About the perception of information and its impact on human health, on countries and on relations between states. Information and its influence on people The influence of information on a person - relationships of manipulation

  • 22.08.2024

In the modern world, a person simply drowns in a mass of information that constantly affects him.

Everywhere you look there are sources of information that, of course, have an impact.

In this article we will talk about what information is and how, in connection with this, a person can protect himself and reduce the level of manipulation of his consciousness.

After all, surrounding information affects a person’s needs, aspirations, goals and desires.

Through a certain presentation of information, you can force a person to do anything.

First, let's understand what information is.

Information is...

This term can be defined as follows.

Information- information about the surrounding world and the processes occurring in it, perceived by humans or special devices; messages informing about the state of affairs, the state of something.

A person receives information from television, radio broadcasting and communications.

Traditional remedies:

  • printed periodicals of the media (newspapers, magazines, etc.);
  • fiction, educational and scientific-journalistic literature;
  • television and radio broadcasting;
  • theatrical and concert activities;
  • film distribution;
  • museums;
  • exhibitions, etc.;
  • electronic sources.

Modern methods of information include:

  • printed (all information is on paper or another kind of basis)
  • ethereal (sound sources)
  • electronic.

The electronic system includes radiotelephone networks, audio and video recordings, CDs and, of course, computer systems with the global Internet network.

All of the above methods of mass media are of great importance in the life of society and have a direct or indirect impact on people.

The means of mass communication are capable of so globally changing the life of an individual and various societies that “information bombs” are among the most effective weapons in various types of wars - economic, political, ideological.

And the media is not only capable, they are doing it now.

It is difficult to overestimate both the creative and destructive power of mass communication.

Due to the abundance of information, it is difficult for a person to navigate the information flow and distinguish false information from true information. The so-called “yellow press” has become widespread in the information services market, providing information without comment or information for which it does not bear legal responsibility.

Our country is undergoing a real revolution in the development of information networks. Foreign radio stations received freedom to broadcast, in addition to state-owned ones, private television and radio companies and satellite communication systems appeared.

What should you do to protect yourself from the negative influence of the media?

1) First of all, it is necessary to develop an active life position.

To do this, you need to have information on the issue you are interested in from different sources, and be able to analyze this information in order to draw a conclusion about where and in which source the information is more complete and reliable. We must learn to give an objective assessment of current events.

It's healthy to analyze and reason.

2) When receiving information, it is necessary to know whose ownership the given media is (whether it is state-owned or private) in order to understand the target orientation of this or that information.

3) Lead a healthy lifestyle. Eliminate bad habits. Since a weakened, sick and exhausted person is easier to manage and manipulate.

4) Expand your consciousness. Try to perceive information in a comprehensive and multifaceted way.

The media are becoming an increasingly significant factor in human existence and development, especially at a young age.

You need to approach information consumption consciously, just like the products you select for your consumption.

The information a person relies on builds his reality and determines his worldview.

Therefore, you should be aware of the perception of incoming information.

Think about how you perceive information. Please take some time to think about this article. Now answer your questions:

  • Do you watch TV?
  • Do you believe everything you hear on the news?
  • Does advertising influence you? (Many people are absolutely sure that advertising definitely doesn’t influence them, but as soon as they compare the list of things they buy with what is advertised on TV, their opinion changes)

However, more and more people are realizing that watching TV is a waste of time and not a very useful one. But such people actively use the Internet, which also has enough advertising and informational influence on people.

What conclusion can be drawn from all of the above?

It is necessary to be aware and expand consciousness, then any influence on a person will be useless.

Information (from the Latin Informatio - explanation, presentation) - in the most general sense, is a measure of the distribution of matter and energy in space and time, a measure of changes that accompany all processes occurring in the world.

There are many unresolved issues in research related to the concept of information. The debate is still ongoing whether information is a property of all material things, or only living organisms, or exclusively intelligent, consciously acting beings.

The information has a number of important features:

§ Actually, we can talk about information only when at least one object in material interaction is a living organism. Based on this, information is the surrounding reality perceived by a living organism through the senses in the form of the distribution of matter and energy in time and space and the processes of their redistribution.

§ Information is not material, although its carrier is matter.

§ The more complex an object of the material world or a process, the more information it carries.

§ The more complex the organism, the more variants of its behavior can correspond to the same information received.

Any information has three main parameters:

§ quantity;

§ value.

The quantitative aspect is studied mainly by mathematical statistics, the content - by semantic theory. The most famous formula for the amount of information was proposed by K. Shannon: the amount of information is expressed by the quantitative change in uncertainty as a result of the message. A. Kolmogorov solves the problem algorithmically: here the amount of information corresponds to the complexity of the algorithm that transfers the system from one state to another. The essence of the semantic approach to the problem: information is meaningful texts consisting of signs of a certain language. There is a system in which these signs are distinguishable and meaningful (information carriers). Comprehension assumes that the signs are known to the perceiving system (receiver of information). The latter must contain a subsystem that allows you to explain each concept using a set of other concepts - the so-called thesaurus. Information is perceived by the receiver through a chain of translations - a thesaurus translation of the signs of the native language into the language of the receiver. Based on the information obtained in this way, the system reacts to the surrounding world.

The concept of information is fundamental in the cybernetic theory of N. Wiener and his followers, who claim that all control and communication processes in living nature, society, and machines are a process of transmission, storage and processing of information. The acting object absorbs the latter from the surrounding world and uses it to choose the correct behavior. The amount of information is the amount of choice, or negative entropy - the basis and means of combating cybernetic “noise” that distorts information (in the thermodynamic sense, “noise” means an increase in entropic chaos).

Information includes substantive and representative components. The content component of information reflects its essential side, associated with the reflection of reality. The representative component determines the form of presentation of information for transmission, ensuring its adequate perception by the consumer.

Information is characterized by the form of presentation, content and the cost of human intellectual labor for its creation.

The form of information presentation can be classified according to:

§ degree of order;

§ form of fastening;

§ Availability.

The main properties of information are:

§ the ability to influence the psyche;

§ significance (completeness);

§ reliability;

§ integrity;

§ adequacy.

The ability to influence the psyche is an integral property of information. The fundamental property of information (in relation to a person) is to exist independently, detached from the object of reflection, to become the contents of memory, that is, to independently participate in mental processes, transforming into ideas, knowledge, skills.

The significance of information is the property of information to maintain its consumer value for the recipient over time, i.e. not subject to obsolescence.

Reliability of information - compliance of the information received with the actual situation. Reliability is achieved:

§ designation of the time of occurrence of the events, information about which is transmitted;

§ careful study and comparison of data obtained from various sources;

§ checking doubtful information; timely concealment of disinformation and camouflage measures;

§ with the exception of distorted information transmitted via technical means.

Information integrity is the immutability of information under conditions of accidental or intentional actions during the operation of an information system. The integrity of information also means the relevance and consistency of information, its protection from destruction and unauthorized changes.

Adequacy or aging of information is the property of information to lose its practical value over time, due to changes in the state of the subject area it represents.

A person of the 21st century cannot complain about a lack of information.

Moreover, its excess sometimes overloads the brain quite heavily.

  • What should people do who, having heard or seen something traumatic, may be in a depressed and anxious state for a long time?
  • How to learn to restore yourself after a stressful situation?
  • How to deal with people who are overly impressionable?
  • Superstition as an additional source of negative information.

These are the main issues that will be discussed in this material.

Most people can remember an example from their lives when, having learned something unpleasant, they felt like “the ground was disappearing from under their feet”... This state of stress and the physical sensations associated with it are quite understandable. But some people manage to quickly return to a state of normalcy, while others cannot “part with” the negative information received for hours (days, weeks). Of course, everything depends on the characteristics of the human nervous system.

In times of stress, you can hardly remember advice and recommendations. But they can come in handy at a time when the memory of an unpleasant event begins to re-ignite anxiety.

How can you help yourself in such situations?

Understand yourself

Usually, when a person begins to remember something negative, he either scolds himself for it or is afraid of his own thoughts. Both of these further increase internal tension. In this regard, you should explain to yourself:

  • "I can think about it"
  • "I have the right to remember"
  • “Every person tends to remember both good and bad.”

At this time, internal support is felt.

Figure out what's going on

“Can I at this time influence the course of events that happened in the past?”
Most likely the answer will be: “No!”

Accordingly, ask the following question: “Am I now worried that a tragedy has happened to someone - or am I afraid that something similar will happen to me?”

Help yourself

When thoughts about sympathy for other people come, it is worth explaining to yourself that the tendency to empathy is your strong trait, and if through it you can help someone, then great. Is there no way to change something? Thank yourself for the fact that you are naturally given to be a sincere person. But this should not harm your own health in any way.

In cases where fear for oneself turns on, explain that this is how the instinct of self-preservation expresses itself. The scary pictures that appear in your head are just the work of the imagination turned on against the backdrop of negative emotions.

You can become a victim both from information that concerns you personally, and from information that has absolutely nothing to do with the person.

As you know, there is no way to insure yourself against stress and negativity. But it is still possible to reduce the risk of exposure to destructive information. People whose impressionability is pronounced need to adhere to some rules:

  • Avoid watching violent videos and videos that depict various types of disasters. Read the titles before opening them. If curiosity and the desire to be aware of any event manifest themselves, then it would be safer to limit yourself to reading without viewing photos and videos.
  • Forget about the “Google symptoms” method of diagnosing your own health. Thousands of people traumatize themselves with information by independently diagnosing themselves through Internet resources. It’s not for nothing that medicine takes many years to study. Only professional knowledge and a properly structured examination can provide an understanding of a person’s state of health.
  • Don't forget that everyone can make mistakes. Any information, if it is important, needs to be double-checked.

People prone to anxiety, worry and hypochondria can rarely be understood by those close to them. As a result, their anxiety becomes even worse.

In this regard, some wishes for those who are nearby:

  1. Try to be understanding about the condition of your loved ones: “I understand you. You are an impressionable person. Let’s look for ways together to make it easier for you!”
  2. Eliminate ridicule and comments such as: “Why are you stressing yourself out like that!”, “You have nothing to do!”, “I would like your problems!”
  3. Suggest specific actions. Worried about your health? Offer to get tested. Overloaded with negative information? Invite to some place where you can switch to positive emotions.

Since childhood, people fill themselves with dozens of superstitions, which can also lead to negative thoughts and internal imbalance.

An example from life.
The person has an interview scheduled for Monday. But since childhood, his grandmother had told him that things might not go very well on Mondays. What does a suspicious person do? He begins to worry about how successful this important event will be. Although in fact you need to explain to yourself that this is just a stereotype once invented by someone and there is no evidence of its effectiveness.

If a black cat crosses your path, then she has business on the next street!

Man is a unique creature living on Earth. He has great abilities in thinking, memory, imagination, and speech. There are only unconfirmed assumptions in various versions about its appearance on our planet. Its capabilities have not been fully determined. Let us turn to various statements about human development.

Anthropologists claim that several hundred thousand years ago the evolution of homo sapiens as a biological species ceased. But...Cro-Magnons and modern humans are practically the same species. Since the Neolithic era, any noticeable differences disappear completely. Then the reason for what happened remains unclear. From various sources we learn that such a living fossil as a shark has remained almost unchanged throughout the history of development. Most likely, almost unchanged living conditions in the water space have an effect. Man, a creature endowed with a flexible mind and a tireless desire to understand the world around him, mastered new portions of knowledge, used them in various life situations, acquiring, consolidating and developing more and more new skills and abilities. His brain could not limit itself to a certain standard of knowledge. The gradual development of new territories, a changing climate and adaptation to new conditions - all this changed the habitat, posed new tasks for man to survive, that is, contributed to the search for new means of coexistence in the community and the environment. This was a condition for the development of thought, and therefore thinking and, naturally, the human mind. We have the right to assume that the development of the human mind has nevertheless progressed, but outwardly imperceptibly. Adapting to new living conditions, people changed the environment, which led to changes in human essence and condition.

On the way to progress

Adapting to environmental conditions, man constantly searched, found and improved ways to help him thoroughly establish himself in existing conditions. The desire to survive has become the main driving force of human progress. A revolution in human life was the wire telegraph, which made it possible to exchange information in real time, without delays or delays. Newspapers began to be published more often. Over the years, the press has played a leading role in the exchange and supply of information. The advent of radio speeded up the delivery of information several times. People in a short period of time received information about the facts of events from different parts of the country and the globe.

Radio broadcasting has become a strong competitor to newspaper and magazine publishing houses, which have always been considered the property of the elite. It wasn't cheap. The need for daily information could not satisfy people's needs due to lack of funds. In addition, many people were illiterate and could not independently obtain information from the press. Radio was more accessible to the people, since loudspeakers were hung in publicly accessible places - in squares and crowded places. But radio broadcasting immediately became the main means of influencing the masses in the right direction to influence the masses. The “carrot and stick” policy has become less intense and more subtle.

Once Diderot, one of the prominent figures of the French Enlightenment, gallantly remarked to the Russian Empress, Catherine II, that she ruled her people with such great skill that all her commands were carried out unquestioningly. The Empress replied: “If only you knew how difficult it is: to give exactly those orders that will certainly be carried out...” The art of a ruler lay in the ability to make a behavioral forecast on the reaction of the mass of people and subordinate their actions to his plans. This game of politicians was played constantly and in the difficult conditions of information hunger of those times.

With the invention of radio, people became more aware, but immediately became the “bait” of the ruling circles, who received reliable access to vary the facts and present information to their own advantage. Manufacturers of radios and information did not even imagine the breadth of distribution of what they wanted. For the first time, the question seriously arose about the possibilities not only of influencing public opinion, but also of shaping it in the right direction. Enthusiastic agitators were replaced by radio technology, which provided interested parties with the opportunity to replicate, or advertise, literally everything: tastes, fashion, political views, way of thinking.

The newborn media became an ideological platform for the powerful classes, certain groups of people united by common interests and individuals, owners of sufficient funds and entrepreneurs.

The growth of technological progress involuntarily subjugated a person, attracted by the availability of radio information, which does not require additional costs and special efforts to receive and assimilate what he heard. People have become hostages of information progress.

Time has determined a situation where humanity has come close to what we observe in the modern life of human society - a direct confrontation between personality and information technology. The time has come when people can no longer imagine life without information warning systems and are under the pressure of huge flows of unnecessary information arriving regardless of their requests.

The mechanism of influence of information on the human psyche.

The peculiarities of human perception are such that, when dealing with redundant information, the brain is aimed at processing data coming from various sources of information about the world around us, highlighting the most important and significant of what is received. This ability has been developed evolutionarily. For the survival of any biological species, a timely and correct reaction to the situation in the diversity of the external world is necessary. To survive on earth, a species must not only survive, but also leave behind offspring. Let us investigate the following property. Many species have peripheral vision. If we are unable to determine the color or shape in this case, we are at least able to notice a moving car, which will be a warning of danger. Nature initially laid down ways to preserve living beings. The reaction to this action is expected to be ambiguous. But with more developed vigilance, a biological individual can avoid death. But that's another question. What does all this physiology have to do with the impact of information technology on the human psyche? It turns out it's direct.

The influence of the external world perceived by the brain is not always reflected as intended by the manufacturer. Each person perceives the world around him in his own way. Let us consider the information entering the brain as a sequence of certain messages from the outside. The science of semiotics studies such questions and directs us in the appropriate direction of reasoning. Any message is formed by signs that carry a certain meaning - explicit and implied.

With messages coming from the surrounding, natural, inanimate nature, special signals enter the human brain as special impulses. For example, you enter a forest, see a windbreak or a swamp - nature has warned you about a danger that you know about from the experience of entire generations and it’s up to you to decide what to do. We seem to be faced with an implication of danger. Dense forest. Dangerous! There may be wild animals and unforeseen situations. By entering it, you take a risk. You need to have a lot of knowledge, the ability to navigate the forest, have endurance, will, and certain skills. Currently, you should stock up on a compass, a cell phone, special insect repellent creams, rubber boots in spring, summer and autumn, a map of the area, and in winter - warm clothes, means of protection against attacks by wild animals and food. The situation is the same in any other unfamiliar area - in the mountains, on rivers, in the desert, in the steppe. Nature will always help you find a clue and guide you to a way out of the current situation. You need to be observant, attentive and careful in choosing your action.

Let us turn to another case, when a message has an author who sends a message with a clearly defined purpose, with a code of meaning. The process of perception becomes more complicated. The meaning of each specific word is determined by the essence of adjacent words. The statement is perceived as a whole, as a single information package. The importance of a statement may be equally valuable for the transmitter and the recipient, or a certain reaction on the part of the recipient of this statement is expected. Moreover, indicators of the meaning contained in a phrase or statement can be intonation, facial expressions, gestures, behavioral reactions and other signs that help a person identify the exact meaning of what was said. The person to whom the message is sent recognizes the essence of the statement and its significance. Sometimes there is some failure in a situation where the goal is not achieved as a result of the transmission of the statement. This happens for a number of reasons. The person receiving the statement is a representative of a different culture, field of activity, level of education, etc. As a result, some of the meanings embedded in the message are dissipated due to misunderstanding or deliberately ignored by the recipient. In addition, there is a danger of the message becoming “noisy” when the recipient tries to read it deeper than the author himself encoded.

Let's return to a thoughtful and planned information message, which is specifically sent to a wide circle of the population, to the masses. If we analyze the impact of information on people, we can note different reactions to what they hear. Information can be one-time and systematic, formal or factual, complete, bright and effective, or meager and superficial. If we talk about the impact of broadcast messages (propaganda, advertising, media campaigns) on the psyche of the audience, then the situation becomes more complicated. The authors purposefully introduce a “preferred” meaning into their messages with a programmed response from the entire mass of recipients. Encoding of the preferred meaning can also be carried out at the level of direct influence on the subconscious. In turn, the audience (ideally) is not a mindless absorber of any information that they are trying to impose on them. Everyone allocates for themselves only part of the required information for certain reasons. Other information may be discarded due to lack of interest. We live in the information age. Day after day, a person accumulates experience in standard time conditions. Understanding the situation leads to thinking about what you heard and saw. The proposed information is sorted. Gradually, a person develops the skill of selecting information on the subconscious, bringing actions to automatism. It is impossible to process the entire stream of information flows released to the masses. A person masters a new temporary space.

UDC 332.012.33

Annotation. Mass information is information circulating at the level of mass consciousness of society. It is not only the most important means of social adaptation of the mass audience in the environment of existence, but also the most important catalyst for the processes of globalization, because mass information contributes to the formation of such a property of mass consciousness as universality, necessary for the qualitative formation and functioning of global social processes.

Key words: Global social processes, social adaptation, mass information, mass consciousness, mass communication, globalization, global evolutionism, dialectics, consciousness.

Mass information and its influence on the modern globalization processes

Annotation . Mass information is the information that circulates on the level of mass society consciousness. It is not only a most important means of mass audience's social adaptation to the environment, but also a most powerful catalyst of the globalization processes - because mass information helps form such a quality of mass consciousness as universality, which is needed for the good formation and functioning of global social processes.

Key words: global social processes, social adaptation, mass information, mass consciousness, mass communication, globalisation, global evolutionism, dialectics, consciousness.

Mass information and its influence on modern processes of globalization

In modern conditions of a globalizing world, the problem of forming universal properties of mass consciousness through the influence of mass information on it is becoming increasingly relevant. Because of this, a methodological analysis of the conceptualization of the problem of mass information in the space of modern social and humanitarian knowledge is becoming increasingly important. Modern global space is unthinkable without the circulation of information flows that unite various social strata, cultures and social organisms. There are quite a large number of definitions information, formulated within the framework of various sciences. In the study of mass communication, it is preferable to define it as a body of knowledge intended for transmission, broadcast. “Information is knowledge, but not all the knowledge that humanity has, but only that part of it that is used for orientation,for active action, for control, that is, in order to maintain quality specificity, improve and develop systems. In society, in its inherent subsystems, circulates social information, which is knowledge, messages, information about the social system, as well as about natural systems to the extent that they are used by society and are involved in the orbit of public life.”

According to the way consciousness is divided into levels of “entanglement” into practice - massive(functioning in it directly) and specialized(requiring mediation by mass consciousness to function in practice), social information also exists at two levels - specialized information And massive information.

Concept mass information requires a more detailed consideration, due to its importance for the socio-philosophical analysis of both the theory and sociology of mass communication, and for the analysis of global processes of our time, because this concept is one of its central categories, which is rightly noted by almost all researchers of this issue.

Since the understanding of mass information in many theoretical and journalistic studies, for example, in the works of E. P. Prokhorov, goes back to the textbook concept of mass information, set out, in particular, in the works of B. A. Grushin. Let's consider the main provisions of this concept.

As a starting point, the author accepts the following statement: “The subject of our research is the so-called mass information(more precisely, not all this information, but some of its types) - stands out in the general sea of ​​​​social information along with its classes such as individual(maybe it would be better to say individualized?) and special(specialized) information……….. where the really dividing feature of the classes of social information under consideration is degree of multiplication, multiplication of messages in space (and time)

Thus, the author’s criterion for dividing social information into these classes is, in fact, the number of copies, the circulation of information messages, which is confirmed by the formulation of the definition of the concept created on the basis of this criterion: “Based on the highlighted basis of division, we will call mass information information multiplied and transmitted on a mass scale, to an almost unlimited (in the indicated sense) audience, and individualized - information that exists, on the contrary, in an extremely limited number of copies.

At the same time, the author is left with the intractable “quasi-methodological” task of finding the number of copies that would be the average between a single copy of individualized information and a mass circulation of mass information.

In the face of such a task, the author turns to the “general methodological basis”—philosophy—to substantiate his provisions and declares that “the introduced division of information fully(italics mine. - T. N. .) corresponds to the position of dialectics about the relationship between the universal, the particular and the individual. It is in these terms - and, most importantly, quite precisely in content - easily(italics mine - T. N.) selected classes of information can be described at the level of their philosophical analysis.”

True, the author avoids solving this, from his point of view, an easy task, under the pretext that “such language cannot be used as long as we are talking about the formulation of operational concepts necessary for carrying out a specific sociological study.”

In fact, the point is not at all that philosophical means are not able to “help in the formulation of operational concepts”: dialectics as logic can quite cope (and successfully, by the way, copes) with such a problem; the point is that the author is trying to assign to philosophy an impossible task in principle: to express the dialectics of what seems to have nothing to do with dialectics, namely the principle of the author creating a classification of types of information based on an arbitrary criterion of “circulation”.

The classes of information isolated in this way have no relation to the dialectic of the individual, the particular and the general.

The author, unfortunately, did not indicate which dialectical philosophy he had in mind when attributing such possibilities to it, so we turn to two dialectical philosophies - materialist and idealist - for confirmation or non-confirmation of their capabilities in this matter.

From the point of view of materialist dialectical logic, “neither the general nor the individual have independent existence, they do not exist “as such.” The separate exists independently (individual objects, processes, phenomena). The general and the individual exist only in the separate, in the form of sides, moments of the separate...

To identify an individual, it is necessary to compare the object in question with all other objects. But in practice this is impossible to do. Therefore, in practice, one or another object is usually compared not with all other objects, but only with some specific objects. In this regard, there is a need to contrast the general not with the individual, but with the particular.

In fact, in the course of comparing one object with others, their similarities and differences are established. But what distinguishes the objects being compared from each other is what is special about them, and what indicates their similarity is what is common.”

In other words, the individual, the particular and the universal are, in general, not some independent realities, but a form of contradiction in which reality itself exists.

Let us compare these provisions of dialectics with the conditions of the task set before it by B. A. Grushin. The conclusion is obvious: either the classes of information he identified do not really exist, but are sides, moments of some unnamed class of information, or the author falls into contradiction with dialectical logic, in any case, with the dialectics of the individual, the particular and the general.

But maybe we are talking about a different dialectic - idealistic? Let's open the works of Hegel, a recognized classic of it, and check with him.

“Nature shows us an infinite variety of individual images and phenomena; we feel the need to bring unity into this diversity; Therefore, we compare phenomena with each other and strive to know the universal each of them...(italics mine.- T.N.) This universal cannot be comprehended by external senses... This universal does not exist externally as a universal... The universal, therefore, we do not hear or see, it exists only for the spirit.”

Therefore, from the point of view of Hegelian, objective-idealistic dialectics, the universal (general) does not have real existence, we isolate it by thinking (spirit, in Hegelian terminology) from individual objects and it exists only in thinking, in abstraction (that is, there is for the spirit). Regarding the attempt to place the universal and the particular side by side as really existing, Hegel explains: “Taken formally and along with with the particular, the universal itself also turns into something special; the inappropriateness and absurdity of such an attitude when applied to objects of everyday life would naturally catch the eye, as if, for example, someone demanded fruit for himself and at the same time refused cherries, pears, grapes, because they are cherries, pears , grapes, and Not fruits... This is the same as if we said that light and darkness are only two different types of light.”

Thus, Hegelian dialectics is also unable to justify the classification of information we are considering, proposed by B. A. Grushin. The attempt to rely on dialectics was not entirely successful: there is no dialectics there. “The inappropriateness and absurdity of such an attitude” is not immediately apparent to everyone, obviously because the author is not talking about objects of “everyday life,” but about theoretical classification.

But even if this classification of information, in spite of everything, suddenly turned out to be correct, then, as its author himself admits, “the path of establishing clear quantitative boundaries between the classes of information under consideration cannot lead to success. It inevitably runs into dead ends of paradoxes such as “heap” and “bald”. And, in addition, acutely contradictory situations can often arise here when, for example, information defined as mass (for example, a lecture for the population) turns out to be reproduced in a significantly smaller number of copies than information that is obviously classified as specialized ".

Again we see that, as in the case of mass consciousness, “pure logic” gets in the way of the author, with the real possibility of “logical dead ends,” as if warning about the incorrectness of such classifications.

The author does not want to “listen” to the logic and, improving his classification, introduces an additional criterion related to “ with the character (type) of the subject operating the information, engaged in one or another information activity”, after which it turns out that “the main difference between mass, specialized and individualized information is that the role of the subject, one way or another operating with information, in the first case is weight, in the second - group, in the third - individual” .

“Then mass information will be called any social information, which at least at one of the stages of its life cycle (in our case we are talking, first of all, about the creation and consumption of information) operated (operates) on the mass” .

Let us note right away that operating with information does not mean being a subject of information activity, if by operating we mean, for example, the consumption of information. The unexplained term “operate” in a certain sense only obscures the essence of the matter. If operate means use information, use information, then it explains practically nothing, since information is generally any information intended for transmission and, accordingly, for reception, and then any transmission or reception of information is an information activity (for example, a grandmother's story to her grandson before bedtime - information activity of a grandmother , and the grandmother herself (and even her grandson) is a subject of information activity, since he “uses” this information).

In fact, information activity as such is a specialized activity for information support of some other activity. In the case of mass information, it informationally serves the mass consciousness and influences the formation of values ​​and attitudes necessary for the mass audience to navigate in the social environment. In the conditions of modern globalization, mass information is becoming more and more universal and this contributes to the blurring of the boundaries of local isolation and leads to the acceleration of modern global processes.

Thus, in the literature, scientific information activity is defined as “a socially organized type of scientific work, which is carried out in order to increase the efficiency of research and development itself and consists of collecting, analytical and synthetic processing, storing and retrieving scientific information enshrined in documents, as well as providing this scientific information to research scientists and specialists at an appropriate time and in a form convenient for them.” The information component of managerial work acts as “information activity as an independent type of activity and its inherent specific objects and products, means and methods, techniques and methods of work, organizational, economic and social aspects of combining them in a single process of managerial work.”

In the analyzed work of B. A. Grushin handling information from the outside masses, as a sign of mass information, automatically turns the masses into a subject of information activity.

“What is weight, playing the role of a subject of information activity? First of all, this many individuals(theoretically, in quantitative terms - any; practically - numbering an impressive number, as a rule, tens, hundreds of thousands or more units).”

Therefore, in this case, in our opinion, we should not talk about attempts to search for specific features of mass information as a product of some information activity, not defined in the concept, the subject of which is some elusive and undetectable by theoretical means “ex-group” mass, which does not coincide, according to B. A. Grushin, not with any social group, not with all groups together, not with the masses, not with the people, not with society as a whole, not with the population in general, but about understanding mass information as information circulating in that layer of social consciousness, which is defined as massive consciousness, that is, practical consciousness, directly woven into practical activity as its moment, side.

Then specialized information should be defined as information circulating, distributed at the level specialized consciousness, informationally serving it and representing specialized knowledge intended for transmission.

That is why by media we mean various kinds of communicative media of information (“paper” and electronic newspapers, magazines, television, radio) intended for the mass consciousness itself, while substratum the same media of information intended for specialized consciousness ( scientific journals, university cable television networks) are quite rightly not considered mass media, just as participation in their activities is not considered journalism. Considered in the system of categories of social philosophy, mass information is means the impact of the subject of mass communication on its object. If journalism, understood as the creative side of mass communication activity and creating the entire set of spiritual meanings intended for transfer to mass consciousness, characterizes the system of mass communication from the content side, and the mass media, understood as the technical side of the latter, characterizes it from the form side, then mass information, which shows us mass communication as a mass information activity, characterizes it (mass communication) from the side of the phenomenon. It is here that we need to look for a distinction in the concepts of mass communication and the media, because the former characterize mass communication as a social process determined by the periodicity, regularity, accessibility and comprehensiveness of the impact on the audience, while the latter characterize mass communication as a process updated through information , in this case mass.

Mass communication, being not just a global, but a mega-global process, because it is a necessary and most important participant in absolutely all global social processes, operates precisely with mass information that orients the mass audience in the environment of existence, bringing into the mass consciousness assessments of current events and optimizing the course of global processes of our time. Studying the problems of the formation and functioning of mass information within the framework of the study of global processes is one of the most important tasks of modern humanitarian knowledge.


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We digress here, for obvious reasons, from the analysis of the understanding of information in cybernetic, mathematical, etc. theories of information, focusing mainly on the philosophical aspects of the problem social information.

  1. See Naumenko T.V. Mass communication as a social process (philosophical and methodological analysis of the problem)
    dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy / Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov. Moscow, 2004; Sidorskaya I.V. Effective communication with the media. Principles and technologies. -Minsk: Publishing house. Grevtsova, 2010; Shevkun V.N. Sociocultural results of the use of modern ICT in the construction of society / Economics and management: problems, solutions. 2014, No. 10.