Nail service: how to open your own business. How to open a manicure salon at home

  • 11.10.2019

Approximate data:

  • Monthly income – 246,000 rubles.
  • Initial costs – 318,400 rubles.
  • Net profit – 43,860 rubles.
  • Payback – from 8 months.
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article we will try to draw up a detailed business plan for a nail salon with calculations.

Market analysis

Today, in the market associated with the beauty industry, nail salons are increasingly opening. Their number has increased over the past few years. They used to be part of beauty salons, but the trend has changed. Demand has increased due to the fashion for such procedures as nail extensions using tips, gel extensions, shell polish, and classic manicure. About 20% of women use the services of nail salons on a regular basis; there are fewer men – only 5%.

Many private entrepreneurs are interested in opening such a business. This is due to high demand. Most often, the main advantage over competitors is not only the professionalism of specialists, but also the use of modern techniques in their work.

By the way, according to experts, more than 50% of all beauty salon services are manicures in its various forms.

Based on the results of surveys of the owners of such salons, it turned out that most often girls aged 19-38 years use the services of nail salons. The age range is quite wide.

Adult women use proven techniques, young ladies prefer something new, bright, catchy.

Today, the average Russian woman wants to look beautiful and well-groomed. As you know, it is very important for a woman what condition her nails are in. At all times, their health and strength were signs that a lady really cared about her appearance. In addition, fashion and the opinions of others have a huge influence on the fairer sex. Therefore, the demand for services can change very quickly and like an avalanche.

Women primarily evaluate the quality of procedures and their safety.

As the experts themselves note, the market for manicure services can continue to expand for quite some time, because it is no more than half full.

The highest level of competition is observed in the segment of premium manicure services; the situation is somewhat easier in the mid-price part of the market. It is this niche that is considered the most promising and free in terms of competition and barriers encountered at the entrance to the market.

In Moscow alone, income from manicure services amounts to about 1.3 billion rubles annually.

There are no serious players in this market today. However, competition and the number of manicure service providers is growing very quickly. Now is the most favorable time to enter the market, when it is not yet fully formed.

SWOT analysis

Factors influencing the activities of an organization are divided into internal and external.



  • Offer of current services.
  • Good location.
  • Competitive price.
  • Availability of a developed marketing and advertising policy.
  • Use of quality raw materials.
  • Qualified specialists.
  • Providing quality services.

Weak sides:

  • Lack of work in this area.
  • Dependence on the landlord.
  • Narrow range of services (at first).
  • Lack of related services.
  • Lack of client base.

External factors:


  • Growing demand for the service.
  • Opportunity to take your place in the market.
  • Attracting highly qualified specialists.
  • Using subsidies from the state for the development of small businesses.
  • Wholesale purchase of quality raw materials.
  • Rapid market penetration by new competitors.
  • Some clients leave for other salons.
  • Increase in utility and rental payments.
  • Increased cost of raw materials.
  • Reduced consumer opportunities.

Opportunity Assessment

Nail salon services are not in seasonal demand. The only thing you need to remember is that during the holiday season the number of clients becomes larger than usual, because women want to look beautiful. Work will be carried out according to the following schedule:

Total: 77 working hours per week. For service you will need four manicurists and 2 administrators. With a schedule of a day every other day or two every two.

After developing a base of regular customers, it is possible to hire additional staff if the area of ​​the premises allows.

Solving organizational and legal issues:

  1. Initially, it is necessary to decide on the organizational and legal form of the enterprise. This could be an individual entrepreneur, LLC. From a legal and accounting point of view, the most profitable solution would be to choose an individual entrepreneur. Here . To register, you must pay a state fee of 800 rubles and submit an application indicating the type of economic activity. The OKVED code will be 93.02 – Provision of services by hairdressing and beauty salons. The list of services provided includes manicure.
  2. The organization must be registered with the tax authorities. It's best to choose. In this case, the tax base can be income (6%) or the difference between income and expenses (6-15% depending on the region).
  3. If you accept card payments from your clients, you will need to open a current account. To do this, read the article about.
  4. It is necessary to conclude a rental agreement for the premises. It is worth considering that the minimum area for each master is 6 m2.
  5. Rospotrebnadzor is necessary in a certain area.
  6. It is imperative to develop a plan-program for industrial control over the sanitary condition of the premises.
  7. All employees must have medical records.
  8. You can contact government agencies to receive subsidies. This will be especially true for those who do not have sufficient start-up capital.

Some more information . Before renovating premises, remodeling them, or installing furniture, you must be sure to familiarize yourself with two very important documents that directly relate to the provision of manicure services:

  • GOST R 51142-98 “Household services Hairdressing salon services General technical conditions”.
  • SanPiN“Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the location, structure, equipment, maintenance and operating hours of public utility organizations providing hairdressing and cosmetic services.”

Knowing all the nuances, it will be much easier to pass Rospotrebnadzor inspections. It will also be possible to avoid fines for violations.

Rented premises:

This will be commercial real estate. The salon will have 2 masters working simultaneously in one office. There will also be a space for an administrator to take calls and work with clients. Additionally, a bathroom will be equipped for visitors and workers. The total area will be 40 m2.

Description of service

The nail salon will provide the following services:

  • Classic manicure.
  • Hardware manicure.
  • Shell varnish coating.
  • Gel extensions.
  • Nail correction.
  • Extension using tips.
  • Therapeutic nail removal.

Any of these procedures lasts from 30 minutes to 1.5 hours. In some cases it may take longer. It all depends on the experience of the master and the speed of his work.

Standard registration is carried out by telephone. An operator answers the calls. Rescheduling is possible 12 hours before the scheduled time.

After the project pays off, it is planned to actively invest money in business development. To begin with, this will include adding several related procedures, such as tinting eyelashes and eyebrows. Later it is planned to expand the premises or open a new point. Pedicure services will be offered.

It is very important that the work is performed by an experienced and high-quality craftsman. This will provide the necessary customer base.

After opening additional points, working masters train newcomers, give them internships, and conduct courses.

Marketing plan

It is very important to conduct geomarketing research before starting work, which will help you choose the most profitable place to work. Carrying out such an analysis is costly and time-consuming. As a rule, entrepreneurs turn to specialized companies for help.

After choosing a place with a high traffic volume of potential buyers, you need to place a salon sign. It should be bright, catchy, interesting, unusual.

  • Leaflets. It is best to distribute them near the salon, in neighboring buildings, or put them in boxes in residential buildings.
  • Business cards. They need to be distributed to customers who have already arrived or right on the street.
  • Adding information to bulletin boards, online catalogs of salons, maintaining your own group on social networks, contextual advertising - the full range of advertising on the Internet.
  • Carrying out promotions, holiday discounts.
  • Discount cards for regular visitors.
  • "Word of mouth." This type of advertising is free and works on its own. To achieve the greatest effect, you need to provide the client with only high-quality services.

It is better to set the price a little lower than average at the very beginning. This will attract more buyers. As the number of clients increases, the cost can be increased. It is very important not to do this abruptly.

Planned revenue:

Name Price per procedure Quantity per month Total revenue from the service
Classic manicure 350 rub. 60 21,000 rub.
Hardware manicure 450 rub. 70 RUB 31,500
Shell varnish coating 700 rub. 90 63,000 rub.
Gel extensions 1000 rub. 50 50,000 rub.
Nail correction 750 rub. 70 RUB 52,500
Extension using tips 800 rub. 30 24,000 rub.
Therapeutic nail removal 400 rub. 10 4,000 rub.
Total 246,000 rub.

The total number of working hours per month is 341. Provided that two craftsmen always work together, the total hourly output per month will be 682 hours.

Therefore, the monthly income will be equal to 246,000 rubles.

Production plan

It is best to immediately find a suitable premises with a major overhaul so that the investment is minimal. After all, the square meters will not be owned, which means it is not worth investing a lot of money in them.

The cost of the renovation will include equipping the bathroom, sinks, and making the exterior look nice. Most likely, you will have to install additional sockets. It will cost 100,000 rubles.

For the work of the masters, you will have to buy special manicure tables, lamps, baths, shelves, chairs for clients and specialists. The administrator will also need a chair and desk. The total cost will be 90,000 rubles.

You will also need a phone and a laptop for working on the Internet, maintaining a database and client records. You can also install a stereo or TV for a fun-filled pastime for your clients. All this will cost 45,000 rubles.

To start work you will have to purchase raw materials. This will include: varnishes, gels, wipes, creams and much more. The total cost will be 30,000 rubles.

The salon will operate:

  • 4 masters. 2 per shift. Work every other day, every other day, or every other day. Piece wages - 40% of income (including insurance premiums and taxes). When hiring, you need to pay attention to experience and qualifications. Payment terms may be revised if the master has his own client base.
  • 2 administrators. Work in two days. The salary is fixed - 18,000 rubles, taking into account insurance contributions and taxes. With sales growth, it is possible to increase wages based on performance results.

Craftsmen clean their workplace themselves. Administrators carry out wet cleaning as needed and as free time is available.

Organizational plan

1 month 2 month
Individual entrepreneur registration 800 rub.
Conclusion of a lease agreement +
Geomarketing and marketing research + +
Advertising 30,000 rub. 10,000 rub.
Repair 100,000 rub.
Purchase of equipment and furniture 90,000 rub.
Purchase of equipment 45,000 rub.
Purchase of raw materials stocks 30,000 rub.
Buying a cash register 10,000 rub.
Connecting a phone, Internet 1600 rub.
Careful search and selection of personnel + +
Starting work +
Total RUB 318,400

Financial plan

  • Monthly income is 246,000 rubles.
  • Initial costs amounted to 318,400 rubles.

Let's calculate monthly costs:

Profit before tax will be: 246,000 – 194,400 = 51,600 rubles.

When calculating tax, we choose the formula (income-expenses) * 0.15 = 7,740 rubles.

Net profit will be equal to 43,860 rubles.

The payback period will be equal to 322,400/43,860 = 7.37. Therefore, after approximately 8 months, the business will be able to break even and generate real profits.

These are average calculations. When changing the amount of working time, the number of employees, orders, etc. the numbers may change significantly.


It is worth highlighting external and internal risks.

External risks include changes in legislation, a possible crisis, and increased competition. All of them ultimately have a negative impact on the profit level and prospects of the organization. If there are serious problems, the enterprise may simply become unprofitable. To avoid possible losses, it is necessary to use risk insurance and increase the quality of services provided.

The onset of internal risks can also have a rather serious impact on the level of income received and net profit. Such risks include: inexperience of personnel, their incompetence, reluctance to work, dismissal of an employee. It is worth working with your foremen and administrators, sending them for advanced training, and creating favorable conditions. You shouldn’t chase profit; you need to involve the workers themselves in the process, interest them in the development of the nail salon.

To more accurately identify risks and conduct an expert assessment, it is worth contacting the appropriate organization, which will help develop a company policy that will help avoid possible troubles.

  1. After the initial costs have been paid off, you should not actively withdraw money from the business. It is better to invest them in the development of your own brainchild.
  2. There is no need to open many jobs. The most effective would be to distribute several salons throughout the city. So the coverage and efficiency will be greater. In one salon, 2-3 simultaneously working employees are enough.
  3. Provide additional services for customers - free coffee, watching movies or something else. You need to make sure that the consumer is as comfortable as possible in your salon.
  4. Get your employees interested in development. To do this, you can set bonuses for fulfilling the plan or increasing interest. During the holidays it is worth pleasing them with at least small gifts. Offer to partially or fully pay for advanced training courses.
  5. Organize coaching within the organization. Let experienced masters teach new ones, receiving part of their earnings, for example. Continuity of generations will be very important both for collective unity and for the performance of all employees.

For the most part, a lot depends on the entrepreneur’s ability to build relationships with his subordinates and competently manage labor resources.

Useful video on opening a nail salon

Important: Remember that you can independently create a business plan specifically for your business. To do this, read the articles:

One last request: We are all human and can make mistakes, leave something out, etc. Do not judge strictly if this business plan or others in the section seem incomplete to you. If you have experience in this or that activity or you see a flaw and can add to the article, please let me know in the comments! This is the only way we can jointly make business plans more complete, detailed and up-to-date. Thank you for your attention!

Beauty services invariably remain in demand, because ladies want to have an impeccable appearance, regardless of the crisis. Therefore, the provision of manicure services often attracts female entrepreneurs. Of course, not everyone will be able to open a large-scale project due to a simple lack of capital, but home-based activities do not require significant investments and, at the same time, bring good income. In this article we will look at how to start a nail business and whether it is profitable.

Real business project opportunities

Considering the large number of potential clients, it is unlikely that doing home manicures will become an unprofitable business. The success of the business depends on how well the master masters the techniques and on the level of his qualifications. Another important point is a creative, non-standard and informal approach to nail design. You also need to know about all the classic and modern trends, which we described in detail in the article. Otherwise, even your favorite job will become a banal routine over time. Given the highly competitive market, you simply will not be able to stay afloat.

Over time, if things go well, you can develop and expand your business. And you need to start small, increasing volumes and rates gradually. The main thing is to form a client base. Provided you perform well, your network of clients will constantly expand. Gradually you will gain a reputation as an excellent craftsman.

According to reviews from entrepreneurs, the nail business is profitable and does not require significant initial costs. Now let's look at the standard algorithm for developing a business project.

First investments

Before you start a home manicure business, you still need to fork out a little money. The very first point is acquiring professional skills and training. You can gain initial skills at specialized nail service courses. Primary courses are usually two weeks long. The average cost of training is about 15-16 USD. e. A more in-depth “introduction to the specialty” will take several months and will cost you about 35-40 USD. e.

Important! When choosing a teacher, pay attention to the balance between theory and practical exercises. Naturally, practice and working with people is always a priority.

After you have acquired the necessary knowledge, you need to pay attention to honing your professional skills. Of course, you can do this at home, but finding a job in a professional salon in your locality is real luck. Firstly, you will be able to learn from more experienced professional craftsmen, and, secondly, you will be able to create a reputation for yourself as a responsible, polite and good craftsman who carries out orders “excellently”. Here you can meet your potential clients.

If you are planning your nail business exclusively at home, offer home manicure services to relatives or friends. Nail service is exactly the type of business activity that is good to promote through word of mouth.

Important! You can attract potential clients using ads in social networking groups.

Now your task is to fulfill orders beautifully, accurately and creatively. This will be your future activity. Now - about the organizational aspects of a nail business at home.

How to start a nail business from scratch? Legal issues

It is hardly possible to build a profitable and growing business without registering as an individual entrepreneurship. The best option would be to purchase a business patent.

The most difficult moment is completing all the necessary paperwork to open a nail business:

  • Practice shows that the most difficult thing is to obtain permission from the SES.
  • Legal business activities will also require the purchase of a cash register.
  • In addition to the conclusion of the sanitary station, you will need a permit from the Consumer Supervision Authority.

Important! As a rule, it takes more than a month to complete all the necessary documentation. You can use the services of professionals who will help you with solving organizational issues in your nail business.

We equip the workplace

When planning to start a nail business, first of all, decide what is more profitable for you: going to a client’s home or accepting orders at home? Of course, it is best to combine both options. However, if you are satisfied with only one type of these practices, this is completely acceptable.

For a home reception, designate one of the rooms as your workspace. A work table for manicure will be placed here, equipped with all the necessary equipment. Consumables can be conveniently stored in drawers and on shelves. It’s not bad if the client sees your arsenal of tools and materials and chooses the type of manicure himself.

Important! A prerequisite is the allocation of an area for instrument sterilization. This is one of the conditions for obtaining permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station. However, obtaining permission from the SES to operate in an apartment is difficult.

If you are planning a nail business in the format of traveling to a client’s home, you will need a folding analogue of a manicure table and a locker for storing tools, accessories and consumables. A well-thought-out portfolio that will help the client make a choice won’t hurt either.

Purchasing tools

So, the ability to travel or receive clients at home eliminates the need to rent premises and associated costs (staff wages, utility bills).

But no matter how hard you try, you can’t escape one investment: the purchase of tools. It is important that the tools are professional grade and of the highest quality.

Important! Remember: under no circumstances should you turn a tool into an article to save money. The entire result of your work, and therefore your competitiveness, depends on it.

You will need:

  • Ultraviolet lamp for gel and acrylic manicure.
  • Sterilization technology.

Important! We have also prepared a detailed article about this type of device with all the necessary information.

  • Hardware nail treatment systems.

In addition, you will need:

  • tools - tweezers, nippers, scissors, spatulas, scalpels;
  • consumables - shellacs, tips, gels, primers, varnishes, disinfectant liquid.

Important! Buying equipment for manicure at home will cost you approximately 1100-1150 USD. e. The cost of monthly replenishment of consumables will be 150-160 USD. e.

We form a client base

Advertising is an important point both when starting and promoting a business. First, offer free services to your friends. If everything worked out well, good reviews of your work are guaranteed, and the “word of mouth” effect will begin to work for you.

Place ads on the Internet with real photographs of completed orders. Over a short period of time, you will be able to acquire enough clients to fill your work schedule. Both promotion methods are simple, affordable and do not require funding.

Important! Take the time to study the prices on the market. It is quite logical for a beginning master to set the cost of services slightly lower than the market average to begin with. The first clients can be served free of charge. Practice shows that this marketing trick works great.

Once you earn enough money, you can think about advertising flyers and advertising in the media. But think about the fact that it is unlikely that you will be able to serve more than 5 customers during the day. Therefore, when the number of orders begins to exceed your physical capabilities, this is a signal to expand your business. Of course, expanding the business will require new investments (renting premises, equipment for a nail studio), but the profits from a nail bar or small salon will far exceed the profits from individual activities.

Naturally, any business has its secrets and nuances. Here are some tips that experienced craftsmen share with beginners:

  • Try to create the most comfortable conditions for clients. Buy a few fashion magazines in case there is a line or there is a scheduling conflict.
  • Develop a good portfolio so that customers can choose the option that they like best.
  • Don't skimp on discounts. A system of discounts for regular customers will help you have your own customer base.
  • Improve your professional level. Continuously learn, monitor trends in the world of manicure. It is useful to start parallel development of hairdressing, makeup and even massage.

Video material

The beautiful half of humanity wants to look beautiful at any time of the year, regardless of the circumstances. A very profitable area in this market segment is the provision of manicure services. It is very important for both a novice entrepreneur and an experienced businessman to draw up a clear and competent business plan for a nail salon with calculations and conduct an analysis of the market and competition in order to have an objective idea of ​​​​the future enterprise that will generate a stable income.

Market analysis

The number of salons providing manicure services is quite high. Many of them have already managed to gain a positive reputation among clients and take the lion's share of profits. Here it is important to study in detail all the pros and cons of the most advanced salons. And try to make sure that your enterprise has a distinctive feature and can somehow stand out from the rest.

Analyze the location of the salons. An important point is the price category of the services provided. There is no point in having a business class manicure salon in a residential area, because... purchasing power will be low. Accordingly, in an area with elite new buildings, economy services will not be held in high esteem. Perhaps you should pay attention to shopping centers, which are a concentration of large masses of people, mostly women.

As numerous sociological surveys show, there is a great demand for these services among the unemployed female half of the population (this includes housewives and young mothers on maternity leave, but who prefer to look good). But going to the other end of the city to paint and process your nails with a small child is quite problematic, but going to the nearest salon, located in a local shopping center, is quite convenient.

If you are targeting the other half of the female population, then it makes sense to think about a location near business centers and offices.

And you can attract both. Main - conduct a complete market analysis andchoose the right place.

Project goals and objectives

Project goals:

  • creating a client base,
  • obtaining net profit in the desired amount (depending on the desires of a particular entrepreneur).

Project objectives:

  • organization of jobs for a certain number of specialists,
  • increasing profits due to the introduction of additional services,
  • attracting new customers through innovations and an active advertising policy.

Have you decided to open a nail salon? What do you need for this?

To open a nail salon you will need:

  1. registration with the tax authorities of you as;
  2. obtaining permission from the SES and fire service. It is necessary to take care in advance to ensure full compliance with all fire safety norms and standards, as well as sanitary hygiene rules. SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the location, design, equipment, maintenance and operating hours of public utility organizations providing hairdressing and cosmetic services” will help you. All personnel must have health certificates;
  3. obtaining a standard license to provide services of this type;
  4. registration with the tax office;
  5. print for your salon.

Business for sports fans: opening your own fitness club from scratch. What you need, where to start, how much it costs - read.

The nuances of choosing a room for a salon

  • As noted earlier, it is advisable to choose places where there are large concentrations of people, mainly women. Namely: shopping centers, places near offices, central streets.
  • Buying or renting premises depends on your desire and financial capabilities. Of course, renting premises for a nail salon in the city center will not be cheap, as will purchasing premises. However, there is no need to rush into purchasing. Within a few months of entrepreneurial activity, you will be able to understand how profitable the business is in a given location. And only after winning a certain client base that will generate a stable income, you can think about buying out the premises for further expansion.
  • Don't forget about a small household. a room in the salon where equipment and work uniforms for staff will be stored.
  • In addition, it is advisable to allocate a small room for employees to relax, where they can eat.
  • Do not forget that, according to the rules of SanPiN, at least 6 m2 is allocated per master.

The cost of renting non-residential premises, for example, in Moscow in 2017 ranges from 250 thousand rubles to 700, depending on the area, location, proximity to the metro, repairs, etc. Thus, you will spend an average of 7-10 million on annual rent . rub. Whereas buying a premises will cost you several tens, or even hundreds of millions.

Equipment, materials

The purchase of equipment and materials should be taken seriously. The equipment must be of high quality and modern. Don't go for cheap. Match it to your salon interior. Now this can be done very easily.

There are various models available on the modern market that can be selected not only by size, but also by color:

  • manicure tables costing from 3 to 15 thousand rubles,
  • lamps for drying - from 3 to 6.5 thousand rubles,
  • manicure machines, wax melters - from 2 to 20 thousand rubles,
  • stands and pads - from 500 rub. and higher,
  • sterilizers and accessories - from 500 rubles. up to 5 thousand,
  • chairs for the master - from 2 to 8 thousand rubles,
  • towels - from 50 rub.,
  • the working material itself (nail polishes, remover, brushes, etc.) - from 50 rubles. and higher.

Buy all equipment only from trusted places with a certificate.


Almost half of the success of your business depends on personnel selection. Take this very seriously, with a great deal of responsibility.

The master must meet several criteria:

  • have a good education in his specialty, it would be nice if he also had a medical education;
  • It is desirable to have diplomas and medals from various competitions and master classes, which indicates high qualifications. All these trophies can be placed in the lobby of your salon to increase your reputation;
  • be polite and competent;
  • Appearance plays a significant role when working with people. It is unlikely that an unkempt master will inspire confidence.

In addition to the craftsmen, you should also think about the service personnel. Administrator, greeting clients, taking calls and requests, cleaning lady. Whether you need an accountant - decide for yourself, based on your requirements, number of staff, monthly profit.

Do you have talent as a hairdresser? Start your business in this direction! Nuances and recommendations for running a business in the hairdressing industry:

Nail salon services

In addition to the main services, you can specialize in a number of others. Pedicure, solarium, hairdresser, makeup artist, cosmetologist.

The highlight of your salon can be a children's room. After all, a considerable part of the clients are young mothers who would gladly visit the salon more often if they had the opportunity to leave their child with someone. Therefore, consider dedicating a small area for children's leisure time. For example, a dry pool could be an excellent solution. And the child is busy, and the mother is happy.

For a solarium, which is in demand all year round, you can purchase special equipment. Well, take care of a coffee machine and a terminal for paying for cellular services. All these not particularly costly measures will help significantly improve the status of the salon.

Promotion of manicure business

So, we've figured out how to open a nail salon from scratch. What to do next? Of course, promote your services and look for clients. Here advertising, a well-known engine of progress, will come to your aid. Advertising for a nail salon can be different. Newspapers, radio or television, leaflets, banners, business cards. It all depends on your imagination and creativity.

Think in advance about creating your own website on the Internet. Bright, beautiful, laconic - it will definitely attract the public.

Financial part

How much does it cost to open a nail salon?

Profit and payback

The cost of a classic manicure in Moscow and Moscow Region is approximately 500-600 rubles. We will take other types of services provided at the rate of 500 - 1500 rubles. Thus, one master per day is able to perform about 5 services worth approximately 5,000 rubles. In total, 5 masters per day will bring about 25 thousand rubles. This amount will be about 750 thousand rubles per month. Of which, net profit minus rent, utilities, staff wages, purchase of necessary materials will amount to 100-150 thousand rubles.

With such amounts, the payback period for the salon will be approximately 10 - 12 months. At the initial stages, this profit will be enough, but with an increase in the range of services provided, proper advertising and attracting a large client base, revenue will grow.


During the implementation of the nail salon business plan, a premises of a certain area (at least 30 m2) will be used. Form of ownership - individual entrepreneur. According to preliminary calculations, opening a manicure salon will cost 620 thousand rubles. excluding employee salaries. The salon will consist of the main room, utility room. premises and rooms for employees.

The main client base, according to our business plan for a manicure studio, will be middle-income females (office workers, residents of nearby houses, etc.).

Now you know how to open a nail salon with the prospect of a successful business.

But manicures, pardon our French, have one drawback: a limited shelf life. This makes girls pick up the phone again, call their favorite manicurist and run to her, headlong.

That is why, as enterprising people, a logical question immediately comes to mind: how to open a nail salon and how much will it cost? We answer: to open a small manicure salon, 500 thousand - 1 million rubles may well be enough. If all goes well and you are lucky with your staff, these costs will pay off in about a year.

In general, there are quite a lot of companies in the field, including network ones. There are also offers for franchises: for example, the franchise of Lena Lenina’s manicure studio is widely known. By opening a manicure studio under the wing of a famous company, you can start under a well-known brand and save yourself from the headache associated with the need to select equipment. On the other hand, by opening your own manicure and pedicure salon, you can save a lot of money, do everything your own way, and then sell yourself beautifully without being bound by job descriptions.

Before we begin

And before we start, we need to decide what kind of manicure salon we are actually opening. There are only two main options: a manicure and pedicure room in your own premises in a “near home” format or an island nail-bar in a shopping center, on the route of the main traffic of shopaholics.

We should also talk about such a thing as manicure at home. This option is more suitable for professional manicurists (or manicurists, you never know), if they read our site at all. Having a certain base of your regular clients, you can receive them at your place or go to their home: this is the most convenient option for busy and rich ladies.

It is also worth thinking about additional services. Claw extensions are good. And for girls who have already conducted many experiments on themselves, done something wrong, and are now afraid to go to the doctor, you can offer nail treatment, all sorts of masks, baths and SPA.

Main risks: strong competition, the need to tinker with staff, financial crisis in the middle class.

“Step-by-step instructions on how to open a manicure salon”


Where do you think your nail salon should open? If you carefully read the previous paragraph, then you already know the answer to this question. We recommend paying attention to relatively non-standard options - the first floors of business and office complexes, shopping centers, in general, the traditional walk-through habitats of our target audience. The main thing is not to poke your nose into basements: it’s better not to joke with sanitary standards.

As for the area of ​​your manicure and pedicure room, then you need to dance based on the number of masters: each workplace should have approximately 8-10 square meters. m and several sockets. There are no special requirements for renovating the premises, but sometimes it’s worth thinking about sending your girls to clients’ homes.


Opening a manicure and pedicure salon is, of course, easier than a beauty salon, however, if you are new to the field, you will have to learn a lot of new words. Manicure tables, cutters, lamps for nail extensions, hand baths, as well as numerous stands for polishes, manicure carts, barks, creams, oils, powders, nail files, napkins - this is not a complete list of what is useful to us in treatment rooms. In general, this, of course, is the topic of a separate article - and if your plans do not include an analysis of brands, terms and sizes of nail files, you can turn to specialists. The main thing is that after all this, don’t forget about the computer, TV and sofas at the reception.


Personnel is our everything, especially when it comes to manicure. It is best to take relatively well-known masters with an established client base: it is known that many clients are ready to follow their favorite manicurist around salons throughout the area and turn on the word of mouth mode. True, this requires connections, and the manicurists themselves have no particular desire to get a job in an unknown salon, so there is only one way out: do not save on wages and a percentage of the cost of the procedures, that is, make an offer that they cannot refuse.

Documents and licenses

No matter what anyone thinks or says, manicure is a household service. Therefore, whether you are opening an express manicure or a full-fledged manicure-pedicure salon, you do not need to obtain a special license: it is enough to register, say, an individual entrepreneur, fill out a package of SES documentation and, if you are lucky enough to grab your premises, deal with the housing office and firefighters .


The best promotion for a nail salon that has opened from scratch is a good place with a large sign and good specialists with a decent reputation. Having caught two birds with one stone, you can breathe out calmly: word of mouth will make itself felt. You’ve already heard about the great loyalty of your clients, so add to this the fact that they are ready to quickly spread your fame and happily answer the question “oh, what a cool manicure, where do you go?” Thus, one old client will not only return every now and then, but will also bring 10 new ones.

However, no one is stopping you from adding fuel to the fire: here you have discount cards for regular customers, and “a second manicure as a gift,” and leaflets in office centers with business cards in glamorous cafes. You can negotiate with various clothing stores so that if you purchase over a certain amount, they will give you a certificate for a free visit to your salon. In general, if you did everything well, you will quickly become famous in the circle and there will be no end to clients even without unnecessary advertising.


Opening a beauty and pedicure salon is much easier than opening a beauty salon. At the same time, to start, you can spend up to a million or open a franchise business and not worry about branding and selection of equipment. To design a salon, it is better to choose an individual entrepreneur, thereby simplifying bookkeeping and mitigating the tax burden. But the success of your business will largely depend on the location and the specialists who work for you - if you can attract good specialists, then there will be no end to clients, even without unnecessary advertising.

  • Salon financial plan
  • Business opening technology
        • Similar business ideas:

Business plan for opening an express manicure salon in a shopping center on an area of ​​6 square meters. m.

How much money do you need to start a business?

According to preliminary calculations of the business plan, the costs of opening a nail salon will include:

  • Deposit for renting premises (2 months) - 80 thousand rubles.
  • Equipment - 500 thousand rubles.
  • Consumables - 40 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising sign - 30 thousand rubles.
  • Business registration and other expenses - 20 thousand rubles.

Total - 670 thousand rubles. It is planned to use 60% of our own funds and 40% of borrowed funds (bank loan) for the implementation of the project.

Prospects for the nail salon market

Recently, there has been an increase in the number of newly opened nail salons. Step by Step Group experts characterize this market segment as attractive from a financial point of view. Speaking in numbers, almost 20% of the female population of large cities use the services of nail salons. In a city with a million people, the potential customer audience is approximately 100 thousand people. The lion's share of clients relate to the service in terms of fashion, maintaining a high status in society and prestige. Despite the growing demand among the population, the nail salon market today is not saturated. Although there is competition, there are still no large, online players. Therefore, small businesses can feel quite comfortable.

Which OKVED code should I indicate when registering this business?

It was decided to register individual entrepreneurship as an organizational form. We believe that this is the optimal org. form for a small manicure salon. The application for registration will indicate OKVED code 93.02 - “Provision of services by hairdressing and beauty salons.” The taxation system will be UTII - a single tax on imputed income. With UTII, the tax is paid based on the area of ​​the object, which in this case is minimal. This means that the tax will not be large (4 - 6 thousand rubles per month). The nail salon is planned to be located in a high-traffic area. For this purpose, a lease agreement was concluded for a premises of 6 square meters. m. in one of the city's popular shopping centers. The rent will be 40 thousand rubles per month. Expensive, but we believe that it will pay off with the high customer flow of the shopping center. In addition, the location in a shopping center will significantly reduce the cost of advertising the salon.

What equipment to choose for a nail salon

To provide high-quality manicure services, it is planned to purchase the optimal set of equipment: a manicure table, a manicure stand, chairs for masters, UV lamps for extensions, a vacuum cleaner and related products (manicure roller, nail polish stand, manicure lamp, manicure bath). The estimated cost of purchasing equipment will be 500 thousand rubles. To provide services, four specialists will be hired to work on a 2/2 shift schedule. The salary will be set as salary + a percentage of the proceeds from the client. Experienced craftsmen will be hired, but it is possible that novice specialists will also be hired. It is planned to send unqualified workers to advanced training courses. The duties of the workers will include not only providing manicure services, but also monitoring the cleanliness of the work area. The employee is required to carry out daily wet cleaning of the work surface and wash the table from drops of varnish. A special manicure machine with a vacuum cleaner will be used to remove acrylic dust.

“It is better to use disposable towels. If they are rags, you will need to conclude an agreement with laundries or you will have to open a separate laundry room.”

Nail salon marketing plan

The salon plans to provide the following services:

  • Classic manicure (800 rub.)
  • Manicure “Economy” (900 rub.)
  • Manicure “All inclusive” (RUB 1,100)
  • Therapeutic manicure (RUB 1,300)
  • Manicure + Shellac (RUB 1,400)
  • Children's manicure (RUB 700)

Promotion of a nail salon will be carried out in several ways. The first thing that will be done is business cards. They are planned to be distributed to other related salons in the area: massage parlors, spa salons, tanning salons, hairdressers, and so on. It is also planned to advertise the salon on the Internet as much as possible: create a group on social networks, leave information on forums and message boards, add the company to the online directory of organizations.

Salon financial plan

Fixed monthly expenses

  • Rent of premises - 40 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising - 20 thousand rubles.
  • Taxes (UTII) - 5 thousand rubles.
  • Salary + insurance (4 people) - 110 thousand rubles.

Total - 175 thousand rubles. Income

  • The average bill for the service is 1000 rubles.
  • Number of clients per day - 10 people. (only 5 people per master).
  • Revenue per day - 10,000 rubles.
  • Revenue per month - 300,000 rubles.

How much can you earn by opening a nail salon?

Hence the profit: 300,000 - 175,000 = 125,000 rubles. The profitability of a nail salon, according to business plan calculations, is 41%. With such indicators, the project should pay for itself in 10 - 12 months. (taking into account the period for promotion of the point).

Step-by-step plan for opening a nail salon

  1. Conducting a situational analysis of the market and customer base.
  2. Choosing a salon format: home service, opening a salon.
  3. Registering a business and obtaining permits to operate.
  4. Search for colleagues.
  5. Rent and arrangement of premises.
  6. Purchase of consumables, equipment, inventory.
  7. Conducting an advertising campaign.
  8. Starting a business.

What documents are needed to open a nail salon?

The easiest way to open a nail salon is to register an individual entrepreneur by providing the tax service with a photocopy of your passport, an application and paying the state fee.

Which taxation system to choose for business registration

For the salon, you can choose 3 taxation systems:

  • UTII is a flat tax that is better suited than other systems;
  • The simplified tax system is a system in which there is no need to maintain accounting records.
  • Purchasing a patent does not exist in all regions of the Russian Federation.

Do I need permission to open?

It will not be possible to open a nail salon without obtaining permission from the SES and fire inspection. Government agencies will check the premises for compliance with standards and issue the necessary document. The nail salon must meet the requirements of the sanitary service: workplace - at least 6 square meters. m, furniture - dry-cleanable, sink for washing instruments, sterilization chambers. Opening a nail salon is not subject to licensing.

Business opening technology

Great success is achieved by those nail salons that give preference to quality and the study of new techniques and trends. For business to flourish, it is recommended to open a location in a crowded place, provide individual discounts, and hold promotions for the holidays. The technology for opening a nail salon is simple - studying the market, renting premises, purchasing equipment and hiring real professionals. But the main thing is your own concept, which leads to your goals. As a rule, most clients give preference not to the location of the salon, but to a specific master.