Guf personal life. Rapper Guf: biography, personal life, photo

  • 26.04.2019




Alexey Sergeevich Dolmatov, known to us all as Guf (GUF), was born on September 23, 1979, in Moscow. From about the age of 10 I became interested in rap art. In the 5th grade he encountered drugs. He often began to skip class, after which he was taken by his parents to China. For seven years he lived in China, where he studied at one of the universities. Alexey has 2 higher education: economic and linguistic. After this he returned to Russia.

Already at the age of nineteen he performed his first track - “ Chinese wall" He was recorded together with Roma Korobchansky (with whom Guf studied together, in the same group). For 2 years, Guf took a short break (due to drugs) in his hobby.

Guf became more famous in 2000 when he joined the group “ROLEX-X”. And so he finally realized that he shouldn’t sit and wait for something, he needs to move forward. It was after this idea that he became one of the creators, known on at the moment groups - “CENTER”. This is how his first demo album “Gift” appeared. Few copies were produced, only 13 pieces, and they were given to close friends as a New Year's gift.

He was very familiar with the “KASTA” group, as he often visited his area. He took part in the filming of the video “We take it on the streets,” and one of the Caste members, Shym, wrote the music for “New Year’s.”

Many songs dealt with his favorite topic - “Drugs”; he began to be recognized among rappers on this topic. Guf claims that he forgot about drugs a long time ago and no longer uses them.

Already in 2002, she begins to work on her new, next album. I found a new friend – Slim, who at that time was part of the “Smoke Screen” group.


In 2006, the song “Gossip” became very popular. The album “City of Roads” contains the song “Original Ba”, dedicated to Guf’s grandmother Tamara Konstantinovna, in which she even takes part.

Also in 2006, a video called “New Year’s” was released for one of the documentaries called “Drug Users (drug addicts)”; this video soon became quite popular. A new hit was created with SMOKI MO “Traffic”, it was placed on the album “Air is Normal” (2008).

Already in 2007, a highly popular album called “City of Roads” was released. Soon appears new track called “My Game” in a duet with the popular rapper Basta. Guf also begins his concert activities. The same year, on October 25, an album called “Swing” from the group “CENTR” was released. In 2008, ‘Center’ won the “Best Rap Group” category at the RMA.

In 2009, together with the group, Center performed on Muz-TV with the song “City of Roads”. Also in 2009, he voiced a doll named “Fifth” in Tim Burton, Timur Bekmambetov’s “Ninth”. By 2009, Guf decides to leave CENTER, he confirmed this in his interview. starting from September and ending in December, all members of the CENTER group release solo albums. The album from GUF - “At Home” was released on December 1, 2009.

Personal life of GUF

Soon after Guf decided to quit drugs, he began to lead a healthy lifestyle. He lasted only half a year, but then his girlfriend named Isa came to his aid.

Isa helped Guf a lot with this problem. Once, when she found out about his drug addiction, she locked herself and him in the apartment for 5 days, and soon helped him completely forget about them.

So who is Guf - the highest paid Russian rap artist, whose tours are scheduled several months in advance and have suffered little even due to the raging economic crisis - or an underground legend who has sprouted through the obstacles of show business with the power of his verbal gift?
Where will the portal site begin to present biography of Guf, participant (with breaks) Centr groups- a team that is throughout recent years one of the recognized leaders of the entire domestic hip-hop industry?! Well, of course, with a description of a difficult childhood and life story Alexey Dolmatov.

Real name: Alexey
Date of birth: 09.23.1979
Place of birth: Moscow
Guf - Russian (and extremely Moscow) rap artist

While still in the 3rd grade, a minor Alyosha Dolmatov I started listening to Russian (and not only) rap. In the fifth grade, the future Guf tried drugs (grass) for the first time - damn it, the parents didn’t keep track of the stupid child. And off we go: absenteeism from school, parasitism and vagrancy. Young Dolmatov became a burden and a black spot on the reputation of the intelligent Moscow Dolmatov family.

Alexey Sergeevich Dolmatov, upon returning from exile to China (where his parents sent him to tear him away from Moscow drug addicts), became a co-founder (together with Princip) of the group Centr, which was originally a duet. Founded the ZM Nation label and is also one of the founders of " TsAO Records" Winner of RMA awards, Rock Alternative Music Prize and others.

2000–2003: The beginning of his creative journey
Guf entered the hip-hop world in 2000 as part of the group Rolexx, whose name comes from the names of the project participants: Roma and Lesha.
It was after participating in the Rolexx group that Alexey became known as Guf. However, he used the group's name as his main pseudonym until 2005. As Guf aka Rolexx Alexey is indicated on the back of the packaging of the CD with the album “Turtle Races” by the group “ Negative influence", released in 2005. In 2006, on subsequent albums, for which the rapper wrote guest verses or took part in skits, including “Floors” and “Basta 2”, Dolmatov was already designated as Guf.

Guf wrote his first track called “Chinese Wall” at the age of 19. It was first heard on Radio 2000. However, this was followed by a forced creative break due to drugs.
Since 2002, Guf has been working on his debut album. In the same year, his collaboration with Slim, who at that time was a member of the Smoke Screen group, began with the song “Wedding”.

2003–2009: Centr Group
Realizing the need to move on, Guf, together with Nikolai Princip, created the Centr group in 2004. With this lineup they released their first demo album called “Gift”. The circulation was only 13 copies, which were presented to the closest friends for the New Year.

IN creative life Guf has another one bright character- his grandmother Tamara Konstantinovna, known to fans of Guf’s work as Original Ba XX. The whole country recognized her from the track “Gossip”. The song “Original Ba” from the album “City of Roads,” in which she even takes part, tells about their relationship and her character. “She can easily dance to Sean Paul for you,” reads Guf. But in the fall of 2013, my grandmother dies of cardiac arrest.

Many of Guf's early songs are dedicated to drugs, and it was these songs that became his “ business card"in the rap community, forming a new specific style. Guf used hard drugs, as he himself said, but has now completely abandoned them.

In 2006, the song “Gossip” was released. In the same year, by Ren-TV for documentary film“Drug Users” (Russian: Drug Users) from the series “Project Reflection” a video was shot for the no less popular composition “New Year’s”, in which Slim and Ptah participate. Guf records a duet with Rostov rapper Basta - a song called “My Game”. A video clip was also shot for the song “Traffic”, recorded with the participation of Smokey Mo and which was included in the second album of the Centr group called “Air is Normal”.

In April 2007, the album “City of Roads” was released. In addition, the artist begins active concert activities. On October 25, the album “Swing” by the group Centr, of which he is a member, is released. In the fall of 2008, the Centr group, together with Basta, won the Hip-Hop category at the RMA awards of MTV Russia.

On August 16, 2008 he married Aiza Vagapova.
In 2009, he dubbed one of the characters in the American cartoon “9” - a one-eyed doll named “Fifth”. In the original, the hero was voiced by actor John C. Reilly.
In August 2009, Guf left the Centr group after a quarrel with Slim and Ptah. He stated this in his interview. Despite this, in the fall of 2009, a video was shot for the song “Is It Easy to Be Young” from the album “Ether is Normal.” Guf is filming for this video separately from the rest of the group.

Guf is creating a new label - ZM Nation.
From September to December, solo albums of all participants are released. Guf’s solo album “At Home” was released on December 1, 2009.

2009–2012: Collaboration with Basta and “Sam and...”
At the end of 2009, information appeared about a joint album with Basta, which should be released in September 2010. Dates change after each Guf/Basta interview; in September 2010, official information appeared that the presentation of the album would take place on October 23.

On November 10, 2010, Guf’s joint album with Basta, entitled “Basta/Guf,” was released. The presentation took place on December 25.

On July 21, 2011, a big concert of Basta and Guf took place at the Green Theater; judging by Basta's Twitter post, more than 8,000 people gathered there.
On September 9, 2011, the Federal Drug Control Service announced the detention of Guf. Guf's tests revealed traces of marijuana and he was released.
On July 19, 2012, the third big summer concert of Basta and Guf took place at the Green Theater.

November 1, 2012 third solo album Guf’s “Sam and...” was posted for free download on the hip-hop portal
On December 30, Guf was excluded from the list of artists of the Gazgolder TO, although, as his wife Isa states, collaboration was discontinued back in 2011. On December 28, an interview was posted on with extracts of Basta’s answers to listener questions, among which was a statement that Guf was never an artist on the label: “He didn’t sign a contract with us, we just took part in the work. It will probably stop starting in the New Year.” Since August 2013, he has been divorced from his wife Isa.

2013–present: 420
On April 20, the day of cannabis use, Guf, together with a dancehall musician (member of the St. Petersburg group True Jamaican Crew), released the single “420,” foreshadowing a joint release planned for early 2014. On March 4, 2014, the premiere of the song “Industry” took place, in which the rapper speaks on the topic of rap battles, including mentioning the organizer and host of Versus Battle.

Reconciliation with Slim and Ptah
October 24, 2013 Guf releases new song and along with it a video clip called “Sad”, where he explains the reason for the collapse of the Centr group:

“We had a very strong group, they didn’t take advantage of anyone. / It turned out that the whole of Russia was rocked. / But its existence suddenly ceased: I imagined myself as a soloist, became vain and mercantile. »
And so, in 2014, the song “Winter” appears on the group’s album “Winter” with guest verses by Guf and Slim. In a subsequent interview for, the Caspian Cargo group reveals that the track was put together with the consent of both ex-members of the Centr group. But later, many different guesses appear on the network that the group members will record more tracks; in one of the interviews, Guf states that a joint concert of the group is possible, nothing more; Bird says the same thing. However, on April 27, 2014, a joint composition with Guf called “Killer City” appears on Bore’s album “On the Bottoms.”

Studio albums
2007 - “City of Roads”
2007 - “Swing” (as part of the Centr group)
2008 - “Ether is normal” (as part of the Centr group)
2009 - “At Home”
2010 - “Basta/Guf” (together with Basta)
2012 - “Myself and...”
2014 - “4:20” (together with Rigos)
2015 - “More”
2016 - “System” (as part of the Centr group)
Demo albums
2003 - “Gift” (together with Princip)

As main artist
2013 - “420” (featuring Rigos)
2013 - “No conflict” (with teacher Kravets)
As a guest artist

2014 - “Yana” (Misha Krupin with Guf)
As part of the Centr group
2014 - “Turns”
2015 - “Tough”
2015 - “Houdini” (with the teaching “Caspian cargo”)
2015 - “Nuni-2”
2016 - “Far”

2004 - “Explosive Device” (album of the group “Smoke Screen”)
2005 - “Turtle Races” (album of the group “Negative Impact”)
2006 - “Floors” (album of the group “Smoke Screen”)
2006 - “Basta 2” (Basta album)
2007 - “All-in” (album by Rap City)
2008 - “Enter the Dragon” (tribute album to the memory of Ricochet)
2008 - “My tape recorder” (QP album)
2008 - “One Hundred out of a Hundred” (ST album)
2008 - “Hold Tight” (mixtape by group 25/17)
2008 - “Warm” (Noggano album)
2009 - “Cold” (Slim’s album)
2009 - “About Nothing” (Ptah album)
2009 - D.Vision (Def Joint album)
2010 - “MegaPolice” (album of the group “AK-47”)
2010 - “Basta 3” (Basta album)
2010 - “Coming Out of the Darkness” (Smoky Mo’s album)
2010 - “Couplets with a golden seal” (album of the group Good Hash)
2010 - “KhZ” (joint album by Khamil and Zmey)
2011 - “Moscow 2010” (album Miko)
2011 - “Na100ashchy” (ST album)
2011 - “T.G.K.lipsis” (album of the group “TGC”)
2011 - “Time of the Tiger” (Smoky Mo’s album)
2011 - “Attack of the Clones” (mixtape Obe 1 Kanobe)
2011 - “Islands” (joint album by Princip and Apxi)
2012 - “Inevitable” (album of the group “OU74”)
2012 - “Fat” (album by Viti AK)
2012 - “Blueberries” (album Rem Diggy)
2012 - “Better than yesterday” (Lyon album)
2012 - “Demo In Da Moscow III: Knigga of rhymes” (collection of the group “TGK”)
2013 - “Bulletproof” (ST album)
2013 - “Trinity (part 1)” (mini-album of the group “Caspian Cargo”)
2013 - 25 (ST collection)
2014 - “Jackets and Suits” (album of the group “Caspian Cargo”)
2014 - The Best (Slim’s collection)
2014 - “Fresh relaxation” (Kravets album)
2014 - “On the Bottoms” (album Bore)
2015 - “On real events"(joint album by Rigos and BluntCath)
Tracks not released on Guf's albums
2000 - “Chinese Wall”
2007 - “Our Yard” (Cider with Guf)
2008 - " Big business» (Batishta, Zhigan, Check, Guf, Basta, MC Bely, Kos)
2008 - “Let’s make the circle wider” (Vitya AK, Noggano, Guf, 5 Plyukh)
2008 - “Next People” (Dino MC 47 with Guf, Zhan Grigoriev-Milimerov)
2009 - “Sketches” (study Principle)
2009 - “Brother” (study Principle)
2009 - “Three Dots” (Good Hash)
2009 - “If a friend suddenly turned up” (study Negative)
2010 - “100 lines”
2011 - “It Takes Place”
2011 - “200 lines”
2011 - “The cold is no problem” (study Smokey Mo, “AK-47”)
2012 - “Car enthusiast”
2013 - “Sad”
2014 - “Pedestrian”
2014 - “Surely” (study Gino)
2014 - “Yana” (student Misha Krupin)
2014 - “It became so” (student Kripl, Rigos)
2014 - “Bad-Good”
2016 - “Life is wonderful”
Audio invitations to concerts

2011 - “Invitation to Moscow” (study “OU74”, “TANDEM Foundation”)
2012 - “Invitation to the Ukrainian Tour” (TANDEM Foundation)

2013 - “Until the end” / “Invitation to “Knitting” / Hip-Hop All Stars 2013"

2009 - “Hip-hop in Russia: from the 1st person” (episode 32)
2014 - “Gas holder”
2016 - “Egor Shilov”

2009 - "9" - 5th (John C. Reilly)
2006 - “Heat” - “Heat 77” (as part of the Centr group)
2014 - “Gas Holder” - “Boarded Up” (ft. Basta)
2015 - “Is it easy to be young?” - “Is it easy to be young?” (as part of the Centr group)


Video clips

As main artist
2006 - “New Year’s”
2009 - “For Her”
2010 - “Ice Baby”
2010 - “100 lines”
2010 - “It was a long time ago”
2011 - “It Takes Place”
2011 - “200 lines”
2011 - “On the Floor”
2012 - “Today - tomorrow”
2012 - “Guf died” (student Basta)
2015 - “Mowgli”
2015 - “Bai”
As a guest artist
2007 - “My Game” (Basta with Guf)
2009 - “In a different way” (ST with Guf)
2010 - “Swing” (Noggano with Guf)
2010 - “To those who are with us” (Noggano with Guf, “AK-47”)
2011 - “Red Arrow” (Smoky Mo with Guf)
2012 - “Once” (Obe 1 Kanobe with Guf)
2013 - “The Secret” (Rem Digga with Guf)
2013 - “Dances with Wolves” (Lyon with Guf)
2013 - “420” (Rigos with Guf)
2013 - “Everything for $1” (“Caspian cargo” with Guf)
2013 - “No conflict” (Kravts with Guf)
2014 - “Ram’s Horn” (Rigos with Guf)
2014 - “Killer City” (Bore with Guf)
As part of the Centr group
2008 - “City of Roads” (study Basta)
2008 - “Traffic” (study Smokey Mo)
2008 - “Night”
2009 - “Winter”
2009 - “Is it easy to be young”
2014 - “Turns”
2015 - “On the Tin”
2015 - “Nuni-2”
2016 - “Far”
Project "Basta / Guf"
2011 - “Accordingly”
2011 - “Samurai”
2011 - “Another Wave”
2014 - “Emergency”
2014 - “Boarded Up”

Invitations to concerts
2010 - “Rostov/Krasnodar” (training Basta)
2011 - “Summer of proper rap” (student Basta)
2011 - “Invitation to Moscow” (study “OU74”, “TANDEM Foundation”)
2012 - “Invitation to the Ukrainian Tour” (TANDEM Foundation)
2012 - “Invitation to Hip-Hop All Stars 2012”
2012 - “Invitation to” Green Theater“” (student Basta)
2013 - “Invitation to” Izvestia Hall"" / "Sad"
2014 - “Invitation to a tour in support of the film Gazgolder”
2014 - “Invitation to the Green Theater”
2015 - “Houdini” / “Invitation to the Green Theater” (in composed of Centr at school "Caspian cargo")
2016 - “Invitation to USA”
2016 - “Invitation | CENTR System |»
Concert video
2009 - “Centr: Air is normal”
Awards and nominations
Winner of the A-One RAMP 2009 award in the Urbana category.
In 2008, as part of the Centr group, he won a matryoshka doll as “The Best Hip-Hop Project” at the MTV RMA ceremony.
In 2009 he was nominated for the “Hero of the Runet” award, where he took 6th place.
In 2009, he became the winner of the vote on the website in the following categories:
Best domestic performer year;
Album of the Year (“At Home”);
Best video (“For Her”).
He won in the same categories in 2008 as part of the Centr group:
Best Artist (Centr);
Best Album of the Year (“Air is Normal”);
Best video (“Night”).
Winner of the Russian Street Awards 2010 in the category Artist of the Year.
Winner of the 2011 Muz-TV Award in the category Best Hip-Hop Project of the Year
Interesting facts
Guf lived in China for seven years, but he had to leave because of drug problems.
He calls the area where Guf lived, to whom he dedicated more than one song, and where his grandmother Tamara Konstantinovna lived, ZM, which means Zamoskvorechye.
Guf “roots” for football club Liverpool.
Sometimes in songs he calls himself jokingly: Kagtavy Guf, Gufaka. And also their relatives: Tamara Konstantinovna (grandmother) - Original Ba XX (Russian: Original Ba Two X); Aiza Dolmatova (wife) - Ice Baby (Russian Ice Baby); and the son of Sami Dolmatov - Gufik (Russian: Gufik).
His dad is from Rostov, and Guf visited there often, so he is well acquainted with the Casta group. He even took part in the filming of a video for the song “We take it on the streets”, and Caste member Shym wrote the music for his “New Year’s”. Guf also participated in the recording of the “Casta” group’s track “New Step”, which was released in 2010 on the album “XZ”.
He calls American rapper Nas his favorite artist.
Has two higher educations: economics and linguistics (Chinese).
Claims to pray before performances.

Group Center is breaking up!

This is how an April Fool's joke turned into reality...
and how well it all started...

DR by Nikolai Serov: Guf, Slim, Ptah, Dj A. Vakulenko

Guf, Slim, Ptah, Basta, Nagano - Centr-club of the Central Administrative District

Rapper Guf (Alexey Dolmatov) rarely comments on his personal life, but recently the artist made an exception. IN interview The musician spoke to journalist Yuri Dud about rumors about his affair with singer Keti Topuria. “Katie and I are friends. And after this ridiculous news we become even stronger friends. I don’t know who’s in the photos,” the rapper said.

According to Alexey, when Katie found out about his drug addiction, she tried to save him. “She started trying to cure me. She constantly persuaded me, but I, being on my own wavelength, always merged. Then he turned to her for help and asked her to do something. She put me in the hospital in Moscow several times,” Dolmatov said.


The artist also spoke about his relationship with his ex-wife Aiza Anokhina. Alexey admitted that he had repeatedly cheated on his wife, even when she was pregnant with their son.

“I cheated on my wife for a while. Almost immediately after the birth of a child or even during pregnancy. This is terrible... At some point I just stopped hiding it, I disappeared into strip clubs, hung out there for a couple of days. This was already in the order of things... At some point, she decided to teach me a lesson so that I would put myself in her place. She met some guy, kissed her, and it all ended up on the Internet. At the same time, she just kissed,” the rapper said.

Dolmatov admitted that he “behaved like a pig.” Several times Isa and Alexey broke up and got back together again, until at one point their marriage finally collapsed. Now the businesswoman is happily married to Dmitry Anokhin. Last year the couple had a son, Elvis.

Let us recall that in winter, photographs appeared in the press in which Katie and rapper Guf were allegedly photographed sunbathing in an embrace by the pool. Since the quality of the photo was poor, the faces could not be seen, but random witnesses claimed that Guf and Topuria were vacationing together in Thailand.

Katie and I are friends. And after this ridiculous news we become even stronger friends. I don't know who is in the photographs.

In an interview, journalist and blogger Yuri Dud asked Guf (Alexey Dolmatov), ​​who had repeatedly had problems with drugs, whether Topuria helped him in 2016, when the musician once again became interested in taking illegal drugs.

She had no idea about this. We met on the set of a video and sometimes met to drink tea. She constantly persuaded me, but I, being on my own wavelength, always merged. Then he turned to her for help and asked her to do something. She put me in hospital in Moscow several times...

In addition to rumors about an affair with Katie, Guf also openly and regretfully admitted that he destroyed his marriage with his own hands, although the entire CIS was rooting for their couple. Now, from whom she gave birth to a son, Elvis.

I cheated on my wife for a while. Almost immediately after the birth of a child or even during pregnancy. This is terrible... At some point I just stopped hiding it, I disappeared into strip clubs, hung out there for a couple of days. This was already in the order of things... At some point, she decided to teach me a lesson so that I would put myself in her place. She met some guy, kissed her, and it all ended up on the Internet. At the same time, she simply kissed.

Now Guf regrets the past, but the ex-couple managed to improve their relationship for the sake of their son. Now in