How tall is Kolya Sergi? A bright and promising musician

  • 20.06.2019

And the Swede, and the reaper, and the player on the pipe - that’s for sure Kolya Serga(27). This guy was involved in everything television projects, which you can imagine: and in “ Laughter without rules", and in " Slaughter League", and in Ukrainian " Star Factory”, and the program “Heads and Tails” brought him fame. Kolya’s work schedule is scheduled hourly, but he found time to meet with PEOPLETALK and tell me how he lives now.

I was born in Cherkassy, ​​this is a town about three hundred kilometers from Kyiv. My dad is a military man, and my mom is a math teacher. Around the age of six, I moved to Odessa and already went to school there. As a child, I wanted to become Van Damme, and not an actor, not a karateka, but precisely Van Damme. ( Laughs.) I thought that time will pass and the moment will come when my body will collapse and young Van Damme will crawl out of it.

Clothing, property of the hero; shoes, Fratelli Rosetti (No One) I realized quite early on that I had some degree of extraordinary thinking and outlook on life. I began to develop creatively, probably when I entered the Odessa State Ecological University and got into the KVN team “Amebarumbameter”. I didn’t stay there long, because I quickly quarreled with the captain. Then I was heavily involved in sports, and I had a mini-business since school (selling DVDs) - I was in such a stream that could not be called creative. As part of the team, we immediately arrived at some festival, which brought together KVN players from all over Ukraine. They walked there, had fun, drank, and I trained. They even called me a puncher, because they went out for a walk, and I beat the walls. In general, I did not join their party and left the team. Almost immediately after leaving Amebarumbameter, I created own team KVN "Laughing Out" But things didn’t work out here either - earlier, when I was involved in creative process, it seemed to me that both I and everyone around me should be burning with this idea. If you don't burn, you'll be executed. ( Laughs.) Then I didn’t understand at all that all people are different. If I can do all this, that means you can too. The guys got tired very quickly - they actually came from classes to take time off, and then there was tyranny. (Laughs away.) As a result, there were three people left in the team. By the way, two months later we won the university cup against Amebarumbameter. And then almost immediately I was invited to be the author of Comedy Club Odessa Style. I wrote jokes for them, and then I wanted to become a resident myself. And for two months every Thursday I came to auditions. I was very shy, I was only 17 years old. And there were experienced guys who had been involved in the Comedy Club for five or six years. They looked at me like: “Come on, what new will you show today?” And I held my papers with shaking hands and read some jokes. But in the end, I realized that I urgently needed to develop my stage skills, and created the KVN team “And many others” from one person. I won everything there was to win in Ukraine.

And after that, I was first taken to the Odessa Comedy Club, and then invited to the Ukrainian one, which is broadcast on television. Then “Laughter Without Rules” happened. I auditioned in Odessa, but the producer did not send me to Moscow for a very long time - it was difficult to monetize me. I was young and my humor was timid. That is, I didn’t go on stage and do “show me your tits” and other comedy things. And at corporate events, when they booked the Comedy Club, they expected just this. And often drunk. But I still came to the seventh season of Laughter Without Rules. I got to Moscow and only here I saw what the metro was like: a lot of people, everyone was running somewhere. My eyes were so big and confused that one girl came up to me and asked if I needed help. And I had to live in a hostel at VDNKh. So she brought me straight to the house! It was very cool. Starting from the seventh season, I was eliminated in the qualifiers, returned to the eighth season and won it. I came to Moscow scared. I only had a year and a half on stage behind me, and the coolest guys from all the regional Comedy Clubs in Russia and Ukraine competed with me in “Laughter Without Rules.” For me, getting to one-eighth was already happiness. That’s what I planned – after one-eighth, I’ll fly off and go home. And then I moved on and thought: “Wow, maybe I should boost my ambitions?” After the semi-final there was no longer any doubt about my victory. For me, it was important not so much to win, but to get into the “Killer League” - the guys who took the first three places were taken there. I was just with the guys from show Stand Up - Slava Komissarenko (31) and Stas Starovoytov (33).

Then I returned to Odessa and came to the “Slaughter League” about once every two months. There was a lot less improvisation. Therefore, whoever had more prescribed programs had more broadcasts. They also took off the tracksuit I wore in “Laughter Without Rules.” And this was my cave, a sink. I'm actually a very shy person, a recluse, and when I have a shell with me, an image that I can hide in, it makes me feel better. Or vice versa, when you are “naked” - guys, I can’t be like this or anyone else. It was impossible to be naked in Uboyka, and they took off my shell. I am an absolutely unformatted person. You know, my brain has a very interesting property - as soon as I start requiring it to constantly produce interesting content, the efficiency drops. And if I let go of the situation and wait for inspiration, at a certain moment I simply give out quantum amounts of information. That’s why my speech is so jerky. I can say something cool phrase and then grab onto different words

and try to construct a proposal. "Slaughter" − humorous project . But I don’t consider myself a humorist, I don’t like a joke for the sake of a joke. Therefore, my humor is for protection, to distract attention. And I realized that the format of this show does not suit me. I started looking for something that could save me and started writing songs. Laughs Like Semyon Slepakov (37), but not as funny. ( .) My friend went to the casting of “Star Factory” in Ukraine and said: “Come with me, support me.” I didn’t plan to participate at all, I just came for the company. He sat down somewhere in a corner and began to get creative, come up with a song. It’s cool: a crowd of people, all at the casting - a great theme for a song! And I wrote the chorus: “A producer for every loser, a guitar for every creature. No, don’t sing, open your mouth, they’ll do the rest for you.” I was far from show business, I didn’t know anything at all. After some time, they took me into a room, where Konstantin was sitting. I somehow sang the song I wrote. He looks at me and says: “Listen, you move on.” I made it to the second round, but even there I didn’t take everything that was happening seriously. Passed too. And by the third time I was already thinking: “Maybe I really need this?”

27-year-old Kolya Sergi, a former presenter famous show about the travels of “Heads and Tails”, and now popular musician The Kolya, there is unusual hobby- lift up new business from scratch and hand it over to managers, and start all over again. Now Kolya is developing several directions in Moscow, where he moved less than a year ago, and, in addition, he plans to release his first album in the fall

Photo: Evgeny Sinelnikov/Pyatnitsa TV Channel/DR On the set of the program “Heads and Tails”

TOO Lol, you have so many projects in your work at the same time that I’m even lost...

They know me best from the show “Heads and Tails.” ( Smiling.) And I came to Moscow for the first time to see “Laughter without Rules.” My next visits were related to music. Then I decided to move to Moscow completely so as not to hang around here. This happened about nine months ago. At first I planned for a month and a half, but then I realized that I like it here - both the dynamics of metropolitan life, and the fact that Moscow is a huge field for realizing one’s potential. Here you can reap the harvest of success.

Did you have a ready-made base here, or did you act from scratch?

I really like to move to places where I am not expected. ( Smiling.) Although, in fact, great prospects awaited me here, let’s call it that. In Moscow I found like-minded people, people close to me in spirit. Of all the cities where I have lived, in terms of satisfying my ambitions, Moscow is the most suitable.

What are you comparing it to?

With Odessa and Kyiv. Lived in Kyiv for five years. ( Hometown Koli - Cherkassy. - Note OK!.)

Have you already rushed into battle in Moscow or are you still looking around?

I have three work areas here. The first is music, the second is production. We are filming videos, currently making one series and preparing another cool travel show for filming. Most of The staff of my company The Production is located in Kyiv, but I and the manager who is looking for clients are in Moscow. We have interesting feature: from time to time I come up with some kind of advertising, videos, and based on the idea we are looking for a client. That is, it’s not the client who calls us and says, “Guys, take this off...”, but we offer it. And the third direction is clothing.

Are you also trying yourself in design?!

I have ideas, but professional design is done by specially trained guys. I can tell them: “I want this and that.” They say: “No, this is unrealistic, not wearable...” - and they offer their models. I look, and if it suits my spirit and matches the picture in my head, then I agree. Now we will sew a large batch. I think we’ll launch a collection of jackets and suits for the winter.

Do you have enough time and energy to do everything?

I have managers. I start a business, think through its basics and find people who then manage it. I’m choleric: I gave away the task and that’s it, I forgot about it. I can only give additional vectors, but keeping the focus on one thing is not for me.

What do you find interesting about startups? Just another way of self-realization?

Why not? I like to open new directions that sometimes bring money. ( Smiling.) The idea of ​​making clothes came to me because I couldn’t find things to my liking. It's the same with production: I couldn't find someone who would shoot for me. good clip, and did it myself. Then people started asking me to make videos for them and asking where I bought these clothes. I'm not one of those guys who puts things off for a long time. I decided and did it.

What place does music occupy in your life?

This is my main activity. Since childhood, I composed quatrains, then I realized that I could write long poems. And somehow I thought: why not write music for them? This was when I left Comedy Production and wanted to enroll in Pike. I was then eighteen or nineteen years old. I started writing a song to surprise admissions committee. Well, the music captured me.

Did you want to become an actor?

Yes, since the eighth grade. But my father was against it and at one time did not let me into theater class.


He believed that you couldn’t feed your family by acting, that it was a somewhat exorbitant profession, and that in life you needed to do something mundane. My family has a slightly different profile. My parents are inclined towards science. Mom is a teacher of mathematics, physics and probability theory. My father is also partly a physicist, a military man, but generally a meteorologist. That is, they have a physical and mathematical mindset. I turned out to be more humanitarian.

What did you replace the desire to do in theater studio?

I always had the habits of Ostap Bender, so I started a mini-business. ( Laughs.) I constantly found something to resell, and I always had money. My partner and I started a pirate DVD business, and then I kicked him out and started doing it myself. Later, he entered the Faculty of Economics at an environmental university to develop his Benderist habits further, and there he joined the KVN team.

Now it’s clear how you ended up in “Laughter Without Rules.” Almost all Comedy comedians came from KVN.

At first I went to the Odessa Comedy Club for a long time, they didn’t take me because I wasn’t experienced enough. Then I created a KVN team of one person in order to absorb experience as much as possible and not share it with any of the participants, and won everything I could in Ukraine. After that I got on “Laughter” and won it. And only I was invited to Comedy residents, how the Ukrainian “Star Factory” turned up to me. Just by chance: I sang a banter song at a casting in the crowd, and they noticed me and signed me up for the casting itself. I didn't even stand in line. And he went there.

Do you regret it?

I don’t regret it at all and I won’t continue the humorous line. I don't like humor for humor's sake. I like humor that surprises, not humor that makes you laugh. I'm more of a fan of the theater of the absurd and similar movements, but it doesn't sell that well. Therefore, I take out the garbage from my head through other doors. My humor turned into banter songs. All my undertakings are transformed into something else and modified. So, acting skills were transformed into business, because in order to sell well, you need to be an actor, you need to be able to sell funny. When you make fun, people open up to you more and are more willing to buy. I have the same story with sports: I started in the seventh grade, with athletics, then switched to Thai boxing, then there was CrossFit, jiu-jitsu, boxing... A lot of cores come through sports masculine character.

Have you abandoned your acting ambitions forever?

I feel comfortable in what I do. Perhaps I’ll start practicing acting to master some skills, if this is required for our ideas and projects. But it’s unlikely that it will be a university, I physically don’t have time for that, more like courses. And I can acquire some knowledge, especially the ones I need, without going to college.

You are truly self-taught in life.

What I have now, I developed myself. This is always the most valuable thing. Take music, for example: I had no talents - no voice, no sense of rhythm. A person who has natural abilities has a great advantage, but this can be relaxing at the start. So I was playing around and at some point I began to realize that I was bypassing those who had once been a serious check point for me (check point in this case is a certain stage of development that needs to be passed through. - Note OK!). And I already know how to study, how to force myself to work. It will be more difficult for them to overtake me than for me to overtake them.

Are you trying to prove something to yourself?

No, it’s just a desire to develop...

Which has no end point?

Doesn't have it. It seems to me that as soon as there is an end point on the way to something, you need to stop doing it. And start looking for another path.

Participant name: Kolya Serga

Age (birthday): 23.03.1989

City: Cherkasy

Family: not married

Found an inaccuracy? Let's correct the profile

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Many viewers know Kolya Serga only as the host of one of the seasons of the educational travel show “Heads or Tails,” but he is also famous musician and comedian. The future idol of teenage girls was born in Cherkasy, but soon the family moved closer to the Black Sea - to Odessa.

This city gave the world great amount comedians, writers, actors, clowns and showmen, so the boy had someone to imitate.

IN school years the guy showed extraordinary acting skills, he liked to participate in amateur performances. But he spent more time working out in the gym. Muay Thai, athletics and acrobatics were and remain his passions in sports.

Since mom and dad were pure “techies” who were in love with mathematics, physics and probability theory, it was a kind of rebellion younger generation. And an unsuccessful rebellion is fraught with serious punishment.

With a certificate of secondary education, Kolya did not go to drama school and not to the Institute of Physical Education, but to the Odessa Ecological University. This was the parents' decision. The young man’s father believed that you couldn’t make a living from acting, and professional sports had dangerous consequences.

Serga entered without any problems, choosing to study as a human resources manager. But according to the profession recorded in the diploma higher education, haven't worked a day.

The desire to perform on stage and entertain the audience led him to student KVN. After training with Odessa residents, Serga created a team for himself and went with it to take the main prizes of the regional KVN and First Ukrainian League leagues. It turned out to be too crowded for him in Ukraine, and Serga decided to conquer Moscow.

In Belokamennaya he became a participant in the show “Laughter without Rules”, choosing for himself the pseudonym “Coach Kolya”. In the image of a physical education teacher who could not only do push-ups, but also sing excerpts of well-known and unfamiliar songs, both the jury and the public liked him. Serga even became the winner of the eighth season of the comedy show, which opened the way for him to the more venerable “Slaughter League”. There he also proved himself to be good.

Parodies of famous songs discovered another facet of talent in Kolya - vocal abilities. Serga participated in one of the seasons of the Ukrainian “Star Factory”, where he took third place. In 2011, the singer represented his country at the festival New wave"as part of the project "The Kolya Serga".

The charismatic frontman of the group was liked by both the audience and the panel of judges, but the victory was given to another participant. Feeling much more confident, the band and its leader played a few solo concerts and shot many interesting music videos.

With a song through life

Despite the huge number of fans, Kolya Serga remains eligible bachelor. He prefers not to talk about the secrets of his heart, puffing off journalists with jokes and jokes. Fortunately, the experience of a Kaveen artist and comedian allows him to make such “excuses” non-standard and funny.

Sometimes the musician mentions that he has a girlfriend in his life. who he is dating long time. I’m not planning to start a family yet, I think that you can only have a cat, but in marriage you need to build serious relationship.

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Kolya Serga continues to be interested in martial arts and keeps himself in excellent physical shape. IN free time listens a lot modern music, his idols are Paul McCartney and the rock band Genesis. Trying not to stay long in in social networks, so as not to “become the catch of other social fishermen.”

Kolya Serga’s role as the host of the travel show “Heads or Tails” brought Kolya Serga to the top of his popularity., in which the comedian and musician appeared at the end of 2013. His partner in the project was Regina Todorenko. At first, the public accepted this duet with irony, but Kolya, with his humor and charm, won over even fans of the Badoevs, and.

After not even working on the project for a year, Serga left the TV show, citing the fact that the project took up a lot of his time. Later it turned out that Kolya was fired for being late for the filming of one of the episodes. The organizers of the project and the loser host did not swear and blame each other, which allowed Kolya Serge to once again play the role of host in the 10th (anniversary) season of “Heads or Tails” in 2015.

The musician continues to write songs and performs on stage, sincerely believing that all his work is real art. He is not going to continue the humorous line yet and is putting off his acting skills for later.

Ukrainian musician, band leader The Kolya. To the Russian viewer Kolya Serga became famous after participating in the competition for young performers “New Wave” in 2011, where he represented Ukraine.

Biography of Kolya Serg

Nikolay Serga (Kolya Serga) was born on March 23, 1989 in Cherkassy, ​​but later moved with his parents to Odessa, where he lives to this day. At school the guy was active creative activity, and in 2006 he entered the Odessa State Ecological University to major in human resource management. Kolya's specialty is HR manager. Has experience working in private enterprise (DVDs).

Since childhood, he dreamed of becoming a karateka, like a hero from a movie, so since then his hobbies have been Thai boxing and acrobatics.

The desire to bring joy to people prompted him to play in KVN. The first team was "Laughing out", which consisted of four people. But realizing that he was capable of more, Kolya created his own team "And many others" where one plays. Over time, popularity came to him, and he won the First Ukrainian League.

“Serga is mine real name. I inherited it from my father, and from his father, and very far back, all the way to Adam. They say that Adam also had the surname Serga. Eve simply chose to keep her Father’s surname, and Adam gave our family a strong impetus.”

Career of Kolya Serg

At the age of 19, Nikolai set out to conquer Moscow. Under a pseudonym Coach Kolya he became a participant in the humorous television show “Laughter without Rules”. By participating in this project, Kolya Serga revealed his vocal abilities: he sang funny songs with a guitar. At first, Nikolai reworked well-known compositions, but very soon he began to compose lyrics and music himself.

In 2008, Kolya Serga became the winner of the eighth season of the show “Laughter without Rules.”

In 2010, Kolya took third place in the Ukrainian show "Star Factory-3". Serga came to the project without serious intentions, but impressed the jury and audience with his ability to improvise. Konstantin Meladze said that in the future Nikolai could become an excellent composer.

Serga also volunteered as a presenter morning program « Charger"on radio "Lux FM".

In June 2011, Kolya Serga, together with Masha Sobko represented Ukraine at international festival"New wave" in Jurmala. From the first days, Nikolai shocked those present in the Dzintari hall. Kolya Serga became bright character, but took only 8th place.

Lyrical song and composition " Moccasins"Koli Sergi became the soundtrack to the film Kirill Kozlov"Luck Island" (2013). The video for “Moccasins” was included in the “Best Soundtrack” category at music award TV channel RU.TV.

“I hardly have any preferences in music. I try to limit myself less, so I listen different music. Almost every day I find for myself new album, old or new performers and listen to them until my ears are filled with holes. Now for some reason I'm deeply hooked on the creativity of the old good group Genesis. I also found a wonderful solo album by Paul McCartney, where there are duet songs, for example, with Michael Jackson, which has been very inspiring to me for several mornings in a row. I really liked it last album by Daft Punk - I think it's the coolest album of this year. I really liked SunSay’s latest album “Thank You.” Very cool album. I liked the 12th year album by No Doubt. Gwen Stefani is actually my favorite woman in musically and she is also very good looking. I would sing with her. We can talk about music for a very long time, so next time I’ll give you a couple more compositions.”

In July 2017 Kolya took part in the HYPE MEISTERS show on MTV. According to the show's concept, Kolya Serga and Yura Muzychenko resolve the dispute about what is cooler - the Internet or TV. To do this, they travel to numerous music festivals, where they perform various tasks. The goal of the artists is to earn as many points as possible and receive the title " Hype masters».

Kolya Serga in the program Heads and Tails

In 2014 Kolya Serga I decided to try myself in a new field: after learning about the casting of presenters for the program “Heads and Tails. At the End of the World (Season 8) ", Kolya, with his confidence and perseverance, convinced the producers that he was the best candidate for this role. And this is undoubtedly true.

Gambling, artistic and truly loves to travel Kolya quickly convinced the producers that he was the guy they were looking for. The boxer-humorist was so convincing that no one began to argue with him.

His co-host was an Odessa resident Regina Todorenko. And when both presenters are from Odessa, brilliant humor, enthusiasm, and unpredictability are guaranteed.

Having arrived in the country for the weekend, the presenters flip a coin. As a result, someone gets a gold card with unlimited funds, while another gets only a hundred dollars.

Kolya Serga: “The first was a trip to Hamburg, Germany. At that time I was dating a girl who was dancing there. It was interesting, very beautiful.”

Believes that from a tourist’s point of view, the ideal country can be considered the one in which there is beautiful girls, the charisma of the city and unusual entertainment: tasty food, surfing and more.

In 2014, Kolya announced that he decided to leave the program in order to devote more time to music.

“The rich and interesting schedule of “Heads and Tails” has by-effect. Filming takes a lot of time. It's not a job, it's a way of life. And Kolya Serga is a musician. And a musician without music will not last long, no matter how tempting the alternative may be.”

However, in 2017, Serga returned to a stellar season "

Kolya Serga. Personal life

Kolya Serga is not married, but he has for a long time I had a serious relationship with a girl named Anna. Nikolai prefers not to advertise his personal life, but in the spring of 2018 it was known that Kolya Serga was dating a model Lisa Mohort.

Idols Kolya Sergi - British rock band Genesis, Paul McCartney, French band Daft Punk. Kolya calls the lead singer of the group No Doubt Gwen Stefani his favorite vocalist, with whom he would gladly sing.

Famous Ukrainian musician, presenter and even actor Nikolai Serga is better known as simply Kolya - the author of already popular hits that have become so beloved all over the world. But there are many hidden facts in his biography. How did he appear on the Ukrainian stage? How many girls did he have? Is he married? It is worth familiarizing yourself with the biography of Nikolai Sergi in more detail.

personal information

Kolya Serga (born 1989) was born in the glorious city of Cherkassy on March 23. Then his family moved to permanent place residence in Odessa. Since childhood, Kolya began to seriously engage in acrobatics and martial arts, such as Thai boxing and karate. As a child, Nikolai bore the cheerful nickname Zverenysh.

In 2006, Serga graduated from school and entered the State Ecological University in Odessa. In 2011, he successfully graduated and received a specialty in management.

Games at the Fun and Resourceful Club

Living in the main city of humor, Kolya Serga begins to take an active part in KVN, in the “Laughing Out” team. Serga is distinguished by his wit and acting abilities and, over time, begins to perform in his solo project “And many others.” When Kolya started working on his own, his work was appreciated. The first thing the young comedian achieved was victory in the First Ukrainian and Sevastopol leagues of the club. Seeing Nikolai’s charisma and talent, the creators invite him to take part in the Comedy Club - Odessa Stayl. Serga began performing in this project under the pseudonym Kolya the Trainer. The team where he participated is called "Laughter without rules." Over time, Kolya Serga realized that he was capable of much more. This was the impetus for his singing activity.

External data

Nikolai's height is 1 m 85 cm, weight - 75 kg. IN this moment The musician has several tattoos on his body, which he periodically demonstrates, exposing his toned torso; this perfectly emphasizes the musician’s athletic physique.

Path to fame

Having decided to connect his life with the stage, Nikolai goes to Moscow to achieve his goal. After Serga’s arrival, he takes part in comedy improvisation show"Laughter without rules." The public appreciated his performances; almost after his first performance, Kolya gained many fans. In 2008, the comedian conquers Grand Prize- the opportunity to prove yourself in the “Slaughter League”. Despite all his achievements, Nikolai does not stop there; he continues to develop further and look for new directions in his creativity.

Serga mastered acting, at one time was involved in directing and even planned to enter the Shchukin Higher Theater School. But this never happened, then Nikolai opened his own individual entrepreneur selling DVDs. Then the guy became interested in music, began writing songs and performing them on his own, supplemented by playing the guitar.

Ukrainian "Star Factory"

The next step to fame was “Star Factory” (season 3). In 2009, Serga conquered the project jury with his creativity and originality, and then won the love of all viewers. Although Nikolai does not have a trained voice, this did not prevent him from making it to the finals and taking third place.

Throughout the entire project, Kolya surprised viewers with his artistry, ability to quickly write songs, which later became favorite hits and, of course, an excellent sense of humor, which is present in some songs. He is remembered as a hard-working member who constantly strives for excellence. While the show was being filmed, Nikolai wrote many songs, famous among which were: “Doo-doo-doo”, “Go away”, “Greedy-beef”, “Nastya, Nastenka, Nastyusha” and the song that became unofficial anthem project. After the end of "Factory", the singer goes around Ukraine with a solo tour. After returning, he takes part in “Star Factory: Superfinal”, but, unfortunately, does not advance to the finals.

"New wave"

In 2011 young singer sent to the New Wave festival from Ukraine. At the festival, Kolya receives eighth place for the country. After all the TV shows, Serga voluntarily goes to the Lux-FM radio, where he works as the host of the “Charging” program.

The legendary project “Heads and Tails”

At the beginning of 2014, Kolya became a partner of Regina Todorenko, his fellow countrywoman and part-time colleague both on stage and as a presenter; together they host the program “Heads & Tails. On the edge of the world". Thanks to such a presenter, the program becomes more interesting, the ratings of the program have increased significantly. As viewers later admitted, many turned on the program to see Kolya again.

Serga was a permanent presenter for seven months, during which time he managed to visit many parts of the world and tell the audience about his impressions. The point of the program is to toss a coin, which decides who will go on vacation with a gold card, without denying themselves all sorts of pleasures, and who will spend a hundred dollars during the trip and will be able to show all the sights of the country with this amount. Nikolai himself has repeatedly said that it is much more interesting for him to travel on such a small amount, because in this situation he has to improvise a lot and use his imagination. When traveling, the presenter appreciated active recreation, where you can find unusual entertainment such as bungee or surfing. Nikolai also likes to eat delicious food and look at beautiful girls.

Despite the interesting and exciting travels, Nikolai independently decides to leave the project, explaining that due to this lifestyle he cannot do what he loves - music, which is what Kolya considers his purpose in life.

After leaving the project, Nikolai Serga entered the production department at the film school. Among the musician's hobbies is advertising. Kolya periodically becomes the author of ideas in PR campaigns.

In 2017, Serga again returned to the hosts of the “Heads and Tails” project.

Personal life of a musician

My personal life he doesn't advertise. Many girls would like to settle in his heart forever. But he doesn't let anyone get close to him. Kolya is a bachelor, he was not married, but he dated a girl Anya for a long time. But the couple broke up without deciding to legalize the relationship. In the spring of 2018, information appeared that Kolya was dating model Lisa Mokhort.

What more can be said?

He is actively involved in his career and personal development. Serga performs under the pseudonym The Kolya, draws packed houses, and enjoys a variety of music: from rap to classical music. Kolya believes that music should help listeners develop.

Sergi has several idols, such as the British group Genesis, Paul McCartney (Kolya especially loves the songs performed in a duet), and the French group Daft Pink. The musician’s favorite band remains SunSay; he considers them very cool and popular; Kolya liked the album from their work called “Thank Most.” The most favorite performer is Gwen Stefani, the lead singer of the group No Doubt, the dream of a young musician is to sing together in a duet.

The performer released a video for his own song “Such Secrets,” in which he was seen as a romantic. His lyrical song“Moccasins” became the soundtrack to the film “Luck Island”; the video filmed for this song became the best, according to the jury of the Russian music award of the RU.TV channel.

Since Nikolai initially came to music from humorous programs, then in his creativity he adheres to the same direction, creating funny things with his inherent charisma. Although the young singer’s repertoire also includes romantic songs, fans value playful ones more. He is loved for his artistry, singing style and constant jokes. At his concerts there were packed houses of young people who appreciated his work. After all, Kolya Serga is an example of youth and carelessness.

The singer never hides his pages on social networks from the public and happily answers everyone who writes to him. Find official page Nikolay Sergi can be found on Instagram, where he shares new photos, thoughts and impressions with his subscribers, of whom he has more than 250 thousand.