16 concept of literacy and its types. Smetannikova N.N. Literacy, singular or plural? New explanatory and word-formative dictionary of the Russian language, T

  • 01.05.2023

having the understanding, knowledge and skills necessary to perform successfully in a particular field. The term has a narrow (traditional) and broader interpretation, denoting the ability to read, write and perform calculations using the four operations of arithmetic, as well as the ability to operate with sign systems of natural and artificial languages ​​when comprehending and performing certain tasks. The first interpretation is one of the special cases of the second, which can be considered as universal.

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition ↓


a certain degree of a person’s proficiency in reading and writing skills in accordance with grammar. norms of the native language. In relation to the characteristics of the population, it is one of the basic indicators of its socio-cultural development. The specific content of the concept of geography has changed historically, expanding with the growth of societies. requirements for the development of an individual - from basic skills to read, write, count, etc. to the possession of a minimum of socially necessary knowledge and skills (the so-called functional G.).

Questions of defining the concept of G., its statistical. characteristics with con. 19th century were considered for international meetings on statistics and census programs. Gene. The UNESCO conference (10th session, Paris, 1958) recommended that all countries, when conducting population censuses, consider as literate persons who can read with understanding and write a brief summary of their daily life. Semi-literate - able only to read. At the World Congress of Ministers of Education for the Elimination of Illiteracy (Tehran, Sept. 1965), the term “functional literacy” was proposed, and in 1978 the text of the recommendation on international education was revised. standardization of education statistics proposed by UNESCO; According to the new edition of this document, literate is considered to be one who can participate in all types of activities in which literacy is necessary for the effective functioning of his group or community and which also give him the opportunity to use reading, writing and counting for his own . development and for, development of a group or community.

In countries that have achieved continuous G., an indicator of the level of education of the population is used, and the G. indicator retains its value in historical data. assessment of cultural development. In practice, both indicators are used to characterize the achieved level of cultural development of the population of countries around the world.

The need for grammar and literacy training is associated with the emergence of graphic systems. letters and originated in early class society. The transition of society to sign-graphic. methods of storing and transmitting socially significant information represented a huge leap in culture and society. development of mankind, and geography became the most important means of mastering written culture.

In pre-capitalist formations of G. - the property of the ruling class and certain social categories associated with the management system and maintenance of written culture. To a certain extent, Greece affected trade and crafts. layers of the population, for whom the ability to write, read and count was required by the very nature of the activity. In feud. In society, she had little literacy skills. part of the population, ch. arr. urban (apparently no more than 10-15%). Real data about G. on Wed. centuries are fragmentary and can only be obtained indirectly.

East. The milestone in the development of capitalism for the population as a whole is the emergence of capitalism. way of life In its distribution, 3 major sources stand out. period associated with the specifics of the paths and stages of the formation of bourgeois. societies: Reformation (16-17 centuries), Enlightenment (18 centuries), industrial. revolution (19th century).

Protestantism modified religion. ideology, its interpretation of man, the meaning and goals of his earthly existence. The most important point of the church. perestroika was to ensure the connection of the believer with the doctrine without the mediation of a clergyman. Protestant churches the statutes provided for literacy training by a sexton (Saxony, Denmark), controlled by the church and mandatory. teaching literacy in the family (Sweden, Finland), the practice of home and traveling teachers (Norway), the establishment of a network of parochial schools and the organization of mass beginning. training (German states, England, Scotland). As a result of approval in a large group of Europeans. state - in Protestantism as the dominant religion, a fairly steady growth of G. began in them.

In the fight against the Reformation and the Roman Catholic. the church was forced to expand its influence on the Catholic population. countries through school. In the field of beginning Catholics were active in teaching. orders, primarily PRists. In France, for example, from 1566 to the end. 17th century More than 10 royal edicts were adopted, ordering the education of children in each parish. The noticeable growth of G. can be traced here by indirect data - signatures on marriage documents: in 1686-90, 29% of grooms and 14% of brides were literate; in 1786-90 - 47% of grooms and 27% of brides. Essential for the spread of G. was also the fact that the Catholic. countries found themselves in competition with states that historically had more progressive sources of intensive societies. development.

A number of Catholic state sought in the 18th century. find a way out of this rivalry along the path of a policy of enlightened absolutism. Shk. The reforms of 1774 and 1777 in Austria, reinforced by the abolition (80s of the 18th century) of the personal dependence of peasants, created the foundation for the spread of agriculture in Austria proper and in the Czech Republic. lands of the Habsburg Empire (here, more than 60% of children of the corresponding age were enrolled in public schools in the 80s of the 18th century). Similar reforms were carried out in Hungary, Lombardy, and Belgium. The policy of enlightened absolutism was carried out in the 18th century. and some Protestant states: school. reforms in Saxony, Prussia, Hesse were a step towards obligatory. beginning training, which further accelerated the spread of G. In the 18th century. the concept of agriculture expanded with the development of the manufacturing industry, and then the machine industry; There is an objective need to include in the content of teaching not only reading and writing, but also arithmetic and other elements of real knowledge. This problem revealed the inadequacy of the parochial school.

Adopted in the 19th century. state laws on universal beginning. training for Protestants and some Catholics. Western countries, Central and Sev. Europe recorded the completion of the secularization of the school and coincided with the conclusion. stage of the spread of the city. These reforms were the starting point for the stable growth of the city only in capitalist countries that were lagging behind. development of the countries of South. and Vost. Europe: Portugal. Spain, part of Italy, Transleithanian part of Austria-Hungary, Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria, Romania, Russia. In them, socio-economics turned out to be decisive for the spread of geography. shear caused by industrial revolution 2nd floor 19th century

In the 70-80s. 19th century The achievement of almost complete population growth in Switzerland, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, and Sweden has been recorded. By 1890, the level of the literate population (that is, the population without preschoolers and junior schoolchildren) was 98-99.8% (literate and semi-literate). In Great Britain the figure for 1890 was 90.9% (population aged 10 years and over). This lag occurred because the laws on state beginning schools were adopted with great delay, only in 1870 and 1872. Before this, societies tried to solve the problem of spreading universal G. schools with the Bell-Lancaster education system.

Specific G.'s spread in Finland was typical. In 1890, with 98% of literate and semi-literate people, fully literate (i.e., able to read and write) accounted for 21.1%. With the adoption of the law of 1866, which replaced home reading instruction with regular school. education, the proportion of fully literate people increased rapidly - 38.8% in 1900; 55.3% in 1910; 69.9% in 1920; 84.1% in 1930 (persons aged 15 years and older).

The end was uneven. 19th century D. population of the USA, where the process of its spread followed a “Protestant” type. The general literacy rate of persons aged 10 years and older in 1880 reached 83.0% (literate and semi-literate); At the same time, G. among the white population is 90.6%, among the rest - 30.0%. In 1900 these figures were 89.3% (93.7% and 55.0%, respectively). G., according to the censuses of 1910, 1920, 1930, was respectively. 92.3%, 94.0%, 95.7%.

The Catholic group was significantly behind. countries - France, Belgium, the Cisleithanian part of Austria-Hungary. In 1890, the general level of agriculture here reached 65-75% (that is, 20-30% lower than the level of the countries of the first group). General hygiene was achieved in these countries mainly already in the 20s and 30s. 20th century Did you make up literate and semi-literate? the total number of literate population in France in 1921 - 91.8%, in 1930 - 94.7%, in 1935 - 96.0%; Belgium in 1920 - 91.7%, in 1930 - 94.4%; Czechoslovakia in 1921-92.6% in 1930 - 96.3%. Over 95% in the 20s. was the G. population of Austria. republics. With some delay - in the 30s. crossed the line of 90% of the Hungarian population.

Dept. the subgroup consisted of Italy and Poland: in the national. state-wah reunited territories with different types and means. disproportions in the cultural development of the population. In the 20-30s. 20th century the number of literate and semi-literate people in these countries reached 65-80%, and the end of the spread of literacy occurred in the period after World War II.

Japan was one of the countries that dynamically solved the problem of the spread of gas in 1918–39. Modern education system type was created in it during the Meiji reform period (from the 60s of the 19th century). The laws of 1872 and 1879 introduced obligatory 4-year training, in the beginning. 20th century it became 6 years old. Due to hieroglyphics. Japanese character writing, the 4-year school could not initially provide full literacy for students. By 1905, universal coverage of children began. education reached 95.6%, and in 1935 only 7.1% of the population of active age had no education. In 1950 the population was St. 90%. According to the 1960 census, it reached 97.8% (age 15 years and older).

The development of agriculture lagged significantly behind in a large group of European countries: Spain, Portugal, Greece, Bulgaria, Serbia, Romania, etc. By the beginning. 20th century G. population in them was only 20-45%. In Albania the general beginning. training was legally established in the beginning. 20s; G. population was at the end. 30s no more than 15-17%. Complete civil war in these countries was achieved after World War II.

In some countries of the East. Europe, where after 1945, following the example of the USSR, a course was pursued towards the accelerated construction of socialism. society, vigorous efforts were made to overcome illiteracy, especially among the active-age population. In Bulgaria and Romania, the approach to universal population control occurred in the 60s, in Yugoslavia - in the 80s. In other European countries it will be concluded. The stage in achieving complete G. began in the 80s. According to UNESCO, the population aged 15 years and older in 1981 was 92.6% in Spain, 90.5% in Greece, and 79.4% in Portugal.

By the nature of its distribution, pre-Revolutionary history also belonged to countries of this type. Russia. Reserves for extensive development, which were located here by the feud. way of farming, inhibited the maturation of capitalism. way of life and the corresponding political and social factors stimulating the cultural process. Almost until midday. 19th century G. outside the ruling classes only to a minimum. to a certain extent captured the peasantry, and partly the merchants and artisans. At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. (according to the 1897 census) the literate population was only 27.0% (those who could at least read were considered literate; registration was carried out for persons aged 9 years and older). Within the country, the differences in the literacy rate of the population were very significant - from the Baltic provinces with a high level of literacy (Estlyandskaya - 95%, Livlyandskaya - 92%, Kurlandskaya - 85%) to the almost completely illiterate ones, who were in pre-capitalist conditions. and even dofeod. stages of societies. development of the east parts of the empire, many the nationalities of which did not have their own. writing. Regional indicators of G. reflected these disproportions: Privislinsky region - 41.0%, Europe. Russia - 30%, Caucasus - 17%, Siberia - 16%, Avg. Asia (Turkestan) - 6%. Among European provinces (excluding the Baltic states), St. Petersburg (62%) stood out sharply, followed by Moscow (49%), in the rest the provinces ranged from 40% (Yaroslavl) to 19% (Penza) depending on the degree of industrialization. development of each.

In the process of implementing the proclaimed idea of ​​the cultural revolution, the task of spreading G. was solved both through external influences. sources, and at the expense of consequential ones. expansion and strengthening of the school. networks. It was the latter circumstance that allowed the legislative introduction of universal obligation in 1930. beginning training in the amount of 4 classes and include the entire younger generation in the modern system. culture. In con. 30s the level of population of St. has been reached. 80%. The elimination of mass illiteracy in the USSR was completed after the Great. Otech. war. The process of becoming a complete G. was completed at the end. 60s and 70s: the proportion of persons with less than a completed primary education (including persons without education) among the USSR population aged 10 years and older was 32.9% in 1959, in 1970 - 22.4%, in 1979 - 11.3%.

After World War II, the process of germination spread to the developing countries of Asia, Africa, and Latvia. America. The unevenness of this process, the cultural backwardness of many. countries so-called the third world is a direct consequence of colonialism. According to UNESCO, the global population aged 15 years and older in 1985 was 72.3%, including 97.9% in developed countries and 61.8% in developing countries. According to dept. macroregions of G. amounted to: in Lat. America 82.7%, Asia 63.7%, Africa 46.0.

Reliable statistical the description of the early stages of the spread of Geography (17th - 1st half of the 19th centuries) is associated with Meaning. difficulties. From the 2nd half. 19th century G. was taken into account during regular population censuses, which made it possible to present a comparative picture of its evolution with sufficient completeness. In addition to private sample data, indicators of the G. department are used. age groups or specific categories of the population (G. recruits, recruits, newlyweds, etc.). Often these heterogeneous data are used in parallel and autonomously, without attempting to establish the s.l. connection between them. Apparently, such a dependence exists, and progress in the analysis of the evolution of G. is associated with determining the correlation between the general G. of the population and the G. of its constituent ages (generational G.).

The total population size, recorded by the census at a certain point in time, is made up of the interaction of a whole group of factors, which determine one or another level. These factors can be divided into educational and demographic. K educated factors include school. G. (determined by the scale of universal education, the quality of education, the opportunity to receive education in the native language, etc.), post-school (or out-of-school) G. and recurrent illiteracy. Demogr. factors - natural. and migrant population movement. Dynamics of natural population growth, aging, etc. processes change the age structure of the population, the proportion and age ratio, which is directly reflected in the general indicators of age, even if the age group itself remains unchanged. The general indicators of the population are affected by the structure of the migrant population. flows, and the stronger the more intense these flows are. The dominant factor, as a rule, remains school. G. General growth of G. does not occur due to the frontal one. G.'s growth in all generations. In the conditions of consistently implemented universal education, the change in the general indicator of G. is primarily due to demogr. mechanism. Each new adult generation enters into independence. life, having received the basic G.'s norm, which generally remains in the future. When is a possible G. ml. ages is ensured, the total G. population reaches 100% with a delay as a result of the change in Art. younger generations. Censuses record society each time in a new combination of generations, i.e. with a new age structure of G. The latter, strengthened or weakened by the mass of generations, their specific weight, gives each time a new indicator of G. of the entire population. The total G. of the population is composed at any given moment from the G. department. ages, “weighted” in proportion to the specific gravity of each of them. Aftershk. G., recurrent illiteracy and the influence of demogr. factors adjust the result as secondary factors. Lit.: Love l her E., Nar. education. Nar. schools: their modern situation and related legislation in all states, St. Petersburg, 1873; Levasseur E., Nar. education in civilizations. countries, vol. 1 - 2, St. Petersburg, 1898-1899; Bogdanov I. M Literacy and education in pre-revolutionary times. Russia and the USSR, M., 1964; Education in the countries of the world, M., 1967; Kuzm and M.H., School and education in Czechoslovakia, M., 1971, ch. 1; European school socialist countries, Mi976; Progress of literacy in various countries, ; World of literacy in various countries, P., UNESCO, 1957; G r aff H. J., Literacy in history. An interdisciplinary research bibliography, Chi. M. N. Kuzmin.

Excellent definition

Incomplete definition ↓

Today, quite often you can meet illiterate people who do not even think that words need to be emphasized correctly, thoughts can be formulated clearly, and they can be written without grammatical errors. But Russian is still one of the leading school subjects.

The fact is that literacy is ingrained in a person at a very young age. The child listens to how his parents speak and learns their manner of speech as correct and worthy of imitation. Consequently, how correctly parents are able to express their thoughts depends on whether their children will become cultured and educated people in the future.

It is easier for a competent person to find an interesting, prestigious job for himself. Wise managers immediately notice whether a future employee speaks his native language, how fluently and easily he speaks, whether he expresses his thoughts clearly, and whether he writes competently.

It is unlikely that a person who writes with errors will be hired to work with documents. For a position that involves constant communication with different people, they will hire someone who has euphonious, literate speech. When considering applicants for a job drafting business papers, the employer will give preference to the one who did an excellent job filling out the application form.

But there are jobs where it seems that special literacy is not needed. People working in such places are often irresponsible in developing their own speech and writing. But they will have children for whom their parents will become models in many ways, including in speech culture.

It is worth learning correct written and spoken speech, if only for the sake of the children, in order to be able to help them receive a full-fledged education. Nobody knows what is in store for him in life. Perhaps your child will choose a profession where high literacy will be extremely necessary for him.

Today almost everyone has a page on social networks. This is a convenient communication channel. It is very important in such online communication to be correctly understood by the interlocutor. The same goes for the websites that many people have today. Authors post their texts there. Visitors visiting the site will be more willing to read texts that are written in an interesting, understandable and error-free manner.

Despite the widespread availability of educational institutions and the availability of all kinds of information, the problem of literacy still exists in modern times.


Literacy is the level of knowledge and skills in a particular area, as well as the ability to apply them in practice. The degree of mastery of a particular subject determines the level of accessibility of certain information for a person.

Initially, the concept of literacy was used to determine the level of reading and writing skills according to the norms of the native language. In the modern world, this concept has acquired a broader meaning and is now used to denote knowledge of a high degree in other areas of activity. There are such concepts as economic, legal, psychological, technological and scientific literacy.

Information Awareness

Literacy level is one of the most pressing problems in the current educational system. This implies not only the ability to find the necessary information, but also the ability to navigate an endless information flow, analyze and synthesize the acquired knowledge, benefiting from it and applying it in practice.

In many European secondary and higher educational institutions, the educational system is different from ours. The main difference is in teaching students to use information rather than take notes and memorize it by heart. Of course, memory development is no less important. However, according to such an education system, it is important not only to assimilate the material, but also to learn to independently draw conclusions and conclusions, find alternative solutions, see the relationship between seemingly different subjects of discussion, conduct a discussion, supporting one’s statements with logical arguments, and so on.


Educational research activities include the following types of literacy:

  • Reading and writing literacy.
  • Proficiency in information media (computers and other gadgets).
  • Ability to benefit from the telecommunications industry.
  • Media literacy.
  • Informational.

The last point combines the previous ones and is key. In the 21st century, you need to be able to cope with the information flow and have the ability to quickly find, perceive and transfer knowledge in a particular area.

Computer skills

This term was first proposed by the President of the Information Industry Association, Paul Zurkowski. This concept can be characterized as the ability to use a set of knowledge and computer skills to solve certain problems, plan various actions and anticipate their consequences. Since information technology is an integral part of society today, the ability to use a computer has become no less important than writing and reading skills. This knowledge can significantly speed up the process of searching for the necessary information in any field of science, art, culture or technology. Such technologies have greatly facilitated human interaction with a continuous flow of information.

Network literacy

Cultural level

Anyone who has been abroad has probably noticed that knowledge of a foreign language is often not enough to fully understand the local residents. This is due to the cultural and social characteristics of each country. Any language is not just a dry set of lexical units and grammatical rules, but a living system, constantly evolving through interaction with other cultures. It is impossible to master a foreign language perfectly without deliberately excluding the history, cultural experience and social norms of the country. Building cultural literacy involves more than just exposure to a wide range of basic knowledge. This is the freedom to use them. Therefore, cultural literacy is a concept that includes not only communication skills according to the rules of a particular language, but also a lot of other knowledge. These are etiquette, the ability to use figurative speech (idioms, metaphors, phraseological units), knowledge of traditions and customs, folklore, the moral and ethical side and much more.

Psychological literacy

This area includes all kinds of communication skills: the ability to establish contact, object, criticize, lead a discussion, persuade, speak in front of the public. In general, this includes everything related to issues of relationships and communication skills.

How to improve spelling literacy

There is an opinion that the ability to write correctly is innate. However, contrary to popular belief, acquiring this skill is available to everyone. The best way is to start early. Then the cognitive process will take place easily and naturally.

A child’s first educational activity is based on imitating the speech of others, so it is very important to create a favorable environment. Certain speech skills are formed thanks to parents: the ability to correctly place stress in words, construct sentences, find suitable phrases in each specific case and express themselves clearly. Therefore, it is very important to communicate with the child as much as possible, read fairy tales and poems aloud. A little later, when he learns to read on his own, the correct spelling of words and phrases will be memorized when repeated many times. In addition, there are various intellectual and logic games.

Causes of illiteracy

Compared to the recent past, it has now become much easier to search for any information. Almost everyone has the ability to use computer programs that track typos and find all kinds of textbooks, dictionaries and reference books. Nevertheless, the problem of literacy remains relevant to this day.

There are several reasons for the low level of knowledge of the native language:

  • No need for reading. Books are increasingly being replaced by other entertainment: watching all kinds of TV shows, series, computer games, and so on. And any information can be found on the Internet. This threatens not only general illiteracy, but also a decline in intellectual level and a deterioration in creative thinking.
  • Reading low-quality literature. Over the past decades, more and more entertainment literature has begun to appear, in which, in addition to the lack of useful information, you can find a lot of spelling, grammatical and stylistic errors.
  • Chatting in Internet. Slang, abbreviations and careless spelling are common in various chats and forums. This style can become a habit. Unfortunately, for some people, literacy is something they can do without in everyday life.

Intellectual games and entertainment for children

So that the educational process does not seem burdensome to the child, it is necessary to conduct training in a playful way:

  • Crosswords. This type of intellectual entertainment helps to increase vocabulary. In addition to regular crosswords with lists of word tasks, there are those in which the questions are presented in the form of pictures. This game will help your child learn to perceive and transmit information.
  • Various oral word games: choosing a rhyme, choosing a city, searching for a word starting with a certain syllable, and so on.
  • Games on paper: make up as many short words as possible from one long one, “Snake”, where each subsequent word begins with the last letter or syllable of the previous one, “Field of Miracles”, “Confusion” - a game in which you need to collect a word from mixed cards with letters .
  • Tabletop and Russian version of "Erudite".
  • Learning the rules in a playful way. This makes literacy examples much easier to remember:
    - “not wonderful, not beautiful, but dangerous and terrible: writing the letter t is in vain”;
    - “either, something, that, either - don’t forget the hyphen here”;
    - “I can’t bear to get married.”
  • It is also very useful to develop. You can offer your child the following exercises: find ten differences between two pictures, show several patterns on a piece of paper, and then ask them to reproduce what they saw from memory.

Older children can already be encouraged to independently compose crossword puzzles, as well as write essays, short stories and poems. This will significantly increase the child’s intellectual level and help develop imagination and imaginative thinking.

It is also very important in the process of communication to eliminate possible correct use and combination of words and phrases (for example, dress and put on), put emphasis on words (calls, cakes) and more.

If some words cause difficulties, you can create a personal dictionary to write down difficult lexical units. Then you can do small dictations with these words. Another idea is “fill in the missing letter” style games. Repeated repetition will help to bring the correct spelling of words to automaticity.

Literacy is a skill that can be easily acquired or developed, but must be practiced regularly. Of course, the school will offer a large number of various exercises on phonetic, morphological and syntactic analysis. Therefore, it is not advisable to duplicate such activities at home. It is best to instill in a child a love of literature by offering him various genres, and conduct the educational process in a playful way. The main thing is that the training should be easy.

The importance of literature

Increasing literacy levels is one of the important parts of the educational process. Of course, an important role is played by memorizing the rules and norms of the native language with the subsequent consolidation of the material in practice. However, this may not be enough. Those who seek to improve their skills in perceiving and expressing thoughts should pay special attention to reading various literature. It is best to give preference to those authors who have a perfect command of words and colorfully describe what is happening. Reading good books helps develop eloquence, the ability to penetrate to the essence of things.

Intuitive literacy

This concept implies a person’s ability to correctly express thoughts in accordance with the norms of his native language, even though he does not know the rules. This kind of ability usually develops in people who read a lot. The spelling, punctuation system and stylistic features of the language are stored in memory. In addition, people who read develop good logical thinking, eloquence and the ability for philosophical reasoning.

The role of literacy in society

Of course, a person who knows how to correctly express his own thoughts, does not suffer from tongue-tiedness, expresses himself according to the stylistic norms of his native language and writes without errors, has a much better chance of getting a prestigious education, and then finding a good job. General cultural awareness is no less important than professional education.

The importance of literacy is difficult to overestimate. This is one of the most important criteria that distinguishes a primitive and uneducated society from a progressive one. According to the world organization UNESCO, a high level of proficiency in oral and written language plays a key role in basic education, the victory over poverty and the sustainable development of society.

“In order to improve the mind, you need to think more than memorize,” says Rene Descartes. And the sooner we take care of this, the more successful the training will be.

In my research, I decided to build a system of approaches to the formation of competent writing in order to help students, and especially those who have difficulties with spelling and speech development. The problem of literacy has always been of interest. How to make sure that the number of errors decreases and the writing becomes conscious and competent? In the educational methodological set for primary school “To the secrets of our language”, edited by M.S. Soloveichik includes textbooks and notebooks on a printed basis from the 1st to the 4th grades, they implement a communicative approach to language learning, i.e. the focus of educational work on the development of all types of speech activity: speaking, listening, writing, reading. Attention is paid to instilling interest in learning the Russian language through solving spelling problems, where the student acts as a co-author in the learning process.

Based on this, a problem arose with finding an answer to the question of how to organize the process of teaching the Russian language in grades 5-6 so that it contributes to the maximum development of spelling vigilance.

Initially, the problem arose and took shape in the process of searching for a topic on self-education and working in a creative group in the following stages:

  • Studying the work experience of teachers in the region and Russia, studying methodological literature, testing individual searches in their own work.
  • Study of alternative teaching systems, selection of content, techniques and teaching methods on the problem.
  • Study and compilation of additional materials (CSR, game-based, differentiated learning, information technology).
  • Creating stages in the formation of spelling literacy.
  • Studying the effectiveness of working with students both in terms of the development of general literacy and in terms of the comfort of students, where the student acts as a co-author in the process of cognition.

According to a number of linguists, psychologists and methodologists, the formation of spelling skills in schoolchildren is not effective enough also because at the initial stage of education the formation of a range of cognitive abilities occurs, and the abilities that underlie productive mental activity should develop especially intensively.

Therefore, the problem “Spelling literacy as a general language culture and a sign of education and good breeding of an individual” has acquired a research character.

Purpose of the study: to establish the feasibility of using methods for developing students’ spelling literacy using materials from M.S.’s textbook. Soloveitchik “To the secrets of our language” and additional materials of the notebook-textbook compiled by me.

Research objectives:

  • Consider the psychological, pedagogical and methodological aspects of the process of developing students' spelling literacy.
  • Develop recommendations for the implementation of this methodology in teaching the Russian language.
  • Check the effectiveness of the proposed system of exercises and formulate methodological recommendations for their use.
  • To strive to strengthen the influence of the academic subject “Russian language” on the process of comprehensive development of the student’s personality.

Object of study: educational process for students in grades 5-6.

Subject of study: formation of spelling literacy in Russian language lessons.

Research methods:

Theoretical: study of psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature on the research topic; generalization of the work experience of primary school teachers, comparative analysis of students’ productive activities.

Empirical: observation, testing, student surveys, individual conversations.

Duration of the study: The study began in 2007 and is expected to finish in 2010.

Research stages:

  1. Diagnostic: study, analyze psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature, the state of the educational process at school, justify the relevance of implementation.
  2. Predictive: topic, research objectives, build a model of a new method of teaching the Russian language, formulate a hypothesis, predict expected positive and negative results.
  3. Organizational: create a material base for research. Develop a textbook for 5th grade students.
  4. Practical: implementation of methodological techniques, tracking of intermediate and current results, description of experience.

Criteria for the development of spelling literacy

  • Set spelling tasks (find spellings)
  • Use exercises to develop memory (semantic, auditory, visual) and thinking;
  • Exercise spelling self-control.

Forecast of expected results

Among the exercises aimed at developing students’ spelling vigilance, two groups can be distinguished: exercises for listening to material and exercises for visual perception of texts.

The first offer training in spelling prediction, i.e. finding them to write down words, the latter are trained in self-control during and after recording. Both groups are important in the work.

Forecast of possible negative consequences.

  • Monotonous and similar exercises.
  • Lack of thought in constructing the material being studied.
  • Failure to use this material in Russian language lessons will reduce interest in learning.

As you know, spelling literacy should be developed in the early grades. However, during training in grades 1-4, in most children it is poorly formed. Research shows that in children entering the 5th grade, the percentage of spelling comprehension ranges from 30 to 50%.

What is spelling vigilance? From the point of view of the phonemic concept, spelling awareness is the ability to evaluate each sound in a word, i.e. distinguish what position it is in: strong or weak.

Now let’s try to answer the question, what is a spelling? V.V. Repkin defines it as “an element of letter symbolism that cannot be accurately determined by pronunciation.” (Organization of developmental teaching of the Russian language,” p. 57).

P.S. Zhedek - “like a written sign (letter), which is not established by ear.” (Issues of theory and methods of teaching phonetics, graphics, spelling p. 64).

What happens in practice, why do students make so many spelling mistakes in their work? There is an answer to this question too. In order to accurately write down a word, the child must perform a spelling action. What is action? What are his steps? Spelling action is the construction of a letter model of a word that meets the norms of the Russian language. What (what steps – stages) does this action consist of?

  • Detect spelling.
  • Determine in which part of the word the spelling is located.
  • Check the weak position or choose a word with the same morpheme in the strong position.
  • I act according to the law of the Russian language, i.e.

I denote a sound in a weak position by a sound in a strong position in the same part of the word.

For a long time, the most important skill was considered to be the ability to detect spelling patterns. An analysis of the works of well-known specialists in the field of methodology made it possible to note certain differences in the name of the corresponding action. Some authors write about the ability to detect (N.S. Rozhdestvesky, M.Vo Lvov) or find (E.G. Shatova) spelling patterns, others about the ability to identify (M, M, Razumovskaya), recognize a spelling pattern (T.G. Ramzaeva) or about the ability to set spelling tasks (P., S., Zhedek). In the works of N.N. Algazina names as the ability to detect, identify, determine spelling.

Implementation of the basic principles of spelling vigilance in the classroom

A vision of solving the problem of developing spelling literacy as a general language culture as a sign of literacy and personal education at the middle level through the development of intelligence, memory and logical thinking. In this case, two groups are distinguished:

1. Changing the content of the material being studied
Introduction of additional vocabulary, widespread use of proverbs, sayings, phraseological units, game material.

Introduction of educational texts. Expanding the scope of work with concepts.

2. New organization of the educational process.
Using the partial search method
Using the principle of reasoned answer, i.e. proof.
Selection of tasks that would form linguistic and intellectual qualities.

Using the principle of cooperation.

  1. What new approaches can be used for these purposes?
  2. Dictionary work (searching for a dictionary word, determining the lexical meaning, etymological, establishing associative connections, finding real and fantastic uses of objects, using phraseological units,)
  3. Studying new material (using partial search work, problem situations, analysis of observations, differentiation of work).
  4. Consolidation stage (various linguistic situations, redistribution of teacher and student functions, grouping material according to meaning, working with folklore material).

Exercises to develop thinking, attention and memory.

  • Make up a word
  • Find the missing link.
  • Find mistakes in proverbs
  • Highlight dangerous places.
  • Complete the task in your own words.
  • Read the poem, paint a picture with your words.
  • Find an explanation in the explanatory dictionary.
  • Find the end of the proverb.
  • Describe the illustration in words.
  • Make up words for the game.
  • Knots for memory.
  • Did you know?
  • Half a minute for a joke.

Study of the level of memory development


  1. O.V. Eletskaya, N.Yu. Gorbachevskaya. Correction of dysorthography in students in grades 5-6. Moscow "School Press" 2003.
  2. M.S. Soloveichik, N.S. Kuzmenko"To the secrets of our language." Publishing house "Association of the 21st Century" 2002.
  3. Ilskaya I.S., Sidorov V.N. Modern Russian spelling. Moscow 1999
  4. N.S. Christmas“Properties of Russian spelling and methods of teaching it.” Moscow 1960
  5. S.N. Kostromina“This book will help your child get straight A’s in the Russian language” Moscow. 2003
  6. Zhedek P.S., Repkin V.V. From the experience of studying the patterns of Russian spelling. Teaching spelling in primary school. Ed. Comp. M.N.
  7. Razumovskaya. Moscow 1974. Lvov M.R.
  8. Spelling in elementary school. Moscow 1990
  9. Mezhanova G.M.“How to teach a child to write correctly” Primary school. 2003 No. 7.
  10. G. Lozhnikova“Teaching competent writing skills taking into account the psychophysiological characteristics of children.” Moscow. 2004
  11. L. Krasnovskaya“Spelling self-control” Moscow, 2004
  12. Tyamina I.Yu.“On the organization of spelling work” Primary school 2003 No. 8

M.S. Soloveitchik

Russian language in primary school. Theory and practice of teaching. Moscow 1998

I have long had the idea of ​​writing a separate article on my blog about financial literacy in the broad sense of this concept. I am sure that it will be relevant for many readers, especially novice investors. Unfortunately, the stream of errors that I constantly hear about from readers proves this relevance. I could not get around the issues of a competent attitude towards one’s own people, culture and the psychology of investing before, repeatedly touching on various aspects of this issue. For example, in my April post about, as well as in reviews. Today I will try to approach the problem comprehensively and answer important questions:

  • What does the concept of financial literacy include and where does it begin?
  • How does financial literacy affect investor success?
  • How can an investor improve his financial culture and how does this determine your path to financial freedom?

Origin and content of the concept of financial literacy

I've been running this blog for over 6 years. All this time, I regularly publish reports on the results of my investments. Now the public investment portfolio is more than 1,000,000 rubles.

Especially for readers, I developed the Lazy Investor Course, in which I showed step by step how to put your personal finances in order and effectively invest your savings in dozens of assets. I recommend that every reader complete at least the first week of training (it's free).

In order not to blur the subject of conversation, let's start with a definition. I prefer this formulation: financial literacy is a level of knowledge and skills in the field of finance sufficient to correctly assess economic processes and make informed decisions related to savings, investments, insurance, and future pensions.

The concept of financial literacy should also include qualified consumer behavior of a person. It is unlikely that you will argue with the fact that in the former USSR, which built communism relatively recently, the majority of the population does not even have basic financial literacy. This historical legacy is difficult to overcome, and it affects even people working in the financial sector. I personally know bank employees who, despite having good incomes by Russian standards, constantly fell into credit dependence and did not have a clear plan.

Alas, even having a higher financial education does not automatically guarantee financial literacy. Of course, the situation is gradually changing, but Russia is still in 24th place in the ranking for this indicator, next to Cameroon, Madagascar, Zimbabwe and Belarus (S&P study, 2015), and the number of financially literate people in our country is 38%. The population of different countries of the world was surveyed regarding their understanding of three questions: % rate (including), . The study also revealed other sad details: Russians on average do not know where about 30% of their expenses go, and 10% of the population plans a family budget for more than a month. 77% of families do not talk to their children about money at all, considering it reprehensible. In a word, in our country there is neither a mass tradition of financial planning nor a widespread dissemination of practical skills.

The occasion brings to mind the gloomy stories of post-Soviet companies - MMM, Vlastelina, Chara-Bank, Russian House of Selenga, GK Khoper, which robbed millions of our fellow citizens, taking advantage of their naivety and frivolous attitude towards their own money. It is also true that Russians are not unique in this: just remember the sensational company of Wall Street billionaire Bernard Madoff, who bankrupted thousands of gullible investors around the world and in 2008 went to prison for 150 years. Unfortunately, we cannot rely on school to educate our children financially. Educational education lessons were introduced only on September 1, 2016, and even then they are optional. Therefore, it is important to constantly work on your financial self-education and set an example for all household members. And, of course, adhere to a managerial attitude towards money, as opposed to such a widespread consumer approach (earned - spent).

How financial literacy affects investor success

Investors are a small wealthy part of the country's population, and many of them have typical misconceptions about money. In any case, overcoming them and reaching a professional level is not so easy: this requires time, effort and diligent acquisition of useful knowledge and rules of behavior. Thinking about the topic of the article, I asked myself: what is the relationship between professional financial qualifications and financial literacy in a broad sense? Should an investor or experienced trader work to improve his financial culture or does this only apply to people of other professions and ordinary people?

The answer is given by life itself. All of you, one way or another, have witnessed situations where a quite experienced account manager or trader on the stock exchange is not due to force majeure, but under the influence of stress, excitement, lack of where they should be. Often due to basic greed. We are all living people, but lack of restraint in emotions, impulsiveness, and a frivolous attitude towards one’s own investment strategy are a violation of the rules of financial behavior and neglect of risk management. And this speaks to gaps in overall financial competence.

Let's paraphrase Eastern wisdom: a financially literate person who does not have money will sooner or later acquire it; a financially illiterate person who has a lot of money will definitely lose it.

How can an investor improve his financial literacy?

We have approached the question of what methods and means a private investor can increase his own financial literacy, as well as influence the upbringing of his children in the right direction. I offer my own set of rules.

  1. A meaningful, serious approach to money. Getting rid of consumer thinking and moving to the formation of future ones that bring stable (preferably passive) income.
  2. Accounting and planning of personal/family budget. Distribution of finances into income and expenses, with itemized reporting, similar to a balance sheet. Change the family’s attitude towards this process, make it an exciting quest, convince family members of the benefits and personal interest of everyone. Nothing motivates more than honestly earned bonuses and gifts, and most importantly, the achievement of a jointly set common goal.
  3. Setting long-term financial goals that will motivate you to acquire financial knowledge and skills. It is desirable to provide additional income, allowing part of the proceeds (from 10%) to be invested. Even if your current income from your main job allows you not to look for a part-time job, an additional source can be both profit from investing and savings on existing expenses. The main thing is to start your investment practice as early as possible in order to develop stable useful skills and thereby improve your financial literacy. I believe that this is even more important than the profit received during this time.
  4. Building the right relationships with financial institutions: insurance companies, tax authorities, etc. The rules are simple: read the terms and conditions and the contract (even the small print). Do not take out consumer loans unless absolutely necessary, and do not fall into overdue credit and tax debts. Do your own preliminary calculations, since now all calculators are available online.
  1. Allocation of budget for self-development (). Self-education, reading, courses, trainings, webinars, paid consultations - all this directly works to improve your financial qualifications. Much of this can be found online for free, discipline and motivation are more important here.
  2. Deal with financial instruments more often: nothing will improve your financial literacy more than real activity. It is the lack of practice that makes people financially helpless.

Please note that I am not listing recommendations here on how to invest or trade profitably and safely; these are topics for other articles. I'm talking about standards of behavior, without which conditions cannot be created for constantly improving your financial literacy. These are critical prerequisites for you and your family to make your way to financial freedom.