Optimal daily dose of sugar and salt. Daily Sugar Intake – How much sugar can you eat every day? The norm of sugar in the diet

  • 19.09.2023

Sugar added to food is the worst and most harmful additive of all.

It provides us with empty calories without any nutritional content, which further seriously affects our metabolism.

Too much sugar consumption causes excess weight gain with associated diseases such as diabetes, obesity and heart disease.

But how do you know how much is “too much”? Is it possible to consume a small amount of sugar daily without much harm to your health, or should you completely eliminate sugar from your diet?

Added sugar or natural? – the difference is serious

It is very important to understand the difference between the sugar that we add to food and the sugars that are present in foods originally - in fruits and vegetables.

These are completely healthy foods containing water, fiber and various nutrients. So, the sugar present in them is absolutely normal.

The sugar we add to our food every day has a completely different quality - table sugar (sucrose) and fructose syrup.

If you want to lose weight and optimize your health, try to avoid foods containing added sugar as much as possible.

Sugar consumption is extremely high

It is very difficult to immediately give exact figures and calculations, because everything depends on the product itself.

According to data collected in the United States in 2008, people consume more than 60 pounds (28 kilograms) of added sugar per year. And that's not even including fruit juices.

In 2008, total sugar intake was 76.7 grams per day, which is about 19 teaspoons or 306 kcal.

According to the same study, sugar consumption fell by 23% between 2000 and 2008, largely because people drank fewer sugary drinks.

So, we are on the right track - and this is already good news!

However, overall sugar consumption is still high. And it is this factor that is the key to all diseases and exacerbations.

In addition, excessive sugar consumption is associated with diabetes and obesity, vascular disease, some forms of cancer, dental and liver diseases. And that's not all.

How much sugar consumption is safe?

Unfortunately, there is no simple answer to this question. Some people can eat sugar safely, while others should avoid it.

According to research from the Association for the Study of Heart Disease, the maximum daily sugar intake should be:

  • For men: 150 calories per day (37.5 grams or 9 teaspoons).
  • For women: 100 calories per day (25 grams or 6 teaspoons).

To put things into perspective, one can of Coke contains 140 calories from sugar, while a standard-size Snickers contains 120 calories from sugar.

If you are healthy, fit and active, then such amounts of sugar will not harm you in any way. Your activity will help you burn those calories.

It is important to note that sugar added to food is the enemy of the diet. It serves NO physiological purpose.

The less you eat, the healthier you will be.

What if you are overweight or obese?

If you are overweight, obese, or diabetic, then you definitely need to stay away from sugar.

In this case, you should not consume sugar daily - no more than once (maximum twice) a week.

But if you want to be healthy, then you shouldn't eat foods that contain extra, added sugar.

Soda and soft drinks, baked goods, processed foods... This food cannot be on the list of proper dietary nutrition. Especially if you have serious problems with excess weight.

Try to eat simple, single-ingredient foods and avoid processed foods loaded with sugar and unhealthy carbohydrates.

If you're crazy about sugar, maybe you just need to get rid of temptations?

Sugary drinks stimulate the same areas of the brain that drugs and booze stimulate.

For this reason, many people lose control over the desire to eat sweets.

If you often eat sweets “on the quiet” and regularly ignore the strictness of the diet by introducing more and more days to appease temptations, then most likely you are “hooked” on sugar and are seriously dependent on it (like I used to be).

Just as a heavy smoker should completely avoid cigarettes, so a sweet eater should pull himself together and completely limit himself.

Complete restriction is the only possible way to get rid of the immediate problem and addiction.

I have personally made my choice to completely give up sugar, both now and in the future. For seven months I have not touched sugar and have lost a lot of weight and feel great.

How to cut down on sugar

Avoid the following foods:

  1. Soft drinks: These are very high in sugar, avoid them like the plague.
  2. Fruit juices: It may surprise you, but store-bought juices contain exactly the same amount of sugar as any other soft drink!
  3. Candies and sweets: Try to limit your consumption as much as possible.
  4. Baked goods: Cookies, muffins, buns... They contain too much sugar and fast carbohydrates.
  5. Canned fruits in syrup: Replace them with fresh ones.
  6. Low-fat “diet” foods: These typically have a lot of sugar added to them to make them taste better.
  7. Dried fruits: Yes, these should be avoided too.

Instead of recipes with sugar, turn your attention to recipes with the addition of cinnamon, almonds, vanilla, ginger and lemon.

Be creative and turn to the Internet to find suitable recipes. You can eat a huge amount of delicious foods by completely cutting down on sugar intake.

The ideal natural sweetener is stevia plant extract.

What about sugar in processed foods?

The best way to get rid of sugar is to avoid processed foods and satisfy your sweet cravings with fruits and sweet vegetables.

This approach doesn't require calorie counting, complicated math, or scrutinizing food labels.

However, if for financial reasons you cannot give up semi-finished products, then here are some useful tips:

  • Sugar has many names: sugar, sucrose, fructose, glucose, dextrose, syrup, etc.
  • If sugar is in one of the first three places in a semi-finished product or some finished product, put this product back on the shelf.
  • If a product contains more than one type of sugar, avoid purchasing it.
  • Please note that there are also types of sugar that are considered “healthy”. These are, for example, agave, honey, coconut sugar and many similar products.


You definitely need to examine product labels and study the ingredients! Products labeled as “healthy” often hide tons of sugar.

And finally

At the end of the day, it's important to experiment.

Some people's metabolisms are capable of burning large amounts of sugar from their diet, while for others, sugar consumption causes binge eating, rapid weight gain, and illness.

We are all unique and you have to figure out what works for you.

Just keep in mind that when it comes to junk foods like sugar... It's best to avoid them.

It is necessary to clearly distinguish between natural sugar and table sugar, which we add to food. Natural sugar is found in vegetables and fruits and is not dangerous. In addition, fruits contain water, fiber, vitamins and minerals. This allows you to eat fruits and vegetables without harm to your health.

How much sugar can a healthy adult man and woman eat per day?

Table sugar is considered harmful, and this is what you need to limit yourself to. Here's how many grams of sugar you can eat per day:

  • Children 2−3 years old – 25 g or 5 tsp.
  • Children 4−8 years old – 30 g or 6 tsp.
  • Girls 9−13 years old, women over 50 - 40 g or 8 tsp.
  • Boys 9−13 years old, girls 14−18 years old, women 30−50 years old - 45 g or 9 tsp.
  • Women 19−30 years old, men over 50 - 50 g or 10 tsp.
  • Men 30–50 years old – 55 g or 11 tsp.
  • Men 19−30 years old – 60 g or 12 tsp.

Please note that the data in the table is calculated for healthy children and adults who are not overweight. If a person is sick or obese, the rate of sugar consumption is determined individually.

Why is eating a lot of sugar bad?

If you constantly abuse sugar, your immunity decreases by about 17 times! This is especially noticeable in children. Those with a sweet tooth get colds much more often than children who eat healthy foods.

Abuse of sugar leads to obesity. Eaten sweets are deposited on the sides, thighs, and abdomen in the form of fatty layers. And if you eat fat together with sugar, it is absorbed much faster. But the combination of fat and sugar is, for example, the sweet cakes with cream beloved by many.

Sugar causes a false feeling of hunger. Over time, people with a sweet tooth lose control of their appetite.

We all know we should limit our sugar intake, but why? In itself it is not a dangerous product. The problem is that it adds empty calories that contain no nutrients for our body.

Eating too much can lead to obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, certain types of cancer and tooth decay.

But sugar is not only snow-white crystals that we add to tea and that confectioners add to sweets. There are many other hidden sources of sweetness, such as fruit, yogurt, and honey. These are healthy and wholesome foods, but still: can they be eaten without restrictions? How much sugar can you consume per day?

Do we need sugar?

Every cell in our body uses it. During digestion, absolutely all carbohydrates are broken down into sugar molecules. They are absorbed into the bloodstream from the intestines and travel to cells in all different parts of our body, where they are used to provide energy for various cellular functions.

The sugar that everyone has in their kitchen is actually an unprocessed carbohydrate that naturally exists in several forms: sucrose (sugar beets and sugar cane), fructose (fruit and honey), and lactose (dairy products). Our goal is to eat the right carbohydrates in the right amounts to maintain energy and reduce the risk of various diseases. We're talking grains (oats, wheat, barley, brown rice), dairy, nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables.

How much sugar can you eat per day?

To answer the question of how much sugar you can have per day without harm to your health, you need to understand how this norm is calculated. Our regular white sand and added sugars are taken into account (which are found not only in confectionery products, but also in various sauces, dressings, ready-made salads, and semi-finished products).

Sugars contained in fresh fruits, berries, vegetables and dairy products are not taken into account when calculating. So how many spoons of sugar can you have per day? The daily intake for an adult should not exceed 6 teaspoons for women and 8 teaspoons for men. Thus, the answer to the question of how many grams of sugar you can eat per day is no more than 35.

With increasing age, this norm decreases by several spoons. Don’t forget about children: how many grams of sugar can a child have per day? A child under 3 years old is entitled to no more than 5 spoons, under 8 years old – 6, under 18 years old – 7. These are 20 grams, 25 grams, 30 grams, respectively.

ON A NOTE. A common question that comes up is how many sugar cubes can you eat per day or how many lumps of sugar can you eat per day? 1 cube of refined sugar is equivalent to 1 teaspoon.

How to calculate the amount of added sugar?

It is unlikely that it will be possible to calculate the exact amount, but you can learn to navigate the composition of products. To do this, you need to carefully read the labels; you should look for added sugars in the list of ingredients; they can be called differently: sugar (cane, beet, invert, etc.), glucose, fructose, lactose, sucrose, maltose, various syrups (agave, malt etc).

There are about 56 titles in total! You should also pay attention to the position: the higher one of the items is on the list, the more of it there is in the product. It is important to consider fruits, vegetables, and dairy products:

  • Bananas – 3 tsp/100 g
  • Apples – 2.5 tsp/100 g
  • Pineapples – 2.5 tsp/100 g
  • Grapes – 4 tsp/100 g
  • Lemons – 0.5 tsp/100 g
  • Kiwi – 2.2 tsp/100 g
  • Strawberries – 1.5 tsp/100 g
  • Raspberries – 1 tsp/100 g
  • Blueberries – 1.7 tsp/100 g
  • Cranberry – 1 tsp/100 g
  • Beetroot – 1.7 tsp/100 g
  • Carrots – 1.2 tsp/100 g
  • Bell pepper – tsp/100 g
  • Onion – 1.25 tsp/100 g
  • Potatoes – 1.05 tsp/100 g
  • Milk – 1.2 tsp/100 ml
  • Cheese – 1.3 tsp/100 g
  • Cottage cheese – 0.6 tsp/100 g

ON A NOTE. We figured out how many teaspoons of sugar a day, but what should those who make a lot of effort to lose weight do? How much sugar can you have per day on a diet?
When losing weight, it will be acceptable to adhere to the norm, or even better with a slight deviation to the minus. Don't forget that an effective diet This is a whole set of correct and useful rules, the observance of which requires willpower and great desire.

What to do about sugar addiction?

Unfortunately, many of us suffer from this type of addiction, and reducing the amount of sweets we crave can seem completely impossible. Science has shown that sugar stimulates the same parts of your brain as cocaine. How to get rid of addiction and normalize your daily sugar intake? As we wrote above, monitor the ingredients of products and know under what names your enemy is hiding. Additionally, there are certain foods that you should avoid:

  • Soft drinks and fruit juices. A 330 ml can of Coca-Cola contains 150 kcal and 39 grams of added sugar, which is more than our daily requirement. And we often drink this in one go. Even fruit juice, which some people think is harmless, often has the same amount of sugar as Coke.
  • Low-fat and dietary products. Most foods that are touted as low-calorie and low-fat tend to be high in sugar.
  • Dried fruits. They are healthy and contain a lot of fiber and antioxidants, but unfortunately they contain a lot of sugar.
  • Baking and sweets. Put your favorite box of cookies back on the shelf and buy fresh fruit instead. Remove all sweet “stashes” - chocolates, cookies, candies that you have hidden.
  • Alcohol. Many alcoholic drinks, especially cocktails, contain sugar. For example, rum and cola - 7 tsp, vodka with cranberry juice - 7.5 tsp.

We hope you have decided how much sugar you can eat per day. Don't forget that too much of these white sweet crystals can not only negatively affect your beautiful figure, but also affect your health. Watch what you buy in stores, give preference to fruits and vegetables, enjoy spices and experiment with your diet - everything will certainly work out!


Sugar analysis is a necessary procedure for people who have diabetes, as well as for those who are predisposed to it. For the second group, it is equally important to regularly conduct blood tests in adults and children in order to prevent the development of the disease. If the content of glucose compounds in a person’s blood is exceeded, it is necessary to immediately consult a doctor. But in order to do this, you need to know what kind of sugar a person should have.

Conducting research

With age, the efficiency of insulin receptors decreases. Therefore, people after 34 - 35 years old need to regularly monitor daily fluctuations in sugar or at least take one measurement during the day. The same applies to children who have a predisposition to type 1 diabetes (over time, the child may “outgrow” it, but without sufficient control of blood glucose levels and prevention, it can become chronic). Representatives of this group also need to take at least one measurement during the day (preferably on an empty stomach).

The easiest way to make the change is on an empty stomach using a home glucometer. Glucose in capillary blood has the greatest information content. If you need to take measurements using a blood glucose meter, proceed as follows:

  1. Turn on the device;
  2. Using the needle that almost always comes with them now, pierce the skin on your finger;
  3. Apply sample to test strip;
  4. Insert the test strip into the machine and wait for the result to appear.

The numbers that appear are the amount of sugar in the blood. Monitoring using this method is quite informative and sufficient to not miss a situation when glucose readings change and the norm in the blood of a healthy person may be exceeded.

The most informative indicators can be obtained in a child or adult if measured on an empty stomach. There is no difference in how to donate blood for glucose compounds on an empty stomach. But in order to get more detailed information, you may need to donate blood for sugar after meals and/or several times a day (morning, evening, after dinner). Moreover, if the indicator increases slightly after eating, this is considered normal.

Decoding the result

The readings obtained when measured with a home glucometer are quite easy to decipher on your own. The indicator reflects the concentration of glucose compounds in the sample. Unit of measurement is mmol/liter. However, the normal level may vary slightly depending on which glucometer is used. In the USA and Europe, the units of measurement are different, which is due to a different calculation system. Such equipment is often supplemented by a table that helps convert the patient’s blood sugar level into Russian units of measurement.

Fasting levels are always lower than postprandial levels. At the same time, on an empty stomach, a sample from a vein shows slightly lower sugar than on an empty stomach from a finger (let’s say a spread of 0.1 - 0.4 mmol per liter, but sometimes blood glucose can differ and be more significant).

Deciphering by a doctor should be carried out when more complex tests are taken - for example, a glucose tolerance test on an empty stomach and after taking a “glucose load”. Not all patients know what it is. It helps you track how your sugar levels change dynamically over time after taking glucose. To carry it out, a fence is made before receiving the load. After this, the patient drinks 75 ml of the load. After this, the content of glucose compounds in the blood should be increased. The first time glucose is measured is half an hour later. Then - an hour after eating, an hour and a half and two hours after eating. Based on these data, a conclusion is made about how blood sugar is absorbed after eating, what content is acceptable, what are the maximum glucose levels and how long after eating they appear.

Indications for diabetics

If a person has diabetes, the level changes quite dramatically. The permissible limit in this case is higher than in healthy people. The maximum permissible readings before and after meals are set individually for each patient, depending on his state of health and the degree of compensation for diabetes. For some, the maximum sugar level in the sample should not exceed 6–9, while for others, 7–8 mmol per liter is normal or even a good sugar level after a meal or on an empty stomach.

The glucose level after eating in diabetics increases faster, that is, sugar rises more intensely than in a healthy person. Therefore, blood glucose readings after meals are also higher for them. The doctor will make a conclusion about what indicator is considered normal. But to monitor the patient’s condition, the patient is often asked to measure sugar after each meal and on an empty stomach, and record the results in a special diary.

Indications in healthy people

Trying to control their levels in women and men, patients often do not know what the norm for a healthy person should be before and after meals, in the evening or in the morning. In addition, there is a correlation between normal fasting sugar and the dynamics of its change 1 hour after eating according to the patient’s age. In general, the older the person, the higher the acceptable rate. The numbers in the table clearly illustrate this correlation.

Permissible glucose content in a sample by age

Age, years Fasting, mmol per liter (maximum normal level and minimum)
Babies Measuring with a glucometer is almost never carried out, because the baby’s blood sugar is unstable and has no diagnostic value
From 3 to 6 Sugar level should be within the range of 3.3 – 5.4
From 6 to 10-11 Content standards 3.3 – 5.5
Teenagers under 14 years old Normal sugar levels range from 3.3 to 5.6
Adults 14 – 60 Ideally, in an adult, the body contains 4.1 – 5.9
Elderly from 60 to 90 years old Ideally at this age 4.6 – 6.4
Old people over 90 years old Normal value is from 4.2 to 6.7

If the level deviates from these figures at the slightest level in adults and children, you should immediately consult a doctor who will tell you how to normalize your sugar in the morning on an empty stomach and prescribe treatment. Additional tests may also be prescribed (health workers will also notify you about how to take the test to obtain an extended result and give you a referral for it). In addition, it is important to consider that the presence of chronic diseases also affects what sugar is considered normal. The conclusion about what the indicator should be is also determined by the doctor.


It is also worth remembering that the blood sugar of 40-year-olds and older, as well as pregnant women, may fluctuate slightly due to hormonal imbalance. However, with at least three out of four measurements, sugar should be within acceptable limits.

Increased levels after meals

Normal sugar levels after meals vary between diabetics and healthy people. At the same time, it is not only how much it increases after eating that differs, but also the dynamics of changes in content; the norm in this case is also different. The table below shows data on what the norm is for some time after eating in a healthy person and a diabetic according to WHO (data for adults). This figure is equally universal for women and men.

Norm after meals (for healthy people and diabetics)

Sugar limit on an empty stomach Contents 0.8 – 1.1 hours after eating, mmol per liter Blood counts 2 hours after eating, mmol per liter Patient's condition
5.5 – 5.7 mmol per liter (normal fasting sugar) 8,9 7,8 healthy
7.8 mmol per liter (increased in adults) 9,0 – 12 7,9 – 11 Impaired/lack of tolerance to glucose compounds, possible prediabetes (you must consult a doctor to perform a glucose tolerance test and take a general blood test)
7.8 mmol per liter or higher (a healthy person should not have such readings) 12.1 or more 11.1 and above Diabetic

In children, the dynamics of carbohydrate digestibility are often similar, adjusted for the initially lower rate. Since the readings were initially lower, this means that the sugar level will not rise as much as in an adult. If the sugar level on an empty stomach is 3, then checking the readings 1 hour after eating will show 6.0 - 6.1, etc.

Sugar levels after meals in children

The most difficult thing is to talk about what level of blood glucose is considered acceptable in children. The doctor will determine what is normal in each specific case. This is due to the fact that fluctuations are observed more often than in adults; sugar rises and falls more sharply during the day. The normal level at different times after breakfast or after sweets can also vary significantly depending on age. Indications during the first months of life are completely unstable. At this age, you need to measure sugar (including after eating after 2 hours or sugar after 1 hour) only according to a doctor’s indications.

Delivery on an empty stomach

As can be seen from the tables above, the amount of sugar during the day varies depending on food consumption. Also during the day, muscle tension and psycho-emotional state have an impact (sports convert carbohydrates into energy, so sugar does not have time to rise immediately, and emotional shocks can lead to its surges). For this reason, the sugar level after a certain period of time after consuming carbohydrates is not always objective. It is not suitable for tracking whether a healthy person's sugar level is maintained.

When measuring at night or in the morning, before breakfast, the norm is the most objective. After eating it increases. For this reason, almost all tests of this type are administered on an empty stomach. Not all patients know how much glucose a person should ideally have on an empty stomach and how to measure it correctly.

The sample is taken immediately after the patient gets out of bed. Don't brush your teeth or chew gum. Also avoid physical activity, as it can cause a decrease in blood levels in a person (why this happens is described above). Take a fasting finger prick test and compare the results with the table below.

Indications for a healthy diabetic person

The norm for women after eating is the same as for men. Therefore, regardless of gender, if the indicators are exceeded, you must consult a doctor to prescribe treatment. It must be remembered that this condition can threaten health.

Correct measurements

Even knowing what the indicator should be, you can make an erroneous conclusion about your condition if you incorrectly measure sugar on a glucometer (immediately after a meal, physical activity, at night, etc.). Many patients are interested in how long after eating they can measure their sugar? Blood glucose readings always increase after a meal (how much depends on the person’s health status). Therefore, after eating, sugar is not informative. To control, it is better to measure sugar before meals, in the morning.

But this is only true for healthy people. Diabetics often need to monitor, for example, whether women’s blood sugar levels are maintained after meals while taking glucose-lowering medications or insulin. Then you need to take measurements 1 hour and 2 hours after glucose (carbohydrate consumption).

You also need to consider where the sample is taken from, for example, an indicator of 5 9 in a sample from a vein can be considered excessive for prediabetes, while in a finger test this indicator can be considered normal.


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Since the second half of the twentieth century, sugar has become one of the most important food products in developed countries, providing more than 10% of all kilocalories.

According to statistics, the average per capita sugar consumption in Russia in 2015 was at the average European level and amounted to 107 grams per day (i.e. 39 kg per year per person). This figure is at the level of France. It is one and a half times lower than in the USA, 20% lower than in Germany, but, at the same time, one third higher than in Italy and twice as high as in Japan.

Sugar consumption
grams per day per person

Dynamics in Russia

Comparison by country

Why is sugar considered harmful?

Mainly for two reasons:

  • Adding sugar increases the average calorie content of food, but does not change its biological value (i.e., the content of essential elements: essential amino acids and fatty acids, vitamins and microelements). This leads to either an excess of calories with a nutritious diet, or a poor diet with a normal calorie content.
  • Added sugar is a major dietary contributor to dental caries. Although tooth decay is not a fatal disease, its treatment is expensive, and the effects of tooth decay accumulate with age.

Daily sugar intake

Health organizations strongly advise limiting the consumption of sugar, both in its pure form and in confectionery products, sugary drinks, sweetened products (yogurt, curd masses, etc.), as well as natural sugar in honey, syrups and fruits. juices However, these recommendations do not apply to natural sugars found in whole fruits.