Transvestites men. Husband - woman, wife - man: the most unique transgender couples

  • 28.10.2023

How evil love can sometimes be can be clearly seen in the example of 64-year-old Jan, a resident of Belgium. In 1993, he married a girl named Monica. The Indonesian native worked as an au pair for his previous family. At that time, the man was already married, but in the name of new love he hastened to end his relationship with his first wife. Having overcome legal difficulties and resistance from the Belgian immigration authorities, Jan and Monika formalized their relationship legally. The couple lived in perfect harmony for almost 19 years; it seemed that nothing could separate them. And suddenly one day, in a completely unexpected way, Ian found out that he was living... with a man.

“I never had any reason to suspect Monica that she might be a transsexual. She always behaved like a real woman. Beautiful, feminine, she never showed her masculine qualities,” recalled a shocked Ian.

The shocking truth was revealed by accident. According to Ian, after receiving a permanent residence permit and getting a good job, Monica suddenly began to behave strangely. She disappeared at night, began to dress vulgarly and communicate too freely with strangers.

"She wore tiny tops, showed too much and had over 100 pairs of shoes," Yang said.

The puzzled husband initially endured all this in silence, but after the neighbors began discussing his wife’s gender, he decided to dot the i’s. Having demanded an explanation from his wife, Ian finally learned the truth.

“She told me honestly that she was born a boy, but she didn’t want to tell me about it because it was her past. At that moment my world collapsed, we had a serious fight, it came to a fight, and the neighbors even called the police,” the elderly man lamented Belgian.

When asked how it happened that he lived in a same-sex marriage for 19 years and did not suspect it, Ian never found an answer. The man never complained about the intimate side of life together, and they mutually refused the only chance to reveal his wife’s secret at the very beginning.

"She was 27 at the time, so I asked her if she wanted children. I was glad when she said she didn't because I was already 44 and had two. Over the years she said that takes pills and even during sex I didn't notice anything. Now I understand why she always used lubricants, apparently all transsexuals use them. She has always been a good mother to my children, and also a fantastic cook, although she was successful. not so outstanding in cleaning and ironing and now I know why!”, Ian shared his misfortune.

"I caught her looking at photos of young people on the Internet, but I didn't suspect anything until a cousin who was visiting her told me the truth. I talked to my son about it and he said that he had heard rumors that Monica resorted to the services of a plastic surgeon in order to change her gender. One evening I decided to have a serious conversation with her and she finally admitted that she was born a boy and had gender reassignment surgery. My world collapsed in a few seconds. “I felt that almost 20 years of my life had been a lie,” the man added.

The couple are still living under the same roof after a judge rejected Ian's bid to evict his ex-wife.

“We live in separate rooms and rarely speak. What Monica did to me and my family is unforgivable. I just want to erase her from my life,” concluded Ian.

Deceived 64-year-old Jan Grimberger said in an interview that he could not even imagine that his wife was born a boy. He also added that he might never have known about this if it weren’t for his wife’s cousin from Indonesia, who told the whole truth.

Jan remembers the first time he met his wife Monica: it happened in 1993, when Monica came to her hometown of Antwerp to visit her sister and nephews.

“She was very beautiful and feminine. I was married for the second time at the time, but my marriage failed and I fell in love with her at first sight,” Jan told the daily Nieuwsblad.

“She seemed to me a very attractive woman, and she did not have pronounced masculine features. She was 27 at the time, so I asked her if she would like to have children.” “I was glad when she said no because I was 44 and already had two children with different women.” “For many years, when we had sex, she took some special pills and also used a special lubricant. Apparently all transsexuals use it,” says Yang. “She was a great mother to my children, she was a great cook, but she hated cleaning the house or ironing things - and now I understand why.”

Grimberger also noted that their relationship with his wife has noticeably deteriorated over the past two years. The reason for this was her late returns home, as well as the revealing outfits in which she loved to walk down the street.

“She loved to wear outfits in which almost her private parts were visible. In addition, her collection included more than 100 pairs of shoes,” admits Yang. “One day I noticed that she had registered on a dating site and was communicating with young guys, and I didn’t like it. And after a visit from her sister, who shed light on the truth, I decided to get a divorce.” “I told my son about it and he said he had heard rumors that Monica was transgender.”

“One evening I sat her down at the table and we talked frankly. She admitted that she used to be a man, but she didn’t like it and decided to have sex reassignment surgery. My world collapsed in a few seconds. I was horrified that I had thrown almost 20 years of my life away.”

Another unusual Top 10 on The most famous transsexual men. We remind you that last time we published, which turned, on the contrary, from men to women.

1. Balian Bushbaum.
Balian Buschbaum was born in 1980 as Yvonne Buschbaum. As a woman, he competed in the pole vault and finished second in Germany. Despite this, in 2007 he refused to continue his career due to injury. At the same time, he decided to change his gender. In 2008, Yvonne officially became Balian.

2. Buck Angel.
The director of adult films, transsexual Buck Angel, is a significant figure in the community of gay people. In 2007, he won the Adult Video News Award in the category "Transsexual TV Presenter of the Year." In addition to his performance activities, he is also a lawyer, teacher and writer.

3. Lauren Cameron.
Lauren is an American activist photographer, author, and transgender person. His work includes creating portraits and self-portraits of lesbian and transgender bodies. Lauren also documented the process of her body transitioning from female to male.

4. Ian Harvey.
American Ian Harvey is a comedian, and often uses this for his performances. His show featured many gay celebrities, led by Margaret Cho.

5. Lucas Silveira.
Born in Canada in 1979 under the name Lilia Silveira. Lucas Silveira made history as the first openly transgender person. Lucas is a vocalist, guitarist and songwriter of one of the rock bands.

6. Katastrophe.
Rocco Kaiatos, also known as Katastrophe, is an American hip-hop rapper and producer. He also became the first transsexual artist in the hip-hop genre.

7. Thomas Beaty.
Thomas Beaty became famous all over the world thanks to his "pregnancy". Beaty lived as a woman for almost 25 years, only after which he began taking male hormones. He did not want to agree to surgery, because he himself wanted to become a mother, like his wife. At the moment, Biti has 3 children.

8. Ryan Sullans.
Ryan was born Kimberly Ann Salans. He currently works for Transgender America as an advocate. He went through the transformation from woman to man in 2005 and since then has managed to star in the program “Larry King Live!”, as well as in numerous magazines as a model.

9. Andreas Krieger.
Andreas Krieger, while still a woman, competed in track and field competitions on the East German team as a shot thrower. From an early age he was fed anabolic steroids without his knowledge, which led to his appearance becoming more and more “masculine”. In 1990, Krieger retired from the sport and in 1997 participated in sex reassignment surgery.

10. Chaz Bono.
Chaz Bono, known as Chastity Bono as a child, is the daughter of famous American singers Sonny and Cher. At the age of 25, Chastity publicly admitted her lesbian inclinations, and a couple of years later she underwent a series of operations and now enjoys simple family happiness.

People get very excited by porn featuring transsexuals, experiencing indescribable delight...

A man who had sexual contact with a transgender only then realized what real men must experience. And former relationships with women began to seem like a pathetic game...

Nowadays, meeting a transgender person is no more difficult than meeting a Chukchi in Moscow. They seek advice from specialists, patients share their stories with their participation.

What attracts men to them? Why do men have an unrestrained desire for love relationships and sex with transgender people? What causes the serious demand for “ladyboys” - men with silicone female breasts and a male penis.

Here are the main reasons for this:

  1. The effect of novelty. At the core of any desire is a hidden desire for something new. People are driven to new actions by the desire to change jobs, hobbies, and sexual partners. They want something impressive, unpredictable, surprising. The first contact with a “lady” is a desire to satisfy curiosity. You have to try something new, special, unfamiliar, even unimaginable.
  2. At all times transgender people have been controversial. Contact with them can be seen as a challenge to society and an opportunity to ignore generally accepted norms and rules, to violate social “don’ts.”
  3. Any sexual relationship is a kind of secret. Not everyone dares to flaunt a close relationship with a transsexual. Secret meetings, conspiracy, secrecy - this is an opportunity to raise adrenaline in the blood, and men simply need it.
  4. The guarantee that children will not be born from a relationship with a “lady” removes responsibility, tension and is completely liberating.
  5. According to Freud, there are two lines that cannot be crossed - these are age and gender. "Ladyboy" crossed the gender line. This is a man who is ready to take and a woman who is ready to give.
  6. A man, entering into sexual contact with a transsexual and identifying with him, is able to experience his sensations and desires and at the same time feel like two roles men and women.
  7. Outrageousness is in fashion now. You can stand out from the crowd, be different from others, in different ways. It may turn out that the craving for a “ladyboy” lies in the fashion trends of our time.
  8. A great opportunity for a man with his own well-hidden unconventional sexual inclinations, realize oneself in the role you like best.
  9. Sexual deviations from the norm, mental disorders, inferiority complex requiring compensation may give impetus to enter into sexual contact with a transsexual.

People of different sexual orientations can be perceived differently. But the fact that they are part of society, and some are parents, children or partners, and their number is growing, remains to be recognized as a fact.