Clichés for essays on the Russian language. Methodological recommendations for students "Unified State Exam"

  • 06.07.2019
Write out lines from A.P. Chekhov's story Chameleon that show the internal appearance of the heroes Ochumelov and Khryukin. What is the intonation and style?

Why does the author draw the reader’s attention to the fact that Crazy is going to new overcoat?
How does this detail help convey the character's internal change?
What does the “Transformations” of Ochumelov, Khryukin, and the crowd indicate? Who in the story can be called a chameleon?
Please, I need it urgently, thanks in advance)

In Gogol's comedy there is no name of the district town in which the events take place. By this the writer wanted to show that such a position of power, officials,

The order in the city was typical for most cities of that time. Describe the city to which the auditor came: its location relative to the capital, the border, how comfortable the city is, what problems the author draws our attention to. (D.1)
Why did the mayor believe that the young man, greedily looking at what the hotel visitors eat and not paying money for housing and food for two weeks, is the auditor? (D.1)
Khlestakov can’t decide with whom to flirt: with the mayor’s wife Anna Andreevna or his daughter Marya Antonovna. But how did the heroines themselves react to the “auditor” Khlestakov? (D.4)
How did each of the officials behave when they visited Khlestakov in the mayor’s house with petitions and gifts of money?
Officials, reflecting on Khlestakov’s rank, assume that “a general will not hold a candle to him! And when he is a general, then perhaps he is a generalissimo himself.” Meanwhile, out of fear of an “important” person, they did not notice that Khlestakov himself let slip about his true rank: “They even wanted to make him a collegiate assessor, but yes, I think why.” That is, the rank young man was even lower than that. What was the actual rank of Khlestakov? (D 2)
Once again, carefully re-read the “Silent Scene” at the end of the comedy. What is its significance in your opinion?
This official is a passionate hunter. Even in the institution under his jurisdiction there is “a hunting arapnik right above the cupboard with papers.” Name the hero, what does he manage in the city? (D.1)
It was this hero who began to report to the “auditor” Khlestakov about how things really were in city institutions when he visited him in the mayor’s house along with other officials. Name it. (D.4)
One of the employees of this institution has such a violent temper that he is ready not only to smash furniture, but to lose his life - “for science.” Name the institution and the official who runs it. (D.1)
This hero asked Khlestakov: “When you go to St. Petersburg, tell all the different nobles there: senators and admirals, that your Excellency or Excellency lives in such and such a city:.” Who wanted to inform all the capital's nobles about themselves? (D.4)

1. In grades 5 and 6, you became acquainted with several works by N. A. Nekrasov. Name them. What are these works about? What worries the poet? What does he want?

attract readers' attention?
2. What is the poem “Grandfather” dedicated to? Who is it? main character and what is the story of his life Who served partly as his prototype What do you know about the Decembrists and their destinies?
3. Why didn’t Sasha’s parents want to tell him about his grandfather?
4. With what words did the grandfather enter the house? What did they mean? What did the grandfather look like? Why does Nekrasov pay attention to the grandfather’s gray hair? to his joy from the nature he saw surrounding the estate? to his tears? What picture, pleasing to the eye, does grandfather Sasha “draw”?
5. How do you understand the lines? Soon it will not be difficult for you, you will be a free people! "
6. What story from the grandfather confirms his confidence that “The will and labor of man create wonderful wonders!”
7. What did the grandfather say about the outrages of clerks, officials, landowners? What does he call clerks, officials? Who “rooted” for the Fatherland? What, in his opinion, can bring victory over slavery, money-grubbing, darkness? What does he see as real grief? How do you understand the drains " Remember that there are no irresistible grievances in the world."
8. What did the grandfather do? What did he sing about and why was his grandson so interested in this? What is the ending of the poem? How does Sasha understand his grandfather’s attitude to life, to people, to the history of Russia?

Methods of preparing for the Unified State Exam in the Russian language (grade 11). Main thoughts.

    Working with texts of different styles.

    Journalistic texts.

Journalistic texts are divided into 3 groups: “transparent”, pathetic, texts of reasoning such as essays (a fact from life that is comprehended on a philosophical, moral level).

To understand the text, highlight the problem, the main idea (the author’s position), you can use the following techniques: the technique of minimizing journalistic text; information and semantic analysis of the text (thematic chains, but extended, not just one word indicating the topic). Information and semantic analysis of text can be done on any text.

    Artistic text.

IN literary texts you need to look for subtext. The authors raise universal human problems, not the problems of the heroes. Through the characters, through the situations in which they find themselves, the authors talk about moral, social, philosophical problems. In literary texts there are 3 information layers: the first is eventual, the second is figurative, the third is problematic.

    Essay writing scheme


General conclusion

(and I agree)

Examples, proof

calling their


    Essay volume : 150 words; if 70-150 is reduced by 1 point for spelling and punctuation and speech literacy; If there are less than 70 words (for example, 69, then the work is not checked). Maximum – 300 words. Optimal: 200 – 220 words.

The entire essay is approximately 50 lines; introduction 1/8 of the entire essay (6.5 lines = 3 sentences);

Main part 40 lines: 10 lines – K2, 10 lines – K3, 20 lines – K4 (examples)

Table for preparing examples from fiction.



Examples for proof (in the form of a comment)


A person must treat everything humanely.

Rozov “…..”

Tolstoy "War and Peace"

The incident with the duck at the front.

Russian soldiers fed the captive boy Vincent; about Marcel.

K1. Problem.

A problem is either a contradiction between the desired and the actual, or it is anxiety about something, or it is excitement, or it is interest in something.(the problem is the question, the author’s position is the answer)

Ways to formulate a problem:

    Through keyword“problem”, adding the words: worries, worries, worries, interests. (For example: “The author raises the problem of the disappearance of mercy”, “G. Gorin touches on the problem of unjustified human cruelty”), i.e. the word “problem” + noun in R.p.

    Through a question. First, a question is formulated, then an answer is given (for example: “Why is it so important to be able to see the unusual in the ordinary? K.G. Paustovsky is trying to find the answer to this question”, “Is mercy really disappearing from our lives? It is this question that D. answers. Granin in his article")

    Through nominal sentences and questions to them. (for example: “Mercy. Kindness. Do we all think about this in life?”, “Series about bandits. Their influence on modern man. A. Andreev reflects on this,” “Man and Cruelty. This is the problem that G. Gorin raises”)

One way to formulate a problem is to be the introduction of a student’s essay.

K2. A comment .

The main part begins with a comment.

A commentary is an interpretation, an explanation of the text in accordance with the highlighted problem, it is a secondary text, a logical model source text, explaining its meaning. The commentary reflects the correctness and depth of understanding of the content of the author's text. It is necessary to explain how the author reveals the problem, what points he pays attention to, what he does, so that we understand the significance of this problem and agree with him.

The commentary may be close to storyline text, but should not become a retelling of events.

A comment is a condensed retelling of the source text with an emotional (student’s) own assessment, that is, a concise retelling + one’s own evaluative words. The comment should be small in volume (6-7 lines), written in your own words(rather than quoting text). This is what is actually in the text. This is the main information taken from the text when working on microtopics. There must be logic (everything is in order), there must be connections in the form introductory words, introductory sentences.

The following constructions (clichés) can be used in a comment:

... begins his reasoning with .....

The most convincing arguments are...

- Particularly convincing in the author’s reasoning is...

- Trying to understand this issue, he notes...

- Such behavior (such actions) of the hero helps us understand that...

A problem is a question that worries the author.

The author's position is how the author answers this question. This is the author’s attitude to the problem, this is the conclusion to which the author leads us. Author's position = main idea. Often the author's position is expressed openly in the thesis or conclusion. But in literary texts the author’s position is expressed not directly, but through the images of the characters, through the way the author portrays them. The position of the author and the position of the characters should not be confused. You must be careful in cases where the author uses irony.

K4. Determining your own opinion on the problem. Argumentation of your position.

The student must say in his work: “I agree with the author”, “It is difficult to disagree with the author”, “You can agree with the author in...”. (For example: “I agree with Paustovsky that a person should look sensitively at the world around him.”) Next, the student builds his argument (that is, he gives arguments - examples from fiction, journalism, history, etc.)

In order to express own opinion, you can use the following phrases (clichés):

I found it interesting (relevant, significant)…

You can't remain indifferent because...

I was especially excited that...

You can’t help but think that...

You begin to understand that...

Let me express my (different) point of view...

Who among us doesn’t know (haven’t heard, haven’t read, haven’t thought) ..., but have we thought about ...

The text made an ambiguous impression on me6 on the one hand...., but on the other...

* 4 steps of working with illustrations, i.e., with examples in the student’s essay.

Compositional wiring. This is either one sentence, or a phrase, or even a word. This is a move from the general to the specific. (For example: “Russian literature and modern reality give us rich food for thinking about these problems”)

Abstract to the content of the illustrative fragment. It is necessary to name the work, the hero and the certification of this hero (briefly), i.e. to say what kind of hero he is, why he is significant, but this is generalized and tied to the problem and the author’s position. You can start with the word “Remember.”

(For example: “Let us remember the image of commander Kutuzov in L.N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace” - historical figure, introduced into the fabric of the narrative")

A figurative evaluative retelling of the content of an illustrative fragment for the problem (2-3 sentences). Evaluative words must be included in the evaluative retelling. (For example: “M.I. Kutuzov is also famous in history for his military victories, but he was underestimated at the end of his life. And Tolstoy shows that the wisdom and talent of the famous commander saved Russia at a difficult moment.”)

Problematic generalization of the content of the illustration: all the problems that we have concentrated above are freely listed (repeated). (1 sentence or 2 simple) (For example: “Tolstoy shows us that contemporaries may be unfair, ungrateful, but truly significant person will be appreciated despite the short historical memory.»)

    End of the essay (conclusion)- this is the conclusion. The main idea is repeated, but not mechanically repeated, but expanded slightly in relation to itself (i.e. with the student); 2-3 sentences. (I and the problem - this will be the conclusion). (For example: “My thoughts about Ganichev’s text allow me to say that people should remember those who are worthy of historical memory”)

Hint for students experiencing difficulties: “Analyzing the text ………………, I came to the conclusion that the solution is ………………. Problems must start with yourself.” Or the formula “Every person”


First, prepare a model, an outline of the future essay on a rough draft. Identify the problem, define it here author's position on this problem and immediately select examples for this problem. This will help maintain logic and avoid a common mistake - there is one problem, but examples, a commentary on another problem. There must be a clear logic of thought. And on the basis of the diagram, the model, you can calmly compose the text, selecting connections between paragraphs and sentences.

- Essay model.

Vst. “I read V. Ganichev’s text about Admiral Ushakov. (this is an introduction to the situation and the topic of the text).

to the great people who live next to them. (2nd version of this sentence: The author puts

the problem of short historical memory) The author believes, and I agree with him, that...

(The main part begins with a comment. This is the second paragraph).

The author tells us about the sad fate of Admiral Ushakov, who was legendary, invincible, and raised a whole galaxy of his students. He became a legend during his lifetime. But the higher authorities forgot about him when he retired. At the end of his life he was left alone and forgotten.

(5th paragraph – conclusion)

2. Short description the problem to which the article is devoted.

3. The degree of relevance of the provided article.

4. The most important aspects disclosed by the author in the article.

6. Academic title, academic degree, position, place of work, full name. reviewer, seal, signature.

  • The author in his work gives a detailed analysis...
  • The author competently analyzes...
  • The author of this article focuses on...
  • The author demonstrates high level knowledge in the field...
  • Author on specific examples proves...
  • Author based on a large factual material is considering...
  • The author draws attention to the fact that...
  • The author rightly notes...
  • The author successfully argues his own point sight...
  • The author proposed original ideas...
  • The relevance of this study lies in...
  • As the main points of the methodology used by the author...
  • In the article the author examines...
  • The article analyzes the main approaches...
  • The article identifies and discloses the main problems...
  • Important in the article is consideration...
  • All contents of the article are logically interconnected and supported by quotes from authoritative sources.
  • This article demonstrates...
  • The author has studied (presented, presented, described) in sufficient detail...
  • That is why this work pays significant attention...
  • The sources cited in this article reflect the modern point of view on the problem under study.
  • TO positive aspects work can be classified...
  • As a positive fact, it can be noted that...
  • The article is based on a detailed analysis...
  • It should be especially emphasized that...
  • Particular attention in the study... is paid...
  • Of particular interest is the conclusion about...
  • Deserves special attention...
  • The practical significance of this article lies in...
  • The proposed approach to studying the problem...
  • The original concept discussed in the article...
  • The work under review is a serious and interesting scientific article on a rather rare topic...
  • The work under review is distinguished by the novelty and evidence of a number of ideas.
  • It should be noted that this scientific article reveals a number of interesting aspects...
  • The article was done to a high standard scientific level, contains a number of conclusions of practical interest.
  • The article contains a certain concept...
  • The theoretical significance of this article lies in...

Let's look at the composition of the essay in order.


Problem (what?)
Complex, important, serious, deep, relevant, topical, poignant, unresolved.

Problem (what?)
Upbringing, education, patriotism, heroism, nobility, intelligence, the meaning of life, fathers and children, personality formation, preservation native language, the influence of the beauty of nature on humans.

Typical designs

The author reflects on the problem
The author of the text addresses the problem
The author focuses on the problem
The text (author's full name in p.p.) raises the problem
The text (author's full name in r.p.) made me think about a complex problem
(Author’s full name in im.p.) invites its readers to think about the problem
How (why, why, etc.)…? It is this problem that attracts the author's attention.
What is duty (honor, nobility, intelligence, etc.) and what role does this concept play in the life of a person and society? The author reflects on this problem.

The problem of (what?) the meaning of life.
The question (about what?) about the meaning of life.

The second element in the essay is a commentary on the problem.

A comment is an explanation of a remark, a reasoning about the problem you have highlighted in the text.

Artistic text
The author reveals the problem using an example from life... (relationship between someone and someone)
It is no coincidence that the writer depicts (who, what)
The hero's actions indicate that...
The hero’s words (thoughts) show that...
The author condemns/approves the action(s) of the hero(es)
The author's sympathies are with (whom)

Journalistic text
The problem is revealed by the author using an example...
As an example, it reveals
The author makes the reader think (about)
The author turns the problem to
In the author's thoughts the idea is expressed that
The author shares the opinion of (whom)
The author is sincerely delighted, saddened (by)
The author leads us to the conclusion that

The problem (what?) is one of current problems our time.
This social (moral, etc.) problem has a long history.
Each of us has encountered this problem more than once (where, when).
Like most of us, the author believes that
The author examines in detail
The author draws our attention to

Author (What is he doing?)
Notes, describes, emphasizes, dwells on, gives an example of how..., notes the importance, considers, quotes, confirms his thoughts with quotes, relies on opinion, analyzes, tells, compares, contrasts, proves, convinces, comes to a conclusion.

The author's position is manifested in the following points: the author's attitude towards the depicted phenomena, events, characters and their actions. When you read the text, pay attention to the linguistic means in which the author’s attitude is expressed using marker words, evaluative vocabulary, means, expressiveness, introductory words, and incentive sentences.

The author’s position can be determined by answering the following questions
Positive or negative human qualities manifested in the actions, words, thoughts of the hero?
How do the characters around him treat the hero?
How do the actions of the characters around him affect the hero?
How do the hero’s actions affect other characters in the work? Do you agree with the hero or not?
Does the author condemn or approve of the hero’s behavior?
What did the author want to tell readers by showing the speech, thoughts, and actions of the hero?

Remember: Even if the author does not directly talk about his attitude towards the hero, and the hero acts, from your point of view, wrong, commits actions that bring evil to others, then, most likely, the author thinks the same way as you.
Remember: The position of the author and the hero-narrator may not coincide!

The author believes that
The author leads the reader to the conclusion that
Arguing over the problem, the author comes to the following conclusion
The author's position is as follows
The author’s position, it seems to me, can be formulated as follows
The author calls us to (what)
The author convinces us that
The author condemns (who/what, for what)

Argumentation of one's own position.

In your essay, you must express your opinion whether you agree or disagree with the author. In your answer, you must give two or one arguments from literature or personal life.

For example: It is difficult to disagree with the author’s position. I also believe that mercy is the main virtue human nature and that we must keep it in our hearts at all costs.

Then you must support your position with two arguments.

Argumentation is the provision of evidence, explanations, examples to substantiate any idea in front of listeners (readers) or interlocutor

Arguments are evidence given in support of a thesis: facts, examples, statements, explanations, everything that can confirm the thesis.