Epilation above the lip is better. How to remove a mustache above your lip yourself

  • 11.02.2022

One of the most unpleasant problems of any young girl or older woman is the appearance of a “gun” above the upper lip. There are quite a few reasons that provoke such an annoying phenomenon, but more relevant are the possible ways to get rid of it. Of course, in some cases, the most correct solution is full-fledged treatment by a doctor, but it does not always bring the desired result. It also happens that the hair above the lip is a feature of a woman’s body. In such a situation, it is best to resort to the procedure of epilation of the upper lip.

Reasons for the appearance of mustaches in women

In medicine, the growth of hair above the upper lip, as well as the appearance of hair around the nipples, is considered an intersex phenomenon. This means that such signs can be present in both men and women. However, few representatives of the fair sex are comfortable with hair in such places.

The appearance of hairs in unexpected places (including on the upper lip) is called “hirsutism”. Doctors usually associate such clinical manifestations with excess production of the male sex hormone in the body. That is why you should first consult with your gynecologist and endocrinologist, who will help you identify the real reason for what is happening:

  • Acute or chronic diseases of internal organs. When hirsutism appears, dysfunction of the ovaries and adrenal glands is primarily suspected. The most dangerous diagnosis in this case is the appearance of neoplasms. Associated signs that will allow you to promptly suspect a serious disorder and consult a doctor are a deepening of the voice, increased greasiness of the skin, and disturbances in the usual menstrual cycle.

  • Genetic predisposition or heredity. This reason is especially important, since it indicates the possibility of unwanted hair appearing above the upper lip even under normal conditions of the body and the functioning of the endocrine system. In this case, the antennae do not pose any threat to the body, but it is still worth getting rid of them.
  • Side effects from taking certain medications. This is most often associated with any type of hormonal medication. Some interferons, anabolics, and progestins can also provoke hair growth.

When faced with the problem of hair growth above the upper lip, pay attention to how many there are. For example, for brunettes, the appearance of a small amount of vegetation in undesirable places is usually a feature of the body.

However, you should not use various hair removal methods on your own; it is better to consult a doctor.

Types of procedure and difference from depilation

Fortunately, today there are many methods for removing hair from any part of the body. There are two types of procedures: depilation and epilation. There is a very widespread belief that there is no difference between these two concepts, but this is completely false.

Depilation refers to the removal of only a certain part of the hairs that protrudes above the surface of the skin. In other words, the hair is practically cut off, and part of it, along with the bulb located in the follicle, remains intact, which is why it can grow back over time. The most well-known options for depilation are shaving using a machine with blades, and the use of special electronic depilatory machines.

If you need to get rid of a woman's mustache, hair removal is the best option. This procedure involves treating not only the upper part of the hairs, but also the follicle. This allows you to prolong the effect of smooth skin, reduce the rate of hair growth - or even get rid of it forever. Epilation weakens newly growing hairs, making them more fragile and lighter, and the risk of skin irritation after the procedures is minimal.

There are many more ways of hair removal. Moreover, each of them is suitable for removing the hated mustache above the lip, so it is very easy to find the procedure that will be the most comfortable and affordable for you.

Laser hair removal

Today this is perhaps the most effective way to remove unwanted vegetation. Of course, it is also quite expensive. However, if you only need to treat the area above the upper lip, then taking into account all the advantages of this procedure, the choice becomes obvious.

Vegetation is removed using a special apparatus. The sensor, which is placed by the master over the desired area on the body, automatically emits a concentrated beam of energy, which has a chemical and physical effect on the hair tissue.

The main “target” of such devices is usually melanin and carotene - two substances contained in the follicles, without which the construction and further growth of hair is impossible.

Thanks to local destruction, the hair is not just removed and becomes more fragile, but disappears forever - after approximately 5-6 sessions with an interval of 30 days.

Among the advantages of laser hair removal of the upper lip, the following can also be noted:

  • The procedure does not last long.
  • There are no consequences on the skin, since the laser does not affect the tissue surrounding the hair.
  • Painless.
  • Longer effect (compared to other methods).
  • An opportunity to get rid of mustache once and for all.

Laser hair removal is carried out in cosmetology clinics and centers, where the process is supervised by an experienced specialist. You may be required to make additional preparations, including not shaving or wearing makeup on the day of the procedure.

As a rule, this method is contraindicated if you have diabetes, a weakened immune system, acute illnesses or exacerbation of chronic pathologies.


Its principle may resemble laser hair removal. However, in this case, ordinary light radiation is used as an energy source. When applied to the desired area, the sensor produces several quick flashes within a second. In this case, light energy is absorbed by melanin and keratin in the hair follicle and turns into heat. An increase in temperature quickly destroys hair pigments - and as a result leads to their complete destruction. The effect of photoepilation lasts for up to 5 years.

Since exposure to light energy is effective only for bulbs in the growth stage, it is advisable to repeat the procedure approximately 4-6 times to achieve absolutely smooth and clean skin.

When compared with the same laser hair removal, it can be noted that this method has disadvantages that must be taken into account:

  • The effect after several sessions may not be as good as expected. The hair will recover sooner or later.
  • After the procedure, undesirable consequences are possible, such as redness and swelling.
  • Somewhat painful.
  • It cannot be used if white vellus hair grows above the upper lip.
  • Moreover, the cost of the procedure can be about 1,500 rubles only for the upper lip.

Electronic hair removal is another very universal method that is suitable for almost any woman with the problem of excess hair above the lip. To carry out the procedure, a special electric rod is used, with the help of which each hair is individually processed separately.

Of course, this procedure is very lengthy, and it can also cause some discomfort. However, these unpleasant shortcomings are more than compensated for by a very impressive and long-lasting result.

If we consider the principle of operation of professional electric hair removal in more detail, it is based on the same thermal effect, which has a destructive effect on the hair follicle. In this case, it is achieved by directly inserting a thin electrode into the hair follicle.

Electrical hair removal itself is unpleasant, so when it is performed in the upper lip area, local anesthesia is simply necessary. The procedure is carried out in the form of a course consisting of 4-5 sessions (with breaks of two months).

It has virtually no contraindications - except for the patient having a pacemaker. After this, you can forget about the problem of hair growth above the upper lip forever.

Elos hair removal

It is a more modern universal method that is recommended for women in the most advanced and severe situations associated with the appearance of hair in inappropriate places. The procedure actually combines laser and electrical methods along with photoepilation, therefore it has a wide range of applications and combines all the contraindications that are typical for the methods outlined above.

Of course, if you decide to use elos hair removal, you should prepare for the fact that one session will cost at least 2500-3000 rubles. On the other hand, many cosmetologists agree that this method (like electrolysis) is the most effective and can guarantee an absolute solution to the problem of unwanted hair growth.

Sugar hair removal

The master applies sugar paste to the area of ​​the upper lip, and then sharply removes it, while tearing out all the hairs along with the roots. This method is quite painful.


This method is painful, the effects will last several weeks, and the hair will almost certainly reappear. However, hot wax (like sugar paste) is more affordable and can be used at home.

Ways to remove mustaches at home

To remove hairs above the upper lip, it is not at all necessary to pay for a visit to a beauty salon.

First, you should evaluate the thickness of the hair, as well as its density. Very often you can avoid unnecessary costs and get by with tweezers. Of course, such an activity is not very pleasant and may require quite a lot of time, but the effectiveness will be no less than that of waxing or sugaring.

Some women make do with so-called cold wax. These are special wax strips that are sold in stores as an epilation kit. To apply it above the upper lip, just cut out a strip of the desired size, hold it in your hands for a while to warm up, stick it on, wait a few minutes - and tear it off in one sharp movement.

Sugar pastes and hot wax are available for home use. The area above the upper lip is easily accessible, so it is enough to do the hair removal procedure in front of a mirror to avoid any difficulties. The finished base should simply be applied to the skin and then torn off along with the hairs.

Skin care after the procedure

Some types of hair removal are completely safe for the tissues surrounding the hair, so they are completely painless and without any consequences. If you prefer home sugaring, waxing, or go to a salon for these procedures, then it is best to take care of your skin, which is especially thin and vulnerable above the upper lip.

Most often, the threat comes from physical or thermal damage to the upper layers of the dermis, which can cause irritation. To avoid this, after the hair removal procedure, you should definitely treat the skin with any fatty cream that has moisturizing and nourishing effects.

It is also recommended to apply ice cubes to the upper lip or use natural essential oils that soften the manifestations of irritation. You should continue all caring cosmetic procedures (for example, washes and masks) that you regularly performed before hair removal.

We all dream of being beautiful, and for this we resort to a bunch of cosmetics, as well as choose the right clothes and shoes for ourselves. But what if the problem cannot be solved by simply choosing a style? So I also encountered unpleasant hair above my upper lip. Mustaches that in seconds turned me from an attractive girl into Stalin’s grandson. What to do? Take everything into your own hands! My personal proven methods for dealing with unwanted hairs on the upper lip are below.

What causes mustaches to grow above the upper lip in women: causes and consequences

When such a delicate problem appeared, I began to dig in all directions and put all my energy into searching for information on the topic. From what and why? Suddenly, I’m somehow wrong or, even worse, am I the only one with such a fiasco on my face. It turned out that this is a frequent companion of many ladies, especially those who have coarse, thick hair on their heads, and if they are black in addition, then they are generally a guard. The mustache will be so visible that at least you have to comb your hair!

It turned out that all this is not heredity, which I sinned most of all, since my dad had a rather impressive mustache, and there was an excess of testosterone in my body. This occurs due to some minor hormonal disruptions, as well as as a result of nervous strain, etc. All this was told to me by an endocrinologist, whom I saw at a time when I didn’t know where to go with my “disease.”

The doctor explained that this is a problem for every second woman , it does not require treatment and is not at all dangerous, you just need to choose a suitable means for removal, since my tests were not bad. Filled with hope for a better outcome, I hurried home to choose the best method, since the mustache above my upper lip was growing on an incredible scale. “And I will look beautiful,” I decided and began to act.

Home methods for removing hair above the upper lip: what helped and what only worsened the problem

If your mustache is barely noticeable, and even more so if you are blonde, then consider yourself doubly lucky – you don’t really need to do anything, just use eyebrow tweezers, which are in every woman’s cosmetic bag. And carefully pull out all unnecessary hairs. As you grow, you simply repeat this procedure and, voila! Your appearance is wonderful! To avoid irritation after such pinpoint pulling, you need to apply any moisturizer.

But what should people like me do? Whose mustache can be seen from a mile away, as if I were a disguised male representative in a skirt? As it turns out, there are more radical methods. I'll look at each in more detail.

Depilatory cream

Everyone has seen this advertisement, when a girl, after using the cream, beautifully lowered a silk scarf onto her leg, and it slid down like clockwork. After using this depilatory cream, your cheeks will be as smooth as a baby's. "Why not? – I thought. “What if it helps to remove the mustache above the lip?” These creams contain some kind of chemical enzymes that dissolve the hair follicle.

Having done everything according to the instructions, I found enlightenment - the antennae disappeared before my eyes and did not appear for five days. I walked around inspired and thought that I had found my best remedy, but that was not the case. After the specified period, by the way, the box says that the skin will be smooth for at least two weeks, the mustache began to grow with a vengeance, and in three days I again became a relative of Stalin.

Pros: quick removal, inexpensive cream, easy to use.

Cons: short-lived result, increased hair growth after use.

And a friend who used the same cream also developed an allergy, which turned into dermatitis. So check the cream on your wrist before using it, otherwise, along with a mustache above your upper lip, you can get redness all over your face.


When I first heard this word, I thought it was some kind of sophisticated curse, but I still found out what was what and decided to try this method. called a type of sugar depilation.

In order to remove hairs using this method, you need to prepare a special paste. Her recipe is below:

  1. Sugar – 10 tbsp;
  2. Water – 1 tbsp;
  3. Juice of half a lemon.

All this needs to be mixed, then put on low heat and heated for a long time until the sugar turns into fine caramel and becomes a thick brown color. Next, you need to apply a warm, slightly cooled, sweet mixture to the place where there are hairs, in my case, to the place of the mustache above the upper lip, and cover with a fabric strip.

It’s better to take regular fabric; cotton is fine. Then we wait about 5 minutes and suddenly tear off the fabric strip. Hair sticks to this mixture without any residue. To avoid irritation, it is better to anoint with a soothing gel or lotion after the procedure.

And again my mood crept up - the antennae were gone! The joy, however, lasted exactly a week, well, at least I ate caramels from the remaining paste.

Pros: simple, cheap, practically no side effects, except for irritation from the process itself.

Cons: very painful, short-lived result, long waiting time: both during the preparation process and during the hardening process under the strip.


I’ll say right away: never do this! Shaving will only make things worse - the mustache will grow faster, and also become stiffer and darker, which is what happened to me at the beginning of my struggle with unwanted hair. Shaving in the evening - in the morning there is already stubble.

Pros: there are none!

Cons: all of the above!

Waxing or waxing

Having turned to sugaring, I stopped fighting for a while and lived from week to week, however, at one point I thought, what if there was an even more radical method that could also be done at home, I really didn’t want to go and embarrass myself to a beauty salon where people do their hair, and I show up with my mustache.

And then I discovered waxing or hot waxing. It was all just a matter of buying a suitable kit in a store or pharmacy and following the instructions to begin the removal procedure. I did just that, keeping in mind good sugaring, and the result exceeded all expectations! The skin above my upper lip became so smooth, as if I was a baby and there was no trace of those creepy mustaches that spoil my whole appearance. And the most important thing is time, I waited a week, the hairs did not grow! The second came to an end and - oh, miracle! Everything remained as before, and only in the middle, in the third week, I noticed that timid thin hairs were breaking through again. Well, I thought it was “almost” forever and got used to my updated appearance.

Pros: long-term results, hair becomes thinner, easy to use.

Cons: the price can be high due to the quality of the wax, as well as the place of purchase - it is more expensive in pharmacies. It’s very painful, in salons, I’ve even heard they give anesthesia, but beauty requires sacrifice. You can get burned in the process, because the wax is very hot.

Folk remedies

After waxing became increasingly affordable, I thought that, probably, There are also folk remedies to solve my delicate problem. One friend advised me to use Datura grass seeds and walnut shells. The seeds need to be ground into flour, pour vodka into the mixture and leave for three weeks. Use this mixture to wipe areas with unwanted vegetation. The shells also need to be crushed and cooked over low heat for about 20 minutes. The resulting composition should also be applied to problem areas.

I've tried both methods, and here's my short summary: Absolutely not! After datura herb, a terrible burning sensation and allergies appear, you also need to remember that it is poisonous and should not be used in large doses. Moreover, my hairs above my upper lip have not gone away, only slightly thinned and began to fall out. And a week later, they returned again.

The mixture with walnuts did not cause allergies, but gave the same temporary effect.

Pros: simple, low cost.

Cons: causes allergies, the effect is almost zero.

I was also advised to wipe my upper lip with a mixture of 6% hydrogen peroxide and 5 drops of ammonia. That turned out to be sadism! These procedures cause peeling of the skin, but the hairs remain in place.

Cosmetic procedures that got rid of my mustache for good!

After all the ordeals, I finally turned to the nearest beauty salon with my unusual request. It turned out that my problem was solved very quickly and efficiently. There were three modern methods to choose from.


In the first method, the hair follicle or follicle, as the cosmetologist explained, is exposed to real current, as a result of which it is completely destroyed. It takes at least two minutes for each hair, but the result is stunning: the hairs will disappear forever!

Laser hair removal

In the second method, the effect is carried out with a special laser beam, which splits the hair shaft, and then the bulb itself. This method is less reliable, however, it is more gentle and the procedure is not as painful. And the price is quite steep.


The third method works well with light hair, irradiating the bulbs with a flash lamp and thereby destroying them, but problems may arise with dark, gray and red hairs. Photoepilation also has a number of contraindications for people with heart disease and diabetes.

You can also remove hair using laser hair removal - this is a safer technique with proven effectiveness, now used in the largest beauty centers and salons. The laser method prevents the appearance of ingrown hairs and has a lasting effect.

After listening to different opinions and consulting with my cosmetologist, I finally settled on the first option. And you know, I didn’t regret it one bit! Yes, it was unpleasant, as if you were in the very center of a pincushion and sharp pins were constantly poking at you, but the result exceeded all expectations! The skin became smooth and soft immediately after the procedure. And now, almost a year has passed, and I forgot about my little problem, because now I always look attractive, and you quickly get used to good things. On my own behalf, I want to say that you need not to give up and look for a solution. After all, if there is an entrance to any situation, it means that there is an exit somewhere nearby. Good luck with your search!

Nadezhda Sevryugina

An increase in testosterone levels in the female body results in such a delicate problem as a mustache, causing dissatisfaction with one’s own appearance. Mustache hair removal will help you quickly and effectively get rid of unwanted facial hair and feel truly feminine.

Hair removal is a mandatory procedure to maintain the beauty and attractiveness of any woman. We will talk about methods for hair removal of mustaches above the lip in this article.

Removing hair above the lip is a pressing issue for some girls.

Radical cosmetological hair removal methods will help you get rid of mustaches forever. Their action is based on the destruction of the hair follicle.

  • photoepilation;
  • laser hair removal;
  • electrical methods.

Reasons for the appearance of mustaches

For hair removal to be truly effective, it is necessary to check the level of male hormones and undergo examination by an endocrinologist. If the growth of mustache in women is associated with hormonal imbalance, it is necessary to undergo a course of treatment and only then undergo a hair removal procedure.

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • gastrointestinal disease;
  • taking medications (including hormones);
  • genetic predisposition.

Undoubtedly, mustache hair removal for women is a necessity, as it allows you to remove aesthetic imperfections. The popularity and demand for the service is explained by its long-term effect.

Laser hair removal of the upper lip is the most reliable way to remove unwanted facial hair in women. The laser acts directly on the antennal follicle, destroying it. However, you should be prepared for the fact that you will not be able to remove all hair in one session.

In general, hair removal above the upper lip is a hardware cosmetology procedure. It is carried out using a special instrument that projects a laser beam, which removes various skin problems, including excess hair.

Laser hair removal allows you to get rid of mustaches for many years, in some cases forever.

The laser affects the hair follicles, destroying them. Due to this, hair growth is interrupted. It is important to understand that a small area above the upper lip can be treated in one session. The power of lasers varies and depends on the type of equipment chosen.

Benefits of using a laser

  • painlessness of the procedure;
  • the procedure does not last long;
  • hair removal for a long time, and sometimes for life;
  • absence of skin allergic reactions and irritation.

Laser hair removal for mustaches is based on the fact that the radiation is absorbed directly by the hair. If there is a lack of contrast between the skin and the pigment, the radiation will be absorbed by the skin, which means there will be no effect. Thus, laser hair removal is not effective on gray hair and light skin, or dark hair on dark skin. The higher the contrast between hair color and skin tone, the higher the likelihood of getting rid of hair for life. The method will help completely remove, for example, dark hair on very light skin.

In rare cases, laser hair removal may cause burns. As a rule, burns go away within a week when treated with special ointments.

Types of lasers

  • alexandrite laser (the most powerful one used);
  • neodymium;
  • diode lasers.

Laser hair removal of mustaches using a special device for cosmetic procedures.

Carrying out the procedure

In order to conduct a session, you will need to prepare the skin. 10 days before the procedure, it is prohibited to sunbathe (visit a solarium), heat and steam the skin of the face, or perform lightening. On the day when depilation of the mustache that appears above the lip is scheduled, it is recommended to shave the area using emollients.

Video: laser hair removal in a salon for a woman’s mustache above her upper lip.

To achieve a positive effect, the number of procedures should be at least 3-4.

Hair removal in women begins with determining the skin phototype - an analysis that allows the level of melanin concentration. This will allow you to accurately set the laser operating mode, which will treat the skin area above the upper lip with the highest quality possible. After this, the client who comes for the procedure is given special protective glasses. To minimize possible injury and damage to the eyes. Then a composition is applied to the treated area, which increases the effectiveness of the laser, but at the same time it helps soften the skin.

Advantages and Disadvantages

The procedure for laser hair removal of mustaches has a number of positive and negative aspects that must be taken into account in order to get rid of excess facial hair as efficiently and quickly as possible. The main advantage of laser hair removal is to maximize the time it takes to restore the functioning of the hair follicles. Consequently, the reappearance of antennae will not occur earlier than in 2-4 months.

Another advantage is the absence of unpleasant and painful sensations in 95% of cases of the procedure. The time required is minimal - it only takes 20 minutes to get rid of hairs. This type of hair removal can be done all year round.

  • implementation of antibacterial treatment of the affected area;
  • anti-inflammatory effect of laser;
  • absence of deformations and changes in the skin;
  • hair softening.

New hairs that will appear after a certain period of time will be softer and thinner than the previous ones, which allows you to forget about the problem of mustaches in women after several courses of laser hair removal.

The effectiveness of laser hair removal is obvious.

Mechanical shaving using a machine familiar to many women often leads to skin inflammation. In rare cases, ingrown hairs occur that cannot be removed without visiting a beauty salon.

The main disadvantage of laser hair removal is that the procedure requires quite a large financial investment, and not everyone can afford it. This procedure is not suitable for some women due to diseases or skin conditions. There are also restrictions if women with dark skin, red or gray hair apply for the procedure. In rare cases, pain, tingling and other unpleasant and uncomfortable sensations can be quite severe.

Electrolysis of mustache

The effectiveness of electrolysis is based on the effect of electric current directly on the hair follicle. As a result, the follicle is destroyed and hair stops growing. The method is highly effective, which does not depend on the structure, color and thickness of the hair. The disadvantages of the method are the duration of the procedure and painful sensations comparable to a needle prick.

After radical methods of removing mustache in women, you should adhere to the following rules for a week after the procedure:

  • do not use cosmetics;
  • do not visit the solarium;
  • do not sunbathe;
  • do not take antibiotics.

Photoepilation is based on optical influence, as a result of which the follicle is destroyed. The method allows you to forget about the problem for a long time, up to five years. To completely get rid of the antennae you will need two or three procedures. The disadvantage of this method is the high cost of one procedure and a large number of contraindications and side effects.

Photoepilation will help you get rid of facial hair for a long time and with a guarantee.

Photoepilation is only suitable for pigmented hair. It is not effective if you have to remove fine light or gray hairs.

Mustache waxing

If the hair above the upper lip is thick and dark, depilatory cream will not work. In this case, you should use wax depilation. At home, you can use ready-made wax strips purchased at your local store.

Waxing is a natural and effective way to get rid of mustaches.

Before the procedure, the skin should be thoroughly cleaned and wiped with a degreasing lotion. Then you need to cut the strip into small pieces and peel off the protective film. The strip is applied to the skin above the upper lip and then torn off with a sharp movement.

The advantages of the method are a lasting result, up to four weeks. The disadvantage is the pain of the procedure itself and redness of the skin after hair removal, which does not go away for several hours.

Sugaring the mustache above the lip

Sugaring is a natural and almost painless replacement for waxing. The method is based on the use of natural products - sugar, water and lemon juice. easy to prepare at home. Sugaring is effective due to the enveloping of each hair with a sugar mass, so removal is almost painless.

The mustache sugaring procedure at home or in the salon is a worthy alternative to an expensive laser.

Sugaring, the removal of unwanted hair above the upper lip, is offered in almost every salon. This procedure is affordable and has no contraindications.

This is a modern method of removing mustaches and other vegetation - depilation of the upper lip, which involves not only the use of laser devices, but also natural ingredients. The procedure is carried out without pain or tingling. There is no pressure on the treatment area.

The composition of the paste for treating the upper lip is soft. It is easy to apply and easy to remove. Depilation of even clearly visible mustaches with sugar syrup helps prevent ingrown hairs; in addition, the recovery process is not long - about 1-2 hours, since sugaring does not leave burns, redness or scars. This hair removal method will allow you to forget about the mustache for about a month, and then the procedure will have to be repeated.

If you can’t get the desired mixture when preparing it yourself, you can always use sugaring paste.

Carrying out the procedure

Hair removal using this method is carried out as follows:

  • preparing the skin area (a special emollient is applied, which is washed off with water after 10 minutes);
  • additional skin treatment with chlorhexidine is carried out;
  • sugar syrup should be warmed to room temperature;
  • the composition is applied to the skin area using fingers or a paper napkin;
  • The mass is leveled with light pressure.

At the end, a special procedure is carried out - a sharp jerk, which allows you to get rid of hair. Before the procedure, the skin area is additionally powdered with regular talcum powder. This technique will ensure that the syrup is evenly applied to the area. At the end of the procedure, the skin must be disinfected using an antiseptic.


  • affordability;
  • safety;
  • minimal trauma;
  • hypoallergenic.

That is why it is suitable for those women who naturally have sensitive skin. The method provides high-quality hair removal, largely due to the fact that small hair is removed. For those who do not have the opportunity or desire to visit beauty salons, sugaring allows you to perform all stages yourself. After the procedure, the skin becomes smooth. The antennae disappear gradually; for this it is necessary to carry out the procedure every day for an average of 14 days.


  • you can’t get rid of a hard mustache;
  • high-quality removal requires time (at least 10 procedures);
  • Sugaring of the upper lip can cause pain.

It is required to conduct 2-3 waxing sessions before the sugaring course.

Depilation of mustaches at home

The best way to epilate your mustache depends on the scale of the problem. For thin and barely noticeable hairs above the upper lip in women, the following methods are suitable:

  • depilation with cream;
  • ordinary tweezers;
  • discoloration with peroxide.

Depilation with cream

The cream will help get rid of unwanted hair for about a week. The advantages of the method are that the chemical components included in the cream weaken the hair follicles, gradually destroying them. Despite the relatively short effect, the newly grown mustache will become noticeably lighter and thinner.

Chemical depilation of mustaches for women with cream is suitable for fine, downy hairs.

If the hairs themselves are light and thin, resembling light fluff above the lip, you can get rid of them forever if you use the cream regularly. After 5-7 depilation procedures, the bulbs will weaken so much that the antennae will no longer be visible to the naked eye.

The disadvantage of this method is the likelihood of an allergic reaction and skin irritation. The skin around the lips in women is very thin and delicate, so overuse of the cream can lead to thinning, dryness and the appearance of early expression wrinkles.

When choosing mustache depilation with cream, you should give preference to products labeled “for sensitive skin.”

Removing antennae with tweezers

Another simple home method is to get rid of hairs using regular tweezers. The method is very simple, does not require financial costs, but is associated with unpleasant sensations.

Owners of a very thin, barely noticeable fluff above the upper lip can use a regular solution of hydrogen peroxide (3%). It is known that this product perfectly lightens hair, while thinning it and destroying the hair follicle. To get rid of unwanted hair, you need to wipe the skin above your upper lip daily with a cotton pad soaked in peroxide.

Lightening mustaches with hydrogen peroxide for dark hairs above the lip.

Peroxide whitens and dries the skin. This should be taken into account when removing fine hairs above the lip in this way. Use face cream immediately after the procedure.

Video: removal of female mustaches on the face of women

In conclusion

Thus, laser hair removal of the upper lip allows you to get rid of unnecessary hairs most effectively and urgently for a long time. The method should be used only after undergoing diagnostics in a cosmetology office, where a specialist will determine the required level of impact.

Everyone is used to seeing women with beautiful and smooth skin. However, many face problems that noticeably spoil the appearance. Among them are not only pimples or redness, but also mustaches. Their appearance is considered a real disaster, because such an attribute adorns men, but not beautiful ladies. When you see a few hairs above your lip, you shouldn’t despair and panic. There are many ways to solve the problem, and it is not at all necessary to visit an expensive salon. It is quite possible to remove unwanted hair above the lip yourself.


Why does a mustache grow above the lip?

Before removing unwanted hairs, you should find out the cause of their occurrence, because ideally such a problem should not bother you. As a rule, mustaches appear due to excess production of the male hormone testosterone in a woman’s body. In most cases, the problem does not pose a threat to health, but it does not hurt to consult an endocrinologist about possible diseases.

Also, the risk of developing a mustache above the lip increases significantly if one of the women in the family already has a similar problem. However, finding out the cause does not lead to a solution to the problem, so it is worth finding out in which cases you should resort to radical methods of removing the antennae.

Is it worth removing hairs above the lip?

If one day a woman notices that a mustache has appeared above her lip, the question of removing it certainly arises. How to do this depends not only on preferences, but also on the characteristics of the hairs themselves.

Short light hairs are visible only in the sun, and even then close up, so this problem is much easier to solve. But a long dark mustache can completely ruin not only your appearance, but also your mood; you should get rid of such a defect immediately.

There is a myth that after the antennae are removed, they begin to grow even larger. In fact, hairs can reappear, but the frequency depends on the method used to remove them. In addition, one or two procedures per month is a better option than a constantly spoiled appearance, which is unlikely to attract enthusiastic attention.

Methods for removing antennae

To remove mustaches above the upper lip at home, you can use several effective methods. Many women consider shaving to be the simplest and most painless. But this method is best left to men, and they themselves should never use it to combat unwanted facial hair.

And all because the skin in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle is very delicate, any manipulation will lead to irritation and peeling. In addition, the razor cuts off the top layer of the epidermis, and the hairs gradually become stiffer and prickly. And the effect after this method remains only for a few days.

To achieve a long-lasting effect, you should choose methods that involve removing the tendrils along with the bulb. As a result, the skin will be flawless for 2-3 weeks; over time, the hairs will become thin or disappear altogether.

The most common methods used at home to remove antennae are:

  • sugaring, or sugar hair removal;
  • hair removal with thread;
  • wax removal;
  • removal with tweezers;
  • bleaching.

The simplest method is to pluck out unwanted hairs with tweezers. You just need to use eyebrow tweezers. This method is suitable if the antennae are small. The only drawback may be discomfort during the procedure.


Sugar hair removal is the most effective method, it is not accompanied by adverse reactions, and is easy to use. First you need to prepare the pasta.

Granulated sugar – 10 tbsp. l.
Water – 1 tbsp. l.
Juice of half a lemon.

It is necessary to mix all the ingredients in an enamel container and cook over low heat for 5-7 minutes, until the mass acquires a caramel color. Next, you should leave the product to cool to 36-38 degrees.

Video: Removing hair on the upper lip with sugar paste

To remove antennae, the problem area is covered with warm sugar paste behind the hair growth, covered with a strip of cloth on top, and allowed to harden. Then you need to tear it off with a sharp movement in the direction of growth. To prevent possible irritation, apply a rich cream to the skin.


This concept refers to the removal of hair above the lip using a thread that is folded in such a way as to capture the hairs and pull them out along with the bulbs. During the procedure, the skin is not injured, and the method is the most economical.

Video: Trading technique


To remove the mustache above the lip yourself at home, you can use wax. It is enough to purchase a kit and perform the manipulation according to the instructions. This method allows you to forget about the mustache for 3 weeks, but is the most painful of all.


Bleaching the hairs should only be used in cases where they are short and thin, otherwise the antennae will still be noticeable. It is enough to treat the surface of the nasolabial triangle with a mixture of 2-3 drops of ammonia and 1 tsp. hydrogen peroxide.

The product is left on the skin for about a minute and then washed off with water mixed with lemon juice. Upon completion, apply a nourishing cream to the skin.

Mustaches are a common problem for women. They can be a constant companion or appear with age. In any case, you need to know and select a method for removing unwanted vegetation in accordance with your preferences, which most often depend on the discomfort experienced during the procedure.

Laser is one of the best hair removal methods when it comes to unwanted hair above the upper lip. The process is fast, efficient and produces long-lasting results. Find out how the procedure works, what types of method exist, and whether it is right for you.

How does a laser work for hair removal of the upper lip (mustache)

The laser beam penetrates the root of each hair, it passes through the skin and is absorbed by the pigment of the hair follicle. A destroyed follicle will no longer be able to grow new hairs for a long time. And sometimes the vegetation disappears forever.

Laser hair removal is safe when performed by a professional technician and in compliance with all rules. If you trust a dubious specialist, the laser can burn the skin, leaving a scar for a long time. Therefore, before you give money to any specialist, make sure that he has experience in working with lasers on the face.

The success of hair removal depends on two factors: hair color and skin type. The procedure works best on dark vegetation and light skin. Unfortunately, gray, gray and red hairs are difficult to remove; the laser does not recognize them. This is an unpleasant fact for mustaches, because women are often worried about the light fluff above the upper lip.

The laser emits thermal energy, so both the skin and hairs heat up. This is why a cooling cream is used after the procedure.

Cooling gel is an important element of laser hair removal

You will need multiple sessions to have long-term results. The number of clinic visits depends on the density of the tendrils and the hair growth cycle. Each session can destroy no more than 20% of all hair follicles. This is due to the fact that all hair is at a different stage of growth, and only actively growing hairs can be treated with laser hair removal. Thus, you will need from 6 to 8 sessions to achieve lasting results.

One laser session for antennae will take no more than 15 minutes. For other parts of the body, more time is needed - at least an hour.

The effectiveness of the procedure increases with each new session. The longer you do laser hair removal, the longer the effect you get.

Why do you need multiple sessions for results?

There should be 3 to 8 weeks between sessions. An individual plan for visiting a laser clinic must be drawn up together with a professional; only he can assess the condition of your hair.

After laser treatment, the hairs will remain in the skin for some time. Complete loss of destroyed follicles is completed in 2–3 weeks - then the next session can be scheduled if there are no contraindications. Hair on the face and neck requires more frequent visits to the clinic, so you may be invited for a follow-up session after 20 days.

Laser hair removal above the upper lip in the salon: step-by-step description

Please note that the clinic adheres to hygiene standards: the specialist must wear gloves and use disposable wipes. Skin irritated by laser reacts very sensitively to any infection.

  1. Makeup removal and cleansing. Using antibacterial wipes, the specialist will remove all cosmetics and sebum from the lower part of the face. If the hairs above the upper lip are long, they will be shaved or trimmed with scissors.
  2. Then contact gel is applied to the antennae.

    Contact gel for laser hair removal is applied in a thin layer

  3. If the skin is very sensitive, a numbing cream is used. Some experienced specialists refuse this product because numb skin partially prevents the laser from penetrating deep into the pores.
  4. The master and the patient put on protective goggles over their eyes.

    The client must remain wearing glasses throughout the entire laser hair removal session.

  5. The device is connected and a laser beam is directed onto the skin above the upper lip.

    The procedure for laser hair removal from the upper lip will take no more than 15 minutes

  6. The specialist will ask you to slightly stretch the areas of skin being treated. To do this you will have to make some grimaces.

    Use your tongue to tighten the skin at the corners of your lips

  7. The skin is sprayed with thermal water, it moisturizes and cools the face.

    Moisturize the skin with a spray of water without removing the glasses

  8. A cooling gel cream is applied to the upper lip to avoid burns and reduce redness.

    Cooling cream is harmless to facial skin

Video: how laser hair removal of mustaches is carried out in the salon

Preparation for laser hair removal of the upper lip

Find out what dermatologists advise before starting the procedure and follow their instructions. Then the results of hair removal will not disappoint you.

A few days before the procedure

Required actions:

  1. Consult with a specialist, and be sincere. Some of his questions may seem strange, but they will have to be answered. For example, you will need to tell what chronic diseases you have. Do not hide if you are taking medications, including vitamin supplements or weight loss products. The doctor will also ask about the cosmetics you use. Beta-carotene, which is part of some creams or vitamins, makes the body photosensitive - this is an important circumstance that can affect the results of laser exposure to the skin.
  2. Do not sunbathe or visit a solarium 4-6 weeks before the intended procedure. The use of self-tanning is also contraindicated. Laser hair removal works best on fair skin, so a few weeks before hair removal, do not forget to protect your face from sunburn: use day creams and makeup products with SPF 15 and higher.
  3. If you have bleached your skin, it will take 4 to 6 weeks before you can treat your skin with laser light.
  4. 2-4 weeks before laser hair removal of the upper lip, stop all other methods of hair removal: waxing,. Do not pluck the mustache with tweezers or thread, do not use depilatory creams or mechanical epilators.
  5. The clinic may offer to do a preliminary test to determine individual tolerance to the laser. It helps to select the optimal parameters for the laser device. Testing occurs at least 1 day before the procedure.

Communication with a specialist will help you achieve optimal results.

On the day of hair removal

Required actions:

  1. In the morning, wash your face with a mild product. Such products are characterized by the absence of abundant foam and strong aroma. Do not apply moisturizer to your face and avoid waterproof makeup.
  2. A specialist can check how your skin reacts to the laser by testing a small area on your arm.
  3. Pills (for example, ibuprofen or analgin) can reduce pain, but the dermatologist who will perform the procedure should recommend a specific drug.
  4. Bring a mild face wash and sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher to the clinic. They will be needed after the hair removal session.

A cold may be an obstacle to the laser procedure. It is better to cancel the procedure if you have symptoms of the virus. In any case, you should inform a specialist about the cold, and also tell about the medications you had to take in connection with it.

Before your next laser hair removal session, do not shave your hair for 1–2 weeks. The doctor should be able to assess hair growth.

Benefits of laser hair removal for the upper lip

Laser is one of the effective methods of hair removal. Unlike waxing, sugaring, and trading, it can remove hair for a longer time, and sometimes forever. Hair regrowth is possible, but these hairs will be noticeably thinner than the previous ones. Positive results of the procedure are observed in the majority of clients of clinics and salons, and side effects are rare.

There are no age restrictions.

If we talk about pain, then in comparison with other popular methods, laser does not cause as much pain as waxing, trading or electrolysis. The tingling sensation is minimized by the numbing cream.

A huge plus is the fact that laser hair removal is fast. Each beam pulse treats a 9 x 9 mm area of ​​skin, and just a few touches of the laser are enough for the antennae.

Laser hair removal is fast, it only takes a few minutes for the upper lip

Laser hair removal can be performed on sensitive skin. This is a good advantage, because those with delicate skin types have little choice of hair removal methods; procedures such as waxing or trading are prohibited for them.

Table: comparative analysis of various methods of hair removal above the upper lip

Cons of laser hair removal above the upper lip

Like any cosmetic procedure, laser has its own characteristics and is not a universal method for everyone. There are limitations associated with the characteristics of the client and the capabilities of the laser beam. There are also unpleasant consequences for the skin.

Possible side effects from using a mustache laser

There are usually minimal risks associated with the laser procedure, but side effects may occur. Among them:

  1. Skin burn. It is more common in patients with dark skin: their pigment absorbs the laser more easily.
  2. Change in skin color. The laser can cause hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation (hyperpigmentation stimulates the production of melanin, leading to darkening of the skin, and hypopigmentation, on the contrary, contributes to the loss of pigment, the skin lightens). It is very rare for the skin to change color to a purple hue. This occurs on tanned areas of the skin.
  3. Eye damage. It is important to protect your eyes during laser facial treatment to avoid injury.
  4. Itching. The skin may be a little itchy during and after laser hair removal.
  5. Redness. Within a few days after the laser, redness of the skin is possible, and less often, swelling around the destroyed follicles.
  6. Pain. Tingling and numbness of laser-treated skin areas are common consequences of laser beam exposure to hairs. This is the norm.
  7. Bruising. If you have sensitive skin, then in the first few weeks after hair removal, open wounds may appear on the skin. The crust will come off in a few days, and young, smooth skin will appear in this place.
  8. Infection. Rarely, but there are cases of infection. It is important to keep the treated area of ​​skin clean to avoid this unpleasant consequence.

I've had laser hair removal 8 times already. There seems to be a little less hair, but time passes and it begins to grow again. I have fair skin, brown hair. I asked the specialist, she decided to try a different laser device for me, and the results became much better. Very pleased.



Disadvantages of laser hair removal for the upper lip

Before you decide to have laser hair removal, keep in mind:

  1. The main disadvantage of laser hair removal, which upsets most salon patients, is the high cost of the procedure. One session can cost $200–350. And we must take into account that to achieve good results, at least 6 visits to the clinic will be required. Refusal to complete the started cycle of laser hair removal sessions will negate all previously achieved results.
  2. Another important disadvantage of the laser is the strict limitation on hair and skin types. This hair removal method is not suitable for women with dark skin, as well as those with red or gray mustaches. The laser is not effective for the so-called peach fuzz above the upper lip. There are rare cases when the laser beam does not work on fair skin and dark hair.
  3. Laser hair removal is only effective on actively growing hair, but does not prevent the growth of new hair follicles. This means that the laser does not provide a permanent effect, and re-growth of the antennae is possible.

Find out if your hair and skin tone is suitable for laser hair removal

Why hair may appear after a laser procedure

Please note:

  1. One of the reasons is pregnancy. During this period, a hormonal surge often causes new hair growth, even in areas that have previously been repeatedly treated with laser.
  2. It is impossible to remove all hair at once. The problem is that all the hairs on our body are at different stages of development. And laser hair removal only affects hair that is in the active growth phase. This is why complete hair removal requires several sessions: it is impossible to destroy all the hair follicles at once.
  3. Hormonal imbalance is the third possible cause. It's not just pregnancy that causes hormone levels to rise. Possible reasons include: menopause, puberty, taking hormonal medications, and individual characteristics of the client.

Skin care after laser hair removal of mustaches

Redness and discomfort on the skin always accompany the laser hair removal method. You should not be afraid of them, but these manifestations can be minimized if you properly care for your skin after the procedure, the consequences will disappear quickly and painlessly.

  1. Redness and swelling usually disappear within the first two hours after the laser. The darker your skin tone, the longer the discomfort you will experience. You can soothe your skin with aloe vera gel. This natural remedy can be used on the skin frequently and without restrictions.
  2. If the feeling of warmth and heat remains on the skin a day after hair removal, use ice.
  3. Avoid using makeup and skin care creams on treated skin as this may irritate the skin.
  4. Try not to heat the skin either inside or outside. This means that you should limit your visits to the sauna, bathhouse, or fitness room at least in the first two days after laser hair removal. Sweating is dangerous for treated skin, it stimulates the production of melanocytes leading to hyperpigmentation.
  5. Do not rub your face, wash your face gently, without scrubs or peels.
  6. Staying in the open sun is undesirable in the first three days. When going outside, always use a good sunscreen with a UV filter.

Homemade laser in the fight against mustaches

The desire to save money is one of the reasons why women try at-home laser hair removal products. Perhaps the prices for one salon procedure are not very high. But in order to see the first visible results, you will need at least 2 sessions, and to achieve truly long-term results - up to 8 sessions. The result is a decent amount. That's why interest in home lasers is growing. Is it a good investment?

Home lasers are constantly improving. A later year of publication indicates greater effectiveness. The first portable laser device for home use was released in 2005 in Japan by Tria Beauty. But already in 2013, a new version of the gadget was released, and its effectiveness increased by one and a half times!

Laser kits for home

Detailed instructions will help you use the gadget correctly. As a rule, it presents a whole table of skin and hair shades, thanks to which you can decide whether your skin type is suitable for hair removal. The last word is mobile applications from home laser manufacturers. These programs themselves test your skin and hair, and make recommendations for using the laser at home.

A home laser has all the same properties as a salon laser

Home lasers carry the same risks as salon installations. However, in general, manufacturers have provided maximum protection for the client. For example, there is a special safety feature that prevents burns. Portable lasers are potentially less dangerous, but also less effective.

I purchased the Rio Yes Laser with LCD Screen (LAHC6) laser epilator a year ago. Before this, I had photoepilation and sugaring done in the salon several times. There was no effect from photoepilation, it was just a waste of money, and sugaring was terribly painful for me. I’m generally not good at understanding different devices, but with the epilator everything was very clear, everything was written in detail in the instructions. The good thing is that the procedure can be carried out in the comfort of your own home; there is no need to rush anywhere. Each time the hair becomes weaker and then its growth stops completely.

Important precautions when using a home laser

At least 1 day before you plan to epilate your upper lip with a home laser, do a test on your arm. Make sure your skin and laser are compatible.

Laser hair removal above the upper lip at home: step-by-step description

  1. The device must be charged before use. This will require at least 2 hours. Overnight charging will also not harm the gadget.

    In addition to the gadget, the package should contain a charger, glasses, gel, and instructions.

  2. Prepare the skin for the procedure by shaving and cleaning it. Do not use any creams, lotions or toners after, they will block the laser light. Make sure you epilate on dry skin.
  3. Apply the gel to the mustache. As a rule, this product is included in the packaging along with the device.
  4. Put on your glasses. Most often, the manufacturer supplies them in the same box with the laser.
  5. Select a mode for the laser beam. To determine the correct value, read the instructions. The higher the level of laser exposure, the better the result, but at the same time the higher the pain. First, try the average values ​​for the gadget.

    The higher the beam intensity, the higher the hair removal efficiency

  6. The device beeps when you can move to the next area of ​​skin. If the pain is severe, wait a moment to cool the skin and move on to the next area.

    The digital display of the gadget suggests the sequence of steps during the procedure

Video: how to use a gadget for laser hair removal

Laser hair removal is an effective procedure, but, unfortunately, it is not suitable for everyone. In addition, the laser requires special attention to safety precautions to avoid burns and scars. Do not take your choice of clinic lightly; be interested in all stages of the procedure, because we are talking about your face. Follow the basic recommendations for post-laser skin care, then you will be satisfied with the results of hair removal.