Oleg Bezinskikh year of birth. Oleg Bezinskikh: I'm an ordinary person

  • 12.06.2019

When did you realize that you were not like everyone else?

Why not like this? I'm like everyone else (laughs).

You know, I never thought about it. Well, voice and voice. Grandfather had a bass profundo - this is the lowest male voice, – I got the tenor from him. And my grandmother had coloratura soprano. She and her grandfather sang in the church choir all their lives, so the family heard both low and high notes. And when I, a guy, sang in a high voice, my family took it as normal. The only thing my mother always said was that I unusual child, because all babies are born red, and I was white. Mom was incredibly scared, she thought that her son was born dead. The doctor says: “It’s strange, this is my first time accepting such a child. So you take care of it." And they took care of me all my life. And the first sound I made was a bass scream.

When did the public first learn about your talent?

His first baptism of fire as a countertenor occurred in the tenth grade. For the city singing competition, our school had to come up with something new, something that others didn’t have. And I say: “I have one trick.” As a result, at the review I sang Lelya’s song from the opera “The Snow Maiden” - “The cloud conspired with the falcon.” The audience laughed. Imagine: a guy of enormous size, weighing about a hundred kilograms, sings in a thin voice. I gave the order to the accompanist not to play until the hall had calmed down, and when everyone had calmed down, I sang a second time, and no one else moved. I finished, there was silence - I stood there and didn’t understand anything. When I turned to leave the stage, suddenly there was applause, and then I realized: the school had first place.

How much did you need music education?

Very necessary! Classical music taught me to think and accustomed me to crazy order. After all, even cacophonous or diatonic music teaches order and discipline. By the way, it was at the Conservatory that they first began to hint that I was a castrato.

What do you think about it?

I feel very good about it. Well, castrato and castrato, for God's sake! So, not like everyone else. And not being like everyone else means I attract attention. And if I attract attention, it means I’m interesting to people. Not everyone understands that if I speak in a normal voice - a lyrical baritone - and sing in both a baritone and a high voice, then I cannot be a castrato. Neither physiological, nor biological, nor anything else.

Do you think the public is ready to accept a performer on the stage who will stand out with his voice, and not with his extravagant appearance or scandalous personal life?

There are just over a hundred countertenors around the world. Of these, there are five or six people who sing in the range from low baritone to soprano. Considering that there are six billion people on the planet, it turns out that there are approximately one in a billion people like the Bezinskys! I am very pleased that I am one of them. Super nice! Therefore, I will not prove anything to anyone, I will not invent any “stories”. I'm just creating. The Russian listener was fed sometimes low-quality music. Let's just agree -
I don’t want to say “pop,” but “variety.” So, the stage can also be different. Shulzhenko, Utesov are also stage performers. But we don’t scold them, do we? Because it's beautiful. So, I want to do the same thing. I want to bring melody to the stage.

The Walt Disney Company approved you several years ago as Mickey Mouse's stunt double in Russia.

I voiced a lot of cartoons and films and sometimes I didn’t even know what they were called. I was interested in both voice work and transformation. And Mickey is actually my character. When I stood in front of the microphone, I imagined that I had the same big ears. Once I voiced it for five hours straight! And it was not Oleg Bezinskikh, it was Mickey Mouse. By the way, in some cartoons Minnie Mouse, Mickey's girlfriend, speaks in my voice. The girl who dubbed Minnie often left the studio, forgetting to voice some scenes, and I squealed for her.

Let me clarify – my voice is not being studied, but it has been studied. I did not continue to collaborate with scientists because I cannot sit still - I live in Moscow and St. Petersburg, on trains and on planes. The Ukhtomsky Institute studied the topic “The Origin of the Human Voice.” I don’t know how the matter ended, but as for me, a spectral analysis was done - I produce a sound with a frequency of 1000 MHz, like a newborn, while the voice of a “regular” tenor has a frequency of around 560 MHz. Regarding the use in medicine: about four years ago, a woman appeared in my life quite by chance - she bought my first album “Music of my Soul” at a concert. She suffered from insomnia and neurasthenia, tried all the medications, but nothing helped. And when she played a cassette with my songs, it helped her, even her attending doctors confirmed this. Since then, this woman always falls asleep to my songs.

Oleg Bezinsky's repertoire includes not only romances, songs and opera roles - cartoon characters also speak and sing in his voice. The Walt Disney Company approved the Bezinskys to duplicate the famous mouse Mickey Mouse, and also entrusted them with the role of the Prince in the Russian version of the cartoon “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.”

« Russian miracle» Oleg Bezinskikh was born in the city of Oktyabrsk Samara region. Dad was a driver, mom was a mechanic, a foreman for tractor drivers. While the parents were at work, Oleg helped older sister housework. That's what they called him at home - our supply manager. And when Olezhka has completed all his tasks, he begins to sing at the top of his voice. The neighbors knocked on the wall: “Turn down the radio!” But the “radio” could not sing quieter. The reason for this is his role models, numerous records that Oleg bought in a discount store for three kopecks apiece. He carefully listened to classical operas, and then reproduced both male and female parts.

Sometimes Oleg appeared on the stage of the Kostychevsky House of Culture. People were perplexed: “Where did the boy get such a voice?” And his voice comes from God and from his grandparents - in their youth both sang in the church choir.

As a teenager, Oleg's vocal range expanded unusually. He could sing in both a low and high voice.

After graduating from school, Oleg entered the Samara Cultural and Educational School, in the drama directing department. Then he worked as the director of the oil workers' cultural center in the village of Zolnoye, at Pskov television, and entered the St. Petersburg Institute of Culture, in the directing department. At one of the student skits, Bezinsky performed an operatic aria in high tessitura. Hearing his voice, the teacher said: “Urgently take the Bezinskys to the conservatory.” Oleg was perplexed: “What conservatory? I don’t even know the notes!” But still he came to the conservatory. He was late for the entrance exams, but they still passed him. And they enrolled right away. In the entire history of the conservatory, he became the only student with a unique voice range - from baritone to soprano.

Music of the soul

Already during his studies, he began to be invited to participate in prestigious international festivals. The singer began preparing solo programs and recorded the vocal album “Music of My Soul.” It was the Bezinskys who were chosen to participate in the European premiere of Maria Antonia Walpurgis's opera Talestri. And soon the singer comes to the International Evian Festival of Mstislav Rostropovich and presents the premiere of Gia Kancheli’s cantata “Diplipito” in France.

In the nineties, Oleg sang in the best palaces Petersburg and concert halls cities of Russia and abroad. Moscow conductor Anton Sharoev invites the Bezinskys to perform the role of Alcides in Dmitry Bortnyansky's opera Alcides. The premiere takes place in Tyumen and Moscow. At this time, Oleg began close collaboration with the St. Petersburg composer Peter Hecker, who wrote the part in the cantata “Jerusalem” especially for him. Continuing working together, Peter Gekker and Oleg Bezinskikh are recording a CD “Jewish Melodies” (from baritone to soprano), the presentation of which takes place in the cities of Spain. Oleg is going on a concert tour of American cities with the youth chamber choir of St. Petersburg under the direction of Yulia Khutoretskaya.

In 2001 Mariinskii Opera House invites Oleg to work in the project “The Terrible Opera Performance “Tsar Demyan”, after which he releases the CD “Tsar Demyan” (2002). For several years in a row, the singer has been performing in the programs of the international music festival “Palaces of St. Petersburg” ( artistic director- Maria Safariants), participates in the recording of two discs: “Christmas Mystery” and “Baroque Mystery”. Oleg is invited to work in a production of Handel's cantata "Solomon" (the role of Solomon).

Oleg Bezinsky's repertoire includes not only romances, songs and opera roles - cartoon characters also speak and sing in his voice. The Walt Disney Company approved the Bezinskys to duplicate the famous mouse Mickey Mouse, and also entrusted them with the role of the Prince in the Russian version of the cartoon “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.” The singer’s voice is being studied at the Ukhtomsky Institute in St. Petersburg in order to develop the scientific program “The Origin of the Human Voice” and is used in treatment at the Institute of Advanced Medicine.

Oleg Bezinskikh was born in the small town of Oktyabrsk, Samara region, in the very heart of Russia. After graduation high school Oleg entered the Kuibyshev (Samara) College of Culture, in the drama directing department, and graduated with success. Worked at the Pskov television studio; At the same time, he entered the Leningrad (St. Petersburg) Institute of Culture, where he continued his studies in drama directing.

Before graduating from the institute, Oleg accidentally, the day before the exams, auditioned for the St. Petersburg Conservatory. At the audition, Oleg sang as a baritone and dramatic tenor, after which he was allowed to submit documents and take exams, but Oleg asked to listen to another voice of his, which he called “female,” which amused the commission. However, when he started singing, the laughter stopped, and Bezinskikh was enrolled in the St. Petersburg Conservatory named after N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov, where he studied with associate professor of the department of solo singing, candidate of art history Viktor Yushmanov (who later became the singer’s godfather) and accompanist Galina Senina. Oleg became the first and only countertenor graduate in the entire 140-year history of the St. Petersburg Conservatory.

Conservatory student Oleg Bezinskikh is invited to a prestigious international festival"Wratislavia cantas", where, together with the singer Adele Stolte, he presents Baroque music. At the same time, the singer begins to prepare solo concert programs, and later records the vocal album “Music of My Soul.” He is invited to participate in the European premiere of Maria Antonia Walpurgis' opera "Talestri". A CD of the opera is being recorded in Berlin. After a successful performance in Germany, Oleg sings at a significant concert in front of Mstislav Rostropovich and Galina Vishnevskaya, where he is called the “Russian Miracle”. In the same year, the singer goes to the International Evian Festival of Mstislav Rostropovich and presents the premiere of Gia Kancheli’s cantata “Diplipito” in France.

All these years, Oleg has been singing in the best palaces of St. Petersburg and concert halls in Russian and foreign cities. Moscow conductor Anton Sharoev invites the Bezinskys to perform the role of Alcides in Dmitry Bortnyansky's opera Alcides. The premiere takes place in Tyumen and Moscow. At this time, Oleg began close collaboration with the St. Petersburg composer Peter Hecker, who wrote the part in the cantata “Jerusalem” especially for him. Continuing their work together, Peter Gekker and Oleg Bezinskikh recorded the CD “Jewish Melodies” (from baritone to soprano), the presentation of which took place in the cities of Spain (Oleg Bezinskikh is the only countertenor singer in the world performing Jewish music). Oleg is going on a concert tour of American cities with the youth chamber choir of St. Petersburg under the direction of Yulia Khutoretskaya.

In 2001, the Mariinsky Theater invited Oleg to work in the project “The Terrible Opera Performance “Tsar Demyan”, after which it released the CD “Tsar Demyan” (2002). For several years in a row, the singer has been performing in the programs of the international music festival “Palaces of St. Petersburg” (artistic director Maria Safariants), and has participated in the recording of two discs: “Christmas Mystery” and “Baroque Mystery”. Oleg is invited to work in a production of Handel's cantata "Solomon" (the role of Solomon). The production is directed by the unique Address Mustonen. Vocal art singer is highly appreciated internationally organ festival in Tallinn.

Oleg Bezinsky's repertoire includes not only romances, songs and opera roles - cartoon characters also speak and sing in his voice. The Walt Disney Company approved the Bezinskys to duplicate the famous mouse Mickey Mouse, and also entrusted them with the role of the Prince in the Russian version of the cartoon “Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.” Back in 2002, the young director Sergei Gnilitsky presented the film “Russian Miracle” Oleg Bezinskikh countertenor,” which was successfully shown on television. The film takes a prize at Russian competition documentary film, becomes a nominee for the TEFI-region award in 2005. The singer’s voice is being studied at the Ukhtomsky Institute (St. Petersburg) in order to develop the scientific program “The Origin of the Human Voice” and is used in treatment at the Institute of Advanced Medicine.

Oleg is currently working on an unusual project. It mixed and musical genres, and music of various directions and times of composition. Creative search The singer is described as a versatile personality.

Oleg Bezinskikh, with the help of teachers, constantly improves his vocal technique and performance skills, considering this one of the main factors of vocal art.

Concert organization

Oleg Bezinskikh's voice range from baritone to soprano allows him to perform music of different eras and styles. His repertoire includes parts and individual arias from operas, oratorios and cantatas from the Baroque era to the present day.
You can invite Oleg Bezinsky to the event on our official website.
Oleg Bezinskikh was born in Oktyabrsk, Samara region. He graduated from the Kuibyshev (Samara) School of Culture and the St. Petersburg state institute culture (theater directing), as well as the St. Petersburg State Conservatory named after Rimsky-Korsakov (vocal department), where he studied with Associate Professor of the Department of Solo Singing, Candidate of Art History, Viktor Ivanovich Yushmanov, as a countertenor (accompanist - Galina Senina). Additionally, he studied vocals with the famous German soprano Adele Stolte. Oleg became the first and only countertenor graduate in the entire 140-year history of the St. Petersburg Conservatory.
Oleg started professional activity while still a student: from then to this day he performs mainly as a concert singer.
Among his foreign engagements is a performance at the XXIX International music festival“Wratislavia Cantans” with Adele Stolte (Wroclaw, Poland, 1994); performance of the role of Leark at the European premiere of M.A. Walpurgis's opera "Talestri" (Berlin, Meissen, Neuburg, Munich, Germany, 1998); participation in the French premiere of G. Kancheli’s cantata “Dilipito” at the Evian Music Festival of Mstislav Rostropovich (Evian, France - Geneva, Switzerland, 1999); and many other performances.

In Russia Oleg sang on Russian premiere“Nine German Arias” by G. F. Handel, which took place at the State Academic Chapel named after Glinka (St. Petersburg, 1995); performed the role of Mephistopheles in “Faust Cantata” by A. Schnittke (St. Petersburg, Petrozavodsk, 1995; Saratov, 2001); performed the role of the Holy Fool in M.P. Mussorgsky’s opera “Boris Godunov” at the St. Petersburg Opera Theater (St. Petersburg, 1995); sang the premiere of P. Hecker's cantata “Jerusalem” (St. Petersburg, 2000); and also performed with solo concerts in different cities of Russia.
He performed in Russia, Finland, Estonia, Latvia, Poland, Germany, France, Switzerland, Spain and the USA;
He worked with such conductors as Anton Sharoev, Tadeusz Wicherek, Mstislav Rostropovich, Yuri Temirkanov, Alexander Titov, Eduard Serov, Andris Veismanis, Andres Mustonen, Nikolai Vinogradov and Valery Gergiev and many others...
He recorded several CDs and DVDs and took part in many television and radio programs.
In 2003, Sergei Gnilitsky, a young director from Samara, made a film about the singer documentary"Russian miracle".
Oleg's voice range from baritone to soprano (A - b"") allows him to perform music of different eras and styles.
His repertoire includes parts and individual arias from operas, oratorios and cantatas from the Baroque era to the present day, as well as lieder and Russian, Italian and Jewish songs.