Dream interpretation of holding hair in your hands. Hairy arms interpretation of the dream book

  • 09.03.2024

Dream interpretation of body hair

Why do you dream about body hair? Most dream books believe that such a vision promises profit for the sleeping person.

At times, dream books have quite original interpretations of this night image.

Seeing body hair

Dreaming about lush vegetation

When you dream that your body has excess vegetation, it is advisable to study the predictions of interpreters. It is worth noting right away that the opinions of dream books are quite ambiguous. It will be difficult for the dreamer to figure out what awaits him in the near future.

The most popular interpretations of dream books

Interpreters often consider night visions in which you dream of hair. But, as a rule, they focus attention on the head. Although, with a strong desire, it is possible to find the information you need.

Gypsy dream book

To dream that hair is growing on your arms, legs, and other parts of your body means you will be happy. An event will happen that will paint life with new colors.

Also, such a vision can promise quick enrichment and unexpected financial profits.

Shaving your own hair means troubles and misfortunes; illness or sad news is possible. The main thing that this dream book indicates is that they will be completely unexpected for the dreamer.

Dream book of the 21st century

To dream that you have dense vegetation on your body - you will be a rich and respected person. If they grow in sparse bunches, then you risk falling under the influence of another person. You are also guaranteed anxiety and sadness.

I dreamed of thickets on my chest

If you dreamed of hair on your chest, you can enjoy excellent health. There are minor troubles on the fingers.

Wanderer's Dream Book

If you dream that your body is covered with hair, you will act without thinking properly. This is also a sign of spiritual decline. Although in this interpreter you can find another meaning of body hair. At times, such dreams can promise to receive a fairly large amount of money.

Pulling them out, plucking them out - great grief awaits you.

French dream book

It is believed that seeing yourself with hair is an unsightly act in reality. You just can’t make up your mind in life, you act at random, often these are cowardly and dishonest actions.

When your hair falls out in a dream, you risk losing something important to you. Also, minor troubles await you, which will cause a lot of trouble and inconvenience.

If you dream that they will shave the hair on your chin - illness, loss of a loved one, bankruptcy. This dream is especially negative for a woman, since a man can see such a vision simply because he has performed similar actions in reality or has decided to shave.

Miller's Dream Book

Seeing hair on your back, stomach, chest in a dream - you will soon become a rich man. In this case, finances will come from different sources.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Canaanite

This source examines this symbol in detail. Depending on which part of the body you could see hair in a dream, the interpretation depends:

Dreaming of a back covered with thick hair

  • on the chest - you will have good health;
  • in your hands - you should think about the future, and not live one day at a time;
  • on the stomach - life in abundance.

Increased hairiness according to the dream book

If you dream that your body is completely covered with dense vegetation, you have a strong character. Your life is full of prosperity, characterized by regularity and calm.

But at the same time, such night vision can speak of your unrestrained character. You tend to act hot-tempered and thoughtlessly. Often you are hindered by excessive emotionality.

If in real life you cannot boast of excessive body hair, then such a vision most likely promises quick profit.

When the hairs were very long, then you will be a revered person in society.

If you dream that another person’s body is densely covered with hair, you should think more about your future.

Where was the hair?

For prediction, it is important where you happen to see hair on a certain area of ​​your body. The prediction depends on this:

  • on your feet - you are a leader in life, at work and at home you play the main role;
  • in the nose - a sleeping person - an adventurer in life, prone to risky business, rash actions;
  • on the palms, fingers - life will present an unpleasant surprise;
  • in your hands - success in business, financial well-being;
  • on the chest, stomach - good health.

Shaving hair in a dream

Shaving hair in a dream

The interpretation of the dream will depend on whether you will shave all the hair or just sections of it.

Shaving partial body hair means unexpected expenses, loss of property.

Shave completely - there are obstacles ahead of you, but after overcoming them, you will receive a reward.

Shaving yourself - you don’t need advice, life is completely in your hands.

Plucking hairs on your stomach or back and experiencing discomfort means you may soon get sick. Take care of your health.

Cutting them means they are trying to deceive you, think about which of your friends might want this.

Another person cuts the hair on your back - you will act to the detriment of your interests.

Who has experienced increased hairiness?

I dreamed of curls in the armpit area

You may dream of a hairy man, which is more common for us in everyday life, or a hairy woman. Interpretation in such cases will vary.

For a woman, a dream in which she saw excess hair on her body is an indicator of her character. You are a selfish person and always care only about your own comfort.

If you dream that there is a lot of hair under your arm, you are a stubborn, persistent person who always achieves what you want.

If a girl saw her chest hairy, then she will be happy in her married life. Hair on your legs - your spouse will begin to indulge your desires.

For a man, this image is viewed differently. Hair on the chest, belly, and back is a symbol of courage and sexual energy.

On your hands, fingers - you are prone to selfishness, caring only about yourself.

Other interpretations

In night vision, we can observe how hair is located on a certain area of ​​the body, for example, the stomach, back, butt. It is also common to dream about hair in the most inappropriate places: on the forehead, in the mouth, on the fingers.

Sometimes in a dream you can see hair growing on your butt. Have you seen such a vision? You spend a lot of time and money on unnecessary things. Focus on what's important.

A lot of hair on your stomach - you will change your opinion about some people for the better.

The hair on your back is your protection. The dream book believes: the denser the vegetation, the better for you.

If the hair on your back grows right before your eyes, it means you will receive additional resources: meeting an influential person, receiving important secret information, additional material benefits.

When they grew in your mouth, you will have to enter into a discussion and defend your rights to the last.

The palm is the most sensitive part of the hand and is used to receive contact information. Also, the palm along with the fingers is used for various movements, primarily for work, so the condition of the palm is an important characteristic of every person.

The palm is of great importance for hand motor skills, sign language, as well as palmistry - it is believed that the signs on the palm are associated with human destiny. In general, a palm in a dream carries symbolism of communication with the outside world; in the interpretation of such a dream, the appearance of the palm, the presence of marks or some objects on it, as well as the gestures that it displays (greeting, denial, or something else) are of particular importance ).

Dream Interpretation from A to Z. Interpretation of the dream “Palm”

Thin, beautiful palms in a dream symbolize the rapid acquisition of certain skills, successful learning of a new job, achievement of fame and high position. If your palms are rough. ugly or deformed - you are expected...

Dream Interpretation of S. Karatov

Palm - If you dreamed of a bare palm, then poverty awaits you.

If you dreamed of a palm covered with hair, then you can count on abundance and prosperity.

See also: why do you dream about a hand, why do you dream about fingers, why do you dream about gloves.

Dream Interpretation of Cleopatra

Why do you dream about Palm according to the dream book:

Palm - If you dreamed about your palms, this indicates an unconscious desire to find a person who can understand your feelings and sincerely respond to them. Unfortunately, it is not yet feasible.

If you dreamed of someone else's palm, then meeting a representative of the opposite sex will bring you nothing but friendship.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

Why do you dream about Palm according to the dream book:

Palm - If you dreamed of thin, narrow palms, this portends fame, rapid mastery of a new profession, thanks to which...

Dream Interpretation Palms Palm - Open - for a gift, clenched into a fist - for threats. If you dreamed of a fist, imagine that it unclenches and you see an open, clean palm. Akulina's Dream Book

Dream Interpretation Palm Palm. Seeing a clean palm in a dream foretells friendly relations. A pleasant evening with friends is possible. If you dreamed of a dirty palm, then big trouble awaits you. The dream warns: poverty and shame await you. If you have seen a calloused palm, then hard, exhausting work awaits you. Predicting the future from the palm of your hand in a dream means that you are too curious and are not interested in your own business. If you have your palm read, then your imaginary friends will take the opportunity to cast you in a bad light. Big dream book

Dream Interpretation Palm A clean palm symbolizes friendly relations. Perhaps you will spend a pleasant evening with friends. If you dreamed of a dirty palm, then trouble awaits you....

Scientists believe that our brain does not stop its mental activity even at night while we sleep, and therefore sometimes in dreams we receive answers to various questions, albeit in a somewhat encrypted form. And the ancient Vikings attached great importance to dreams, believing that this was how the gods spoke to people.

What does it mean if you dream about hair? In dreams, the plots are usually confusing, but dream books have long been compiled to reveal the meaning of the picture seen. So, one of the frequent symbols that pops up in dreams is our curls. Figuring out what secret message we receive when we dream about hair on our heads is not easy. But we will still try.

The meaning of hair in mysticism

It is believed that the hair on a person’s head accumulates his energy, is a “bank” of memory of his actions, and is also a carrier of knowledge. Long hair was also considered a sign of honor and power. The dynasty of the legendary Merovingian kings was called the long-haired lions. None of these...


Why do you dream about Hair in a dream:

Hair color - you should pay attention to such a dream only if the hair color in the dream was different from your own. Red hair color speaks of deception and insidious plans, and warns that you should not trust the people around you too much.

Gray hair color dreams of deteriorating health and unpleasant gossip about you.

Light hair color symbolizes wealth and prosperity. Having an unusual hair color in a dream means that in the near future you will have the opportunity to make a statement about yourself.

Hair on the legs - dreams of a long trip. For a girl, such a dream means that in her relationship with her husband she will be a leader and will command everything in the family.

Why dream of hair on your legs - if you are known for your high self-esteem, then this dream warns that your business reputation may suffer from it. Don't be rash.

Long, black, noticeable hair on...

The dream “Palm” symbolizes your openness or, conversely, your closedness and reflects your relationship between the world around you and people. Very often the dream “Palm” is a warning, so you cannot ignore a dream about palms. To find out the interpretation that is right for your dream, you need to remember the details of the dream and find the appropriate answers that our dream book gives to all kinds of questions.

Why do you dream about a palm? If a palm is extended to you as a sign of greeting, then such a dream speaks of an improvement in your financial situation and the opportunity to climb the career ladder. Why do you dream about the right palm? The right part of our body is rational and reasonable, and therefore the right palm in a dream indicates that the dreamer is a rational person, has a clear mind and will not miss a chance. Why do you dream about the left palm? The left side of the human body is emotional and spiritual, and therefore the left palm in a dream promises the dreamer pleasure and carnal pleasures. Why dream...

If a woman sees in a dream that her hair is not covered, then her absent husband will return, and if she does not have a husband, she will receive one. The left side of the human body is emotional and spiritual, and therefore the left palm in a dream promises the dreamer pleasure and carnal pleasures.

If in a dream you are proud that you have beautiful hair, then success and prosperity await you in your affairs. What days should you get your hair cut? He shows a way out of the current situation, but you cannot be convinced, and you go further and further down the wrong path into oblivion. If you fell on your head - you would do a huge stupidity, act very unreasonably, as a result of which negative consequences will come.

If someone sees in a dream that the hair on his head has fallen out, but not to the extent that he is bald, then he will get rid of debt or be freed from any sadness and anxiety and will experience contentment and joy.

Auto garage records of May, bison, July, hair K palm dreams...

Eastern dream book

Why do you dream about Palm in a dream according to the dream book?

If you extend your palm for a handshake, you are about to meet some influential person.

If you dreamed that your fate was being predicted from the palm of your hand - be extremely careful not to fall into the nets set by your enemies.

A dream in which you see calluses on your palms means: you will have to work hard, but the return will be small.

Imperial dream book

The palm is a symbol and instrument for the physical embodiment of any dream. From a medical point of view, the palm contains projections (exit points) of all internal organs: the lines and patterns of the skin on the palm and fingers will tell an experienced eye a lot about the internal state of the body. Fortune telling by hand is based on this (and only this) (you can predict an early death from a weak heart, but not from an evil wife!). The fingers also have projections of internal organs, so...

Palm according to the dream book

A palm seen in a dream reflects the dreamer’s harmony with the world around him. The dream may include a hand extended in greeting, special marks, objects lying in it, or the absence of such. The dream book mentions a symbol of openness and closedness; information about the past and future of the sleeper is imprinted in its patterns. Why you dream about a hand is often a call to protect your own and other people’s secrets.

Dreamed injuries and other hand injuries serve as a special signal. Interpretations view them as a warning about possible troubles, difficulties and peculiarities of relationships, as well as about acquaintances that are yet to come.

If you happen to see your palms in a dream, the dream reflects the state of searching for a soul mate. In reality, the dreamer is looking for a person who can share his feelings and reciprocate. Unfortunately, the horizon is empty for now.

The spring dream book of birthday people believes that everything that dreams of an empty open...

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    If in dream to you dreamed about it Grooming your own Hair or did you happen to in dream Cut your hair Hair, Dream Interpretations warn you of a loss of energy and vitality in reality. Haircut Hair in dream rather a negative sign, but not for those who in reality are extremely concerned about their appearance or often think about changing their image. Cut nails on hands in dream- to loss of money; otherwise - renunciation of aggression. Read more

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    « Dream Interpretation Hair strangers dreamed about it, for what dream in dream Hair strangers.” Good afternoon! To me dreamed some dreams contract. First there was surgery on the leg or on hand a teacher I know from school. I helped a woman perform an operation and I felt sick. Then I did the cleaning and suddenly the woman under anesthesia woke up and screamed at us; We gave her another injection and she fell asleep. Read more

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    If in dream yours hair literally fall off your head, in reality get ready for financial difficulties and financial failures. What does it say dream book, If dreams about loss hair dream men? If a young girl dreamed that her boyfriend went bald and lost everything hair, which means that in reality he will not marry her, so there is no need to torture empty illusions and hope for a proposal hands and hearts.Read more

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    Had a dream Hair, but the necessary interpretation sleep no in dream book dream Hair in dream in dream Have you seen this symbol. Good afternoon, dreamed about it dream, I was talking with my sister and stroking my washed, wet, combed hair me too on hands there were scraps of long hair, but there were no fewer of them on my head. in dream It scared me. Read more

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    Child Former Dress Snake Wedding Water Ring Fish Free Hand House Miller Childbirth Cat Flowers Blood Guy O dream Man Death Wang Money Hair Favorite Girl Rat Deceased Pregnancy Kiss Spider Kittens Teeth Fire Plane Mice Freud Legs Train Husband Dead.In our dream book You can learn not only about what dream dreams about hair on body, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams.Read completely

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    hair on hands.I dreamed about it hairpin for Hair, but the necessary interpretation sleep no in dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming hairpin for Hair in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream saw this symbol. Read more

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    Dream Interpretation S. Karatova. For what dream Hands By dream book: Hands- If a woman dreamed about it hand- then this is a symbol of her loved one. If in dream you washed hands- then you will soon get rid of your problems. If you dreamed, what do you in dream burned theirs hands, then in reality your recklessness will cause great losses. if you dreamed what's yours hands covered with thick hair, then in real life expect the appearance of strong rivals, job competitors. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "felomena"

    Had a dream Hair on body, but the necessary interpretation sleep no in dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dream Hair on body in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream saw this symbol. in the bathroom in front of the mirror I saw a lot hair on shoulders, chest and neck, tried to remove them with an abrasive hair, but in hands It turned out to be an ordinary cream.. I was very surprised. Read more

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    Had a dream falling out in shreds Hair, but the necessary interpretation sleep no in dream book? Our experts will help you find out why dreaming falling out in shreds Hair in dream, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if in dream have you seen this symbol? Had a dream that I have beautiful, long, thick hair hair. spent hands By hair and in hands there's a bunch left hair(as if she had taken off a wig), I was looking in dream there's a bald spot in my head, but hair on the head remained thick and beautiful. Read more

    Dream Interpretation "onester"

    Female dream book. For what dreaming Hair– If a woman in dream combs hair- she will commit frivolous acts, which she will eventually repent of. Respect from others; see hair getting out of my head dream very bad and means leaving us in trouble and misfortune by our family and friends; see hair, growing on hands, legs, chest and face, portends unexpected happiness, an increase in wealth and an improvement in fortune.

Wash According to the dream book, hair means putting your financial affairs in order; this dream can also mean getting ready for the trip. In a dream, washing your hair with shampoo means that whatever you do, it will not give you much pleasure. Rinse in - meeting with your loved one. Dry hair - receive an invitation either to visit or to travel together. Blow drying is a pleasant pastime.

Collect hair (style)– not just be ready for change, but also have a hand in it. To gather in the tail is to plan something for the future. Try to remember the details of this dream, and you will be able to predict how realistic and successful your plans will be. tie hair - turn out to be the cause of obstacles in planned affairs. To stab is to take a risky step, it can also mean an unsafe road. Plait hair in a braid - has an interpretation as self-sabotage due to gullibility and frivolity.

If in a dream you collected hairs from the floor (picked up) - use the help of friends and relatives.

Stroking hair (touching) in a dream - to establish personal relationships. For single people - you will soon meet a good person. Stroking a man means finding a common language with someone who can support you. In hand hold- be responsible for what is happening. Carry for someone's hair - to show interest.

Other dreams

Dreaming barrette for hair - a risky situation, an insecure position. According to the dream book rubber for hair - obstacles on the way to what you want, troubles, circumstances that do not allow you to move on. See in a dream hairpins- ridicule, slander.

Dye for hair - something new and unusual, a desire for change and recognition among the opposite sex.

Dandruff in the hair warns that a traitor will meet on your way. His treachery will take you by surprise.

Roots hair is interpreted as relatives, family members.

Flower in the hair I dreamed of a romantic walk or even a trip.

Whose hair did you dream about? Men are a reliable travel companion, support in the planned event. Women - gossip and slander will go hand in hand with your ideas. Girls are the prospects of your path. The guy is a windfall at the end. Girls - something on the road will amaze you to the core. For a boy - a successful event, a successful road.

“I dreamed of a man. Suddenly, unexpectedly, his hair grew. White long thick. And he began to wash them, so pleased.” This is a very auspicious dream. What you have in mind will be supported in its implementation, and in conclusion, expect great success.

Insects in the hair - to problems, enemies, losses that you will soon encounter. Beetles– lack of faith in one’s own strengths or the abilities of a partner will become a significant obstacle. Spiders– if you do not notice the intrigues being organized against you in time, you can suffer significant losses. Lice in hair (louse, nits)– bad thoughts, prejudices, poor health can cause financial losses. Cockroaches- worries about having to go somewhere, do something. Fleas– fuss less and you will overcome minor troubles easily. Worms in your hair - don’t expect success on your journey, everything planned will fall through. Bee– the road (business) will bring income if you work hard. flies– you incorrectly assess both your capabilities and the size of the intended path.

A lot of different hair - there is a risk of getting confused among the presented options.

In most dream books, hair is considered a good sign. Especially if a person dreams of beautiful and healthy strands. Thus, very long hair testifies to the wisdom of the sleeper, and lush curls promise him drastic life changes.

According to Miller's dream book, painful combing of one's own hair suggests that in reality a person is committing rash acts. You will regret them in the future. If in the process of combing a man or woman’s hair completely falls out, it means that in the near future he will face poverty and a difficult life period in general.

Miller notes in his work that the interpretation of the dream will also depend on the color of the dreamed curls:

  • Black strands portend a fascinating love adventure for a person. True, it can end badly and negatively affect the reputation of the sleeper.
  • Golden curls are a hint that the dreamer has chosen a worthy soul mate for himself in reality. His chosen one truly deserves love and respect.
  • Red hair portends changes in love relationships. But it is difficult to predict in advance whether they will be positive or negative.
  • Chestnut strands with an unnatural tint from a dream promise trouble in the workplace for a man or woman.
  • Dreaming of snow-white hair means feeling great. For a sick person, she promises a speedy recovery.

Vanga suggests that cutting hair in a dream indicates a loss of life direction in reality. To get back on the right path, you need to listen to the advice of wise friends and relatives who observe the situation from the outside and better see all its facets.

If you had to braid a thick braid in a dream, it means that in reality a person will have a long, exciting journey ahead of him. It will lead a man or woman to the long-awaited peace of mind. It is better to go on such a journey alone or with a very close person whom you can completely trust.

According to Freud's dream book:

  • Long hair from a dream indicates a person’s lack of self-confidence sexually.
  • A bald head or very short curls, on the contrary, suggest that the sleeper is prone to narcissism and literally admires himself during intimacy. Excessive self-confidence in this area can push a partner away from him.
  • Lush beautiful hair dreams of increased attention from the opposite sex. This is a relevant interpretation for both men and women.

Dreams with hair have very interesting meanings, according to the Indian dream book.

  • So, if a man has a long braid in a dream, it means that in reality he will be deceived by a representative of the fair sex.
  • A completely bald, unfamiliar woman dreams of sleepers of both sexes as a sign of health problems. The same plot can foreshadow a person’s poverty, hunger and other problems.
  • Very beautiful, intricately combed curls dream of a favorable period in life in reality. The person will not have problems and worries.
  • If the head itches under the hair in a dream, a man or woman will have to face difficult work.

Cutting, dyeing, washing, styling hair in a dream

Cutting hair in a dream, according to the interpretation of modern dream books, means the appearance of serious enemies.

For some reason, the sleeper himself will weaken and lose vitality. It is during this difficult period that the machinations of ill-wishers will fall upon him.

  1. If the dreamer's locks are cut by a stranger, you need to beware of new acquaintances. The danger will come from unfamiliar individuals.
  2. Getting a haircut from a hairdresser means life changes. If the sleeper liked the result, it means that the changes will be favorable. It is even possible to move to another city.

Did you have to dye your hair in a dream? This is a hint for the sleeper from the subconscious that the favorable time has come to make changes in life. This is a good time to step out of your comfort zone. Even if it turns out to be very painful, it will still lead to excellent results.

Dyeing your own curls black in a dream is a bad sign. It should be taken as a warning of danger. For the near future, you need to forget about any financial transactions and new affairs.

  1. Seeing clean, freshly washed hair in a dream is an opportunity to change the negative opinion about yourself among your friends. A similar dream occurs in cases where a person has the opportunity to restore his own reputation.
  2. Washing your hair with shampoo means you have to take risks for the sake of loved ones. The main thing is to try to play it safe and calculate the possible consequences.
  3. Hair styling in a dream usually occurs on the eve of a fateful meeting. The sleeping person will have a chance to meet his true soulmate in reality.

Dreamed of hair loss

If the sleeper or someone around you loses their hair in a dream, this is usually a negative sign. At the end of the night vision, the person was left with a smooth bald spot? This means that in reality a man or woman will lose everything he has. A similar plot is seen in dreams of the collapse of hopes and the destruction of plans.

If in a dream the sleeping interlocutor’s hair falls out, in reality you should beware of any financial manipulation. Especially those related to real estate.

Why do you dream about long and short hair?

When figuring out why you dream about long hair, you need to try to remember as many details of such a plot as possible. If a man has curls down to his toes, this promises him deception. They promise the woman a quick reconciliation with an old enemy.

Short hair from a dream often becomes a harbinger of unsuccessful trips.

If the sleeper has a business trip or trip planned, you should abandon the idea or simply choose a different time for it.

Short snow-white hair calls on the sleeper to be careful. A person in reality will have to make a difficult choice. He will doubt and choose one or the other option.

Thick, beautiful hair

Very thick and beautiful hair usually symbolizes wealth.

If the sleeper saw a chic hairstyle in a dream during a period of serious material problems, it means that he will soon be able to deal with them.

If a woman in reality wears a short hairstyle, but in a dream sees herself with long, thick and beautiful hair, rapid positive changes await her. Unbraiding your hair from thick curls means getting rid of sexual constraint and self-doubt.

Tuft of hair in hand

It is not a good sign if in a dream a person’s hair suddenly begins to fall out in clumps. This is a hint that sadness and loneliness await him in reality.

Do you end up with thick clumps of hair in your hands when combing? To large unexpected expenses. In reality, it will not be possible to avoid financial difficulties, so it is worth at least preparing for them in advance.

Losing a clump of hair in a dream and attaching it back with a hairpin/clip means the appearance of a rival. This is a relevant interpretation for a woman. In order not to lose your beloved man, you will have to fight for him.

Curly, curly hair

Curly hair from night dreams is an important warning for a man or woman. It suggests that a person may be drawn into a dangerous intrigue that could cause serious damage to his reputation.

If a man has very short curly hair that covers not only his head but also his body, in reality he will be adored by the fair sex. The sleeper will not receive a refusal from any young lady.

Is the dreamer stroking a woman's curls in a dream? He should think about his behavior. If a man is married, his wild lifestyle can lead to a painful divorce.

Hair on different parts of the body

Hair all over the body in a dream is a hint that soon money will literally fall on the sleeper’s head. Dreaming of breasts with curls brings unexpected happiness. If at the same time a part of the body itched, it means that the person in reality is not even capable of managing his own destiny, let alone taking responsibility for other people.

Meaning of hair on other parts of the body in a dream:

  • Vegetation on the stomach means health.
  • On the palms - to troubles and minor problems.
  • On the nose - to a justified risk.
  • On your feet - indicates the need to help a loved one.
  • In your hands - to profit and good luck in business.

Grey hair

If you dreamed of gray hair, it is quite easy to unravel such a sign. One white hair in dark strands foreshadows an unnecessary expensive purchase, which the sleeper will regret in the future.

For a man, thick gray curls on his own head promise success in business, career growth, or successful conclusion of a lucrative deal. And combing white hair symbolizes missed opportunities and unfulfilled dreams.

Interpretation depending on the gender of the dreamer

Seeing a beautiful baby with a thick head of curls for a woman means the birth of a daughter in reality. For a man - to reconciliation with an old friend, from whom fate separated them for a long time.

If in a dream a girl’s hair was forced by her hairdresser, it means that she will marry a despotic, powerful man. For a representative of the stronger sex, such a plot is evidence of his lack of self-confidence and inability to show strength in the right place.

A flea or louse seen in the hair foretells a girl unpleasant clashes and quarrels with colleagues. She tells the man that there is a traitor among his close circle. You need to take a closer look at your friends and relatives.

The hair under a woman's armpits suggests that the sleeping woman is completely satisfied with herself and does not want to change anything in her own life. The vegetation in this place characterizes a man as an independent and self-sufficient person.