A touching farewell letter to a married man. Farewell letter to a loved one in your own words

  • 07.10.2023

Your boyfriend cheated on you. You won’t be able to forgive him (you know for sure). But you can’t just leave either. Your trail is a farewell letter, where you pour out your whole soul on wet lines.

Write him a goodbye letter. Write! In it you can reflect your entire state. Write what is in your soul, in your heart, in your inner world.

Get yourself together, because writing will be hard too. There's no need to sugarcoat anything. Write everything as it is. If you are afraid to write something wrong, a sample letter will be waiting for you a little lower.

You can do whatever you want with the sample:

  1. You can ignore it and write your own and unique.
  2. You may not notice it, imagining that it was not there at all.
  3. You can take a few lines from it or the whole idea. You will not be punished for plagiarism.
  4. You can correct this letter.

The text of the letter is now yours!

You have the fullest right to dispose of it. Before you decide what to do with it, think it over very, very well.

The letter begins...

Farewell letter to a loved one (spiritual sample)

“Hello, my beloved traitor! I never thought that I would write these words to you... But you deserve them, sorry. Our love is a past that will not become the present or the future.

There is no need to look for those responsible for the separation, no need to try to fix anything. We parted, my dear, because our destinies needed it. Explanations are useless.

When you came to see me for the first time, it was a wonderful evening. And when I saw you on the threshold with a huge plush toy, the evening became even more wonderful. I can’t imagine how you brought her to the fifth floor without an elevator... You shocked all the steps leading to my floor!

We had fun, laughed, talked. I couldn't believe that I've known you for over ten years. We didn’t communicate before, but I remember how you ran after me, how you blushed and became timid when we met. But I was so inaccessible that the sky and stars seemed much more accessible to you.

You asked my parents for your hand in marriage. That evening when we ran to warm our hands in the kitchen. We were afraid to wake them up, but they woke up on their own. Apparently because our love was incredibly strong. The parents came to us, but did not shout. They smiled silently and said that we would talk in the morning.

No…. I won't remember this. There is no more meaning! I love every bit of my past that is connected with you. But this is not a reason to turn the past into the present.

You changed. You cheated on me, even though you swore that you would never do such a thing. And I believed. Believed, loved, adored. And I didn’t even suspect that you could or would want to be with another woman.

I love you. Goodbye!

And don’t try to return it, because I won’t give in to your persuasion. I sincerely wish you great happiness. I won't hate you. I won't blame. I just want you to disappear from my life forever! Don't say that doing this will be more complicated than that. Because it doesn't concern me.

I know how rude I am now. What did you expect? That I'll jump into your arms and we'll forget everything? I'm not vindictive, but I'm not the one who forgives absolutely everything. Don't shower me with toys, rings and flowers: it won't help! Have you completely forgotten about female pride? I remind you!

I gave you the most precious thing - You became my first man!

How I hoped that you would be a support and support for me. How I dreamed of a strong, real shoulder. But you didn't set it up for me. You betrayed me! How could you apologize after something like that? Even funny, although not laughable at all.

I won't be trite. I won’t ask about what exactly she “hooked” you with. The very fact of betrayal is enough for me. The pain you caused me is incurable. I was not ready for such tests. But I can stand them! Not to prove to you how strong I am. In order to learn to live somehow new, differently, differently. And I will learn! How is my personal business.

Thank you for the memories!

Believe me: there were wonderful moments in my life that appeared solely thanks to you.

I love you…. I love you, but I will hate you. Hate quietly, without revenge and scandals. It’s good for you: you can safely continue your infidelities. But already without me in your life.

I really wanted to forgive you. I dreamed of staying with you. But I can't fight myself anymore. Feelings won, but before. Now I'm trying to defeat them. Darling, forgive me and goodbye! Always be happy, but not next to me.”

I forgive you!

Girl, don't be upset, please. Many people cheat on many people. And you are no exception. Just consider yourself unlucky. Either you have to come to terms with it, or forget it, or...

No one will force you to write a letter. If you want, don't write. You can tell him everything in words. The meaning will not change from this, actually. And the letter was invented in order to alleviate the difficulty of the task. Writing is easier than speaking, looking into your eyes. Ask those who like to chat on the Internet.

Don't think about what he will say or how he will react. Think about that. How your future will turn out. And it should turn out well, because you deserve it. And don't blame yourself for that. That you're unlucky with another guy. Fate sometimes likes to play unfair tricks on people. She is to blame for what happened to you.

You will be the most loved and most desired!

You will if you learn to wait. This is how all expectations are rewarded. How long you will have to “wait” is another question. Only time will answer it. Well, it’s useless to be offended by him. Wait. Just wait. Be patient and good luck!

Switch things up. . .

I want to kill Love -

Parting -

I am writing a letter to you by chance... So…. The mood “prompted”…. I don’t know if I’ll send you what I’m writing, but it will definitely make me feel better! Even if it “sounds” selfish! Then I will say this: today I will allow myself to be selfish (to the fullest extent).

Goodbye! A terrible, but forced word. Farewell letter..., farewell word. Perhaps I wouldn’t have written it to you... But meeting you yesterday changed everything. I'm getting married. You have been invited to the wedding for a long time, because you are my best childhood friend. And yesterday I brought an official invitation... I was lucky: I gave it to you personally. Your sad phrase turned my whole mind upside down... You said (incredibly quietly): “you still decided to legitimize your relationship with him...”.

I understand that you only wish me happiness. I am grateful to you for volunteering to help with the “preparations” of the decorations…. But your tone managed to tell me a lot...

Sasha, I've been waiting for you too long! And I hoped for a lot in vain... In the distant past, I, one might say, ran after you. But you were small (boys grow up later than girls!) and didn’t understand anything. And I suffered, although I was also not very old. I can tell you honestly now: I have been in love with you for more than ten years! Impressive, right? I myself am in the same shock.

Did you keep my notes and letters? Do you store it now? I wrote you so many of them that it’s even embarrassing! But I (at that time) had no time for that! I waited for you to grow up, but I never did.

Our lives were scattered and scattered. But I couldn't forget you. I remembered the first time I was married. I was a little over twenty years old…. How long ago it was! I just feel old – old when I look at my passport! How quickly the years have flown by!

My friend (who knows you, but you definitely won’t remember her) was very surprised when she found out that we communicate closely with you.

No offense! My “farewell speech” is just a convention, nothing more! But I take you into a new life in the “role” of my best friend! Do you agree? I think that you will not refuse this.

If you understand that you love me, stop loving me! We have no future. Now there is no! It will sound rude now, but you are late, my friend! I really believe that you will find a girl, she will love you as much as I loved you for a long time...

Am I crying? Yes! Inspired by... It's a shame that it all turned out this way. I have been waiting for you for so many years, I protected, cared for and cherished my love... The result is a completely different future! But you won’t believe it, this is exactly what I dreamed about!

It’s very inconvenient that my small dream, which is connected with you, came true too late... We kissed! But I no longer needed that kiss, since I was already building a different destiny. I don't regret anything, of course. On the other side…. If something had worked out for you and me many years ago..... I wouldn’t have the person I love madly! Sorry, but I feel better with him! In any case, I did not lose the best years of my life and did not spend them on oceans of tears. I don't blame you for anything anymore. It's all gone!

If it hurts you mentally, don’t come to my celebration. You know. That I will understand you in this! But I will be grateful and happy if you are there on such a wonderful day for me!

Sanya, dear, you deserve great happiness! You told me the same thing. It turns out that both you and I deserve it, but in different “worlds.” I don’t mean the “Hare Krishna world” in which you now live…. Yes - yes, I mean you and me!

I have a very strange feeling inside right now... It’s as if something in the soul is dying, dying…. It is even more difficult to convey this in words. It’s easier to feel it.

But I wouldn’t wish this on anyone, I tell you honestly! If only you knew how hard it is for me to write all this now... But I am writing to make it easier...

Sanya! Thank you for being such a close friend to me! You've helped me out so many times that I've lost count! I helped you no less. But I always help everyone! And you are a special case. I want to do something good for you all the time...

You may misinterpret my behavior. I don’t have any feelings (except for friendship) for you! I treat you very well. Like none of the guys. But please don't count on anything. If it is difficult for you to see me, we will limit ourselves to communication on the Internet, messages and mobile phones.

I’ll write cruelty, but I’ll write it anyway! Otherwise it will “sit” inside me like a thorn. I suffered because of you, and now it’s your turn to suffer! Time will pass and everything will calm down, Sasha! Just manage to wait out this whole difficult period! I can advise you on how to do this! Work hard and spend a lot of time with friends. “Get lost” with your nephew Verochka. I have never seen her, but my grandmother says she is lovely. I don’t doubt this for a moment!

I have one request for you... When you finish reading the letter, come see me. I want to have a cup of coffee or tea with you. If you want, invite me to your place. And I'll be there right away! I can bake a cake too, if you’re willing to wait! You’ve known for a long time: I don’t go to visit empty-handed.

I have no idea how or what I will tell you. But I know for sure that you can’t plan anything. Any plans are in vain. Everything will be along a different “route”, and not along the one that would have been planned. We will look at everything according to the circumstances!

The following thought flashed through my head right now... That I will come to you and stand at the door, because you will not let me on the threshold. Do not be afraid of me! I'm not going to pester you at all! I am so faithful to my fiancé that even when greeting him on the cheek, I’m afraid to kiss him.

I've never been like this with anyone. Sanya, be happy for me: I fell in love with a man! Love is the greatest happiness. You can also mention health, but it is more difficult to find than a “soul mate”. I wish you to find it too, my friend! Don't forget to invite to the wedding! I’ll say right away: I definitely won’t come alone, since my beloved and I are one inseparable whole!

Understand every word of mine correctly, so that you don’t get offended and think badly of me. I deserve for you to think exceptionally well of me. Am I overestimating myself? May be! But don't focus on this! Thank you for reading these lines! Come to visit me! You don't have to answer a letter by letter. Say everything, looking into your eyes, if it’s not difficult!

Continuation. . .

Life - Love - Sadness.

Love fled away - they didn’t catch up...
This is apparently how it was written by fate.
We're waltzing, honey, we're tired
On the fragments of a blue dream,

Wake up trying in vain to try the strings
A sigh of former passion at the shoulder.
But the silent emptiness has its own runes
Sadness is written on our hearts...

Be happy! Goodbye! I don't kiss -
Lips smell like wormwood grass.
No, I’m not crying... But I’m stupidly jealous
To the one who will be loved by you.

Love's beautiful quivering sprout
We couldn't grow up with you,
I'll tear off the last leaf from it
Under the groan of a raging blizzard in the chest.

Goodbye. I wish you love... albeit with someone else.
I am unable to continue this torture.
I needed you very much, dear,
Now wormwood bitterness splashes in my veins.

Our feelings were the music that sounded in our hearts. But the time has come to change the disc; this melody, alas, did not become the soundtrack to our lives. I wish that the new tune that will play in your soul becomes a real hit and always stays at the top of the hit parade. Goodbye!

Goodbye. For everything I am grateful.
For every moment that was next to me.
The villainous fate was so insidious,
She separated us with a high wall.

Goodbye. Forget your grievances
Sorry for the coldness, harshness, caustic phrases,
Crystal dreams are all shattered.
There is me and you, but there is no more of us.

Goodbye. And be immensely happy
Find love, build your destiny.
Let the flame of warmth in your soul not go out,
Light a new star in the sky.

I am now free, light,
Like feather clouds.
My new prince is rushing to me
Riding on a fast horse.

Everything that happened between us is already in the past. At this crossroads of life, we will part with you, I will go my own way, and you will choose your path. I wish you to make the right choice, not make more mistakes and be happy, and I am already happy - I received a life lesson and freedom.

It hurts me so much to say goodbye to you,
I don't want to be so far away
I want to stay in your heart
In its most secret corner.

We will write stories of happiness,
But, alas, we will do this separately,
Someday we will find new darlings,
But something really didn’t work out for us.

I will keep in my memory
The tenderness of meetings, your kisses,
But I’ll stop calling and writing,
Today I will leave love.

For someone you will be good
The best, most desirable, believe me,
You were it for me, but behind the past
I close the door forever.

If separation is inevitable and you are thinking “how to break up with a guy without offending him?”, try writing a farewell letter to your boyfriend or beloved man.

Farewell letter examples

For example, this:

Farewell letter to the man you love

Farewell letter to a man who offended

Farewell letter to the man who cheated

Farewell letter to ex

Farewell letter to my beloved husband

I'm sorry. And goodbye!

Farewell letter to a married man

Forgive me and let me go"

Farewell letter to the man who left

Farewell letter to a man you don't love


How to write a goodbye letter to your boyfriend to make him cry

Sometimes relationships end sadly. Every couple has their own reasons for breaking up. This could be resentment, betrayal, misunderstandings, betrayal, cold feelings, etc.

If a break in the relationship is inevitable, then you need to be able to put a beautiful end to it. Most often, it is women who have a romantic nature who take on such responsibility. If during a conversation tears can treacherously flow or the voice trembles, then this will not happen in a letter. A farewell letter will be the best option to announce a breakup.

Main criterion

If a woman decides to break up and write a farewell letter to a man, then she should write honestly about the reason for the separation. When reading it, the chosen one must understand and be imbued with the feelings that the woman put into the letter.

If the reason for the breakup was another man, then you should not hide it, but honestly admit it to your ex. But there is no need to name names.

When writing a farewell note, you should avoid common phrases such as: “you and I are different people,” “I am unworthy of you,” and so on. You should not mention all the grievances that accumulated during the relationship and blame your ex-partner for what happened.

How to excite a guy via SMS or correspondence: an erotic letter to a man

Examples of letters

Before writing a farewell letter, you can use templates that are available on the Internet. But it will be better if the girl writes the letter herself.

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If there are no feelings

If the feelings have passed, then you should say so directly. There is no need to come up with other reasons.

Letter option:

“Hello, (name)! I know you will be surprised by this letter. You and I have always solved all problems through conversations, but lately every conversation we have ends in a scandal. I thought about our relationship for a very long time, analyzed, sorted out my feelings and came to the conclusion: something needs to be changed, this cannot continue.

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To the person you love

Writing a letter to someone you still love is very difficult. There are still feelings for him, but the understanding that the relationship is not the same as before forces you to tell your chosen one about it.

Option for a farewell letter for a loved one:

“My beloved! I finally decided to write you a letter and say everything that I cannot say when we meet. Our relationship has turned into a one-sided game. All my attempts and efforts to improve the relationship between us bring nothing!

You changed your attitude towards me. All our meetings do not bring you joy. You don’t want to talk to me, you call very rarely. Do you think I don't understand anything? I see everything, it hurts me even more. I understand that you are unhappy with me.

I decided to leave, to end this sick relationship. I let you go! I couldn’t make you happy, let someone else do it.

I won’t lie, I will feel very bad without you!

To the man who offended

If a man has offended you, then there is no need to express your anger and resentment in a letter. It’s better to just say that his action hurt him greatly and caused the separation.

Example of a letter to an offender:

“Hello, dear! I decided to write you a farewell letter in prose. I don’t have enough mental strength to write a letter in verse. I spent all my strength trying to stop the tears that I shed because of you. I decided to put an end to our difficult relationships.

Everything that happened between us is over! There are no more feelings that burned before, no respect for each other, no care and understanding. We have become complete strangers!

It is worth admitting that we ourselves destroyed and trampled on our feelings. I don't want to live like this anymore. I made a decision that will only make us both better! We need to part ways, our paths have diverged.

To the one who changed

Cheating on the part of a man is the most base and stupid act. Often girls, in a fit of anger, do rash acts and are in no hurry to talk to a man. To avoid consequences, it is better to sit down, calm down and write a farewell letter in which you can state all your complaints.

An example of a farewell letter to a man who cheated:

“I don’t even know where to start the letter. My feelings have not cooled down and I still love and adore you. But you betrayed me! You stuck a knife in my back! By your act you proved that I mean nothing to you! You trampled me!

Perhaps you cannot decide to have a frank conversation with me. Put an end to our history. I found the strength for this! My feelings for you are strong, but I can never forgive the way you treated me. From now on we are not on the same path! Everyone needs to go their own way! You have already taken the first step towards your new life!

I wish you happiness and good luck! I don't hold it against you! Goodbye!"


Sometimes girls return to the past and start writing to their exes. This usually happens when a girl has unsaid words.

Option for writing a letter to an ex-boyfriend:

“Hello! I’m writing a letter and I don’t even know how to contact you. I want to say dear, beloved, only, but I understand that I don’t have the right to do this. My feelings for you have not cooled down, my love is still strong. But Now you are with someone else. You were a wonderful moment in my life! But all this has passed...

After our separation, I thought only about you around the clock. I couldn't breathe without you! I had a feeling that life ended there. But over time it became a little easier for me. Life no longer seems so meaningless. I learned to breathe deeply again and enjoy every day. I started smiling again!

Yes, I learned to live without you, but this does not mean that all feelings are forgotten. No, I still love and adore you! And even time is not able to tear you out of my heart! No one will force me to get rid of my memories. I will always wait and hope that you will return to me!

Thank you for all the wonderful moments in our relationship! Goodbye."

To my beloved husband

Sometimes it happens that a beloved man leaves to work in another city or country. Due to the distance, one of the spouses may lose feelings, which will lead to divorce.

Example of a farewell letter to my husband:

“My dear! Beloved! I still can’t understand how it happened that our paths diverged? I can’t believe that this separation is forever! How could this happen? We are on the verge of divorce!

I can’t imagine my life without you, I don’t believe that I won’t be able to hug or kiss you. Do you remember our first meeting? Do you remember what you told me then? I don’t believe that you have forgotten our wonderful moments, days and nights spent together. I also don’t believe that you have lost your love, because I still love you. You are the meaning of my life.

I would like to hope that this is all temporary. I think that many problems have fallen on you, because of which you do not hear the voice of your heart. I live in hope that your love for me will be resurrected!

Thank you for everything! And goodbye!"

For a married man

If a girl has a relationship with a married man and understands that it will not lead to anything good, then her mistress should break off such a connection.

An example of a message to a lover to make him cry:

“Beloved, dear, the only one, but not mine! If you knew how difficult it is to write a letter to a person you still love. I made a serious mistake when I fell in love with you! I had no right to give in to feelings and rush headlong into the pool. And you had no right to do this either.

Our relationship was a crime, but it was still beautiful. Now is the time for us to wake up and end our relationship. I want to hug you for the last time, look into your beautiful eyes and let you go forever!

You have a wife, you must return to her. You must be a real man and solve all your problems in the family. The reality is that you belong to someone else. We met you too late.

Return to your family, become a good husband, do not hurt the woman who is next to you. She doesn't deserve this! It's not her fault that your feelings for her have cooled. I wish you to reunite with her, your feelings will sparkle with bright colors again. I don't want to be the cause of your unhappiness!

Good luck, love and happiness! Do not see you again!"

To the guy who quit

Sometimes it happens that guys leave girls without reason or explanation. The girls don’t tell them anything, and then write all their thoughts in a farewell letter.

An example of a letter to a guy who offended and abandoned:

“Beloved! I’m sorry that I address you this way, but I can’t do it any other way. The reason is that I have always loved you and will continue to love you! I was hurt by your attitude towards me. There is no justification for your action. It hurts me very much.” and it’s a shame. Tears are streaming from my eyes.

I was the happiest person in the world. At times, it seemed to me that this was not happening to me. Just recently, your hands, eyes and lips warmed me at night. Now I spend my nights alone, suffering and crying endlessly!

Why did you leave and didn't explain anything to me? Didn't say anything goodbye! Why did you disappear from my life and didn’t tell me the reasons for such an act? You didn't consider it necessary to say goodbye to me. Did I really deserve this? I don't want to believe that you will never come back to me again. Every day I fall asleep and wake up with the thoughts that someday I will be able to hug and kiss you again. You should know that I will wait for you as long as necessary. I will love you and remain faithful only to you.

I wish you happiness!"

To the unloved

When girls realize that they have no feelings for a guy, they try to say so in person. If a girl is afraid to say about her decision, she can write it in a letter.

An example of a message to a guy for whom you have no feelings:

“Dear, (name)! You are a wonderful and wonderful person! I am incredibly lucky that I met you on my life’s path. You know how to respect, love and understand! Forgive me that I cannot answer you in the same way. I cannot force my heart to love you. I believe that you deserve to know the truth.

I don't want to deceive you and continue my relationship with you. I believe that you are not worthy of such an attitude towards yourself! I would like to thank you for the wonderful moments and wish you to be loved! You deserve it!

I would like to part as friends and not spoil our relationship. I trust that you will understand everything correctly and appreciate my honesty.

Forgive me and let me go! Goodbye! Be happy!"

Message via SMS

Modern girls can send a farewell message using SMS.

Some examples:

  • "Dear! We need to part. Goodbye!"
  • “Love has passed, we are not on the same path!”
  • "Forgive me, but we can't be together anymore! Goodbye!"
  • "Our relationship has reached a dead end. There is no point in continuing it."

It is not recommended to break up with your loved one via text. This is disrespectful to your ex-partner. A letter written on paper indicates the presence of real feelings, sincerity and respect for the guy.


In this bustling world, one day two halves meet - He and She. Each couple has its own scenario for the development of relationships: a love story begins, unfolds and, sadly, comes to an end.

There are many reasons for separation: misunderstandings, accumulated grievances, betrayal, and simply a feeling that the relationship has reached a dead end.

Almost all stories have a beautiful beginning, but not everyone is able to put a beautiful end to it. It’s difficult to gather your thoughts and say calmly: “I’m sorry, we need to break up.” The voice may tremble treacherously, and tears will flow from the eyes.

If separation is inevitable, try writing a goodbye letter to your boyfriend or beloved man.

Girls, of course, are delicate creatures, but often they are the ones who take the courage and say the last “Goodbye”. It's much easier to talk about a breakup in writing.

You can write the message in your own words or use the samples that we have prepared for you.

“Hello, bunny. You will probably be surprised that I am writing you a letter. We are used to talking to you. True, lately all our conversations end in quarrels. I thought for a long time, understood myself, analyzed our relationship and realized: this cannot continue.

I have already forgiven you. And goodbye!

“Darling, good, beloved! I pulled myself together and decided to write to you in a letter everything that I could not express in words when we met. Our love has turned into some kind of one-sided ugly entity. I see that my efforts to improve relationships are leading nowhere.

You rarely call and perceive our meetings as a heavy duty. I’m not made of stone, and I feel it all. It hurts, it’s hard, I won’t pretend to be strong. I will cry, miss and worry about you.

But, so be it, I’m letting you go free. Fly towards your happiness. Unfortunately, I couldn't make you happy. May everything work out for you with another girl. Maybe you already have someone, but you’re afraid to say it. Fly, my dear, fly!

I'm letting you go. Forever. Goodbye!"

"Hi baby. I am writing you a farewell message in prose. There is not enough mental strength for poetry and rhymes. My strength left along with the tears, which I stopped with great difficulty in order to put an end to our story.

We began to quarrel often and say hurtful words to each other. We became strangers and incomprehensible to each other. The hands have ceased to be affectionate, there are no former strong hugs and... there is nothing at all.

Let's admit to each other that our love has turned into nothing, we destroyed it with our efforts. My resentment is too great to continue the relationship.

We are parting. Sorry and goodbye!"

"My dear! How difficult it is for me to gather my thoughts and tell you everything. Even in a letter, when you don’t see my tear-stained face. I know that you betrayed me. No not like this. You betrayed our love, our beautiful days and nights. Your action showed that I mean absolutely nothing to you.

Apparently I've become your habit. You call out of habit, you come out of habit, and you even apologize out of habit. You manage to do this somehow insensitively and insincerely. Why do we need extra problems? We both need to change something in our lives. You've already started.

Have a nice journey, dear! I forgive you and let you go. Forever."

"Hi Hi! I don’t even know how to contact you now. The heart beats and shouts to you “beloved”, “dear”, “the only one”, and the mind sobers up and says “former” about you. Yes, you were a wonderful, wonderful moment in my life. Now it seems that everything was a dream. Morning came and our love dissolved.

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After our separation, days and nights ceased to exist for me. I lived as if in some impenetrable fog. But the heavenly forces have had mercy, the fog is slowly dissolving, I see the outlines of the horizon. This means that I live and breathe deeply again.

You may no longer be in my reality, but no one will tear you out of my heart. Memories of our meetings will always warm and encourage me. Forgive me for all. Remember us. There was love. Goodbye!"

“My dear, dear man. Life has decreed that you and I have turned from two halves into two loneliness. I think about you every minute, my heart lives only with you. How did it happen that we are breaking up?

Do you remember our first meeting - our burning eyes, excitement and unquenchable desire to be together. Do you remember our days and nights? Do you remember how bored we were without each other?

Is love really doomed to death, like all living things in this world? If I love, how can you not love? This is somehow wrong, unfair. The feelings must be mutual.

Maybe you have been overwhelmed by so many problems that you have stopped hearing the voice of your heart? I will pray to heaven that your heart will be freed from captivity, that love will be resurrected in your soul. I wish you goodness, light, warmth and, of course, love!

I'm sorry. And goodbye!

“Good, not my man. How difficult it is to write a letter to someone you still love! I had no right to fall in love with you, but I could not resist the surging feelings. It's surprising that you couldn't resist either.

I don’t know what to call our relationship, but it was beautiful, like a dream. As sad as it is, the time has come for both of us to wake up, look into each other's eyes for the last time, embrace each other for the last time and part.

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You are married, return to your family, gather your strength and solve all the problems that have befallen you like a man. At first it will probably be difficult, you will rush back, but this is the road to nowhere. The wonderful dream dissolved in the rays of the clear sun, it was time to face reality.

Be happy with the one who is your legal wife. After all, you loved her once. I wish you reunion, understanding, warmth and light. I no longer want to be the cause of your quarrels and pain.

Forgive me and let me go"

"My love! I'm sorry, I can't call you anything else, because I love you and will always love you. It hurts me, I'm offended to the point of tears. Burning tears are what keep me warm in these last days and weeks. And before, your hands and lips warmed me.

My heart rejoiced and did not believe in my happiness. It beat like a free bird, ready to burst out of the chest. And now it beats dully and doomedly, as if forever imprisoned.

Why did you go away? He didn’t explain anything, didn’t say goodbye, didn’t hug. He just disappeared from my life and that’s it. I can’t believe that life goes on and you’re not there and won’t be there anymore. I believe in a miracle that you will come to your senses and want to return. Know, my dear, that I will always open my arms to meet you. I will be faithful to you until the end of my days.

Remember this. And be happy!

"Dear friend! I am glad that I met you on the path of life. You are a wonderful, sincere, interesting person. You know how to love and look after beautifully. I'm sorry I can't reciprocate your feelings. My heart does not respond to the call of your heart. You can probably guess this yourself.

I can't date you anymore and continue this deception. Thank you for the love and warmth that you generously give, but believe me, I am not the one who will reciprocate your feelings. Let's part as friends before our relationship reaches a dead end. Keep this farewell letter and remember that I was honest with you.

Forgive me a hundred thousand times and let me go once. Goodbye!"

Modern girls can end a relationship by sending their ex-boyfriend a goodbye text message.

“Hare, it’s all over between us. Goodbye!"

“This can’t go on any longer, the love has passed, the tomatoes have wilted!”

“I'm sorry, it's over, we're not together anymore. Goodbye"

Remember that sending the “last” SMS is dangerous. There is a high probability of receiving a lot of perplexed or even offensive text messages in response. A beautiful one-way farewell letter on paper will indicate the seriousness of your intentions.

The choice is, of course, yours. Perhaps you, like Tatyana Larina, will want to rhyme your last message.

Everything in this world is not forever,

There is an edge to everything in the world.

I'll put my arm around your shoulders

And I’ll whisper: “Forgive me, goodbye.”

No need for further explanation

No need for tears or insults.

Let there be no love between us,

Let's part as friends.

It is difficult to decide and send a goodbye letter to a guy, even if it has already been written. In any case, it is better to throw out your pain and resentment on paper than in the face of your loved one.

Who knows, maybe this message will take your relationship to a new level, help resolve accumulated misunderstandings and mend faltering relationships. Be happy!

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Touching letter to your loved one about parting

September 17th, 2012 admin

What could be sadder for a young girl than parting with her loved one. There are all sorts of situations in life, there are disagreements that are incompatible with a joint future. But even in the most unpleasant events, I want anger and hatred not to darken the lives of two people who were recently a couple. Therefore, it is better to always end a relationship on a pleasant note, no matter how difficult it may be. For those people who find it difficult to express their thoughts in the presence of a loved one, there is a good option - write a letter. We offer you a “Letter to a Loved One about Breaking Up.” Perhaps this letter will help you formulate your own thoughts and reach the heart of your spouse.

So, a letter to your loved one about breaking up:

“My favorite little man! I can’t start a conversation in your presence, so I decided to write you these words goodbye. I think that it would be more correct this way, so I can tell you without tears and hysterics everything that I think, feel, how I am going through. Unfortunately, the moment has come when we need to part ways. You and I look at many things differently. I feel like I’m already tired of you not being around all the time, that work, friends and ex-girlfriends mean much more to you than me. It seems to me that you and I are standing in the same place. We don't make each other happy. I'm afraid that a little time will pass and we will completely distance ourselves from each other, begin to irritate each other, and become uninteresting. I'm scared that years will pass, and I will still be sitting by the darkening window, waiting for you to finally come home. My soul hurts that I can no longer reach you, draw attention to my experiences and problems. I see that my love for you does not make me happy, it destroys me and brings me disappointment. For some reason, our endless conversations bring nothing but mutual insults. But something else is important to me, your attention, sympathy are important to me, I want to feel that you need me. I’m telling you again - even a small drop of your attention could water my soul, just one gentle word, a gentle warm hug or a kiss - and it would bloom, give me hope and faith in the future with you... But your distrust, your inattention, your demonstrative independence from me breaks my wings and lowers me to the ground. It’s always sad and funny to me when you emphasize your independence and your reluctance to have a family in front of your friends. We have been living together for a year now, and our relationship is not growing into a strong and joyful union; we are becoming more and more strangers to each other. Sometimes it seems to me that you are even burdened by my company. And I really wanted us to have a good time together. I tried for us and for you. You know very well that I love you with all my heart. But I decided that it would be better for us to part. I think you haven’t fully understood yourself, you haven’t been able to understand whether you need me or how you feel about me. Breaking up will help both of us sort out our thoughts, and you - in your life. If you suddenly realize that you love me, you can always find me. If we can no longer be something more for each other, know that I have long forgiven you all the insults and wish you only happiness!”


Breakup letter to boyfriend

Don't chase, don't cry. If he loves, he will return, but if he doesn’t love, don’t be sad!

There were happy moments close, Now it seems they were only in a dream... You won’t hug, you won’t reassure, And you won’t warm your hand with warmth. You won’t cover your lips with a kiss - We have become too distant with you... 7

Eternal separation has come and only silence remains without you... 11

I will clench my teeth, I will bite my lips, I will hold my breath in my lungs, But I will not ask for your love, Like a beggar asking for alms. 15

Call me whenever you want, But don’t invite me anywhere. Don’t give me anything, Sorry, it’s all over. Goodbye. 8

Perhaps the time we were together was actually incredibly wonderful. eleven

My hand trembles and tears flow, And my heart breaks out of my chest. I so wanted to return to love, But you said - “Go away”! 8 - to the guy about breaking up

Goodbye! And don’t remember about me, Forget about how we walked, Forget that I was waiting for you, Forget that I often remembered And that I loved only you... 24

I will not become yours forever, I will not enter your heart and home, But there is no resentment in my soul, Let's say goodbye to that. 15

I believed your words, believed in their strength and passion, They gave inspiration and did not let you fall. Only your words are like smoke melting high, What they are, what they are not - it seems to be all the same... 17

Today I decided not to fall in love with people like you anymore. Have a nice day my ex... 14

Goodbye! How sad this word is. Who invented it?! For the tongue it is simple, but what is it for the heart? eleven

Wet pillow, My head is a mess, Everything has changed, Everything is no longer the same. What’s going on with me? It’s all you! You made me believe, You made me wait, What happened to you? Where is your love? Maybe it’s hidden in kilometers of words? I loved you , I love you. And I probably won’t be able to forget you! 9

You know that I love you, but we can’t be together. We couldn’t step over the abyss of mistrust that you created... 19

Forget me, I won’t forget. If you forget, I can’t! I only dream about you all night, I LOVE YOU as before!!! 17

I say goodbye to you, I will never return... But when I meet you, I will smile at you! 6

Sorry, but we are different people, We expect different things from each other. Let's forget each other, Let's love only those who deserve it more. 13

Remember me sometimes, If it’s not difficult for you. Leave a corner in your heart for me, If possible. 16

We buried our love and put a cross on the grave. God bless! - they both said. Love just stood up again, nodding reproachfully - what did you do, I’m alive! 12

If you like to ride, then go for it! eleven


“Farewell” letter to my boyfriend...

I am writing a letter to you by chance... So…. The mood “prompted”…. I don’t know if I’ll send you what I’m writing, but it will definitely make me feel better! Even if it “sounds” selfish! Then I will say this: today I will allow myself to be selfish (to the fullest extent).

Goodbye! A terrible, but forced word. Farewell letter..., farewell word. Perhaps I wouldn’t have written it to you... But meeting you yesterday changed everything. I'm getting married. You have been invited to the wedding for a long time, because you are my best childhood friend. And yesterday I brought an official invitation... I was lucky: I gave it to you personally. Your sad phrase turned my whole mind upside down... You said (incredibly quietly): “you still decided to legitimize your relationship with him...”.

I understand that you only wish me happiness. I am grateful to you for volunteering to help with the “preparations” of the decorations…. But your tone managed to tell me a lot...

Sasha, I've been waiting for you too long! And I hoped for a lot in vain... In the distant past, I, one might say, ran after you. But you were small (boys grow up later than girls!) and didn’t understand anything. And I suffered, although I was also not very old. I can tell you honestly now: I have been in love with you for more than ten years! Impressive, right? I myself am in the same shock.

Did you keep my notes and letters? Do you store it now? I wrote you so many of them that it’s even embarrassing! But I (at that time) had no time for that! I waited for you to grow up, but I never did.

Our lives were scattered and scattered. But I couldn't forget you. I remembered the first time I was married. I was a little over twenty years old…. How long ago it was! I just feel old – old when I look at my passport! How quickly the years have flown by!

My friend (who knows you, but you definitely won’t remember her) was very surprised when she found out that we communicate closely with you.

No offense! My “farewell speech” is just a convention, nothing more! But I take you into a new life in the “role” of my best friend! Do you agree? I think that you will not refuse this.

If you understand that you love me, stop loving me! We have no future. Now there is no! It will sound rude now, but you are late, my friend! I really believe that you will find a girl, she will love you as much as I loved you for a long time...

Am I crying? Yes! Inspired by... It's a shame that it all turned out this way. I have been waiting for you for so many years, I protected, cared for and cherished my love... The result is a completely different future! But you won’t believe it, this is exactly what I dreamed about!

It’s very inconvenient that my small dream, which is connected with you, came true too late... We kissed! But I no longer needed that kiss, since I was already building a different destiny. I don't regret anything, of course. On the other side…. If something had worked out for you and me many years ago..... I wouldn’t have the person I love madly! Sorry, but I feel better with him! In any case, I did not lose the best years of my life and did not spend them on oceans of tears. I don't blame you for anything anymore. It's all gone!

If it hurts you mentally, don’t come to my celebration. You know. That I will understand you in this! But I will be grateful and happy if you are there on such a wonderful day for me!

Sanya, dear, you deserve great happiness! You told me the same thing. It turns out that both you and I deserve it, but in different “worlds.” I don’t mean the “Hare Krishna world” in which you now live…. Yes - yes, I mean you and me!

I have a very strange feeling inside right now... It’s as if something in the soul is dying, dying…. It is even more difficult to convey this in words. It’s easier to feel it.

But I wouldn’t wish this on anyone, I tell you honestly! If only you knew how hard it is for me to write all this now... But I am writing to make it easier...

Sanya! Thank you for being such a close friend to me! You've helped me out so many times that I've lost count! I helped you no less. But I always help everyone! And you are a special case. I want to do something good for you all the time...

You may misinterpret my behavior. I don’t have any feelings (except for friendship) for you! I treat you very well. Like none of the guys. But please don't count on anything. If it is difficult for you to see me, we will limit ourselves to communication on the Internet, messages and mobile phones.

I’ll write cruelty, but I’ll write it anyway! Otherwise it will “sit” inside me like a thorn. I suffered because of you, and now it’s your turn to suffer! Time will pass and everything will calm down, Sasha! Just manage to wait out this whole difficult period! I can advise you on how to do this! Work hard and spend a lot of time with friends. “Get lost” with your nephew Verochka. I have never seen her, but my grandmother says she is lovely. I don’t doubt this for a moment!

I have one request for you... When you finish reading the letter, come see me. I want to have a cup of coffee or tea with you. If you want, invite me to your place. And I'll be there right away! I can bake a cake too, if you’re willing to wait! You’ve known for a long time: I don’t go to visit empty-handed.

I have no idea how or what I will tell you. But I know for sure that you can’t plan anything. Any plans are in vain. Everything will be along a different “route”, and not along the one that would have been planned. We will look at everything according to the circumstances!

The following thought flashed through my head right now... That I will come to you and stand at the door, because you will not let me on the threshold. Do not be afraid of me! I'm not going to pester you at all! I am so faithful to my fiancé that even when greeting him on the cheek, I’m afraid to kiss him.

I've never been like this with anyone. Sanya, be happy for me: I fell in love with a man! Love is the greatest happiness. You can also mention health, but it is more difficult to find than a “soul mate”. I wish you to find it too, my friend! Don't forget to invite to the wedding! I’ll say right away: I definitely won’t come alone, since my beloved and I are one inseparable whole!

Understand every word of mine correctly, so that you don’t get offended and think badly of me. I deserve for you to think exceptionally well of me. Am I overestimating myself? May be! But don't focus on this! Thank you for reading these lines! Come to visit me! You don't have to answer a letter by letter. Say everything, looking into your eyes, if it’s not difficult!

Continuation. . .

Goodbye! - Farewell letter to a former lover.

Farewell letter to a loved one. - Forgive me and goodbye!

It's time to leave! - How to break up with a guy gracefully?

Sad stories about Love. - Life - Love - Sadness.


Farewell letter to a married lover about separation

Have you decided to cut ties with your married boyfriend, but don’t know how to do it? Then you've come to the right place. We will tell you whether it is possible to break up painlessly, how to reduce the suffering of your loved one if he is still burning with feelings and is not ready to cut from the shoulder? And also - how to competently say that everything is over between you. Or is it better not to say, but to write a farewell letter?

Why should you separate from a married man?

First, let's talk about the reasons why you should break up with a married boyfriend. So:

  • You are wasting valuable time. When a girl is under 25, an affair with an unfree man is still subject to explanation, but if she is already over 30, then not quite. At this age you need to work on starting a family. Well, or at least think about it. Women over 30 find it much more difficult to find a suitable partner. All male peers are usually already employed or divorced and have children from their first marriage. It's worth hurrying. And first, free yourself from unnecessary bonds.
  • Karma may overtake you. Jokes aside, but have you noticed that all your actions come back like a boomerang? And if you haven’t noticed, then you probably know that breaking up someone else’s family is not entirely good. In addition, taking away someone else's betrothed is humiliating and can be costly. After all, there are no guarantees that they won’t do the same to you.
  • Lack of support and support. This is very important for the weaker half of the couple. But the married lover has no time for that. After all, he has a family and a lot of troubles of his own, and he comes to his girlfriend for physical intimacy.
  • Reputation. If relatives or someone you know finds out about the affair, they may look at you differently. Some will sympathize - the poor woman was completely desperate and rushed into the arms of someone else's husband, and some will consider you frivolous - she is having affairs with just anyone. Both are unpleasant.
  • Psyche. A long-term relationship with someone else's husband was not good for anyone. First, it is easy to slip into addiction. The girl will have neither the strength nor the desire to break the vicious circle. Perhaps one day she will meet a worthy man, but she will pass by, because she, except her beloved, has not been interested in anyone for a long time. Secondly, the beautiful lady’s self-esteem will decrease due to her worries. In addition to the feeling of guilt, there will be a feeling of uselessness and inability to decide something on your own. And stress will affect your health. Especially on women's.
  • Statistics. You are probably aware that 75% of husbands stay in the family, and another 15% leave, but after a while return to their wives. It is a mistake to think that your case is unique. Prepare for the worst, otherwise it will be very painful. They expect pleasure from their mistress and nothing more. Therefore, do not delay, remember how an illegal relationship will turn out for you.

Why don't you still write a goodbye letter?

Now let's figure out what prevents a girl from ending her love affair?

The main reason is the fear of being alone. But this is a deep misconception. When one door closes, another opens. The only problem is that sometimes you don’t want to close the old one. Don't be afraid of feeling useless. There are men in the world who will appreciate you. Perhaps he is nearby and you don’t see.

Fear of change will also slow down the decision. There is an opinion that it is better to be bad, but stable. Doesn’t it scare you that there is nothing more permanent than temporary? If the decision is postponed, the relationship may drag on for a dozen years or more. And you will wake up when you turn 40. And you will wake up from tears for your departed lover - after all, he will certainly find someone younger. Think that the relationship is doomed in advance. And after the break it will be better. After all, when you stay with a married person, you suffer constantly, but when you separate, you only suffer for a few weeks.

Sometimes pride forbids talking about separation. The girl is afraid of the act; it seems to her that she will lose the war she is waging with her boyfriend’s wife. But the trouble is that there was no war - the husband didn’t even think about leaving, and the wife didn’t know at all.

The mistress’s problem is that she compares herself with her rival, it seems to her that she is more worthy and good. There is no need to engage in self-criticism. Remember that you are unique and will definitely find a worthy guy.

And, of course, hope for a future together will become an obstacle. The motto: wait and hope is a bad help here. In addition, even statistics declared that if the partner did not leave the family in the first year of meetings, it is useless to wait. Get rid of illusions, finally tell your lover that it’s all over. If he really wanted to, he would have found a way to move in with you a long time ago.

A letter from a mistress to a married man: why write?

If the lady has made up her mind, then there are few ways to break up:

  • Talk.
  • Write a letter with explanations.
  • Leave in English.

The best way, of course, is the first one. When scheduling a meeting, be sure to communicate that the conversation will be serious. Prepare your loved one - this way the information will be easier to perceive.

But sometimes it is very difficult to talk about a breakup while looking into your eyes. If you still have feelings (and usually you do), anxiety may get in the way. Thoughts will be confused and speech will become confused. Because of this, a person is not able to correctly express what he thinks and can make mistakes.

There is also one more obstacle - when you see your chosen one, your feelings will surge with renewed vigor, and you can change your decision. Or cut yourself some slack - spend time with him supposedly for the last time. The key word here is “allegedly”.

What if the partner falls to his knees, begs, promises to marry, and so on? Of course, this will be an incentive to continue communication.

And the last possible obstacle is that when you tell your lover about the meeting, you will stumble upon soulless silence. He will guess and will not come, avoiding humiliating speeches.

So, the best option to say about the breakup would be a message.

This method is also good because it will make the girl feel better emotionally. You won’t have to watch how the news takes your partner by surprise, feel guilty, or try to somehow brighten the corners. Despite the fact that the man is to blame in this situation (after all, he has two passions, and he cannot make a choice), the beautiful lady feels guilty. Perhaps because women with low self-esteem find themselves in love triangles.

Then - if for some reason you are angry with your companion, it is better not to engage in conversation. You will always re-read the letter of explanation, tear it up and throw it away. But the word is not a sparrow... In a fit of passion, you can say anything. You will feel better, but your partner will have a scar on his heart. Well, perhaps not so tragic, but you will still have to regret what you said.

How to write a letter to your loved one?

Writing a letter by hand, from our point of view, is a thing of the past. But some people believe that a text written in their own hand is more touching. If this option suits you, please do so. But just keep in mind that:

  • A man is unlikely to appreciate the efforts. Often they don’t care how it’s written, the main thing is the content.
  • You will have to deliver the letter personally, and we have already written about the dangers of the last meeting with your ex. And yes, transfer through third parties is a very risky business.
  • If the partner does not destroy the evidence immediately, a message in an envelope may be easier to detect than a message in an email. Think about it.

The text should not be too long. Put yourself in the place of the reader. Do you want to flip through four pages of a farewell message? Half a page is enough.

To begin with, be sure to note that the period spent with your lover was wonderful. Express your gratitude for all the good things he has done for you. Then add a text apologizing for not being able to talk about the breakup in person, and also for the fact that they may have been wrong somewhere. Don't forget to express your regrets and say that separation is inevitable. Communicate your decision and gently ask your companion not to bother you anymore - not to look for meetings, not to try to contact via telephone, Internet, etc. Explain that it has become difficult for you in such a relationship, because not only you are suffering, but also the other woman - your spouse. Write that you no longer want to lie and force anyone to do it.

You can say directly that you want a serious relationship, a guy you don’t have to share with anyone, and a full-fledged family with a child. Hint that this decision is not negotiable, since it is quite deliberate.

But when opening up, don’t overdo it with your feelings. Otherwise, your partner will take your farewell as a game, or worse, he won’t take you seriously. You should also not set the task of writing about feelings in your own words to make him cry. Leave it to the TV series heroines.

Be careful that your lover, after reading the message, does not become inflamed with new feelings for you.

Also remember that “crying over a broken vase” is pointless, so do not express the details of your experiences, do not try to analyze and “suck” the situation.

In conclusion, wish him happiness in his family life. But do it in such a way that the text does not look like mockery or a joke. If it doesn’t work out, say goodbye without such wishes. The main thing in this matter is openness and honesty. And also - an ironclad determination to end the torment. Be patient. The suffering will pass, and a new stage in your life will begin. Good luck!

Correspondence with a guy photo

You're leaving me for a long time.
I will be very alone and sad.
You don’t know how difficult it is for me now.
How I want to not let you in.

I will think about you often
And you remember me too.
Everything will pass, I know that perfectly well.
But how long should I wait and suffer?

Forgive and goodbye forever.
We are of different blood.
We are too different, rivers
And not just one stream.

We're just a chance meeting
Were intoxicated with you.
And so as not to cripple your souls,
Must be disconnected.

Words are sometimes like ice, like darkness.
Everything here is wrong, and everything is wrong.
The time has come for us to part.
Apparently, this world was not for us.

The golden thread broke.
Love is gone. Who's to blame?
The world melted away for the two of us.
Farewell beloved and forgive me.

I'm glad that you forgot me,
The fire in your soul has almost cooled down,
I rarely see you in my dreams,
And you don’t dedicate the songs to me.
May those days give us happiness
But only your humiliations,
Resentments, counting bitter tears,
Let another woman endure better.
I don't need to be next to you,
I will not serve you all my life.
You and I have different paths,
And we must pass them with dignity.
Let me forget about what happened
About how I suffered and loved.

You were...Now I don't need anything.
Everything is empty. The heart is locked. And pain
It pierces everything so stupidly, it’s impossible -
And my thoughts are empty, and there is sand inside.

Everything is torn apart by thought - irrevocably
Lost, cannot be hidden, cannot be returned...
The fault is mine, yours, everything around and the world.
How to think and breathe. How to live?..

And the one who never suffered, never loved,
He will never understand at all
What does it mean to be left completely without strength,
When your loved one leaves.

What does it mean to sit by the window and dream,
Dream only about your meeting.
If only I could sleep through the entire separation,
It lasts like an eternity.

And whoever didn’t love will laugh, saying:
“Just think, well, he’s not around.”
And you keep walking down the street in tears
Hoping to find him with your eyes.

Today we put an end to it
We were together, but now we are alone.
The heart cries, aches and yearns,
You are hugging someone else now.

I loved, I trusted very much,
Passion burned the veins and blood vessels.
I will forget everything, both you and the night,
Only I will never be the same.

Separation came, I didn’t ask,
About whether I want to break up?
But you were very sweet to me,
But I couldn’t admit it.
Now it's probably too late
I don't pray to God anymore
But I tell you seriously:
My dear, I love you!

I didn't want to talk...
Perhaps the moment has come.
We can't be together anymore...
I'll leave only one present
Just a couple of lines for you to remember,
About what was good
Together, but God sees
That all this time has passed...

We parted with you only the day before yesterday,
And I miss you very much and cry until the morning.
Well, it’s my fault that I was proud, -
Now we are separated, it seems, forever.
Having caused a heavy offense to you,
I burned your dreams for me to ashes.
Now I sit, suffer, blame, reproach myself.
And I just understand that love is not a wall!
It can be destroyed with a word, with silence,
But it’s so difficult to create that it’s easier to be alone...

The pain will come and go,
Like waves on sand
You and I are breaking up
Forever, not for an hour.

We were happy together
But love passed like summer
Evil autumn breaks into the heart
A passenger without a ticket.

And nothing with my love
I can't say goodbye
Tears are like autumn rain,
Not wanting to end.