If the shoulders are unequal, we correct the defects. The left shoulder is higher than the right what to do

  • 12.10.2019

Broad male shoulders are a symbol of strength, masculinity, and reliability. Most women dream of leaning on such shoulders; it is these shoulders, together with a narrow torso, that are considered an obligatory sign of a handsome male body. However, to become the owner of beautiful broad shoulders, you will have to work hard in the gym with a trainer. But sometimes such training does not give a completely satisfactory result, and men begin to wonder how to pump up one shoulder? Because under the same loads, for some reason they turn out different. What can be done in this case?

Why is one shoulder larger than the other?

Scientifically speaking, by pumping up the shoulders, a person pumps up the deltoid and trapezius muscles, which are part of the shoulder girdle. The above muscle groups are trained using various types of exercises. And it is extremely important that an even load is ensured on all areas of the muscles related to the shoulder girdle. In order to pump up one shoulder, you need to seek advice from your trainer; perhaps you are doing something wrong, but if you train at home, then perhaps the following exercises will help you.

Pumping up your shoulder with a barbell

  • Exercise 1. You should press the barbell from your chest in a sitting position, this will develop the anterior delta of the shoulders. And to develop a small shoulder, you need to add dumbbell presses to it.
  • Exercise 2. You should pull the barbells to your chin. As a result, you will develop the anterior deltoids and trapezius muscles. The main load should be given exactly to the shoulder that needs to be “pumped up”.

We pump up our shoulders with dumbbells

  • Exercise 1. It is necessary to perform synchronous and alternating arm swings with dumbbells in front of you. This will help you develop your anterior deltoid muscles.
  • Exercise 2. It is necessary to spread your straightened arms with dumbbells to the sides. To pump up the smaller shoulder, double the load should be placed on it.
  • Exercise 3. It is necessary to swing the dumbbells while lying on your side, and again give additional load to the smaller shoulder.
  • Exercise 4. It is necessary to spread straightened arms to the sides with dumbbells in an inclined position, bending your knees.

Any of the proposed exercises must be performed in 4 approaches, which includes 6-8 repetitions. And for a smaller shoulder, the load should be increased by 1.5 times.

Also, in order to pump up one shoulder, you can try pull-ups on the horizontal bar behind your head, this way you will also strengthen your shoulder muscles. If this load is too heavy for you, then the exercises should be performed to the best of your ability, so as not to end up in the hospital from a breakdown, and instead of getting a beautiful body, you will not get relief from physical education. You should also do the exercises regularly, otherwise there will be no effect.

Now you know how to pump up one shoulder and your body will look great and no lady will be able to pass you by.

For modern people, poor posture is a fairly common phenomenon. This is not surprising: the time we spend on computers or smartphones without paying attention to our posture affects the condition of our muscles and spine. One of the consequences of such negative changes is rounded shoulders.

When the back muscles are weakened, the pectoral muscles become overextended and pull the shoulders forward, resulting in what is known as slouched shoulders. Luckily, according to trainer Meg Plotsky, there are simple exercises you can do throughout the day to straighten hunched shoulders.

Slouched shoulders and poor posture: unpleasant consequences

In addition to the fact that poor posture looks unattractive, ignoring the correct body position while sitting and walking can cause a host of physical discomforts, which include:

  • weakness and atrophy of certain muscles;
  • constant headaches;
  • fatigue due to impaired blood flow;
  • back pain;
  • pinched nerves;
  • breathing disorders.

To prevent or eliminate the appearance of slouch in the shoulders, you need to learn how to relax overstrained muscles and strengthen weakened ones. To do this, try the exercises described below.

To prevent or eliminate the appearance of slouch in the shoulders, you need to learn how to relax overstrained muscles and strengthen weakened ones.

  1. Stretch with belt

Pick up a belt, jump rope, or similar object. Stand straight, take the belt in both hands and straighten them at shoulder height (palms facing down).

Spread your arms slightly wider than your shoulders and, while inhaling, lift the belt above your head. As you exhale, bend your arms so that your elbows are approximately at shoulder level, bringing your shoulder blades together.

The belt should be behind your head. Inhale and raise your arms straight up again; exhale and straighten your arms in front of you at shoulder level. Repeat 3-5 times.

  1. Hands behind your back

Stand or sit straight, lower your shoulder blades down. Place both hands behind your back and grab your right elbow with your left hand and your left elbow with your right.

If you can't grab your elbows, try grabbing your forearms or wrists. Lift your chest and lower your shoulder blades down, as if pressing them into your spine. Take 3-5 deep breaths, switch hands and repeat the exercise.

  1. Reduction of the shoulder blades

This movement helps strengthen the muscles that hold the shoulder blades in the correct position. Execution: Sit up straight and bring both shoulder blades together, as if trying to hold a pencil between them.

Hold your shoulder blades in this position for 10 seconds. Repeat 10 times. Try to do the exercise 3-4 times a day.

  1. Chest muscle massage

This procedure will relieve tension from the chest muscles. Execution: Take a tennis ball and place it between your shoulder and collarbone. Rest your body against the corner of the wall, gently pressing the ball into the wall, thus massaging the muscles.

If you find a painful point during the massage, continue to press on it (but not too hard) until the pain disappears.

  1. "Opening" of the chest

This exercise is good to perform in the morning or before bed to straighten your back, “open” your chest and relax your pectoral muscles.

Execution: Lie on your back with your feet on the floor and your knees bent. Stretch your arms out to the sides, palms up, so that your body resembles the letter T.

For maximum relaxation, place a rolled towel (along the length of the entire spine). If you are using a towel, make sure your buttocks and head are on the roll. Do this stretching for 10 minutes a day.

  1. "Angels" on the wall

This exercise helps strengthen the muscles responsible for maintaining proper shoulder position. Therefore, if you have hunched shoulders, perform this exercise several times a day: stand with your back pressed against the wall, arms extended to the sides.

Then bend your elbows and rotate them so that the back of your hand touches the wall directly above your elbows.

Slowly raise your hands up, place them behind your head, while trying not to lift the back of your hand and elbows from the wall. Slowly raise and lower your arms 10 times, as if you were drawing an angel in the snow.

Slouched (or rounded) shoulders are a fairly common type of posture disorder in our time, which is not only unaesthetic, but can also lead to pain. To avoid such troubles, the site recommends doing the simple exercises described above daily.

In the last issue of FiS, using the example of lumbar scoliosis, we looked at the basic principles of correcting spinal curvatures, which I successfully use in my practice. Today I propose to delve deeper into this topic.
A significant part of scoliosis should be classified as acquired (induced), in contrast to those when scoliosis is caused by congenital defects - wedge-shaped vertebrae, fusion of ribs and some others. In this case, scoliosis cannot be completely cured, although the defect can be masked and posture can be improved by targeted stimulation of the development of certain muscle groups.
Acquired scoliosis can be treated perfectly using my technique. They are caused by prolonged stay in a fixed incorrect position, for example, a child constantly sits with his leg tucked under him, wears a heavy backpack on one shoulder, or plays the violin. Some sports - fencing, tennis, throwing sports equipment - predominantly develop one side of the body and can also contribute to the development of scoliosis.
One day I observed an amazing case, the only one in my many years of practice. Severe scoliosis developed in an adult, mature girl. She became interested in bowling, and three years of training brought her to the Russian national team. Every day, for many hours, in a fixed position, she threw heavy balls and developed a serious curvature of the spine. Hence the conclusion: to prevent the development of “sports” scoliosis, it is necessary to develop the other side of the body, to create a counter-curvature of the spine in any available way.
You already know how this is done for lumbar scoliosis. But scoliosis can also be thoracic. Moreover, in most cases, right-handed people develop right-sided scoliosis in the thoracic region. This is due to increased development of muscles and skeleton on the right side. The right shoulder is usually raised, the right shoulder blade sticks out. When bending forward, the curvature of the spine to the right is clearly visible. To treat this anomaly, the following exercises are used.

1. “Venus Pose” - lying on your left side (Fig. 1). The exercise is performed 1-1.5 hours a day, preferably in small doses. Don't lie down and stare blankly at the wall. You can read, write, watch TV.

2. “We reach the ceiling” with our left hand (Fig. 2). Use this exercise if your left shoulder is lower than your right. It’s done like this: stretch your hand up for 2 seconds, rest for 1 second without lowering your hand. Dose - 10 times in the morning and the same in the evening. Monitor your shoulder level every day. If the difference in height is 3 cm, 2-3 weeks are enough for leveling. In case of an overdose, the left shoulder may become higher than the right. It is rare, but it still happens that with right-sided scoliosis, the right shoulder is lower than the left. This is possible due to birth injuries. Then, when performing the first two exercises, the right shoulder will drop even lower. In this case, I suggest exercise 3.

3. Take a dumbbell in your right hand, not very heavy, and swing up and down until you feel tired (Fig. 3).
For left-sided thoracic scoliosis, all exercises are performed in a mirror manner.