Dmitry Hvorostovsky dies. Dmitry Hvorostovsky died - state of health in recent days, will, latest news

  • 26.06.2019

He died today, November 22, at the age of 56. Opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky. First, TASS received an official message about the artist’s death from the executive vice president of 21C Media Group, Sean Michael Gross, who was Hvorostovsky’s official representative in London.

It is with deep regret that we announce that on November 22 at 3:20 am in London, Dmitry Aleksandrovich Hvorostovsky, a beloved opera baritone, a wonderful husband, father, son and friend, passed away. He died after two and a half years of fighting a serious illness - brain cancer. Dmitry Alexandrovich was only 55. His last days He spent it surrounded by loved ones - in a hospice, not far from his home in London.

The singer's wife, Florence Hvorostovskaya, also announced the death of her loved one on Facebook. She expressed the hope that her husband had gone to a better world.

Goodbye, my dear Dmitry! With a heavy heart I say goodbye to you! I hope you left us the best place, and may your soul rest in peace. My deepest condolences to friends, family and all those who loved Dmitry Hvorostovsky. Stay strong!

At the end of 2016, Dmitry Hvorostovsky stopped performing at opera stage due to complications caused by the disease. However, he did not stop concert activities. In June 2017, he took part in the Austrian festival “Grafenegg” - it was a concert “Dmitry and his friends”.

In September of this year, for his special contribution to the development of culture, the opera singer was nominated to the highest state award Russian Federation- Order “For Merit to the Fatherland”, IV degree.

In October of this year, Hvorostovsky » Russian media. On the night of October 11, news of the singer’s death appeared on the Komsomolskaya Pravda website. The publication noted that the artist was unable to cope with a serious cancer disease, which he has been struggling with for more than two years. This news was later denied by the singer’s manager and his wife.

"I was driving fair play with life,” he said recently legendary artist. At the moment when everyone thought that Dmitry was about to recover, the singer died from a brain tumor. Woman's Day correspondents remembered 55 years of Hvorostovsky's life, and also found out what would happen to the inheritance.

Dmitry Hvorostovsky passed away on Wednesday, November 22. The singer's breathing stopped at three o'clock in the morning. Next to him in the London hospice were his wife, children, parents, as well as his closest friends - poetess Liliya Vinogradova and musician Konstantin Orbelyan, who urgently flew to England...

IN recent months Dmitry almost completely lost his voice... And for the last five days he could not speak at all. The singer was able to say goodbye to his loved ones only with his eyes, being conscious all this time. According to Vinogradova, Dmitry tried to live and feel every minute.

Hvorostovsky himself in one of latest interviews also noted that all this time he was “focused on today, tomorrow so as not to deceive either yourself or others.”

"Difficult. Very. But I noticed that the feeling of fear in such circumstances completely atrophies. The understanding comes that no one will help you. Only you are yourself. And the main thing here is not to give up. Here only will and patience are your faithful allies,” the singer shared.

Didn't like luxury: he left his house and cars to his wife

Hvorostovsky seemed to have a presentiment of his departure. And shortly before his death he left a will. According to his last will, Dmitry should be cremated, the ashes divided into two parts and buried in Moscow and at home - in Krasnoyarsk...

The part of the will concerning property was not made public. But Dmitry probably clearly spelled out this important aspect of the document.

According to the latest data announced (in court when dividing property with his wife, corps de ballet dancer Svetlana), Hvorostovsky’s annual income was 1.86 million pounds per year.

And although Dmitry left his wife a house in an elite area of ​​London - Islington, and paid alimony for their two common twin children - 19-year-old Danila and Alexandra, the opera singer still had property. Dmitry, his wife Florence Hvorostovskaya and two children from his second marriage lived in a spacious house in London, had an apartment in Moscow, and also several luxury cars.

The idea of ​​being baptized came to him when he almost crashed in the air

At the same time, despite world fame The singer was of little interest in luxury in the form of private islands and airplanes. And when asked why he still hasn’t got a plane, he chuckled that he was afraid of flying. It turned out that the singer almost said goodbye to life in the 90s... And it happened in the air.

“The idea of ​​baptism came to him when he was flying on tour in the 90s and the plane almost crashed. He began to sharply lose altitude. Then he first began to pray. The plane made an emergency landing, everyone survived. After this, Dima decided to be baptized. He believed that God had saved him. Throughout my illness I was hoping for God’s help...”, the singer’s father Alexander Stepanovich said in an interview.

Forgave his wife's infidelity until he met his muse

With all the love from the audience, Hvorostovsky never pretended to be an angel. On the contrary, he liked to joke that at home he was “a nervous and irritable monster.”

There were two women in the life of the opera star. He met his first love, corps de ballet dancer Svetlana Ivanova, back in Krasnoyarsk while studying at the Krasnoyarsk State Opera and Ballet Theater.

His teacher, the talented Ekaterina Konstantinovna Iofel, more than once spoke about the corps de ballet dancer Svetlana Ivanova, using the most unflattering epithets. A beautiful girl who knows how to truly conquer talents, in no time at all, she won over the still inexperienced Hvorostovsky, who was engaged in art and was not at all involved in his personal life.

He was warned: Svetlana’s first marriage did not work out because of her passions, which a woman does not know how to keep inside. Both men and women ended up in bed with Dmitry’s beloved, despite the fact that she still lived in the same apartment with ex-husband and a little daughter. But Hvorostovsky could not be stopped: his heart was burning, in the light, dark-eyed ballerina with a defenseless look, he saw a real muse.

Beat his wife and lover half to death

After two years of a passionate relationship with the ballerina, Hvorostovsky moved her to his tiny room in a communal apartment, and also took her daughter from her first marriage, Masha.

A year later the couple got married. One day, wanting to please his beloved, Dmitry returned from tour a few days early. I bought a huge bouquet and decided that Sveta would be delighted to see it. But instead he found his wife in bed with his own friend.

A fight broke out.

Everyone in their circle was whispering: this is the end. But it was not there. The young people found the strength to forgive each other, and in the early 90s, Dmitry received an invitation to work in the UK, took his family and left for London.

His plans included making his wife his director, but she resolutely refused to learn the language and help her husband... In 1996, the Hvorostovsky family was replenished: Svetlana gave birth to twins - a boy Danya and a girl Alexandra. The singer was happy and thought that it was not in vain that he did not listen to gossip and did it his own way.

However, it soon became clear that Svetlana did not become calmer after the birth of her children. There were constant scandals in the family that exhausted the artist. On nervous soil he had an ulcer. To suppress physical pain, Dmitry became addicted to alcohol. He openly states that he really abused him in that marriage, so much so that he could have lost his job at any moment.

Paid child support 8 million a year

But at one of the performances in Geneva, Hvorostovsky met her! 29-year-old Florence Illy. She discovered that the famous Russian baritone was also a real handsome man, and went on the attack... They had a real kiss on stage. That's where she started. The sensuality of the singer of Italian-Swiss origin did not hide from Dmitry. "IM married!" – he immediately declared. "So what?" – Flo answered completely sincerely.

Returning to London, the singer raised the question of divorce. Svetlana couldn’t believe it: her Dimochka, who forgave everything and put up with her for so long, suddenly started talking about divorce! In a fit of rage, the woman sued him for everything he had at that time: real estate, cars, as well as huge alimony for children and her own maintenance (more than 8 million a year, if counted in rubles).

The new wife managed the singer's affairs

With the advent of Flosha, as Dmitry called her, his life began to improve. New wife followed him everywhere, helping, inspiring, caring. Their life was spontaneous... What can we say, since on the first date they made dumplings.

They moved in together quite quickly. Florence turned out to be not only Hvorostovsky’s muse, but also a reliable support. She was able to survive everything litigation spouse with ex-wife. And I even sincerely hoped to meet Svetlana, but she did not even think about starting a dialogue. And she not only stopped communicating with her husband, but also forbade him to see his children.

In 2003, the couple had children together: son Maxim, and four years later daughter Nina.

Flosha learned spoken Russian and traveled with her husband around the world...

And in the last two years she supported me in everything. There were times when the singer did not allow even his parents to be nearby. But he always wanted to see Flo. According to the performer’s parents, it was Florence who went with him to chemotherapy and looked after her husband when he asked to leave all the servants out of the house.

In addition, the woman managed all the singer’s affairs. Financial obligations and proceedings in connection with the sudden cancellation of concerts also fell on her shoulders.

The children forgave their father

For a long time, the singer’s relationship with the children from his first marriage was, to put it mildly, strained. After scandalous divorce the wife used the children as an instrument of revenge... She forbade them to see each other, invented non-existent activities for the twins, just so as not to let them go to their father. And those at the time of Hvorostovsky’s departure from the family were only two years old.

Dmitry admitted more than once that he had to make considerable efforts to meet them, and for a long time they categorically refused to go to the star father’s concerts.

Over time, Svetlana calmed down and reacted more calmly. Including allowing the twins to meet their brother and sister...

But peace between the spouses came only in 2015, with the news that Dmitry had cancer. True, it didn't last long. Soon, Dmitry's first wife died of sepsis.

The younger children, from his second marriage to Florence, did not know about their father’s serious illness until the very end. When he was undergoing chemotherapy, they were told that dad was away.

"What for? And who would feel better from this! ”, Hvorostovsky said in an interview.

He knew he was dying

Dmitry's last concert took place in his native Krasnoyarsk on June 2. The singer did not cancel the concert, despite the shoulder injury he received the day before.

Addressing the audience from the stage, he uttered a phrase that sank into the hearts of the audience...

“I had to come back,” Hvorostovsky said. “I have to, because I love you, because this is my hometown.”

On that day from the stage of the Krasnoyarsk Bolshoi concert hall Hvorostovsky performed the Demon's aria from Rubinstein's opera, Aleko's cavatina from Rachmaninov's opera and his business card- romance “Dark Eyes”.

Dima had no illusions

No matter how sad it may sound, friends are sure that despite his courageous mood, Dmitry knew how much time was allotted to him...

“He understood everything. He knew everything about his illness. He had no illusions. He is an incredibly courageous man,” noted conductor Konstantin Orbelyan in an interview

A month earlier, his friend, composer and producer Igor Krutoy spoke with Dmitry Hvorostovsky. The musician was stunned by how the famous opera singer’s voice had changed.

The producer called Hvorostovsky after false information about his death appeared in the media. Cool just wanted to show support for his friend. Hearing in handset Hvorostovsky, he could not believe that one of the best votes countries.

In recent days, the poetess Lilia Vinogradova, with whom they were friends, was next to the singer. According to her, Hvorostovsky died in a London hospice at 3:35 local time, although there was information in the media that he died at his home.

“Nearby were the closest people, his wife, his parents flew in from Moscow yesterday. They managed to say goodbye to their son. I was nearby, a cousin from Krasnoyarsk, children,” Vinogradova told the REN TV channel.

Conductor Konstantin Orbelyan was also next to him in last hours singer's life. According to him, Hvorostovsky literally lived on stage and gave 1000% at concerts. He was as efficient as a horse, the conductor emphasized.

“At any concert, he splashed enormous artistic and emotional energy into the hall. His epoch-making project with war songs turned the country into a proud state,” Orbelyan told RIA Novosti.

Opera singer Maria Guleghina hoped until the very end that the news about Hvorostovsky’s death would turn out to be the same “fake stuff” as it was a month ago, when “ TVNZ" published false information. Now that his death has become a fact, she asked everyone to refrain from crying, because now is the time to remain silent.

“Now you need to close your mouth, don’t cry, don’t howl. This is not good for his soul. You just need to think well of him. Give him energy. Thank him for everything good he has done,” the artist said in a conversation with RT.

The most important thing, Gulegina is sure, is the support of the Hvorostovsky family, which needs to get rid of the feeling of loneliness after Dmitry’s departure.

It is worth noting that your last concert Hvorostovsky gave in his native Krasnoyarsk in June of this year. Then he struggled, but still survived to the end.

In 2015, Hvorostovsky told the public that he was seriously ill. Doctors discovered he had a brain tumor. Since that year, the illness has repeatedly prevented the singer from performing at a concert.

The artist’s friend, conductor Konstantin Orbelyan, told Komsomolskaya Pravda about the last minutes of the opera singer’s life [video]

Opera singer Dmitry Hvorostovsky has died. Dmitry Hvorostovsky, a beloved opera baritone, husband, father, son and friend, has died at the age of 55. After a two and a half year battle with brain cancer, he passed away quietly this morning, November 22, in London, surrounded by his family. Our condolences to the artist’s family and friends.

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The tragic news about the death of Dmitry Hvorostovsky was confirmed to us by a friend, like-minded person and colleague of Dmitry Hvorostovsky, conductor Konstantin Orbelyan.

They have been working together for twenty years. We held hundreds of concerts, dozens of projects, recorded 23 CDs, and many television shows. It was a whole life in music.

I managed to say goodbye to Dmitry yesterday at nine o’clock in the evening. And early this morning his wife Florence called me and said that Dima had died a minute ago. It was at 3.30 am. He died in a hospital in London.

Unfortunately, the fight for his life ended today.

I can’t say that he was conscious in the last minutes. Yesterday morning his parents flew to see him. They met. They even managed to communicate, as far as was possible in his condition. People are sometimes able to say more with their eyes than with their words.

We got together. In the evening his youngest children came to the hospital. The elders were there a few days ago when he was brought to the hospital. They study at different universities. And it's not close. The last few days we visited him every day. They understood that he was leaving. But they still hoped for a miracle. I think that parents are never prepared for the death of their son. And we are all not ready for this. Well, imagine: I saw Dima alive six hours ago, and suddenly he’s no longer there...

Two years ago, Dmitry announced that doctors discovered he had a brain tumor. It was a benign tumor...

No, the tumor was malignant from the very beginning. He relied on willpower and modern treatment. But, unfortunately, medications only help for a certain period of time, and then the disease wins.

He was seriously ill. That is, there was a certain stable state, after which deterioration occurred. And he remained in this state for some time. Then again - worsening, persists again, then worsening again. A week ago he could talk. And for the last five days I have been in the hospital in a department where people make it easier to end their lives. This is not a medical department, but palliative care. He could no longer speak - only with his eyes.

Now many people remember his Krasnoyarsk concert, which took place on June 2. They say that in the mood, in the atmosphere, it was felt that this was his farewell concert in Russia... Did Dmitry understand this?

"Goodbye!" - Dmitry Hvorostovsky said to the audience at his last concert. Already being seriously ill, the great baritone Dmitry Hvorostovsky gave a concert in his homeland in Krasnoyarsk

It was ours with him last performance. Then there was a concert on June 22 in Austria. He understood everything. He knew everything about his illness. He had no illusions. He is an incredibly courageous man. His death is a tragedy for all of us. There will never be a voice like Hvorostovsky’s.

- Where will the farewell take place?

For now, I can not say it. Florence is still in the hospital and completing the necessary paperwork.

The most striking performances of Dmitry Hvorostovsky!. October 16 is the 55th anniversary of the magnificent baritone, People's Artist of Russia and very handsome man Dmitry Hvorostovsky

"KP" offers condolences to the relatives and fans of Dmitry Hvorostovsky.


On behalf of the Hvorostovsky family, it is with a heavy heart that we announce that Dmitry Hvorostovsky, a beloved operatic baritone, husband, father, son and friend, has passed away at the age of 55. After a two and a half year battle with brain cancer, he passed away quietly this morning, November 22, surrounded by family in London, UK. The warmth of his voice and his spirit will remain with us forever


Dmitry Hvorostovsky was born in Krasnoyarsk. Graduated from the Krasnoyarsk Pedagogical School named after A. M. Gorky and the Krasnoyarsk Institute of Arts.

In 1985-1990 he was a soloist of the Krasnoyarsk state theater opera and ballet.

After winning in 1989 International competition opera singers in Cardiff received invitations to perform and work in the best opera houses world: Royal Covent Garden Theater (London), La Scala Theater (Milan), Metropolitan Opera (New York), Mariinskii Opera House St. Petersburg, Moscow theater " New Opera"and others. Since 1994 he has lived in London.

The singer's illness became known in June 2015, when he was forced to cancel several concerts. Hvorostovsky began treatment in a British clinic, and at some point the chemotherapy began to produce results. The artist began planning performances again and was able to return to the stage, although sometimes the illness still made itself felt.


A close friend of Hvorostovsky about his last days: He could not speak, but he heard and understood everything

Dmitry Alexandrovich Hvorostovsky died. People's Artist of Russia, holder of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree and other awards, an internationally recognized opera singer passed away on the night of November 22 at 3.35. He was 55 years old. Cancer. In the last days of the artist’s life (he was in a hospice in London), his closest people were nearby, including the Russian poetess Lilia Vinogradova. We called close friend Dmitry Hvorostovsky to London

Colleagues and friends about the death of Dmitry Hvorostovsky: Until recently we did not believe that this would happen

Death of Dmitry Hvorostovsky - opera singer and people's artist Russia is a great loss not only for his family and entourage, but also for opera world. Colleagues and friends of the artist are talking about this today, expressing condolences on his death.

"I can only say that we have lost a great singer, wonderful person, friend, world personality who made huge contribution, he made a huge contribution to world opera culture and also in the world and in Russia. I think that for a very long time we will not have a singer like Dima. He was still a very close friend to us, I was lucky enough to stand on the same stage with him... I express my condolences to his entire family. This is terrible news. It’s just somehow unexpected... We all knew about it, but we all didn’t believe until the last minute that it would happen,” said the soloist Bolshoi Theater Dinara Aliyeva Radio “Komsomolskaya Pravda”