It will be on English Monday. Name of the days of the week in English

  • 21.10.2019

The poster “Work week in English with emoticons” will help you quickly and easily remember the English names of the days of the week

Rhyming words are the easiest to remember. So quickly and effortlessly you can remember Sunday ["sʌndeɪ] – Monday ["mʌndeɪ](Sunday Monday), Tuesday ["tjuːzdɪ] – Thursday ["θɜːzdeɪ](Tuesday Thursday). To avoid confusion Tuesday – Thursday, just remember that on Thursdays there is thunder and lightning, because as we previously found out, Thursday comes from the English word “thunder” - thunder, and this day belonged to the noisy god Thor.

Word "Friday" ["fraɪdeɪ] is associated with the word "free" - free, and many perceive Friday as the beginning free time– free, personal time. Saturday ["sætədeɪ]- Saturn day! All that remains is to remember the word Wednesday ["wenzdeɪ]– Wednesday.

Days of the week: catchy rhymes for kids

Poems about the days of the week in English

Learn abbreviations for days of the week in English

Accepted abbreviations for English days of the week will help you learn and visually remember the names of dates faster. In the culture of the language, two-letter abbreviations for calendars and three-letter abbreviations for short writing in text are common:

Mon, 17 March 2014 (Monday, March 17, 2014),
Tue, 27 Dec 2016 (Tuesday, December 27, 2016)

Learn days of the week with songs and videos

Voiced poems or catchy songs will also help you quickly learn the days of the week.

On a note:

If you are interested in expanding your English vocabulary in a minimum amount of time, we recommend that you read the article

Now you can find on YouTube a huge number of different variations, fast and slow tempo, British or American pronunciation. Choose a song that you find pleasant and understandable to listen to. We offer you an example of such an educational video for children:


Finally, I would like to cite the statement of the American Richard Balls, author of the world bestseller “What Color is Your Parachute?” With these two sentences, you will not only easily learn the days of the week with prepositions, but also take one step closer to English-speaking culture:

Youth is like a long weekend on Friday night. Middle age is like a long weekend on Monday afternoon. (lane Youth is like a long weekend on Friday night. Middle age is like a long Monday afternoon off.)

In contact with

How do you think the English week differs from the Russian week? Both there are seven days: five weekdays and two weekends. But there are a couple of differences...

In the modern world, a person needs to know the days of the week in English and their abbreviations, because one way or another he encounters them: in used calendars on various gadgets (phones and tablets), in some programs that are partially or not at all Russified. Not everywhere there is a translation into Russian, so without knowing English at all, you can get confused. It would seem, why can one be confused if the days of the week are the same everywhere, and you can simply determine by sequence which day is which? The fact is that in the English week the beginning is considered not from Monday, as in our country, but from Sunday (despite this, Saturday and Sunday are also considered weekends, and from Monday to Friday - weekdays). And sometimes because of this, the calendar is slightly different from the Russian one - the first day is Sunday, not Monday. And all weeks end in this case, respectively, on Saturday. That’s why, so that you have an idea of ​​how the days of the week are written in English and do not make mistakes when using the new calendar, we have prepared this material for you.

You have learned the first difference from the week in Russia, starting on Monday. What is the second difference? The difference is that the days of the week in English are considered proper names and are always written with a capital letter.

Actually, let’s move on to listing and writing them with translation into Russian.

Days of the week in English with translation into Russian

Sunday - Sunday
Monday - Monday
Tuesday - Tuesday
Wednesday - Wednesday
Thursday - Thursday
Friday - Friday
Saturday - Saturday

Example sentences using these words:

Sunday is my favorite day of the week. Sunday is my favorite day of the week.
I like Saturday too. I like Saturday too.
Today is Monday. Today is Monday.
It will be on Tuesday. It will be on Tuesday.
I received the parcel on Wednesday. I received the parcel on Wednesday.
I will write you on Thursday. I'll write to you on Thursday.
We meet with my friends on Fridays. We meet my friends on Fridays.

What are the abbreviated days of the week in English?

There are two types of abbreviations: two letters and three. Let's list all the options.

Sunday – Sun – Su (Sun)
Monday – Mon – Mo (Mon)
Tuesday – Tue – Tu (Tue)
Wednesday – Wed – We (Wed)
Thursday – Thu – Th (Thursday)
Friday – Fri – Fr (Fri)
Saturday – Sat – Sa (Sat)

Please note that abbreviated names are also capitalized.

We hope that now you will be able to distinguish days by their designations in the calendar, even if they are not translated into Russian.

The first thing they teach in foreign language courses is the ability to talk about themselves. And for beginners it is not a problem to come up with a banal sentence: “ My name is Kolya, I am learning English" Difficulties arise with the use of more common expressions, where in addition to what you are doing, you also need to indicate when, where or with whom. And today, having learned the days of the week in English with pronunciation, we will learn to use them as a simple addition and as independent sentences denoting a date.

Words that name the days of the week in English belong to the everyday vocabulary of the language, because the need to designate a specific day arises quite often. Before moving on to learning the words themselves, let’s note a few interesting and important cases of their use in the English-speaking environment.

  • All countries use the traditional seven-day week system, but countries such as Canada, the United States and Israel count the new week from Sunday. At the same time, workdays still begin on Monday and end on Friday. This point is important to consider if you are planning to visit a country with a similar calendar.
  • The designation of a specific date begins with the day of the week: Friday, August 18, 2017. By the way, abbreviations are not made exactly as in Russian. In order to shorten the name of the day, simply take the first two or three letters of the word: Mo./Mon., Su./Sun., We./Wed, etc. In some calendars, the day of the week is even designated by the first letter.
  • Grammatically, English days of the week are proper names and are always capitalized. This rule also applies to abbreviated forms.

Remember these features, as they are important for developing competent English speech. Now let’s find out how to pronounce the names of the days correctly.

Days of the week in English with pronunciation, transcription and Russian translation

In order to make it easier to learn the names, we will analyze each word separately and using the example of everyday situations. To practice correct pronunciation, use the transcription provided.

Common names

You can designate all the days of the week at once using a phrasal construction daysoftheweek/deɪz əv ðə wiːk/. Saturday and Sunday also have a general meaning; they can be called weekend/wiːkɛnd/.


The first day of the working week, also known as Monday, will sound in English Monday. Since the English language is rapidly developing, today, along with the traditional transcription /mʌndeɪ/, the pronunciation /mʌndi/ is increasingly used.


Tuesday is indicated by the word Tuesday. The name is pronounced /tjuːzdeɪ/ or /tjuːzdi/. Be careful, it is often confused with something similar in spelling Thursday, which denotes Thursday!


Wednesday– this is what Wednesday is called in English. It has two transcriptions, like the words that were pronounced above: /wenzdeɪ/ or /wenzdi/.


So we have come to studying the word Thursday, which was mentioned when introducing Tuesday. In order to never confuse them, it is necessary to reliably remember the correct spelling and sound of each word. So, in English this day of the week is written Thursday and is pronounced /θə:zdeɪ/, or /θə:zdi/.


The last day of the working week in Russian is Friday, and in English Friday. The word has the same types of transcriptions that we studied while introducing other days: /fraideɪ/ and /fraidi/.


Sabbath in English is called Saturday, and has the transcription /sætədeɪ/ and /sætədi/.


Last day off, i.e. Sunday, in English called Sunday. Let's learn his pronunciation: /sΛndei/, /sΛndi/.

So, we learned how the days of the week are indicated in English, got acquainted with their pronunciation, translation and application in practice. All that remains is to learn how to easily and quickly memorize the vocabulary of the lesson.

Learn the days of the week in 5 minutes

In order to quickly master the material or explain it in an accessible form to the child, we will resort to the method of associations. All days of the week can be compared with already familiar words that will be consonant with their pronunciation. Or choose a musical tune and sing the names of the days of the week to the children.

Associations and consonances

Phrase Pronunciation Translation
Monday is a moon's day. /Monday from Moon's Day/ Monday is a lunar day.
Tuesday is a two’s day. /Tuesday from ace day/ Tuesday is a day for two.
Wednesday is a wedding’s day. /Wednesday from Wedding Day/ Wednesday is the wedding day.
Thursday is my birthday. /Tuesday from May Day/ Thursday is my birthday.
Friday is a fly-day. /Friday from e fly day/ Friday is flight day.
On Saturday I sleep all day. /On Saturday I slip ol day/ On Saturday I sleep all day long.
Sunday is a sunny day. /Sunday from e sunny day/ Sunday is a sunny day.

Song to learn

Sunday, Monday, Tuesday too.
Wednesday, Thursday just for you.
Friday, Saturday that's the end.
Now let’s say those days again!
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday!

From this collection you will learn what the seasons, days of the week and months are called in English. Please note that the site has a separate article on, in which the topic is discussed in more depth: expressions with days of the week are also given.

season [ˈsiːzn] season
winter [ˈwɪntə] winter
spring spring
summer [ˈsʌmə] summer
fall (Am.) autumn (Br.) [ˈɔːtəm] autumn
Months in English – Months of the Year
January [ˈʤænjʊəri] January
February [ˈfɛbrʊəri] February
March March
April [ˈeɪprəl] April
May May
June [ʤuːn] June
July [ʤuˈlaɪ] July
August [ˈɔːgəst] August
September September
October [ɒkˈtəʊbə] October
November november
December December
Days of the Week
Monday [ˈmʌndeɪ] Monday
Tuesday [ˈtjuːzdeɪ] Tuesday
Wednesday [ˈwɛnzdeɪ] Wednesday
Thursday [ˈθɜːzdeɪ] Thursday
Friday [ˈfraɪdeɪ] Friday
Saturday [ˈsætədeɪ] Saturday
Sunday [ˈsʌndeɪ] Sunday

Abbreviated names of months in English

In writing, the names of months, like days of the week, are usually abbreviated to three letters. Only May, June, July are not abbreviated. September is shortened to four letters: Sept. Please note that the days of the week and months in English are written with a capital letter, and the names of the seasons are written with a lowercase letter.

Clarification by seasons and seasons

1. Word season can mean not only “time of year” (summer, winter, spring, autumn), but also “season” as a part of the year suitable for some activity or work:

  • Spring is my favorite season. – Spring is my favorite season.
  • Tomorrow is the opening day of the duck hunting season. – Opening tomorrow season duck hunting.

2. In some tropical countries, for example, in Singapore, there are only two seasons (times of year):

  • Raining season - rainy season.
  • Dry season – dry season.

3. Seasons, except autumn, can also be named with the addition of the root time:

  • winter - wintertime.
  • spring - springtime.
  • summer - summertime.

These words are translated into Russian either in the same way as the original ones (spring, summer, winter), or: spring time, summer time, winter time.

Autumn – Autumn or Fall?

Word fall(autumn) used in the US, spoken and written in the UK autumn.

By the way, when talking about the seasons, especially if it is a school assignment, the phrase “favorite season” is often used - it has differences between the American and British spelling: favou rite season (Br.) - favorite season (USA).

  • Fall is my favorite season. – Autumn is my favorite time of year. (USA)
  • Autumn is my favou rite season. – Autumn is my favorite time of year. (Br.)

It is noteworthy that the word fall did not originate in America, but is precisely the original term for designating the season, which arose in England no later than the 16th century. It was originally short for fall of the year(fall of the year) or fall of the leaf(leaf fall) , but by the 17th century it had become established as a single word, long before the development of American English. Therefore, although the word is used primarily in America, it is neither exclusively American nor even a word of American origin.

Word autumn came to English from French automne in the 15th or 16th century, but only became common in the 18th century.

In Canada, as in the USA, they mainly use fall and in Australia - autumn.

Different meanings of the word Fall

Word fall has two main meanings: 1) autumn, 2) fall. Because of this, puns with “autumn-fall” are sometimes used.

Photo from

For example, in the title of the American film “Legends of the Fall,” some viewers and critics saw ambiguity. On the one hand, the title can be understood as “Legends of Autumn”, on the other hand as “Legends of the Fall”, because the film tells the story of a family with a very difficult fate.

The name of the computer game Max Payne 2: The Fall of Max Payne is considered in a similar way - it can be either “The Fall of Max Payne” or “The Autumn of Max Payne”. Both options fit well with the plot and style of the game.

Ever since school, every resident of our country knows the days of the week in English. However, many who studied English at school do not know how to pronounce these days correctly. And even fewer people know the origin of names, but such information is really important for broadening one’s horizons and deep immersion in the history of Indo-European languages.

Origin of English days of the week

The names of Roman deities are prototypes of the names of all days of the week. In the past, the people of Rome considered Saturday to be the beginning of the week.

1. Sunday - Sunday

The name of the first day in America has ancient roots. The Latin combination “dies solis” or day dedicated to the Sun became the “ancestor” of the name “English” Monday. In the past, the Romans celebrated this holiday every year. Another name for the celebration was “Dominica”. The entire Romance language group (and it includes Italian, Portuguese, Moldavian) has retained the imprint of bygone times in the form of the morpheme “dom-”.

2. Monday - Monday

The first day of the week in Russia in Western countries was revered as the day of the lunar goddess. In the Anglo-Saxon language there was a word “Monandaeg” or in other words “day of the moon”. It became the basis of the modern word “Monday”.

3. Tuesday - Tuesday

The third day of the week took its name from the name of the deity of Norway named Tyr. As for the Romans, in their country the day bore the name of the god and patron of Rome, Mars.

4. Wednesday - Wednesday

The middle of the week falls on the day that in the Roman Empire “belonged” to the patron of thieves and merchants, Mercury. In Rome the name sounded like “dies Mercurii”.

5. Thursday - Thursday

In the US, Thursday is the fifth day of the week. The word “Thursday” comes from the name of the deity Thor, the god of thunder and lightning, familiar to many from Marvel films. And the Vikings called the day itself “Torsdag”. Again, in Rome this day was especially revered, because it was named after Jupiter, the god of sky and light. This deity was considered one of the most important in Roman culture, so many rituals were often performed on the “Day of Jupiter.”

6. Friday - Friday

Friday, beloved by many Russians, was not at all considered the last day before the weekend. She was the penultimate day, and her name comes from the name Frigg, which was borne by the ancient ruler of Norway. The people of Rome dedicated this day to the goddess Venus.

7. Saturday - Saturday

The final day of the week glorified the god of time and wisdom, Saturn.

All days of the week in English with translation and transcription

Day of the weekTranslationTranscription

Writing rules

  1. It is worth noting that the days of the week, according to generally accepted rules today, are in any case written with a capital letter. You can simply remember this rule - just imagine that you are using, in fact, the names of the Roman gods, and, as you know, the article with names is not used.
  2. Days are often written with prepositions such as “from, by, on, till”: New Year on Sunday.
  3. The definitions and prepositions “next, every, last, this, by, before” are also very often used.
  4. Another writing feature: to write the days of the week in English abbreviated, you just need to take the three initial letters of the full name - Sun., Thu., Fri. At the same time, according to the rules of the Russian language, days are abbreviated by two consonant letters - Wed., Thu., Fri. Sometimes English days of the week are abbreviated by the first two letters - Tu., We., Su.
  5. When writing a date, it is customary to write the day of the week first: Mon, 10 Sep 2017.

Examples of sentences with different days of the week

Monday – Monday

Monday is a very hard day of the week in the USA. – Monday is a very difficult day of the week in the USA.

My plans on Monday are very strange. – My plans for Monday are very strange.


I have a hard task on Tuesday . – I have a difficult task for Tuesday.

Tuesday is my favorite day of the week.— Tuesday is my favorite day of the week.


Every Wednesday I work, read and swim. – Every Wednesday I work, read and swim.

My mother will come to us on Wednesday . – My mother will come to us on Wednesday.

Thursday– Thursday

I like Thursdays, but my boyfriend likes Mondays . – I love Thursdays, but my boyfriend loves Mondays.

I am going to leave on Thursday . — I'm going to leave on Thursday.


I like Fridays very much, because I do not like my job. – I love Fridays very much because I don’t like my job.

We can meet at the cafe on Friday.- We can meet in a cafe on Friday.


I usually watch TV O n Saturdays . – On Saturdays I usually watch TV.

Iprefertoskion Saturday. – I prefer to ski on Saturday.

Sunday – Sunday

Sunday best.- All the best.

Sunday is not created for work.- Sunday is not made for work.

Video with a song in English about the days of the week with pronunciation: