Phenols. Classification

  • 14.10.2019

Question 2. Phenol, its structure, properties and applications.

Answer. Phenols are organic substances, derivatives of aromatic hydrocarbons, in which hydroxyl groups (one or more) are associated with a benzene ring.

The simplest representative of this group of substances is phenol, or carbolic acid C 6 H 5 OH. In the phenol molecule, the π-electrons of the benzene ring attract lone pairs of electrons of the oxygen atom of the hydroxyl group, as a result of which the mobility of the hydrogen atom of this group increases.

Physical properties

A solid, colorless crystalline substance, with a sharp characteristic odor, during storage it oxidizes in air and acquires a pink color; it is poorly soluble in cold water, but dissolves well in hot water. Melting point – 43 °C, boiling point – 182 °C. Strong antiseptic, very poisonous.

Chemical properties

The chemical properties are determined by the mutual influence of the hydroxyl group and the benzene ring.

Reactions on the benzene ring

1. Bromination:

C 6 H 5 OH + 3Br 2 = C 6 H 2 Br 3 OH + 3HBr.

2,4,6-tribromophenol (white precipitate)

2. Interaction with nitric acid:

C 6 H 5 OH + 3HNO 3 = C 6 H 2 (NO 2) 3 OH + 3H 2 O.

2,4,6-trinitrophenol (picric acid)

These reactions take place under normal conditions (without heat or catalysts), whereas the nitration of benzene requires temperature and catalysts.

Reactions at the hydroxy group

1. Like alcohols, it interacts with active metals:

2C 6 H 5 OH + 2Na = 2C 6 H 5 ONa + H 2.

sodium phenolate

2. Unlike alcohols, it interacts with alkalis:

C 6 H 5 OH + NaOH = C 6 H 5 ONa + H 2 O.

Phenolates are easily decomposed by weak acids:

a) C 6 H 5 ONa + H 2 O + CO 2 = C 6 H 5 OH + NaHCO 3;

b) C 6 H 5 ONa + CH 3 I + CO 2 = C 6 H 5 OCH 3 + NaI.

methylphenyl ether

3. Interaction with halogen derivatives:

C 6 H 5 OH + C 6 H 5 I = C 6 H 5 OC 2 H 5 + HI

ethylphenyl ether

4. Interaction with alcohols:

C 6 H 5 OH + HOC 2 H 5 = C 6 H 5 OC 2 H 5 + H 2 O.

5. Qualitative reaction:

3C 6 H 5 OH + FeCl 3 = (C 6 H 5 O) 3 Fe↓+ 3HCl.

iron(III) phenolate

Iron(III) phenolate has a brownish-violet color with a carcass (paint) odor.

6. Acelation:

C 6 H 5 OH + CH 3 COOH = C 6 H 5 OCOCH 3 + H 2 O.

7. Copolycondensation:

C 6 H 5 OH + CH 2 O + … → - n. –.

methanal –H 2 O phenol-formaldehyde resin


1. Made from coal tar.

2. Preparation from chlorine derivatives:

C 6 H 5 Cl + NaOH = C 6 H 5 ONa + HCl,

2C 6 H 5 ONa + H 2 SO 4 = 2C 6 H 5 OH + Na 2 SO 4.

3. Cumene method:

C 6 H 6 + CH 2 CHCH 3 C 6 H 5 CH(CH 3) 2,

C 6 H 5 CH(CH 3) 2 + O 2 C 6 H 5 C(CH 3) 2 OOH C 6 H 5 OH +CH 3 COCH 3.

phenol acetone


1. As an antiseptic it is used as a disinfectant.

2. In the production of plastics (phenol-formaldehyde resin).

3. In the production of explosives (trinitrophenol).

4. In the production of photo reagents (developers for black and white paper).

5. In the production of drugs.

6. In the production of paints (gouache).

7. In the production of synthetic materials.

Question 3. 1.12 liters of CO 2 were passed through 200 g of a 40% KOH solution. Determine the type and mass of salt formed.


Given: Find: type and weight of salt.

V(CO 2) = 1.12 l.


m(KOH anhydrous)= 200*0.4=80g.

x 1 g 1.12 l x 2 g

2KOH + CO 2 = K 2 CO 3 + H 2 O.

v: 2 mol 1 mol 1 mol

M: 56 g/mol – 138 g/mol

m: 112 g -- 138 g

x 1 = m(KOH) = (1.12* 112)/22.4=5.6 g,

x 2 =m(K 2 CO 3)=138*1.12/22.4=6.9 g.

Since KOH was taken in excess, the average salt K 2 CO 3 was formed, and not the acidic KHCO 3.

Answer: m(K 2 CO 3) = 6.9 g.


Question 1.Theory of the structure of organic compounds. The importance of theory for the development of science.

Answer. In 1861, the Russian scientist Alexander Mikhailovich Butlerov formulated the basic principles of the theory of the structure of organic substances.

1. Molecules of organic compounds consist of atoms connected to each other in a certain sequence according to their valence (C-IV, H-I, O-II, N-III, S-II).

2. The physical and chemical properties of a substance depend not only on the nature of atoms and their quantitative ratio in the molecule, but also on the order of connection of atoms, that is, on the structure of the molecule.

3. The chemical properties of a substance can be determined by knowing its molecular structure. Conversely, the structure of the molecule of a substance can be established experimentally by studying the chemical transformations of the substance.

4. In molecules there is a mutual influence of atoms or groups of atoms on each other:

CH 3 - CH 3 (t boil = 88.6 0 C), CH 3 - CH 2 – CH 3 (t boil = 42.1 0 C)

ethane propane

Based on his theory, Butlerov predicted the existence of isomers of compounds, for example two isomers of butane (butane and isobutane):

CH 3 -CH 2 - CH 2 -CH 3 (boiling point =0.5 0 C),

CH 3 -CH(CH 3)- CH 3 (t boil = -11.7 0 C).

2-methylpropane or isobutane

Isomers are substances that have the same molecular composition, but a different chemical structure and therefore have different properties.

The dependence of the properties of substances on their structures is one of the ideas underlying the theory of the structure of organic substances by A.M. Butlerov.

The significance of A.M. Butlerov’s theory

1.answered the main “Contradictions” of organic chemistry:

a) Variety of carbon compounds

b) apparent discrepancy between valency and organic substances:

c) different physical and chemical properties of compounds having the same molecular formula (C 6 H 12 O 6 - glucose and fructose).

2. Made it possible to predict the existence of new organic substances, and also indicate the ways of their production.

3. Made it possible to foresee various cases of isomerism and predict possible directions of reactions.

Question 2. Types of Chemical Bonds in Organic and Organic Compounds.

Answer: The main driving force leading to the formation of a chemical bond is the desire of atoms to complete the external energy level.

Ionic bond– a chemical bond carried out due to electrostatic attraction between ions. The formation of ionic bonds is possible only between atoms whose electronegativity values ​​differ greatly.

Ionic compounds include halides and oxides of alkali and alkaline earth metals (NAI, KF, CACI 2, K 2 O, LI 2 O).

Ions can also consist of several atoms, the bonds between which are not ionic:

NaOH = Na + + OH - ,

Na 2 SO 4 = 2Na + + SO 4 2-.

It should be noted that the properties of ions differ significantly from the properties of the corresponding atoms and molecules of simple substances: Na is a metal that reacts violently with water, the Na + ion dissolves in it; H 2 - dissolves in it; H2 is a colorless, tasteless, and odorless gas; the H+ ion gives the solution a sour taste and changes the color of litmus (to red).

Properties of ionic compounds

1. Compounds with ionic bonds are electrolytes. Only solutions and melts conduct electric current.

2. Greater fragility of crystalline substances.

Covalent bond- a chemical bond carried out through the formation of common (bonding) electron pairs.

Covalent nonpolar bond - a bond formed between atoms exhibiting the same electronegativity. In a covalent nonpolar bond, the electron density of a common pair of electrons is distributed in space symmetrically relative to the nuclei of common atoms (H 2 , I 2, O 2 , N 2).

Covalent polar bond is a covalent bond between atoms with different (but not very different from each other) electronegativity (H 2 S, H 2 O, NH 3).

According to the donor-acceptor mechanism, the following are formed: NH + 4, H 3, O +, SO 3, NO 2. In the case of the appearance of the NH + 4 ion, the nitrogen atom is a donor, providing an unshared electron pair for common use, and the hydrogen ion is an acceptor, accepting this pair and providing its orbital for this. In this case, a donor-acceptor (coordination) bond is formed. The acceptor atom acquires a large negative charge, and the donor atom acquires a positive charge.

Compounds with polar covalent bonds have higher boiling and melting points than substances with nonpolar covalent bonds.

In molecules of organic compounds, the bonds of atoms are polar covalent.

In such molecules, hybridization (mixing of orbitals and alignment of their formula and energy) of the valence (outer) orbitals of carbon atoms occurs.

The hybrid orbitals overlap and strong chemical bonds are formed.

Metal connections- bonding carried out by relatively free electrons between metal ions in a crystal lattice. Metal atoms easily give up electrons, becoming positively charged ions. The detached electrons move freely between positive metal ions, i.e. they are socialized by metal ions, i.e. they are socialized and move throughout the entire piece of metal, which is generally electrically neutral.

Properties of metals.

1. Electrical conductivity. Due to the presence of free electrons capable of creating an electric current.

2. Thermal conductivity. Due to the same thing.

3. Malleability and ductility. Metal ions and atoms in a metal lattice are not directly bonded to each other, and individual layers of metal can move freely relative to each other.

Hydrogen bond- can be intermolecular and intramolecular.

Intermolecular hydrogen bond is formed between the hydrogen atoms of one molecule and the atoms of a strongly electronegative element (F, O, N) of another molecule. This connection determines the abnormally high boiling and melting temperatures of some compounds (HF, H 2 O). When these substances evaporate, hydrogen bonds are broken, which requires additional energy.

The reason for the hydrogen bond: by donating a single electron to “one’s own” atom of an electronegative element, hydrogen acquires a relatively strong positive charge, which then interacts with the lone electron pair of the “foreign” atom of the electronegative element.

Intramolecular hydrogen bond takes place inside the molecule. This bond determines the structure of nucleic acids (double helix) and the secondary (helical) structure of proteins.

A hydrogen bond is much weaker than an ionic or covalent bond, but stronger than an intermolecular interaction.

Question 3. Solve a problem. 20 g of nitrobenzene was subjected to a reduction reaction. Find the mass of aniline formed if the reaction yield is 50%.


Given: Find: m(C 6 H 6 NH 2).

m(C 6 H 6 NO 2) = 20g,


(C 6 H 6 NO 2) + 3H 2 = C 6 H 6 NH 2 + 2H 2 0.

v: 1 mol 1 mol

M: 123g/mol 93g/mol

x = m theor (C 6 H 6 NH 2) = 20 * 93/123 = 15 g,

m practical = 15*0.5=7.5 g.

Answer: 7.5 g.

Ticket number 4

Properties Metal Li, K, Rb, Ba, Sr, Ca, Na, Mg, Al, Mn, Zn, Cr, Fe, Ni, Sn, Pb, (H), Cu, Hg, Ag, Pt, Au
Reducing power (donate electrons) Increasing
Interaction with atmospheric oxygen Oxidizes quickly at normal temperatures Oxidizes slowly at normal temperatures or when heated Do not oxidize
Interaction with water H 2 is released and hydroxide is formed When heated, hydrogen is released and hydroxide is formed Does not displace hydrogen from water
Interaction with acids Displaces hydrogen from dilute acids Will not displace hydrogen from dilute acids
Oxidizing power (gain electrons) Increasing

Question 1. General properties of metals. Features of the structure of atoms .

Answer. Metal atoms relatively easily give up valence electrons and become positively charged ions. Therefore, metals are reducing agents. This is the main and most general chemical properties of metals. Metal compounds exhibit only positive oxidation states. The reducing ability of different metals is not the same and increases in the electrochemical voltage series of metals from Au to Li.

Physical properties

1. Electrical conductivity. It is caused by the presence of free electrons in metals that form an electric current (directed movement of electrons).

2. Thermal conductivity.

3. Malleability and ductility.

Metals with ρ<5 г /см 3 – легкие, c ρ >5 g/cm3 – heavy.

Low-melting metals: c t pl< 1000 0 C ,тугоплавкие – c t пл >1000 0 C.

Schemes of interaction of metals with sulfuric acid.

Dilute H 2 SO 4 dissolves metals located in a series of standard electrode potentials (metal activity series) to hydrogen:

M + H 2 SO 4 (diluted) → salt + H 2

(M = (Li →Fe) in the metal activity series).

In this case, the corresponding salt and water are formed.

Dilute H 2 SO 4 reacts very slowly with Ni; the acid does not react with Ca, Mn, and Pb. When exposed to acid, a PbSO 4 film is formed on the surface of lead, protecting it from further interaction with the acid.

Concentrated H 2 SO 4 does not interact with many metals at ordinary temperatures. However, when heated, concentrated acid reacts with almost all metals (except Pt, Au and some others). In this case, the acid is reduced to H 2 S, or SO 2:

M + H 2 SO 4 (conc.) → salt + H 2 O + H 2 S (S,SO 2).

Hydrogen is not released in these reactions, but water is formed.

Schemes of interaction of metals with nitric acid.

When metals interact with HNO 3, hydrogen is not released; it oxidizes to form water. Depending on the activity of the metal, the acid can be reduced to compounds.

5 +4 +2 +1 0 -3 -3

HNO 3 →NO 2 → NO → N 2 O →N 2 →NH 3 (NH 4 NO 3).

In this case, a salt of nitric acid is also formed.

Diluted HNO 3 reacts with many metals (exception: Ca, Cr, Pb, Au) most often with the formation of NH 3, NH 4 NO 3, N 2 or NO:

M + HNO 3 (diluted) → salt + H 2 O + NH 3 (NH 4 NO 3, N 2,NO).

Concentrated HNO 3 reacts mainly with heavy metals to form N 2 O or NO 2:

M + HNO 3 (conc.) → salt + H 2 O + N 2 O (NO 2).

At ordinary temperatures, this acid (a strong oxidizing agent) does not react with Al, Cr, Fe and Ni. It easily transfers them to a passive state (a dense protective oxide film is formed on the surface of the metal, preventing contact of the metal with the environment.)

Question 2. Starch and cellulose. Compare their structure and properties. Their application.

Answer. The structure of starch: structural unit - the remainder of the molecule

α-glucose. Cellulose structure: structural unit of the β-glucose molecule.

Physical properties

Starch is a white crispy powder, insoluble in cold water. In hot water it forms a colloidal paste solution.

Cellulose is a solid fibrous substance, insoluble in water and organic solvents.

Chemical properties

1. Starch cellulose undergoes hydrolysis:

(C 6 H 10 O 5) n + nH 2 O=nC 6 H 12 O 6.

The hydrolysis of starch produces alpha-glucose, and the hydrolysis of cellulose produces beta-glucose.

2. Starch with iodine gives a blue color (unlike cellulose).

3. Starch is digested in the human digestive system, but cellulose is not digested.

4. Cellulose is characterized by an esterification reaction:

[(C 6 H 7 O 2)(OH) 3 ] n +3nHONO 2 (conc.) [(C 6 H 7 O 2)(ONO 2) 3 ] n +3nH 2 O.


5. Starch molecules have both linear and branched structures. Cellulose molecules have a linear (that is, not branched) structure, due to which cellulose easily forms fibers. This is the main difference between starch and cellulose.

6.Combustion of starch and cellulose:

(C 6 H 10 O 5) n + O 2 = CO 2 + H 2 O + Q.

Without air access, thermal decomposition occurs. CH 3 O, CH 3 COOH, (CH 3) 2 CO, etc. are formed.


1. By hydrolysis it is converted into flux and glucose.

2. As a valuable and nutritious product (the main carbohydrate in human food - bread, cereals, potatoes).

3. In the production of paste.

4. In the production of paints (thickener)

5. In medicine (for preparing ointments, powders).

6. For starching laundry.


1. In the production of acetate fiber, plexiglass, non-flammable film (cellophane).

2. In the manufacture of smokeless powder (trinitrocellulose).

3. In the production of celluloid and colodite (dinitrocellulose).

Question 3. To 500 grams of a 10% NACL solution, add 200 grams of a 5% solution of the same substance, then another 700 grams of water. Find the percentage concentration of the resulting solution.

Answer. Find: m 1 (NaCl) = 500g


ω 1 (NаCl)=10%

m 2 (NаCl)=200g


m 1 (NaCl, anhydrous) = 500 * 10\100 = 50 g,

m 2 (NaCl, anhydrous) = 200*5\100 = 10 g,

m (solution)=500+200+700=1400g,

mtot (NaCl)=50+10=60g,

ω 3 (NaCl)=60\1400 * 100% = 4.3%

Answer: ω 3 (NaCl) = 4.3%


Question 1. Acetylene. Its structure, properties, preparation and application.

Answer. Acetylene belongs to the class of alkynes.

Acetylene hydrocarbons, or alkynes, are unsaturated (unsaturated) hydrocarbons with the general formula, in the molecules of which there is a triple bond between the carbon atoms.

Electronic structure

The carbon in the acetylene molecule is in the state sp– hybridization. The carbon atoms in this molecule form a triple bond consisting of two -bonds and one σ-bond.

Molecular formula: .

Graphic formula: H-C≡ C-H

Physical properties

Gas, lighter than air, slightly soluble in water, in its pure form almost odorless, colorless, = - 83.6. (In the series of alkynes, with increasing molecular weight of the alkyne, the boiling and melting points increase.)

Chemical properties

1. Combustion:

2. Connection:

a) hydrogen:

b) halogen:

C 2 H 2 + 2Cl 2 = C 2 H 2 Cl 4 ;


c) hydrogen halide:

HC≡CH + HCl = CHCl

vinyl chloride

CH 2 =CHCl + HCl = CH 3 -CHCl 2


(according to Markovnikov’s rule);

d) water (Kucherov reaction):

HC=CH + H 2 O = CH 2 =CH-OH CH 3 -CHO

vinyl alcohol acetaldehyde

3. Substitution:

HC≡CH + 2AgNO 3 + 2NH 4 = AgC≡CAg↓+ 2NH 4 NO 3 + 2H 2 O.

silver acetylenide

4. Oxidation:

HC≡CH + + H 2 O → HOOC-COOH (-KMnO 4).

oxalic acid

5. Trimerization:

3HC≡CH t, cat

6. Dimerization:


vinyl acetylene


1. Dehydrogenation of alkanes (cracking of liquid petroleum fractions):

C 2 H 6 = C 2 H 2 + 2H 2.

2. From natural gas (thermal cracking of methane):

2CH 4 C 2 H 2 + 3H 2

3. Carbide method:

CaC 2 + 2H 2 O = Ca(OH) 2 + C 2 H 2


1.In the production of vinyl chloride, acetaldehyde, vinyl acetate, chloroprene, acetic acid and other organic substances.

2.In the synthesis of rubber and polyvinyl chloride resins.

3.In the production of polyvinyl chloride (leatherette).

4.In the production of varnishes and medicines.

5. In the manufacture of explosives (acetylenides).

Profile chemical and biological class

Lesson type: lesson of learning new material.

Lesson teaching methods:

  • verbal (conversation, explanation, story);
  • visual (computer presentation);
  • practical (demonstration experiments, laboratory experiments).

Lesson objectives:Learning Objectives: using the example of phenol, to concretize students’ knowledge about the structural features of substances belonging to the class of phenols, to consider the dependence of the mutual influence of atoms in the phenol molecule on its properties; introduce students to the physical and chemical properties of phenol and some of its compounds, study qualitative reactions to phenols; consider the presence in nature, the use of phenol and its compounds, their biological role

Educational goals: Create conditions for students to work independently, strengthen students’ skills in working with text, highlight the main points in the text, and perform tests.

Developmental goals: Create dialogue interaction in the lesson, promote the development of students’ skills to express their opinions, listen to a friend, ask each other questions and complement each other’s speeches.

Equipment: chalk, board, screen, projector, computer, electronic media, textbook “Chemistry”, 10th grade, O.S. Gabrielyan, F.N. Maskaev, textbook “Chemistry: in tests, problems and exercises”, 10th grade, O.S. Gabrielyan, I.G. Ostroumov.

Demonstration: D. 1. Displacement of phenol from sodium phenolate with carbonic acid.

D 2. Interaction of phenol and benzene with bromine water (video).

D. 3. Reaction of phenol with formaldehyde.

Laboratory experience:1. Solubility of phenol in water at normal and elevated temperatures.

2. Interaction of phenol and ethanol with alkali solution.

3. Reaction of phenol with FeCl 3.






Open lesson-research in chemistry

Chemistry teacher: Gramoteeva S.V.

I qualification category

Class: 10 "A", chemical and biological

Date: 02/14/2012

Phenol: structure, physical and chemical properties of phenol.

Application of phenol.

Profile chemical and biological class

Lesson type: lesson of learning new material.

Lesson teaching methods:

  1. verbal (conversation, explanation, story);
  2. visual (computer presentation);
  3. practical (demonstration experiments, laboratory experiments).

Lesson Objectives: Learning Objectives: using the example of phenol, to concretize students’ knowledge about the structural features of substances belonging to the class of phenols, to consider the dependence of the mutual influence of atoms in the phenol molecule on its properties; introduce students to the physical and chemical properties of phenol and some of its compounds, study qualitative reactions to phenols; consider the presence in nature, the use of phenol and its compounds, their biological role

Educational goals:Create conditions for students to work independently, strengthen students’ skills in working with text, highlight the main points in the text, and perform tests.

Developmental goals:Create dialogue interaction in the lesson, promote the development of students’ skills to express their opinions, listen to a friend, ask each other questions and complement each other’s speeches.

Equipment: chalk, board, screen, projector, computer, electronic media, textbook “Chemistry”, 10th grade, O.S. Gabrielyan, F.N. Maskaev, textbook “Chemistry: in tests, problems and exercises”, 10th grade, O.S. Gabrielyan, I.G. Ostroumov.

Demonstration: D. 1.Displacement of phenol from sodium phenolate with carbonic acid.

D 2. Interaction of phenol and benzene with bromine water (video).

D. 3. Reaction of phenol with formaldehyde.

Laboratory experience: 1. Solubility of phenol in water at normal and elevated temperatures.

3. Reaction of phenol with FeCl 3 .


  1. Organizing time.
  2. Preparing to study new material.
  1. Frontal survey:
  1. What alcohols are called polyhydric? Give examples.
  2. What are the physical properties of polyhydric alcohols?
  3. What reactions are typical for polyhydric alcohols?
  4. Write qualitative reactions characteristic of polyhydric alcohols.
  5. Give examples of the esterification reaction of ethylene glycol and glycerol with organic and inorganic acids. What are the reaction products called?
  6. Write the reactions of intramolecular and intermolecular dehydration. Name the reaction products.
  7. Write the reactions of polyhydric alcohols with hydrogen halides. Name the reaction products.
  8. What are the methods for producing ethylene glycol?
  9. What are the methods for producing glycerin?
  10. What are the applications of polyhydric alcohols?
  1. Checking the house. assignments: page 158, ex. 4-6 (selectively at the board).
  1. Learning new material in the form of a conversation.

The slide shows the structural formulas of organic compounds. You need to name these substances and determine which class they belong to.

Phenols - these are substances in which the hydroxo group is connected directly to the benzene ring.

What is the molecular formula of the phenyl radical: C 6 H 5 – phenyl. If one or more hydroxyl groups are added to this radical, we obtain phenols. Note that the hydroxyl groups must be directly attached to the benzene ring, otherwise we will get aromatic alcohols.


Same as alcohols, phenolsclassified by atomicity, i.e. by the number of hydroxyl groups.

  1. Monohydric phenols contain one hydroxyl group in the molecule:
  1. Polyhydric phenols contain more than one hydroxyl group in their molecules:

The most important representative of this class is phenol. The name of this substance formed the basis for the name of the entire class - phenols.

Many of you will become doctors in the near future, so they should know as much as possible about phenol. Currently, there are several main areas of use of phenol. One of them is the production of medicines. Most of these drugs are derivatives of phenol-derived salicylic acid: o-HOC 6 H 4 COOH. The most common antipyretic, aspirin, is nothing more than acetylsalicylic acid. The ester of salicylic acid and phenol itself is also well known under the name salol. Para-aminosalicylic acid (PAS for short) is used in the treatment of tuberculosis. And finally, the condensation of phenol with phthalic anhydride produces phenolphthalein, also known as purgen.

Phenols – organic substances whose molecules contain a phenyl radical associated with one or more hydroxy groups.

Why do you think phenols are classified as a separate class, even though they contain the same hydroxyl group as alcohols?

Their properties are very different from those of alcohols. Why?

The atoms in a molecule mutually influence each other. (Butlerov's theory).

Let's look at the properties of phenols using the simplest phenol as an example.

History of discovery

In 1834 German organic chemist Friedlieb Runge discovered a white crystalline substance with a characteristic odor in the products of the distillation of coal tar. He was unable to determine the composition of the substance; he did this in 1842. Auguste Laurent. The substance had pronounced acidic properties and was a derivative of benzene, discovered shortly before. Laurent called it benzene phenone, so the new acid was called phenyl acid. Charles Gerard considered the resulting substance to be alcohol and proposed calling it phenol.

Physical properties

Laboratory experience: 1. Study of the physical properties of phenol.

Instruction card

1.Look at the substance given to you and write down its physical properties.

2.Dissolve the substance in cold water.

3. Warm the test tube slightly. Note the observations.

Phenol C6H5 OH (carbolic acid)- colorless crystalline substance, t pl = 43 0 C, t boil = 182 0 C, oxidizes in air and turns pink, at ordinary temperatures it is sparingly soluble in water, above 66 °C it is miscible with water in any proportions. Phenol is a toxic substance, causes skin burns, is an antiseptic, thereforePhenol must be handled with care!

Phenol itself and its vapors are poisonous. But there are phenols of plant origin, found, for example, in tea. They have a beneficial effect on the human body.

A consequence of the polarity of the O–H bond and the presence of lone pairs of electrons on the oxygen atom is the ability of hydroxy compounds to form hydrogen bonds

This explains why phenol has quite high melting points (+43) and boiling points (+182). The formation of hydrogen bonds with water molecules promotes the solubility of hydroxy compounds in water.

The ability to dissolve in water decreases with increasing hydrocarbon radical and from polyatomic hydroxy compounds to monoatomic ones. Methanol, ethanol, propanol, isopropanol, ethylene glycol and glycerin are mixed with water in any ratio. The solubility of phenol in water is limited.

Isomerism and nomenclature

2 types possible isomerism:

  1. isomerism of the position of substituents in the benzene ring;
  2. side chain isomerism (structure of the alkyl radical and numberradicals).

Chemical properties

Look carefully at the structural formula of phenol and answer the question: “What is so special about phenol that it was placed in a separate class?”

Those. phenol contains both a hydroxyl group and a benzene ring, which, according to the third position of the theory of A.M. Butlerov, influence each other.

What properties should phenol formally have? That's right, alcohols and benzene.

The chemical properties of phenols are due precisely to the presence of a functional hydroxyl group and a benzene ring in the molecules. Therefore, the chemical properties of phenol can be considered both by analogy with alcohols and by analogy with benzene.

Remember what substances alcohols react with. Let's watch a video of the interaction of phenol with sodium.

  1. Reactions involving the hydroxyl group.
  1. Interaction with alkali metals(similarity to alcohols).

2C 6 H 5 OH + 2Na → 2C 6 H 5 ONa + H 2 (sodium phenolate)

Do you remember whether alcohols react with alkalis? No, what about phenol? Let's conduct a laboratory experiment.

Laboratory experience: 2. Interaction of phenol and ethanol with alkali solution.

1. Pour NaOH solution and 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein into the first test tube, then add 1/3 of the phenol solution.

2. Add NaOH solution and 2-3 drops of phenolphthalein to the second test tube, then add 1/3 part of ethanol.

Make observations and write reaction equations.

  1. The hydrogen atom of the hydroxyl group of phenol is acidic in nature. The acidic properties of phenol are more pronounced than those of water and alcohols.Unlike alcohols and water phenol reacts not only with alkali metals, but with alkalis to form phenolates:

C 6 H 5 OH + NaOH → C 6 H 5 ONa + H 2 O

However, the acidic properties of phenols are less pronounced than those of inorganic and carboxylic acids. For example, the acidic properties of phenol are approximately 3000 times less than those of carbonic acid, therefore, by passing carbon dioxide through a solution of sodium phenolate, free phenol can be isolated ( demonstration):

C 6 H 5 ONa + H 2 O + CO 2 → C 6 H 5 OH + NaHCO 3

Adding hydrochloric or sulfuric acid to an aqueous solution of sodium phenolate also leads to the formation of phenol:

C 6 H 5 ONa + HCl → C 6 H 5 OH + NaCl

Phenolates are used as starting materials for the production of ethers and esters:

C 6 H 5 ONa + C 2 H 5 Br → C 6 H 5 OC 2 H 5 + NaBr (ethyphenyl ether)

C 6 H 5 ONa + CH 3 COCl → CH 3 – COOC 6 H 5 + NaCl

Acetyl chloride phenylacetate, acetic acid phenyl ester

How can you explain the fact that alcohols do not react with alkali solutions, but phenol does?

Phenols are polar compounds (dipoles). The benzene ring is the negative end of the dipole, the OH group is the positive end. The dipole moment is directed towards the benzene ring.

The benzene ring draws electrons from the lone pair of oxygen electrons. The displacement of the lone pair of electrons of the oxygen atom towards the benzene ring leads to an increase in the polarity of the O-H bond. An increase in the polarity of the O-H bond under the influence of the benzene ring and the appearance of a sufficiently large positive charge on the hydrogen atom leads to the fact that the phenol moleculedissociates in water solutionsacid type:

C 6 H 5 OH ↔ C 6 H 5 O - + H + (phenolate ion)

Phenol is weak acid. This is the main difference between phenols andalcohols, that arenon-electrolytes.

  1. Reactions involving the benzene ring

The benzene ring changed the properties of the hydroxo group!

Is there a reverse effect - have the properties of the benzene ring changed?

Let's do one more experiment.

Demonstration: 2. Interaction of phenol with bromine water (video).

Substitution reactions. Electrophilic substitution reactions in the benzene ring of phenols occur much more easily than in benzene, and under milder conditions, due to the presence of a hydroxyl substituent.

  1. Halogenation

Bromination occurs especially easily in aqueous solutions. Unlike benzene, the bromination of phenol does not require the addition of a catalyst (FeBr 3 ). When phenol reacts with bromine water, a white precipitate of 2,4,6-tribromophenol is formed:

  1. Nitration also occurs more easily than benzene nitration. The reaction with dilute nitric acid occurs at room temperature. As a result, a mixture of ortho- and para-isomers of nitrophenol is formed:

O-nitrophenol p-nitrophenol

When concentrated nitric acid is used, 2,4,6-trinitrophenol is formed - picric acid, an explosive:

As you can see, phenol reacts with bromine water to form a white precipitate, but benzene does not react. Phenol, like benzene, reacts with nitric acid, but not with one molecule, but with three at once. What explains this?

Having acquired excess electron density, the benzene ring became destabilized. The negative charge is concentrated in the ortho and para positions, so these positions are the most active. The replacement of hydrogen atoms occurs here.

Phenol, like benzene, reacts with sulfuric acid, but with three molecules.

  1. Sulfonation

The ratio of ortho- and para-dimensions is determined by the reaction temperature: at room temperature, o-phenolsulfoxylate is mainly formed, at a temperature of 100 0 C – para-isomer.

  1. Polycondensation of phenol with aldehydes, in particular with formaldehyde, occurs with the formation of reaction products - phenol-formaldehyde resins and solid polymers ( demonstration):

Reaction polycondensation,i.e., a polymer production reaction that occurs with the release of a low molecular weight product (for example, water, ammonia, etc.),can continue further (until one of the reagents is completely consumed) with the formation of huge macromolecules. The process can be described by the summary equation:

The formation of linear molecules occurs at ordinary temperatures. Carrying out this reaction when heated leads to the fact that the constituents have a branched structure, it is solid and insoluble in water. As a result of heating a linear phenol-formaldehyde resin with an excess of aldehyde, hard plastic masses with unique properties are obtained.

Polymers based on phenol-formaldehyde resins are used for the manufacture of varnishes and paints. Plastic products made on the basis of these resins are resistant to heating, cooling, alkalis and acids, and they also have high electrical properties. The most important parts of electrical appliances, power unit housings and machine parts, and the polymer base of printed circuit boards for radio devices are made from polymers based on phenol-formaldehyde resins.

Adhesives based on phenol-formaldehyde resins are capable of reliably connecting parts of a wide variety of natures, maintaining the highest joint strength over a very wide temperature range. This glue is used to attach the metal base of lighting lamps to a glass bulb.

All plastics containing phenol are dangerous to humans and nature. It is necessary to find a new type of polymer that is safe for nature and easily decomposes into safe waste. This is your future. Create, invent, don’t let dangerous substances destroy nature!”

Qualitative reaction to phenols

In aqueous solutions, monohydric phenols react with FeCl 3 with the formation of complex phenolates, which have a purple color; color disappears after adding strong acid

Laboratory experience: 3. Reaction of phenol with FeCl 3 .

Add 1/3 of the phenol solution to the test tube and drop by drop the FeCl solution 3 .

Record your observations.

Methods of obtaining

  1. Cumene method.

Benzene and propylene are used as feedstock, from which isopropylbenzene (cumene) is obtained, which undergoes further transformations.

Cumene method for producing phenol (USSR, Sergeev P.G., Udris R.Yu., Kruzhalov B.D., 1949). Advantages of the method: waste-free technology (yield of useful products > 99%) and cost-effectiveness. Currently, the cumene method is used as the main method in the global production of phenol.

  1. Made from coal tar.

Coal tar, containing phenol as one of the components, is treated first with an alkali solution (phenolates are formed) and then with an acid:

C 6 H 5 OH + NaOH → C 6 H 5 ONa + H 2 O (sodium phenolate, intermediate)

C 6 H 5 ONa + H 2 SO 4 → C 6 H 5 OH + NaHSO 4

  1. Fusion of salts of arenesulfonic acids with alkali:

300 0 C

C 6 H 5 SO 3 Na + NaOH → C 6 H 5 OH + Na 2 SO 3

  1. Interaction of halogen derivatives of aromatic hydrocarbons with alkalis:

300 0 C, P, Cu

C6H5 Cl + NaOH (8-10% solution) → C 6 H 5 OH + NaCl

or with water vapor:

450-500 0 C, Al 2 O 3

C 6 H 5 Cl + H 2 O → C 6 H 5 OH + HCl

Biological role of phenol compounds


Negative (toxic effect)

  1. medications (purgen, paracetamol)
  2. antiseptics (3-5% solution – carbolic acid)
  3. essential oils (have strong bactericidal and antiviral properties, stimulate the immune system, increase blood pressure: - anethole in dill, fennel, anise - carvacrol and thymol in thyme - eugenol in cloves, basil

    Phenols are derivatives of arenes in which one or more hydrogen atoms of the aromatic ring are replaced by an OH group.


    1. Monohydric phenols:

    2. Polyhydric phenols:

    Physical properties:

    Phenol and its lower homologues are colorless, low-melting crystalline substances or liquids with a characteristic odor.

    Phenol is moderately soluble in water. Phenol is capable of forming hydrogen bonds, which underlies its antiseptic properties. Aqueous solutions of phenol cause tissue burns. A dilute aqueous solution of phenol is called carbolic acid. Phenol is toxic, the toxicity of phenol homologues decreases, bactericidal activity increases as the alkyl radical becomes more complex.

    Methods for obtaining phenols

    1. Made from coal tar.

    2. Cumene method

    3. Fusion of salts of aromatic sulfonic acids with alkali:

    4. Decomposition of diazonium salts:

    5. Hydrolysis of halogen derivatives

    §eleven. Chemical properties of phenols.

    1. Acid properties: phenols form salts:

    Phenol is a weaker acid than carbonic H 2 CO 3:

    2. Reactions involving the OH group.

    a) alkylation (formation of ethers)

    b) acylation (formation of esters):

    3. Reactions of substitution of OH group:

    Phenol does not interact with NH 3 and R – NH 2.

    4. Electrophilic substitution reactions characteristic of arenes.

    The substitution proceeds faster than that of benzene. The OH group directs the new substituent to the ortho and para positions.

    a) halogenation (discoloration of bromine water - qualitative reaction to phenol):

    b) nitration

    c) sulfonation:

    5. Condensation reactions

    a) with formaldehyde

    b) with phthalic anhydride

    6. Oxidation

    a) white phenol crystals turn pink in air;

    b) phenol with a solution of FeCl 3 gives a red-violet color;

    cresol – blue color;

    c) oxidation by strong oxidizing agents

    7. Recovery

    8. Carboxylation (Kolbe-Schmitt reaction):


    1. Phenol is used in the production of phenol-formaldehyde resins, caprolactam, picric acid, dyes, insecticides, and medicines.

    2. Pyrocatechol and its derivatives are used in the production of medicines (the synthetic hormone adrenaline is obtained) and aromatic substances.

    3. Resorcinol is used in the synthesis of dyes; in medicine as a disinfectant.

    experimental part

    Experience 1. The influence of the radical and the number of hydroxyl groups on the solubility of alcohols.

    Add 4-5 drops of ethyl, isoamyl alcohol and glycerin into three test tubes. Add 5-6 drops of water to each test tube and shake. What did you observe?

    Experience 2. Detection of water in ethyl alcohol and its dehydration.

    Add 10 drops of ethyl alcohol to a dry test tube, add a little anhydrous copper sulfate, mix thoroughly, and let it settle. If the alcohol contains water, the copper sulfate precipitate will turn blue due to the formation of copper sulfate CuSO 4 · 5H 2 O. Save the anhydrous alcohol for later experiment.

    Experience 3. Formation of sodium ethoxide.

    Place a small piece of sodium in a dry test tube, add 3 drops of anhydrous ethyl alcohol (from the previous experiment) and close the hole of the test tube with your finger. The evolution of hydrogen immediately begins.

    At the end of the reaction, without lifting your finger from the hole of the test tube, bring it to the burner flame. When the test tube is opened, hydrogen ignites with a characteristic sound, forming a bluish ring. A whitish precipitate of sodium ethoxide or its solution remains at the bottom of the test tube.

    When 1 drop of an alcohol solution of phenolphthalein is added to a test tube, a red color appears.

    Write the equations for the reactions that occur.

    Experience 4. Oxidation of ethyl alcohol with a chromium mixture.

    Add 3-4 drops of ethyl alcohol into the test tube. Add 1 drop of 2N sulfuric acid solution and 2 drops of 0.5N potassium dichromate solution. Heat the resulting orange solution over a burner flame until the color begins to change. Usually within a few seconds the color of the solution turns bluish-green. At the same time, a characteristic smell of acetaldehyde is felt, reminiscent of the smell of apples. The method can be used to distinguish primary and secondary alcohols.

    Write the reaction equations.

    Experience 5. Preparation of ethyl acetate.

    Place a little anhydrous sodium acetate powder (layer height about 2 mm) and 3 drops of ethyl alcohol into a dry test tube. Add 2 drops of concentrated sulfuric acid and heat gently over a burner flame. After a few seconds, the characteristic pleasant refreshing smell of ethyl acetate appears.

    Reaction equations:

    CH 3 C(O)ONa + HOSO 3 H NaHSO 4 + CH 3 C(O)OH

    C 2 H 5 OH + HOSO 3 H H 2 O + C 2 H 5 OSO 3 H

    CH 3 C(O)OH + HOSO 3 HH 2 SO 4 + CH 3 C(O)O C 2 H 5

    Experience 6. Reaction of glycerol with copper (II) hydroxide in an alkaline medium .

    Place 3 drops of 0.2 N CuSO 4 solution and 2 drops of 2 N NaOH solution into a test tube and mix. A gelatinous precipitate of copper (II) hydroxide appears:

    When heated in an alkaline medium to boiling, the resulting hydroxide

    copper(II) decomposes. This is detected by the release of a black precipitate of copper (II) oxide:

    Repeat the experiment, but before boiling copper (II) hydroxide, add 1 drop of glycerol to the test tube. Shake. Heat the resulting solution to a boil and make sure that the copper glycerate solution does not decompose when boiled. Here a chelate compound is formed

    Experience 7. Formation of acrolein from glycerol.

    Place 3-4 potassium bisulfate crystals and 1 drop of glycerin in a test tube. Heat on a burner flame. A sign of the beginning of the decomposition of glycerin is the browning of the liquid in the test tube and the appearance of heavy vapors of the resulting acrolein, which has a very pungent odor.

    Experience 8. Solubility of phenol in water.

    Place 1 drop of liquid phenol in a test tube, add 1 drop of water and

    shake it up. The result is a cloudy liquid - a phenol emulsion. When standing

    such an emulsion stratifies, and at the bottom there will be a solution of water in phenol,

    or liquid phenol, and at the top - a solution of phenol in water, or carbolic water.

    Add water drop by drop, shaking the test tube each time until

    you will get a clear solution of phenol in water. Save the received

    phenolic water for subsequent experiments.

    Experience 9.Color reactions to phenolic water.

    Place 3 drops of clear phenolic water in a test tube and add 1 drop of 0.1 N FeCl 3 solution - a violet color appears.

    A more sensitive reaction to phenol is the colored indophenol

    Place 1 drop of clear carbolic water in a test tube. Add to it 3 drops of a 2N solution of NH 4 OH and then 3 drops of a saturated solution of bromine water. After a few seconds, a blue color can be seen on the white background of the paper, gradually increasing due to the formation of a coloring substance - indophenol.

    Experience 10. Formation of tribromophenol.

    Place 3 drops of bromine water in a test tube and add 1 drop of clear carbolic water. Phenols with free ortho- and para-positions discolor bromine water and form substitution products, which usually precipitate.

    Experience 11. Evidence of the acidic nature of phenol.

    Add 1 more drop of phenol to the remaining phenol water and shake. Add 1 drop of 2N NaOH solution to the newly obtained emulsion. A clear solution of sodium phenolate is instantly formed, since it dissolves well in water.

    §10. Problems to solve independently.

    1. Write the structural formulas of the following compounds:

    3-methyl-2-pentanol; 2-methyl-3-butyn-2-ol; 1-phenylpropanol-1.

    2. Use the Grignard reaction to obtain the following alcohols:

    1) 2-methyl-3-pentanol;

    2) 2,3-dimethyl-3-pentanol;

    3) 2,2-dimethyl-1-propanol.

    3. Obtain by hydration of the corresponding ethylene hydrocarbons

    the following alcohols:

    a) 2-methylpentanol-2; b) 3,3-dimethylbutanol-2.

    4. Write the oxidation reactions of secondary butyl alcohol;


    5. Subject 2-pentanol to dehydration, then oxidize the reaction product with an aqueous solution of potassium permanganate. Treat the resulting compound with acetic acid. Write the reaction equations and name all the products.

    6. Obtain phenol from benzene and 1-butene through the stage of formation of sec.butyl hydroperoxide.

    7. Describe the scheme of the following transformations:

    8. Arrange the following compounds in descending order of acidic properties:

    Monohydric phenols are clear liquids or crystalline substances, often colored pink-red due to their oxidation. These are poisons and cause burns if they come into contact with the skin. They kill many microorganisms, that is, they have disinfectant and antiseptic properties. The solubility of phenols in water is low, their boiling points are relatively high due to the existence of intermolecular hydrogen bonds.

    Physical properties

    Phenols are slightly soluble in water, but dissolve well in alcohol, ether, benzene, form crystalline hydrates with water, and are distilled with steam. In air, phenol itself easily oxidizes and darkens. The introduction of substituents such as halogens, nitro groups, etc. into the para position of the phenol molecule significantly increases the boiling point and melting point of the compounds:

    Picture 1.

    Phenols are polar substances with a dipole moment $\mu$ = 1.5-1.6 $D$. The $EI$ value of 8.5-8.6 eV indicates the greater donor properties of phenols compared to arenes such as benzene (9.25 eV), toluene (8.82 eV), and ethylbenzene (8.76 eV). This is due to the interaction of the hydroxyl group with the $\pi$ bonds of the benzene ring due to the positive $M$ effect of the $OH$ group; its negative $I$ effect predominates.

    Spectral characteristics of phenols

    The absorption maximum in the UV part of the spectrum for phenol is shifted towards longer wavelengths by approximately 15 nm compared to benzene (bathochromic shift) due to the participation of $\pi$-electrons of oxygen in conjugation with the benzene ring and appears at 275 nm with a fine structure.

    The IR spectra of phenols, as well as alcohols, are characterized by intense $v_(OH)$ bands in the region of 3200-3600 cm$^(-1)$ and 3600-3615 cm$^(-1)$ for highly diluted solutions , but for $v_(c\_D)$ phenols there is a band around 1230 cm$^(-1)$, in contrast to 1220-1125 cm$^(-1)$ for alcohols.

    In the NMR spectra, the signal of the proton of the $OH$ group of phenols appears in a wide range (4.0-12.0 ppm) compared to alcohols, depending on the nature and concentration of the solvent, temperature, and the presence of inter- or intramolecular hydrogen bonds . Often the signal of the proton of the $OH$ group is recorded at 8.5-9.5 ppm. in dimethyl sulfoxide or at 4.0-7.5 ppm, in $CCl_4$.

    In the mass spectrum of phenol, the main direction of fragmentation is the elimination of $HCO$ and $CO$ particles:

    Figure 2.

    If alkyl radicals are present in a phenol molecule, the primary process will be benzyl cleavage.

    Chemical properties of phenols

    In contrast to alcohols, which are characterized by reactions involving the cleavage of both the $O-H$ bond (acid-base properties, formation of esters, oxidation, etc.) and the $C-O$ bond (reactions of nucleophilic substitution, dehydration, rearrangement) , phenols are more characterized by reactions of the first type. In addition, they are characterized by electrophilic substitution reactions in the benzene ring activated by the electron-donating hydroxyl group.

    The chemical properties of phenols are due to the mutual influence of the hydroxyl group and the benzene ring.

    The hydroxyl group has a $-I-$ and + $M$ effect. The latter significantly exceeds the $-I$ effect, which determines the $n-\pi$-conjugation of free electrons of oxygen with the $\pi$-orbital of the benzene nucleus. Due to $n-\pi$-conjugation, the length of the $C - O$ bond, the magnitude of the dipole moment and the position of the absorption bands of bonds in the IR spectra decrease compared to ethyl alcohol:

    Some characteristics of phenol and ethanol:

    Figure 3.

    $n-\pi$-Conjugation leads to a decrease in the electron density on the oxygen atom, therefore the polarity of the $O - H$ bond in phenols increases. In this regard, the acidic properties of phenols are more pronounced than those of alcohols. The greater acidity of phenols compared to alcohols is also explained by the possibility of charge delocalization into the phenolate anion, which entails stabilization of the system:

    Figure 4.

    The difference in acidity between phenol and alcohols is indicated by the dissociation constant. For comparison: Kd = $1.3 \cdot 10^(-10)$ for phenol and Kd = $10^(-18)$ for ethyl alcohol.

    Therefore, phenols, unlike alcohols, form phenolates not only with alkali metals, but also through interaction with alkalis:

    Figure 5.

    The reaction of phenol with alkali metals is quite violent and can be accompanied by an explosion.

    But phenol is a weak acid, weaker even than carbonic acid ($K = 4.7 \cdot 10^(-7)$). Therefore, carbonic acid displaces phenol from the phenolate solution. These reactions are used to separate phenols, alcohols or carboxylic acids. Electron-withdrawing groups in the phenol molecule significantly enhance, and donor groups weaken, the acidic properties of phenolic hydroxyl.

    In addition, phenol is characterized by a number of reactions of different directions:

    1. formation of ethers and esters;
    2. alkylation and acylation reactions;
    3. oxidation reactions
    4. electrophilic substitution reactions in the aromatic ring, including reactions:

      • halogenation,
      • sulfonation,
      • nitrosation,
      • formylation,
      • condensation with aldehydes and ketones,
      • carboxylation.

    Phenols - organic substances whose molecules contain a phenyl radical linked to one or more hydroxo groups. Just like alcohols, phenols are classified by atomicity, i.e. by the number of hydroxyl groups.

    Monohydric phenols contain one hydroxyl group in the molecule:

    Polyhydric phenols contain more than one hydroxyl group in molecules:

    There are also polyhydric phenols containing three or more hydroxyl groups in the benzene ring.

    Let's take a closer look at the structure and properties of the simplest representative of this class - phenol C 6 H 5 OH. The name of this substance formed the basis for the name of the entire cass - phenols.

    Physical properties of phenol

    Phenol is a solid, colorless crystalline substance, melting point = 43°C, boiling point = 181°C, with a sharp characteristic odor. Toxic. Phenol is slightly soluble in water at room temperature. An aqueous solution of phenol is called carbolic acid. On contact with skin it causes burns, Therefore, phenol must be handled very carefully!

    Chemical properties of phenol

    In most reactions, phenols are more active at the O–H bond, since this bond is more polar due to the shift of electron density from the oxygen atom towards the benzene ring (participation of the lone electron pair of the oxygen atom in the p-conjugation system). The acidity of phenols is much higher than that of alcohols. For phenols, reactions of C-O bond cleavage are not typical, since the oxygen atom is firmly bonded to the carbon atom of the benzene ring due to the participation of its lone electron pair in the conjugation system. The mutual influence of atoms in the phenol molecule is manifested not only in the behavior of the hydroxy group, but also in the greater reactivity of the benzene ring. The hydroxyl group increases the electron density in the benzene ring, especially at the ortho and para positions (OH groups)

    Acid properties of phenol

    The hydrogen atom of the hydroxyl group is acidic in nature. Because Since the acidic properties of phenol are more pronounced than those of water and alcohols, phenol reacts not only with alkali metals, but also with alkalis to form phenolates:

    The acidity of phenols depends on the nature of the substituents (electron density donor or acceptor), position relative to the OH group and the number of substituents. The greatest influence on the OH-acidity of phenols is exerted by groups located in the ortho- and para-positions. Donors increase the strength of the O-H bond (thereby reducing hydrogen mobility and acidic properties), acceptors reduce the strength of the O-H bond, while acidity increases:

    However, the acidic properties of phenol are less pronounced than those of inorganic and carboxylic acids. For example, the acidic properties of phenol are approximately 3000 times less than those of carbonic acid. Therefore, by passing carbon dioxide through an aqueous solution of sodium phenolate, free phenol can be isolated.

    Adding hydrochloric or sulfuric acid to an aqueous solution of sodium phenolate also leads to the formation of phenol:

    Qualitative reaction to phenol

    Phenol reacts with ferric chloride to form an intensely purple complex compound. This reaction allows it to be detected even in very limited quantities. Other phenols containing one or more hydroxyl groups on the benzene ring also give a bright blue-violet color in reaction with ferric chloride(3).

    Reactions of the benzene ring of phenol

    The presence of a hydroxyl substituent greatly facilitates the occurrence of electrophilic substitution reactions in the benzene ring.

    1. Bromination of phenol. Unlike benzene, the bromination of phenol does not require the addition of a catalyst (iron(3) bromide). In addition, the interaction with phenol occurs selectively: bromine atoms are directed to ortho- And pair- positions, replacing the hydrogen atoms located there. The selectivity of substitution is explained by the features of the electronic structure of the phenol molecule discussed above.

    Thus, when phenol reacts with bromine water, a white precipitate of 2,4,6-tribromophenol is formed:

    This reaction, like the reaction with iron(3) chloride, serves to qualitative detection of phenol.

    2.Nitration of phenol also occurs more easily than benzene nitration. The reaction with dilute nitric acid occurs at room temperature. As a result, a mixture is formed ortho- And paro isomers of nitrophenol:

    When concentrated nitric acid is used, 2,4,6, trinitritephenol-picric acid, an explosive, is formed:

    3. Hydrogenation of the aromatic ring of phenol in the presence of a catalyst passes easily:

    4.Polycondensation of phenol with aldehydes, in particular, with formaldehyde it occurs with the formation of reaction products - phenol-formaldehyde resins and solid polymers.

    The interaction of phenol with formaldehyde can be described by the following scheme:

    The dimer molecule retains “mobile” hydrogen atoms, which means that further continuation of the reaction is possible with a sufficient number of reagents:

    Reaction polycondensation, those. the polymer production reaction, which occurs with the release of a low-molecular-weight by-product (water), can continue further (until one of the reagents is completely consumed) with the formation of huge macromolecules. The process can be described by the summary equation:

    The formation of linear molecules occurs at ordinary temperatures. Carrying out the same reaction when heated leads to the fact that the resulting product has a branched structure, it is solid and insoluble in water. As a result of heating a phenol-formaldehyde resin of a linear structure with an excess of aldehyde, solid plastic masses with unique properties are obtained. Polymers based on phenol-formaldehyde resins are used for the manufacture of varnishes and paints, plastic products that are resistant to heating, cooling, water, alkalis, and acids. They have high dielectric properties. The most critical and important parts of electrical appliances, power unit housings and machine parts, and the polymer base of printed circuit boards for radio devices are made from polymers based on phenol-formaldehyde resins. Adhesives based on phenol-formaldehyde resins are capable of reliably connecting parts of a wide variety of natures, maintaining the highest joint strength over a very wide temperature range. This adhesive is used to attach the metal base of lighting lamps to a glass bulb. Thus, phenol and products based on it are widely used.

    Application of phenols

    Phenol is a solid substance with a characteristic odor that causes burns if it comes into contact with the skin. Poisonous. It dissolves in water, its solution is called carbolic acid (antiseptic). She was the first antiseptic introduced into surgery. Widely used for the production of plastics, medicines (salicylic acid and its derivatives), dyes, explosives.

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