The origin of the surname is count. Origin of the count's surname Noble surnames of Europe

  • 23.06.2019

Documentary"Noble families of Russia" - a story about the most famous noble families of Russia - the Gagarins, Golitsins, Apraksins, Yusupovs, Stroganovs. The nobles were initially in the service of the boyars and princes and replaced the warriors. For the first time in history, nobles were mentioned in 1174 and this was associated with the murder of Prince Andrei Bogolyubsky. Already from the 14th century, nobles began to receive ownership of estates for their service. But unlike the boyar layer, they could not pass on the land by inheritance. During the creation and formation of a unified state, the nobles became a reliable support for the great princes. Since the 15th century, their influence in political and economic life the country became increasingly stronger. Gradually the nobles merged with the boyars. The concept of “nobles” began to designate the upper class of the Russian population. The final differences between the nobility and the boyars disappeared at the beginning of the 18th century, when estates and estates were equated to each other.

The Russian princely family, whose ancestor, Prince Mikhail Ivanovich Golibesovsky, a descendant of the Starodub princes (XVIII tribe from Rurik), had five sons; of them, the three eldest, Vasily, Yuri and Ivan Mikhailovich, had the nickname Gagara and were the founders of three branches of the Gagarin princes. The older branch, according to some researchers, ceased in late XVII century; representatives of the latter two still exist today. The Gagarin princes are recorded in Part V of the genealogical books of the provinces: Nizhny Novgorod, Ryazan, Saratov, Simbirsk, Tver, Tambov, Vladimir, Moscow, Kherson and Kharkov.

Russian princely family descended from the Grand Duke of Lithuania Gediminas. The immediate ancestor of the family was Mikhail Ivanovich, nicknamed Golitsa, the son of the boyar Prince Ivan Vasilyevich Bulgak. In the 5th generation from the ancestor, the family of princes Golitsyn was divided into four branches, three of which exist to this day. From this family there were 22 boyars, 3 okolnichi, 2 kravchi. According to the genealogy of the Golitsyn princes (see "The Family of the Golitsyn Princes", op. book by N. N. Golitsyn, St. Petersburg, 1892, vol. I) in 1891 there were 90 males, 49 princesses and 87 Golitsyn princesses alive. One branch of the Golitsyns, represented by the Moscow Governor-General, Prince Dmitry Vladimirovich Golitsyn, received the title of lordship in 1841. The family of princes Golitsyn is included in the V part of the genealogical book of St. Petersburg, Moscow, Tver, Kursk, Vladimir, Nizhny Novgorod, Ryazan, Smolensk, Tambov, Tula and Chernigov provinces (Gerbovnik, I, 2).

Russian noble and count family descended from Salkhomir-Murza. In the old days they were written by the Opraksins. Salkhomir had a great-grandson, Andrei Ivanovich, nicknamed Opraks, from whom the family descended, whose representatives were first written as Opraksins, and then as Apraksins. The grandchildren of Andrei Opraksa (Apraksa), Erofey Yarets and Prokofy Matveevich, under the Grand Duke of Moscow Ivan III, moved from Ryazan to serve in Moscow. From Erofey Matveyevich, nicknamed Yarets, a branch emerged, the representatives of which were subsequently elevated to the rank of count. From Erofey’s brother, Ivan Matveevich, nicknamed the Dark, another branch of the Apraksin family came. Stepan Fedorovich (1702-1760) and his son Stepan Stepanovich (1757/47-1827) Apraksins belonged to it.

Russian extinct princely family, descended from Yusuf-Murza (d. 1556), the son of Musa-Murza, who in the third generation was a descendant of Edigei Mangit (1352-1419), the ruling khan of the Nogai Horde and a military leader who was in the service of Tamerlane. Yusuf-Murza had two sons, Il-Murza and Ibrahim (Abrey), who were sent to Moscow in 1565 by their father’s murderer, Uncle Ishmael. Their descendants in last years the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich was accepted holy baptism and were written by the princes Yusupov or Yusupovo-Knyazhevo before late XVIII century, and after that they began to be written simply by the princes Yusupov.

A family of Russian merchants and industrialists, from which came large landowners and statesmen of the 16th-20th centuries. They came from wealthy Pomeranian peasants. Since the 18th century - barons and counts of the Russian Empire. The direction in Russian icon painting of the late 16th century is named after them. early XVII centuries (Stroganov school of icon painting) and best school church facial embroidery of the 17th century (Stroganov facial embroidery), as well as the Stroganov direction of the Moscow Baroque. The Stroganov family traces its origins to the Novgorodian Spiridon, a contemporary of Dmitry Donskoy (first mentioned in 1395), whose grandson owned lands in the Dvina region. According to another version, unconfirmed, the surname supposedly comes from a Tatar who adopted the name Spiridon in Christianity.

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), supplemented according to the List of princely families on the website of the Heraldry of Grand Duchess Maria Vladimirovna, which require additional verification.

  • Princes Bagration-Mukhrani-Gruzinsky (with the title Royal Highness), princes Brasov, prince Drutskoy-Sokolinsky-Dobrovolsky, princes Pagava (the second branch of the Megrelian family, which received recognition in princely dignity), princes Ilyinsky, prince Krasinsky, prince Lopukhin, his serene Nanny Romanovskaya (Golitsyna), Your Serene Highness Princess Romanovskaya (de Goshtonyi), Your Serene Serene Princess Romanovskaya-Knust, Your Serene Serene Princess Romanovskaya-Kurakina, Your Serene Serene Princess Romanovskaya (McDougall), Your Serene Serene Princess Romanovskaya-Pavlovskaya, Your Serene Serene Princess Romanovskaya-Strelninskaya, Your Serene Serenity Princes Romanovsky-Brasovs , His Serene Highness Princes Romanovsky-Ilyinsky, His Highness Prince Romanovsky-Iskander, His Serene Highness Prince Romanovsky-Krasinsky, His Serene Highness Prince Romanovsky-Kutuzov, Princess Strelninskaya, Prince Tumanov-Levashev (2 clans), Prince Chkotua (from the Chkhoniya (Chkoniya) clan).
  • Prince Joseph Karlovich Wrede (b. 1800), second son of K.-F. von Wrede assumed Russian citizenship ( Dolgorukov P.V. Russian genealogy book. - St. Petersburg. : Type-I of E. Weimar, 1856. - T. 3. - P. 16.).
  • Until 1917, two clans remained vassals of Russia (with the retention of sovereign rights), bearing the titles of emirs (Persian امیر‎) and khans, approximately corresponding to the title prince:
    • Mangyt dynasty, rulers of the Bukhara Emirate in 1756-1920, who bore the title of emirs (amir ul-muminin) from 1785; vassals of Russia since 1868.
    • Kungrat Dynasty, rulers of the Khiva Khanate in 1804-1920, who bore the title of Khans of Khorezm; vassals of Russia since 1873.
    The rulers of the Nakhichevan Khanate, who lost their sovereign rights in 1828, were known in Russia under the title of Khans of Nakhichevan (Azerb. Xan Naxçıvanski) and descended from Ehsan Khan Kangarli (1789-1846) (Azerb. Ehsan xan Kəlbəli Xan oğlu Naxçıvanski (Kəngərli), however, this title was not officially assigned to them.
  • The basis for dividing the list of Georgian princes was a similar division given in the list of Georgian princes and noble families, attached to the Treaty of Georgievsk of 1783, in which the Kartli and Kakheti princes are indicated separately (see List of titled families and persons of the Russian Empire), as well as in the official publication of 1889 of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Empire “List of princely and count families followed by titles granted to them by foreign sovereigns or belonging to them by descent from ancient titled or ruling families, as well as those who were allowed to add titles and surnames of their relatives to their surnames were recognized or approved,” where the Gurian and Imeretian clans approved in princely dignity on December 6, 1850 (pp. 26-33). It should be taken into account that from the point of view of Russian legislation, different branches of even the same clan, but recognized in the Russian Empire in the princely dignity of different time, were considered formally different genera, which is recorded, for example, in the 1892 List. It should also be taken into account that in Russian official documents the surnames of many Georgian families were often given in Russified form, therefore the list also contains Georgian versions of surnames.
  • According to S.V. Dumina (with reference to K.L. Tumanov) the Abkhaz princely (Atuad) families of Inal-Ipa (Inalypa, Inalishvili), Marshania (Marshan, Amarshan), Chkhotua (Chkotua) and Emukhvari (Emkhaa, Emkhua) were formally confirmed in princely dignity Russian Empire in 1902, 1903, 1901 and 1910. accordingly, while two more Abkhaz princely families (Dzyapsh-Ipa (Zepishvili) and Chaabalyrkhva) did not receive such recognition (Noble families of the Russian Empire. - Vol. 4) and, accordingly, are not included in the list.
  • The basis for identifying these genera was the book compiled in 1866-1867. by a special commission a list of the princely families of Megrelia, officially published in 1890, and including the following Megrelians princely families: Anchabadze, Apakidze, Asatiani, Akhvlediani, Gardaphadze, Gelovani, Dadeshkiliani, Dadiani, Dgebuadze, Jaiani, Kochakidze, Mikadze, Mkheidze, Pagava, Chikovani, Chichua and Shelia (Noble families of the Russian Empire. - Vol. 4). Of these clans, Gelovani and Dadeshkiliani are more accurately classified as Svan.
  • Begildeevs
  • After the suppression of this family, his surname (without the princely title) was transferred on August 4, 1807 to one of the branches of the family of counts Vorontsov, who adopted the title of counts
    • List of noble families included in the General Armorial of the Russian Empire General Arms of the Russian Empire is a set of coats of arms of Russian noble families, established by decree of Emperor Paul I of January 20, 1797. Includes over... ... Wikipedia

      Appendix to the article General armorial of the noble families of the Russian Empire General armorial of the noble families of the Russian Empire is a set of coats of arms of Russian noble families, established by decree of Emperor Paul I of January 20, 1797. Includes over ... ... Wikipedia

      Title page of the Alphabetical list of noble families of the Mogilev province for 1909 List of nobles of the Mogilev city ... Wikipedia

      - ... Wikipedia

      Title page of the Alphabetical list of noble families of the Minsk province for 1903. List of nobles ... Wikipedia

      General Armorial of the noble families of the All-Russian Empire ... Wikipedia

      List of princely families of the Russian Empire. The list includes: the names of the so-called “natural” Russian princes who descended from the former ruling dynasties of Rus' (Rurikovich) and Lithuania (Gediminovich) and some others; surnames,... ... Wikipedia

      The more than 300 count families (including extinct ones) of the Russian Empire include: those elevated to the dignity of counts of the Russian Empire (at least 120 by the beginning of the 20th century), those elevated to the dignity of counts of the Kingdom of Poland... ... Wikipedia

    To the Nobility of the Russian Empire

    Golovin, Myasoedov, Abaturov,
    Kareev, Kislovsky, Kozhin,
    Osorgin, Pestrikov, Rezanov,
    Selivanov, Sipyagin, Sushkov,
    Yazykov and many other noble
    Dedicated to my ancestors.

    Complete list of noble families of the Russian Empire (titled and pillar nobility)

    We have to see many unfounded claims by various people to the nobility (despite the fact that it has not existed in Russia for 100 years), or to descent from one or another noble family, as well as to noble titles (some of which never belonged to that particular family at all). or another family). That is why the idea of ​​this list arose, since the author was unable to find anything similar anywhere that would be sufficiently complete and entirely logical.

    This list only includes births hereditary nobles, and to begin with they will only bring titled clans (including clans that received their title from foreign sovereigns and foreign titled nobles, provided that their title was officially recognized in Russia) or ancient(“pillar”, until 1685) clans of the Russian Empire, that is, noble clans that were, respectively, in the V-th and VI-th parts of genealogical books by province, see page Differences among the nobility). Thus, this list probably covers only about 15% of the noble families (but for the rest, information is much more accessible, since the families that arose in the 18th and 19th centuries are recent, the fact of their entry into the hereditary nobility is always well documented and all their 2-6 generations are easily tracked in the noble genealogical books of the corresponding provinces).

    Thus, Not includes:

    • personal nobles (who did not create a clan),

    • hereditary nobles of the first four parts of the genealogical books (who received nobility by grant after 1685, or for service in the army or civil service, as well as untitled foreigners),

    • untitled nobles of the Kingdom of Poland and the Grand Duchy of Finland, who, strictly speaking, were not part of the Russian Empire, but were more or less relatively autonomous states in a personal union with Russia (having the same monarch),

    • untitled nobles of the Caucasus and other territories annexed after Peter I.

    Of course, different clans that bore the same surname are listed separately (in any case, until their connection is clearly established), i.e. we see several Bartenev families, several Golovin families, several Levashov families, several Neklyudov families, etc. Also, titled and untitled branches of the clan (or the same clan changing its title - for example, a count clan becoming a princely clan) stand separately, even if there is no talk of a real decline of the clan. Two different branches of the clan are also placed separately if they used different coats of arms.

    Naturally, only titles officially recognized by the supreme power of Russia before 1917 are included. Thus, the grants of titles made by pretenders to the throne and self-proclaimed “emperors” after 1917 NOT INCLUDED, since they are private acts individuals who are not reigning monarchs (who are the only ones who can confer any titles of nobility).


    1. About the date of origin(fourth column of the table): depending on the case, we are talking about the date of the grant of the patrimony, or the date of the first mention of the surname anywhere, or the date of the grant of the title (in the case of titled clans), or the date of official recognition in Russia of a foreign title kind.

    2. Surnames in Russia, in their modern sense, began to appear only in the 16th century. For example, Ivan the Terrible (from the Moscow branch of the Rurikovichs) simply did not have a surname. Accordingly, in the “surname” column (the second column of the table) sometimes there is not the surname itself, but the name by which this or that family was known as the ruling one in some fief (for example, the princes of Rostov, the princes of Chernigov and other Rurikovichs ).

    3. Brackets are used when there were several spelling options (for example, Counts of Rzhevussky or Rzhevussky), the same applies to the noble predicates “von” (Germany) or “de”: many genera of German or French origin were written this way, then this, or gradually abandoned the use of the predicate (in such cases it is in parentheses), or, on the contrary, they constantly used it (in which case it appears without a parenthesis). In at least two cases (Counts Devier and Fonvizin), the original predicate was included in the actual Russian surname.

    4. A question mark is used when some information seems dubious or unfounded to a number of researchers.

    NB! If you see your name on this list, this does not mean at all that you belong to this noble family. For a number of reasons, from the fact that many serfs were recorded at emancipation under the surname of their former owners to the fact that a noble family (received nobility for length of service or for some merit) could bear the same surname and were completely unrelated with her are simple namesakes. The same is with titles - individual branches of a particular family sometimes received a title from the monarch and began a new, titled branch, while the remaining branches remained “just” nobles. Thus, there were, for example, the Putyatin princes, the Putyatin counts, the Putyatin nobles (and the Putyatins who did not have nobility at all), and there are a lot of such examples. Consequently, without careful and serious genealogical searches based on documents, you do not have to “automatically” attribute yourself to one or another famous noble family, even if your last name is Golitsyn or Obolensky.

    Against, if you did NOT see your name on this list, this does not mean at all that you do not belong to any noble family - as stated above, the overwhelming majority (more than 4/5) of untitled Russian noble families arose after 1685 and therefore are not included in this list.

    Please report any inaccuracies, errors or omissions to [email protected]!

    Compiled by: Leo Golovin.


    B: boyar family, i.e. one in which there was at least one boyar

    BC: the genus is included in the Velvet Book (1687)

    G: the clan has a coat of arms, but it is not included in the published parts of the Armorial Book

    Ged: Gediminovichi

    DD: a descendant of the ancient nobility (before 1685), but was not included in the Velvet Book

    R: Rurikovich

    U: extinct clan (for simplicity, this letter also stands for a clan that, for example, ceased to be a count and became a princely one, or even in the case of adding a new part to the surname, for example, the princes of the Beloselskys became under Paul I the princes of the Beloselsky-Belozerskys, so that preserve the extinct Belozersky family)

    All titled genera belong to one or more of the following 22 categories :

    Princes: UK: former appanage princes (the so-called “natural princes”, who received the title as real rulers, and not as a result of the award of an honorary princely title by the king or emperor), PC: granted princes, IR: foreign princes recognized in Russia, or Russians who received princely title from foreign states, or natural princes of other countries who were allowed to use their title in Russia, RK: Russian-princely families, KRI: princes of the Roman Empire (Holy Roman Empire of the German nation), recognized in Russia, KP: Polish princely families, CT: “Tatar princes”, i.e. descended from the Tatar Murzas, GK: Georgian (Caucasian) princely families, ranked among Russian nobility after the entry of Georgia, Imereti, Guria, Kartalinia, Kakheti, Mingrelia, Abkhazia into the Russian Empire, recognized by decree of December 6, 1850 (in contrast to the few Russian-princely families of Georgian origin).

    Graphs: PG: granted counts, RG: Russian-count families, ISIS: foreign counts recognized in Russia, or Russians who received the title of count from foreign states, GRI: counts of the Roman Empire (Holy Roman Empire of the German nation), recognized in Russia, GP: Polish count surnames, GF: Finnish count surnames.

    Barons: PB: granted barons, RB: Russian-baronial families, IS: foreign barons recognized in Russia, or Russians who received a baronial title from foreign states, BB: Baltic baronial families included in the matricules of the nobility before the annexation of the Baltic region to Russia, BRI: barons of the Roman Empire (Holy Roman Empire of the German nation), recognized in Russia, BP: Polish baronial surnames, BF: Finnish baronial surnames.

    IT : dukes, marquises, baronets, etc., that is, families granted titles that do not exist in Russia and/or officially received permission to use foreign titles that do not exist in Russian laws (which recognized only three titles - princes, counts and barons) .