Legend in Belarusian. Belarusian myths

  • 07.08.2019

Castle in Lida (Grodno region). Photo by Sergei Plytkevich, www.planetabelarus.by

Our Belarusian ghosts live in palaces and ruins of ancient castles, visit each other through underground corridors, grieve, have fun and make fun of curious tourists. Where the ghost of Bona Sforza lives and who the Black Lady of the Kossovo Palace does not like, what the ghost of Jan Kiszka is worried about and where the spirits of Keistut’s killers disappear - the author of Radio Liberty, Yana Shidlovskaya, knows about all this.

Nesvizh Palace.

1. Geranensky castle and palace in Nesvizh: Black Panna

In the hope of meeting ghosts, travelers most often go to Nesvizh, where the Black Panna appears in the palace. The history of this tragic novel began in Geranyon Castle, after its owner Stanislav Gastold died and left a young widow. Soon Zhigimont (Sigismund) II Augustus arrived at the castle to settle inheritance issues. What was planned to be a short visit lasted for several weeks. It's hard not to fall in love with a young widow if she - Barbara Radziwill - is one of the most beautiful women in the region.

Zhigimont Augustus became a frequent guest of Geranyon Castle, but after some time Barbara moved to Vilna. The lovers secretly got married, and after some time Barbara became one of the most beautiful queens in Europe. But soon after the coronation she began to fade away, spending almost all her time in bed. Queen Bona Sforza is suspected of her premature death. By the way, no clear evidence of her involvement in Barbara’s death was subsequently found.

The ghost of Barbara Radziwill appeared after seance, which the inconsolable king arranged to see his beloved again. Contrary to the instructions, Zhigimont Augustus could not resist and rushed to the ghost of Barbara. And since then, her soul in the guise of the Black Panna has been wandering around the Nesvizh Palace. Barbara Radziwill was not the Queen of Poland for long, but after her death she forever remained the queen of love.

The Black Panna is sometimes spotted at the ruins of the Geranyon Castle, where Barbara spent a lot of time happy days with your lover.

2. Krevsky Castle: the spirits of Keistut’s murderers and the princess with the dog

Four boulders-amulets around Kreva failed to prevent the appearance of ghosts and evil spirits. First of all, I advise visitors to Krevsky Castle to listen carefully. The reward will be many mysterious sounds: the clanging of chains, the sound of a hammer on an anvil, stomping, sneezing, a quiet cough, the echoes of a washerwoman’s singing. There is a chance that if you wait until it gets dark, you will see the Krevo ghosts. These are either male shadows - the spirits of those who killed Keistut on the instructions of Jagiello, or the figure of a woman who slowly moves along the walls of the castle and treacherously throws stones down. A devoted dog follows her.

Local residents call the woman a princess - they say she was too proud and, according to legend, became the reason for the duel between two young princes. The girl gave a negative answer to the winner’s offer to become his wife, which brought upon herself the prince’s wrath. She was walled up in the wall along with the dog, whose ghost still accompanies the owner during night walks.

There is no doubt that the ghosts of Krevsky Castle also know a secret passage that supposedly led to Vilna and which hides even more dark secrets.

3. Kossovo Palace: The Black Lady, the ghost of a maid eaten by a lion and the wild hunt of King Stakh

Her own Black Lady wanders around the legendary Kossovo Palace. They say that this is a very delicate and harmless ghost, which can occasionally intimidate those whose behavior within the walls of the palace seems impudent or rude to it.

Probably behind the ghost of the Black Lady is Countess Jadwiga Pusłowska. She was the wife of Vandolin Puslovsky, who invested his fortune, knowledge and taste in the Kossovo Palace, so that the palace was spoken of as one of the outstanding in the region. The wife matched her husband's extraordinary personality, giving impetus to his tireless energy from time to time. For example, in the summer, when she wanted to ride in a sleigh, Count Puslovsky, in imitation of Karol Radziwill, organized exciting rides on the salt. Undoubtedly, the Puslovsky couple lived in an atmosphere of luxury. However, a change in palace life came with the arrival of a new owner.

The next of the Puslovsky family was a man prone to gambling, owed a lot to people and was finally forced to sell the palace. Apparently, Countess Puslovskaya could not forgive such an act. The Black Lady has established herself as the most decent Belarusian ghost, always guarding high morality. Therefore, you should go on an excursion or vacation to the Kossovo Palace exclusively with bright intentions and thoughts. They say that the Black Lady sometimes uses an underground passage that supposedly leads to the Ruzhany Palace.

Along with the Black Lady, another ghost is known in the Kossovo Palace - a young girl who served the owners. Her beauty attracted the attention of one of the magnates visiting Kosovo. However, the modest maid did not reciprocate the hugs of the wealthy guest. The offended tycoon developed a plan for revenge: late in the evening he once again called her to his room and, again hearing a refusal, kicked her out into the corridor. And there the famous Kossovo lion was already wandering, which the owners kept locked up, but released at night as a guard, so that none of the guests would covet the master’s wealth. Since then, the girl has not been seen again, and all efforts to find her were in vain. The ghost of the maid appeared when a wealthy guest came to the palace again. Over time, the ghost of the maid began to make fun of the other guests and even scare them.

The darkest ghosts in the vicinity of the Kossovo Palace appear in the foggy haze of a quiet moonlit night. From afar you can hear the approaching clatter of hooves and the neighing of horses. This is the hunt of King Stakh, who is still taking revenge on the descendants of the local magnate Roman. The latter violated the laws of honor, killed young Stakh and his associates while hunting a swamp lynx, and drove the horses with the bodies of the dead tied to them into a quagmire. They say that the events of the legend described by Vladimir Korotkevich in his famous novel took place in the vicinity of the Kossovo Palace, and the gloomy horsemen of the wild hunt still frighten visitors here.

4. Smolyan Castle, or White Kovel: the ghost of Bona Sforza

Queen Bona Sforza was known as a woman of education, vision and power. She promoted the development of culture and education in the Belarusian lands, and sought to strengthen political power by expanding land holdings. Bona Sforza received many lands as a gift from her husband Zhigimont (Sigismund) I the Old. In 1539, the queen became the owner of Smolyan. For four years the place belonged to Queen Bona, after which it passed to the wealthy Sangushek family, who would build a castle in Smolyan, also known as White Kovel.

Neither Bona Sforza's short stay as the owner of Smolyan, nor the fact that the Smolyan Castle was built later than the queen could have been here, could prevent the emergence of legends associated with her name. Bona died in Italy, however local residents We are convinced that the ghost of the queen is wandering in Smolyan. It appears mainly in autumn, when thick fog rises from the Dernovka River. The surviving tower of the castle is illuminated with a soft light, music is heard from somewhere underground, and then the ghost of Bona Sforza, dressed in white, appears in the window openings. And when the autumn silence is broken by the neighing of horses, this probably means that the queen went along one of the underground passages in her troika to the Church of the Transfiguration of the Savior, which is still active in Smolyany to this day.

5. Golshansky Castle: Black Monk and White Panna

The reputation of the most sinister and gloomy castle was assigned to Golshansky Castle. The ghosts that inhabit it are not distinguished by politeness and good intentions. Screams, screams and moans disturb the silence around the castle, and in its surroundings things happen that defy explanation.

At night, the ghost of the Black Monk appears on the ruins of Golshansky Castle. Behind his dark appearance lies a soul young guy, who was so impudent that, counting on the reciprocity of Princess Anna Golshanskaya, he made an appointment with her. The enraged father gives an order, and the young man dies, being walled up in one of the walls of the castle. Since then, his ghost has been wandering around the area, and locals call him the Black Monk.

Another ghost, known throughout the country, lives in the Golshansky Franciscan monastery, built by order of the Sapiehas. The White Panna, who inspires fierce fear, especially among men, was the young wife of one of the builders who erected the monastery complex. Sincerely in love with her husband, she was one of the first to bring a hot lunch to the construction site every day. This is what happened on the ill-fated day, when the workers decided to appease the black forces in order to finally complete the construction of that monastery wall, which, like an enchanted one, was constantly collapsing. By sacrificing the beauty, they lifted the curse, the wall was erected and the builders finished the work on time.

And the White Panna walks around her domain every day. Once, in one of the cells of the Franciscan monastery, the artist Ales Pushkin was looking for inspiration. According to him, during his stay he was visited by the ghost of the White Panna.

They say that sometimes a ghost leaves the monastery complex and heads towards the castle.

6. Lida Castle: ghosts of warriors

The ghosts of warriors, of course, chose Lida Castle, built by Grand Duke Gediminas for defense against the crusaders, as their habitat.

The events of the legend that gave life to the Lida Ghost took place in December 1392. The frosts helped the crusaders - along the ice-bound sides, the enemies managed to get as close as possible to the impregnable walls. Prince Dmitry Koribut was in Lida Castle at that time. Having a prepared squad, a sufficient number of weapons and supplies, the prince, nevertheless, decides to leave the castle. Night has come. Using the underground passage, the prince for the most part the squad heads towards Novogrudok. Dmitry Koribut leaves several warriors in the castle. They courageously carried out the will of their master and met inevitable death while defending the castle. And for seven centuries now, the warriors have not left their post, continuing to hold the defense, inadvertently frightening modern visitors to Lida Castle.

The ghosts of Lida warriors have repeatedly become a topic of debate among scientists and historians, and one of the ghosts even ended up in a photograph of a local photographer. Fans of mystical stories put Lida Castle on their travel wish list.

7. Mir Castle: White Lady and the Ghost of Radziwill

Having given the order to dig a pond under the walls of the Mir Castle, one of its owners Nikolai Svyatopolk-Mirsky could hardly have guessed what consequences, primarily for his family, this act would have. An artificial lake appeared on the site of a blooming apple orchard. But soon people begin to die in the pond - the curse was fulfilled, they say, the number of drowned people should correspond to the number of trees cut down. They say that the coast guards, who still live at the bottom of the lake, are involved in this.

Among the victims was the owner’s young daughter, Sonya. The locals are convinced that it is her ghost in a white robe that wanders around the castle from time to time. The ghost of the White Lady was seen in the park, in the galleries, and in the chambers of the Mir Castle. Sometimes a ghost descends into the dungeon and heads through ancient passages towards Nesvizh, to meet another restless soul.

And the ghost of Radziwill also lives in Mir Castle. His dark silhouette was seen more than once, and for some people such a meeting cost their lives. They say that one of the representatives of a powerful family takes care of his treasures, supposedly hidden in the dungeons of the castle. They will be found by those who dare to speak to the gloomy ghost. It is possible that behind him stands the figure of Dominic, who was the last of the Radziwills to own Mir Castle.

8. Lubcha Castle: the ghost of tycoon Jan Kiszka and the return of the serpent

The ghost of tycoon Jan Kiszka owes its appearance partly to the volunteer restorers who worked on the restoration of the Lubcha Castle. The ghost seems to be carefully and meticulously watching the work and can joke evilly at anyone who disdainfully or carelessly mentions Jan Kiszka in a conversation.

Jan Kiszka included Lubcha in his land holdings in 1547. Spreading the ideas of Arianism, he opened a prayer house, a school and a printing house in the town. Later, the construction of a stone castle begins. Under Jan Kiszka, Lubcha received the Magdeburg Law and its own coat of arms. It is not surprising that Kishka still takes care of his former possessions. They say that over time the ghost of the mighty serpent-dragon, who in ancient times defended the castle and died during the siege, will return to Lyubcha.

9. Bykhov Castle: ghosts of a young man and a girl

Jan Karol Chodkiewicz began building Bychow Castle as his residence. They say that the construction could not have happened without black magic, as if then mysterious ghosts appeared who still live in the ruins of the once majestic castle.

The builders who were working on laying the foundations complained and were surprised that the work was not progressing: the tools did not obey, stones fell from their hands, the earth crumbled, everything built in a day disappeared at night. The builders decided to appease the black forces and at a general council they decided to sacrifice the first person they met on the road from Bykhov. They met a guy with a girl following him. They grabbed both of them and threw them into a hole prepared for the castle. The builders started working, the castle became impregnable thanks to the sacrifice, and the ghosts of the untimely dead young man and girl still appear in Bykhov.

10. Manor in Loshitsa Park: Mrs. Jadwiga

The wife of the last owner of the Loshitsa estate was especially romantic, dreamy and very attractive. 17 years younger than Mr. Lubansky, Jadwiga more than once found herself in the midst of a love affair. One of them had tragic ending, when the no longer young husband became convinced of the infidelity of his beautiful wife when he saw her in the arms of another man. In the evening, the couple began to quarrel, after which Yadviga ran to the park to seek solace. She never returned from her night walk - Jadwiga's dead body was found at dawn.

Even as a ghost, Mrs. Jadwiga did not change her romantic habits: her ghost appears in Loshitsky Park in the spring, when the trees bloom and couples in love come out into the bosom of nature.

In the ideas of the distant ancestors of the Belarusians, water was a mysterious, if not to say hostile, environment to humans. Therefore, it is not surprising that the existence in the very center of the water surface of the earth, which “withstood” the battle of two elements, was overgrown with legends and mythological ideas.

  • The top five most mysterious, of course, includes Lake Osveya. Once upon a time, Finno-Ugric tribes lived here, who considered this lake as independent, or, as we would call it today, a parallel world. According to legends preserved from those times, the lake was inhabited by inhabitants very similar to humans, but much more powerful. They could please the “earthlings” with treasures, but those who, driven by greed, set out on the road in search of gold, were barred from returning. Even fishermen who still catch fish and crayfish in this lake today strictly observe numerous rituals in preparation for each outing. And those who missed something from the rituals do not catch them twice in the same place. So to speak, in order to avoid excesses.

  • Not far from Braslav (and this region is rich in lakes, it’s not for nothing that ethnographers call it Poozerye) there is Lake Strusta. Local residents have many legends associated with it, the most striking of which says that one day the water level here will drop so much that the boulder, which is now supposedly at the very bottom, will become visible. And as soon as it rises above the surface of the lake, powerful thunderstorms will begin, and lightning will strike it, and the water will boil, and then disappear altogether. And the entire region will turn into a lifeless desert.

    Predictions of the apocalypse are quite typical for all cultures of the world, and Belarusians are no exception. This is partly why local residents did not contribute to the drainage of swampy areas in the vicinity of Braslav. Of course, when there are such prospects!

    Today the lake has seven islands of varying sizes, many of which are very young.

  • 3. Snoods

    This lake is also located in close proximity to Braslav. Since ancient times, local residents here were mainly engaged in crafts related to the production of fish and crayfish. The freshest, freshly caught fish was sent both to the nearest markets and to quite worthy customers, including aristocratic estates. Legends say that local fish were sent “even to the Radziwills,” the uncrowned kings of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth.

    And this is what they say about the origin of the lake. A hunter's family lived in Pushcha. And one year the spring turned out to be very hungry. There was no production, and people were starving. Children especially suffered. One day, the father-hunter went into the forest and disappeared. Then the eldest son turned to higher powers for help, and not far from the gatehouse the ground collapsed, and the hole filled with water, and the water even began to bubble with many fish. The family managed to survive, only they began to obtain food differently - by fishing.

  • 2. Myadel

    In the Narochansky National Park, the three largest lakes include Lake Myadel, which is located not far from the city of the same name. Actually, the city was originally located on one of the islands on this lake, and only after big fire the surviving residents moved the settlement to the shore.

    There are many romantic legends told about the lake, among which the one that tells about the very first island castle stands out. The first settlers allegedly received a prophecy that maintaining contact with the world was mortally dangerous for them. And for a long time the settlement was quite closed. However, later a castle appeared here, and social life began to boil in it with all intensity. The prediction came true: it was communication with a wide range of people that led to the plague epidemic. In an attempt to overcome the illness, a fire started in the castle, which there was almost no one to put out.

  • 1. You don’t sleep

    This picturesque lake is one of the many wonderful lakes in the Braslav region. Many legends are associated with it, starting from the moment of its formation - and, according to ancient legend, it was formed from the mirror of a beauty whom an evil ruler wanted to marry against her will. The girl refused, and then the proud prince went to the castle, where she lived with her parents, with a countless army. An old mirror that was kept in the castle allegedly helped: when the girl threw it towards the pursuer from the tower, a lake spilled around the castle, and the enemy, along with his knights, was buried in its abyss.

    This legend is interesting because in it you can find references to the biblical story of the exodus from Egypt, and the story of the Polotsk princess Ragneda, only with a happy ending.

    By the way, there really is an island on the lake, and it’s called Monastery. For several centuries, monasteries actually existed on it - Uniate (Greek Catholic), Orthodox. And it was here that for a long time the miraculous icon of the Mother of God of Braslav, the Queen of the Lakes, was kept, to which pilgrims still go today to worship, but now to Braslav.

Most Belarusian lakes can boast of their legends and traditions. For local residents, these legends are part of their everyday life, and for tourists they are an amazing “seasoning” of the most picturesque places that are worth admiring at least once. To definitely come back again.

Katerina Sidoruk

There are many places on earth that are magical and mysterious, but the land of lakes, forests and swamps is an inspiration, a fairy tale. Without legends and fairy tales born by the people of the Naroch region, the story about it will not be complete. Several legends have been preserved only about Lake Naroch itself.

Sad legend emergence Lake Naroch.

1 . The origin of Lake Naroch is associated with a legend about tragic love.

I raptam for months, where the forest rises,
Dze srebnya fell askolki, -
I know everything, hell only praise the Azeri
Zazziali lusterkam-vyasyolkay.
Dzyauchyna I have been winging a seagull since then
І ў complete wounds і ў story
Above the chandeliers of the lake, the primordial waters,
Shukayuchy milaga, circle.
I close
Above the praises, under the praises,
To the brightest, to the dark blue of the people,
Glybokim, bytstsam kahanna...
Maxim Tank

One of them says that a long time ago there were no lakes here. In ancient times, on the site of the Naroch Lakes, a dense forest grew, on the outskirts of which there was a hut where a forester lived with his beautiful daughter Galina. Galina had a fiancé named Vasilek, a brave man and a jack of all trades. The young man made a magic mirror from spring grains of sand and gave it to his beloved.

By peering into the transparent depth of the mirror, one could find out one's fate. One day, an old, rich gentleman wooed Galina, but the girl refused him. Then the rich man kidnapped the forester’s daughter, and Vasilyok entered the hall of the hated master and killed him. The servants rushed in pursuit of the fugitives.

Having sent the girl home, the guy began to distract the attention of his pursuers. Galina rode her horse to the place where her hut stood and saw only one ashes. Hoping for Cornflower's return, the girl looked into the magic mirror and, instead of her reflection, saw in it that the murdered Cornflower was resting on a hill, and a black raven was circling above him.

In despair, Galina dropped the mirror from her hands, and the silvery fragments turned into lakes in the Naroch region. The girl took the form of a seagull. In clear weather, she hovers over the surface of Naroch and calls her Cornflower.

2 . There is also another legend about the origin of Lake Naroch:

Once upon a time, on the shore of a large lake with crystal-clear water, there lived a girl, Nara. At sunset she loved to sit by the water on the sandy shore and sing, playing along with herself on the harp.

One day, a gentleman, an old widower, heard Nara’s songs, and he wanted to take the girl as his wife. But Nara had a fiancé, and she refused. Then the servants killed the guy and brought the girl to the master's mansion. The night before the wedding, Nara set fire to the palace and tried to escape. The palace guards caught up with her on the shore. When Nara realized that she couldn’t escape the chase, she rushed into the water.

Since that time, the lake has been named after her - Nara or Naroch.

Sasha Mitrakhovich 17.06.2015 00:13

Legends of Lake Narach in Belarusian language

The scale of the month in the lands of Vyadzmar and the mysterious ones, the edge of the Azeris, the forest and the balot - meetings of the Tayamnitsa, Nathnene, Kazka.

Without the legends and the Cossacks, born to the peoples of the Narach region, they would not have been born again. Only on the waters of Narach itself there were several legends.

One of the things that is clear about them is that for a long time there were no Azers here. There are dense, dense forests here. Near the forest, near the village, there lives a forester with his own dacha. The dacha was a long jumping one with long woolly wool, like flax.

Yes, there were extraordinary jumping brides and grooms. Ale Nara, that was the name of the jumper, she insisted. Yana already loved the work and the most important young man, as well as the masters on all hands.

Once upon a time, at the face of other fathers, the young father of Nare Lyusterka, with the words: “Berazhy yago, yano charming, yano adlita from the mine harp. From the ever-growing boulders you can grow your forest.” Then Nara looked at the chandelier and sang: clear clear skies, watery colors of the sky, simmering praises and a moonlit seagull over the water.

Ale ў that moment nіshto didn’t give a damn to the kahans, and Nara didn’t understand anything from her bachanya. Summer has passed, autumn has come, and that’s when the trouble came. The servants of one of the meat riches were in the forester's hut, they slaughtered it, and they grabbed the dacha and sent it to the farmer.

Nara cried and cried through hell kahanaga. And I got through it. The young man went to the palace, killed the hated master, and then the war began... They galloped on their horses, their dear ones went to hell, and I got closer and closer, and even more aggressive. Yunak adrav Parushennya is at home, and I’m driving myself.

The daughter-in-law rushed on the canoe this month, where she was at her father’s house, and only learned about her father. The sun fell to the ground and the bridegroom began to eat. The hour has passed, but the young woman still hasn’t left. And then Nara remembered, she looked at her and started circling. My husband has released his darling luster...

The most important legend of the disappearance of Lake Narach:

Kalistsi, on the bank of the Vyalikaga lake with the roof-sprawling water, lived the Dzyauchyna Nara. At the end of the day, Yana loved to sit on the beach and sleep, playing herself on the harp.

These songs of the bunk are paved by the old lord, and I began to kiss the pit of my wife’s wife. Ale ў Nary ў zhanіkh, і ў ў яніла. Then the servants killed the lad, and the husband's wife became disturbed.

At night before her love affairs, Nara fell on fire and saved the lives of her. On Beraz, Yaya was overtaken by the palatsavaya Akhova. Kali Nara realized that there was no end to hell, and threw herself into the water.

From that hour the lakes are called Nara or Narach.

Yashche adna legend raspavyadae pra toe,

Long ago there were no Azeri here, but the flock of dense forests. Near the forest there is a hut and a forester with his own jumping dacha. Many people have asked for matchmaking, but she loved the most important and valuable young man, as if they were masters on all hands.

And the youngsters took their kahanay lyusterka and said: “Berazhy yago, yano enchantment and adlita from the krynichnyh gliders, with them you ibachy your forest.” Kali the bridegroom looked at the chandelier, then she saw the color of the sky and the seagull floating above the praises, but she didn’t understand anything from this moment.

You will have a lot of bags in these months, teach the jumper Galina and ask your servants to give her a lock. The Kahans graze on the food. The slain hated gentlemen, the young runners gathered together, but the war began, and the young men, who made a wish for Galina, would like to pursue.

The bridegroom's daughter-in-law was waiting for a long time, but she didn't let it go. Remember the lyusterka, Yana stared at me and hitchhiked on the young man’s land. The river has released its chandelier and there, where the silvery capes have fallen, the waters have begun to sparkle: from the very waters of the lake Narach, the lake itself has opened up to the seagull, which has been circling for an hour with water and the name of your kahanaga.

Another legend abvyashchae,

because Naracha was not here, Batorin and Myastre were not there. There were no such bald fish-beards, seagull wings and bleached stacks of apples. There was only ruin, black earth, like a plundered forest. And lived on this land, not jumping, like the land itself, daughter Alenka. Alenka's soul was more sacred than the whitest days - so much incomparable wickedness lurked within her.

My daughter's common people rejoiced, and more than once I dried the tears of their bitter sorrows. And to all the sirs I love the non-jumping young boy-jumper. There were only a lot of people and evil people. Yany dakarali, pavuchali yago: “Don’t demand metz vachey, kab bachyts, what an irresistible chosen one of yours.”

I was overwhelmed by the pack, paralyzed by the turmoil. Yes, at the dawn of dawn, the lads of us were in a dark land of turmoil, and I flowed from the father with sad, dull songs. And there was so much unsatisfactory pain in simple words, so much greed has been observed jumping around the whole world! Don’t muggle the song don’t knock the good sir’s charmer. And en, having been moved by her and tears, the grown-up dapamagchy poor young men: fell into the pit of the charming luster.

Alenka looked at the luster and began to jump. She sanctified the hell of the black earth of the jumpers. They often meet young people like all good people. Iago Sirts's superior wife was sung by her great father. Unfortunately, it was impossible.

Pachuў pra tsud prince za palace. The cunning eyes lit up as the jumper crossed the princely couple. This is the treasure for all my gifts, that’s all the prince said. The deceased were separated. Praklinayayuchy your jumping, zhorstka pakarala ў palaces of the prince enchanting lyusterka zyauchyna: smashed yago, і ў noisy joyful homan sprinkled with fractional splinters-pyrskas. And there, where the splinters fell, the roof disappeared, the paspyahova became cloudy and stormy.

Let us praise, openly and brightly, like the khanne itself, the prince’s palace. And as the foamy praises piled up, people began to see the water: sluggish, cloudy lakes spread out in front of them. And you, who looked at me, jumped with your soul and hearts. And Narach is a significant person, named by a lad, it seems to people. The skin kaztsa has jumping and kahanne, kahanne and tragedy...

Yashche adna legend is told,

That is true, in these miserable little months there lived noble people, hidden souls and gentlemen, people. Careful and with any one stood in the forest, the lake, the meadows and the burning fields, like their own mother, who nurtured them and knew them. We understand the birds and the animals, the rustling of forest and grass, the splashing of lake praises.

In these Gods' preserved lands, in the thick forest on the edge, there was a little tree, near which lived a dyauchyna-jumper, which would have been popularized by the suns. My name was Nara. Many people looked at me, but only Sir Nara was addadzena to adzina kahanam chalavek - Rochu. Roch is a tall, slender, handsome, handsome guy. God has given me a kind, bright soul and enchanting gifts to master the objects that give rise to fruitful strength.

My lord and my dear Parushenna, I couldn’t go a day without it. Motsna hatselasya Rochu zrabіts kahanay yakoy nebudz unprevious tsudoўny padarunak. Dze ben not: near the forest, on a nearby river, near the field - the charming droplets of the race and the winged minnows, which were associated with the first ancestors of the sun, varied in the colors of the ki, monthly water sparkles of crayfish. And as soon as the droplets-paschynak collected the shmat, Roch adliў s ikh tsudoўnaya lyusterka, which began to valorize tsudadzeinay sіlay - Muggle Pradkazvatsya forest of Chalavek.

Adnoychy, on the enchanting Kupala night of the Padars Roch svoy kahanai Nare geta tsudoўnae lyusterka, they said: “Berazhy yago, yano enchantment, with them you can learn the same thing that you are looking forward to!” I looked at the bright waters of the blue sky and the seagull soaring above it, but I didn’t understand anything from this moment.

The bright Kupala night has passed, the young boys and their families were leaving their huts and in this hour of hell they would not appear on the shore of the lake, the terrible Snakes. From foreign lands crawled a beating, frightening beast. A pit of enchanting lakes fell on the stormy banks and they grazed on them. The lakes are dark, the forests on the banks have dried up, the dormouse has not appeared because of the black apples. It has become gloomy, sad, and scary in these parts.

From that hour, the meat-jumpers began to appear: birds, sticks, dancers, masters of flatbreads. Poydze yes vozera yakaya-nebudz, tamu ne vartaetstsa. Many ladies have been in trouble. It’s important that the Vadzians take the Snake, which they once called Sorrow, and take it from the lake for fun.

Adzin times at Godze, at the summer Kupala night, Kali in the afternoon. Filling the lakes with holy seraph, the Serpents release their maids to the end of the sun. And the vodzyats yang karagodas, weave and embroider, walk on pipes, and sing sumptuous songs. And so weary and pitiful are we to draw from the melodies of our lapel galas, that people, not looking at the terrible Snake, all over the region pass by the Kupala night and the lake, in order to listen to their nightly songs.

I came and listened to the wedding songs with my friends. They cried and did not respect how the Serpent came out of the water and fell and howled; grab the most jumpy one from their - Vonki - and ў vada.

Yes, the Roch is a terrible mountain, it’s falling and the lakes, but I couldn’t work at anything: the lakes are deep, you don’t know how to find the Serpent. Then he made a charming harp, with sonorous strings; We began to walk so that the ground was rocky, the rain of praise was falling, and the lakes were leaving the shore.

I didn’t even sleep with the hell of these hooters. And the pachvara came out of the water, and the Roch cried:

Give me my bride, Parushennya, and get out of these places!

If you want to return Parushenna back, you must give me your charming harp and become like me!

Am I willing to become a Serpent?!

So! You will become a leader, and I will become a man, and I will live on the earth, a nation of people: I will carry evil and the mountain and the light.

Roch is working to look like he's looking at the geta. The snake adds Parushennya and acquires from Rocha the addition of a gusli pit. Ale ў aposhni momentant yunak could strike the strings for the apantanay silay. The hell of the greedy hooters of Gorebed was called lifeless. And all the same, the pachvara paspel adbytstsa: Roch peratvaryўsya ў Snake, but the soul of Iago was caught early: kind and wise.

It does not destroy people, but helps them. Later in the winter, several fishermen fell into the ice, and no one could save them. Their wings are absolutely painful. It was dug out from the birch of the earth and the embankment near the lake, on this tsudadze beach to the east and the fishermen were fishing. Since then, people began to call Rocha Dobrodar.

Nara didn’t forget about parting with Kahan. Yana cried for a long time, looking at the padarunak Rocha - the enchanting luster, remembering distant sisters and kind, dark roof, the eyes of her kahanaga. The enchanting chandelier fell from her weak hands and sprinkled her with fractional splinters - primordial ones. And there, where the splinters fell, the imminently sick stormy lids-lids, the flooding waters are bright and open, like any Nary and Rocha itself, water.

And the last bird turned to a white-winged gull, which flew over the Azeri for an hour, silently crying and crying out for our kahanaga... The names of the dead, evil times, gave the name to the lake Narach, on the banks of the once-kali-young Nara And the holy day was celebrated in Kupalla.

Adnoychy, Kali Nara slept, Prayazdzha veskay pan, old udavets. I’ll sing a sweet song and make a wish for a dream. Rumor, rumor and Nara said:

—A jumping flower has grown in our region. You only sleep in my packs.

“Kepskaya is my maid,” Nara said.

“You budzesh gaspadynya, zhonkay maoi,” says the sir.

Vakol Bunks sat down on the green ant, boys and daughters. Adzin s ikh, charming lads, stepfather and sir.

“Heta may be my bride,” he said, “and sir, sir, sir, look for your wife.”

“Aren’t you the son of that Pyatra, why are people rebelling against me?” - I remember, sir, this hell of evil is wreaking havoc. I zalemantava: “Behold Iago!”

The servants tied up Andreika and took her to the maentak. I don’t know anyone anymore. Praz nekatori hour pasla getag zdarennya znoў priyhaў da Nary davedazza, tsi zgodna yana yes shlyubu. The daughter-in-law has developed a look that has changed. Here the lady was right at home.

Let's get some zen. The sun is evil, dark glooms are gathering, and the forest is sleeping with mournful songs. Nara rode to Furmantsy in Mayontak, shaking a pack of pakunak in her hands. Sustrels are my servant. Withered ў panskіya pakі i apranulі u slyubnye adzenne. I Nara came out so jumpy that no one could write about it, no one could tell. I swore to the sir and paprasila before the shlyubs covered the hell of the pabyts at the packs. Pan zgadziusya. He walks towards the doors, covers the servants and looks at the doors.

And Nara gave the pack a smear and fell one after another. I poured black smoke out of the window, and red tongues of flames jumped out of the water, jumped out and onto its furmantsy, a filthy canoe, and drove into the water. That month passed, and Andreikam often cried out as the sun was leaving, and the maple tree and the hill began to cry.

I'm getting tired of horse shoes here. The master's servants have arrived. All the people were running around. There are no people out there. Inquired, Dze Nara.

“Vos yana,” closed Adzin from them.

“I can’t take it alive,” the young woman shouted at her enemies and rushed to the lake.
Valuable praises and white robberies came one after another, and at the end of the day there was a lot of praise. The one that Nara and Andreykam rode with more than once. Hidden and managed to grab yana for karma and, hellish shores, villages and chaven.

- I am grateful, sir, for Andreika, for my father and for all those who will die
“The hell of your hands is in your hand,” Nara asked.

The hell of the lord's servants threw the harp from the lake. And Choven sailed farther and farther, then became increasingly aware of the praises. The lake raged all night. Stagnali praise1...

3 at that hour they called the people of the lake “we have courageous daughters.” Yes, our zen daishla is called Narach.

Sasha Mitrakhovich 01.12.2015 20:20

After analyzing the “wants and desires” of the Belarusian government and Belarusian society for quite a long time, you come to some interesting conclusions. That is, you begin to gradually understand that some things are done not out of malice or malicious intent, but out of a categorically incorrect understanding of the current realities of the world around us. People have their own picture of the reality around them, based on which they try to “come to success.” It doesn’t work out; negativity and anger are growing in society. New efforts are made, but again it doesn’t work. Negative emotions are growing.

Today Russia and Belarus differ, first of all, in internal, emotional mood society. That is, this does not mean that “everything worked out” in Russia, far from it. But those very “explosive, roof-blowing moods” that our “Western partners” were counting on so much do not exist in Russia. But in Belarus they seem to exist. Moreover, it is they who determine the general political background. For Westerners, Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus are practically the same thing. For many Ukrainians and Belarusians, the difference in the socio-economic situation between the Russian Federation and their countries is also not significant. However. However, it is there.

That is, Russians do not run to the Maidan not because they are afraid, but because they do not need it. Not relevant. This is something neither Minsk, nor Kyiv, nor Brussels, nor Washington can understand. That is, there is no flammable/explosive material in Russia for the Maidan. For Ukrainians/Belarusians this is categorically offensive. So it turns out that they have problems, but the Russians don’t? Something like that. That is, in fact, the Russians have problems, but these are completely different problems. The Russians have already gone a couple of levels higher. There are bolder monsters and more interesting Easter eggs...

The main mistake of Belarusians is that for some strange reason they believe that in Russia everything is the same, it’s just that there is a lot of “free” petrodollars as a plus. Hence the difference in living standards. By the way, yes, few people know, but the USA is an old and powerful oil producer... Standard Oil is from there, and not from KSA. Americans mine uranium, coal, and much more. But for some reason everyone remembers about iPhones, which are exactly what they make Not in America. Strange, right?

The higher standard of living in Russia compared to many post-Soviet countries is explained precisely by this. The reforms of the economy and finances carried out plus the preservation of sovereignty. So yes: “they won’t catch up with us.” By the way, it was precisely these same “reforms” that Russia persistently imposed on Belarus. About “oligarchs and social justice": when an American bandit was asked by a judge why he didn't do something else, he replied: "There may be other ways to make a living, Your Honor, but I don't know them."

As the saying goes: “The rich you are, the happier you are...” That is, if reforms were carried out according to the “improved Russian model” in the well-fed 0s, the Republic of Belarus would today have a higher standard of living than the Russian Federation.” Rationale: in 2000, the Republic of Belarus was a small, homogeneous country that had preserved its economy from wild privatization with a relatively popular leadership and the absence of internal confrontation between someone and someone else. The economy is of the same type as the Russian one (that is, Russian experience can and should be used), the economy is interesting to Russians and, in fact, is part of the Russian economy.

The Republic of Belarus has neither space, nor the Caucasus, nor a fleet. Russia is ready to help and has helped! Who else had such conditions for reform? Russia carried out the reforms “stupidly and brutally,” but it did. Lukashenko was horrified by the progress of the reforms, but did not notice that as a result, Russia was already on the “other” shore. That is, the smart option is to study and use the experience of Russia, avoiding its mistakes (they are obvious to us today). Lukashenko (and the entire leadership of the Republic of Belarus) decided differently: no reforms! No “gangster privatization”. The decision, of course, is a very wise one... but from a certain point the negative consequences began to increase sharply such solutions.

The economy of the Republic of Belarus is becoming more and more unprofitable. The attempt to “stop the hands of the clock” did not lead to any good. By the way, the Republic of Belarus is, to some extent, a model of what would have happened to the USSR if it had not been reformed, but simply tried to be preserved “in a crystal casket.” Bad option.

Hence the following misconception: for some reason Belarusians are sure that Now they have a whole range of possibilities and something needs to be decided... This is not true. The worst thing that Lukashenko (and his entourage) did was that he wasted ten years. The time for reform has been lost, and absolutely irrevocably. The economy of the Republic of Belarus has only deteriorated in recent years, and debts have accumulated. If you “open the black box,” you will suddenly discover that everything is not just bad, but very bad.

It will not be possible to deal with these debts “quickly” - the small and poor Belarusian economy will have to pay them off for decades. No, you won’t be able to “write them off” - you are an independent state, you are obliged to pay your debts. That's why everyone thinks that an independent state means, like, we have our own company. And it’s good when the “company” makes a profit, but in this case, the company is overloaded with debt. The company is bankrupt. A kind of “Polesie Greece”.

No, “changing the vector” will not help here: Ukraine changed the vector radically, but this did not save it from debt. This, by the way, is the most common “Belarusian illusion”: that by “changing your shoes in the air” you can easily part with old debts and problems. The debts that the Republic of Belarus has managed to accumulate up to this point will be forced to be paid by Belarusians in any case. In any. Anyone who claims anything to the contrary is blatantly lying. Belarusians will have to pay “Lukashenko’s debts” endlessly. In any case.

No, this has nothing to do with Russia at all. It will not be possible to leave the “union state” by saddled with debts. The Union State is not the USSR even once, and it was Belarus, not Russia, that took on the debts. In general, attempts to somehow make Russia “to blame” for internal problems Belarus is a common point in Belarusian political discourse. However, the Republic of Belarus is an independent state. It has not submitted to Russia in any way since 1991, and Russia cannot bear any responsibility for the current difficult situation in Belarus.

This “paradoxical” thinking of Belarusians is absolutely incomprehensible in Russia: people are at the same time proud of their sovereignty and even in small things do not want to listen to the opinion of Russia, but when problems arise, they look to the east with hope... The “nipple” system Not is a normal form of interstate relations and cannot exist for a long time. It will never be “as before”, primarily because Russia is categorically not interested in this.

The conflict between Lukashenko and Putin is interpersonal. This is also one of the characteristic misconceptions in Belarus. Rather, it is inter-elite or interstate: this conflict is a direct consequence of Minsk’s attempts to simultaneously maximize the assistance received from Moscow and the degree of independence from Moscow; it would inevitably arise under any other adequate ruler of Russia. There is very little personal here, rather pure “business” - not a single normal head of the Russian state would endlessly tolerate the “art” of his “best ally”.

The problems in relations between Russia and Belarus are interethnic (allegedly Russians do not respect Belarus/Belarusians). Again a myth, a myth clean water: there are a whole bunch of problems, but they are interstate. Belarusians are now not one of the peoples of Russia, but inhabitants of their own state. That is, relations are built not within one country, but between two states. The Russians have nothing, for example, against the Japanese, but there are problems that aggravate the relations between official Moscow and official Tokyo. The same thing with Belarus, to avoid this, you need to live in the same state (not with the Japanese, of course). That is, if the Belarusians had “pulled the common burden”, all these questions would not have arisen. But they are only interested in the “common pot”, hence the scandals.

This is another problem in the worldview of Belarusians - they sometimes feel inside Russia, sometimes outside. The most unpleasant thing is that this “location” is determined by the criteria of benefit/disadvantage. That is, if the prices are for hydrocarbons, then they are on the inside; if they “go to war,” then they are strictly on the outside. At the same time, maintaining full confidence that this “childish trick” should work with a bang every time.

Hence the next myth - about Russia’s allegedly insidious plans for the forcible annexation of Belarus (Crimea is cited as an example). Those who argue this way demonstrate complete anti-democracy. From their point of view, there are rulers (who received power from above) and crowds of slaves/herds of sheep that can simply be stolen. How, with such views, the Belarusian elite talks about a certain “European vector” is absolutely incomprehensible; its views are purely Central Asian. By the way, Lukashenko’s fundamental reluctance to work “for the public” in Russia (and his terrible negative rating in the ally country) is explained precisely by this. There are leaders, there is a crowd. And he didn’t give a damn about the Russian people; all his gestures and “bright statements” were addressed to the Kremlin. And now this country is going to Europe...

By the way, this destroys another myth about “EuroBelarus” and “Asian Russia” - somehow it is no longer customary for us to make cardinal decisions without consulting the people. Well, this myth also applies to “Euro-Ukraine” (so as not to get up twice). Ask a Minsk or Kyiv “intellectual” about “where is Europe and where are the Asian steppes,” and the answer will be unequivocal. However, both there and there “European integration” is seen according to the script: but we should not ask the “cotton rednecks” about anything. That is, “Comrade Mauser” is assumed to be the main “European argument” by default.

And as for “forced annexation” - who needs frankly problematic territories on their balance sheet? And the fact that the Republic of Belarus is just such a territory is self-evident. Such “automatic” accession made sense back in the 19th century... Today, in the era of a highly developed economy and mass social insurance, the inclusion of Ukraine, Belarus or Estonia in Russia is bullshit... It’s not profitable, it’s stupidly not profitable.

A striking example- the accession of the GDR to the Federal Republic of Germany in 1990. The Germans are still quietly swearing. The “compilation” went very wrong and crazy expensive. As a result, both are dissatisfied. Terribly dissatisfied. It did not work out to make East Germany a continuation of West Germany. Berlin has become a financial shithole...

From here, we can safely destroy two whole Russian-Belarusian myths: unification with the Republic of Belarus will take place quickly, easily and with a bang, it’s worth “talking out” Lukashenko. It won't work. It was easy in 1996. A lot has changed over the next 20 years. Both in the Russian Federation and in the Republic of Belarus. Today, complete unification is hardly realistic (even without any “jumping Litvins in “white” armor”). Two medieval agricultural domains can easily be merged into one. To unite Russia and Belarus today... I don’t know, I don’t know... I don’t believe, to be honest, that this is technically/economically feasible at all. The second myth: supposedly Belarusians want this. No, they receive money under this myth. But they don’t want to, not even once (otherwise we would have united long ago). In fact, they would like to live in the European Union, but with Russian money. The truth is unpleasant and scandalous, so a frank conversation does not and will not work. Just “heroic chants” that, they say, we love Russia very much, but we value our independence...

Regarding the “Western vector”. Firstly, the Germans do not propose that Belarus join the Federal Republic of Germany, either as regions or districts... Secondly, the exotic Belarusian economy is in no way compatible with European standards. Theoretically, it is possible to turn Belarus into something between Latvia and Bulgaria, but why? And what kind of population can feed itself there? And most importantly, the EU has already “eaten up” with new “European members”. Moreover, there is no need for a country whose economy is based on Russian subsidies. The absurdity of such an idea: to integrate the subsidized Russian region into Europe (and from an economic point of view this is exactly the case) is beyond the understanding of only Belarusian economists and politicians.

This, by the way, is another Belarusian myth: it is enough to “accept” European values, and the economy will follow itself. It won't work. Truly I tell you. I checked (like all the “Young Europeans”), and no one was “attached”. Investments, technologies and sales markets are needed.

Well, for starters, there is a myth about a certain “special” moral spirit of the country of Belarus, about its social justice, peacefulness and non-conflict. Sounds nice. However, there was some hint of “social justice” at the moment when the Soviet legacy/Russian subsidies were being eaten away. Ended external Soviet-Russian (imperial!) resource - the vaunted Belarusian “social justice” has ended. Belarus itself was unable to earn any money for “justice,” and therefore the bestial contours of the “Third World” are becoming more and more visible in the country. Socialism is, you know, not only a “moral choice”, but also a lot, a lot of money for the “social sector”.

So Belarus outside the empire is rather not Austria, but closer to Morocco. What we observed before was “an independent Republic of Belarus on imperial grub.” After 2008, this booth curtailed its activities. We saw the face of “true Belarus” quite recently.

Regarding “non-conflict”: A. Lukashenko most actively tried to participate in that same intra-Kyrgyz conflict. For what? Where is the Republic of Belarus and where is Kyrgyzstan? Ambitions, however... The same applies to active voyages to Baku and tough statements on the “internationally recognized” borders of Azerbaijan. For what? Justice, you say? well in ideal world yes, justice, in the current one - this provokes a massacre on the demarcation line in Karabakh. At the suggestion of “peace-loving, non-conflict” Belarus.

Why is he doing this? But out of spite! In spite of damned Moscow! Russia is making monstrous efforts to “plug” this very “Karabakh hole into another dimension.” It’s clear why - in the event of a big war there, Russia will also be affected, as will the entire region. But Alexander Grigorievich is actively shaking the situation. It is clear that in the event of war, no one in Minsk is going to send Belarusian soldiers to the Caucasus. And the corresponding laws have been adopted. Then why rock the boat? And in order to take revenge on Moscow for the undistributed “pocket money”... Here we have “peacefulness”, “alliance”, and “independence” in one bottle...

Belarus, together with Armenia, is a member of the CSTO, but actively works in the interests of Azerbaijan, which is not a member of this organization... By the way, one of the main Belarusian myths collapses here - that quickly changing shoes in the air and receiving money from both sides is extremely profitable: in In a critical situation for the country (like today), Belarusians turned out to be strangers to both Russia and Europe. That is, the country urgently needs help, but no one is in a hurry to help... Even with Ukraine, oddly enough, relations are also very difficult (despite the active “help” of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in the fight against “Russian separatists”). That is, Belarusians turned a blind eye to the rise of fascism in Eastern Europe(sponsored by someone!) and thereby spoiled relations with Russia (for Russia, the attitude towards fascism is a marker of one’s own - someone else’s), but for some reason they did not become one’s own in the West either...

Thus, the Belarusian elites played, played “big” - putting everything on the line (of course, the bet was not on Russia - our Minsk friends also understand little or little about geopolitics!). And they lost. Now this is already obvious. “Trump” and the collapse of the Kyiv junta are also their losses (they bet on the globalists!). Notice how different there was a reaction to Trump’s victory in Moscow and Minsk (Lukashenko reacted very nervously), allies, you say? Oh well. But what does Moscow have to do with it? Why should Russia pay for their “bad luck”?

From the point of view of the Belarusian elites, the Moscow-Minsk relationship is of the most mythical nature: firstly, Belarus is country No. 1 for Russia and all attention and all resources should be focused only on it, since Russia cannot live without Minsk (the meaning of life of the Russian Federation - the well-being of the “main ally”, Russia is as successful as Lukashenko can sponsor); secondly, the Belarusian leadership can endlessly deceive and expose Moscow - “firstly”, this does not affect in any way. Recently, these comrades, with horror in their voices, started talking about the fact that the Kremlin is preparing Russians for a conflict with Belarus... (All Russian foreign policy under construction strictly around Belarus). That is, the desire to decisively get the hell out of this endless whirlwind of continuous lies and triple standards is presented as a “provoked conflict” with “the most faithful ally.”

The main problem of Belarus, in the author’s opinion, is, first of all, not too high level elite In Ukraine, these elites had a higher level, but turned out to be corrupt and comprador (the dream of serving the white sahib as the goal of life). But in Belarus there is another problem: people who define the “charged information field” simply do not understand what is happening in Eastern Europe, what the risks are and what policies make sense to pursue (but at the same time they pointedly ignore Russian assessments). The Belarusian information space is filled with endless myths, legends and stories (this is typical for the authorities, “neutrals”, and the opposition). Unfortunately, RB and Belarusian people They don't live in a fairy tale.

Belarus, like many other countries in the world, is famous for its legends. Here are some of them.

In the city of Mir, which is located near the banks of the Miryanka River, there is a medieval Mir Castle. Ancient legends and historical events are associated with it.

The owners of this amazing castle at different periods were such families as the princes Radziwill, Wittgenstein, and Ilinich. In the 20th century, the Svyatopolk-Mirskys became the owners of the castle. They owned it until 1939, when the castle became state property.

The castle is built in the shape of a square and consists of 5 towers - four of them are located in the corners, and one in the center of the wall (entrance to the castle). In the basement of this tower there used to be a prison.

The pond, which is now located right next to the castle, has its own history, according to which there was a beautiful old garden in its place. At the time when Prince Nikolai Svyatopolk-Mirsky gave the order to cut down the garden in order to dig a pond in its place, the mother of a worker who died during the cutting appeared to him in a dream. This woman placed a curse on the reservoir, predicting the death in its waters of a number of people equal to the cut down trees. Many did not believe it, but it was in the pond that the young Princess Sophia drowned, and then Nikolai himself. (Source: www.legenda.by)

Another legend of the castle says that when the floors were opened during the restoration of the castle, two skeletons were discovered. Who, by order of Mikhail Svyatopolk-Mirsky, were buried in an Orthodox cemetery. Since that time, every New Year's midnight, the clanging of swords and a terrifying groan can be heard.

One of the most famous legends of Belarus is associated with the city of Slonim, in particular with Lake Bezdonny, which is located 25 km from it. It was called bottomless because the depth of the lake cannot be measured. They say that the bottom of the lake is alive. It’s as if it appears and disappears at different points in the reservoir. Local residents tell a story about how scuba divers wanted to explore the bottom of the lake. But just five minutes after the dive, they jumped out and with horror in their eyes began screaming about a giant fish.

The legend of the lake tells of a woman who walked around the village begging for alms. And when she was sheltered for the night by local residents, father and son, for their kindness, she told them to immediately leave the village, because the village would soon be gone, and under no circumstances to look back. They did so, but having climbed the hill, they nevertheless looked back and saw that a huge lake was splashing at the site of their settlement, and they themselves had turned into stones. The stones, which are called “father and son,” still lie on the shores of Bottomless Lake.