Lozhkin paintings. Artist Vasya Lozhkin and his depressing and funny paintings about modern Russia

  • 17.04.2019

Vasya Lozhkin (real name Alexey Vladimirovich Kudelin) is a Russian artist and blogger, singer, founder musical group“Ebonite Beater”, member of the group “Vasya Lozhkin and some people”, member of the “Witchcraft Artists” society.

Alexey was born on August 18, 1976 in the town of Solnechnogorsk near Moscow. After school, he graduated from law school, but did not get a job in his profession. Special art education Kudelin did not receive it.

Painting and creativity

In 1996, Kudelin began to create own paintings using gouache. The subjects of the first paintings contained scenes of torture, murder, and bloody showdowns. The young artist placed his canvases on the walls of his own apartment. In 1998, Alexey stopped making art for two years. In 2000 I started writing oil paints. The artist purchased canvases and brushes. Alexey gave new paintings to friends; Kudelin himself had only one painting left from the second period of his creative work.

In 2002, Kudelin joined the “Witchcraft Artists” (KOLKHUI) community, which had 20 participants. The authors worked in the style of “multi-realism”. The new term was coined by members of the community and referred to the use of animation techniques in satirical films. The founders of the group were artists from St. Petersburg - Nikolai Kopeikin, Andrey Kagadeev, Vladimir Medvedev. First exhibitions artwork Alexei Kudelin took place as part of the exhibitions of “Witchcraft Artists” at the Biennale at the Manege Central Exhibition Hall, festivals in Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Geneva, and at the “ChMO” exhibitions, which took place in St. Petersburg and Moscow.

Soon Alexey was invited to Solnechnogorsk Theatre of Drama work on scenography for performances, and the artist switched to the new kind creativity. In 2007, Kudelin again began to engage in artistic creativity, using initially gouache, and from the beginning of 2008 - oil and canvas. Since then, the artist has not given up his hobbies. In his work, Alexey turns to the themes of cats, hares, elephants, and bears. Present in the artist’s drawings are evil grandparents with axes or saws, as well as representatives Soviet police. Kudelin depicts on his canvases the world of fairy tales, full of evil characters who try to become kinder. At the same time, the figurative structure, according to the author, is devoid of metaphor.

The hero Vasya Lozhkin appeared in the life of Alexei Kudelin in 2005, when the artist began to explore the Internet. The artist created his own blog on LiveJournal and used the name of the hero of the jokes as a pseudonym. Lozhkin’s account quickly became popular and already a year after the first post had 10 thousand subscribers.

Vasya’s pictures became Internet hits; subscribers used them as avatars and illustrations for their own articles. The virtual name Alexey began to be used in real life. Some personal exhibitions Vasya Lozhkin was held in Moscow Central house artist. But when Alexey first turned to the Moscow Union of Artists, the professionals refused to support the self-taught artist.

Since 2007, with the support of the community of St. Petersburg artists, Vasya participated in the exhibitions “TARTARARS”, “LIBIDO”, “LENENERBE”, “Family Portrait”, which were held alternately in St. Petersburg and Moscow. In 2013, Vasya Lozhkin’s paintings could be seen at the Just art exhibition in Geneva. The most popular paintings among Internet users are still “Lady in Evening Dress”, “The Motherland Hears”, “Grandfather Hasid and the Hares”, “No Time to Smile”, “Happy Birthday”, “Foreign”, “Smile to this World” .

Besides artistic creativity, Alexey Kudelin created his own musical group “Ebonite Beater”, whose first album was a collection called “Glory to Russia!” In 2015, Alexey released the album “Drunkenness and Debauchery.” Team music group records clips that he posts for free use on the YouTube video hosting site. The rock group “Vasya Lozhkin Rockin’ Roll Band,” with which he performed for some time, was named in honor of the artist. After the creation of the fourth album, the band disbanded. As an artist, Alexey worked on the cover of the CD “Zero+30” by the group “Zero”. Since 2015, Alexey has been working with the group “Vasya Lozhkin and some people.”

Personal life

There is practically no information about the biography of Alexei Kudelin on the Internet. Even on the official website in his autobiographical essay, the artist himself reports very little about his life.

It is known that the artist has a wife and a young son. Until 2013, the family lived in Solnechnogorsk; later the Kudelins moved to Yaroslavl, where they now live.

Vasya Lozhkin now

In 2016, the exhibition “Plots Old Testament"in the gallery "Pig Snout" in St. Petersburg, where Kudelin's popular works were exhibited. In January of the same year, Vasya Lozhkin’s painting “Great Beautiful Russia” was declared extremist by decision of the Novosibirsk court.

In the fall, one user of the VKontakte network received a summons from the Investigative Committee for posting an extremist image on his page. When the young man refused to come to the Investigative Committee, the investigator promised to call the police to arrest him. His longtime admirer, Moscow businessman Alexei Khodorkovsky, came to the defense of the artist’s work, and since 2012 he has become the official copyright holder for the use of Vasya Lozhkin’s pictures.

Together with lawyer Damir Gainutdinov, the entrepreneur decided to appeal the decision of the Novosibirsk court, which was made unlawfully, without the presence of the author of the work, Alexey Kudelin, at the trial. In addition to legal nuances, Khodorkovsky intends to prove copyright for irony, which is not extremism and a manifestation of Nazism. The latest exhibition of paintings by Vasya Lozhkin, entitled “We will live - we will not die!” completed in January 2017 at the Central House of Artists in Moscow.


  • "Good evening!"
  • "Russian Gothic"
  • “There was also an iPhone”
  • "The Motherland Hears"
  • "Road"
  • "Lady in Evening Dress"
  • "Doctors"
  • "Tsoi"
  • "This is no time to smile"
  • "Hundreds of Oil"
  • “I shook your house pipe”


This is no time to smile!

Lives in the Moscow region talented artist and just interesting person named Vasya Lozhkin. In his paintings, he describes the depressive and cheerful life of the city of Kobylozadovsk, which is surprisingly similar to almost any town in Zamkadovsk Russia.

The fictional city is inhabited by patriotic and hard-working residents who solve their everyday problems and relax against the backdrop of general disorganization. In addition, Vasya Lozhkin likes to describe the life of modern Russian youth.

“Mail, Skype, Internet!”

Vasya Lozhkin’s real name is Alexey Kudelin. His name became known after all the galleries refused to exhibit the artist’s works, and the paintings were dumped on the Internet.

After this, the “cat artist” became one of the most legendary people on the Runet, who gladly participated in the creativity of the original muffin.

“Life without a beard. Life with a beard"

According to Vasya Lozhkin, “they sent me everywhere [to the galleries] and said that this was horror and no one needed it.” This is how the residents of Kobylozadov ended up on the Internet, where they continue to excite the fragile minds of modern youth, their parents and grandparents, who easily recognize their neighbors, and even themselves, in the artist’s types.

“I like the fact that people like my paintings,” says Vasya-Alexey Lozhkin-Kudelin. “That’s why I publish them on the Internet.”

Paintings by Internet artist Vasya Lozhkin

Where did the circus go?

"Let's paint the sky with a rainbow." – Kobylozadovsky chemical plant. Thus, as if hinting that there is a gay pride parade in Amsterdam at this time.

Who hurt the kitten?

Kittens in gas masks

Grandmother and pigeons. And cats

"Wooden saber"

Grandma and cat Alyoshenka on a sled

There's not enough sausage for everyone

Pork stew in an iron tin can. Real German quality

He started it first

Lady in evening dress

It's time for superheroes

Gas - father. Oil is mother

And I'll drink non-alcoholic vodka again
In the company of your imaginary friends

Life is a merry carnival

The jokes are over

Let's fly from here

Wandered in the dark
I was looking for my own kind.
Oh, I wish I hadn’t looked!

Each hut has its own rattles

Old Mermaid

The time has come

Until the death separates us

Why don't you eat fly agarics?

I will take revenge

Good night, kids!

Your jazz is alien to us

Damn grandma

An anti-Semite's nightmare

Beauty is a terrible power!

Glamorous pussy on the bus

“Alien”, or “Get the hell out of here, you colorful pottube”

There's a lot of it!

Live kittens. 50 rub for 1 kg

And they lived happily ever after

JSC "Goskot": cats of national importance

Old and small

Explosion at a cat factory

Cat on the old lady's grave

Foreigners look at us with longing and envy


Policeman with a scythe

Comrade, buy an axe! Support the artist!

Guinea pigs

Grandma with an accordion and flying cats

Conscience is silent

Hot schoolgirls

Today you play thrash, and tomorrow you will eat your woman

Your Call is very important to us!

Who doesn't like cats here?

Everything is cool! Happinnes exists

The Motherland hears

Awaken the animal in you!

Citizens! Hand over your currency!

I look at you and think...

Pioneer! Always tell the truth! People love it

Do you eat while the Motherland sleeps?

Warm lamp cultural leisure

Hello! Doctor! Satan has possessed my rubber woman!

Glass cleaner. Is this to keep you from freezing?

Cat style vs monkey style

The doors of hell are locked from the inside!

Drinking doesn't help!

Pawnshop. Dad drank the balalaika

First time in the arena. This is show business, baby!

Learn to play the guitar, and all the women will be yours!

Females have more tender meat!

Self-taught illusionist Grandfather Vasily and his assistant Baba Manya show the amazed cat a new trick

Schizophrenia. There is no cat

My dad is a pilot

Let's! You can do it

Shyshkin forest. Only for squirrels

The Masons whisper to Mendeleev a recipe for vodka to destroy the Russian people

He was stealing grain!

Don't you believe in our Tumba-Yumba?


A couple of years ago, Vasya Lozhkin, whose passport says Alexey Kudelin, made an album of his works and went to the galleries. “They sent me everywhere, they said it was horror and no one needed it.” The artist gave up on this matter and posted his paintings on the Internet. So the whole country fell in love with Vasya Lozhkin.

He was registered as a master of cat painting and included in the list of the most popular artists Russian Internet. “I like the fact that people like my paintings. That’s why I publish them on the Internet,” explains Vasya Lozhkin and never signs his paintings. Only if asked.

Vasya Lozhkin has a lot of pictures with cats: “Cats feed me - people like them, they actively buy them. With this money I buy paints and paint people and all sorts of devils.

Essentially, my paintings are punk in painting. I'm interested in a person in a state of extremes; human madness, that’s what I’m trying to portray.

I don’t like generalizations in my work, so in my paintings everything is specific - if it’s, for example, an out-of-mind humanoid grandmother with an axe, then that’s her, and not some collective image, metaphor or other nonsense."

From an interview in the newspaper "Zavtra":

Internet artist Vasya Lozhkin (Alexey Kudelin):
“I don’t know how to draw, but I really love it... One day I went to join the local branch of the Union of Artists of the Moscow Region, purely for the sake of interest. I brought... an album. It was very interesting to watch how three lady artists, art critics, with stone faces, silently leafed through the album, and then asked: “Why are you drawing all this?”
In fact, such a reaction is even pleasant, I love it...

VASYA LOZHKIN is my Internet pseudonym, nickname. In 2005, I learned to use the Internet - it captivated me very much. Well, I took this name from a joke, it stuck. There is no longer any boundary - even those who know me in life still call me Vasya, this is normal...
I DRAW, looking in the mirror, making faces. All my paintings are large self-portraits. Plus fantasy...
I HAVE about two hundred PICTURES. There are many more graphics drawn in pencil for the Internet. You can often find reproductions and printouts of my pictures. They like to hang them in offices. Such a quotation undoubtedly warms the soul...
Many people have the mistaken impression that I am very educated person, because I wear glasses and a tie. Yes, I have thoughts in my head. But I don’t try to classify myself as anyone - I just draw. There are people who draw pictures, it gives them pleasure - I am one of them

I HAVE A LOT OF PICTURES WITH CATS. Cats feed me - people like them and actively buy them. With this money I buy paints and paint people and all sorts of devils. It happens that a person likes a painting, but he can’t hang it in his home - the children, the wife, won’t understand, they’ll be scared, so - give it cats.
In principle, I love cats. But if I were a rich man, I would draw even more scary.

Today is the birthday of one of the most famous Russian artists; he turns 42 years old. Congratulations!

In connection with this event, we decided to talk a little about the artist, and at the same time show his best paintings (in our subjective opinion).

Vasya Lozhkin's real name is Alexey Kudelin. The most famous artist Runet in Solnechnogorsk.

If anyone doesn’t know, Lozhkin is also a musician, the leader of the group “Vasya Lozhkin and some people.” In 2015, the group released an album called “Drunkenness and Debauchery,” and in 2016 Lozhkin recorded a solo album, “Screams of a Bald Fool.” Music critics characterize his style as eclectic, alternative pop-rock.

Lozhkin himself writes about this hobby on his website in this way: “I am also the author and performer of my songs, but this is a separate story, because I have no hearing, I don’t know the notes on any musical instrument I can't play. Plus, I can’t pronounce the letter “P” (and after they made false teeth for me, I also can’t pronounce the letter “C”), so you yourself understand what my singing is like. Well, okay."

The artist's name appears in the news quite often, and last time just four days ago - August 14th. From now on, the painting “Great Beautiful Russia” has officially ceased to be considered extremist (that’s why we’ll show it to you now).

The painting was declared extremist in 2016 by decision of the Oktyabrsky District Court of Novosibirsk. It depicts part of a world map where all countries, including some regions of Russia, are given stereotypical nationalist labels.

In court it was possible to prove that the picture did not promote, but rather ridiculed everyday nationalism and xenophobia.

Lozhkin had several personal exhibitions, which were held at one time in the Moscow Central House of Artists (exactly there).

The artist often collaborates with musicians; in particular, he designed the cover of the album of the group “Zero”.

“I don’t like generalizations in my work, so in my paintings everything is concrete - if it’s, for example, an out-of-mind humanoid grandmother with an axe, then that’s her, and not some kind of collective image, metaphor or other crap,” states Lozhkin on his official website.

"As an artist (in in a big way words, of course, because I don’t know how to draw) I have little interest in the surrounding reality. I depict a fairy-tale imaginary world. Sometimes this is a world of psychosis and all kinds of borderline states, sometimes it can be scary, but still this is a fairy tale with good ending. In general, in Lately I try to do more something positive, something that would evoke positive emotions,” he also writes on his website.

Modern Russian artists represent a fairly diverse group of figures who create and perform in different styles and directions. Some of them get classical education and create in the field of traditional painting, exhibiting, for example, in the Central House of Artists, creating paintings to order, working as designers and decorators, drawing comics and arranging apartment gatherings, turning their gaze to the pure, good and eternal, staying in constant search expressing the abstract through the concrete. Others do not know how to draw at all, and their main goal is to publicly expose current socio-political problems. But interest in playing on the nerves of society is created artificially, with the help of the media; "normal" modern painting, especially that part of it that is not trying to shock, broad information support, and, as a result, people's love, deprived, despite high level professionalism of many of our artists.

However, even among contemporary artists there is one in demand among the people - Vasya Lozhkin. And let this demand be expressed not in monetary terms and the crush of those wishing to “touch the beautiful,” but in the number of targeted requests search engines, for example, or in the scale of the use of his paintings to illustrate text materials on socio-political topics, or in the prevalence of Vasya’s works out of any context according to social networks- these can be called signs of real popularity; at its foundation lies the undisguised but kind irony with which Vasya describes his native reality.

As expected modern artist- Vasya does not know how to draw (according to his own statement), and the topics that he raises are, for the most part, highly social. But this does not stop him from creating picturesque, childishly naive and adult-like meaningful canvases on various more than relevant topics: racism, social contradictions, the raw material nature of the economy, alcoholism, savagery, immorality of society and others. Moreover, Vasya does this not with disgust for his homeland, but on the contrary, with love and regret, acting as an involuntary witness to the atrocities happening around him. Expression Efficiency popular thought was also reflected in the recognition of one of the artist’s paintings as extremist. We won’t show it to you, of course, but a search by name - “Great Beautiful Russia” - will definitely give the desired result.

Alexey Vladimirovich Kudelin, real name Vasya Lozhkin, was born in 1976 in the city of Solnechnogorsk. He is a lawyer by education. He started drawing in the 90s. In addition to painting, Alexey is interested in music (according to him, he also cannot sing) and is a member of the artistic sect “Witchcraft Artists” (KOLKHUI). All his work is imbued with the spirit of playful childish hooliganism, but if musical works Lozhkin is strictly an amateur, but his painting miraculously resonated with the mass unconscious, becoming a means of expressing popular thought.

Although his songs are perceived much better with video footage

The artist himself argued that there is no need to look for generalizations in his paintings: “ if this is, for example, a humanoid grandmother with an ax who has lost her mind, then this is her, and not some kind of collective image, metaphor or other crap" However, the artist is disingenuous and his own paintings, upon careful study of their rather voluminous catalog, help to find obvious keys to understanding the already, in general, understandable images.

Deliberate primitiveness and symbolism in Vasya’s works coexist and do not interfere with each other at all. Quite the contrary. You don’t have to be a genius to understand: here Vasya is worried about the fate of the younger generation, here he is stating obvious facts of social behavior, here he is playing up information memes, and here he is simply joking. And there is no less banter in his works than ironic satire, which never slips into poisonous sarcasm. And all because Vasya writes with love and you can feel it.

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Delving into the philological balancing act and drawing cultural parallels is a thankless task, and the task was simply to introduce our readers to the work of Vasya Lozhkin, if, for some reason, they are not yet familiar with him; with creativity that carries a charge of positivity and prompts reflection on the pressing issues.

Perhaps only Vasya can talk so cheerfully about sad things (in the context of painting). But it’s not just about sad things. And this also reflects our reality - if you think about it carefully, we have much more reasons to cry than to laugh. But we laugh more often, despite the fact that sometimes it is laughter through tears.