Canned raspberries for the winter. Raspberries for the winter: preparations

  • 12.02.2024

Every housewife makes raspberry preparations for the winter, and of course, I am no exception. It’s hard to imagine long winter evenings without a cup of aromatic tea with raspberry jam... Despite the fact that the canning process is quite troublesome, in the summer I try to make several jars of raspberry jam, and at least freeze the raspberries for the winter.

Also, it should be noted that there are raspberry varieties that produce a harvest in September - especially for those who vacationed at sea in the summer and did not have time to make delicious raspberry preparations.

So, what can you cook from raspberries for the winter? Jam, jam, jelly, confiture, compote, freeze raspberries, and this is not a complete list of all kinds of raspberry preparations.

Dear friends, I bring to your attention proven recipes for raspberry preparations, which I have been using for many years. Every year my collection of recipes will be replenished with new interesting recipes. As usual, I ask you to share your favorite recipes for raspberry preparations in the comments and on social networks.

Raspberry compote for the winter without sterilization

Dear friends, I want to tell you how to seal raspberry compote for the winter without sterilization. I usually seal delicious compotes like this one in three-liter jars - a smaller volume goes away too quickly, especially when friends with children come to visit. See recipe with photo.

Raspberry jam for the winter with orange

Does Van like unusual raspberry preparations for the winter? What if we dilute the usual taste a little and make an unusual jam from raspberries and orange juice? It will turn out great, I assure you! Citrus notes and the intoxicating aroma of raspberries make the taste of this jam simply magical! Have I convinced you? Then come see the recipe.

I suggest you prepare an unusual raspberry preparation for the winter. It will be raspberry jam, and even with cognac. Don't be confused by the alcohol - in fact, you will need a very small amount of it, and it won't be noticeable in the raspberry jam for the winter itself. Rather, you will be able to catch some kind of pleasant aftertaste - this will be the influence of the noble drink. This recipe makes raspberry jam quite thick, so it can be used in baking or as an addition to morning toast. Recipe with photo.

The raspberry jam recipe below is a real lifesaver in my pantry. Yes, yes, this jam is perfectly stored in the pantry in the apartment, at room temperature, thanks to the large amount of sugar in the recipe. ...

Raspberry jam “Red Honey”: according to my mother’s recipe

This raspberry jam is very convenient to use for filling shortbread pies, or simply spread on bread or cookies. The amount of sugar kills you on the spot, so if you are on a diet, I advise you to use a different recipe. But the jam is not cloying due to the addition of citric acid. ...

Raspberry jam for the winter with ginger and orange

This time we will talk about unusual raspberry jam - with ginger and orange. Yes, yes, this is exactly the set of ingredients you will find in my recipe for raspberry jam for the winter. And if you have a favorable attitude towards ginger and are not at all against citrus fruits, then you will certainly like this combination. How to make raspberry jam with ginger, see.

Raspberry compote for the winter according to my mother-in-law's recipe

The recipe for raspberry compote is not complicated, and is suitable for housewives who are just starting to preserve. ...

Classic raspberry jam that Carlson loved

I definitely prepare raspberry jam for the winter according to a simple, classic recipe, so that in case of a cold I always have a sweet medicine of my own production on hand. Jam recipe with step-by-step photos .

Seedless raspberry jam is very tasty and healthy. In winter, I use this jam to make compote and also as a topping for desserts. Recipe with step-by-step photos .

“Drunk” raspberry jam without cooking with vodka

This raspberry jam is quite unusual. ItIt turns out very beautiful, bright and incredibly tasty - almost like fresh raspberries. Look at the recipe

Today I will teach you how to prepare raspberries for the winter so that you can enjoy them all year round. Mmmmmm... Raspberry... Sweet, aromatic, healthy. Summer has finally arrived, and the queen of berries is ripe at the dacha! Many people love it in all forms and manifestations, and are happy to try different ways of preserving it for the winter. The berries are dried, frozen, ground with sugar, jam, confitures, jams are made, and jellies are made.

Raspberries for the winter - simple recipes for preparing them

There is no need to talk about the taste and benefits of raspberry preparations for the winter. But you can make not only the usual jam. I’ll tell you about some interesting options for preserving raspberries in a jar so you can enjoy your favorite taste while drinking tea.

But first, a few useful secrets that will help you make winter preparations without difficulty:

  • The easiest way to sterilize jars is to “bake” them in the oven. To do this, place the jars on a baking sheet in the oven and turn the heat to maximum. The jars are sterilized within 10 minutes. After the specified time, turn off the heat and let the jars cool for 15–20 minutes. Fast and easy!

A couple of tips relate directly to berries:

  • If the berries are from your garden, there is no need to wash them - raspberries do not like water too much. Purchased berries, of course, should be washed under running water and then dried on a towel.
  • To remove bugs and caterpillars from raspberries, you need to soak them in saline solution for 15 minutes. The insects will float up, after which all you have to do is wash the berries and dry them.
The best part is that during heat treatment, the berries do not lose their beneficial health properties!

Raspberry jam - a classic recipe

Grandma’s classic jam is a familiar favorite taste since childhood. Other grandmothers, of course, cook in their own way, but my grandmother did it this way:


  • Raspberries - kilogram.
  • Sugar – 1 kg.
  • Water – 0.5 tbsp.


  1. First you need to make a syrup from water and sugar. To do this, take a wide-bottomed bowl, pour out the water and add sugar. Place the future syrup on the fire and, stirring continuously, wait until the sugar is completely dissolved.
  2. When the syrup is ready, pour in the berries. Bring the syrup with berries to a boil. After boiling, cook for 10 minutes, periodically skim off the foam from the surface of the jam. It is advisable not to stir the jam, but to shake it. But if you are not confident in your abilities, mix with a wooden spoon as carefully as possible.
  3. Cool the jam. Then boil again and cook for 10 minutes. Don't forget to remove the foam. The boiling-cooling procedure should be performed 2-3 times. The more times you repeat, the thicker the dessert will be.
  4. You can check the readiness of the jam like this: drop a drop of jam onto the plate; it should not spread. Spread the finished jam and close the lids tightly.

Raspberry jam - “Five Minute” recipe

A fairly popular method of making jam is the “Five Minute” method. The essence of the preparation lies in the name. This method of making jam allows you to treat the berries as carefully as possible, preserving the taste of fresh raspberries.


  • Raspberries and sugar - 1 kg each.

How to cook:

  1. Sort the fruits, place them in a deep vessel in which you will begin to cook the jam and fill it with sugar. The raspberries should sit and give juice. This usually takes 6-8 hours, so it is acceptable to leave it overnight.
  2. When the raspberries have released their juice, put them, along with the syrup, on the fire. After boiling, cook the jam for 5 minutes. Pour hot jam into jars and roll up.
  3. Place the jars upside down on the lids and wrap them up. When the jars of jam have cooled, you can put them in a cool place until winter.
I have other jam recipes, would you like to meet them?

Grated raspberries with sugar without cooking

An excellent way to prepare raspberries for the winter will preserve the taste and aroma of fresh raspberries, and will not take much time.


  • Raspberries – 1 kg.
  • Sugar – 1 kg.

How to do:

  1. Sort through the raspberries, leaving whole and unspoiled berries. Place them in a deep bowl and cover with sugar. Stir and use a masher to grind the berries into a puree. It is not advisable to use a food processor or blender; as you know, metal destroys the vitamins contained in berries.
  2. Transfer the resulting puree into jars and add about 1 cm of sugar. The sugar will turn into a crust, which will protect the jam from spoiling. The jam is stored, of course, in the refrigerator.

Raspberries for the winter, grated without sugar

You can prepare raspberries in the form of puree without using sugar. Make a puree from raspberries.

How to prepare:

  1. You can grind the berries through a sieve, then the puree will be seedless. Pour the resulting mass into a saucepan, boil and let it simmer for 1 minute.
  2. Place the jam in steamed jars and seal. Then turn it over onto the lids and wrap it up. Leave the wrapped jars overnight. In the morning you can arrange the jars for storage.

Raspberry jam - the best recipe

Aromatic and healthy, we expect it to be perfect for sandwiches for breakfast and evening tea. And if you need good, beautiful berries for jam, then you need to use overripe and bruised berries for jam.

To prepare raspberry jam, take:

  • Raspberries with sugar - 1 kg each.
  • Water – 1 tbsp.
  • Citric acid – 2 g.

How to prepare for the winter:

  1. Pour a glass of water into an enamel bowl or saucepan and pour in the berries.
  2. When the water boils, reduce the heat and cook the berries for 5 minutes, mashing them with a spoon. Now add sugar and bring to a boil.
  3. After boiling, cook the jam for 20–25 minutes. Skim off any foam during cooking. At the end of cooking, add lemon and stir the jam thoroughly.
  4. You should get an almost homogeneous mass, but you still shouldn’t cook raspberry jam for a long time. This will worsen the taste.

Thick raspberry jelly recipe

An original way to prepare raspberries for the winter is to make jelly. Despite the name, you won't find gelatin in the recipe. The berry contains pectin, which, as you know, is not only extremely beneficial for joints, but is also an excellent natural thickener.

How to cook:

  1. Sort the berries, rinse and dry if necessary. Then mash the berries in a deep bowl and strain them through a sieve and thick cheesecloth.
  2. You will get juice into which you need to add sugar and stir until dissolved. We determine the amount of sugar as follows: take 1.5 kg of sweets per liter of juice.
  3. When the sugar has completely dissolved in the raspberry juice, leave the syrup in a cool place for 10 hours.
  4. Then put the jelly into jars and close the lids. The jelly is stored in the refrigerator.

For the winter, you can prepare not only various preserves and jams from raspberries, but also equally tasty and healthy drinks.

How to prepare raspberry juice for the winter

The juice turns out to be unusually aromatic and rich, it perfectly quenches thirst. Well, there’s nothing to say about the benefits; like all raspberry preparations, it’s full of vitamins!

  • Sugar is not needed to make juice. Just water and raspberries. For 1 kilogram of which take a glass of water.


  1. Heat the water to 60 °C, i.e. do not bring it to a boil. Now add raspberries to the water and bring them to the same temperature - 60 °C. Turn off the gas, cover the saucepan with a lid and let sit for 15 minutes.
  2. Then pass the juice through cheesecloth and boil. Afterwards, immediately pour the juice into sterilized jars and bottles and roll up.

Raspberry compote for the winter - the best recipe

For the winter you can cook delicious . Find other recipes in another article by following the link.


  • Water – 3 l.
  • Berries and sugar - 1 kg each.

How to cook:

  1. Pour sugar into the pan and pour water. Boil the mixture and wait until the sugar dissolves.
  2. Pour the berries into the boiling liquid and bring to a boil. Pour compote into sterilized jars and cool.
  3. When the compote has cooled, roll up the jars.

Raspberry wine recipe

You can make not only juice and compote from raspberries, but also wine. Yes Yes! The berries are used to make delicious homemade wine. And the process is not at all complicated.


  • Water – 2 l.
  • Berries – 2 kg.
  • Sugar – 600 gr.

How to do:

  1. Boil sugar syrup and cool. Squeeze the juice out of the raspberries through a sieve or cheesecloth.
  2. Pour the juice and sugar syrup into the bottle (jar), stir. Place in a warm place until fermentation is complete. The fermentation temperature must be at least 25 °C. To determine how the fermentation process is progressing, put a rubber glove on the neck. Make a small hole in the glove so that it doesn’t fly far.
  3. When the glove deflates, the wine is ready. It needs to be filtered and covered with a lid. Store wine in a cool place.

Raspberry liqueur for the winter

And the hit parade of raspberry drinks ends with liqueur. As they say, last but not least.


  • Vodka – 1 liter.
  • Water – 250 ml.
  • Berries - 500 gr.
  • Sugar – 500 gr.

How to do:

  1. Take a bottle and add ripe berries. Pour in vodka and seal the neck of the bottle with cotton wool.
  2. Raspberries should be infused in a cool, dark place for 4 weeks. When the infusion is ready, prepare a syrup from water and sugar. Mix the cooled syrup with raspberry infusion and strain it.
  3. Bottle the resulting liquor and close the lids. The liqueur needs to mature for another month. Keep refrigerated.

How to properly dry raspberries for the winter

You can brew tea and make compotes with dried berries. For drying, take slightly unripe berries. Too ripe berries will become soggy instead of drying out.

Before you start drying the raspberries, rinse them thoroughly and dry them. Place the berries on a baking sheet in one layer. Preheat the oven to a temperature of 45-50 o C. The berries will dry in 2-4 hours, during this time they are gently mixed.

When the berries are completely dry, increase the temperature to 60 o C and leave for 10 minutes. Then let the berries cool, transfer them to jars and carefully close with lids, possibly nylon ones. Store dried raspberries in a cool place.

How to freeze raspberries for the winter

From frozen raspberries in winter you can make compote, jelly, pastille, pie filling, jam and much more. In general, any berries should not be washed for freezing; this also applies to raspberries. To prevent the raspberries from becoming frozen or deformed, place the berries on a tray or cutting board and place them in the freezer.

An hour later, when the berries are frozen, pour them into a special container for freezing and into a bag. It is not advisable to freeze it directly in the bag - the raspberries will stick together.

Having made winter preparations from raspberries, you will never regret it, because you will enjoy delicious desserts until the summer. Happy preparations, my dears. With love... Galina Nekrasova.

Video with a recipe for delicious raspberry jam

Raspberry season is in full swing. It's time to think about storing raspberries for the winter. I prefer to harvest this delicate and aromatic berry fresh without cooking. And you?

Preparing fresh raspberries for the winter - recipes without cooking

All methods of preparing raspberries for the winter without cooking allow you to preserve the taste and benefits of this wonderful berry.

The first method of preparation is pureed raspberries with sugar.

I have already talked in detail about this simple and quick way to prepare fresh raspberries here:. This raw raspberry jam has proven itself to be an excellent home remedy for colds.

lyrical digression

A medical student was examined by a professor.

What will you do if you need the patient to sweat well? - asked the professor.

I'll give him a strong diaphoretic...

For example?

Hot tea, raspberries, Linden blossom…

Well, what if it doesn't work?

Then I will resort to the help of volatile oils, ether...

I'll try mercury medications.

What if there is still no action?

Then I’ll try to use salsaperel and saffron,” the student answered and wiped large drops of sweat from his forehead.

What if this is not enough?

Then I will send the patient to you for examination.

The next preparation method

Freezing raspberries (freezing raspberries recipe)

According to nutritionists, it is frozen raspberries that retain the greatest amount of nutrients.

Frozen raspberries are an excellent basis for preparing fruit drinks, compotes, jellies, mousses and other various desserts.

After defrosting, raspberries can be consumed fresh. Fresh raspberries without sugar are classified as food products. This property of raspberries is due to the high content of antioxidants: quercetin, vitamin C, ellagic acid. Ellagic acid is a powerful antioxidant that neutralizes carcinogens and slows down the proliferation of cancer cells.

Freezing raspberries at home

For freezing, select whole, undamaged raspberries. It is best if a minimum amount of time passes between picking and freezing the raspberries, thereby preserving the greatest amount of nutrients in the berry.

If you are sure that your raspberries are clean, then it is better not to wash the raspberries before freezing, but simply sort them out. If not, then I wrote about how to properly wash raspberries in the first preparation method, see raw raspberry jam.

But you should always remember that we only freeze completely dry raspberries. Then place the prepared raspberries in one layer on a flat surface. A tray or cutting board will do. Place the tray in the freezer. A very important point is the temperature regime! The temperature in the freezer should not be higher than minus 18 degrees (we freeze for a day), or, if there is a freezing mode in the refrigerator, then simply turn on this mode. Thanks to this freezing method, raspberry fruits will freeze evenly and very quickly, retaining their maximum taste and nutritional value.

Once the raspberries are frozen, place them in containers or sturdy food bags or freezer bags. Such frozen raspberries will be stored for a whole year in your freezer and will not lose their taste and medicinal properties. These are the two ways I use to prepare fresh raspberries for the winter. What ways do you know to preserve raspberries fresh? Share your recipes in the comments.

Raspberries for the winter- this is not only tasty and healthy raspberry jam, but also a lot of all sorts of delicacies that will brighten up our long cold and cloudy days. When they hear the word “medicine,” many people’s faces involuntarily contort, and they immediately imagine something very nasty tasting. Raspberry jam is a delicious medicine. What are the benefits of raspberries? It contains several organic acids, including salicylic acid, which determines the anti-inflammatory properties of the berry.

This is why raspberries are so useful for colds. This berry has a diaphoretic and antipyretic effect. Its rich vitamin and mineral composition makes it useful for anemia, atherosclerosis, vascular problems and many other ailments. During the season, be sure to include it in your diet, and especially in the diet of children, fresh. And for the winter we will stock up on preparations from this wonderful berry in a wide variety of forms, because a good housewife will stock up on jams and...

Raspberries for the winter recipes

A simple and traditional way to prepare fruits and berries is to make jam. You can cook it in the classic way, or as a five-minute one. For five minutes, take 1-1.2 kg of sugar per 1 kg of berries. If the raspberries are very juicy, then it is better to take more sugar. We sort the berries, wash them and let them drain in a colander. If they are from your own dacha and clean, it is better not to wash them. Sometimes there are worms in the berries - larvae of the raspberry beetle.

To get rid of them, pour the raspberries into a bowl of salted water, after a few minutes, remove the floating bugs, drain the raspberries in a colander and rinse with clean water. You can use regular or paper towels for drying.

To dry, scatter the berries in a thin layer on a towel and gently blot the top. Pour the raspberries into a bowl, sprinkling them with sugar in layers. Do not stir, but shake the bowl so that the sugar is distributed evenly. Leave the basin for 5-6 hours to allow the juice to stand out, then put the jam on the fire, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 5-10 minutes, skimming off the foam. After this, pour the product into dry, sterilized jars and seal it hermetically. Turn the jam onto the lids and wrap until completely cool. This preparation can be stored at room temperature, but it is better to put the open jar in the refrigerator.

The classic cooking method is similar, but we put 1.3-1.5 kg of sugar per 1 kg of berries and boil the jam until a drop of syrup dropped on a saucer begins to spread. This is a classic recipe according to which our grandmothers used to make jam, but more exotic cooking methods can be offered.

If you don’t like jam with seeds, you can use the following method. Take 1 kg of berries, add half a glass of water and heat. If you are afraid that the berries will burn, you can heat them in a water bath. As soon as the mass softens, rub it through a sieve to remove the seeds. If your sieve is not fine enough, strain the mixture again through cheesecloth. Add 1 kg of sugar to the resulting puree. Bring the mixture to a boil and simmer over low heat until a drop of syrup stops spreading on the saucer. Pack the jam hot into sterilized jars and seal. Invert the jars onto the lid until they cool completely. And in winter you can enjoy tea with raspberry jam, complementing it.

Raspberry recipe for the winter

Berries in jelly are very attractive and tasty. Raspberries contain quite a lot of pectin, but still, to make the jelly more dense, the addition of gelatin or gelatin is required. Gelatin is of animal origin; it is a collagen protein. Therefore, so that jam with gelatin can be stored for a long time, it is prepared with cognac or vodka. For 1 kg of berries you need to take 0.8 kg of sugar, 50 g of cognac or vodka, 10 g of gelatin.

Soak the gelatin in warm water according to the recipe. Mash the raspberries with a masher with added sugar or chop with a blender. Place the bowl with raspberry puree in a water bath and bring the mixture to a boil. Boil for 5 minutes, skimming off the foam. Then add dissolved gelatin, cognac or vodka, stir and bring to a boil again. After this, put the jam into sterilized jars and seal tightly.

Zhelfix is ​​a mixture of pectin, powdered sugar and citric acid. All products are exclusively of plant origin. Sometimes a preservative is sorbic acid. Now it is being synthesized, and for the first time this substance was obtained from rowan juice, so it has a completely natural origin. Let's take berries and sugar in a 1:1 ratio and for every kilogram of berries 20g of jellyfix.

Place the container with the berries on the fire, add the jelly fix and heat to a boil over medium heat. Pour sugar into the boiling berry mass while stirring, bring to a boil again, reduce the heat, cook, skimming off the foam for 5 minutes. After this, pour the finished product into jars and seal.

Zhelfix will make it easier to prepare marshmallows, marmalade, thick jam and jam.

Delicious raspberries for the winter can be prepared in the form of marshmallows. To make this ancient delicacy, raspberries, sorted, washed and dried, are placed in an enamel bowl and briefly placed in the oven or in a water bath. The heated berries are rubbed hot through a sieve. Alas, this procedure cannot be avoided. Otherwise, seeds will remain, and their presence in the finished product is highly undesirable. Sugar is added to the resulting puree to taste. Please note that the finished pastille will taste sweeter than puree. Then the berry mass with sugar is poured onto a baking sheet lined with parchment in a layer of no more than 0.5 cm. The parchment is greased with vegetable oil. Place the baking sheet in an oven preheated to 50-60 degrees for 5-6 hours.

There are special dryers that greatly facilitate the entire process. The result is a dried, flexible sweet leaf. It can be cut into pieces, wrapped in cling film and stored on the refrigerator door. You can mix raspberries for marshmallows with other fruits. By the way, raspberries can be dried for the winter. They store well in jars at room temperature. To dry, raspberries on a tray or baking sheet should be laid out in one layer at intervals, as for freezing. The berry must be whole and unripe.

Raspberries make excellent marmalade, but it is better to prepare it with the addition of berries or fruits that contain more pectin, for example, red currants, gooseberries, apple or quince preparations. If you want to make marmalade only from raspberries, use zhelfix. Pastila and marmalade will expand the range of your items on the holiday table. But they will be appropriate on any day.

Let's look at a few recipes.

1.700g raspberries, 300g red currants, 0.6 kg sugar. Heat the berries in the oven or in a water bath. Rub the hot berry mass through a sieve. Add sugar to the resulting puree. Boil to half the volume over low heat, skimming off the foam. Pour into a baking tray or mold in a layer of about 2 cm and leave to cool. Cut the cooled marmalade into cubes with a sharp knife. Roll each piece in sugar. You can make marmalade with gooseberries in the same way.

2.700 g raspberries, 300 g apple or quince puree, 600 g sugar. Get raspberry puree without seeds, as in the previous method. To obtain quince or apple puree, remove the core from the fruit and cut into slices. Pour in enough water to just cover the pieces of fruit and simmer over low heat, covered, until softened. After this, rub together with the liquid through a sieve. Mix both types of puree, add sugar and boil to half volume while stirring.

3.1 kg raspberries, 1 kg sugar, 20 g jelfix or quettin. Get raspberry puree as in previous methods, add zhelfix or quettin and sugar and boil for 5-10 minutes

The finished marmalade is poured into molds or poured onto a tray in a 2-3 cm layer and allowed to cool. The frozen marmalade is cut into squares, you can roll it in sugar. Store in a closed jar at room temperature.

Raspberry liqueur. For a three-liter jar you need 2 kg of raspberries, a glass of water and 0.8-1 kg of sugar. Mash the raspberries with sugar or chop with a blender, transfer to a three-liter jar, add water, mix. Place in a warm place, for example. On a sunny windowsill. Place a water seal on the jar or put on a rubber medical glove with a finger pierced with a needle. When the glove falls off after fermentation, the liqueur is ready. It needs to be strained into another container through several layers of gauze and allowed to sit for a day, then bottled and hermetically sealed. Store in a cool, dark place.

Raspberry syrup. It can be used to prepare various dishes and drinks. This syrup is delicious for filling pancakes or pancakes. For 1 kg of berries, take 1 kg of sugar and a glass of water. Make syrup from water and sugar. Dip the raspberries into the hot syrup. We remove the foam. Let it cool, then strain the mixture through a sieve or colander with gauze placed on it. Boil the syrup for 5-10 minutes and pour it hot into the prepared container and seal it hermetically, and the squeezes can be used to prepare marshmallows.

Raspberry vinegar. This vinegar can hardly be called raspberry in the literal sense of the word, but it has a very pleasant raspberry aroma and bright color. They are good for dressing fruit and vegetable salads, as well as for pickling. Mash 100g fresh raspberries with 1 tbsp. spoon of sugar and pour 500 ml of 9% alcohol vinegar into the resulting puree. Let it brew for 24 hours, strain. Then add 100g of whole raspberries and let it brew for another week. You can make cherry, strawberry, blackberry, and blueberry sauce in the same way.

Raspberries for the winter with sugar or raw jam. Like some other berries, raspberries can be preserved perfectly without cooking if you mix them with enough sugar. True, it can only be stored in a cool place. If you have a cellar or a very cool but frost-free balcony, then you should prepare it in this way. Sugar and berries are taken in a 1:1 ratio by volume. That is, for a liter jar of fresh raspberries, we will take a liter jar of sugar. Or 1:2 by weight, that is, 1 kg of berries will require 2 kg of sugar.

For raw jam, you need to select ripe but undamaged berries. You can perfectly process overripe and wrinkled ones in another way; they are not suitable for this preparation. pour the prepared berries into a bowl, add the required amount of sugar and thoroughly knead the whole mass with a wooden masher until smooth, this is recommended to do in order to preserve the maximum of vitamins. In my opinion, the blender will grind the mass just as well.

The cutting planes are made of fairly high-quality stainless steel; at high speed, the processing time is very small, and time and effort are saved quite noticeably. It is not recommended to use a meat grinder, because the knives of the meat grinder are made of ordinary, quite rusty steel. If you still decide to use an environmentally friendly masher, take berries and sugar in small portions, say, a glass. Then you will be able to knead it faster and more thoroughly than at once a large volume.

It is better to take a bowl that is enamel without damage, porcelain or glass. We put the finished jam in clean, dry jars (or better yet, don’t be lazy and sterilize them) and cover with scalded plastic lids. Raspberries for the winter, ground with sugar, should be stored in the refrigerator or cellar.

Freezing raspberries for the winter- the easiest way to prepare if you have a separate freezer or a fairly large freezer in the refrigerator. It’s easy to do, and it doesn’t seem like you need any special recommendations, but some points should still be noted. Of course, you need to freeze selected unripe raspberries. There are varieties whose berries have dense pulp that tolerates transportation well. These are exactly the ones you should take. Harvest for freezing in dry weather. Do not wash berries intended for freezing. You can not fool yourself too much, but pour raspberries in small portions into plastic containers or bags and put them in the freezer.

But it’s better not to be lazy and freeze the berries in small portions, scattering them on a tray or tray of a suitable size in one layer with intervals, so that the berries lie separately from one another. Pour the frozen berries in portions into suitable containers and put them back in the freezer. This way they will remain intact and undamaged. It’s wonderful that defrosted raspberries do not spread out into a watery blob, but retain their appearance and taste. If you still want to wash the berries in order to use them raw later, dry them thoroughly before freezing so that they do not freeze into one mass.


It has long been no secret how useful raspberries are - every family tries to make at least a few jars of this jam for the winter, because it has a unique diaphoretic property and can bring down a high temperature. So let’s look at all the features of this plant and give the most delicious and popular recipes.

Everyone knows about the benefits of this berry, because tea with raspberry jam is the first and very effective aid for colds. It should be noted that the plant itself is unpretentious in care and takes root almost anywhere; moreover, it grows at incredible speed. The massive harvest usually occurs in August. But what is noteworthy is that at this time the bush simultaneously contains ripe, still green fruits and even flowers.

Raspberries contain a large amount of vitamins, but salicylic acid, which has an antipyretic effect, is especially important. Moreover, in this form it is absorbed much better in the human body. The plant is also rich in minerals - potassium, iron, copper. Therefore, it is recommended to use it for disorders of the nervous system, colds, hypertension, anemia and gastrointestinal disorders. Vitamins A and E have a beneficial effect on skin condition. Raspberries contain a huge amount of vitamin C, B12, B1 and PP. The berry retains all its properties even after heat treatment. So raspberry preparations for the winter are almost as healthy as the fresh product.

However, a few words should be said about contraindications. Do not overuse it, as it can cause allergies. And for diabetics and people with kidney diseases it is completely dangerous. Due to the high content of vitamins and folic acid, raspberries should be eaten by pregnant women, but only in limited quantities.

Compotes can rightfully be called the favorites of winter preparations. They not only perfectly quench thirst and tone up, but are also sources of vitamins. The recipes are very numerous. Some compotes can be prepared using a more simplified technology, others are famous for their excellent aroma and taste. The most suitable option can only be determined through numerous experiments. It must be said that raspberries go well with other berries, especially blackberries and strawberries; we will also consider such recipes.

For compote, only ripe and whole fruits are carefully selected. Berries affected by fruit beetles are allowed, but they must be placed in a 2% saline solution for a few minutes. All larvae will float to the surface and are removed with a slotted spoon. All that remains is to thoroughly rinse the fruits with cold water to remove salt. Containers and lids are subject to careful selection. They must be intact without traces of rust or other defects. We wash and sterilize suitable utensils. Now let's move on directly to raspberry recipes; for the winter you can put a jar of each compote in order to decide on your favorite flavor for the next season.

  • Recipe No. 1

Fill a jar (3 liters) with berries approximately 1/3 and pour boiling water. Leave for 20 minutes to allow the fruits to release their juice. Then pour the liquid into the pan. Add 300 g of sugar to it, boil for 3 minutes so that the sweet sand is completely dissolved. Then turn off and let the syrup brew for 7 minutes. Pour it back into the container with the berries and roll it up. If there is not enough liquid, you can add boiling water. Wrap the jars in a warm blanket and turn them upside down for a day. As a result, we will get a very tasty and concentrated drink that can be diluted with water.

  • Recipe No. 2

For 3 liters of water, take a kilogram of raspberries and sugar. Naturally, the berries are carefully selected and thoroughly washed. Next you need to prepare the syrup and, when the sugar has completely dissolved, add raspberries to it. Boil for 2 minutes. We take out the fruits with a slotted spoon, place them in containers and fill everything with syrup. The compote is ready for preservation. Want to add a little freshness to your elixir? Add a slice of lemon, this unusual taste will surely invigorate you on a cold winter morning.

  • Recipe No. 3

Raspberries also go great with strawberries. To make 6 liters of compote, take 1 kg of each type of berries, 800 g of sugar and 4 liters of clean water. Then the fruits are laid out in containers in equal shares, for example, if you use three-liter bottles, then half a kilogram in each. Fill the contents of the jars with boiling water. Cover the containers with lids and let sit for approximately 20 minutes. After the cooled liquid, pour it back into the saucepan and boil it again for 10 minutes. We repeat the operation, only we reduce the exposure time to 15 minutes. After draining the aromatic water again, bring it to 100 °C and add granulated sugar. Pour the finished syrup into jars. Now you can roll them up. As usual, turn it over and cover it with a blanket so that the compote cools evenly.

  • Recipe No. 4

The experiments don’t end there; in addition to different fruits, red wine is sometimes added. The following ingredients are taken: 250 g of raspberries and sugar, 1.5 liters of water, 100 ml of wine and a pinch of citric acid. When making syrup, we immediately add the citrus component to it. Meanwhile, put the berries in jars, fill them with the resulting solution and wine. You can experiment with the ingredients and add a little more cherries.

Sterilization significantly extends the life of your preserves, but after this procedure they become less useful. And in order to prepare raspberries for the winter, losing as little vitamins as possible, seaming is carried out without this operation. Please note that only fruits are not processed; this rule does not apply to containers, otherwise your compotes will spoil.

  • Recipe No. 1

We will need lemon juice, 2 cups of sugar and a glass of currants and raspberries. Fruits and equipment are being prepared. Then the slightly dried berries are placed in a bottle. Pour sugar there and pour in lemon juice. Immediately pour boiling water over the contents and roll up. Then everything follows the standard pattern with a blanket and turning over the cans.

  • Recipe No. 2

Ingredients: 1.5 tbsp. raspberries, 1.5 tbsp. sugar, 2.5 liters of purified water. Boil the syrup for at least 10 minutes until the liquid is homogeneous, stirring occasionally with a spoon. At this time, fill the bottle with berries. Fill everything with the prepared syrup and roll it up immediately. Don't forget about procedures with banks.

  • Recipe No. 3

In this case, the technology is somewhat different, and the drink itself will turn out to be very concentrated. For a 1-liter jar, take 600 g of berries and 300 g of sugar. Place a pan of water (1 liter) on the fire and bring to a boil, adding sweet sand, wait until the syrup becomes homogeneous. Next, turn off the heat and pour raspberries into the same container. Let it brew for several hours. We use the freed time to prepare the containers, that is, to sterilize them. Drain the aromatic water and boil again, and put the fruits in jars. Fill everything with hot syrup again and roll it up.

Compotes are a salvation in any season; in winter they saturate our weakened body with useful vitamins and substances, and in summer they perfectly quench thirst and tone us up.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with ingredients, perhaps your recipes will soon be found on every culinary site. What to do if the ripening period of some fruits does not coincide? For example, when do we want to complement raspberries for the winter with another beauty of the garden, for example, strawberries? How to preserve it, since it bears fruit in the spring, and the culprit of our culinary article is mainly in late summer? The berries can be frozen, but it is better not to wash them, but simply lay them out in one layer on a wooden board and place them in the freezer. Only frozen fruits are poured into the container.

Tasty and aromatic jam will not only be an excellent addition to any baked goods, but will also save you from a cold. How to cook it? There are a lot of ways, but we will look at the most delicious and uncomplicated recipes.

  • Five minutes

Sugar and raspberries are taken in equal parts, mixed and infused for 4 hours. Boil the released juice for 10 minutes. Then add the berries. After boiling the contents for 5 minutes, you can put it in jars and close them. There is another similar recipe. In this case, you need twice as much raspberries as sugar. The ingredients are mixed again and infused. Place the entire mixture on the fire at once and boil for 7 minutes. Delicious fragrant jam is ready for rolling.

  • Raspberries in their own juice

We fill the cooled sterilized containers with berries, shaking them periodically so that the fruits are arranged as tightly as possible. Cover the jars with lids and place in water heated to 50°C. Then we bring it to a boil and sterilize it. If you use half-liter containers, then 10 minutes is enough, and the processing time for liter containers is at least 15 minutes. Close the lids and enjoy the winter sunset. You can add a little raspberry juice.

  • Jam in the microwave

When canning raspberries, they use not only a gas or electric stove, but also a microwave with a multicooker; we cannot fail to mention these recipes. So, you will need 1 kg of berries and the same amount of sugar, 1 glass of water and a little lemon juice. Sugar is dissolved in a glass and placed in the microwave for 5 minutes. If the electrical appliance is not powerful enough, the time will increase. Add the remaining ingredients to the resulting syrup and place it in the microwave again for 10–20 minutes. During this period, the jam should be stirred at least 3 times. Pour the finished mixture into jars and roll up.

  • Jam in a slow cooker

The proportions are the same as in the previous recipe. Place the washed berries in a bowl and fill with water. Select the “quenching” program. Depending on the model, the time is set differently, but 25 minutes is enough for us. Then open the lid and add sugar. Let it simmer again for about half an hour. Check to see if the sand has dissolved; if not, extend cooking for another 15 minutes.

Perhaps you don’t yet know what delicious marmalade and jam can be made from raspberries for the winter - the following recipes will tell you how to prepare such sweets. So, for marmalade we need 2 cups of sugar and a kilogram of berries. Place the fruits in a copper or enamel bowl and place on low heat. We wait until the juice appears. Next, rub the still hot mass through a sieve or beat with a blender. Add sugar and cook over high heat. Don't forget to stir regularly, otherwise the marmalade will burn. Place the finished mixture in jars and seal.

The ratio of raspberries and sugar for jam is maintained at 1 to 1. Sprinkle the berries with half the amount of granulated sugar and leave for 6 hours so that they release juice. Then pour the released liquid into a saucepan, add the rest of the sugar and boil for 5 minutes. Add the berries and cook until fully cooked. Pour the hot jam into containers and place them in hot water to sterilize. Finally, roll up the container, turn it over and let it cool slowly.

These are not all recipes for how to close raspberries for the winter, and it’s also impossible to say which is the best, since everyone has different tastes. However, if you make rolls from this storehouse of vitamins, your body will thank you for such a gift.