How to open a nail salon: secrets of organizing an express manicure point. How to open a nail bar? Business plan for opening a nail bar

  • 11.10.2019

Times change, and with them the views and needs of people change. The desire to please everyone and earn additional capital leads to the emergence of new and unusual services. One of these is a nail bar (from the word nail (English) - nail). These establishments are quite common in the West, and relatively new for residents of Russia. In a nail bar, modern women can take a break from the bustle of the city for a while, get a manicure, and in the process drink a cup of aromatic coffee, watch TV, chat with friends or listen to music. Usually nail bars are opened in large shopping centers, but not always.

Not every beauty salon can afford to include nail bar services in its price lists due to the high price for this type of service. But in middle and upper class salons such services are practiced quite successfully, because not only business women, but housewives and young girls want to visit a nail bar. A standard nail bar is designed for 2-3 seats and takes up no more than 10 square meters of space. Here you will not see a variety of manicure equipment in a complete set, but only the tool necessary for the master.

The counter differs from its counterpart in a regular bar - it has two levels. The upper, wider level is made for clients and can accommodate, in addition to napkins and pillows, a wine glass or a juice glass. On the lower rack there is a place for the master and the equipment necessary for work. In foreign countries, a nail bar is located next to the reception desk, or installed in the main hall between hairdressing equipment.

The main difficulties encountered when opening a nail bar are obtaining licenses:

  • “licenses for the consumption of alcoholic beverages at the place of pouring.” For which the permission of the SES, the conclusion of the fire inspector, the absence of claims from the tax inspectorate and a contract with private security are required. The procedure for obtaining this license takes from two months to six months, and sometimes drags on indefinitely. An application for a license for the “consumption of alcoholic beverages at the place where they are poured” can be submitted if the area of ​​the premises where the nail bar will be located is 30 square meters, so installing it in a hairdressing salon is the simplest solution.
  • and licenses to sell foods and snacks.

The specialty of nail bars is communication. Therefore, as a rule, they hire a specialist with a broad outlook and communication skills, so that the client is comfortable talking to him, and who understands when the client, on the contrary, does not want to communicate.

Neil bar is one of the popular types of small business that is widely spreading throughout Europe, with complete success and some excitement. What is it? This is the same beauty salon, but in a simplified version, also offering minibar services, with all the amenities of a large bar. And the activity of the nail bar boils down to providing express services for manicure, nail extensions, eyelashes, pedicure, plus you can order self-tanning.

Nail bars do not require large premises, and the main clients are representatives of the fairer sex, but with business acumen. It is very convenient for them to use the services of nail bars, since everything is done quickly and comfortably, and, as you know, time costs money. Therefore, many business women value every minute.

Neil bar in the shopping center - the history of its appearance

The idea of ​​creating nail bars appeared in London and New York. After all, Europeans are thinking people, they love to walk and fantasize. So, one of them, walking around the city with the goal of showing himself off and seeing others, suddenly decided to take an old habit as the basis of a new one and suddenly moved from the street to shopping centers, of which a great many have recently appeared elsewhere. Here he decided to transform street beauty into reality and from that moment on, shopping centers had points that turned into manicure nail bar as a business. The street was taken as a basis, and the idea came from the numerous thriving beauty salons.

In fact, a nail bar should become that island in large shopping centers, where every visitor felt completely cozy and comfortable, having comfortable chairs near small tables. Here you might be interested in the display case, while waiting for a manicure, behind the bar. Such a place should attract many people who could be observers, and not always feel under the gun and do what they want. For example, a free cup of coffee while watching a movie or listening to music while waiting for your manicure or pedicure.

How to open a nail bar in a shopping center from scratch?

To open a nail bar, experts suggest making an investment of about 500 rubles. part of the costs goes to the construction of the bar counter, this is 80% of the total amount, the rest will be needed for everything else. This includes advertising, purchasing tools, cleaning equipment, and consumables. The remainder should go towards creating a cozy environment where you could install a plasma, connect Wi-Fi, you could buy a couple of air conditioners, and so on. Mini nail salon was supposed to look like a real beauty salon with bar capabilities.

Subtleties of opening a nail studio

Mini nail salon is becoming popular due to the fact that it does not require a large room, for which you have to pay three times more. And besides, in the desired area you may not find it at all. Therefore, most try to make do with twenty squares on which a nail studio would be located. This footage should really be enough to open a mini beauty studio. You can’t do without a bar counter here; this item takes about a month to make, as well as all the other equipment, which required the following.

To keep the client from getting bored for about two hours, you need to keep him occupied with something. For example, let them listen to music, or surf the Internet, offer a cup of coffee and tea, and the like. In general, you need to organize everything so that any visitor does not want to leave here. And then, as they say, people will flock to you.

Nail-style nail salons have many more advantages than regular beauty salons. Here you don’t need to make an “appointment”, but simply visit this cozy establishment, where you will be offered all the services no worse than in ordinary beauty salons.

How to open a nail bar - premises and design

Everything is quite simple here. Rent 20 square meters in any prestigious location and not necessarily a separate room; this already popular type of business is mainly located on the sites of large shopping centers. Next, it will be enough to open an individual entrepreneur; you can complete all the formalities with the help of a law firm that deals with these issues. Equip your entire workplace thoroughly, without missing a single detail, including advertising activities. Make a poster in front of the entrance to a shopping center (shopping center) and everyone will notice it.

Don't forget that it should be your prerogative to take care of your clients. And then get down to business.

Opening a nail bar as a franchise

But you can do everything much simpler. Through a franchise. Thus, several chains of nail bars are already operating in Moscow and other cities, which, by the way, work very well. And they will offer a choice of their franchises on the most favorable terms. For example, open a nail bar A franchise from Elena Lenina’s network will allow you, and it will cost you 3 million rubles. But another chain of salons, “Palchiki,” will offer another franchise, with an initial payment that will cost you 2.7 million rubles. Such cooperation with major partners will be very beneficial for you. Since your partner will fully provide you with the necessary equipment, as well as supply materials for the salon and much more. You will simply start working as a sales representative of the company, and the partner himself will help you promote the entire business and find clients. So, as you can see, it is better to deal with experienced guys from such a business. Although if you yourself want to open a manicure salon or a beauty salon, then everything will depend entirely on you, and by opening your own beauty salon, you can save quite a lot, and you will also be independent without any dependence, stuffed with various instructions with obligations .


So it was successful opening of a manicure salon, beauty salon. Now we will need to recruit appropriate personnel who can work professionally and efficiently. Most pedicurists and manicurists work for a certain percentage.

With a certain agreement, the salon itself can receive 50% for each manicure. And it’s no secret that everyone wants to have experienced and professional employees on their staff who have an excellent reputation. But the masters themselves do not want to leave their homes, especially to deal with an unknown nail bar. Therefore, do not spare increased wages for your employees, especially if they are the face of your company. You can also hire one inexperienced employee, with subsequent training.

In addition to the main staff, you will need to hire an administrator and one or two cleaners. Or enter into a contract with a cleaning company that can work for the shopping center itself.

Business plan for a nail salon (nail bar)

Now let's talk about the expenses that will have to be incurred to open your own nail salon. So, in addition to the costs associated with paying salaries to employees and other monthly expenses, it is worth adding the following costs.
  1. Rent of premises ─ 60,000 rub.
  2. Consumables ─ 40,000 rub.
  3. Tax () ─ 10,000 rub.
  4. Insurance deductions ─ from 50,000 rubles.
  5. Other expenses ─ 20,000 rub.
In total, it turns out that the total expenses amount to 175,000 rubles. And now it’s time to calculate how much you can earn by opening a nail bar.

The approximate profit of such manicure studios with a bartender stand can reach from 60,000 to 400,000 rubles, and monthly. The level of income directly depends on the traffic in the shopping center. This level of income is supported by a good customer base, which will be quite sufficient in shopping centers. Creating business plan for a manicure studio, don't forget this, this is one of the main facts. Although the finished project can be obtained with a franchise agreement, or you can look at it.

The first year will naturally be a little difficult, since the client base is being developed. And if the whole process goes well, then there will be no end to visitors. Moreover, an existing franchise will help a lot. Then it will not be difficult to calculate that you can earn up to 5 million rubles a year. Not bad, right?

So, if you dream of your own beauty salon, then there is nothing easier than opening your own nail bar. According to most experts, the near future should show that the influx of visitors to nail bars is inevitable. Everyone will understand what it is and will try to move to them from ordinary hairdressing and beauty salons. Therefore, it is worth thinking that while such a niche is not saturated with competition, it is worth starting to realize the dream of your own business. If you also take into account the fact that it will cost you with minimal investment.

Modern entertainment and shopping centers sell a lot of goods and services for a wide range of tastes and budgets. Restaurants, cinemas and cafes in shopping centers no longer surprise anyone. In megamalls, people walk around all day, combining shopping, eating and entertainment. Modern wealthy people have little free time, which they are willing to spend on their appearance. There is nothing strange in the fact that shopping centers today house a variety of services, including those related to the beauty industry.

Who attends express manicure

The average express manicure client is a woman between 30 and 50 years old. Moreover, 10% of the total number of visitors are men. Residents of neighboring houses, employees of business centers and employees of the shopping complex come for manicures, for whom well-groomed hands are a prerequisite.

How to choose a room for a nail bar

Nail bars must be located in large shopping centers with good traffic, this is the only way they will generate significant income. A suitable place is in the aisle of a shopping complex, near a wall or under an escalator area.

A place near a children's playground will be especially successful, as clients will like it when children play and do not distract from manicure.

How much does it cost to open a nail bar?

The costs of opening a nail bar from scratch include the cost of the equipment itself, a rental deposit and consumables.
The cost of the equipment depends on the materials used and the size of the rack itself and ranges from 100 to 500 rubles. The purchase of materials for manicure costs approximately 60 thousand rubles. per month. Masters work for a percentage of the cost of the service (from 30% to 40% depending on qualifications). The rental cost is usually 40% - 50% of turnover.


The revenue of an express manicure outlet depends on the number of clients served and the average bill. The average bill for a nail bar in Moscow is 1000-1500 rubles. The number of customers can be predicted by counting them at the counter in another similar shopping center. Having all this data and knowing the monthly costs of rent, materials and wages, you can evaluate the possibility of opening a nail bar.

Necessary equipment

In addition to the furniture itself, you need to acquire the following equipment:

    chairs for clients and craftsmen

    water cooler

    lamps for workplace lighting

    oven for disinfection of instruments

Optional equipment

As additional equipment you can specify:

Recently, it has become extremely popular to open a new interesting version of the salon business - various nail bars, which are a cozy modern express manicure salon, are increasingly found in the premises of large shopping centers. This type of business is becoming more and more common and allows you to receive a stable and high income based on the natural desire of women to look attractive. Here you can quickly get your nails in order during the pause between visits to the boutiques of a large shopping center.

In such a mini-nail salon it is usually not so crowded, there is no pre-registration, and the absence of a queue is easily ensured by the fact that several nail technicians are working behind the counter at the same time. A distinctive feature of a nail bar is a counter similar to a counter in a cafe, only on the side where bartenders usually stand, manicurists are located, and clients sit in comfortable chairs on the other side of the counter, in the hall. A cozy sofa for those waiting their turn in the event of a short rush hour is located nearby. To prevent visitors from getting bored, the hall should have a good flat screen and the ability to prepare any type of coffee.


You can open a nail bar without having any special knowledge - just an entrepreneurial spirit and good orientation in places convenient for business. Many women come to business centers and shopping malls every day, and some of the visitors to the center are potential clients who need to be attracted and interested. You need to thoroughly think through the premises for the future nail bar - it should be located in a comfortable place in the building or shopping center so that visitors feel quite free and relaxed. When setting up, it is worth remembering that women look into such corners of the store in order to relax and at the same time get their nails in order, drink coffee and watch a pleasant video. The future level of income often depends on the correct selection of premises. For a comfortable nail sconce, there should be a room of 10-20 square meters.

Starting capital for opening:

Start-up capital these days ranges from about 25 to 30 thousand dollars - this depends on the rent of the premises and the cost of designing the bar counter and furniture. The payback period for such a project, with a successful combination of circumstances, a competent business plan and carefully thought-out service, usually ranges from several months to six months. Experts in this type of business believe that such conditions are the most acceptable entry threshold, because setting up a nail design salon in the city will cost many times more.

Nail bar equipment:

After the necessary premises have been found, you need to think about the salon equipment and footage. A nail bar is usually designed like this:

1. The central place of the mini-salon is occupied by a convenient and practical bar counter, which is a mini-showcase and a table for the master’s work. A modern manicure stand inside should be practical for placing various manicure samples and equipped with drawers and shelves of different sizes for manicure accessories, and on the client side the stand should have a neat barrier facade. The facade of the counter can be designed in accordance with the atmosphere of the shopping center or play on contrasts. In any case, the counter is the main piece of furniture in a mini-salon; it should be in harmony with the design of the room and attract customers with its unusual and pleasant appearance. You should not skimp on finishing the counter; the number of clientele and reviews of the establishment depend on this.

2. Comfortable armchairs and chairs should encourage seated clients to relax and feel comfortable, and pleasant music, a modern coffee maker or coffee machine will complement the atmosphere of the salon.

3. Modern equipment for manicure, a large selection of nail polishes and products, tips and materials for painting - everything should be at the highest level, because only with materials and devices of good quality can you work uninterruptedly and serve visitors quickly and efficiently. , we have already looked at it, so we recommend that you read it.

4. All clients must have access to manicure samples, from which the desired option will be selected and ordered. Well-thought-out hygiene and aesthetics of the procedure will attract more clients. It is usually customary to use individual sterilized instruments for each client, which the craftsmen remove from sealed craft bags when starting work.


You should be especially careful in the selection of personnel - you only need experienced manicurists who work quickly and efficiently. The determining and most important factor when hiring a master should be, first of all, skill and good appearance, and they must also constantly lead. Manicurists must be able to provide classic manicure, nail extension and correction services at a professional level. The hired cleaner must ensure the ideal cleanliness of the salon, since in case of problems with garbage, the sanitary and epidemiological station may close the salon.

In order for all this to provide stable income, you need to attract regular customers. This can be done through various promotions, discounts on services, advertising and good reviews from the first clients who will be happy to spread the information to their friends and recommend it to their friends. Remember, the higher the quality of service and the more comfortable the nail bar, the higher and more stable the income. Opening even in capitals and large cities will make sense, despite the competition, there will be enough clients for everyone.