Essay based on the painting “Golden Autumn” by Levitan. Isaac Levitan, “Golden Autumn”: autumn poetry in the landscape

  • 04.05.2019

Today " Golden autumn“is considered the pinnacle of Isaac Levitan’s mastery, and at the time the painting was created, the painter was treated rather biasedly and reproached for wanting to paint landscapes. They say that it is inappropriate for a Jewish artist to take on the work of original Russian masters. Nevertheless, landscapes painted by Levitan occupy first place in the “golden background” of Russian painting.

Isaac Levitan. Self-Portrait (1880)
Isaac Ilyich Levitan(1860 - 1900) was born into an educated, impoverished Jewish family in 1860. In 1870, Father Ilya Levitan decided to move to Moscow in order to somehow escape poverty. Isaac's older brother Abel entered the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture, and 2 years later his younger 13-year-old brother joined him. A couple of years later, the mother of the future artist dies, and his sick father is forced to leave his job and earn a living as a tutor.

The family's constant financial difficulties prompted the school management to provide assistance to the Levitan brothers several times financial assistance"for excellent success." In the end, they were completely exempted from tuition fees.

Gray day. I. Levintan, 1890s
Isaac Levitan really had success in painting. As his contemporary recalled: “Everything was easy for Levitan, nevertheless, he worked hard, with great endurance.” The landscapes were especially successful.

In the spring of 1888, Levitan, together with his artist friends Alexei Stepanov and Sofia Kuvshinnikova, set off on a steamer along the Oka River to Nizhny Novgorod and further up the Volga. During the trip, they unexpectedly discovered the beauty of the small, quiet town of Plyos. They decided to stay and live there for a while. As a result, Levitan spent three extremely productive periods in Plyos. summer seasons(1888-1890). In the late 1880s - early 1890s, Levitan headed the landscape class at the School of Fine Arts of the artist-architect A. O. Gunst.

About 200 works that he completed over three summers in Plyos brought Levitan wide fame, and Plyos became very popular among landscape painters.

In 1892, Levitan, as a “person of the Jewish faith,” was forced to leave Moscow and lived for some time in the Tver and Vladimir provinces. Then, thanks to the efforts of friends, the artist was allowed to return “as an exception.”

Gold autumn. I. Levitan, 1895.
One of the most famous paintings Isaac Levitan is "Golden Autumn", written in 1895. It belongs to the so-called “major series” of the artist. Soviet art critic Alexei Fedorov-Davydov spoke of this painting as follows: “Golden Autumn” amazes and captivates with the fullness and beauty of its emotional content, so clearly expressed in color splendor, in the major sound of the golden colorful range.”

Levitan himself spoke skeptically about his canvas, calling it rough. During that period he suffered from bouts of melancholy. In the 19th century, this concept meant mental disorder, depression. In addition, Levitan had a bad heart.

Paintings “Golden Autumn” in 2010 at the State Tretyakov Gallery.
When the painting was presented to the public, Pavel Tretyakov acquired it. Levitan was immensely happy. Until the painting was transferred to the Tretyakov Gallery, it was allowed to be exhibited at the exhibition of the Itinerants in different cities of Russia. In Kharkov, an accident happened to the painting: a copper visor fell from one of the heaters and tore the canvas. Today the wound is repaired and cannot be detected with the naked eye.

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Series of messages " ":
Part 1 -

Twenty third of September.

An essay based on the painting by I. I. Levitan “Golden Autumn”.

In front of me is a painting by I. I. Levitan “Golden Autumn”. In it, the artist depicted a time of bright colors, a clear autumn day. How beautiful early autumn is!

In the foreground of the painting, the artist depicted a river. It is very dark, winding, and has a slow flow. The banks of the river are sleepy; drooping, dry grass descends along them. White-trunked beauties - Russian birches - grow on the river bank. They are decorated with beautiful golden outfits. The sky is bright, blue, with light clouds. Such a sky only happens on a sunny autumn day. There is a pure coolness in the air. On the other side of the river there is a lonely birch tree. She is like a girl, modest and shy. Houses are visible in the background of the picture. The artist moved the village into the distance to show all the splendor of the fading autumn nature. Endless fields of writing “Golden, like a colorful velvet carpet, and the trees seem to merge with each other. The landscape “Golden Autumn” depicts the most lyrical of the seasons.

The picture makes me feel sad, but at the same time charges me with cheerfulness on this fine day. It's a celebration of gold and blue!

Skachkov Vsevolod,

4th grade student,

MBOU Secondary School "Zagorskie Dali"

Sergievo-Posad district,

Moscow region.


Painting 09.09.2017

Greetings to readers of Irina’s blog. I want to talk to you about my favorite artist. And this is no coincidence. Autumn has come, it is multifaceted in its manifestations. This time of year is always unique, it is changeable, fleeting. And this is probably why autumn often becomes the muse of creative people.

Autumn was sung by Pushkin, Bunin, Tyutchev, Nekrasov, Yesenin, Fet. And among the artists there were those who were especially inspired by autumn. One of them is Isaac Ilyich Levitan, a sensitive, sometimes melancholic, but undoubtedly very talented artist.

He was attracted by everything about autumn - its beauty, bad weather, various phenomena and periods of this time of year. In his paintings, autumn appears ringing and languid, frosty and moldy, in bright colors and pastel colors. The autumn palette in the paintings of Isaac Levitan is incredibly diverse.

Biography and personality of the artist

Levitan's life and fate was not easy. He was born into an educated but poor family. The family was often persecuted for Jewish origin. The artist's parents died early, leaving their children without any means of support. student life Levitan passed through in conditions of extreme need, sometimes he didn’t even have a place to stay the night.

Perhaps it was the adversities of childhood and adolescence that caused the manifestation of melancholy and a tendency to frequent depression in his character. The artist's creativity depended entirely on emotional state. Inspiration seized the artist during the decline of melancholy and depressive moods. And it was creativity that helped him come to his senses, to believe that there was a bright side to life.

In a nervous state, the artist did not need anyone or anything; he wanted only one thing - solitude. It was difficult for him with people, and even in his work this manifested itself - he rarely depicted people in his canvases. Levitan went into the forest, into the field and painted pictures. Painting gave him back the desire to live, breathe deeply, and believe in the best.

Levitan's best friend Anton Chekhov rented a dacha in the suburbs of Moscow in Babkino with his brother and sister. Isaac came to visit them. He settled in the neighboring village of Maksimovka and worked hard. He painted sketches one after another and hung them all over the walls of the small room he rented.

For three years in a row, Isaac Ilyich Levitan spent the summer outdoors, sometimes up to late autumn. He worked tirelessly. This was a very fruitful period of creativity in the artist’s life. A lot of paintings were painted by the artist, inspired by the nature of these places.

Autumn painting by Isaac Levitan

The artist dedicated many of his paintings to autumn. Levitan reflected it as it is in different periods. At the very beginning, this time of year still looks so much like summer, there is still a lot of greenery, but bright colors are already appearing. autumn colors- autumn asters and dahlias are blooming, like a fire they flare up in autumn paintings oh Levitan.

There is in the initial autumn
A short but wonderful time -
The whole day is like crystal,
And the evenings are radiant...
Where the cheerful sickle walked and the ear fell,
Now everything is empty - space is everywhere,
Only a web of thin hair
Glistens on the idle furrow.
The air is empty, the birds are no longer heard,
But the first winter storms are still a long way off.
And pure and warm azure flows
To the resting field...

F. I. Tyutchev

Then at one moment everything turns yellow, first some trees, and then others are covered with gold. These changes are reflected in detail in Levitan’s paintings; he seems to be afraid of missing out on something important, and strives to convey to the viewer all the beauty and variability of autumn nature. Despite the transience of autumn days, he manages to capture all the nuances.

The fields are compressed, the groves are bare,
The water causes fog and dampness.
Wheel behind the blue mountains
The sun went down quietly.
The dug-up road sleeps.
Today she dreamed
Which is very, very little
All we have to do is wait for the gray winter...

S. Yesenin

A couple of days have passed - the leaves have fallen off, rustling underfoot, the trees are bare. It begins to rain, the foliage fades, becomes dull, withered, and in the morning is covered with frost. The sky is gray and low, the last birds fly away in large flocks. It's raining, foggy and damp outside.

An ordinary person would not go for a walk in such weather, but the artist takes paints and brushes and sets out to paint pictures in nature in gray-ocher tones. Paintings convey all the silence and uniqueness of these moments.

Boring picture!
Endless clouds
The rain keeps pouring down
Puddles by the porch...
Stunted rowan
Gets wet under the window,
Looks at the village
A gray spot.
Why are you visiting early?
Has autumn come to us?
The heart still asks
Light and warmth!..

A. Pleshcheev

Painting "Golden Autumn"

One of the most bright paintings in Levitan's work "Golden Autumn" is considered. Although the artist did not consider it successful, the public really liked the painting, and truly became a masterpiece of Russian painting.

In the picture, autumn appears before us in its very bloom - it is bright, juicy, expressive. The bright, ringing sky and the dark surface of the river enhance the expressive image of autumn. Blue and dark blue in contrast with golden trees emphasize the beauty and uniqueness of the sunny Russian autumn.

You look at the picture and immediately remember the lines of Ivan Bunin from the poem “Falling Leaves”:

The forest is like a painted tower,
Lilac, gold, crimson,
A cheerful, motley wall
Standing above a bright clearing.
Birch trees with yellow carving
Glisten in the blue azure,
Like towers, the fir trees are darkening,
And between the maples they turn blue
Here and there through the foliage
Clearances in the sky, like a window.
The forest smells of oak and pine,
Over the summer it dried out from the sun,
And autumn is a quiet widow
Enters his motley mansion.

This is autumn at its brightest, Indian summer, a time of inspiration.

"October (Autumn)"

Levitan conveyed a completely different mood in his painting “October (Autumn).” It reflects the sadness and despondency of the Russian autumn, melancholy and sadness. The sky is gloomy, the trees are half naked, the grass is withered. Nature seems to be in anxious anticipation of cold weather and frost. Through these images the artist conveys his own dramatic mood. But even in this sad picture one can see Levitan’s endless love for nature, for such different autumns.

About it short period Alexander Pushkin wrote very accurately in autumn:

October has already arrived - the grove is already shaking off
Latest sheets from its naked branches;
The autumn chill has blown in - the road is freezing.
The stream still runs babbling behind the mill,
But the pond was already frozen; my neighbor is in a hurry
To the departing fields with my desire,
And the winter ones suffer from mad fun,
And the barking of dogs wakes up the sleeping oak forests.

Subject. Preparation for an essay based on the painting by I.I. Levitan “Golden Autumn”.

Lesson objectives. Introduce concepts to students(text, paragraph, communication) based on an art history text with the aim of using it in preparation for an essay on the painting by I.I. Levitan “Golden Autumn”. Introduce art historical terms into students’ active dictionary:landscape, landscape painter, painting, painter, coloring. Activate vocabulary on the topic “Autumn”.

Lesson equipment.

Reproduction of a painting by I.I. Levitan "Golden Autumn" -Art history text from the book by V.B. Rosenwasser "Conversations on Art" -

Lesson content.

I. Teacher's story about the artist and his painting

Isaac Ilyich Levitan (1860-1900) was an outstanding artist- landscape painter of the late 19th century.
His fate was not easy: coming from a poor Jewish family, he early years learned humiliation and poverty. Art became I.I. Levitan’s calling literally from childhood. Already at the age of thirteen he entered the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture. His teachers were V.G. Perov, A.K. Savrasov, V.D. Polenov.
At A.K. Savrasov, he learned to see the poetry and beauty of Russian nature. V.D. Polenov had a great influence on I. Levitan as a colorist, which was especially evident in the pure, sonorous colors, in the living, direct feeling of nature in such paintings by the artist as “The First Greens”, “Birch Grove”.
The painting “Golden Autumn” (1895) creates an image of a solemn, joyful autumn in its tranquility, glorifying native nature. This picture could rightfully be called “an encyclopedia of Russian autumn.

II. Conversation on the painting by I.I. Levitan “Golden Autumn”

Autumn in Levitan's paintings is very diverse. It is impossible to list all the autumn days he painted on the canvas. Levitan left about a hundred “autumn” paintings, not counting sketches. They depicted things familiar from childhood: lonely golden birches, not yet blown by the wind; a sky like thin ice; shaggy rains over forest clearings.
But in all these landscapes, no matter what they depict, the sadness of farewell days, falling leaves, rotting grass, the quiet hum of bees before the cold and the pre-winter sun, barely noticeably warming the earth, is best conveyed...

What is shown in the picture?

What feelings did the artist want to express?

Why is the painting called “Golden Autumn”?

What colors (tones) did the artist choose to show the “gold of autumn”?

What would you like to write about in an essay on this painting? What will you describe?

III. Writing on the board

Students are asked to write down words that they can rely on when working on an essay.
Sky, river, field, birch trees, grove, trees, village, hillock, grass.
All these words are supporting words, they are objects for description, something that has already been given to us by the picture. What can we say “new” about this “given”?

On the board there is a note:



blue, light, clean, sunny, with white clouds.


not wide, clean, calm, deep, quiet, with a slow flow.


yellow, gold, multi-colored, like candles, beautiful.


dry, yellow, like a carpet, brown.


green, fresh, like a soft velvet carpet.


small, distant.

IV. Conversation with students on the content of the picture

Where would you start an essay on a painting?

Since the artist I.I. Levitan depicted a beautiful time - autumn.

What would you write after the introduction?

I would describe in detail the trees, the river, the sky...
-What would be the last sentence in your essay?

I would definitely write about what a beautiful time of year autumn is, how the artist beautifully depicted it. I really liked this picture...

Now look at how the author of the book “Conversations about Art” V.B. Rosenwasser described this picture. But the trouble is that I only received separate sheets of printed text, and now I don’t know whether these are the same text or different ones, which sheet is the first and which is the last.
Let's try to figure this out together. Read the passages. (Students are given printed sheets of text).

« “Looking at the painting by I.I. Levitan, we, as it were, together with the artist experience that immeasurable beauty native land, autumn nature, which has always attracted the greatest masters of Russian landscape painting."

Does the content of the text match the picture? Are the passages one text?

Yes, they are, because they all talk about the painting by I.I. Levitan “Golden Autumn”.

Indeed, all passages are connected by one thought. Which?
The main idea of ​​this text is the thought of the beauty of Russian autumn nature.

Right. You have proven that all passages are one text, they are united by one idea. How would you arrange these passages? Which one will be first, (second, third)?

1. At the beginning of the text I would put the passage “Simple and familiar...”. This passage describes the picture completely, in general.
2.After the first passage I would place detailed description landscape and how the picture is painted. This part is the largest in volume, and it explains what is said in the first passage...
3. I would put the passage “Looking at the picture...” last, because it talks about the beauty of nature, as if a conclusion is being drawn from everything that was said before.

So, we have restored the text completely. Please note that each passage begins with a red line. Why? How do you think?
Probably because each passage describes the picture differently. Each of them seems to have its own thought. For example, in the first passage we immediately see the picture. And in the second, it’s as if we are looking at the landscape together with the author of the text and slowly moving our gaze around the picture.

Right. Sentences united by one thought (subtopic) and having clear boundaries form paragraphs. Are the paragraphs connected to each other? If connected, then how?

Yes, the paragraphs are interconnected. In the first paragraph the author talks about the river. And he begins the second paragraph by describing what is to the left and right of the river. In the second paragraph, the words “look”, “take a closer look” are often repeated, and in the third paragraph the conclusion is drawn: “... peering at the picture of I.I. Levitan...”.

You correctly noted that the paragraphs here are connected by words of the same root. There are other types of communication, but we will learn about this later.

Did you like the text?

I really liked the text. The author described in detail the painting “Golden Autumn”. After reading this text, I better understood I.I. Levitan’s painting.

What new about I.I. Levitan’s painting did you learn from the text?

I learned how the artist painted a picture, how he applied paints to show the movement of water and better depict the golden foliage of birches. -How does the author describe the river, trees, field, sky? What words does he use? Complete the supporting words that we wrote down earlier with new ones from the text.

V. Vocabulary and stylistic work
– Using a dictionary, explain the meaning of the following art historical terms:
Painting - view visual arts, reproducing objects and phenomena using paints.
Scenery - painting depicting nature.
Strokes - painting technique oil paints. The smear is applied once. Can be applied in different directions. There are light and thick strokes.
Color - the ratio of colors in a painting by tone.

Form words from nouns: landscape, painting, nouns denoting a person.
(Landscape artist, painter).

Find in the text complex names adjectives denoting shades of color. Explain their meaning with the help of a picture.
(Emerald green stripe of winter, deep blue water, crimson-golden birches, red-bronze oaks).
-Which artistic media must be used so that your description is as colorful, expressive, and accurate? Let's try to collect a verbal “palette” for I. Levitan’s painting.

Metaphors: the mirror of the river, the warm gold of foliage, a panorama of winter fields, heaps of red leaves, a festival of colors, the kingdom of autumn.

Comparisons: like holiday lights, like patchwork quilt like trees drenched in gold.

Epithets: clean and transparent air, enchanting beauty, amazing picture.

Avatars: The sun is pouring its last warmth, the birches are dancing, the reeds are sad, nature is thoughtful.

Let's pay attention to compositional structure descriptive essays. Together we draw up a detailed plan for the essay, think through options for the introduction and ending.


1. Introduction. It can consist of 2-3 sentences, or it can be expanded.

    Autumn - favorite time years of many poets, musicians, artists.

    I.I. Levitan is a singer of the beauty of Russian nature.

    The bright range of colors of the Russian landscape gives rise to a joyful mood.

2. The main part is the largest in volume. Here is a description of the painting itself.

    Painting by I. Levitan “Golden Autumn”.

    General plan of the picture.

    Trees in Levitan's painting.

    Autumn river.

    Azure of heaven.

    Background of the picture.

3. Conclusion It can consist of 2-3 sentences, or it can be expanded.

    What feelings did this beautiful corner of nature, depicted by the great painter, evoke in you?

    Remember your observations in the autumn forest, your mood, your feelings.

    What is the main idea this painting and your essay?

Homework: write an essay based on the painting by I.I. Levitan “Golden Autumn”.


Levitan's autumn landscape seems simple and familiar to us. The artist depicted a narrow river calmly carrying its waters between low banks.” “On the left we see a birch grove, on the right – individual trees. Our gaze moves as if following the flow of the river; in the distance they open autumn forests, and in the gap between them on a high hill behind the emerald green strip of winter - a village. The sky is blue, clear, covered with light white clouds. There is a river in front of us, and it seems that its thick blue water is moving slowly. Take a closer look at how the artist painted that part of the water that is closer to us. He placed the strokes of paint not along the movement of the water, but vertically, and the water seemed to swell and rise. And only further, becoming lighter, she began to move slowly. We find the same technique for constructing space in the image of the coast on the left. The ground spreads out in front of us, covered with already browned autumn grass. The crimson-golden birches on the left and the red-bronze oaks on the right seem to part, revealing the endless expanses of fields and forests. Look at how densely the artist applied paint where the golden foliage of the birches in the foreground is depicted, and how the grass and water are painted. But the further into the landscape the less dense and lighter the strokes become.”

Levitan's autumn landscape seems simple and familiar to us. The artist depicted a narrow river calmly carrying its waters between low banks.” “On the left we see a birch grove, on the right – individual trees. Our gaze moves as if following the flow of the river, autumn forests open in the distance, and in the gap between them on a high hill behind the emerald green strip of winter - a village. The sky is blue, clear, covered with light white clouds. There is a river in front of us, and it seems that its thick blue water is moving slowly. Take a closer look at how the artist painted that part of the water that is closer to us. He placed the strokes of paint not along the movement of the water, but vertically, and the water seemed to swell and rise. And only further, becoming lighter, she began to move slowly. We find the same technique for constructing space in the image of the coast on the left. The ground spreads out in front of us, covered with already browned autumn grass. The crimson-golden birches on the left and the red-bronze oaks on the right seem to part, revealing endless expanses of fields and forests to the view. Look at how densely the artist applied paint where the golden foliage of the birches in the foreground is depicted, and how the grass and water are painted. But the further into the landscape the less dense and lighter the strokes become.”“Looking at the painting by I.I. Levitan, we, as if together with the artist, are experiencing the immeasurable beauty of our native land, autumn nature, which has always attracted the greatest masters of Russian landscape painting.

The beauty of Russian nature has always attracted the attention of poets, writers, composers and artists. Therefore, many masters of the painting brush turned to this topic. One of these unsurpassed masters painting is I.I. Levitan. His paintings clearly and clearly show love and admiration for his native nature.

One of his paintings is called “Golden Autumn”. This landscape reproduction was created by a wonderful artist in 1895 and, despite the fact that so much time has passed, it still evokes feelings of admiration for the masterpiece created by Levitan. After all, its autumn landscape is bright and sunny. He cannot leave a single person indifferent.

Therefore, one can rightfully call I. Levitan an artist of mood, as his contemporaries often called him. He could skillfully convey the beauty of his native land, show it in such a way that it would be impossible not to love it. Penetrating into the heart of everyone, it teaches not only to see beauty, but also shows how to appreciate it.

This painting by Levitan made such a huge impression on I. Tretyakov, who immediately purchased it for her art collection. IN modern world art this painting can be seen in the Tretyakov Gallery. In it, she is considered a real asset.

Levitan's painting “Golden Autumn” depicts autumn Birch Grove, which is changeable and unique in its outfit. The foreground of the picture attracts attention, where two small aspen trees are comfortably located, on which almost all the leaves have already fallen. And here are the birches that flash their golden tops. In the picture they are located slightly to the side from the main landscape. But all attention, of course, is drawn to the wonderful birch grove, which surprises with its extraordinary golden decoration.

The trunks of the birches are snow-white, and the trees themselves are depicted as if they are dressed in bright outfits, which have an unusual yellow-orange hue. If you look closely at the picture, you will notice that the birch leaves are depicted by the artist as if they are fluttering in the wind. Illuminated by the rays of the sun, they shimmer and shine brightly. This creates the image of golden decorations on girl trees.

One of these beautiful birches stands on the right bank of the river, far from its friends. That's why she seems so lonely. But the river water is still and cold. The artist placed the river in his painting on the right so that the birch grove could be reflected in the mirror surface. But what else is reflected in the river? This is the sky, huge, bright, blue, across which huge white clouds float.

Reflected in the mirror-clear river water are the branches of the bush that has grown on the river bank and, under the rays of the sun, now shimmers with reddish colors and shades. But it was this delicate and amazing bush that allowed the artist to steal and diversify the left bank of the river.

The calm and peaceful surface of the river allowed the artist Levitan to complement the landscape, which he was able to convey so accurately and so amazingly. The author of the painting was able to color schemes show all the beauty and charm autumn landscape. To the right of the water there are beautiful willows, their branches hanging low to the river. They have not yet lost their former beauty and now, despite the fact that everything is gold, they still stand, as before, green. They create a charming contrast between autumn, which has already arrived, and summer, which has already passed.

But summer leaves and says goodbye, and autumn only conquers new territories more and more. An invisible battle takes place between the seasons and this, of course, is reflected in nature, which transforms and changes its outfit. Levitan shows how autumn gradually wins over summer: the greenery has become less bright and rich, it is no longer juicy, and is very different from the state it was in just recently, in the summer.

The whole earth is covered with grass, but it too has succumbed to autumn and turned yellow. But still, here and there a strand of green grass still flickers, like a small reminder of summer. And now new elements are woven into this wonderful and extraordinary grass carpet - fallen leaves, which are crimson and yellow color. The artist chose rich and bright colors, and on the grass here and there you can see dark spots, which appeared as a shadow from the trees.

It is worth paying attention to the background of Levitan’s painting. Here you can see not only forests and fields that were sown with winter crops, but distant and almost invisible houses. The fields seem as if spring has arrived, as greenery is visible everywhere, lush and rich. But then the artist makes a sharp contrast and switches to yellow and brown flowers, which bring us back to reality and shows that, after all, autumn has already arrived in nature.

An interesting and charming painting by the famous and magnificent artist I.I. Levitan creates a wonderful lyrical mood. The colors of the canvas “Golden Autumn” please with its unusually bright shades, which are so pleasing autumn nature. This one picturesque landscape helps the magic brush of a painting master to awaken sincere love for native land. How amazing and beautiful this picture is! It is impossible to take your eyes off the beauty of nature depicted by Levitan.

It’s simply amazing how nature was able to create such a miracle, and now it delights everyone and forces us to be more attentive to what surrounds us. It is Levitan who shows with his painting that it is worth paying attention not only to the general landscape, but also to consider small details and details that help create a special and even poetic mood.

That’s why autumn helped, and sometimes even awakened in the hearts of many poets and writers the desire to create. Among them we can name such famous and great people as Mikhail Prishvin, Alexander Pushkin, Konstantin Paustovsky and others. They all have beautiful works dedicated to the autumn season and its natural and unusual beauty, which is impossible not to love.

The painting “Golden Autumn” encourages people not to pass by the beautiful, to pay attention to nature, to see its fabulous and unearthly beauty. The artist urges people to take care of the most valuable things that have been created by nature and what needs to be preserved for new future generations.