Lists of frequency words in the Russian language. Clever words The list is strange in places, but still interesting

  • 29.07.2023

So, you have started learning English. If your goal is to gain speaking skills, then you have come to the right place. Here are the most commonly used English words. In the end, everyone needs to start somewhere. Learning English words without knowing which way to approach it is not an easy task. You may also need this lexical minimum for further study of grammar. And this is undoubtedly a big plus for you.

I bring to your attention a list that includes basic English words that are most often found in everyday communication. This includes nouns, verbs, pronouns, prepositions that Americans and English use a hundred times a day and even more. By learning these words, you will not only be able to grasp the essence of the conversation, but maybe even support it.

100 English words is the minimum we recommend starting with. If you find yourself in a foreign country, you will most likely be understood, even if you simply say the word “time” to a passerby in order to find out the time. Believe me, this is much better than if you start piling incomprehensible verbal structures one on top of another.

All words are spoken

The suggested words are the most commonly used words in the English language. They are found in almost all frequency dictionaries. To improve perception, they were divided into small groups.

Each group includes one dozen words and is accompanied by an audio recording, where they are voiced by professional speakers with correct pronunciation, who are native English speakers. This way you will learn to pronounce words clearly and almost without accent.

Trans... what? Transcription

Since you are just starting to learn English words, most of them are given a transcription, i.e. a graphic recording of the sound of the words. Transcriptions help beginners correctly pronounce individual sounds in words. Don't be alarmed when you see these unfamiliar and unusual icons for your eyes. Soon you will learn to distinguish between them and understand how much easier they make life.

Practice for your health

However, in order for this basic knowledge to become firmly ingrained in your memory, you must use it in communication. Your interlocutor can be your friend, colleague, or even yourself (why not try conducting a monologue?). The important thing is that you often use the learned words in your speech. Some of them can even be written out on adhesive pieces of paper (stickers) and pasted on the corresponding objects in the apartment.

And most importantly, repeat the words until you memorize them. Repetition is the mother of learning. Remember that knowledge does not come easy, which means that you will have to work hard to achieve good results. The proposed 100 words are the most popular and most used in the English language. Based on them, you can already build proposals. It is impossible to start learning a language without resorting to new vocabulary.


Thus, based on the above, we can note the following: if you decide to learn English from scratch, then the presented list, which includes the basic and most popular English words, will undoubtedly help you. Each word is voiced, translated and provided with transcription.

All you have to do is learn them, remember the correct pronunciation and practice often. Of course, we cannot say that we should limit ourselves to only this list. The 100 words presented are a base that will allow you to navigate the further process of learning English.

№ 1
I - I you - you, you he - he his - him
it - he, she, it (about inanimate objects)
they - they
is - is, is located
was - was, was, was
are - we are, are, are
and - and
/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Basic-English-words-1-10.mp3 № 2
as - how, since, when
for - for, for the sake of, because of
in - in, during, through, on of - something (with a noun in the genitive case)
on - on, in that - that, that, that, then with - with, together with to - to, in, on the - definite article - this, this, this
a is the indefinite article before a singular noun

№ 3
word - word
all - everything, everything, all, all
this - this, this, this
one - one, unit, someone
we - we your - yours, yours, yours, yours
be - to be, to be
have - to have
had - had
were - were, were

№ 4
can - be able to, be able to, be able to
said - said, said, said
at - at, with, on, in from - from, from, with or - or, nor by - at, about, to, past, with the help
but - but, but, except, however
not - not, nor what - which, how much
when - when, while

№ 5
use - use, application, benefit
many ["mænı] - many, many
other [Λðə] - other, other
each - everyone, everyone
she [∫i:] - she
their [ðεə] ​​- theirs, belonging to them them [ðəm] - them/them
these [ði:z] - these
which - which one
do - do, carry out

№ 6
will - will, firm intention + auxiliary verb to form the future tense
how - how, how much
so - thus, so, also, therefore
then [ðen] - then, then
there [ðεə] ​​- there, there, here
about [ə"baut] - around, about, about, approximately
if [ıf] - if
out - outside, behind, outside, beyond
up [Λp] - up, along, at the top, above
an [ən] - indefinite article a + letter n, used before vowels

№ 7
time - time, period
number ["nΛmbə] - number, quantity, figure
way - road, path, direction, opportunity
people - people, population
her - her, her, hers, belonging to her him - to him, to him
some - which, some, some, some, several
more - more
would - used as an auxiliary verb when forming the future in the past tense, when forming the conditional mood, as well as a modal verb to express a polite request, opportunity or desire
make - do, create, force

№ 8
like - like, love, want, similar, equal
has - has, possesses
look - look, glance, look
write - write, write
go - go, walk, ride, leave
see - to see, examine, know, understand
could - could/could
no - no, no, no
two - two, deuce
into ["ıntə] - into, inside

№ 9
day - day, day
oil - oil, grease, petroleum
part - part, share, participation, role, separate, part
water ["wo:tə] - water, moisten, water
long - long, long, slow
my - mine, mine
its [ıts] - his, her, yours
who - who, which
been - past participle of the verb be “to be”
call - to call, call, hail, call, visit

№ 10
find - find, acquire, count
did - did, did
get - receive, achieve, become
come - to come, to arrive, to happen
made - did, did, created, created
may - be able, have the opportunity
now - now, now
first - first
down - down, below
than [ðən] - than

/wp-content/uploads/2013/11/Basic-English-words-91-100.mp3 You can download a text file with words and an audio recording to your computer using the link below

I think many were waiting for this super selection to appear on the site. And so I thought about creating this huge creation. Such collections must exist, despite their primitive vocabulary. Agree, not everyone learns English at school, and starting to learn a language from scratch is not an easy task. This selection of words for Lingvo Tutor was created for those who do not know vocabulary well, or for those who want to test their knowledge. The name speaks for itself: " The 2000 Most Frequently Used Words in the English Language", and all this you can get in the document word. I would like to immediately answer a few questions that may arise:

1. Why do we need 2000 words if there are 1000 most commonly used English words?

Firstly, this is not 2000 (sorry for such a game of numbers), and secondly, there is no thematic classification here. All words are collected in one place, and one dictionary for our program contains about 500 words. Since many words are repeated, I decided to remove them, so some collections may not have 500 words. For example, some dictionaries contain mostly 300-400 words. In fact, the dictionaries for Lingvo Tutor will not have all 2000 words (since I did not want similar words to be repeated), but you will first learn those that are))). If you still insist on 2000, you can download all the words in the document and add them yourself, although I doubt it.

2. Why are the dictionaries divided into 4, and not in one file?

The question is clear, and the answer, I think, will also be logical. Can you imagine a dictionary with 2000 English words? This will be a megabyte like large encyclopedia. It will be almost impossible to learn such a card, and it will be inconvenient to transfer it to your phone, PDA, etc. 500 words in one dictionary is already a lot, but you can live with it. The main task has already been completed - the dictionaries are ready, and you can do whatever you want with them. You can make one file with all the words.

3. Why is this even necessary?

The answer to this question may take me several sheets of paper))). I will try to explain, and I hope you will agree with me. The fact is that when learning a language, the question very often arises about lexical minimum. The most common question when learning a foreign language is how many words do you need to know to at least feel comfortable in another country?

Comfortable does not mean that the question howtogettothecitycenter, the answer will follow mynameisVova. You need to know and understand the most basic concepts, and then your stay in a foreign environment will be more favorable. Why do I focus on vocabulary on my site?(oops, another unplanned question) - because with the help of your own knowledge of vocabulary you will be able to understand what is being said and will try to say at least something. Of course, there will also be supporters of the theory that, supposedly, without a grammar of language neither here nor there, but it seems to me that this is not entirely correct.

For example, a guy wants to find a store, meets the first passerby and says shop”, a native resident of any English-speaking country will show you the right direction. Everything is simple and elementary, but when you start bend the bar and use grammatical structures that, in principle, cannot exist, then you may not be understood correctly. I write all this from my own experience (although I have not been to England), but I managed to visit a country where they speak a different language. I think my life would be much easier if I knew some essential words, and going to a restaurant wouldn't be a chore.

Lexical minimum- these are the words without which it is impossible to move forward in learning the language, and without which you will not know what to do in another English-speaking country. If you still remember at least a little of school English grammar, then after studying these words you can freely go on vacation to other countries (where they understand English, of course))) and not worry about your future.

  • To the person who came up with the script (unsubscribe, otherwise I can’t find you).
  • To the person who made the selection in the document.

This section lists the most frequently used words in the English language. The words are sorted by frequency of their use and listed in descending order. This is convenient because when learning words, priority is given to the most necessary words.

Pronunciation of words:

Word in English Translation into Russian

You, you, you, you; you, you, you, you


To, in, on, towards


Definite article


Indefinite article


And, ah, but


That, that, that


He, she, it, this, that



  • belonging relation;
  • possession of something;
from, from

Me, me, me


What?; what?


3 l. units present tense from be


Inside, in, on, within


This, this, this


To know, to have an idea


For; for the sake of


No, not at all

None, no


have, possess


My, my, mine, mine; belonging to me, yours


Pious, righteous

Exactly, exactly, just now


No, no, neither


Do, perform


Be; to be alive, to live; exist occur, happen, take place


On, at, around


Yours, belonging to you; is yours


1 and 3 l. units past tense of the verb be


With, together with


So, in this way, in a similar way


Just; Just

Except, except, except

But, and, however, nevertheless


All, all, all; whole

Entirely, completely, completely




2 l. units, 1, 2, 3 l. pl. present tense from be


He (about a male person) he, she, it (when personified - about male animals, natural phenomena, objects)


Oh!, ah!, oh! (expresses surprise, joy, admiration, fear)


All around; everywhere nearby

Oh, about, on the topic, regarding


Right, correct; loyal;

Right, right; exactly straight


To receive (in ownership), to become the owner


Here, here, in this place now, at this moment


Out, outside, beyond

going sush. walking departure, departure, departure movement towards the goal

Similar, similar, similar, similar

Like, so likely, possible

To love, to like, to want, to desire


Indirect case of she


To be able to, to be able to be able to, to be capable


Up, up, up, up, up

want sush. lack, shortage

wish, want


Think, think


Now, now, at the moment

When, once


go, go, move, leave, leave travel


Indirect case of he


U, in, for, on


How, in what way how much, to what extent


Prosh. vr. from get


There there

one number one (number) sush. unit (digit) one, single

The only one, unique


Prosh. vr. from do




See watch


To come, to approach; go come, arrive


Good unspoiled, fresh


They (about people, animals, objects)


Really, really true? really? that's how! very, extremely, extremely


In quality, as narech equally, equally, as

Because; because the


aux. Ch.

Prosh. vr. from will

look sush. sight

Look, look; inspect; track


When? when, which

time sush. time
will auxiliary; serves to form the future tense in the 2nd and 3rd lines. units and many more h.; in modern times In English this meaning is also used with the 1st person pronoun.
back sush. back

Back back


intend, mean

Poor, pitiful, seedy, neglected average


Talk tell


Ishall I will


From, from, with


Hey! , uh!, uh?


1, 2 and 3 l. pl. past tense of the verb be


He is he has


Prosh. vr. from can


His, his, his


Prosh. vr. from be


Or, otherwise


Something, something, something, something


Who? which, who


Because; because


Some, some; alone; others a certain amount (of smth.); A little

Some, some, some, some


Prosh. vr. from have


Then, at that time, at this time, at that time then; later, after, then; Further


Speak; say, pronounce; express in words sush. opinion, word


Everything is fine; Fine; Right

The frequency of use of words was determined according to the website

The subject is the main member of the sentence, indicating the logical subject to which the predicate refers. The subject in English refers to the person or thing being discussed in a sentence.

If a person is faced with the task of mastering a foreign language, he cannot do without learning specific words. GLM (USA) is an organization that keeps track of English vocabulary and the emergence of new concepts. To date, it has recorded 1 million 19 thousand 729 words. But in order to communicate with English-speaking citizens, it is enough to know about 1.5 thousand. To freely read texts and newspapers, you will need to learn 10 thousand of the most common lexical units and idiomatic expressions. You should definitely start with the common ones. The topic of the article is the 100 most popular English words. So, more details.

How to determine the most commonly used words

N.A. Bonk, from whose textbooks the entire Soviet Union studied, included 1250 stable expressions, which are often taken as a basis from other sources. There is an approach where the most popular English words are determined by analyzing works of art in the original language. Up to 700 works are studied, and the list includes not only full-fledged units of speech, but also common articles, verbs, and pronouns. Dictionaries of 300, 500, 3000 words are compiled.

Thanks to research at Oxford University, the first hundred most commonly used words have been selected. Scientists have analyzed various sources: fiction, periodicals, Internet sites, specialized magazines. The first twenty-five words are found in a third of all works studied. And all one hundred words are in half the sources. The most common of all parts of speech are verbs.

List of the most popular English words: verbs

It is with this part of speech that one should begin to study the English language, paying attention to the following fact: it is characterized by strict construction of sentences. Often a word can act as both a subject and a predicate. The translation depends on where it ends up. The subject always comes first. So, the most popular English words open verbs:

  • be (am, is, are) - can act as an independent verb (to be, exist) or as a connective in the meaning “there is” as part of a nominal predicate; the Past Simple uses was, were; in Past Participle - been;
  • have (had) - to have;
  • do (did, done) - do;
  • say - to speak;
  • get (got) - receive, get;
  • make (made) - do;
  • can (could) - be able;
  • like - like;
  • know (knew, known) - to know;
  • take (took, taken) - take;
  • see (saw, seen) - to see;
  • look - look, look;
  • come (came, come) - to come;
  • use - to use (as a noun it means “use”);
  • work - to work;
  • want - want;
  • give (gave, given) - give.
  • think (thought) - reflect, think.

For irregular verbs, past tense forms (Past Simple) are indicated in brackets, as well as participles of the same tense - Past Participle. If they are identical, then they are listed once.


English words are best learned in a specific context. This is especially true for nouns that are used in several meanings and can be translated differently. The task for beginners is made easier by the fact that the most popular words in the English language do not have any special difficulties. Which ones are in the top 100 most commonly used?

  • Year - year.
  • Time - time.
  • Person - personality, person, person.
  • Way - way.
  • Day - day.

As for colloquial speech, there are up to 100 nouns, without which communication with English-speaking citizens is extremely difficult. Among them: word (word), boy (boy), people (people), man (man), land (earth), woman (woman), girl (girl), name (name), home (house), mother ( mother), country (country), sun (sun), question (question), city (city), life (life), children (children), book (book), family (family), color (color) and others. For convenience, phrase books are created where words are collected by topic: “In the store”, “In the pharmacy”, “On the street”, “Weather”, “Family”. But today we are talking about the most common words according to an Oxford study.

Prepositions, pronouns and articles

Most often, certain ones are used and which do not have an independent translation. In first place among all similar words in terms of frequency of use is the. This is a definite article standing before a noun and indicating that we are talking about a specific subject: the letter is not just a letter, but the one about which the conversation is being conducted. Indefinite articles - a, an - are also not translated. The second is used if the word begins with a vowel. The use of articles indicates that the conversation is about a general concept, and not about a specific thing. For example, a pen (handle), an air (air).

It is impossible to translate phrases and construct sentences without knowing prepositions. These are the most popular English words: to, of, in, for, on, with, at, by, from , into (in), after (after), as (as), over (above).

One of the most commonly used words is the pronoun “I”. In English it is written with a capital letter - I. For example, I know that... (I know that). That translates as “that, that, that.” Among the common pronouns: it (it), he (he), you (you), this (this, this, this), his (his), they (they), her (her), she (she), my ( mine), me (me), who (who), which (which), your (yours), him (his), them (them), our (our), these (these), us (us, us), all (everyone), we (we).

Adjectives, conjunctions and adverbs

What epithets do the British most often use? There are only a few of them, but they deserve our attention: good (good), any (any), new (new), other (other), first (first). The latter is a numeral that ranks 88th in terms of frequency of use.

There are not many adverbs in the top 100, but among them: most (most, most of all), even (even), back (back), well (good), also (also), only (only), now (now) , then (then), some (a little, several), just (just), when (when), up (up), there (there).

The most popular English words are conjunctions that connect complex sentences. The fifth place in the top 100 is occupied by “and”, in the original language - and. Slightly less commonly used: or (or), so (so, so), how (how, in what way), because (because).

What else you should know

The list will be incomplete if we do not include particles: no, not (not, no), would (would); as well as numerals: two (two), one (one). Oxford scientists analyzed the texts, so the hundred most used words did not include agreement - the word “yes,” which is often used in colloquial speech. In English - yes. Those starting to learn a foreign language need to know that its peculiarity is not only difficulties in pronouncing sounds unusual for Russians, but also difficulties in reading.

The most popular words in English with translation should also include transcription - recording sound using phonetic symbols. For reading, it is important to know not only its rules, but also the types of syllables (there are five of them), which significantly influence the pronunciation of letter combinations. However, Google makes the task easier by offering voice sounds of the words searched in the search engine, which allowed us not to use transcription.

To successfully learn a language, you need to pay attention to idiomatic expressions and other set phrases, which should also be memorized along with simple words. This is especially important for mastering spoken language.

When learning a foreign language, the main emphasis is not only on grammar, but also on vocabulary and phraseology of the English language, which contributes to the development of oral and written conversational skills.

No one can say what quantitative and qualitative set is needed for this or that person. It all depends on the profession, type of activity, and goals of language learning.


First, let's figure out what it is. According to the definition, these are the words that this or that person knows and uses in his life.

Each of us has our own - some have more, some have less, some are more familiar with one thematic group of words, for example, professional terms, some with a completely different one. But in general, the vocabulary of most people is similar to each other, as it includes basic words and concepts used in communication and in everyday life.


  • Active vocabulary. These include words that we use every day. We know the exact meaning of these words and use them at least several times a day. It is worth noting that it is significantly smaller than passive.
  • Passive lexicon. These include words that we know but don't use. We also know their meaning or translation, we repeatedly hear them in the oral speech of other people or see them in books and magazines, but at the same time we use them very rarely in our speech.

The composition of active and passive vocabulary may change over time. Some words become a passive vocabulary, while others, on the contrary, become an active one. This is due to the fact that a person never stands still, he grows and develops, his interests and preferences, and lifestyle change.

The active vocabulary of the same person at different stages of his life (schoolchild, student and working person) will be different.

When learning a language, it is important to replenish not only your active vocabulary, but also your passive one, which will significantly expand your capabilities and increase your knowledge of the language.

Oxford Dictionary

The Oxford Dictionary is one of the most famous dictionaries of the English language.

He contains:

  • about 500 thousand words and catchphrases of the English language;
  • not only a translation dictionary, but partly also an explanatory one;
  • translation of words;
  • explanations for use;
  • description of terms;
  • articles on English grammar.

The dictionary is recommended for everyone who has seriously decided to devote their time to learning the English language. With its help, you can not only expand your vocabulary, but also learn new meanings of already familiar words, and plunge into the etymology of a particular concept.

Minimum required words for communication

How many words do you need to know to? There is no correct answer to this most frequently asked question.

It all depends on your goals:

  1. To travel abroad, it is enough to know only 2000 words.
  2. To move to an English-speaking country, you will need to learn 5,000 words.
  3. To freely explain thoughts, you need to have 1000–1500 words in your active vocabulary (according to some, this number is reduced to 850, or even to 500).
  4. In order to be comprehensive not only on everyday, but also cultural topics, you will need a vocabulary of 4000 words.
  5. For free communication you need about 5-6 thousand words, which corresponds to the Advanced level of English.

Classification of the volumes of required vocabulary for various purposes:

  1. If you are interested, have 400–500 words in your dictionary.
  2. If you want to talk about everyday topics and read, learn about 800–1000 words.
  3. If you want to communicate freely, learn 1500–2000 words.
  4. Do you want to read magazines and newspapers? Expand your stock to 3000–4000.

As you can see, there is no clear answer to the question of how many words you need to know for full communication. Of course, in some situations even 4,000 words may not be enough to explain a particular problem to the interlocutor, while in others 2,000 will be enough.

Top word lists

Today, compilation has become quite a popular activity., that is, those words that are most often found in the English language and should be included in the vocabulary of any person.

To compile this list, arrays of texts are analyzed and the frequency of use of a particular word is determined.

Based on this data, lists of the top 1000 and top 2000 most popular English words are compiled.

The use of top lists in the study of a foreign language gives very noticeable results, since the most used and, therefore, popular words are studied, without knowledge of which it is very problematic to communicate with a native speaker.

Working with the list of top words correctly

You have decided to master the list of top words and as soon as possible. But how to do it correctly, while getting the maximum benefit?

  1. Print a list of top words. Work through it carefully, noting which words are familiar to you and which are not.
  2. Cross out words you already know, but only if you know the exact translation of the word.
  3. Organize words you don't know into mini-lists of 10–15 words. This is how many words you should learn every day. You shouldn’t make the list of words larger; it’s better to spend a month studying the list and really learn the words, rather than spend a week on it and forget them after 2 days.
  4. Choose the way you will. This may be on which a word is written on one side and a translation on the other; using special computer training programs or applications for a mobile phone or tablet. using regular cramming is not recommended.
  5. Create a study schedule Thus, you learn new words for three or four days, and then take a break for one or two days, during which you work through the cards you have already studied, check whether you remember the words you previously learned or whether some of them are worth learning.
  6. After you have learned all the words from the list, repeat them and move on to a new list. words, gradually expanding your vocabulary.

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200 most popular English words

We bring to your attention a list of the top 200 most popular and necessary words, where you should start.

1 the definite 101 night night; evening
2 and and, but 102 well Fine
3 a 103 thing thing, object
4 to particle before the infinitive of a verb 104 open open
5 I I 105 away far; away
6 is to be for 3rd person unit. h. Present vr. 106 give (gave; given) give
7 of from, from, about, about 107 only only
8 have (had; had) have; receive; be to 108 something something, anything; approximately, about
9 you you you 109 ask ask
10 he He 110 move move
11 it This 111 stand (stood; stood) stand; put
12 in V 112 good good; good
13 not not no; neither 113 find (found; found) find, discover
14 was Form of the verb in other tenses. units h. 114 again again, again
15 that that, that, that 115 little small
16 his his 116 try try, try
17 do (did; done) do 117 too Also; too much
18 on on 118 still quiet; still
19 with with, together with 119 hear (heard; heard) hear; listen
20 she she 120 walk walking; walk
21 at about, at; in, on 121 before before; earlier
22 say(said; said) speak 122 leave (left; left) leave
23 her her 123 sit (sat; sat) sit
24 for during, on, for 124 let (let; let) let
25 as How; When 125 long long; for a long time
26 are The verb to be is plural. hours present time 126 call call for
27 we We 127 feel (felt; felt) feel
28 but only; except; but, ah 128 close close; close
29 can(past tense could) be able; be able to 129 very Very
30 him his 130 why Why
31 they They 131 which which; What
32 up up, higher 132 car automobile
33 what What 133 any some
34 out out, outside; outside, behind 134 hold (held; held) hold; own; contain
35 me me, me 135 work Job; work
36 go (went; gone) go, go; leave 136 run (ran; run) run
37 get (got; got) receive; take; acquire 137 never never
38 this this, this, this 138 start Start; start off
39 from from, from, with 139 even even; smooth
40 be (was/were; been) to be, to exist; be. 140 Light (lit, lighted) light; illuminate
41 look sight; look 141 than than, rather than
42 my my 142 after after, through; Then
43 there there, there; Here 143 put (put; put) put
44 know (knew; known) know 144 yes Yes
45 all everything, everything, everything 145 stop stop; stop
46 one one; one 146 old old
47 no No; Not 147 watch watch, follow; observation;
48 see (saw; seen) see 148 first first; at first
49 will 1) aux. Ch. in bud. temporary; 2) How modal can 149 may (past tense might) be able; May
50 back back; rear 150 talk talk; speak
51 into V 151 another another
52 like similar; like, like; love, like 152 cut (cut; cut) cut
53 if If 153 mean middle;
54 were Verb to be in the past. time pl. hours (were) 154 pull pull, pull
55 then Then; then 155 behind behind; behind, behind
56 an Indefinite article 156 smile smile; smile
57 come (came; come) come, arrive; happen 157 our our
58 think (thought; thought) think; count, believe 158 toward(s) To
59 so So; too, also 159 much a lot of
60 down down, below 160 its his her
61 your yours, yours 161 house house
62 them them, them 162 keep (kept; kept) hold
63 would 1) aux. gl.; 2) modal verb 163 place place; put
64 about around, around; oh oh 164 begin (began; begun) start off; start (to)
65 man (plural men) person, man 165 nothing Nothing
66 take (took; taken) take; deliver; accept 166 year year
67 just just now 167 woman (plural women) woman
68 by y, about 168 side side
69 am Verb to be in 1st person singular. hours present time 169 because because
70 now now, now 170 three three
71 over above; over 171 seem seem
72 make (made; made) do, produce; commit 172 wait wait
73 been Verb to be, past participle. vr. 173 need need
74 or or 174 moment moment, moment
75 time time; once 175 himself myself; myself
76 when When 176 stare stare (at)
77 hand hand 177 arm hand
78 who Who; which 178 use application, benefit; apply
79 want want 179 voice voice
80 here here 180 last last
81 Tell (told; told) speak 181 late late; late
82 off from, from 182 across through, through
83 right right; right 183 sure confident; Certainly
84 their their 184 front front
85 turn turn) 185 sound sound; sound
86 two two 186 big big
87 through through, through 187 really really
88 eye eye; sight 188 name Name
89 head head 189 should 1) aux. Ch. 2) as modal: must, should
90 other another, different, yet; 190 new new
91 how How 191 anything anything; anything
92 some some 192 against against
93 more more, more 193 guy boy
94 around around, around; nearby; around, around 194 kill kill
95 door door 195 point point; dot; paragraph;
96 room room 196 small small
97 face face 197 happen happen
98 day day; day 198 wall wall
99 where Where; Where 199 black black
100 way way, road 200 step step; step

Checking vocabulary

First of all, before learning new words, you should check your vocabulary, so that at the end of the training you can still see how much your personal vocabulary has increased.

Today there are a lot of services that will help you quickly check your vocabulary and give it a more or less objective assessment. We bring to your attention two of the most useful and convenient tests, with the help of which you can find out how rich your vocabulary is in just a few minutes.

The vocabulary test is the simplest test, based on a list of the 250 most commonly used words in the English language. For beginners, get acquainted with the vocabulary of the English language. Consists of 30 questions. The word is given in Russian and 8 options for its translation into English.

You need to choose the right option. At the end of the test, the results are summed up - how many correct answers were given and the level of vocabulary knowledge is indicated.

For advanced students - a similar test, based on a list of 3,000 words - More complex level.

Vocabulary – Vocabulary test from Puzzle English. You are asked to tick the words whose translation you know. At the first stage, you are asked to choose from 36 words, at the second - from 60.

From time to time, when you indicate that you know a particular word, a window with translation options pops up. You need to choose the correct one from the four presented. Thanks to this, not only the user’s vocabulary, which is expressed in the number of words, is calculated, but also the honesty index as a percentage.

Upon completion of the test, a result is given that indicates the quantitative volume of your vocabulary, as well as an honesty index. The higher the index, the more objective the result obtained.

Replenishing vocabulary

After checking your vocabulary, you came to the conclusion that you need to expand it as quickly as possible.

How to do it?

Work with texts:

  • reading books, thematic texts in English;
  • translation of text, copying out unfamiliar words.

Make thematic lists of words that you use constantly.

  • List of surrounding things and their translation.
  • Gradual study of these words.
  • At the same time, do not forget to gradually add new words to your list.

Explore lists of top words.

  • Using a list of top words, that is, the most common words.
  • By working with such lists you can significantly increase your vocabulary.

Play language games.

  • Scrabble, crossword puzzles, gallows.
  • The method is more suitable for those who have a large vocabulary and strive to consolidate the words they have learned rather than learn new ones.

When studying English vocabulary, try not to pay attention to the misconception that a minimum vocabulary of words is enough to communicate. Try as much as possible to replenish your vocabulary and expand it. Don't stop at learning the top 2000 or top 4000 words, try to learn as many new words as possible and you will see how many new opportunities you have.