mistakes and don't pester him with nagging. Perhaps your loved one needs some freedom. Even if you feel jealous, don't make a scene. It would never even occur to your partner to cheat on you, and your behavior and reproaches will not have the best effect on the relationship.
Pisces who dream of a permanent relationship need to be patient until the end of the month. At this time you will become unusually attractive. Take advantage of the moment and introduce yourself to the person you care about.

Pisces health in October 2018
In October, Pisces are likely to face weight problems, which can either increase or decrease. In this regard, not only the figure suffers, but also health in general.
During this period, you will tend to stay up late working, studying, watching movies, and on social networks. Constant lack of sleep will cause lethargy and apathy. Fatigue will accumulate every day, which can lead to health problems. You need to take more care of yourself, normalize your diet, rest more and get enough sleep.

Love and relationships are an important theme in October. The horoscope advises spending more time with your loved one and participating in joint activities. If things haven't been going so well in your personal life lately, try looking at your circumstances from a different angle. There are good chances to resolve situations that remained unresolved in the past and make relationships more harmonious.

Your better half seems to be more self-centered this month, more preoccupied with their own needs and desires, but patience and intuition will help you establish rapport. If you are open to discussion and control your urge to criticize, you will make a positive contribution to resolving any disputes or misunderstandings, especially when it comes to everyone's responsibilities.

Love planet Venus begins retrograde on October 5, 2018, so try not to fall into the trap of high expectations. It’s good if hopes and dreams in love are within the limits of reality and do not cross the border of what is achievable in reality.

The Sun is in the eighth house of Pisces until October 23, 2018, marking a passionate period for both established couples and those Pisces who are just starting a relationship. If you are still single, you may attract someone who wants to take the lead in the relationship.

Pisces Career and Finance Horoscope for October 2018

You will achieve better results through partnerships and teamwork than by working alone. At the same time, there is a tendency to demonstrate excessive zeal in work or even to appear almost like a hero. It would be better to remain humble and listen to the opinions of more experienced colleagues, even if it initially seems unacceptable to you.

Jupiter and Venus in the ninth house of Pisces hint at great success in work, which includes cooperation with foreign partners. There are opportunities to establish productive contacts with people from other cities and countries. Successful trips for business purposes. If you are looking for a new job, try sending your resume to an international company or an organization with large teams of employees.

When it comes to finances, you should be more careful with money. Mars, the ruler of the money house of Pisces, is located in the twelfth house, which indicates a tendency to make mistakes. Follow a reasonable savings regime and do not spend money on unnecessary things. For example, you may give in to the urge to travel, even though it will put a big strain on your budget.


With Mars in the twilight zone of the twelfth house, it is recommended to pay more attention to health. You have a lot of energy, but are prone to agitation and nervousness. Old health problems may return or new ones may arise unexpectedly. Moreover, the position of the Sun in the eighth house also carries health risks. It is important to set the right direction of activity in order to realize oneself in constructive activities. In the second half of the month, planetary influences are more favorable for you than in the first half.

It's time to focus on new projects. Dare and act, the stars are on your side!

They are incorrigible dreamers. Life with Pisces cannot be called practical, but there will be more than enough kindness, positivity and mystery in it. He, like a sponge, absorbs all the sorrows and experiences of loved ones, so he sincerely worries about them and even suffers. Like any other sign, he deserves the best in life, and what exactly he is looking for will help determine the horoscope for October. The Pisces man is ready to move towards success, but will never give up on his unknown dream.


The horoscope endowed this representative with a subtle mental organization with a significant amount of skepticism. Logic is not expressed, but this is compensated by great intuition. Therefore, these men often amaze with their gift of clairvoyance. Women should know that they are divided into two types:

  1. Active
  2. Passive

The first type includes men who know exactly their periods of hot flashes. They feel a surge of energy and actively use it to achieve success.

The second type forces them to remain stranded. The love horoscope says that it is difficult for women with such men, they have to earn a living for two, and from Pisces they only receive romanticism and sensuality.

In October, men of this sign will have to be decisive and often drown their dreams for the sake of success. At the initial stage of a romantic relationship, nothing will push a woman away from him. He is a wonderful lover and gallant suitor. But soon it will be noticeable to the naked eye how difficult the business world lends itself to him, which means the process of generating money is also complicated.

Active Pisces men will clearly feel their mood in October. According to the horoscope, single representatives will be successful in solving both work and love issues at the same time. A woman who is lucky enough to get such a husband will be extremely happy. Loyalty and prosperity are guaranteed to them.

The October horoscope states that all the representative of this sign needs now is understanding and the opportunity to relax with you. It usually takes a Pisces man a long time to regain his strength. For literally a week, Pisces become great silent people. Don’t scold them for this, but rather let them be alone for a while.

In October, family men experience some coolness in their relationships with their spouses. They will be the most susceptible to offense. The horoscope urges women not to try to offend him on purpose. His self-confidence leaves much to be desired. Instead, be supportive and let him know that his virtue is valued and needed.


The October horoscope predicts financial stability. If a man lives alone, his costs to himself are negligible. For a whole month he can subsist on simple food and not buy anything for himself. This allows him to save a considerable amount. But once he starts spending, he will certainly spend every last penny.

It is very important for such a man to find a woman for himself, the complete opposite of himself. She must be able to earn money and not be a spender. Otherwise, the marriage will not last even a month.

In mid-October, the financial horoscope is favorable to representatives of the sign. Their intelligence, combined with intuition, is conducive to good income growth. Pisces the Goat will cope especially well with this. If he plays on the stock exchange, there is a chance of a sharp increase in income. Pisces are not prone to gambling; many of them successfully invest on stock and currency exchanges.

At the end of October, the horoscope does not recommend making large purchases. A man of this sign expects to invest a tidy sum in an expensive item, hoping for a quick income. October does not provide such guarantees. By purchasing a car, you can be left without a penny for November and December.

The horoscope advises Pisces to start saving for tomorrow at least 10 percent of your monthly income. In the future, this will create a good financial cushion and eliminate unnecessary loans.

Taking out loans or giving loans in October is also not worth it. Cash flow may suffer significantly from this; there is a risk that the money given will not be returned.


The career horoscope is shaping up relatively well. October will be an uplifting month for them in many ways. If management suits Pisces, he will be an exemplary worker and a good performer. If conflicts arise, Pisces can turn on their sarcasm and bring the situation to the point where they have to quit.

Representatives involved in creative professions will have good luck in new projects. Pisces will be inspired by the Muse and if she is not scared away, an amazing result is expected! Those who write poetry or are closely associated with literature will finally be rewarded. In their life, such a review of creativity is expected, which can become a turning point in life. The main thing, says the horoscope, is not to isolate yourself and try to express yourself on all kinds of resources.

A Pisces man whose work is related to finances or the cash flows of other people is absent-minded in October. Perhaps this comes from the fact that work has ceased to bring him satisfaction. Misfires will occasionally make themselves felt throughout the month. If you don’t pull yourself together, you risk running into a reprimand from management.

Those men who have worked tirelessly throughout the year should plan a vacation. Preferably mid-October. This will be the best period for improving your health. Have you saved enough money for a trip to the sea? Don't hesitate, go. Not strong enough on your feet to travel far? Nothing. You can relax in a neighboring city or in nature . The Pisces man’s horoscope for October assures that the main thing is to surround yourself with a favorable environment and people.

There is only one thing that can upset a man in his career. An accurate horoscope states that among your colleagues there are those who are annoyed by your rhythm and principle of work. They put a spoke in your wheels. If you continue to remain silent and endure blows from them, you may pay dearly. Use cunning, bring the ill-wisher to clean water.


The horoscope for 2017 says if you want to succeed, be more decisive and sharp, show masculine traits and get rid of feminine sentimentality.

In October there will be a good opportunity to find a life partner. She will not only become a beloved wife, but also a sincere friend. The October horoscope gives this connection a special gift of forgiveness. A marriage concluded in the future can last until a very old age and leave happy offspring.

October 2017 promises success for single representatives. Both in career and on the love front. But you can’t rely on the stars alone. If Pisces does not stop avoiding initiative, this will turn their luck away and run them aground. The horoscope advises that every time you want to hide your head in the sand or close yourself in your shell, think about how your life will change in 1, 3, 5 years?


For family Pisces, this is a period of disagreement. The wife is dissatisfied with the current financial situation. The man is somewhat confused and does not know how to correct the situation. Sometimes this gives rise to aggression on his part. The horoscope for 2018 reassures representatives of the Water sign; if you don’t know what to do, go with the flow. This strategy has helped you more than once, and it will help you this time too. In the end, even if the spouses divorce, the man will soon find the strength to move on with his life.

The second half of the year offers Pisces the opportunity to look at themselves from the outside. October 2017 was a bit of a turning point. Pisces will listen more to their inner voice and analyze what is wrong in their life. Those who understand themselves and begin to act decisively will be very lucky. Their flexible mind combined with determination is a nuclear mixture for those around them. Not everyone can boast of this.


The year promises big changes in life. Your head will be filled with new ideas and projects, new acquaintances will bring many surprises in your personal life. The horoscope for 2019 promises a good chance to climb several steps up in career, love and spiritual terms.

In summer it is better not to take risks. This will have a detrimental effect on business. Trust your intuition more, it knows better than others what to do.

October 2019 is marked by a change in activity. Or the Pisces man will start a new business that will immediately generate good income. Proceed with caution, do not boast of merit. The horoscope foretells good luck only if you do not declare it publicly.

At the end of the year, take time to summarize. What has been done, what remains to be done? Which negative traits were you able to pull out of yourself, and which ones require further work? Force yourself to constantly improve yourself, but in your free time don’t forget to dream.

Would you like to know what the stars have in store for Pisces in the second month of autumn in various areas of life? Then you will be interested in reading the informative horoscope for Pisces for October 2018. Read carefully.

In October 2018, it is typical for representatives of this constellation to be charming and nice with almost all people. Unfortunately, your overly friendly and open perception of the world may lead to the fact that several fans (or admirers) will be fascinated by you at once. Let's look at this in more detail in the area of ​​personal life. And now the time has come to find out what this spontaneity of October will result in?

The stars find it quite useful for your current situation, especially for professional affairs and everything related to the financial side of life.

Influence of stars and planets on Pisces in October

What will make Pisces people tune in to a romantic note and become a real magnet for representatives of the opposite sex? Of course, the main merit here will belong to Venus - the goddess of love and beauty, whose help will be supplemented by the forces of the Moon and Jupiter.

The period of time during which these celestial bodies actively influence Pisces will make them unusually charming for those around them. With the help of the energies of Venus and the Moon, you will improve your perception of the world and begin to perceive everything more subtly. And the thoughtfulness and seriousness of Jupiter will fill you with unsurpassed worldly wisdom.

The most important thing that all these planets will give you is the radiation of invisible fluids of tolerance and kindness, which other people simply cannot help but notice.

The stars promise Pisces the appearance of new friends and acquaintances in October. Moreover, for them you will immediately turn into a small ray of sunshine, a “micro-cosmos”, a device that gives a lot of optimism.

True, it should be noted that from time to time your idyll will be destroyed under the influence of the formidable Mars. It is the red planet that represents the only opponent of Pisces in October. Fortunately, you, together with your celestial defenders, will certainly deal with the Martian attacks. Plus, you will be saved by your own humanity, which will help you instantly cope with any outbursts of negative emotions.

How the amorous sphere of Pisces’ life promises to develop

Turning to the sphere of Pisces’ personal life in October 2018, we are faced with ambiguity. After all, on the one hand, you are guaranteed to receive recognition from all your acquaintances, and will be known among them as an amazingly charming person.

But on the other hand, your regular partner will not like the current situation at all, because he will not want to constantly share you with the whole world. Therefore, if you really value your relationship, make every effort on your part so that your loved one does not feel lonely and abandoned.

Those same Pisces who, for some reason, are still without a partner, will be able, without their desire, to create a lush aura around themselves, consisting of their admirers and admirers. You will never be able to convey to each of them that your smiles and good mood do not at all indicate rapprochement. It will take a very long time to explain – at least several months.

Health sector overview

The second month of autumn does not give Pisces very high energy, so they need to carefully take care of themselves and adhere to moderation in everything.

The presence of general fatigue, overwork, and irritability in October 2018 will become a completely natural phenomenon for Pisces. With this behavior, your body signals that you should not work too hard and take care of your well-being. The stars recommend that you take preventive measures and health activities.

In terms of cosmetic self-care, toning procedures and lifting programs are recommended. You will also get good results by resorting to anti-aging care.

What's next in finance?

In October 2018, Pisces will be a little saddened by the state of their financial sphere of life. You will constantly be let down - if not by your partners, then by your close circle. Be that as it may, you should be careful with your money and protect yourself from the possibility of losses.

In addition, October 2018 will not be the best time to resolve serious commercial issues. But in the last week of the month you can safely plan your purchases - they promise to be quite successful.

Business and career horoscope

As for your work, the horoscope promises to benefit from the current situation, even despite the presence of disagreements and some restrictions.

The bosses will show their favor towards you, and dissatisfied colleagues will quickly leave behind when you say a few sharp jokes at their expense.

The main part of the month for Pisces will be spent solving problems that have arisen in their lives. Plus, they will also begin to understand their surroundings.

Some complication of previously harmoniously established relationships with colleagues from other cities or even states cannot be ruled out. Unexpected obstacles may arise that complicate the process of moving things forward and you will not be able to cope with them instantly.

If you are going to move, open your own business in another city or even state, then in October 2018 you will be forced to solve problems that you will be able to fully cope with only by November and December.

Moreover, there will be a deterioration in relations with old friends or those who occupy a high social position. Most likely, old debts or other circumstances in which both parties have different perceptions will become relevant.

  • In the period from the first to the seventh, before making important decisions, it is necessary to carefully weigh all alternatives. And it’s even better to seek a recommendation from someone who has an unbiased point of view.
  • From the eighth to the fifteenth of October - arrange days of forgiveness for your family and friends, as well as for yourself. Start to see life in a positive context again.
  • In the period from the sixteenth to the twenty-second of October - do not rejoice until you get the final result. It is likely that completely unforeseen circumstances will arise at the last moment or a loved one will deceive you.
  • From the twenty-third to the thirty-first - gather your will into a fist and continue to act, no matter what happens around you.

October 2018 promises to bring such events for Pisces people. Be sure to listen to the advice of the stars if you want to protect yourself from possible troubles.

And for a snack, of course, watch this interesting thematic video:

You will be full of energy, but this time you will want to relax and allow yourself what you have been limiting yourself to for a long time. October will change all your plans in unexpected ways, so you won't have to live according to a pre-planned scenario. Trust fate and go with the flow, and then you will be able to learn a lot of new and interesting things for yourself. In October you will have a lot of free time. Pisces will happily spend it on pleasant hobbies and romantic relationships. Some representatives of this sign will want to retire and spend as much time as possible in nature reading a book. You should not resist this desire, even if you have a lot of things to do: you can lose energy and do everything wrong, and then spend a lot of time correcting mistakes and shortcomings.

The romantic mood of this month will allow you to gain energy to complete the things you started and take on new ones. Therefore, do not rush and do not plan anything in advance: most likely, reality will make its own adjustments to your plans and dreams. At the beginning of the month, your personal interests will come to the fore. Many Pisces will want to get themselves in order and just get a good night's sleep and relax in nature. Noisy parties, intense communication, including with family, will only irritate you. Therefore, try to spend as much time as possible on solitude and activities that do not require the participation of others. Now you need to concentrate and gain energy for further activities.

Horoscope for Pisces Women October 2018

Representatives of the sign will be in a romantic mood throughout the month and will even want to change their own style and image to a more feminine, expensive, subtle and romantic one. The changes will allow you not only to feel more confident in communicating with men, but also to be alone with your chosen one more often. The minutes spent together will be precious for you: you will not only learn a lot of new things about your loved one, but you will also be able to notice previously hidden creative talents in yourself. In the second half of the month, new affairs and projects will come to the fore.

However, you are unlikely to want to plunge into work headlong unless it requires creative energy and developed imagination. Only in this situation will harmony between work and rest be achieved. Many creative individuals can achieve success if they allow their own feelings to open up. However, try to avoid passivity and do not abuse alcohol so that your actions give the results you want. Communication with friends in the second half of the month promises to be eventful and interesting. You will learn a lot of new things and be able to spend several evenings in pleasant company.

Women's horoscope for October 2018 Pisces

It is possible that the month will pass under the sign of passion and love. Finding out relationships with old lovers will make the first and second ten days of October a time of conflict and not particularly pleasant, especially if love and money are closely related. In October 2018, when faced with difficult and seemingly hopeless situations, do not rush into despair and make hasty conclusions. Remember the proverb “The morning is wiser than the evening.” “Morning” in this case could be November or December. At this time, passions will subside, and opportunities will arise to make the right and correct decision. In October 2018, following a dream or a loved one, Pisces will go in search of adventures that will give you thrills but bring disappointments. These days you will begin to pay much more attention to issues of love.

Perhaps you have not yet found your ideal, because your imagination does not picture relationships between loving people at all. In an effort to achieve attention, you are looking for a partner who can share your views on life and help you make the right choices. A person who is conscientious, reliable and hardworking would make a mate for you, but in October 2018, Pisces may be carried away by someone who strives for independence and wants to be different from everyone else, standing out among others with something special. Your marriage partner in October 2018 will need your help and sympathy, because he will have problems at work or with relatives. Those moving to distant lands can also count on a successful solution to their problems in November - December. Children will share romantic secrets or hobbies with you. You will have the opportunity to have long conversations with them on topics of love and morality, discussing high ideals and values ​​in life.

Women's horoscope for October 2018 Pisces

Pisces women, pay attention to the farthest and coldest planet. It is Pluto who will become your personal assistant in all matters in October. At the beginning of the month, it will allow you to throw away all heavy thoughts, relax and immerse yourself in pleasant dreams. Starting from October 9, new problems in your personal affairs await you. You will need to involve as many people as possible in solving these problems; you will be powerless alone. Astrologers are confident that the coming month will go well with new acquisitions, not only of a material nature, but also of an emotional one. Do not deny yourself anything, even if it concerns the heart of your admirer. This is your time - take action.