Yurchik and Ilona, ​​eliminated from “Dancing with the Stars”: “The whole world revolves around Natalia Mogilevskaya.” Yuri Tkach - comedian and magnificent dancer Yuri Tkach dancing with the stars

  • 01.06.2019

Based on the results of judges' scores and audience votes, the couple Yuri Tkach and Ilona Gvozdeva left the 7th edition of the project "Dancing with the Stars 2017". However, the broadcast was full of surprises, and Dmitry Komarov decided to give them a place in the project with his partner Alexandra Kucherenko.

Judges and presenters on the project have long joked about Dmitry Komarov’s choreographic data, but he and his partner still managed to “stay afloat” during all 7 live broadcasts and did not even fall into the “risk zone.” And all because they were always saved audience voting, where fans of the famous travel presenter tried to help him stay in the project.

Addition, expansion Dance with stars (@tanci1plus1) Zhov 8, 2017 about 1:17 PDT

For such sacrifice and Noble act The “victims” of departure from the project themselves responded - the couple Yuri Tkach and Ilona Gvozdeva. They shared their emotions online.

Yuri Tkach and Ilona Gvozdeva perform salsa in the 7th episode of “Dancing with the Stars 2017”

Yuri Tkach noted that he was simply “covered by an explosion of emotions and feelings from last night.” He felt that the project participants had truly become a family and he would try not to let down the sacrificial act of Dmitry Komarov.

It was a very difficult evening for me and many of us! In which joy, disappointment, misunderstanding and shock were mixed! And as Dima said, we really stopped being competitors a long time ago, we became one family! This show is not only about dancing - it is a show about authenticity, sincerity and frankness! Now I will proudly be responsible for two couples! Friend, I won't let you down!
- Tkach said sincerely online.

Addition, expansion Yuriy Tkach (@yuriy_tkach) Zhov 9, 2017 about 3:44 PDT

In contrast, his star partner and choreographer Ilona Gvozdeva Of course, she is grateful to the presenter for such an act, but it is hard for her to realize that they remained in the project “out of pity and the beautiful act” of Komarov.

It’s very difficult for me today in my soul, it’s somehow dirty, I’m not used to staying on the show out of pity or out of a nice gesture. I am a fighter, I am a professional, I am a teacher, I am not pleased that we forced Dima to make such a decision, perhaps this is how the stars became today and everything turned out this way. Thank you, Dima, for such a noble deed, but in my heart it’s very hard for me now that our transition to the air has become exactly like this! Tired, broken, exhausted physically, mentally and emotionally!
- Ilona added on her page.

Addition, expansion ilonagvozdeva (@ilonagvozdeva) Zhov 8, 2017 about 3:09 PDT

Let us remind you that in the 7th episode of “Dancing with the Stars 2017”, during the performance of the paso doble, a dance dancer demonstrated incredible tricks and tricks. And at the end of the act, Alexandra even sprayed Dmitry in half.


Yuriy Tkach is the frontman of the KVN team “Dnipro”, a participant in the “League of Laughter” project, holds the Cup of the President of Ukraine “KVN-2012”, an actor in such projects as “Once Upon a Time near Poltava” and “Kraina U” on the TET TV channel.

I wanted to become a Kaveen engineer since school, for this I tried to enter the Dnepropetrovsk Institute of Transport Engineers (DIIT), which had a KVN team “Iron Road Workers”, but failed to enter. So future actor became a metallurgist by entering the Metallurgical Academy. At the academy, Yuri Tkach organized his own KVN team together with friends, which very soon became famous in Dnepropetrovsk.

Yuri Tkach and his participation in the project “Dancing with the Stars”

I got on the project “Dancing with the Stars” after receiving a call #dancing-with-the-eyeschallenge from Olga Polyakova.

Yuri's partner on the floor is Ilona Gvozdeva. Participant in the projects “Everybody Dance!-2” (2008), “Dancing with the Stars” (2011), “Everybody Dance! Return of the Heroes" (2012)

The dancing couple became crowd favorites after they danced a fiery hip-hop to the song of the group “Mushrooms”.


Yuri took the project seriously and, according to him, trains all day, seven days a week. Project participants prepare unusual performances for each project.

For the sake of the project, he even gave up flour, sweets, and alcohol, adheres to the regime of not eating after training, and expects to lose significant weight by the end of the project. Yuri admitted that he started losing weight a year ago; the biggest weight loss began during preparation for live broadcasts. The actor admitted that he lost 18 kg in a year, and another 7 kg in a month during the project.


According to the actor and dancer, the key to success

- Yura, does life exist for you after “Dancing with the Stars” (“1+1”)?

Yurchik: - Yes, of course! (Laughs.) She is just as cheerful and bright, but at the same time calmer. It was unusual and a little sad to wake up this morning with the understanding that I don’t need to run to training.

I admit, I loved this project and myself, like Dima Komarov, for example, could not leave. The participants do not perceive “Dancing” as just a show, because for us it is a small life with real experiences, joys, aspirations and pride in our exploits on the floor. I’m glad that Ilona and I made it this far, because everyone predicted that we would crash on the third broadcast.

Now I am determined to completely focus on humor, my work, which I love very much: “Games of Jokes”, “Once Upon a Time near Poltava” and “League of Laughter”.

- Don’t you think that Komarov gave you a not entirely honest advance by leaving? Did you discuss this situation with Dima after?

Yurchik: - I thought for a long time about what I would do. Dimka Komarov is a very strong, brave person. I probably wouldn't be able to do that. And Dima did this act - and we are very grateful to him for it.

- What did Dima say when the broadcast ended?

Yurchik: “Weaver, are you happy?” Dima and I sat until three o'clock in the morning in a cafe and talked. I told him “thank you” many times. And he gave me a cool compliment: “There won’t be a show without you. And we’re all for the show to go on.”

We talk on the phone periodically, I made a T-shirt with his image.

"I was pregnant every week"

- Do you remember your first meeting? Did you find a common language right away?

Yurchik: - Instantly. Everything came together well. Pair numbered "02".

Ilona: - When I first met Yurchik, of course, I was a little confused. I look - and there’s a lot of Yurchik!

Yurchik: - I then weighed 108 kg (during the project Tkach lost more than 10 kg. - Author).

- Yura, is Ilona a strict coach? Can he hit?

Yurchik: - Well, hit - no.

Ilona: - I’ll get an answer (laughs).

Yurchik: - No answer, but I might be very offended. Ilona is specific, uncompromising, tough and very sincere, vulnerable, and easy to offend. When we were choosing tracks and I said “no, I don’t like it,” she was offended.

Ilona: - Such mini-conflicts are wonderful, in them we find the truth. Although I tried to put pressure on Yurchik somewhere, to convince him, I still looked closely at his emotions. Each of our dances was a little action.

Yurchik: - Each dance is a child that is borne by the actor and dancer.

Ilona: - Guys, I was pregnant every week, and every time I was in the ninth month (laughs).

- They say that you became very close friends during the project?

Ilona: - Yes, we have a whole family history. If everything works out, we plan to all go to the seaside together. When Yurina Lisa (Tkach’s three-year-old daughter - author) saw me for the first time, she immediately ran up to me and hugged me. The exact same thing happened with my child when she saw Yura. We were shocked. Although usually, when our children see an adult for the first time, they are a little afraid and shy. There is probably some kind of energy between us - children don’t lie.

About Mogilevskaya

"She's started - you can't stop her"

- On the air, you said who you see in the project next. And they named everyone except Mogilevskaya. Why?

Ilona: - Everything to make the show interesting. There’s no way without Natalya Alekseevna in the finals. She is a legend on this show. The whole world revolves around her, making her dizzy.

Yurchik: - Because she is this show.

- Do you think it’s fair that she has a kind of special status on the project?

Ilona: - She moves beautifully and dances like an amateur. Mogilevskaya is a hard worker, she has a wonderful body, she shows herself well on stage. When such strong people will be in the finals, then it will be interesting.

By the way

About Tkach's weight loss

- Yura, did your diet change when you joined the project?

Certainly! Yesterday I really wanted fried potatoes. But no! The only thing I allow myself is pasta and coarse spaghetti and sausage.

I don't eat sweets, not even honey. The stores have a section for diabetics, where I can buy oatmeal cookies once a week.

I don't eat fried foods or bread. I drink a lot of water. I love feasts and parties, but now... I only allow myself to sit with friends on Sunday after the broadcast.

- How much weight have you lost?

10 kilograms - during the project, I was already on the 12th. Overall, I lost about 28 kilos in a year.

Ilona: - I already told Yurchik that he doesn’t need to lose much weight. There are people who are plump, but they are harmonious in their image, they feel good, they move well, they look good. That's his charisma.

Tkach: - And Ilona still weighs 53 kg! Not losing weight! (Laugh.)