Yegor Creed's family is unhappy with his choice of girl. Egor Creed (Bulatkin)

  • 26.06.2019

- Was it difficult to decide to participate in the show and did you have to somehow adjust your plans - work and not only?

The other day I was interviewed at an event in the Kremlin, and the first thing they asked was: “Where have you gone?” I've been filming The Bachelor for several months and have put almost all other things on hold. I realized that in our fast-paced times, it’s enough to disappear from view for four months - and everyone will decide that you’re not doing anything, you’ve given up on your career. I’ll be honest: I didn’t agree for a long time - I didn’t want to participate in a show about love, where a lot of things seemed insincere. I refused two years ago, when I just released my album of the same name.

The decision to participate in the project was made after a personal meeting with the general producer of the TNT channel. At first I told him straight out: “I’m not the person you want on the show. If I come, I'll break it for you. I can’t play and I’ll just be myself.” I'm not a prince on a white horse and I don't hide it. Sincerity towards yourself and others is what is important to me. General producer said: “It’s sincerity that I’m looking for. I want everything to be honest and real.”

One of the first releases. Egor with the project participants. According to the rules, the girl who does not receive a rose is eliminated from the show. Photo: Press service of TNT channel

- What wishes or demands did you voice?

He said, “I have to do the whole project.” As a result, I come up with scenarios for all dates, look at locations for filming, and arrange decorations for ceremonies. I'm trying to understand what every girl might like. In general, I took on a huge responsibility. But I think that the experiment is useful: it will test my professionalism - whether I can pull it all off. And, of course, participation in the project will provide tremendous male experience and teach how to make each of the girls, leaving after the ceremony, grateful. This is the main thing.

- Did you manage to feel like a Sultan?

No, rather a dad who has many small children and needs to take care of them and protect them. Since I took responsibility, I must make sure that the girls feel good and that they take away something useful from this story. We recalled our participation in the project as best time in life, opened up to feelings.

- Have you imagined what kind of girls you want to meet on the show?

Certainly! I even admit that I sent the producers photos and Instagram links of the girls I wanted to see on “The Bachelor.” But at the very first meetings, when the participants began to get out of the limousines, I realized that they were different from “my” type. This came as a surprise.

Egor Creed with his mother Marina Petrovna (2001). Photo: Press service Black Star

- How does the show affect you? Are you changing?

In some ways I have become wiser. The project is the best thing that happened to me in last years. I would venture to suggest that the sixth season of “The Bachelor” may be the last. I don’t know how you can make it look cooler. (Laughs.)

- What became the most difficult?

There are situations when girls behave very insidiously. But for me the most difficult thing is the rose ceremony, and the fewer participants there are, the more difficult it becomes. Every time you realize that you can “shoot” in the wrong direction. This is a certain kind of game where you don’t know who is lying and who is being honest with you. After all, the majority come to the project only to promote their Instagram and then “sell” themselves. And you are looking for that same, sincere one who came to meet your loved one, and you don’t understand where she is. Every time it’s a game of “minesweeper”: you’re not sure whether you did the right thing or whether you made a mistake. There was a situation where I sent a girl home, and later realized that I had made a mistake. It seems she was one of the most sincere. I even tried to get her back, but rules are rules.

Egor Creed with his mother Marina Petrovna, sister Polina, father Nikolai Borisovich and a tiger. Photo: Black Star Press Service

The other day I saw a teaser for “The Bachelor”, where they even left my swear words. In the first episode, I stood up for a girl who burst into tears and said that everything here was fake and untrue. I felt offended, and I told her: “Everything here may not be true, except for me. I'll prove to you that you're wrong. I promise that I will always be honest and truthful.” And at that moment a camera flies in and starts filming us. I’m furious, shouting: “Put the camera away! I'm counting to three! I take this girl, go with her to the balcony, she sobs, I hug her. I turn my head, see that we are being filmed again, and, unable to restrain myself, I hit the camera. I saw all this in the video, and I like that they will show everything as it is, without licking the story.

- What can push you away from a girl?

I had to remove one of the most beautiful participants only because she spoke disrespectfully to a member of the crew. I don't need a person who tends to put himself above someone else. And the girl, in whom I believed at the beginning, treated me very harshly, deceived me... And this undermined my faith in love even more then. I think that soon everyone will see the story that I myself was so amazed by! I didn’t understand how this could happen. Even members of the film crew came up to me with words of gratitude: “Thank you, we have never had anything like this.” Due to the negative experiences that I had in my life, I came to the project as a callous person who did not believe in feelings and relationships. And when I got on “The Bachelor,” I realized that women are much more insidious than I even imagined. There were moments when, parting with a girl at the ceremony, I was worried, doubted, and then found out that she, it turns out, has a lover, who meets her in a luxury car as soon as she arrives from filming. The participant immediately posts a photo with a huge bouquet on Instagram. And you think: just yesterday she made eyes at me, told me how much she wants love and that she has achieved everything in life herself, but in reality she is lying to gain popularity. It's unpleasant to learn this. Although I understand that we are now in the 21st century, everything has become so vulgar that people even give birth to children for likes on social networks. But it’s still great that there are girls on the project who are able to break the ice and evoke sincere emotions. Only sincerity can conquer me.

- I admit that I sent the producers Instagram links of the girls I wanted to see in the project. Photo: Press service of TNT channel

- And in real life were you ready to build serious relationship?

Yes, definitely. Having been in a relationship with a girl for more than two years, I wanted a family and was ready to become a father. This is already in the past. Today I can only wish her happiness in family life. I'm glad everything worked out well for her. After our separation, I myself realized: for us, family would be a path to nowhere, I could not become good father. I don’t want to be a dad on Skype and miss the baby’s first steps. Now my dad is coming to meet me directly from the airport (Egor’s family still lives in Penza. - TN note). I brought special diapers from America for our sick cat. Unfortunately, due to circumstances, we meet extremely rarely, but I can say: my parents were and remain the best in the world for me. But I didn’t want to be the kind of dad for my child that I am today for my parents. I have a very busy schedule. It’s not just that I can’t get out to my parents, I haven’t met my friends here in Moscow for months. I hope that the Year of the Dog - my year - will be three times successful for me and the “Bachelor” project will be a chance to show everyone who Yegor Creed is. Maybe many who speak unflatteringly about me will change their minds. On April 7, my big solo concert will take place at the VTB sports complex Ice Palace", I invite everyone to my new program.

- Many people consider you lucky. At the age of 17 you signed a contract with a music label Black Star and steel famous artist. You didn’t even finish school, you went to Moscow for your first concerts...

With Pyotr Fadeev, the host of the show “Bachelor”. Photo: Press service of TNT channel

I don't believe in luck. You can only be lucky in one case: if you pull out happy ticket. But in order to get him out, you need to go through a lot of tickets. I believe that I achieved everything thanks to the upbringing my parents gave me. They never spoiled my sister and me and taught us to work from childhood. Yes, at the age of 17 I started a career and was able to support myself, and this is important to me. But my character really hinders me both in life and in my career. Sometimes I can be explosive, I can offend people, shout, because I’m a wild perfectionist and I demand one hundred percent dedication in my work, I worry about every occasion. My last video, “Tear,” took a month to shoot only because they changed the editing twelve times, trying to make the picture even cooler. It’s hard to work with me, only the most strong people. Our label helped and is still helping to this day: they gave me a kick at the right time when I started to think that I was so cool and cool, that I had already achieved everything in life. You always need someone nearby who will bring you down to earth. At about 18 years old, when I had just signed a contract with the label and was still a green youth, I stupidly refused the coolest projects. They could call me: “Tomorrow we’re filming a film,” and I would answer: “I’m lazy, I don’t want to.” Then I realized that you can’t do that, you need to respect your success. I've been making music since I was 11 years old, and I've been on the Black Star label for six and a half years. And during my career I have seen so many young artists who quickly gained popularity, but disappeared just as quickly... Timati and I recently discussed this and came to the general opinion that slow is better, but Right way than a quick ascent and an equally rapid descent.

- Due to the negative experience that I had in my life, I came to the project as a callous person who did not believe in love. Photo: Press service of TNT channel

- Now your classmates are probably proud of you. How were your relationships with your peers at school?

I was a leader, I was elected “Mr. Lyceum” and so on, but at the same time I remained a loner. Girls started paying attention to me back in kindergarten, from 3-4 years old. Your first school love I always remember - he is an unforgettable person in my life. Her image haunts me when choosing every new passion. It feels like the eyes, hair color, figure were fixed in a child’s mind. It turns out that all the girls with whom I had relationships are very similar to her. My first love's name is Angela, but I mostly called her Lika. She still lives in mine hometown, got married and became a mother. I even dedicated songs to her while I was still living in Penza, posted them on the VKontakte social network, and my pseudonym was in English - KReeD. Her name is in one of my old songs.

- They gave me a kick at the right time when I started to think that I was so cool and cool, that I had already achieved everything in life. Photo: Press service of TNT channel

It seems to me that this rule applies more to girls. Rather, they are looking for a father in their man. My mother is a support for my father: both in life and in work, she is always there. Dad is involved not only in business, but also in music, he has his own group. Our whole family is musical - both my mother and sister have been singing since their youth. Of course, I want to have a girl next to me who will turn out to be both a partner, a friend, a great wife, and a loved one.

Egor Creed

Real name:
Egor Bulatkin

father - Nikolai Bulatkin, businessman; mother - Marina Bulatkina; sister - Polina (26 years old), actress, singer

studied at the production department Russian Academy music named after Gnessins

has been writing songs since she was 11 years old. Filmed in high school music videos and posted it on YouTube. The first song received 1 million views within a week. At the age of 17, he signed a contract with the Black Star music label. Recorded 2 albums, many videos. In 2017, he took 7th place in the ranking Russian celebrities Forbes magazine, earning $4 million

Egor Creed is a young Russian hip-hop performer, a purposeful and hardworking lucky guy, who by the age of 20 had become an idol of millions of people.

The love of music and personal experiences in life made Yegor a star. Creed is a stage name that Yegor came up with in his youth. Real name Egor - Bulatkin.

Yegor Creed is not only talented, but also handsome, young and charismatic. He collaborates with the Black Star music label and is the most sought-after singer. His concerts are always full of fans of his work. In the category of young performers, no one can compete with Yegor Creed. The singer regularly releases albums that become hits for an entire generation.

Height, weight, age. How old is Yegor Creed

Yegor Creed is the owner of a breathtaking appearance, memorable in a beautiful voice and exceptional charisma.

On this moment the singer is at the peak of his popularity, his songs occupy one of the first lines of chats. Many fans lose their minds over this handsome guy and naturally try to find out everything about the singer, for example, his height, weight, age. How old is Yegor Creed? His height is 185 centimeters, weight 80 kilograms and at the moment Egor is 24 full years. According to our zodiac sign our star is Cancer, and according to eastern calendar- Dog. Therefore, there is a solid core in his character life position, who never allows him to abandon the work he has started. Egor Creed photo in his youth and now, frequently written queries in the search engine. Of course, the young man matured and turned into a real man. The star has made several tattoos, the meaning of which he prefers not to comment on.

Biography of Yegor Creed

Egor Nikolaevich Bulatkin was born in Russian city Penza June 25, 1994. He grew up in a fairly wealthy family. The boy studied at a specialized school with advanced English language. Until the 5th grade, Yegor studied excellently, and then he decided to focus on music and began to conquer the Internet - he posted his songs.

The boy studied chess for a couple of years, and even in his young age has a second rank. Egor also played football, karate, basketball, tennis, in general, one could say he was a fairly active child.

Yegor Creed’s family is quite musical: his father composed songs in the “chanson” style for some time, and even now he loves to sing in the circle close to him; mom - in student years She also sang, my sister studies vocals and acting in the USA. So Yegor was simply destined to become a star.

In high school, the boy begins to compose songs, tries to make his own video, and participates in rapper battles. Bulatkina - Kreeda is starting to be recognized in the city, his clips appear on local television.

In 2011, Egor decides on his own to shoot a video for his original song “Love on the Net.” He comes up with the script himself, one of his friends films it on camera and, with the help of a couple of other people, creates a clip that he posts on the Internet. The video instantly gained a million views and was a huge success. After that creative biography Egor Creed received a serious positive mark.

Already in April 2012, the charismatic Yegor entered into a contract with the famous Black Star Ins label. A year later, the singer became a star and was earning very good money at the age of 18. Big Walter becomes the boy's producer.

The first song released on the label was the hit “Starlet”, then a joint song with Alexey Vorobyov “More than Love”.

In 2014, Yegor Creed recorded another hit song, “The Samaya, the Samaya,” thanks to which he rose to the top of the charts and received many awards. For example, the “ZD Avards 2014” awarded at the Kremlin in the “Breakthrough of the Year” category.

In April of the same year, the album “Bachelor” was released, which included the song “Bride,” which became another hit.

In 2016, Yegor Creed, together with Timati, shot a very successful video for the song “Where are you, where am I.”

In 2018 he takes part in television program“The Bachelor” on the TNT channel in the hope of finding love.

Egor himself says that he will not stop there and will delight us with more and more hits.

Personal life of Yegor Creed

Egor is very handsome guy, an enviable groom and a rather amorous person by nature. His character contains notes of an exemplary guy, a connoisseur of the hearth and a real gentleman. The guy is a rather jealous person by nature, any slightest reason is unacceptable for him. The artist himself prefers to engage in creativity, but he cannot do without novels, because where else, if not in relationships, can he look for inspiration for new hits. The personal life of Yegor Creed is, to put it bluntly, replete with variety.

Miroslava Karpovich, who starred in Yegor’s “Starlet” video, became the star’s first lover. Their romance did not last long, due to the busyness of both in creativity.

Then in 2013 he was in a relationship with model Diana Melison. The lovers posed together for a lingerie photo shoot. They often appeared in photos on social networks together. After some time, they separated, as Diana herself says: because of Yegor’s jealousy and dissatisfaction that she was constantly appearing in advertising for underwear.

Then Egor was seen having affairs with Anna Zavorotnyuk, Victoria Daineko, Ksenia Deli, Olga Seryabkina, with whom nothing serious came of it for the star.

In 2014 - 2016, Yegor Creed was in a rather long relationship with the singer Nyusha (Anna Shurochkina). Both said that they were head over heels in love, but Nyusha’s father, who was also her producer, intervened in the romance and forbade his daughter to have any relationship.

At the moment, Yegor Creed's heart is free.

Yegor Creed's family

Yegor Creed's family is very friendly, rich, cheerful and musical. The boy is proud of his family and the achievements of each of them.

The singer's father, Nikolai Bulatkin, is a successful businessman who owns the largest company in Russia for processing nuts and dried fruits, plays music group, prefers to perform chanson.

The singer’s mother, Marina Bulatkina, is a co-owner of the company with her father, and studied vocals in her youth.

The singer's older sister, Polina Bulatkina (Polina Faith/Paylina Michaels) lives and works in Los Angeles, is engaged in vocals and acting.

Children of Yegor Creed

Many fans are trying to find out if Yegor Creed suddenly has illegitimate children. No, and as Yegor himself says, it’s not expected yet, because he’s very busy with his career, and it comes first. Although to a young guy I already want to have it loving wife and little treasures that would be like him.

Egor himself plans to become a father by the age of 25, when he will stand firmly on his feet, have sufficient experience, and at the same time be on the same wavelength with his baby. The singer dreams of a son, but the little princess will not upset him. Egor is already ready for the status of “Young Dad,” but he still can’t find the one with whom he will be with for the rest of his life. After all, this is the only way he sees his future.

Yegor Creed's girlfriend

Yegor Krikh is quite young, but his personal life can be envied a large number of guys. Famous girls are credited to his novels. He was in relationships with gorgeous models, actresses and singers. One of the first was Miroslava Karpovich, then Diana Melison, Anna Zavorotnyuk, Victoria Daineko.

One of Yegor’s longest relationships was with singer Nyusha (Anna Shurochkina), which lasted two years. They met secretly because they had different statuses in society. At that time Nyusha was already everything famous star, and Egor was an ordinary singer from Penza. Both claimed that they had met true and sincere love. What Nyusha liked about Yegor was his sincerity, good manners and a sense of humor. But their romance was quickly declassified by the public.

Her dad and part-time producer Vladimir Shurochkin (one of the former legendary soloists) intervened in their relationship. Tender May"). He invested a lot of effort and money into his daughter’s career, so he felt that at the moment it was too early for Anya to think about relationships and marriage. You need to build a career as an artist and get decent profits and recognition. Due to this, the couple broke up. After which Nyusha, already the ex-girlfriend of Yegor Creed, stated that they had different views on life and their couple was not destined to survive.

After which Yegor had several more short affairs with Ksenia Del, Victoria Odintsova and Olga Seryabkina.

Yegor Creed's wife

For now the heart eligible bachelor free. Yegor Creed claims that he has no time for relationships now, he spends too much time on tours and recording new albums.

On the other hand, the singer went to the “Bachelor” project and who knows, maybe there he will find the one with whom he wants to spend his whole life. After all, this is not an easy task at all, as the artist himself says, Yegor Creed’s wife should not only be beautiful, but also smart, modest, and also be a connoisseur of the hearth, a future loving wife and a supermom. There are only a couple of years left until the goal set by Yegor himself, to start a family by the age of 25, so the singer has a little time to take a closer look.

Instagram and Wikipedia Yegor Creed

Instagram and Wikipedia of Yegor Creed exist and it is not at all difficult to find it on the Internet. There are also numerous various groups on behalf of the artist.

On Instagram, Egor posts his numerous photos with new passions, just relaxing. You can also see videos from the singer’s concerts or new clips. On Instagram, the artist quite often asks for help from his subscribers, since Egor is involved in charity work. His number of subscribers is growing rapidly every day.

Interest in who Yegor Creed is dating now, in 2018, is caused by his participation in the show “The Bachelor”. The program ended in early June and the singer’s chosen one was the Ural model Dasha Klyukina. Fans of the artist and admirers scandalous show about love expected a beautiful continuation no less beautiful relationship between young people. However, at the next Muz-TV award ceremony, Creed appeared with his parents, leaving his chosen one without attention.

Journalists fell asleep young man questions about his incomprehensible behavior. The artist had to tell them that wedding ring V latest issue the show turned out to be just a tribute to tradition. In fact, Creed remained on friendly terms with the girl who won the competition for his heart.

Egor Creed and Dasha Klyukina

Yegor had no long-term plans for Dasha Klyukina. In addition, the artist is firmly convinced that public representatives of the fair half of humanity are not suitable for a strong family.

Difficult choice

Supporters of the show were unhappy with the behavior of the main character. Shortly before the finale, journalists talked about the singer’s secret dates with another participant in the program, Victoria Korotkova. According to the paparazzi, there was clearly sympathy between the young people, which confused the reporters. By the time the last part of the show was released, viewers' opinions about the winner were divided.

The artist's choice was also met with mixed reactions. Passions flared up in earnest after several scandalous antics of the participants on the program. Even then, it was unclear who he would date now, in 2018. In addition, many former friends of the artist say that with the growth of fame, the young man’s needs and requirements for loved ones have changed significantly.

Yegor Creed on the project “Bachelor”

As for the winner of “The Bachelor,” she is not that popular yet. Thanks to her participation in the show, Daria Klyukina became recognizable. This helps a hardworking and ambitious girl in obtaining lucrative advertising contracts.

Attractive appearance contributes to the growth of fans, and although the hero of “The Bachelor” made fun of his chosen one on the program “ Evening Urgant", she didn't seem very upset. It’s unlikely that after such boorish behavior, Daria cares who Yegor Creed is dating now, in 2018.

Egor Creed: photo

Life after the project

According to attentive fans of the artist, it is easy to understand who Yegor Creed is dating in 2018. She still became this lucky woman, although the celebrity did not provide direct evidence of a romantic relationship. According to attentive subscribers to the continuation love relationship indicate the following points:

Yegor Creed broke up with Daria Klyukina after the end of the show

  • after the end of the program, the couple was repeatedly spotted together in several public places in the capital;
  • On her Instagram page, the girl persistently posts a photo of a tattoo made on a project under the influence of Creed. According to observant subscribers, such activity indicates true feelings Vicki;
  • the other day, designer Artem Krivda announced his work with the Timati production center, in which Creed and Vika worked together. Considering the popularity of the artist and small degree Korotkova’s fame, it can be assumed that it was the singer who was able to protect the beauty in front of his manager.

Victoria Korotkova is on friendly terms with Yegor Creed

Of course, it is difficult to call such arguments explicit. In addition, the artist himself has repeatedly said that he was disappointed in love and had difficulty with long-term commitments.

The material was prepared by the editors of the site site

Published 06/28/2018

Popularity came to Yegor Creed quite early, and he achieved it very in an original way. He just posted one of his songs on social network, and then shot a video on it and published it there.

Yegor began taking his first steps in music as a child. This was facilitated by the creative atmosphere that reigned in his family. Even though the parents weren't there professional musicians, but were sensitive to music.

At first, the young man decided to develop in the rap style. He even tried to write songs. But over time, his preferences in music changed. New round in the singer's work and fast career started after meeting Timati. Timati took him under his wing and became Yegor's producer. Since then, Creed's songs have not left the top lines of the charts and every year the singer receives several music awards for your achievements.

Having become famous, Yegor Creed acquired a large army of fans. Girls enjoy going to his concerts and follow the changes in his personal life. In addition, most of them do not mind meeting their idol in person. But despite such success with women, the singer still has not tied the knot. What kind of woman does he need?

Love and music

As soon as Yegor’s popularity began to gain momentum, began to discuss his affair with model Diana Melison. The couple published many photos together and did not hide their relationship. It was discussed online that Yegor and Diana are perfect for each other and look very natural together.

Diana also occasionally made comments about their relationship with the singer. She said that the young man was a real romantic. He tries to make each of their dates unique and surprise her. But a year later these romantic relationship are over. Fans learned about this from the network. Young people stopped publishing joint photos and post affectionate posts.

The couple chose not to disclose the reasons for the separation, but their friends said that jealousy was to blame. Yegor was very jealous of his beloved and forbade her to appear in explicit advertisements for underwear. Diana did not want her freedom to be limited and chose a career.

One for life

After breaking up with Diana, the singer had a series of high-profile novels With famous girls.For some time he had a relationship with Anna Stryukova, the daughter of Anastasia Zavorotnyuk. At the time of their relationship, Anna had just graduated from school, and it was too early to talk about serious intentions. The girl chose study and development rather than starting a family.

Then information appeared in the press that Creed was dating. The couple appeared together on various events and looked happy. But their happiness did not last long. After 6 months they broke up. As it turned out, the young people were very different in temperament and could not be together.

Yegor Creed said about his next girlfriend that she would be alone for life. It was difficult for journalists to find out who the mysterious girl was. The singer did not want to mention her name, but spoke very fondly of her. The name of the beloved became known after their separation. It turned out that Egor and singer Nyusha were together for some time. It seems that the young man was truly in love with this girl. The couple even planned to live together.

Interesting notes:

But this was not destined to happen. The couple's father intervened in the couple's relationship. In his opinion, Yegor was not a match for his daughter. He did everything to ensure that the young people separated. Fans learned about this from the lines of one of Creed’s songs. There are lines there that indicate that the girl’s father was involved in the separation.

The era of models and the show “The Bachelor”

After breaking up with Nyusha, Yegor was not alone for long. His next relationship was with model Ksenia Deli. The couple preferred not to advertise their relationship. But still, their photos together ended up online. The young people were not together for long. After several months of relationship, it became known about Ksenia’s infidelities. This was the reason for the separation.

Next, another model, Victoria Odintsova, became the girl. The young people met on the set of a video. Their relationship developed very quickly. After several days of dating and after finishing filming the video, Yegor and Vika flew off together on vacation to Greece. But the relationship between the singer and the model did not last long. The couple quietly separated without any explanation.

There were often conversations online about Yegor Creed’s romance with Olga Seryabkina, the lead singer of the Serebro group. They starred in a video together and since then conversations about their romance began. An indirect confirmation of this was Yegor’s phrase that he was waiting for Olga’s consent to his marriage proposal.

To find his chosen one, the singer decided to participate in the show “The Bachelor”. Someone considered this decision to be another way to draw attention to their person. Even before the show was released, Yegor said that among the 15 applicants, he immediately singled out one girl who was suitable for the role of his wife. In the finale of season 6 of the show The Bachelor, Daria Klyukina won, it was she who was seen as future wife Egor Creed. However, love, and especially family, did not work out for the guys. According to Yegor, he and Dasha are on friendly terms.

Now the musician’s heart is free. He is ready for a new relationship. Egor has already stated more than once that he is ready to start a family and the birth of children will be a joy for him. But he believes that his activities are preventing him from fully arranging his personal life.

The singer spends a lot of time on tour, shooting videos and recording songs. With such a busy schedule, it is difficult to find a wife.

The track “Bachelor”, recorded with Feduk and LSP, is a kind of anthem free life performer. Most likely, Yegor does not need a serious relationship yet. However, one should not think that this will last forever; before his eyes he has a wonderful example of a good family - the example of his parents. So it’s worth waiting until Creed meets his one and only and creates a strong family with her.

Yegor Creed’s participation in the popular TV show “The Bachelor” led to interesting twists and turns and changes in the artist’s personal life in 2018. Now his fans are intrigued by whether the relationships with the girls on the television project were sincere, and who the performer chose. Revelations from outsiders fuel interest dedicated to the stars publics, in photographs and videos of which Egor currently appears hugging an unknown girl.

There were no serious twists and turns in the artist’s biography. His life is an example of how talent and hard work can make your way and bring success, no matter how old you are.

By the way, this year the artist turns 24 years old.

Creed is a pseudonym, according to his passport, singer Bulatkin Egor Nikolaevich. He was born in 1994 on June 25. His mom and dad were wealthy people. Father still has own business and both parents hold management positions at Unitron.

Egor Creed with his parents

The singer’s family is exemplary; in addition to a son, there is also a daughter. Egor's sister is Polina Nikolaevna. She also tries herself in the vocal field, performing solo. True, so far not as successful as my brother.


Yegor Creed's career growth started back in school. In his teenage years, he became interested in music, wrote his own songs and performed them himself.

His first hit was the track “Love on the Net.” Having taken the required amount of funds from his father, Egor and his friends shot a video for the composition, which, after publication, rapidly gained views. A year later he became the winner of the “Star – VKontakte” competition.

Music career Creeda started in school

In the same year, he performed and recorded a cover of Timati’s song “Don’t Go Crazy.” This was still a stepping stone to success. The founder of the production label noticed young talent, and since 2012, the Black Star corporation began to take care of Creed’s career.

The performer's success led to the fact that he never attended his own graduation at school. On the same day, his performance was planned at Luzhniki.

Writing hits, participating in popular shows, numerous photo reports from social events, where Yegor appeared in the company of show business stars, contributed to the guy’s even more rapid growth. The result of perseverance, talent, hard work and competent PR was the first album of 2015 and a large solo concert held in the capital in 2016.

Egor Creed and Timati

In parallel with his career growth, Creed entered the Gnessin Academy of Music. The singer chose the “Producing” specialization, but the singer failed to obtain a diploma. Busy work got in the way.

Over several years of his career, Yegor Creed performed hits and made videos with famous stars Russian show business:

  • Alexey Vorobyov;
  • Hannah;
  • Molly;
  • Polina Gagarina;
  • DJ Smash;
  • Timati.

Egor Creed and Alexey Vorobyov

In 2018, Yegor Creed also continues to actively engage in further development career, the latest news includes his video for the song “Tear” and a demonstration of his personal life, secrets and revelations in “The Bachelor.” Behind the artist’s emotions and his communication with interesting people, beautiful girls Fans all over the country can watch.

Personal life

Youth, popularity and an actively developing career could not leave Creed without fans and an entourage of the best, most spectacular and prettiest girls. Rumors about his numerous novels, secret and not so, actively flashed in the press. Whether they were PR or a real relationship, one can only guess.

Egor Creed with Anna Zavorotnyuk

The first girl with whom Yegor tried to publicly build a relationship was Anna Zavorotnyuk, daughter famous actress. The singer did not go further than walks with her.

She was replaced by negligee model Diana Melison. Yegor Creed’s personal life during this period was stormy, and the romance was passionate; according to the artist’s admission, made only now, the reason for the breakup was jealousy on his part. The young people separated in 2013.

The reason for the breakup with Diana Melison was candid filming and the guy’s jealousy

Next on the list star girls became singers: Victoria Daineko and Nyusha.

Egor with Victoria Daineko

Later, rumors from Nyusha’s inner circle leaked to the press that this relationship was a profitable PR for the young man. All his public suffering associated with the breakup benefited Creed’s career, while the singer was turned inside out by this relationship.

The romance between Creed and Nyusha was loud

Afterwards, the young star’s list of girls included long-legged models: Ksenia Deli and Vika Odintsova. The latter even appeared in one of his videos. However, the romances were short-lived.

Creed and Victoria Odintsova

In 2018, in the biography of Yegor Creed it appeared famous show, in which the artist is asked to arrange his personal life by choosing a contender for the role of lady of the heart from 20 best girls, who passed a large casting.

Egor and Ksenia Delhi


PR or love?

One of the most high-profile scandals In Yegor’s life, it was his relationship with Nyusha, or rather the actions of the artists who, without hesitation, exposed each other in public.

Nyusha herself stated that Yegor, in one of the hits he performed, used the lines of a song written by her, without informing the artist about it. She was also dissatisfied with his loud statements that he wanted to get married to her and have children.

Every appearance with a girl turns out to be a reason for the press to attribute new novel singer

The singer agreed with her father’s previously expressed opinion that Yegor needed to gain a foothold in the party, and he used her as a pass.

The situation with Nyusha obviously hasn’t completely let Creed go, as small scandals and swearing continue to surface. Verbal battles are now taking place between the artist and the singer’s husband. The scene of the clashes was one of the Moscow clubs and the Instagram network.

Plagiarism and 4 million compensation

Song " father's daughters"became the reason for a scandal with accusations of plagiarism. The claims came from the Young Starz Music label. As a result of the altercations, the clip was removed from the singer’s personal channel, and representatives of the injured party demanded compensation in the amount of 4 million rubles. After the material claims were voiced, the authorized representatives of Black Star announced that the proceedings were moving into the legal field.

Creed is one of the richest young performers in Russian show business
  • According to Forbes magazine statistics, for the last few years Yegor Creed has been among the ten richest musicians in Russian show business. In 2017, he rose to seventh place in the ranking with an income of $4 million.
  • On the sky map there is a star named after Creed. It was given to the singer by a fan during his first solo concert in the capital.
  • The artist generously decorates his body with tattoos and currently wants to remove one of them. This is a tattoo with the first letter of the name of one of his ex-girlfriends. The artist does not admit who she is.
  • Egor was born into a family of successful businessmen whose hobby is music. The whole family is related to her and none of them interfered with her son’s choice of career path.
  • The artist has a second rank in chess, which he earned while still at school.
  • Yegor Creed drives a Mercedes Gelandewagen worth 9 million rubles with a personal driver and also the singer’s bodyguard. The artist himself also has a driver's license. He did not receive it right away; Yegor had to take the exams twice.
  • One of Yegor's favorite vacation spots is Los Angeles.
  • Creed is not only a performer, but also a songwriter.
  • The singer is prohibited from entering the territory of Ukraine. The reason for such a refusal on the part of the neighboring state was a tour of Crimea.

Personal life now

At the moment, Yegor Creed is actively engaged in writing new lyrics and recording songs. He also travels around Europe.

The personal life of Yegor Creed, until May 2018, will remain classified as secret. Prohibiting the dissemination of information about the relationship between participants is one of the rules of the show about relationships. At the moment, neither the girls nor the artist are talking about what happened on the set and who won.

Creed and Daria Klyukina. Shot from the show “The Bachelor”

After “The Bachelor,” it will be possible to really find out whether the artist has found his other half. Although it is worth remembering that he himself went to the project solely for new emotions. Looking for a wife, as he admitted, was not part of the artist’s plans.