Katya Chilly: who is she and why is she back. A living legend: the best performances, videos of Katya Chili and interesting biography facts "I learned a lot from Tina Karol"

  • 16.06.2019

The very first question that comes to mind at the mention of her name is: “Where did Katya Chilly? The singer, whose voice was called and is called unique, and the manner of performance is the future of Ukrainian music. Katya sings with her soul and accompanies herself with her heart. And, in fact, she did not disappear anywhere: just for a while, the singer stopped appearing on television, and for an artist it is always akin to sink into oblivion. But not for Katya Chilly. As soon as she appears at least for a couple of minutes on the air of some show, the media immediately explodes with dozens of materials, and Youtube with millions of views of videos with her participation. This happened in February of this year, when Katya Chilly came to the blind auditions vocal show“Voice of the Country”: with her heartfelt “Svetlitsa” she made all the coaches turn around and arrange a real battle for such a fantastic participant. Despite the fact that Katya did not win the show, although both the audience and music reviewers read it to her, she left an indelible impression and told everyone that she had returned, that she was again ready to delight Ukrainians with her music.

Katya Chilly: photo Tatyana Kizeeva

Katya Chilly was the discovery of this year. Now you can hear her more often live, she gives seminars on the topic "Healing with sound", takes part in yoga festivals, gives concerts with her group Katya Chilly Group 432Hz, and sometimes attends social events. It is noteworthy that Katya is a young mother and she goes to all events with her 3-year-old son: be it a concert or a presentation. The singer practices transcendental meditation, does not eat meat, adheres to, preaches Vedic philosophy, starts the morning with prayer, love is inspired and ... never ceases to amaze with her views on life. Read a unique interview with the most unique Ukrainian singer and learn more about her!

Katya, this year you triumphantly returned to the stage. Why did you decide to take part in The Voice?

The rule of three presentations... I trusted the Space. Three times they tell me "no" - I let go. They invite me three times - I go. I took this for myself as one and bookmarks in the direction 2 years ago. And a few more rules. One of them is to follow Joy. Where I feel Joy inside my heart, when the sea is calm inside. To invest my energy only in something that gives me goosebumps and tears in my eyes, which makes me want to laugh like a small child.

You have changed a lot since the hit "Over the Gloom" ...

Nobody knows me. There are only the fruits of labor, which are few. But I intend to work hard.

What kind of music do you make? Who is she for?

It is designed to open the heart to a space where access to Knowledge is open to everyone... It is for People... It is for Children... human, who are called not to dominate, not to be blind kittens, but to take care of everything that exists... she for Life... It is called to awaken Life...

All our works are Live. They cannot be compared like maple and oak leaves. They are alive. This is already a victory. This is not a reaction to the work... but to Life. Life cannot but respond to Life.

Katya, you are the soul of Ukrainian folk music. Who do you think you are?

Soul, yes. I am part of a Very Big Soul.

Katya, what inspires you?

The question is how to help love.

Katya Chilly: photo Sergey Savchenko for Fezzery

Katya, you are a fan of ethnic style. What interesting things can be found in your wardrobe?

I don't have much in my house or closet.) Of the things, these are two colors of the same style (for a change). The same story in summer and winter...only I can change jewelry, following my feelings in life. And hair to be in order.

Which Ukrainian designer do you support and wear with pleasure?

To be honest, I don’t know more pleasure than wearing old clothes: there is so much Life there! There is so much attention and quality! These are real things of power… These clothes structure the space of Life. These clothes help to feel the connection with the living world, with the Universe. I am happy that the guys created the Ukrainian Institute of Fashion History / Ukrainian Institute of History of Modi, where the tradition of clothing is maintained at a level that makes me cry. And I get great inspiration from everything that happens through the space of the National Center of Folk Culture to the Museum of I. Honchar.

Do you have special symbolic objects and things with which your memories, secrets, dreams, special events are connected?

If there are things in my life, they are just like that.

Katya Chilly: photo Sergey Savchenko for Fezzery

Katya, a profile question: how do you maintain your beauty and youth?

This is Living food (raw). I don’t eat killed creatures and where there are ingredients obtained by murder, I don’t eat GMOs (complete sterilization through generations and mutations), synthetic food, I don’t eat where there is yeast (this fungus is not friendly to the microflora of a living person and rebuilds it for itself ), I don’t eat trans fats, I don’t eat mushrooms (they quench the immune system).

The food industry has transformed into a mass flow directed against a person, for his destruction. Being weak, we have little ability to feel and control.

For health - everything is simple: fruits, vegetables, pure water. Consciousness directly depends on what we let in. There are products that extinguish the ability to be Alive, and there are products that help. The latter are all that nature gives us, products obtained without violence.

Yoga. Breathing practices. I swim in the hole and pour myself cold water. Prayer of repentance. TM.

Katya Chili returned to the stage last week. Someone has known her since the distant 90s, someone heard her voice just now. What kind of singer is this and what made her return to big stage See the following facts.

The beginning of creativity

Ekaterina Kondratenko, later - Katya Chilly, appeared on stage quite by accident, at the age of 8, when she performed and got on television in 1986 during one concert. As the singer said: "All this was accidentally filmed by television, and I felt like a stage virus got into my blood, which, in principle, cannot be removed."

Later in 1992, Katya received the Grand Prix in one song contest. There the singer found her future composer and mentor Sergei Smetanin.

Concerts and albums of the singer

Katya's success in show business made itself felt. In 1997-1999, the singer released her first album "Mermaids In Da House" and declared itself in Germany, Poland, Sweden, Egypt, the USA and other countries. And already in March 2001, Katya Chilly performed with concert program in London, where she gave more than 40 concerts. The artist's performances were broadcast on live on the BBC.

In the early 2000s, Katya, together with other band members, created a joint album "Dream", but it was never published.

In 2003, the hit "Ponad Khmarami" was released, recorded together with the leader of the Tartak group Sashko Polozhinsky. In 2005 he presents a new single "Pivni", and already in 2006 he releases another one studio album"I am young".

Beginning of "Calm"

In 2008, Katya decides to create a group Katya Chilly with other musicians. Since in 2007-2009 the singer was the headliner of the festivals "Jazz Koktebel", "Golden Gate", "Chervona Ruta", "Rozhanitsa", "Antonych-fest", " Junior Eurovision"There was a slight lull in her work.

Since 2010, the singer has delved into work on a solo acoustic material and began to appear in public less and less. However, the singer did not "disappear" and remained well-known. Only in March 2016, in the studio of the M2 channel with Sashko Polozhinsky, the singer performed old hit"Above the clouds."

Return to the big stage

It became a real sensation. According to the singer, she did not plan to stay on the project, as she only came as a guest. But the judges convinced her to choose one of her mentors and continue to sing on the show. Katya unexpectedly changed her choice and chose Tina Karol. The singer was amazed by Katya's choice and touchingly commented on this event: "How Ukraine needs you."

Despite the vast experience in the Ukrainian show business, Katya Chilly appeared on the stage again and perhaps this time she will again win the attention of her faithful listeners.

Ekaterina Petrovna Kondratenko - Ukrainian singer, who performs under the pseudonym Katya Chili, was born in Kyiv on July 12, 1978. Her parents gave her to music school, noticing the girl's ability to sing. Katya entered at the same time on the piano and on stringed instruments, showed perseverance and determination from the first grades of the decade.

The girl was enrolled in a folk singing school called "Orelya" and soon she was chosen as a soloist of the choir. Thanks to her versatile talents, at the age of eight, Katya very loudly declared herself.

The broadcast of the concert "Children of Chernobyl" did not go unnoticed and all thanks to Ekaterina, who performed that day with the song "33 cows".

Beautiful girl with big eyes instantly captivated the audience. Six years later, she was awarded an award at the Fant Lotto Nadezhda competition, where composer Sergei Smetanin drew attention to her. The fruitful collaboration between the aspiring singer and the producer brought long-awaited results - the first album, called "Mermaids In Da House".

Then the girl decided to change her stage name and called herself Katya Chili. Stage employment did not allow the artist to pay much attention to her studies, but Kondratenko still did not forget about her. The personal life of Katya Chili was marked by a new stage in life, in adolescence she entered the lyceum at the National University, and then received a diploma in folklore philology at one of the country's prestigious universities.

Since the beginning of 1996, Chilly's work has been completely focused on a pop avant-garde project, based on ritual singing combined with modern arrangements. Such an unusual direction became the subject of discussion in the media and caused crazy enthusiasm among fans.

Now the name Katya Chilly is associated with a new musical alternative, which has become a symbol of Ukrainian music. Unusual ethnic material attracted the attention of even those people who did not consider themselves fans of folklore.

There is little information about Katya Chili's personal life on Wikipedia. It is known that the singer had an army of fans who were completely different people.

Adult fans of Ukrainian music, representatives of generation X and lovers of unconventional compositions are happy to attend her concerts. Katya took less than a year to become a star, and she confidently continues to defend her status. She gives interviews, takes an active part in various TV shows and performs at the most large venues the city of Kyiv and the country. One of the main victories of Chile was a prize-winning place at the Chervona Ruta festival.

The Western community became interested in the work of a fragile and unusually petite girl, and in 1997 Bill Rowdy (MTV president) invited her to take part in one of the channel's programs. Photos from the personal life of Katya Chili can be found on the Internet in young and mature years. In the arsenal of awards, the girl has an honorable first place from the Fringe festival, which took place on the territory of the Scottish town of Edinburgh.

Numerous viewers compare Ekaterina's style of performance with the "singing of a beautiful elf", during her performances she creates unique vibrations that are more like a whirlwind. From the outside, it seems that Chile is plunging into a state of nirvana, becoming a medium who tells a story ancient world.

Archaic material allows her to present unique works to the public in a modern way, here it is a new embodiment of the spirit of the people.

Life after injury

She does not like to tell details about Katya Chili's personal life and health. At one of the performances, the singer fell off the stage and received serious injuries to the brain and spine. First aid was provided by a colleague Alexander Polozhinsky, who helped Ekaterina throughout her rehabilitation.

For some time, the artist disappears from the TV screens, her condition worsens, and Chile begins to fall into a state of depression, which is accompanied by despair.

Despite the experiences and mixed emotions, the girl continued her work on the album, called "Dream". With him, she traveled to forty cities in the UK. After a concert in London, she was offered to shoot a video for the BBC channel. In 2000, the singer collaborated with many composers, then she recorded an album called "Dream".

It was never published, even though the program became successful abroad. In 2005, the maxi-single "Pivni" was born, on the creation of which famous Ukrainian and Russian DJs. A nice bonus for Katya's many fans was the track "Pod gloomy", which she performed together with Alexander Polozhinsky and the work was presented to the public in 3D technology. A new stage of creativity has become another stepping stone for Catherine.

Albums by Katya Chili

2006 presented the album "I'm Young", which included the well-known tracks of the performer, the video of the same name was presented on the air of the music channel in 2006. Songs by Katya Chili and her personal life interested in many people.

A unique combination of modern electronic music and folklore - the diamond of her work. The soulful voice of the singer literally penetrates to the depths of the soul. Since 2007, Katya has been performing with a team called "Solominbend", which included famous musicians: Victor Solomin, Konstantin Ionenko, Alik Fataev and Alexei Bogolyubov.

The new program is a combination of jazz and folklore in a modern, unusual arrangement. The audience warmly welcomes the team, which becomes the headliners of numerous festivals that take place throughout Ukraine.

2008 - the presentation of an acoustic program in which there is not a drop of electronic music. Since 2010, work has continued on a new album, completely acoustic. Katya Chili continues to draw attention to her person, the audience is delighted with her unique voice.

At the end of 2016, the singer took part in the program “People. Hard Talk", shared her plans for the future, talked about the sources of inspiration and once again surprised her fans. More than once, the artist admitted that she herself writes poetry for songs that are born in the process of deep shocks and experiences that are sometimes impossible to cope with.

Katya Chili in the show "Voice"

On January 2, 2017, the 1+1 TV channel began broadcasting the seventh season popular show"Voice". The jury included: Tina Karol, Potap, Jamala and Sergey Babkin. Katya Chili came to the blind auditions and stunned not only all the spectators, but also the jury, all four people turned to her. Has been performed musical composition"Svetlitsa", a combination of folk motifs.

Chili chose Tina Karol as a mentor, who was very happy. An artist who sings with her soul has managed to win millions of hearts and will fight for Grand Prize- victory in the show "Voice".

She said that she came just to sing and did not even hope that she would pass such a tough selection, but she stayed. A talented, sincere and incredibly charismatic singer who sings with her soul.

Katya Chili - Ekaterina Petrovna Kondratenko (Bogolyubova), Ukrainian singer and musician, performing under stage name Katya Chilly. During her career, she released 5 albums and won the love of the audience. The star, at 38, looks much younger than her age thanks to her fragile physique (Katya Chili height - 152 cm, weight - 41 kg) and young voice.

We will talk about creativity later, but many are also interested in information about Katya Chili's illness. It is known that in tour winners of "Chervona Ruti" fell off the stage, lost consciousness and severely injured her spine. Sashko Polozhinsky carried him to the ambulance in his arms and was very supportive afterwards. Since the artist says little about the incident, her health is of great concern to her fans.

Katya Chili: personal life

We also note that Katya Chili's personal life is almost as popular as the work of the artist due to the fact that she does not devote strangers to her personal life. But judging by the change maiden name Kondratenko on Bogolyubov, the pianist Alexei Bogolyubov, who works with her in the same team, became the singer's husband.

Three years ago, the first-born, son Svyatozar, appeared in the family of Ekaterina and Alexei, who supported the star mother during a performance at Voice of the Country-7.

Katya Chili's performance on The Voice

Regarding the work of the artist, let's start, perhaps, with the performance of Katya Chili on the Voice of the Country, with which she again attracted attention and which gave her new wave popularity. The extraordinary artist Katya Chili "Svetlitsa" sang the song on the air, turning all the coaching chairs around. In the end, she ended up on the team. Watch the video of Katya Chili's performance at.

At the next stage, the show showed again a stunning level of performance. Katya Chili and Narek Gevorkyan in a duet sang a song in two languages, which literally captivated the audience. Katya Chili watch online at WANT.ua.

Katya Chili battle turned out to be impressive, but at the same vocal competition Voice of the Country-7 in the TOP of discussion and the song Bantik Katya Chili. And now Katya Chili Bantik is a hit on the Web due to the artist's eccentric performance.

We are sure that the Voice of the Country 2017 gave Katya Chile a new breath, new round creativity. Her army of fans is growing from broadcast to broadcast. Katya Chili's videos are breaking records of views and we are pleased to publish a few more videos of the singer, which are very popular with the viewer. For example, Katya Chili Ponad khmarami, which the artist sang in a duet with the group "Tartak" (frontman Sashko Polozhinsky).

Also Katya Chili YouTube explodes with the track "I'm young."

The real challenge was the song "Pivni" and a futuristic video for it.

I would like to note that Katya Chili decorated with her presence, and the project gave her a lot in terms of development. Loyal fans believe that this event will inspire the artist to create new musical masterpieces.

A sweet-voiced elf, a politically correct non-conformist of Ukrainian music, a singer who destroys all ideas about the format. The voice of a siren that makes you forget about everything in the world, a gingerbread face fairy tale character and pure childlike immediacy. All this is about her - Katya Chilly.

Even if we discard all enthusiastic definitions, we still cannot avoid stating: Katya is one of the brightest phenomena in Ukrainian music. Arguments in favor of this assertion? Firstly, the originality of the genre in which the singer works. Vocal data and stage image give full right consider it an unprecedented phenomenon in Ukrainian music. Yes, probably in the world as well. Secondly, this singer cannot be confused with anyone, and even cannot be compared with anyone. She is unique and there are no analogues to her work.

If we still talk about existing patterns, then the work of Katya Chilly can be classified as "world music". But this is only conditional definition. Because her songs are beyond anyone musical direction. Katya's music is something much more than any definitions. This is a kind of mantras, framed by virtuoso electronic arrangements.

In the summer of 2005, together with Ukrainian Records, the singer released the maxi-single "Pivni", which included the first single from the new album and remixes of it. Famous Russian and Ukrainian DJs worked on the creation of remixes: Tka4 (Kyiv), Evgeny Arsentiev (Moscow), DJ Lemon (Kyiv), Professor Moriarti (Moscow), LP (Kaliningrad). As a bonus, the disc features a new version of the track "Ponad gloomy", which Katya Chilly performed with Sashk Polozhinsky, and a video clip "Pivni", created in 3D-graphics technology. The video was directed by Ukrainian artist Ivan Tsyupka. The appearance of Katya with new material marked new stage in her work, the next step in musical evolution

Katya Chilly's star lit up in 1996, when the artist first appeared on concert venues and presented her, without exaggeration, revolutionary material. Her appearance caused a real stir in the media and a storm of delight among fans. Katya has become a symbol of new Ukrainian music, a new musical alternative. The ethnic material in the interpretation of the singer fascinated even those who were far from folklore. Under the flags of Katya Chilly fans gathered completely different people: representatives of generation "X" who were waiting for unconventional music, adult fans of Ukrainian folklore and admirers of the "world music" phenomenon. It took less than a year for a talented girl to gain a confident star status. Numerous interviews, participation in TV programs, performances at the largest and most prestigious concert venues in the country, victories at festivals (including the Chervona Ruta festival). The singer's work aroused keen interest from the Western community. So, for example, in 1997, MTV President Bill Rowdy invited the singer to participate in the programs of this channel. The work of Katya Chilly was noted at various international festivals. Among them is the Fringe festival, which was held in the Scottish city of Edinburgh. In March 2001, Katya gave a concert program in London, where she gave more than 40 concerts. Katya's performance was broadcast live by the BBC. This company also shot a video (live) of the singer, which was broadcast on the channel for a year.

In 1998, Katya Chilly released her debut album "Mermaids in da House", the appearance of which became a landmark event for the development of the Ukrainian musical culture. Representatives of the mass media dubbed the manner of the singer's performance "the singing of a beautiful elf." During her performances, Katya Chilly really reincarnates as a representative of another world: she seems to fall into a whirlwind of vibrations, becomes a medium of the ancient inhabitants of the Slavic land. Katya knows firsthand about the history of the ancient world. After all, the study that Katya is working on as a graduate student at the Kyiv national university, reveals the secrets of the worldview of pracivilizations ...

Restoring archaic ethnic material, Katya Chilly gives it a unique modern interpretation. Thus, the musical soul of the people acquires a new incarnation.