How to properly cut potatoes so that they are well fried. Yes, this is a real study for lazy people.

  • 27.09.2024

Potato cutting shapes. Peeled potato tubers are used for heat treatment, whole or pre-cut. Potatoes are cut into simple or complex shapes.

The simplest, most common forms of cutting include: strips, sticks, circles, slices, slices. Cutting by hand is a labor-intensive process, so special tools and vegetable cutting machines are widely used to make it easier. When cutting straws and slices manually, use a shredder technique.

Straw. Raw large potatoes are cut into thin slices, placed one on top of the other and chopped crosswise into strips 4-5 cm long, with a cross-section of 0.2x0.2 cm. They are used for deep-frying (large amounts of fat).

Bars. Raw potatoes are cut into slices 0.7-1 cm thick and cut into sticks 3-4 cm long. Used for frying, preparing borscht (except naval and Siberian borscht), pickle soup, soups with pasta and other dishes.

Cubes. The potatoes are first cut into slices, cut into sticks, and then cut into cubes. Depending on the purpose, the cubes are cut into sections (in cm): large - 2-2.5, medium - 1-1.5, small - 0.3-0.5. Raw potatoes are cut into large cubes for stewing and making soups; medium - for preparing the “potatoes in milk” dish and for stewing; Boiled potatoes are cut into small cubes for garnishing cold dishes and for salads.

Slices. Raw potatoes (small ones) are cut in half and radially into slices, which are used to prepare pickles, stews, braised beef, and deep-frying.

Slices. Boiled potatoes of small or medium size are cut in half lengthwise, then in half again and chopped crosswise into slices 1-2 mm thick. Large tubers are cut lengthwise into sticks and chopped crosswise into slices. The slices are used to prepare salads and vinaigrettes.

A huge number of people around the world simply love to prepare a variety of dishes that should be not only beautiful, but also tasty.

The main dish in every family is soup. Their diversity allows you to pamper your household with new delicious dishes every day. Just like many years ago, borscht remains the most favorite soup for most people. Many housewives, when preparing borscht, resort to little tricks that allow them to create an amazingly tasty dish that the whole family will delight in.

The first and main secret of any housewife in preparing borscht is properly chopped potatoes.

How to cut potatoes for borscht?

At the moment, there are a variety of ways that allow you to cut potatoes. You can use a regular knife and cutting board or special devices that help you achieve perfectly smooth and beautiful potato slices in a matter of minutes.

If you do not have special equipment, then you will need the following items such as:

  1. Potato;
  2. Peeler;
  3. Cutting board;
  4. The knife is small and medium.
Potatoes can be cut into a variety of shapes, such as sticks, strips, wedges or slices. Each housewife decides for herself what is best for her to use for making borscht soup.

Methods for cutting potatoes for borscht.

Many housewives wonder which method to choose? Some people cut potatoes in the usual way, which they were taught in childhood, while others constantly experiment in order to achieve real perfection in the culinary business.

Basically, most housewives cut potatoes into cubes, which have an average length of five centimeters. The potatoes must be cut into even slices up to one centimeter, thanks to this the potatoes in the soup will be cooked at the same time, and the dish will look beautiful. This method is suitable not only for soup, but also for a wide variety of other dishes.

Another universal and simple way to cut potatoes for soup is the form in the form of cubes.

Cubes can also be very different:

  1. Small with a cross section of 0.3-0.5 cm;
  2. Average from 1 -1.5 cm;
  3. Large with a cross section of 2-2.5 cm.
In soup, you should use large or medium cubes, because they are best suited for such a dish. To make the soup unusual and interesting, many housewives resort to cutting potatoes into equal slices.

To do this, you need to cut the peeled potatoes crosswise into four parts and then start chopping them into slices that are two millimeters thick. If you don’t like to adhere to certain cutting rules, then cut as best you can or as best as you can, but then the soup won’t be very attractive in appearance.

Other types of cuts are not suitable for making soup, but if you have a desire, then experiment, get creative and you will definitely succeed, the main thing is to put a piece of your soul into preparing borscht.

Thus, we can say with confidence that preparing delicious borscht depends on every little detail, primarily on the shape of potatoes and other vegetables that are necessary for preparing such a dish.

How to properly cut potatoes for soup?

    It all depends on your preferences. If I prepare a regular soup, then I cut the potatoes into cubes, but in Solyanka I prefer potatoes cut into strips, because... I cut all the ingredients in the hodgepodge into strips, so it looks more beautiful.

    In my opinion, from an aesthetic point of view, potatoes for soup should be cut into equal, symmetrical slices if possible. Try to make it neat cubes of equal proportions. You can dream up your imagination here. It depends on what kind of soup it is. Some people, for example, prefer mashed potatoes in soup. For children, on the other hand, for extra fun, you can cut the potatoes into some kind of figures. I think this is very interesting. Improvise boldly and you will definitely succeed. Bon appetit!

    I don’t know how to do it right, I cut according to my mood. When I'm in a hurry - in a semicircle, when I have time - in straws or cubes. By the way, the latter cook well and quickly and are more convenient to eat - no need to break them. And they look good in soup.

    Here it is at your discretion. My parents like to crumble it into soup, my dad prefers it in strips, my mom prefers it in cubes. But in my husband’s family they only divide it into 4 parts (but they don’t put it on a plate, but put it on a large dish with meat, which is placed in the middle of the table) and everyone is happy with this, now I even see my advantages in this - I watch my figure and I try not to eat potatoes; if I came across a plate with soup, it would be awkward to put it out, but here you just don’t take it from the common dish and that’s it. If there are small children in the family, then it is better to chop it finely so that the children can easily put it in their mouth and eat it.

    We cut the potatoes into soup into large slices. The potatoes boil well, are tasty, large and melt in your mouth. Cut a medium potato into four parts and lengthwise into slices. The slices come out even and identical. We like it better this way

    I think that it’s convenient for everyone here. And no matter how many times I watched how some people cut potatoes for first courses, it’s different for everyone. For example, I cut soup into strips, neither thin nor thick, so that the children eat normally. In borscht I cut it into cubes, in cabbage soup I also cut it into strips. There are no specific rules.

    Potatoes for soup are cut neither large nor small. You can use it in slices, cubes, or straws. The main thing is that each piece should fit freely into a spoon and should not require the eater to break it.

    There are no specific rules for cutting potatoes for soup; personally, I like to cut everything quite finely, including potatoes. And my mother chops all the ingredients into soup coarsely. Cut it however you like, there are even soups in which small potatoes are cut into just 4 pieces and boiled for a long time, it turns out very tasty and unusual.

Potatoes are an indispensable ingredient for many culinary recipes, but can also be prepared as a completely independent dish. However, first you need to properly prepare the potatoes, that is, cut them.

There are many different ways to properly cut potatoes. Every housewife has her own secrets, but you should familiarize yourself with the rules, which are the same for everyone. First you need to decide on the dish you want to prepare, and then choose special kitchen tools for slicing potatoes.

Depending on the culinary recipe, potatoes can be cut in different ways, and this simply requires special skill. But if at first it turns out ugly, then don’t be upset: with experience you will be able to skillfully and quickly deal with it.

Choosing a form

  • For first courses, potatoes are cut into small (about 3 cm) slices, and for baking or stews it is better to make the size larger (5 cm). The potatoes are first cut into halves, and then each of them is chopped.
  • Many young housewives are interested in how to cut potatoes for frying to avoid burning. This is done very simply: you need to cut the potatoes into medium slices (a medium potato is cut along a radius of up to 6 parts).
  • Boiled potatoes are added to vinaigrette and other salads, which are crushed into circles or cubes.
  • For vegetable soups or cereal soups, it is better to cut the tuber into 2 cm cubes. The potatoes are divided into equal parts, and then each of them must be processed with a knife lengthwise and crosswise.
  • To prepare a delicious side dish that goes with any dish, you need to know how to cut potatoes into strips. The potato is cut into lobes, and then each lobe is divided into small “sticks”.
  • A special method of cutting into balls, called “chateau,” is suitable for meat. The diameter can be adjusted to 3 cm and is therefore ideal for roasting. Medium size balls (2 cm).
  • To accompany the fish, raw potatoes are shaped into barrels. They are boiled and served.

If you are too lazy to manually cut potatoes, then you can choose and purchase special devices and kitchen tools for slicing. With their help, you will not only save a lot of time, but also be able to achieve beautiful shapes without effort.


  • Slicer. From the name, everything becomes immediately clear: with the help of this tool, the problem of how to cut potatoes into identical slices disappears by itself. The slicer will also help you with other products. This is very convenient if you need to cook something quickly. This device usually consists of a steel knife with serrated edges. Stainless steel material ensures maximum long-term use on the farm.
  • A very popular product is a device for cutting French fries. You can prepare your favorite dish at any time, with virtually no effort. This tool is equipped with two sharp knives, the size of the grid of which varies and is adjustable.
  • Also now on sale are many examples of kitchen appliances that can be cut with a spiral and make various notches. And special corrugated knives will quickly give the pieces the desired shape.

Planting potatoes in sections is one of the most controversial issues in potato growing, and the conclusions of different studies are contradictory. In Holland and other European countries with a damp, cool climate, tubers are not cut, but in the USA and Canada, 95% of potatoes are planted in halves. Japanese farmers cut the slices purchased from their foreign colleagues into two parts, receiving 4 units of planting material from one tuber. At a summer cottage, it is advisable to cut potatoes for planting only if there is a shortage of seed tubers, and it is important to follow the technology.

Attention! Not all varieties tolerate making tubers well; for example, for “Scarb” and “Red Scarlet” cutting is undesirable, since it slows down the development of plants and reduces yield. You need to know in advance whether the selected variety is suitable for planting in parts.

1. Rejection of tubers. Do not cut sick or too small potatoes. In the first case, there is a high risk of infecting healthy tubers, in the second, there will be too few nutrients left for the development of the bush in unfavorable conditions. The slice should not be less than 25-30 grams and have at least 2-3 eyes. Outwardly healthy potatoes, but with signs of spoilage of the pulp, are rejected.

2. Cutting time. You can divide the tubers from autumn until planting. In autumn, potatoes quickly create protective tissue (wound periderm) at the cut site, which is similar in properties to the peel, although different in appearance. When cutting in the spring, a protective layer is also created, but its ability to resist infection is much lower.

Cutting potatoes in the fall is dangerous because you can lose all the seed material because of one infected tuber. If there is no well-ventilated storage and it is not possible to monitor the potatoes every day, this procedure should be postponed until spring or the time of planting in the ground.

It is better to cut potatoes for planting before germination to create the same starting conditions for both halves, but if you do this too early, the tubers will lose a lot of moisture.

For the first 15 days, until a protective crust forms, the cut halves should be stored separately from each other at room temperature away from sunlight with good ventilation and a relative humidity of 90-95%. Then the planting material can be transferred to the cellar.

It is advisable for beginning potato growers to divide the tubers 3-4 days before planting or 4-5 hours before planting in the ground.

3. Cutting method. It can be longitudinal or transverse. From the point of view of growing technology, it is easier to cut a tuber lengthwise, since there is no need for sorting, but the sprouts on the umbilical cord (the place where the potato was attached to the parent bush) will not develop as actively, moreover, not every variety has a sufficient number of eyes (at least 2- 3) on each half.

It is better to cut the potatoes crosswise. It is important to remember that sprouts from the top of the tuber develop earlier than from the umbilical cord. If you plant the slices mixed up, the bushes from the crown will sprout earlier, taking nutrients from the “neighboring” one from the umbilical cord. Therefore, during cutting, the slices are sorted and then planted in separate rows.

Large tubers can be cut into 4 parts, but the less nutrients the sprout has left, the greater the danger that the potato will not germinate under unfavorable conditions or will be very weak.

When cutting, the main thing is not to touch the “eyes” (the places where the sprouts appear), otherwise the entrances will not appear!

4. Disinfection. Before starting, it is advisable to disinfect the containers, racks and the room itself with a five percent solution of copper sulfate. Only stainless steel knives are suitable for slicing potatoes. Rubber gloves are used to protect hands.

To prevent infection from one tuber from being transmitted to another, after each cut the blade is disinfected in a manganese solution (200 mg of potassium permanganate per 200 ml of water). An alternative method is to hold the knife close to the flame of the burner, hold it there for a couple of seconds, then cool the blade.

To reduce the likelihood of infection, slow down the evaporation of liquid and accelerate the formation of a protective film, the tubers at the cut sites are treated with special substances. Wood ash is considered the most effective remedy; if it is unavailable, dry cement is used. The substance is poured into a bowl and the cut of the potato is dipped. After 3 hours you can start planting. Cement is a chemically neutral substance that does not harm the soil.

5. Planting scheme. Sliced ​​potatoes are planted with a cut to the top to a depth of 6-10 cm at a soil temperature of at least +10 °C. The planting interval and row spacing are standard; these parameters depend on the variety. Otherwise, cultivation does not differ from the traditional method.