Fadeev Maxim: biography, creativity, family. Producer Max Fadeev terminated contracts with artists and launched a new project Max Fadeev personal

  • 03.07.2019

Max Fadeev – popular Russian musician and composer. The man wrote large number the most popular songs, which are known to many music lovers. The composer's songs are performed by many famous Russian performers. He is the author of compositions sung by Polina Gagarina, Glucose and many others.

In addition to music, the musician is involved in producing activities. Under his leadership, films and animated films were released.

Since the 90s, the man has been happily married to his wife Natalya. It provides reliable support for the composer.

Height, weight, age. How old is Max Fadeev

Recently, one of the Russian TV channels aired a program that talked about a popular composer. Music lovers were able to find out his height, weight, and age. How old Max Fadeev is is no secret. In 2018, the musician modestly celebrated his 50th birthday with his family. The man’s friend, Leonid Agutin, came to the celebration. Max himself says that the years he has lived have become his main wealth. He hopes to live many more years. The composer regrets that he once decided to die. It was only thanks to his friends that he remained in the world.

Max Fadeev, whose photos in his youth and now allow us to see the courageous and talented person, with a height of 180 cm, weighed more than 90 kg. The man himself explained this with health problems. The composer recently lost a lot of weight, and fans noticed it. They wish the songwriter to live as long as possible and write many songs.

Biography and personal life of Max Fadeev

The birth of a baby in the Fadeev family took place in the late 60s of the last century. They decided to call him Maxim. Mother - Fadeeva Svetlana Petrovna and father - Fadeev Alexander Ivanovich studied music. Since childhood, the future songwriter has been involved in music. He learned to play the piano and guitar.

Sport occupied a large place in the composer’s life. He was interested in athletics. But the workload had to be limited due to health problems. At the age of 17, the guy almost died. This is what influenced his writing. He began to study music. At first, the young man was a member of a local musical group. In the 80s, Max almost died as a gangster group tried to gain influence over the group.

The talented artist participated in several song competitions, winning prizes. Since the early 90s, he began to develop musical career. The young musician wrote many hits that were performed by leading Russian performers, including his songs sung by Valery Leontyev, Vyacheslav Malezhik, Larisa Dolina and others.

In mid-1993, Max began collaborating with the aspiring singer Linda. For her, he wrote a large number of songs that became popular. The compositions were also appreciated by professionals. Fadeev received as many as nine awards in the “Song of the Year” competition. In the late 90s, the composer moved to Berlin, where he collaborated with many singers not only from Russia, but also from other countries.

At the end of 2002 on the First Russian channel The release of “Star Factory 2” was being prepared. Our hero was invited to the project. At the same time, the man began producing Glucose. At first it was a cartoon image. Only at the finale of “Factory” did it become known who was hiding under the image of the cartoon character.

The TV project “Star Factory - 2” featured the names of future Russian pop stars, including Irakli, Pierre Narcisse, Elena Temnikova, Polina Gagarina and others.

Currently, our hero owns his own production center. He writes songs for many Russian pop stars.

Max participated as a mentor in several seasons of the show program “The Voice. Children". But then he abandoned it for personal reasons.

Biography and personal life Max Fadeev flow in parallel. In his youth he was married to a girl named Galina. But the couple failed to save the marriage. Soon they separated.

In the mid-90s, the composer became a husband for the second time. He married Natalya, for whom he carried feelings for many years.

Families and children of Max Fadeev

The family and children of Max Fadeev are connected with creativity. The composer is happy in his second marriage. He and his wife raised their son Savva. In their youth, the family experienced a tragedy. Due to a doctor's mistake, a newborn daughter died. To forget about the tragedy, the couple moved to Germany and lived there for several years. The tragedy with his daughter affected Max's attitude towards children. This led to his departure from the show “The Voice. Children".

His father had a great influence on the development of the future musician. He was working musical director in Kurgan. The man wrote a large number of plays and dramatic musical productions. In 2016, Alexander Ivanovich passed away. He is buried in one of the Kurgan cemeteries.

Our hero’s mother also studied music. She worked at the Palace of Culture, sang many Russian and Gypsy songs and romances. After the death of her husband, the woman moved in with her son.

Max has a younger brother, whose name is Artyom. He wrote songs for many famous stars Russian stage. His songs were sung by Katya Lel, Leonid Agutin, and Glucose. The man has won several times singing competitions. Artyom is married and has two daughters and a son.

Son of Max Fadeev - Savva

At the end of 1997, the Fadeev family was replenished with a son. The boy became a long-awaited child. He was born a real hero. Savva’s weight was four kilograms. The baby developed quickly and was incredibly gifted. He drew well, sang and played sports. In honor little son our hero took off animated film, one of the characters looks like a boy.

IN school years Max Fadeev’s son, Savva, studied well. He tried not to upset his parents in any way. The guy decided to connect his life with directing. He is currently finishing his studies at one of the capital's universities. Savva has already shot several videos for songs by famous Russian performers.

Max Fadeev's wife - Natalya

Meeting Max and his future wife took place in the early difficult 90s. Just a few weeks after their first meeting, the lovers began to live together. In the mid-90s, a tragedy occurred in the family. The newborn daughter died during childbirth. To cope with grief, the couple moved to Berlin. It was here that their long-awaited son was born.

Max Fadeev’s wife, Natalya, did the makeup for one of her husband’s charges, singer Linda. At the same time, the woman was raising her little son.

Currently Natalya is taking care of the house. She often spoils her husband and son with delicious dishes.

Instagram and Wikipedia Max Fadeev

Instagram and Wikipedia of Max Fadeev allow you to find out a large amount of various information about our hero.

Wikipedia allows you to find out about the composer's family. This lists which songs Max wrote. The page says that the man experienced several personal tragedies. He himself could have died more than once.

IN social networks our hero is working actively. He often posts new photos. They depict the man himself, his wife, son Savva and numerous friends. On his Instagram Page, the composer posted several songs that he wrote. Fans can find out all the most latest news first hand.

Max Fadeev was born in Kurgan (May 6, 1968). His family, although they lived far from the capital, was directly related to art. Alexander Ivanovich Fadeev taught at a music school, collaborated with drama theater, wrote music for performances. Svetlana Petrovna was his student and studied vocals. Maxim’s maternal grandmother was also a singer, and his great-uncle, Timofey Belozerov, wrote books for children. It is not surprising that both Maxim and his younger brother Artem, who also became a famous producer and composer, received their first music lessons at home, and then began to attend music school. Despite prestigious professions parents, the overall wealth of the family was not too great. Maxim began working part-time at a vegetable farm while still a schoolboy. At the age of 13, he taught himself to play the guitar.

Having entered at the age of 15 music school in two directions at once (piano and conducting), Max began to earn extra money by playing in various music groups. Starting with dance evenings in the Mashinostroiteley Palace of Culture, the young man eventually became a backing vocalist for the well-known band “Convoy” in Kurgan. This was preceded terrible tragedy- While training in the gym, seventeen-year-old Maxim lost consciousness, the cause of which was a hidden heart defect. During the operation, the young man survived clinical death, after which he discovered a new talent - composing songs. His first composition was called “Dance on Broken Glass,” and later others were added to it, included in the album of the same name (1990, 1991). With the new repertoire, “Convoy” gained fame, made successful tours, and Maxim married vocalist Galina - although not for long. In addition to family drama an even more terrible tragedy happened to him - due to the division of show business, Maxim was mutilated by bandits. Not only were his ankles broken and his fingers broken, but he was left to die in the forest. Fadeeva saved lucky chance and the famous Kurgan doctor Ilizarov.

After recovery, Maxim continued to perform in “Convoy”, and during the casting he met a girl, Natalya, who a month later became his wife, and performed under the pseudonym Dasha Ukhacheva. In 1989, Fadeev passed the qualifying rounds to participate in Jurmala-89, and then performed in 1990 in Yalta, where he became third. There he met singer Sergei Krylov, who recommended the Kurgan singer to move to Moscow.

In 1993, Max and Natalya headed to the capital, and like many provincials, they faced considerable hardships. Fadeev’s songs were recognized as unformatted, and he began to work on arrangements, collaborating with singers such as Valery Leontyev, Larisa Dolina, Vyacheslav Malezhik and others.

In 1994, Maxim met banker Lev Gaiman, who offered him a contract to compose songs for his daughter Svetlana. The result of this project, to which the Convoy group and Natalya Fadeeva, who by this time had completed stylist courses, joined, became extremely successful. Singer Linda (Svetlana began performing under this name) repeatedly became “Singer of the Year,” and 400 thousand spectators attended her concert in Kyiv in 1997. Linda's first album, Songs of Tibetan Lamas, went platinum and was a huge success in Japan. The cooperation continued until the 1998 crisis, when, due to the collapse of Gaiman's bank, the contract with Fadeev was terminated. The producer, who had experienced the death of his long-awaited daughter a year earlier, moved to Germany, where his son Savva was born in 1998, and worked with the teams “Total” and “Monokini”.

In 2002, Fadeev began collaborating with Natalya Ionova (Glukoza) within the framework of the Monolit company, of which he was a co-owner. First, the “I Hate” video appeared, followed by an animated series. In 2003, Fadeev became the producer of Star Factory-2, where Glucose performed in the final concert. Subsequently, Natasha Ionova won the Golden Gramophone 7 times, as well as the Record, MuzTV and other awards. Such performers as Irakli, Yulia Savicheva, Polina Gagarina, Elena Temnikova and others gained fame at the Star Factory.

In 2006, Fadeichev organized the female trio "Serebro", which took third place in the Eurovision 2007 final, and their songs topped the Russian radio charts and were included in the charts of many foreign countries. Fadeev refused to take part in the 2011 project “Star Factory. Return”, followed by Alla Pugacheva. By this time, there were rumors about Fadeev’s work on the libretto of the opera “The Passion of the Christ,” for the production of which he intended to receive the blessing of the Patriarch; work on this project has not yet been completed. But the TV show “The Voice. Children”, released in 2014, where Fadeev acted as a mentor (free of charge, in memory of his deceased daughter), can be considered very successful - its finalist, Alisa Kozhikina, became fifth at Junior Eurovision 2014.

IN next season the winner of the show was again Fadeev’s student Sabina Mustaeva. Fadeev’s project, the animated film “Savva, Heart of a Warrior” (2014), also became unusual. It is based on the book “Savva”, written by Fadeev back in 2007 for his own son, who became the prototype of the main character. As for Savva Fadeev himself, he has already graduated from school, and, despite his good musical abilities and excellent ownership German language, decided to become a cinematographer and photographer.

Best of the day

Samie Lu4shie
planeta 22.05.2007 01:01:45

maks vi samie luchshie, ea vas o4en uvojaju

Max, you are super!
Irina Fedyukovich 18.11.2007 03:29:56

I saw and heard you for the first time in 1991 at New Year holidays. I really liked the style: in the clothes, in the music, in the performance itself, and in the disturbing theme “...white snow-cocaine...”. I have always been for Greenpeace and against drugs. I felt the same about you. I really regretted that for a long time there was no information about you. With the appearance of Linda, I heard you again. For some reason I immediately associated it with you. And I was pleasantly surprised that it was you. Now you have begun to appear on television more often, which is very pleasant. There are a lot of great songs performed by various singers, but your performance is super! Cartoons are very good, but don’t deprive me of the opportunity to hear your new creations performed by you. There is so little left of real music in harmony with beautiful performance. Of course, I would really like to sing something in a duet with you, but I understand that this is unrealistic. Well, good luck in your creativity! good polish!

The music of Maxim Fadeev is a real phenomenon in domestic show business. This person is not afraid to break stereotypes and follow own rules. His projects never go unnoticed. His life is woven from bright events and grandiose victories. About how fate unfolded famous producer and composer, will be discussed in this article.


Fadeev Maxim, whose biography is presented in this article, was born in 1968, on May 6. His mother - Svetlana Petrovna - famous singer, which talentedly performs Russian and gypsy romances. She, a gypsy by birth, managed to instill in her son a love for folk art. Our hero's dad - talented composer. He is the author of music for several dozen successful performances. From the age of five, the future producer attended music school. IN adolescence he learned to play the bass guitar. A little later, he entered the school in two departments - piano and choral. Acoustic guitar became his next achievement. In addition, the boy was actively involved in sports. However, at the age of 17, he was admitted to intensive care with an exacerbation of heart disease. He experienced clinical death, underwent direct cardiac massage and returned to life. After this incident, the guy began to write his own compositions.

Solo career

After that I started studying solo career Fadeev Maxim. The biography of the future producer was now inextricably linked with creativity. He played in a local pop group at the House of Culture, then became a backing vocalist in the group “Convoy”. Afterwards he became the lead singer of this group. With him he visited thousands settlements. Soon Maxim became famous and was sent to the Jurmala-89 competition as a participant. In the final round the guy took third place. He was awarded a prize of 500 rubles. However, a singing career did not appeal to him. Instead, he began writing music for commercials. This activity brought him significant profit.

First steps in the capital

Over time, Maxim Fadeev was invited to Moscow. The beginning of his career in the capital was ensured by the necessary connections. Singer Sergei Krylov promised support to the guy. In 1993, the composer got a job as an arranger in a recording studio. He created compositions for famous performers - Vyacheslav Malezhik, Valery Leontyev, Larisa Dolina. Solo career The guy didn’t succeed for one reason - his musical material was unusual for Russians. The epithet “unformat” began to haunt the talented musician. And he decided to become a producer.

Working with Linda

Maxim Aleksandrovich Fadeev has a real instinct for talent. In 1993, Fyodor Bodnarchuk contacted him. He offered to audition a performer who needed a gifted composer. Thus began a fruitful collaboration with Svetlana Gaiman. She later became known as the singer Linda. Their creative union lasted six years and culminated great success. Max became very famous among the Russian public. Many were pleased with the combination of high quality, unusual sound and memorable melodies. In September 1997, a joint concert between Fadeev and Linda attracted 400,000 spectators. This is a record figure for Russian show business. The composer and producer claimed that he gave Linda everything he knew and could, and she, in turn, did the same. He wrote 6 albums for Linda, and the performer received the title “Singer of the Year.”

Television projects

Soon Fadeev Maxim moves to Germany. The celebrity's biography was enriched by a new promising endeavor - he began writing music for films. Sound tracks were created for five films. In addition, she began her work new group- "Oil Plant". After some time, the producer went to the Czech Republic and wrote the soundtrack for the Russian film “Triumph”. At the same time, he began work on the projects “Total” and “Monokini”. In 2003, Max returned to Russia. He became a member television program“Star Factory-2” on Channel One. This returned him the interest of the domestic public. The performances of the singer Glukoza consolidated the success. The composer acquired unshakable authority among his colleagues and Russian listeners. However, when the nostalgic project “Star Factory” was launched in 2011. Return”, Maxim refused to participate in it. Alla Pugacheva did the same, motivating her decision by the fact that she was used to working with Fadeev.

Other achievements

The music of Maxim Fadeev has made many talented performers famous. Polina Gagarina, Elena Temnikova, Natalya Ionova owe their popularity to this talented producer. In 2003 trio Serebro received third place at the Eurovision Song Contest. And in 2007, the composer founded own company“Glucose Production” together with his longtime collaborator - singer Glukoza. It was at this time that Max began to create animated film called “Savva. Heart of a warrior." The prototype of the main character was the composer's son, Savva. American screenwriter Poirier Gregory became interested in the project. He presented the Western version of the cartoon to the audience. Fadeev became a director and author musical material to him.

Iconic show

At the beginning of 2014, viewers saw something new television show- "Voice. Children". Maxim Fadeev acted as one of the mentors. Biography famous producer It was very difficult. One of the difficult events in his life was death own child. Therefore, Max is very kind to children. He decided to participate in the project for free in order to emphasize the special attitude towards the competition participants. The composer's student, Alisa Kozhikina, managed to win the show. In 2014, she went to " Junior Eurovision" and took fifth place there. Her success was ensured by a song written by Fadeev. Members of the producer's team visited more than fifty cities of Russia with concerts. Some of them - Darina Ivanova, Irina Morozova, Anna Egorova - united in the group “3G”.

"The Passion of Christ"

The creativity of Maxim Fadeev is constantly enriched with new projects. For example, in 2011, information appeared that the composer had begun writing new opera on a religious theme. He called it "The Passion of the Christ." Biblical tales became the material for the libretto. To continue his work, Max decided to meet with the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Kirill to receive the proper blessing. The opera was supposed to premiere in 2013.

Personal life

Maxim Fadeev always tried not to advertise his personal life. Family, wife, children - all this was a secret behind seven seals for the general public. There were rumors that he married Linda's makeup artist. This is not entirely true. Max met the pretty dancer Natalya at the casting for the video of the group “Convoy”. He immediately decided that she would become his wife. The girl accompanied him everywhere. She moved with him to Moscow, not afraid of the unknown and all kinds of trials. Natasha lost her newborn daughter and almost died during childbirth. Maxim supported her as best he could and managed to create all the conditions for her complete recovery. Family life the famous producer has endured a lot. While collaborating with Linda, he felt like a real star. His wife managed to bring him down from heaven to earth, instill in him true values. In addition, Natasha turned out to be a good stylist. It was she who came up with the stage image of Linda. Max has been living with this woman for more than 25 years, and every day he thanks God for meeting her. A child was born into the family - a son, Savva. Now he is studying to become a director, making videos. For example, I created a video for a song Serebro group"Broken."


Music producer Maxim Fadeev never tires of surprising his fans. After the birth of his son, he discovered that in Russia there was practically no point catering, where you can safely and tasty feed your child. This is how the idea of ​​creating a children's restaurant was born. It was embodied by the composer together with musician Emin Agalarov. In the music cafe "Uncle Max's" - only environmentally friendly products and unusual dishes. Here you can find veal sweets and a variety of desserts.


Max Fadeev continues his bright creative path. Now he wants to resume his solo career. The composer had serious problems with hearing. His mother adheres to the theory that a gifted person must please people with his talent, otherwise retribution will certainly come. Maxim himself begins to think that singing is his calling, which should not be neglected. This means that soon we will hear his songs performed by the author. And also famous composer creates a classic requiem, which he dedicates to his own father. He plans to conduct the orchestra himself, which will perform his new work. Let us wish him new success and creative victories.

Producers are often credited with having affairs with their protégés, and, to be honest, this is often not completely groundless.

With regard to Max Fadeev, these rumors passed him by - neither Glukoza, nor Linda, nor all of “Serebro” together - none of them were noticed in a special relationship with Max Fadeev. Moreover, Max Fadeev has been happy in his only marriage for more than a quarter of a century.

Love and trials

Max Fadeev's wife's name is Natalya. Before her, there was a short marriage with a girl, Galina, but she ran away to Maxim’s friend, and nothing more is known about her. In 1988, Maxim organized the group “Convoy” when he was still living in Kurgan. In 1990, he was selecting girls to record a group video, and saw Natalia dancing in the crowd. "This is mine future wife", he said then. And so it happened.

In 1990, the Fadeevs were persuaded to move to Moscow by Sergei Krylov. In the first years, the spouses had to be pushed around in corners, they even went hungry. The family often remembers how Natalya found an old potato behind the stove, boiled it, and it was dinner for two with her husband.

In 1994, Max met banker Lev Gaiman, who offered to write songs for his daughter Sveta. This is how the Linda project appeared, bringing Russian stage something never seen before. There is a version that Natalya Fadeeva was responsible for Linda’s image. This work brought into the family material well-being. Max bought a two-level apartment in Northern Butovo, and bought his parents an apartment in Fryazino.

The test of poverty was passed, but something much more terrible awaited the couple. She died in 1997 due to medical error their newborn daughter. Natalia received severe stress, against this background she began to bleed and almost died.

In 1998 the family moved to Germany, to a place near Nuremberg. The crisis that broke out in 1998 made Gaiman bankrupt. Max was bound by a contract, but proposed a strange step. He invited Linda to star in a video in straitjacket and disappear from view of viewers for 2 years. This gave rise to some kind of conflict with Gaiman and his people, Fadeev was threatened, and his further work was jealously monitored.

Family hoax

There are also a lot of rumors around Max’s next project, Gluck’Oz. They say that the first album was sung entirely by Max Fadeev’s wife. The producer in no way wanted to make his wife a singer; his plans included a completely eccentric project in which there is no live performer, but a virtual image.

Similar projects are in wide use, for example, in Japan or South Korea. A hologram appears on stage under the name of a pop singer, work is carried out exclusively in the studio. The producer’s dream is that you don’t have to pay the artist, you don’t have to endure whims, the star won’t get drunk, get hooked on drugs, or get pregnant.

However, the Russian audience was not ready for such a powerful technological breakthrough. After the release of the original cartoon clips, people demanded to show Gluk’Oz “live.”

We urgently had to look for a suitable girl, and the choice fell on the unremarkable Natalia Ionova.

In the photo on the left are Maxim Fadeev and Glucose with their daughter Lida. Max is godfather baby Glucose.

Of course, this is only a version, but many facts speak in favor of its veracity. Alexander Kushnir, a well-known PR master, says that Max showed the finished album a year before Ionova appeared.

He talks about this story in detail in the book “Headliners,” and no one sued the author after its release.

The same is confirmed by radio producer Mikhail Kozyrev. After Fadeev realized that CD sales did not cover the costs of recording an album and filming a video, he began to look for a way out. “My wife will not go on stage and will not go on tour, this is ironclad,” he told Kozyrev. Of course, Natalya did not have any special vocal abilities, and teaching a girl suitable in appearance to sing in approximately the same way turned out to be not a difficult task.

Loyalty in show business is possible

All subsequent projects “Monokini”, “Serebro” are all beautiful and young girls. No one ever attributed them to a relationship with Max Fadeev. It’s simple – Maxim’s younger brother, Artem, was in charge of the girls. He was married to Monokini, he dated Elena Temnikova, and from all this Maxim kept his love for his wife Natalya.

While the couple lived in Germany, son Savva was born. He was born in a clinic at a local cathedral, that is, practically in a church. While the boy was little, the Fadeevs lived in Germany, and then returned to Moscow.

Natalya steadfastly endured another blow of fate - Max Fadeev, a composer and musician, unexpectedly lost his hearing. Many show business figures turned their backs on him - who needs a deaf musician? The artists who worked with him at that time remained faithful to him.

Maxim took his illness seriously. He even planned to go to the taiga to die there. He was saved by a Chinese doctor, and the treatment was quite painful. Fadeev's hearing returned. All these difficult days, Natalya supported him and fought together with her husband.

Every year Max gives his wife 1001 roses for her birthday.. It is difficult to find roses in his house in Bali, which he purchased not long ago, so he gave 1001 chrysanthemums. The congratulatory inscription best characterizes their relationship:

Today is the birthday of my beloved wife Natasha! We've been together for 25 years now. How far have we come? There were difficult periods, but we always went through all the difficulties, holding hands. So today, we will hold hands and walk, not paying attention to anything. Time will put everything in its place. Nata, happy birthday to you, my little girl! You have always been and will be a girl for me. But now wise and deep. When I die, I want to lie with my head on your lap, because only then will I smile. Know that I always stand in front of you, and nothing can ever hurt you. Even if someone really wants it! M.

49-year-old Max Fadeev is closing his production center. His wards - the SEREBRO group, Yulia Savicheva and others - published a video on social networks saying that “PCMF is no more.” Fadeev confirmed that his production center has ceased to exist, and contracts with all artists have been terminated.


“PCMF is no more. We have terminated all production contracts with artists. In 1993, I began collaborating as a producer with my first artist. The music business was different at the time - we were innovators both in music and in our approach to the business itself. Today, artists are becoming different, including, I mean, those with whom I have been working for many years, and myself,” Fadeev wrote on Instagram (Spelling and punctuation hereinafter are the author’s. — Note edit.).



However, Max created new project and declared that he was starting all over from scratch. “We are not only getting rid of the old name - the Producer Center and a new name is coming into force - MUSIC LABEL MALFA, but we are also completely changing our business strategies. I talk a lot about new show business, and in order to build it from scratch, you need to update what was already waiting for change. We start with ourselves. The time has come for personalities, when the artist himself creates trends and works on his own image - this is a new scheme that has not yet been worked out for most, but we are taking this risk,” the producer shared.