Direct educational activities in the senior group of dows. Node summary

  • 08.04.2019

“The origins of children’s abilities and talents are at their fingertips. From the fingers, figuratively speaking, come the finest threads - streams that feed the source of creative thought. In other words, the more skill in a child’s hand, the smarter the child.”

V.A. Sukhomlinsky

Children notice beauty in the world around them very early and are drawn to it, so it is very important, using this desire, to enrich the child’s sensory experience and develop his emotional environment. One of the closest and accessible types of work with children on the formation of fine motor skills is visual and artistic-productive activities.Preschoolers show interest in drawing very early, around the age of two. By drawing, the child organizes and reflects his knowledge about the world. Drawing is as necessary as talking. Comparing paint colors with surrounding objects and nature helps develop a child's FANTASY, CREATIVITY, and IMAGINATION.

With the aim of developing imagination, knowledge of the surrounding world, consolidating the ability to paint with paints, developing aesthetic perception, a sense of composition, spatial thinking and the ability for imaginative thinkingeducators middle group No. 7 “Little Red Riding Hood” organized a joint visual activity (drawing) “Apple tree with golden apples in magical forest" The children learned to paint with paints, blot the brush well on a napkin before picking up paint of a different color. Such activities bring children a lot of joy, and most importantly, they give a charge for children's creativity, making them want to create.

Every child is born an artist. You just need to help him awaken within himself Creative skills, open his heart to goodness and beauty, help him realize his place and purpose in this world.

Reading the book "Classes on visual arts V senior group kindergarten. Class notes" (page 7)

Lesson 8. Drawing “Apple tree with golden apples in magic garden»

Program content. Teach children to create fairy tale image, paint spreading trees, conveying the branching of the crown of fruit trees; depict a lot of “golden” apples. Strengthen the ability to paint with paints (rinse the brush well before picking up paint of a different color, blot the brush on a napkin, do not paint on wet paint). Develop aesthetic perception and sense of composition. Learn to arrange images beautifully on a sheet of paper.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Talk to the children about what has ripened in the gardens beautiful apples. Specify characteristics fruit trees: low trunk, spreading crown. Invite a child to show at the board how to draw an apple tree. Then invite the children to depict apple trees with ripe “golden” apples.

In conclusion, arrange all the drawings for viewing, note that the children drew a lot of fruit trees and it turned out big picture- a “magic garden” in which magical golden apples ripened. Invite the children to say which trees are especially beautiful and why they liked them.

Materials. Landscape sheet, gouache paints, brushes, jar of water, napkin (for each child)

Observations, conversations about the fruit harvest, looking at illustrations.

Lesson 9. Drawing “Cheburashka”

Program content. Teach children to create an image of a loved one in a drawing fairy tale hero: convey the shape of the body, head and other characteristic features. Learn to draw an outline with a simple pencil(do not press too hard, do not circle the lines twice). Strengthen the ability to carefully paint over an image (without going beyond the outline, evenly, without gaps, applying strokes in one direction: from top to bottom, or from left to right, or obliquely with a continuous movement of the hand).

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Show the children a toy Cheburashka or a picture. To say that all the guys know and love Cheburashka, that he is kind and funny. And draw his portrait, but first take a good look at the toy. Clarify with the children the shape and size of the toy parts. Say that first you need to draw an outline with a simple pencil, and then paint over it; remind you that you need to draw easily with a simple pencil, without pressing or tracing the lines several times. Ask the children from which part (body, head) they can start drawing the toy.

Consider all the ready-made drawings, invite the children to highlight the most expressive ones: where is Cheburashka cheerful, sad, funny. Invite the authors of the selected drawings to talk about them.

Materials. A simple (graphite) pencil, colored pencils, a sheet of paper, shaped close to a square (for each child).

Connections with other activities and activities. Reading the book by E. Uspensky “Crocodile Gena and his friends.” Conversation about Cheburashka, games with toys, dramatization games.

Lesson 10. Application “Cucumbers and tomatoes lie on a plate”

Program content. Continue to practice children's ability to cut round and oval-shaped objects from squares and rectangles, cutting corners using a rounding method. Develop coordination of movements of both hands. Strengthen the ability to carefully paste images.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Examine vegetables with children and ask about their shape. Clarify the techniques for cutting them. Invite each child to cut out several tomatoes and cucumbers. During the lesson, keep an eye on correct use scissors, achieve a smooth curve line. Draw children's attention to angular cuts; explain that this happens because the child does not turn the paper smoothly, but in jerks, and sharply squeezes the scissors. Use custom display.

Materials. Vegetables to look at. Circle of white paper with a diameter of 18 cm; blanks of colored paper for cutting out vegetables, scissors, glue, glue brush, napkin (for each child).

Connections with other activities and activities. Conversation about harvesting vegetables in the garden. Modeling vegetables. Didactic games with vegetables (“Wonderful bag”).

Lesson 11. Drawing “What do you like to draw most?”

Program content. Teach children to think about the content of their drawing, to remember necessary methods Images. Cultivate the desire to bring a plan to completion. Develop fine arts. Learn to analyze and evaluate your own drawings and those of your friends.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. At the beginning of the lesson, say that every child has something that he likes to draw most - let him draw exactly that today. Encourage the creation of more interesting and complete images by asking the children what they are planning to draw and reminding them how it can be done.

When finished, review all the drawings and choose the most interesting ones. Invite their authors to tell what they drew. Hang all the drawings in the group room and enjoy their diversity.

Materials. Colored pencils, album sheets (for each child).

Connections with other activities and activities. Games and activities with children. Examination of children's drawings and illustrations in children's books. Reading books, telling fairy tales. Conversations with children about who saw what was interesting and unusual.

"The astronauts went into space"

Stas P., senior group

Lesson 12. Drawing “Autumn Forest”

Program content. Teach children to reflect autumn impressions in drawings, to draw a variety of trees (large, small, tall, low, slender, straight and crooked). Learn to depict trees, grass, leaves in different ways. Strengthen the techniques of working with a brush and paints. Develop activity and creativity. Continue to develop the ability to enjoy beautiful drawings.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Talk with children about autumn natural phenomena. Remember previously learned poems about autumn, read new ones. Ask what trees the guys saw in the forest, in the park. Invite them to draw a picture autumn forest(parka). Remind that children depicted trees, grasses, and leaves in different ways.

During the lesson, monitor the methods of painting with watercolors, correct the children who act incorrectly.

Materials. Illustrations on the topic. Watercolor paints, album sheets, brushes, palette, jar of water, napkin (for each child).

Connections with other activities and activities. Observations on walks. Conversations with children about how autumn has changed everything around. Singing songs, learning poems about autumn.

Lesson 13. Modeling “Beautiful Birds” (Based on folk Dymkovo toys)

Program content. Develop children's aesthetic perception. Induce a positive emotional attitude towards folk toys. Strengthen sculpting techniques: rolling clay, pulling, flattening, pinching. Develop creativity.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Display Dymkovo and Filimonov birds for viewing (you can also use other local crafts); note how bright and elegant they are. Ask the children what kind of toys they are, what they are made of, how they are similar and how they differ from each other. Invite each child to sculpt a bird (optional). Clarify by asking the children how they will sculpt.

At the end of the lesson, look at all the birds and rejoice overall result, mark the most expressive images.

Materials. Clay, stacks, boards for modeling (for each child).

Connections with other activities and activities. Getting to know Dymkovo toys, looking at their paintings.

Lesson 14. Drawing “It’s Raining”

Program content. Teach children to figuratively reflect impressions of the life around them in drawings. Strengthen the ability to build a composition of a drawing. Learn to use acquired techniques to convey phenomena in a drawing. Practice drawing with simple graphite and colored pencils (colored wax crayons, charcoal pencil, sanguine).

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Read poems about autumn to children. Remind that in autumn it often rains and people walk along the streets under umbrellas. Offer to draw a rainy autumn day in the countryside, in a field. Clarify the sequence of the image (first the terrain is drawn: forest, field, rain is drawn in last resort). Remind children different ways drawing rain, grass, trees.

At the end of the lesson, review all the drawings, marking the most expressive ones, including new images.

Materials. A simple (graphite) pencil, colored pencils or colored wax crayons, album sheets (for each child).

Connections with other activities and activities. Observations in nature, reading books. Examination of paintings and illustrations on the theme of autumn (draw children’s attention to the image of open umbrellas).

Lesson 15. Application “Dish with fruits and berries” (Collective work)

Program content. Continue to practice techniques for cutting out round and oval-shaped objects. Teach children to make small indentations with scissors by eye to convey the characteristic features of objects. Reinforce techniques for careful gluing. Build skills teamwork. Develop a sense of composition.

Methodology of conducting the lesson. Consider fruits with children (apples, pears, plums, peaches, grapes). Clarify their shape and characteristic features. Ask how you can cut an apple or pear. Call one of the guys to show up to the board.

Use the image cut out by the child to show how you can make an apple look more like it by using scissors to make a small indentation at the bottom and a deeper one at the top.

Summary of drawing lesson: “Apple tree with golden apples.”
Teacher additional education Mishchenko Nadezhda Viktorovna, Municipal preschool educational institution « Kindergarten“Fairy Tale”, Karymskoye village, Trans-Baikal Territory
Preparatory group
Date of creation: October 2016
Goal: teach children to draw an image fairy tree- apple trees.
Educational: Learn to create a fairy-tale image, draw spreading trees, conveying the branching of the crown of fruit trees. Strengthen your drawing skills unconventional methods drawing (drawing with foam rubber pokes). Learn how to correctly place an image on a sheet of paper
Developmental: develop interest in artistic activities, aesthetic perception, the ability to combine the beauty of the world, develop imagination, creativity, and visual skills.
Educating: To cultivate accuracy, perseverance, and the ability to behave.

Materials: sheets of paper according to the number of children, gouache, foam sponges, brushes, wet wipe, palette.
1 part. Introductory.
- In a certain kingdom, in far away country, there lived a Gardener. Every autumn, golden apples ripened in his garden. Well, trouble happened: the Dragon flew in and ate all the apples and burned the apple trees. The Gardener became sad and went to the Wizard for advice. The wizard thought and thought and said: “I can help you revive the garden, but I need pictures with painted apple trees.”
- Guys, let's help the Gardener: draw apple trees with golden apples! Do you agree?
Physical education minute.
There is an apple tree by the road,
(arms clasped above head, fingers unclenched)
An apple hangs on a branch.
(put your wrists together)
I shook the branch hard
(arms above head, forward and backward movements)
Here we have an apple.
(palms in front of the chest, imitate holding an apple)
I'll dig into the sweet apple,
(join wrists, spread palms)
Oh, what a pleasant taste.
Part 2. Main.
- Where do we start drawing? (draw a horizon line) Using the horizon line, we divide the sheet into sky and earth. Since this is a magical garden in which golden apples grow, let’s draw a sky of an unusual color. Apply three colors to the top of the sheet with strokes: blue, red and yellow. Using a damp cloth, rub the three colors into a single background.
- Next, paint the bottom of the sheet. Apply three colors to the bottom of the sheet with strokes: dark green, light green and yellow. Using a damp cloth, rub the three colors into a single background.
- The apple tree is located in the center of the leaf. We draw an apple tree: first we draw the trunk and branches with a brush brown paint. Then we draw the leaves by “dipping”. To draw leaves we need green gouache. First, we draw the leaves by “dipping” dark green paint, and then add light green leaves.
- We will draw apples with a foam sponge. We apply yellow and red gouache to the palette. Dip one edge of the sponge into yellow paint, the other edge into red paint. Place the sponge in a column and gently scroll. It turns out to be a round apple with a red side.
Independent work.
Part 3. Final.
- Oh, what magical apples on the apple tree! Round, golden, with a pink side!
Offer to admire the resulting drawings. I will photograph these drawings and send them to the Wizard. The Wizard promised to revive the apple trees and give them to the Gardener.

Tasks. Teach children to draw apples on a branch, strengthen children’s ability to apply one layer of paint to another using the poking method; expand knowledge about fruits; awaken interest in nature, attention to its seasonal changes.

Material. A landscape sheet of paper, gouache, two brushes (one must be hard, made of natural bristles), a small piece of paper to check the color.

Progress of the lesson.

Teacher reads or tells: “Autumn is one of the most beautiful times of the year. Slowly circling in the air, yellowed leaves fall from the trees, carved oak leaves and golden hearts of birch leaves rustle underfoot. Against their background, the blushing ones seem so festive Maple leaves...And the apples ripened in the orchards. How many of them! Juicy, tasty and so different in size, shape and color. Yellow and green, red and white, striped and speckled, with bright barrels and a delicate blush... Apples are not only tasty, but also very healthy. They contain many vitamins and other substances necessary for the human body. Both adults and children like apples. You can eat fresh apples, you can make jam from them, make juice, or dry them. And what delicious pies Our mothers and grandmothers bake with apple filling!”

“Imagine that an apple tree branch is looking into our window. Like this one, for example.” Show the children a sample, clarify with them the shape and color of apples, leaves, branches. Invite the children to draw a branch. Sequence of drawing: first, children draw circles with pokes in yellow gouache - apples (quantity and location - at the request of the children); then poke the branches.

Children draw. Don’t forget to remind them every time that, after putting paint on a brush, you need to make a few test pokes on a piece of paper to remove excess paint and check its color.

First pause. Rhythmic gymnastics “Apple picking” (any music, with a clear rhythm).



We are going to the orchard.

Inhale the aroma of apples.

We want to pick apples from the tree.

Maybe we can jump to them?

Let's think about how to pick apples?

We need to put up a ladder!

We pick the apples and put them in the basket.

We've collected the apples, now let's rest.

Walking in place.

Breathing exercises.

Rising on tiptoes

They pull one at a time. Then the other hand up.

The same thing, only with a jump.

Half squat,

Hands slightly to the sides.

Simulates climbing stairs.

Simulate picking apples.

They sit on chairs and close their eyes.

After a pause, children paint with a thin brush the leaves, the place where the apples are attached to the branch and their core.

Second pause. Didactic game"Who is bigger?"

What can be made from apples? (Jam, jam, marmalade; juice is squeezed out of them, dried, pickled, etc.)

What do apples taste like? (Sweet, sour, juicy, sweet and sour, soft, hard, etc.)

What are the different colors of apples? (Children's answers.)

What words describe apples in Russian fairy tales? (Ruddy, liquid, golden.)

The yellow paint on the apples has dried by this time - you can paint a blush on them with light pokes.

Teacher:“What an apple orchard we have! The apples are large, rosy, and just begging to be put into your mouth.

What wonderful fruits -

There is no tastier, juicier food!

Yellow, red

Autumn generously colors them.

It's impossible to get past them

Walk nearby indifferently

I just want to eat them.

And they, filled with juice,

From the ripe branches with your side

They beckon us, teasing us,

It’s like they’re saying, “Eat me!”