League of laughter summer cup 2.

  • 29.05.2019

26.09.2017, 08:16

Summer Cup "League of Laughter" 2017: when will it air / press service

The League of Laughter Summer Cup, which was filmed at the end of July in Odessa, will be shown on September 29 on 1+1. It has become known what the teams will enjoy in the first game of the Summer Cup.

This year, 7 teams with their star coaches competed for the League of Laughter Summer Cup. According to the terms of the game, two teams were merged into one by an editorial decision, and the champion teams of previous games or seasons competed forPeople's Choice Award.

The first to appear on stage will be the winners of the previous Summer Cup, the team "V.I.P.Ternopil". According to tradition, the team’s performance will be in Ukrainian, and in their performances they will show what is happening in the cabin of the cheapest airlines in Ukraine, as well as a dialogue between mother-in-law and son-in-law in the style of Tarantino.

Let us remind you that Arkady Voytyuk, a member of the “New Wave 2013”, is part of the national team. At the Summer Cup, the singer will perform a song about the hobbies of today's youth to the tune of the song "Nich Yaka Misyachna".

After a few months of break, Sergei Sivokho will appear on stage again. Together with your teams "Favorite City" And "Krupa" The host and showman will even perform a dance, albeit on crutches.

After the game, Sergei Sivokho admitted why he missed the previous games: “It was all because of health problems. I don’t want to go into details, I’ll just say that there were days when I couldn’t feel my legs, or rather my feet. It will still take a lot of time to recover , but I can’t live without the League of Laughter. Thank you very much to Zhenya Koshevoy, who replaced me for a while. Few people can do this. short term so join the team."

Potap will perform with the teams "De Richelieu" And "Models". The guys will surprise you with a parody of Igor Kolomoisky, a number on how the women's cyber police work, and will also show you all the ins and outs of beauty contests.

Singer Olya Polyakova will appear on stage in an unusual role for herself - with a beard, sitting in the lotus position. The project trainer will speak simultaneously with "Minipunks" And "Lubart's Castle". And what dangerous mix what came out of this, we’ll find out very soon.

The first day of the Summer Cup will be completed by the performance of the most unexpected team - teams from Khmelnitsky and Lugansk. Coach Elena Kravets for the sake of joint performances with the guys from "Let's relax together" And "Lugansk team" I even sewed a special transforming suit to order to please two teams at the same time.

At the end of July, in Odessa, the main summer event in the world of the League of Laughter took place - Summer Cup. After an almost three-month pause, the country's best comedy teams took to the Odessa stage to please their fans.

Laughter League Summer Cup 2017 went through a new format. As previously reported, fourteen teams were invited to the cup, which were distributed among seven coaches. Important point: Each coach's two teams were combined into one. As a result, the audience saw seven full-fledged performances plus the performance of invited, star guests.

Summer Cup 2017 gave the audience a lot of emotions and surprises. Olya Polyakova, along with “Minipunks” and “Lubart’s Castle,” was not afraid to joke even about her own appearance. Entering the field in one swimsuit and saying:

“I can create a miracle out of the blue. And my breasts are proof of this.”

she simply tore up the hall, which joyfully accepted every joke from the teams of the main blonde of the project.

To some extent, the absence of Igor Lastochkin from the cup was an unpleasant surprise. Last season's champion lost his place, and at the same time his teams, to Evgeniy Koshevoy. Comedian Kvartal-95, it is worth noting, coped with his role perfectly, and his performance of Gopnik became one of the decorations of the Lucas teams. and “Team Stoyanovka”.

Sergei Sivokho, who spent the first six months of the League of Laughter through a turning point, appeared before the fans again. The champion of the first season took part in the cup together with the teams “Krupa” and “Beloved City” and was deservedly praised by the audience with loud applause.

Alexey Potapenko, together with “De Richelieu” and “Models”, Anton Lirnik, who again took the Kharkov “Sparrow” under his wing (Lirnik, under the wing of “Sparrow” - some kind of absurdity) and Nicole Kidman. “Vinnitsky” paired with Zagoretskaya and Gorbunov Gorbunovych did not stay away from the celebration of humor. But a real sensation was caused by the performance of a couple of teams “Let's Relax Together” and “Lugansk Team”. The humor of Elena Kravets' teams made the Odessa audience cry with laughter. Kravets herself played her role superbly, whose transformation into Oleg Vinnik became the best parody of that evening.

Potap, if I were you, I would look after Nastya. Sooner or later she will turn 40 and she will be mine

- Kravets-Vinnik’s phrase may have become key on the way to the victory of the team “Let’s Relax Together” - “Lugansk Team” at the Summer Cup.

In addition to the performances of the above teams, specially invited guests also delighted the audience: “Transparent Racer”, “Two Captains 1955”, “VIP Ternopil”. Viewers will be able to see all this and more in the near future. The broadcast of the Summer Cup is scheduled for the fall.

Based on materials from the press service of Kvartal 95

What I definitely don’t like is the relocation of the Summer Cup from Jurmala to Odessa. Just as at one time I didn’t like the new registration of the music festival in Svetlogorsk. What is the essence of discomfort? In the effect of the same self. The massive export of the best humorous resource to Jurmala has always been perceived by me as a ceremonial trip abroad, as the organization of the most pretentious event, as an expansion in the end. It’s one thing to go to Croatia in the summer, where there is a warm climate, vibrant flora and an exotic language; it’s quite another to spend time in the country, where the situation is the same as in the city, only there are more mosquitoes and the Internet is slow. What about Odessa? It was mentioned that this year it turns two hundred some years old, but there is no authentic impression: there is a shore by the sea, grass on the shore, a stage and hall on the grass, and large-scale buildings in the background. So from an atmospheric point of view, LC lost to itself against the 16th year version.

The opening of the cup was entrusted to the pilgrims of the independent Little Russian KVN - VIP (that's what the name is, you can break your fingers on the shift-alt). That's it, they seem to be veterans, but they immediately messed up. Every more or less literate band member knows: the opening song should be fast and awesome, like a Hong Kong action movie. The Ternopil residents sang long and sadly. No, if they had sung How Do You Do or Heaven Is A Place For Love, I would have listened silently and not whined now, but no - apparently, the DM has firmly established a rule: only the music of Little Russian performers is allowed to be used. And in the few minutes that followed, the Hutsuls only made me remember Lastochkin’s phrase (“People have been playing KVN for ten years”). They play, but don't change. Guys, who do you want to impress in 2017 with a simpleton or an absurdization of the paucity of service? How many times should we hear a phrase like “yes, they sell you sour, but we have an expiration date on the box” or see the face of a drunken visitor warming up a salad in order to close the topics of holy simplicity and poor service for ten to twenty years? The brain needs a break from recycling. I’m already silent that Tanka is not the right level of actress to, like Tursunbek and Kisel, bring the viewer to a state of convulsion with simple jokes. But the next length is good - review it, remember and savor it - while public mockery of Nazi ideology and the ridiculous laws and orders arising from it is still acceptable in Ukraine. It is quite possible that very soon this topic will be banned, such as, for example, stating the legitimacy of the annexation of Crimea to Russia. Ternopil residents finish with quite suitable, but, again, trivial numbers. Eh, guys, that’s why you lost to the Racer at one time. Yes, he also didn’t shine with strong jokes, and, unlike you, sometimes he unleashed a pit bull of vulgarity on the viewer, but he stood out for his novelty, giving us the feeling of fresh bread and just bought sneakers. And these are all chasing the same leper around the neck since 2007.

As for the very idea of ​​tandeming, I’m all for it. Combining the author's and actor's resources of humorous gangs is a production-wise procedure. Another thing is that, unfortunately, not all tandems were formed correctly. The strong should help the weak (Relax - Lugansk, Stoyanovka - Lucas), and the middle peasants should complement each other (Krupa-Lyubgorod, Lyubart-Minipunks, Vorobushek-Kidman) - everything is right. But there were also odious exceptions, which I will talk about in more detail later.

Lyubgorod and Krupa are a tandem named after moderate stupidity. Already from the lineup it became obvious that the guys were on the same wavelength. The residents are already under thirty, but the charming teenage wildness has remained untouched in the souls of Kharkov and Dnipro residents - and that’s cool. Sivokho made a comeback at the perfect time: the gray-haired fat man organically fit into the crowd of relatively young idiots as an older comrade. The boys were enjoying themselves for so long that after the line there was only time left for two lengths. But their authors did not fill the issues with secondary ideas, like Ternopil. We were shown some really strong miniatures that we will definitely want to revisit years later. It is noteworthy that LS again overtook HSE: Little Russians were the first to make fun of popular video blogging. The blogger’s level of development, his argumentation, and the content of his videos are a complete hit. It's hard to believe, but someone actually watches YT shows like this. These bloggers have countless followers. Usually Stoyanovka is compared to the Kamyzyaks, but it’s these guys who remind me of Azamat and Co.: “Well, fools” Zelensky.

Richelieu and Modelki are a low-flying tandem. If you unite two wise men, they will write a book; if you unite two fools, they will bloody each other's noses. And so it happened: arrogant snitches came on stage, and go ahead and humiliate the only woman from a gang of Odessa residents. The performance was already prepared for self-castration, but then he jumped onto the stage new resident Modelek is the glamorous, funny fellow Vovka. For how long I laughed at his joke about the gateway, this is the case when one person can dramatically change the first impression of the team. However, the very first issue brought me back to Earth, reminding me that humor is not mathematics, and a minus for a minus does not give a plus. Perhaps the first length would not have seemed so miserable if the actress Modelek had not been limping on both legs. The radical fool is a very difficult role; for its optimal implementation, two strong actors are required. The authors should have understood this at the stage of conception of the idea, so give them a shout from me. But the second number looks more natural. Why? Yes, because everything is in its place: the models are in the form of arrogant studs proud of their anorexia, the woman from Richelieu tried on the role of a simpleton without complexes, and Vovka simply gets a thrill from the role of an artsy presenter (and again he breaks through my high laughter threshold - what a monster something, not a comedian!). And of course, one of the worst tandems of the Cup ended with a jamb - they showed a dull length, which even Vovka could not save, because Lastochkin put an end to the topic of children who matured early, back in 2013. I recommend rewinding this tandem in those moments that I pointed out. So, I have an appeal to Richelieu: guys, if you haven’t given up on KVN yet, bring back, your mother, “De-show” this section kept you afloat; and change the entertainer, he has a very non-television-odious face.

Minipunks and Lubart are a tandem of the name “no one saw them, no one remembers us.” The introduction is very funny, spoiled only by the appearance of a black man. Well, no seriously, guys, this topic is already used and re-used. Here you have “I am a black crest!”, and “Oh God, I’m not a Muscovite” it was, it was, it was, it was... But let’s not talk about sad things. The joke about my grandfather finally set me up for positive emotions. The short stories about smoking and the consultant are luxurious in their execution and brilliant in their simplicity, but the release of Dimka Opposition and the number about potatoes sank the pace. Here Mykola Yvanych had a blast again, this time with a striptease (calmly, let’s not disagree, I know it sounded strange, but there was no ringing vulgarity in this moment), and the Minipunks played “Shmatrix” and the Jews well in their style, but then suddenly... the end came. The performance lacked an impressive final block. It turned out unevenly, but on the whole, everyone who understands Surzhik will be, if not happy, then at least satisfied.

We are relaxing and Lugansk - a tandem named after the ethnic issue. Let's relax - this is my favorite LS team currently playing. Their power is enough to push both themselves into queens, and the losers posing as Lugansk residents (aren’t you ashamed, Russian people?). The line is excellent, honest, sincere. The first issue is obviously average, but everything that happened next was fucking napalm! Stepanenko, in the good old image of a granny, sold me from the very first phrase. What an actor, what strength! Dlin is worthy of the Golden Collection, and Shurik is worthy of the CMS. The queue is also good. Kravets is such a great guy: I am silent about the fact that she had a deliberately powerful text (all the jokes are strong, I answer), but she also believably played the guy. Convincing stage gender reassignment is a sign of skill. And although I have no idea what kind of Vynnyk this is and what it is eaten with, I almost choked from laughing. The dance of trends is not bad, and the appearance of Odessa-Mama put a clear point: this time the separatists and Banderaites will win. Their final song pumped it up specifically: although I am dissatisfied with this false propaganda, I am sure that if I were in the hall, I would have applauded loudly. For good humor allows you to forget about political beliefs for a moment.

Then there was a pause - again a non-competition performance, this time by the Captains. The first champions, the first legends. Wizards of Text, Mastodons of Words, Stampers of Thoughts most the performances were clearly slapdash. Kolmach in the role of a habala barmaid? Another issue about women's resentment? Draining the burnt in " Open mic» stand-up? Are you seriously? But the microsaga about Moby Dick is luxurious, such a stem could only be written by Captains, the ability to develop a plot out of the blue is a rare gift that is characteristic only of a guru of the humorous craft. To the Golden Collection. It was in vain, of course, that the Minsk residents divided the performance into blocks; it would have been better to do a whole homework project like last year’s “Robbie Hood”. But overall, even the first (unsuccessful) half of the spectacle is a completely edible performance, better than watching two holy fools in sweaters through a facepalm.

Kidman and Sparrow are a tandem named for radical stupidity. The epigraph about Lyrnik made it clear that it would be fun and crazy. First, the residents of Sumy came out and set the fuse on fire. The center, the damage, the racist and the Armenians unleashed a pack of excellent jokes, the variety of which is amazing: here you have about renting a room, and about a stepfather, and about a swimming suit, and about identifying Caucasians. Then there was the appearance of the guide Lirnik, who, apparently, had completely gone crazy in the field of writing. Anton remembered his childhood dream - to beat Sergei Bubka, or rather, his record. But the titular bacchanalia began after the appearance of Sparrow. In the best traditions of themselves, they unleashed a flurry of short tales on the viewer. About the fat woman, about the Adam's apple dealer Jeffrey and detective Columbo, about Chigrinsky's tricks, about taking a bath, about a spider that was bitten by a man, and about Satanindze. All this is accompanied by the genocide of Kidman residents and Lirnik’s attempts to realize his athletic potential. There's no point in even dismantling this nonsense. But I will focus on the fact that this is really funny nonsense. Not stupid for the sake of stupidity (like Zagoretska), but stupid for the sake of good humor.

Stoyanovka and Lucas are a tandem named for contrast. Strategically, everything is correct: some joke, others don’t, some make you fall in love, others don’t, some are rural kents, others are city scumbags, some are cool, others are dancers. The entire performance gave the impression that the Stonovites were carrying paralyzed Kremenchug residents on their shoulders - the gap between these groups was so great. The Bulgarians troll the effeminacy of Lucas residents, parody “Kvartal”, piss off Koshevoy and show a rural graduation. And the people of Kremenchug are draining the final block - just like that. However, such is the coach, such is the humor, Koshevoy always trudged from the primitive. But this is a parody of American talk shows, stupid, senseless and merciless - this is a bright spot on the gray Kavehan path of Lucas. The performance is funny at the expense of the Bulgarians and gray at the expense of the Russians. I told you, contrast, motherfucker.

Zagoretska and Vinnytsia - a tandem named after... Named after what? What was that all about? The team that had to carry Zagoretskaya’s corpse must have had a colossal reserve of strength. It could have been Otdykhaem or Stoyanovka, but not Peppers. The Vinnitsa players are already performing worse and worse from game to game, and they have also been given ballast. It was a bad lesson, really bad. Weak jokes, weak banter over weak jokes, dressing up in a woman’s dress, “a joke on a joke - like comic sex,” a song about a deputy, failure to pronounce letters, “what, are we going to suck?”... I looked and thought - what’s missing? And here the inappropriate and trashy joke about Crimea without tourists finally filled the already small cup of respect for this coalition of anti-humorists. Okay, screw them, the Vinnitskys, they just can’t cure the author’s impotence - it happens. But Zagoretska... “You are a mistake of nature,” Chandler would say. We managed to break the Murmansk record for speed of annoying people. The northerners at least played four strong games (three tower games and one Jurmala) before they managed to enter the site’s audience blacklist (straight to RUDN University, Sok and Triod). But this misunderstanding erased the eyes and ears already on its third appearance. By the way, as an amateur psychologist, I suspect the long one of autism. And such people have no place in humor. No, seriously, I won’t even rewind them to ½ to see how (!) they manage to break through a new bottom. So, if anyone doesn’t understand: Modelek and Richelieu can be watched, albeit with rewinds, but I strongly recommend rewinding this tandem in its entirety. And pray that nothing like this will ever happen at HSE.

The third non-competitor, Racer, closed the Cup. More precisely, all that is left of him. I was afraid that in the absence of Lastochkin (he was the key actor, and Mark was limited to performing the duties of a joker), the spectacle would be dull. But the authors found a way out: they came up with Mark’s fate after the drug. It turned out to be at least funny.

That's all. Summarize. The Summer Cup was a success. After watching its first part, I thought that it would become legendary, but the very fact that the concert ended with impotents and holy fools transferred LKLS-17 to the status of “just a nice game.” But it should be noted that it also has an additional positive aspect– the tandem won, which really deserved it. However, with equal justice, the cup could have been given to Krupa-Lyubgorod or Kidman-Sparrow. However, nominal regalia is not important. The only important thing is that I don’t remember when last time we had Jurmala of a similar level. Probably in 2014. Will it ever happen again? Unlikely this year.


Original title: League of Laughter. New season 4, episode 1 (03/02/2018) Festival in Odessa

A new unique show from the studio block 95 - "League of Laughter" - is launching on the 1+1 TV channel. The League of Laughter is the first Ukrainian championship in humor, in which teams of KVN, STEM and just fun companies. Vladimir Zelensky invites everyone to take part in the Ukrainian Humor Championship. The jury will consist of famous artists and simply cheerful people who will evaluate the participants on their merits. All episodes of the show "League of Laughter 1+1" can be viewed on our website
The Star Championship begins in the fall of 2017, and will also be held in several other cities of Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk, Lvov and Kyiv. The host of the “League of Humor” show, as you may have guessed, will be everyone’s favorite Vladimir Zelensky. The League of Laughter gives everyone the opportunity to discover their talents in humorous genre, go to big stage and make yourself known. It is worth noting that “League of Laughter” will air in 2017 and will consist of 9 episodes. Don’t miss the first humor championship in Ukraine; very soon you will see new comedians and find out which of them will be the strongest.

League of Laughter. Season 5, episode 8 (04/19/2019) League of laughter

League of Laughter. Season 5, episode 7 (04/12/2019) League of laughter

League of Laughter. Season 5, episode 6 (04/05/2019) League of laughter

League of Laughter. Season 5, episode 5 (03/29/2019) League of laughter

League of Laughter. Season 5, episode 4 (03/22/2019) League of laughter


Watch programs online for free League of Laughter. Season 5, episode 9 (05/03/2019) League of laughter in good quality on the website website without registration

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⇒ "I love various videos about animals. I found Sema by accident on the Internet, and I can’t tear myself away. Not only have I watched all the videos featuring a funny hamster, I’m also forcing my husband to watch it. We laughed and had so much fun together that we decided to get our own little furry. I'm looking forward to going to the store. It’s a pity that we live far away, it would be great to introduce two handsome guys. Like, and definitely subscribe, repost, I will be a fan of the handsome guy. I'm looking forward to new videos."
Added - 05/17/2019
⇒ "It felt like the roof wasn't even secured. Although this would hardly be allowed. They probably didn't count on strong wind. But those who filmed apparently expected this outcome. No wonder the camera was turned on in time. It’s not a pleasant sight, but it’s interesting to watch from the outside. It’s just scary to even think that at that time someone could be passing by and the roof would simply crush the person. I wonder now what happened next. How was this roof raised? And in general, should someone be held responsible for the incident?"
Added - 05/17/2019
⇒ "It is a well-known truth that bears cannot stand the smell of alcohol and become wild from it. And sober people should not stick their hands into a wild animal’s cage; the clumsy bear can tear them off. Naturally, after the drunk decided to fight the bear, the chatter and obscene words began. Probably at that moment the whole drunken company sobered up and tried to save the daredevil, but he certainly didn’t think it was enough, because bears have long claws, like blades, and strong teeth. Maybe the video will be an edification to other alcohol lovers and animal opponents: you shouldn’t mess with bears and other large animals when your “drunk” courage is off the charts."
Added - 05/17/2019
⇒ "I haven’t played tanks myself for a long time, but sometimes I watch Job’s videos. I liked the way he took three marks on the KV-2 and TOG, it was interesting. It turned out cool with T49 too. I think that it will be extremely difficult for him to get three marks here. Still, this is “not sand”, the tank levels are higher, and the level of play on this tank by other players is quite high. Without the help of a platoon it will be very difficult. I expect a lot of “bombing” from Konstantin, he will burn very often - that’s for sure. We are waiting for the continuation, it will be fun."
Added - 05/17/2019
⇒ "If it is fresh baked goods, but fell on the asphalt, then it will definitely end up on the counters, unless it is very dirty or badly damaged. I myself work in bread production, our drivers also dropped bread and pies more than once, but not at speed, but during unloading, however, the products were damaged when they fell and they returned them as if they were defective. Of course, the driver himself didn’t securely lock the car, it’s his own fault, but every loaf of bread is accounted for, he doesn’t want to pay, so he runs along the highway. I hope that he will return the stale bread and that the dusty food will not reach the customers."
Added - 05/17/2019