Topic SEASONS OF THE YEAR AND THE WEATHER. Description of weather in English: words, expressions and example texts Weather phenomena in English

  • 14.08.2023

There are five climatic zones on this planet: the equatorial climate zone, the tropical climate zone, the temperate climatic zone, Arctic and Antarctic climate belts.
Our country is in the temperate climatic zone. Average temperature is 12-13 degrees above zero (Celsius) here.
The weather is the thing we always talk about. In Great Britain if people don"t know what talk about they talk about the weather. It often changes and brings cold and misty, sunshine and rain, frost and snow.
In summer the sun shines, often there is no wind and there are no clouds in the sky which is blue and beautiful. We can see stars and the moon at night and people like walks, outdoor games and sports in the fresh air. It"s usually 18-20 degrees above zero (Celsius).

When autumn comes, the days become shorter and colder. It gets dark earlier and often heavy clouds cover the sky bringing rain with them. Sometimes there is heavy rain, so that an umbrella or a raincoat is necessary if we don"t want to get wet through. Then you can hear people say, "What bad weather! When is this rain going to stop?" Many people then catch cold and must go to bed. Then a fire at home is so pleasant. And in autumn the temperate is usually 5-15 above zero degrees (Celsius).
At last frost and snow come. Fields, forests and houses are covered with snow and rivers and lakes with ice. In winter people enjoy skiing, skating and sledging. Children like to play snowballs. The temperate is usually 5-20 below zero degrees (Celsius).
But spring again brings sunshine and warm winds. Sometimes it snows but snow will not remain long, it will melt in the warm sun." Spring will bring bright sunshine, green grass and flowers. The temperate is usually 13-14 above zero degrees (Celsius).
But the weather is very different, and we can know about tomorrow weather from weather forecasts.
We get wet through when we are caught in a rainstorm without a coat. Sometimes we put on a sweater and then find that the weather has become hot. We do not always know what weather to expect.
On TV and radio there are daily weather forecasts. Sometimes, the forecast is not quite right as the weather is not an easy thing to forecast.
All day and night, weathermen are collecting information from ships, planes, weather stations, and space stations. With the help of this information, they can understand what the weather will be like during the next few days. As a result of the weathermen's work we learn about the weather.
Although no two days will have exactly the same weather, some types of weather people can forecast. When a barometer shows high pressure, the weather will be calm. In winter it will be cold and frosty. In summer it usually means misty mornings and hot sunny days. When the barometer shows low pressure, look out for rain and strong winds.
People invented many proverbs and sayings about weather. This is some of them: When the wind is west the weather is always best. When the wind"s in the south, the rain"s in its mouth.
If you don't like the weather in New England, just wait a few minutes.
A lot of professions are dependent on weather. For example: vet, farmer and others.

So we cannot live without weather, because practically all of our plans depend on weather. But without it our life will be very-very bored and routine.

Seasons and Weather – Seasons and weather

Weather changes during the year. So people usually divide it into four seasons.


Winter is the coldest season of a year. It begins in December. This is the time when lakes and rivers start covering with ice and the first snow begins to fall. When there is a lot of snow in the streets and the ice is strong enough, people often go outside for their favorite winter activities like skiing, skating, sledging and throwing snowballs.

The end of December is the conclusion of a year itself, and a new year comes with January. In this month frosts strike harder and blizzards unleash their natural rage. It usually lasts until the middle of February and then changes into slight thaw periods. The weather becomes rather warm and sunny and we can feel the spring approaching.


In March blizzards can strike again, and the sky is often covered with dark clouds. But it doesn't last for long, and by the end of March grim sky brightens and you can see blooming flowers and trees.

This is the time when nature begins to wake up from its winter sleep. April brings total rejuvenation to the woods, fields and meadows. Animals leave their lairs and birds come back to their homeland. In May the sunshine becomes brighter and hotter while days become longer. But the beginning of May is famous for its heavy rains and thunderstorms.


Although summer is the hottest season of a year, the weather is often cool and rainy in June. Trees start fructifying while woods and fields become abundant in berries.

In July it is getting hotter and drier. During this period people usually spend time by the sea, lakes and rivers. They eat ice cream and have cold drinks, saving themselves from the heat. The weather usually remains unchanged until the end of August.


It is usually still warm in September, but nights become cooler and longer. Days are often rainy and foggy. In the beginning of October cold winds start blowing and leaves are getting yellow and red and then begin to fall.

Autumn is also a harvest season. Vegetables, fruits, wheat and rye are cropped at this time. In November early frosts begin and the hoarfrost appears on the ground and trees. Birds start flying away to the south and animals make preparations for the wintertime.

The weather changes throughout the year. Therefore, the year is divided into four seasons.


Winter is the coldest time of the year. It starts in December. At this time, lakes and rivers are covered with ice, and the first snow falls. When there is a lot of snow on the streets and the ice is already quite strong, people often go outside to ski, skate, sled and play snowballs.

The end of December is the end of the year, the new year begins in January. This month the frosts become stronger and the snowstorms become more violent. This weather usually persists until mid-February, followed by short periods of thaw. The weather becomes quite warm and sunny, and you can feel the approach of spring.


In March, snowstorms can continue and the sky is often overcast. But this does not last long, and by the end of March the gloomy sky clears up, the first flowers appear, and fruit trees bloom.

At this time, nature wakes up from its winter sleep. In April, forests, fields and meadows come to life. Animals leave their winter homes, and birds return to their native lands. In May, the sun shines brighter and hotter, the days lengthen, but the beginning of May is famous for showers and thunderstorms.


Although summer is the hottest time of the year, June is often cool and rainy. Fruits ripen on the trees, and many berries appear in the forests and fields.

In July the weather becomes hotter and drier. During this period, people usually spend time on the seashore, lakes and rivers. They eat ice cream and drink cold drinks to escape the heat. This weather usually lasts until the end of August.


In September the weather is still warm, but the nights become cooler and longer. The days are often rainy and foggy. In October, a cold wind begins to blow, the leaves turn yellow and begin to fall off.

Autumn is also harvest season. At this time, fruits and vegetables are harvested, rye and wheat are reaped. In November, frost sets in and frost appears on the ground and trees. Birds fly to warm countries, and animals prepare for winter.

Everybody knows there are four seasons in a year. They are spring, autumn, summer and winter. Of course, all seasons are nice and every season has its color: spring for example is green, summer is bright, autumn is yellow, winter is white. Every season has its advantages.
Winter lasts for three months: December, January and February. The temperature in winter is low. It is frosty, and it often snows. Rivers and lakes are frozen. Everything is white with snow and it"s a merry time for both children and grown-ups, they can go skating and sledging, but sometimes the weather is rainy and gloomy, and this is the most unpleasant time.

Winter brings us a lot of wonderful holidays: New Year's Day with its New Year Tree, brightly decorated with toys and lights, the Snowmaiden and Father Frost. We also celebrate such holidays as Christmas. I think these are the most favorite holidays of our people.
Spring begins in March and ends in May. The Sun is warm, the sky becomes blue. The air is fresh, it is full of birds" songs. The trees and the grass are green. There are a lot of beautiful flowers. How beautiful they are: snowdrops, lilies, lilies of the valley, daffodils, lilac, tulips and violets - the first spring flowers. So nature returns to life.
The three summer months are June, July, August. In summer it is hot, the sky is clear and blue. The days are long and the nights are short and warm. Summer brings us fruits and vegetables. There are a lot of beautiful flowers. It is a very good season for holidays and vacations. We can go to the sea or to the forest and have a good time there.
After a good summer rest autumn comes. September, October, November are autumn months. The weather at the beginning is still fine. It is rather warm in the day-time, but it is already cool at night. The sun is not so warm as it is in summer. Autumn is the season of harvesting. Apples, pears, grapes and other fruits are in our gardens. In October and November is already cold. It often rains.
As you can see, it "s rather difficult to say what season is the best one, because as I have already said, every season has its own advantages. But nevertheless, my favorite season is spring. And it"s no wonder because i like fresh spring air and I like beautiful spring flowers. I also like to walk along the streets in spring and watch how nature awakens from its long winter sleep and returns to life.

  • advantage - advantage;
  • grown-ups - adults;
  • snowdrop - snowdrop;
  • lilies of the valley - lilies of the valley;
  • daffodil - yellow daffodil;
  • valley - valley;
  • violet - violet.
Everyone knows that there are four seasons a year. These are spring, autumn, summer and winter. Of course, all seasons are good, and each season has its own color: spring, for example, green, summer - bright, autumn - yellow, winter - white. Each season has its advantages.
Winter lasts three months: December, January and February. Temperatures in winter are low. Often frost and snow. Rivers and lakes freeze. Everything is covered with white snow, and this is the most fun time for both children and adults, you can go ice skating and sledding, but sometimes the weather is rainy and gloomy, and this is the most unpleasant time. Winter brings us many wonderful holidays: New Year with its New Year tree, brightly decorated with toys and lights, Snow Maiden and Santa Claus. We also celebrate a holiday like Christmas. I think these are the most beloved holidays of our people.
Spring begins in March and ends in May. The sun is warm, the sky turns blue. The air is fresh, it is full of birdsong. The trees and grass are green. There are many beautiful flowers. How beautiful they are: snowdrops, lilies, lilies of the valley, daffodils, lilacs, tulips and violets - the first spring flowers. Thus, nature comes back to life.
Three summer months - June, July, August. In summer it is hot, the sky is clear and blue. The days are long and the nights are short and warm. Summer brings us fruits and vegetables. There are many beautiful flowers. This is a very good season for holidays and holidays. You can go to the sea or to the forest and have a good time there.
After a good autumn holiday, summer comes. September, October, November are autumn months. The weather is still good at the beginning. Quite warm during the day, but cool at night. The sun is not as warm as in summer. Autumn is the harvest season. Apples, pears, grapes and other fruits in our gardens. It's already cold in October and November. It rains often.
As you can see, it is quite difficult to say which season is the best, because, as I said, each season has its own advantages. But, nevertheless, my favorite season is spring. And this is not surprising, because I love the fresh spring air, and I like beautiful spring flowers. I also love walking the streets in spring and watching nature awaken from its long winter hibernation and come back to life.

This page contains topic in English on this topic SEASONS OF THE YEAR AND THE WEATHER

I’d like to say that the weather in Russia depends greatly on the climatic conditions in the eastern part of the European continent. In England, for example, it depends on the sea and they say that they have no climate, only weather as it may change several times during the day. Perhaps for this reason the weather topic is favorite with the English and is at the same time a good conversation starter.

Here in Russia we don’t talk much of the weather, we just take it as it is. There are four definitely marked seasons here which differ considerably from each other. In general the climate in Russia can be characterized as moderately continental. It means that winters are fairly cold and summers are moderately hot. Though, of course, there may be exceptions.

Although each season lasts three months, in reality some of the seasons are longer and some are shorter. The longest in Russia is winter. Snow may fall as early as November and may not melt as late as the end of March. Summer on the contrary is the shortest season. It becomes really warm somewhere late in June. Late August is often rainy and cool as if warning that autumn is near.

Every season is good in its own way. And every season has its own negative features. Consider autumn for instance. It is the time when nature fades away. The days grow shorter. Cold weather sets in. Hoar frost covers the ground at night. It rains. Some autumn days may be really nasty when it doesn’t stop raining for days or even weeks. But in spite of all this I like autumn. It’s the period when the leaves are of beautiful colors from yellow to dark red. It’s the time of harvest and a splendid variety of fruits and vegetables that only autumn can offer.

Winter in Russia usually comes in November. At this time the countryside looks gloomy, calm and still. Snow covers up the ground and the roofs of the houses. On frosty days the branches of the trees are feathered with snow. In winter the sky is often gray and cloudy and it sometimes gets rather depressing and boring. Maybe one of the most unpleasant things about winter is that the sun sets early and rises late. The days are short and most people spend long dark winter evenings at home.

Summer comes in June and lasts usually till the end of August. The average temperature in summer is about 20-22 degrees above zero. Everyone would agree that summer is by far the best loved season. Who doesn’t enjoy bathing on a hot day in a cool river, picking mushrooms in the forest, basking in the sun on the beach and so on. I am crazy about things like this. But the main thing is certainly having a two-month holiday. It is great fun for schoolchildren.

And yet, the best season of the year for me is spring. I love spring. It is the time when nature comes to life again after its winter rest. Everything around is in bloom. The first flowers appear, trees put on new green leaves and everything is fresh and fragrant. In May cherry and apple trees burst into blossom and it’s a breath-taking sight. So in spring the nature starts living anew. I enjoy long walks in the country when everything is green. I share the opinion of those who say that spring is the season of love, hope and happiness.

In my view a person’s life depends to a certain degree on the climatic conditions he lives in. Though the English say “There’s no bad weather, there are bad clothes”, in reality bad weather influences our mood, emotions and even the physical state. Moreover, the economy of whole countries and their agriculture are determined by the climate.

As we live in the eastern part of Europe, the seasons here have their own specific features, both attractive and unpleasant. Let’s take autumn, for instance, when the nature fades away. The days grow shorter and nights become longer. The leaves turn yellow and fall to the ground. Gradually it gets colder and colder. But the worst of all is rain and drizzle. There are days when it rains for a while then the rain stops, but soon it starts again - and this goes on throughout the day. All these things are well-known and nobody can say he likes them.

Yet there are many people who like autumn. They try to look at the bright side of this season. They see autumn as the time of golden leaves, when the nature is quiet and attractive. Poets of all nations have autumn as the most beautiful time of the year. Golden autumn, they call it, and it’s really fantastic when the Indian summer sets in. I love that short spell of dry sunny weather when the sky is blue and cloudless, the trees around are golden, the air is transparent and it is still warm. Lord Byron, unlike Pushkin, didn’t like autumn. So once he said: “I like the weather, when it’s not raining. That is, I like two months of every year. They are certainly not autumn months." Autumn with rain and drizzle doesn’t appeal to me either.

I like winter much better. In my opinion the white kingdom of winter is wonderful. At this time nature is having a rest. Snow covers up the ground, and the vast fields blanketed with snow which glitters in the sun, look fabulous to me. I admire forests in winter as well. The only disadvantage is that the days are short. Many people stay most of their time inside, though many of them do winter sports like skiing or skating. I usually make myself comfortable in front of the TV set on cold winter evenings. But at the same time there is no denying the fact that winter is a hard time. Think of severe frosts and long dark nights when the wind is howling outside. But as we know neither good nor bad things last forever. Winter is always followed by spring and then summer.

Summer usually lasts for three months in Russia. The warmest is July. It’s never too hot or too cold here in summer. But last summer was unusually cool with many rainfalls and storms. The temperatures didn't go above 20°.

Although summer is the best and the happiest season for most people, my favorite season is spring. It is the time when nature changes from gray to green and from cold to warm. Spring comes rather late in Belarus. March is cold and April is usually cool and rainy but May is really beautiful, especially when the trees are in blossom. I love spring, it makes me feel more cheerful and active. And in conclusion, I want to say again that every season is beautiful and attractive in its own way and we never stop wondering at the nature’s wisdom and harmony.

Sometimes, people don’t know what they could talk about, especially if there is a language barrier between them. But there are some simple topics, which could be discussed even if you have small knowledge of the language you try to speak or culture, religion and some personal interest of your interlocutor. One of these topics is weather.

The weather is uncertain, but people learned to forecast it. We can see the forecast on TV or in the Internet. Scientists get all data from planes, ships, space stations, etc. This information doesn’t let us forget to take an umbrella or a hat, gloves and scarf to avoid a flue.

In the place where I live it’s very changeable and variable. Sometimes it’s not possible to predict the weather with no mistakes because it’s changing all time in spite of all special forecasts. It could bring cold and mist, rain and sunshine, thunder and clear sky on the same date. My city is located in European part of the country and it’s considered to be one of the most beautiful cities in Russia.

We have four seasons there. The summer isn’t too hot but so oppressively warm. Autumn brings a grand variety of rains, drafts and winds. When it starts it looks amazing: gold woods, honey grass, cozy atmosphere. But starting from the end of the October it’s getting muddy and gloomy. Winter is mild and brings a lot of snow. The spring comes with green grass and birds, which come back from the southern countries.

There are a lot of English proverbs and idioms about the weather. For example, “When two Englishmen meet, they first talk about weather”, “There is no bad weather, there are bad clothes”, “fair-weather friends”, etc. There are also many quotes of famous writers about the weather. My favorite one is quotation of M. Twain: “It is best to read the weather forecast before praying for rain.”


Sometimes people don't know what to talk about, especially if they are separated by a language barrier. But there are several conversational topics that can be discussed even if you don't know much about the language you're trying to speak or the culture, faith, and personal interests of your interlocutor. One such topic is weather.

The weather is very variable, but people have learned to predict it. We can see her forecast on TV or on the Internet. Scientists obtain all data using airplanes, ships, space stations and much more. This information prevents us from forgetting to take an umbrella or wear a hat, gloves and scarf to avoid the flu.

Where I live, the weather is changeable and varied. Sometimes it cannot be predicted accurately because, despite special forecasts, it is constantly changing. It can bring cold and fog, rain and sun, thunder and clear cloudless skies on the same day. My city is located in the European part of the country and is considered the most beautiful city in Russia.

We have four seasons. Summer is very hot, but too stuffy. Autumn brings a huge variety of rain, drafts and winds. When she first arrives, she looks amazing: golden forests, honey grass, cozy atmosphere. But starting from the end of October it becomes dirty and cloudy. Winter is mild and brings with it a lot of snow. Spring comes with green grass and birds returning from the southern countries.

There are many English proverbs and common expressions about the weather. For example, “When two Englishmen meet, they start talking about the weather,” “There is no bad season, only inappropriate clothes,” “friends only in good weather,” and much more. There are also many well-known aphorisms about this. My favorite quote is from Mark Twain: “It’s better to read the weather forecast before you pray for rain.”