Methods of pedagogical training. Visual teaching methods

  • 02.01.2022

Continuing the theme of the last lesson, we would like to introduce you to those teaching methods that have appeared relatively recently and whose active introduction into the pedagogical process is just beginning to be carried out. If we talk about the traditional educational system, then modern teaching methods can be found extremely rarely in the institutions corresponding to it, but as for private schools, training centers and other similar organizations, new methods appear more and more often in their activities. Why these methods are credited with greater efficiency than traditional methods, you will learn from this lesson. But in addition to the advantages, we will also mention the main disadvantages of innovative methods, which should be paid no less attention to.

To begin with, we note that modern teaching methods, unlike traditional ones, are characterized by slightly different features, namely:

  • Modern teaching methods are already in the development process adapted to a special pedagogical plan. The development is based on a specific methodological and philosophical view of the author
  • The technological sequence of actions, operations and interactions is based on target settings, which are a clear expected result
  • The implementation of the methods involves the associated activities of teachers and students, which have a contractual basis and which take into account the principles of differentiation and individualization, as well as the optimal use of human and technical potential. Mandatory components should be communication and dialogues
  • Pedagogical methods are planned in stages and implemented sequentially. In addition, they should be feasible for any teacher, but guarantee each student
  • An indispensable component of the methods are diagnostic procedures, which contain the tools, indicators and criteria necessary for measuring student performance.

Modern teaching methods in many cases may not have a psychological and pedagogical justification, which is why it is quite difficult to classify them in some unified way. But this does not prevent not only their application in educational activities, but also does not have any significant impact on the success of this application.

Modern teaching methods

Among the most popular modern teaching methods today are:


A lecture is an oral form of information transmission, during which visual aids are used.

The advantages of the lecture are that students are guided in large amounts of information, there are usually a large number of students in the classroom, and the teacher can easily control the content and sequence of his presentation.

The disadvantages of the lecture include the fact that there is no feedback from students, there is no way to take into account their initial level of knowledge and skills, and classes are strictly dependent on schedules and schedules.


The seminar is a joint discussion between the teacher and students of the issues being studied and the search for ways to solve certain problems.

The advantages of the seminar are the ability to take into account and control the level of knowledge and skills of students by the teacher, to establish a connection between the topic of the seminar and the experience of students.

The disadvantages of the seminar are the small number of students in the class and the requirement for the presence of a teacher.


Training is such a teaching method, the basis of which is the practical side of the pedagogical process, and the theoretical aspect is only of secondary importance.

The advantages of the training are the ability to study the problem from different points of view and catch its subtleties and nuances, prepare students for action in life situations, as well as improve them and create a positive emotional climate.

The main and main disadvantage of the training is that at the end of the training, students must be accompanied and supported, otherwise the acquired skills and abilities will be lost.

Modular learning

Modular learning is a breakdown of educational information into several relatively independent parts, called modules. Each of the modules has its own goals and methods of presenting information.

The positive characteristics of the modular learning method are its selectivity, flexibility and the possibility of rearranging its components - modules.

The negative aspects are that the educational material can be learned in a piecemeal manner and become incomplete. Also, the logical connection of information modules may be lost, as a result of which knowledge will be fragmented.

Distance learning

Distance learning refers to the use of telecommunications in the pedagogical process, allowing the teacher to teach students, being at a great distance from them.

The positive characteristics of the method are the possibility of involving a large number of students, the possibility of learning at home, the possibility for students to choose the most suitable for classes, and the ability to transfer the results of the learning process to various electronic media.

The disadvantages here are the high requirements for the technical equipment of the pedagogical process, the lack of visual contact between the teacher and the student and, as a result, reduced motivation on the part of the latter.

Value Orientation

The value orientation method serves to instill values ​​in students and familiarize them with social and cultural traditions and rules. Usually, in the process of work, tools are also used that reflect these rules and traditions.

The positive characteristics of value orientation are its assistance in the adaptation of students to the conditions of real life and the requirements of society or activity.

The weak point of the method is expressed in the fact that the student, if the teacher has embellished any points, may be disappointed in the information received when he encounters the actual state of things.

case study

Analysis of "blockages"

The blockage analysis method consists in modeling situations that often occur in real life and are characterized by a large amount of work, as well as in developing the most effective ways to solve problems caused by such situations.

On the positive side, the presented method is distinguished by the high motivation of students, their active participation in the process of solving problems and the impact that develops analytical skills and systematic thinking.

The disadvantage is that students must have at least basic skills and abilities to solve the tasks.

Work in pairs

Based on the requirements of the pair work method, one student is paired with another, thereby guaranteeing feedback and evaluation from the outside in the process of mastering a new activity. As a rule, both parties have equal rights.

Working in pairs is good because it allows the student to get an objective assessment of their activities and come to an understanding of their shortcomings. In addition, communication skills are developed.

The disadvantage lies in the possibility of difficulties due to the personal incompatibility of partners.

reflection method

The reflection method involves the creation of the necessary conditions for students to independently comprehend the material and develop their ability to enter into an active research position in relation to the material being studied. The pedagogical process is carried out by students performing tasks with a systematic check of the results of their activities, during which errors, difficulties and the most successful solutions are noted.

The advantages of the reflective method are that students develop the skill of independent decision-making and independent work, they hone and increase the sense of responsibility for their actions.

But there are also disadvantages: the field of activity of students, which is the problematic of the topic or discipline they are studying, is limited, and the acquisition and honing occurs exclusively by experience, i.e. through .

Rotation method

The rotation method consists in assigning different roles to students in the course of a lesson or lesson, so that they can get a variety of experiences.

The advantages of the method are that it favorably affects the motivation of students, helps to overcome the negative effects of routine activities and expand their horizons and social circle.

Of the minuses, one can name the increased tension of students in cases where new and unfamiliar requirements are presented to them.

Leader-Follower Method

According to this method, one student (or group) joins a more experienced student (or group) in order to master unfamiliar skills and abilities.

The advantages of the method are its simplicity, faster adaptation of students to new activities and honing their communication skills.

The difficulty lies in the fact that the student is not always able to understand the underlying psychological reasons for making decisions by his more experienced partner.

Fly method

Such a simple word is a method in which current issues regarding a topic or problem being studied are solved through the exchange of information and opinions, as a result of which it becomes possible to improve students' skills.

The advantages of the method under consideration lie in its linkage to real situations in the learning process, as well as in providing students with the opportunity to use an emotional-volitional and content-problem approach when making decisions.

The disadvantages are that the teacher or discussion leader needs to be able to focus on important details and make competent generalizations that he will offer students. In addition, there is a high probability of abstract discussions, including those that have a negative emotional connotation.


The method of mythologems involves the search for unusual ways to solve problems that arise in real conditions. Such a search is carried out on the basis of metaphors, in other words, a non-existent scenario is developed that is similar to the existing one.

The positive characteristics of the method are the formation in students of a setting for a creative search for solutions to problems, and a decrease in the level of anxiety of students when they encounter new tasks and problems.

The negative aspects include reduced attention to rational and calculated actions in real conditions.

Experience exchange

The experience exchange method involves a short-term transfer of a student to another place of study (including other countries) and a subsequent return.

The presented experience contributes to the cohesion of the team, improving the quality of communication and broadening one's horizons.

The disadvantage of the method lies in the likelihood of stressful situations due to personal and technical difficulties in a new place.


It involves working together in small groups, the main purpose of which is to find a solution to a given problem or task. Ideas proposed at the beginning of the assault are collected together, initially without any criticism, and at subsequent stages are discussed, and one of the most productive is selected from them.

Brainstorming is effective in that it allows even students with a minimum level of knowledge and a set of competencies to participate, does not require thorough preparation, develops in students the ability to think quickly and engage in group work, has a minimal stressful effect, cultivates a culture of communication and develops the skill participation in discussions.

But this method is not very effective for solving complex problems, does not allow to determine clear indicators of the effectiveness of solutions, complicates the process of determining the author of the best idea, and is also characterized by spontaneity that can lead students away from the topic.

Thematic discussions

The method of thematic discussions is to solve certain problems and tasks in a particular area of ​​any discipline. This method is similar to brainstorming, but differs from it in that the discussion process is limited to a specific framework, and any decisions and ideas that initially seem unpromising are immediately discarded.

The advantages of the method can be called the fact that the information base of students regarding the subject under discussion is expanding and the skill of solving specific problems is formed.

The disadvantage can be called the difficulty of finding a solution to the problem due to the fact that this goal can only be achieved if the teacher or discussion leader has the skill of accurately and comprehensively conveying information to less informed participants.


Consulting or, as the method is also called, counseling boils down to the fact that the student seeks information or practical help from a more experienced person on issues related to a particular topic or area of ​​research.

A positive feature of this method is that the student receives targeted support and increases his experience, both in the field of study and in interpersonal interaction.

The negative side is that the method is not always applicable, which depends on the specifics of pedagogical activity, and in some cases requires material costs for implementation.

Participation in official events

Participation in official events involves attending exhibitions, conferences, etc. by students. The bottom line is to evaluate the event and draw up a brief report, followed by its presentation to the teacher. It also implies the preliminary preparation and research of thematic issues and problems related to the theme of the event.

The positive aspects of the method are the mobilization of the student to search for information relevant to the subject of the event, the development of business communication skills, and the improvement of analytical skills.

The disadvantages include the fact that the emotions and impressions received after attending the event can distort the real objective assessment.

Use of information and computer technologies

The essence of the presented method is clear from the name - modern high-tech means of information transfer, such as computers, laptops, digital projectors, etc. are used in the pedagogical process. The information mastered by students is presented in combination with visual-figurative data (video materials, graphs, etc.), and the studied object, phenomenon or process itself can be shown in dynamics.

The advantage of the method is that the demonstration of educational material can be dynamic, individual elements of the material or all of it can be repeated at any time, the teacher can provide students with copies of the materials, which means that for subsequent study there is no need for special conditions, for example, in the classroom or class.

The disadvantages are that in most cases there is no interactive connection, in the process of using the method, the individual characteristics of students are not taken into account, and the teacher does not have the opportunity to have a stimulating effect on his students.

And separately, as an independent method, it should be said about special educational simulators.

Educational simulators

In the process of creating simulators, certain pedagogical tasks or situations related to the discipline being studied are modeled. This is carried out by means of special equipment, which is located in the premises intended for this.

Students master complex skills, problem-solving algorithms, psychomotor actions and mental operations for making decisions regarding the most serious situations and issues within any discipline.

There are a number of requirements for effective simulators:

  • Simulators should be developed taking into account the psychological characteristics of a particular discipline, because learning tasks should correspond to the tasks that will be encountered in real life, in terms of their functional and subject content
  • Training tasks performed on the simulator should be aimed at providing students with prompt feedback, on the basis of which it will be possible to judge the quality of the actions performed by students.
  • The simulator should be designed for repeated repetition of tasks by students, because it is necessary to achieve automatic correctness of actions. The correctness of actions, in turn, can be indicated by the comments of teachers, as well as the feelings of students received by them through the senses and experiences.
  • Training tasks that are performed using the simulator must be selected so that the complexity of the implementation increases. This allows the student not only to properly master the practice, but also not to lose

Any teaching method that is planned to be used in the pedagogical process can give the maximum result if it is found that it is really suitable for use. This can be established only by analyzing the characteristics and characteristics of students and the area in which they receive knowledge, skills and abilities.

It is also possible to evaluate the effectiveness of a particular teaching method by analyzing the content of the learning tasks and methods that are offered to students, based on whether they correspond to current problems and situations.

The productivity of the pedagogical process during the development by students of new knowledge and the acquisition of new skills requires teachers to develop an orientation system in each discipline being studied. Creating the optimal content of educational programs allows students to form systemic thinking, which will be the guarantor of their successful learning and development, the presence of cognitive interest, motivation for further learning and mastering any kind of knowledge, skills, subjects and disciplines.

But in pedagogical activity there is not and, perhaps, there cannot be any universal method or system of methods. It is important to be able to apply an integrated approach, which means that teachers should give preference in their work not only to modern or traditional teaching methods, but to apply each of them both individually and together, setting themselves the task of developing the most optimal and effective educational program.

In this lesson, we talked about modern teaching methods and pointed out their main advantages and disadvantages. Of course, we did not disclose absolutely all of their features (we did not actually set ourselves such a goal), however, the information already available should be enough to help you decide which method appeals to you to a greater extent, what you wanted to understand in more detail and what to apply later in their pedagogical activities.

As for the next lesson, in it we will touch on an equally serious topic regarding the direct interaction between the teacher and students - we will talk about methods of pedagogical influence on the personality of students.

Test your knowledge

If you want to test your knowledge on the topic of this lesson, you can take a short test consisting of several questions. Only 1 option can be correct for each question. After you select one of the options, the system automatically moves on to the next question. The points you receive are affected by the correctness of your answers and the time spent on passing. Please note that the questions are different each time, and the options are shuffled.

Teaching methods in pedagogy are designed to transfer knowledge from teacher to student. To achieve the best results in the process of education and training, a necessary condition is the combination of basic methods with non-traditional ones.

Teaching methods are a process of interaction between a teacher and students, resulting in the transfer and assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities that were provided for by the content of the training.

The means of teaching in pedagogy are the objects used by the teacher in the process of mastering knowledge by students. In other words, these are any materials that the teacher uses in the process of education and upbringing.

Objects that perform the function of learning are divided into material (textbooks, tables, illustrations) and ideal (knowledge and skills of the teacher and students).

Teaching methods in pedagogy

Modern pedagogy involves the classification of teaching methods, based on the source of knowledge.

The main ones are:

  • verbal;
  • practical;
  • visual.

Non-traditional methods of learning have also become very popular, involving the introduction of a significant share of creativity into the process.


Its basis is the word, and the task of the teacher is to present information to students through words. Verbal reception is the leading one in the learning system, since it allows you to transfer a large amount of information in a minimum period of time.

The verbal teaching method includes: a story, a lecture, an explanation, a conversation, a discussion, as well as independent work with a textbook.

Unlike storytelling and lectures (monologic methods), conversation and discussion (active methods) involve the inclusion of students in the discussion of the material, which develops their interest in the cognitive process.

In addition, the discussion teaches to listen to other people's opinions and objectively evaluate the value of different points of view.

Working with printed materials is aimed at developing students' attention, memory and logical thinking. Also, working with a textbook helps to better remember the material covered.


This technique involves the active practical activity of students. Practical teaching methods can be represented as:

  • exercises(performance by students of mental or practical actions, the purpose of which is to master a certain skill to perfection);
  • laboratory and practical work, during which students study any phenomena with the help of equipment or teaching machines;
  • didactic games– modeling of the studied processes or phenomena.


It implies the use of visual aids or other means in the learning process that reflect the essence of the objects, processes or phenomena being studied.

Visual aids are closely related to the sensory perception of the material, due to which the assimilation of information occurs in a more understandable form and is securely fixed in the memory of students.

Visual methods can be divided into two groups:

  1. Illustrations (drawings, tables, maps);
  2. Demonstrations (this includes watching movies and conducting experiments).

The latter is considered the most effective, because it has more opportunities to influence the human mind. The use of a computer and modern technologies makes it possible to introduce new tools into the system of visual methods.


The heuristic or partial search method of teaching involves the teacher asking a question and the students searching for an answer to it. Thus, students do not receive “ready-made” knowledge, but actively participate in the search for a solution, thereby developing their thinking abilities.

Thanks to the active activity of the brain and the enthusiasm for the task, students receive more conscious and solid knowledge.

Heuristic learning methods include various competitions, research, essays. Heuristic forms of classes are a heuristic lesson, olympiads, intellectual games, creative defenses, interactive forms of education.


Problem learning is understood as learning that takes place in the form of solving the set problem situations. The problem should activate the thinking processes of students and encourage them to actively search for a solution.

In addition to mastering knowledge, the method of problem-based learning allows students to master the ways of obtaining them:

  • search practice;
  • analysis skills;
  • independent research activities;
  • arrangement of the received information.

Problem-based learning involves the use of non-standard ways of solving problems, therefore, it develops the creative abilities of students, requires them to display intellectual, as well as personal and social activity.


The essence of this method lies in the fact that the teacher does not communicate knowledge to students, they must themselves obtain them in the process of active research of the problem posed.

The teacher forms the problem, and the students independently realize it, put forward a hypothesis, draw up a plan to test it and draw conclusions.

As a result, the knowledge gained during the search is distinguished by its depth, the learning process is intensive, and students show interest in the problem posed.

Unfortunately, due to the large amount of time, the research method cannot be used frequently in the classroom and must be combined with other teaching methods.


According to this method, knowledge is already communicated to students in a “ready-made” form, the teacher also explains them. To master knowledge, the teacher gives tasks that students perform according to the previously considered model.

The criterion for mastering knowledge is the ability to reproduce them correctly. Repetition of the material allows students to learn and remember it.

The main advantage of the reproductive method is its practicality, but the learning process should not be based solely on it.


This method is one of the most economical teaching methods, and its effectiveness has been proven by centuries of practice. The essence of the method is that the teacher presents information using combined means: oral and printed word, visual and practical materials.

Students perceive information and perform the actions necessary for its assimilation - they listen, watch, read, compare with previously studied material and remember.

The explanatory and illustrative method is widely used in the preschool education system.

Consolidation of the studied material

The teacher's explanation of the material is the initial stage of learning. An equally important component of the assimilation of knowledge by students is the subsequent work on assimilation of the information received, which includes consolidation, memorization and comprehension of the material presented in the lesson.

The main methods of consolidating the material are a conversation, a survey and work with a textbook;

In addition to reproductive reinforcement, a creative method is very effective. It may include various practical tasks, such as searching for examples to confirm a theory in literature and life.

Game methods in pedagogy also serve as an excellent platform for consolidating the material: intellectual or role-playing games are used with great success in educational institutions.

Independent work of students on the assimilation of the passed

Experienced teachers believe that only independent work of students contributes to a deep mastery of knowledge and the development of thinking. For independent work, the teacher gives a task, but he himself does not take an active part in the process of assimilation of the material by students.

The main methods of independent assimilation of the material:

  • work with the textbook (thoughtful study and comprehension of the material);
  • training exercises (for example, solving mathematical problems or remembering historical data);
  • laboratory classes.

A prerequisite for preparing students for work on independent assimilation of the material is the teacher's detailed explanation. The teacher needs to make sure that the material is understandable to everyone and does not cause any particular difficulties.

Also, tasks should not be too difficult, so that students do not get the feeling that they are not able to cope with the task.

Checking and assessing knowledge

An important component of training is regular testing and assessment of knowledge throughout the school year. So the teacher can assess the degree of assimilation of the material by students, and, if necessary, correct the course of the educational process.

The main methods of verification and evaluation:

  • current (during training sessions);
  • fourth (according to the results of the academic quarter);
  • annual (at the end of the year);
  • transfer and final exams.

The current check can be carried out in the form of observation of students, and in the form of an oral - individual, frontal or compacted, and a written survey.

Also, methods of testing knowledge include conducting tests, evaluating homework and modern forms of tracking, for example, programmed control - testing knowledge using tasks with multiple answers.

All of these teaching aids are practiced both by the general education system and by special pedagogy, one of the main branches of which is correctional pedagogy, which develops the foundations of the educational process for children with developmental disabilities.

Family pedagogy also advises parents, when resorting to methods of teaching children, to use not one or two methods, but to include as many different methods and means as possible in the process of education and training.

Video: What innovative teaching methods are

From the side of the teacher - ceremonial tests, to help the students learn the program material, to activate the initial process, from the side of the students - the development of primary competencies

In didactic teaching, the method of teaching is a chain method for the purposeful implementation of the process of teaching, reaching the target. Proper P_dbіr Method Vіdpovdimd to Metta Tom ZMTSta Invortenna, Vikovyii Spring Spring's Spring Spring Spring Spring, Ozbroennia їx, Uminnyami Navichki Vikrotovati Zdokuti Victory, Gota, Gota to Samostіyny Navtyogoglyad.

The method is the teacher's ability to straighten the thoughts of the learners at the right direction and organize the work according to the plan. The structure of the method includes a variety of training, paths of reach, activity of students, methodical methods, meta, methods, tasks, tools, skills, rules, pedagogical mastery of the teacher.

The method is the main instrument of pedagogical activity, the product of education is only used to help, it is influenced by the interaction between the teacher and the student.

Methods of learning are divided into global and special. Zagalni zastosovuyutsya at school during the training of various primary subjects; special - pіd hour vvchennya okremih disciplines.

Sukupnіst methodіv vykladannya chi іnshoy subject є vykladannya methodology.

The technique of the primary subject is the essence of pedagogical science, as it maintains the regularity of the formation of the primary subject. To change the methodology as a private didactics, include:

  • the establishment of the educational and secondary significance of this initial subject of that yogic month in the system of school education;
  • the appointment of the appointment of the wedding of a given subject and yogo zmistu;
  • vyroblennya vіdpovіdno to zavdan i zmіstu navchannya methodіv, methodical zasobіv and organizational forms of training.

In the XIX-XX centuries. a leather teacher of a gymnasium (classical, real), basing on the opinions of older colleagues, high-quality reports, articles from newspapers and magazines, creating his own method of writing primary subjects, as it was based on wild and special methods.

Methodology - (vіd gr., lat. - metod i logos) - tse:

  • sukupnіst priyomіv dolіdzhennya, scho zastosovuetsya in yakіys naukі;
  • learning about methods of knowledge and transformation of activity;
  • dialectical methods, which are the most important and develop in the entire field of scientific knowledge, are concretized both through the global science and through the private method.

In the 20s of the 20th century, the search for new, original methods of learning did not succeed. Didactics, teachers-practitioners have turned to using standard (classical) methods. Methods of learning are rich pedagogical phenomena, which required their classification.

Classification of teaching methods - the system of methods is arranged behind the singing signs; grouping the methods of learning for the singing signs and the installation of the sounds between them.

In the 1940s and 1960s, the classification was simplified, as it was formed from three groups of methods:

  • verbal
  • on the face of it
  • practical

Pіznіshe buli try to classify methods of training. Modern didactics has dozens of classifications. Methods of learning were classified I. Lerner, M. Skatkin, M. Danilov, B. Esipov, S. Petrovsky, V. Palamarchuk, V. Palamarchuk, M. Makhmutov, A. Aleksyuk, G. Vashchenko, Yu. Babansky, I. Kharlamov and others.

The most widespread in pedagogy are such classifications of teaching methods:

  • for the transmission of the transmission and the reception of basic information - verbal, basic, practical (S. Petrovsky, E. Golant);
  • according to the nature of the cognitive activities of the students - explanatory and illustrative, reproductive, problem-solving, chastkovo-poshukovy, doslidnitsky (I. Lerner, M. Skatkin);
  • fallow in the main didactic mark and master - methods of mastering new knowledge, molding in time and beginner, re-verification and assessment of knowledge, learning and learning (M. Danilov, B. Esipov); methods of learning knowledge, consolidating primary material, independent robotic learning to comprehend and assimilate new material to work from stosuvannya knowledge in practice and development in time and beginner, re-verification and assessment of knowledge, smartness and beginner (I. Kharlamov);
  • classification from the point of view of the whole approach to the degree of responsibility in the process of training - methods of organization and organization of the initial and educational activity; stimulation and motivation of learning, control, self-control, mutual control and correction, self-correction, mutual correction in education (Yu. Babansky).

The most advanced in the didactics of the last years, as shown by the analysis, is the classification of teaching methods, as if uttering the prominent didactic Y. Babansky. Behind yoga approach, one can see quite a few great groups of teaching methods.

I group of methods

Methods of organization and organization of primary and educational activity.

II group of methods

Methods of stimulation and motivation of initial and educational activity.

ІІІ group of methods

Methods of control (self-control, mutual control), correction (self-correction, mutual correction) for the effectiveness of learning and learning activity.

IV group of methods

Binary, integration (universal) methods.

And yet, due to the demanded classifications, the shortcomings were not spared. In practice, they integrate the methods of various groups, establishing extraordinary (universal) methods of training, as if they provide optimal paths to reach the primary goal.

Let's take a look at the methods of skin group.

The І subgroup after the transfer of initial information includes:

  • verbal methods - rozpovid-explanation, conversation, lecture.

Rozpovid-explanation vikoristovuєtsya pіd h uchannya uchnіv v pochatkovіy shkolі. Behind the method, such types of roses are seen: rosepovid-intro, rosepovid-povist, rosepovid-visnovok. The effectiveness of the assigned method should be ranked as the main rank in terms of the indicator of rozpovidat, profitability and accessibility of information, in terms of using it with other methods of learning.

The conversation goes back to the most recent and widest methods of didactic work. Її maisterno vicoristing Socrates. The main function of this method is motivational and stimulating. Besida - tse dialogue between the teacher and we will learn, which gives the opportunity for additional purposes to direct and to formulate the power to direct the students to the activation of the taking away of knowledge. Scientists see inductive and deductive conversation.

With the help of their help, the teacher activates the activities of the students, supplying them with food for rozmіrkovuvannya, razv"azannya problem situation.

Lecture in grades 9-12 serve for explanation of important topics; її typical signs, transferred from your school, є trivality to write down the plan and recommended literature, to understand the characteristics of new ones, to clarify and detail the material, to complete the teacher’s drawings, and to provide information.

Mostly dzherelo in rehabilitated methods - the word of the teacher. The current culture of the teacher is one of the important minds of yoga professionalism. “It’s good to tell you”, “you can hear it” - often speak about teachers, as if you have thoroughly learned the methods of teaching.

  • basic method - illustration, demonstration

Іlustration - an additional method with the verbal method, її the meaning of the field in the splendid presentation and showing the power of thought. Bring illustrations (pictures, tables, models, dummies, skinny little ones) and unruly, the stench can "come to life" in the teacher's roses. Didactics do not recommend vivishuvati, but instead put up zasib іlustrations zazdalegіd (at the beginning of the lesson), so as not to screw up the respect of the students, so that the illustration is not completed until the moment when the time has come for the reader to be quick as an academic helper.

Demonstration is characterized by rukhomistyu zasobu demonstrating: initial TV show or movie-video film or chi fragment; working model, doslid z physics or chemistry; watch out for the weather (at the pochatkovy school); surviving at school greenhouses, working on school plots.

  • practical methods: doslidi, right, initial practice. Laboratory and practical work, create, student abstracts

These methods do not carry new initial and cognitive information, but rather serve to reinforce, form practical wisdom in the event of zastosuvanni earlier acquired knowledge. More children actively adopt practical methods, less verbal.

ІІ subgroup (S. Shapovalenko) - for the logic of transmission and acceptance of primary information. These methods are subdivided into inductive and deductive.

  • Inductive methods. The term "induction" is similar to the Latin inductio - a link, a type of familiarity, a kind of "experimentation" from the transmission of caution and experimentation on the basis of data obtained. In a practical pedagogy, induction follows the principle: from the partial to the vulgar, from the concrete to the abstract.
  • The deductive method, as respected by didactic scholars, actively develops abstract ideas, adopts the acquired basic material on the basis of knowledge.

ІІІ subgroup (M. Danilov, B. Esipov) - behind the stage of independent thought of schoolchildren in the process of mastering knowledge, forming learning and learning. In this case, the methods are divided into reproductive and precise, problem-based:

  • reproductive methods - created reproduction as a way of repeating ready-made objects or a robot after ready-made objects, terminologically get used not only in didacticism, but also in image-creating art, architecture, and other types of creative activities;
  • creative, problem-based methods (M. Skatkin, I. Lerner) signify the greatest possible succession of the process of learning, especially there, de vin organizations at the highest, lower at mass schools, rіvnі (gymnasiums, lyceums, collegiums, colleges). The problematic-poshukovy technique, on the basis of reproductive, explanatory and illustrative, can rely on self-sufficiency, creative activity of students. As you know, understand "creativity" - the creation of a new, original, supple-valuable material or spiritual product. The creativity of a student may be of a reproductive nature, which is why the understanding of creativity by reaching the schoolchildren is less often stagnant.

Zvichayno, turn on the education of the creator of the knowledge of the work of the building only of that teacher, who has a high professional mastery, whom the teacher respects and loves. To the thought of A. Makarenka, “those who we call high qualifications, improved and clear knowledge, smartness, mastery, golden hands, non-balakuchism and eloquence of phrases, constant readiness to work - the axis is worth more.”

A problematic method of developing approaches to creativity, it is impossible to stand on the border between reproduction, rozumovym shaping and creativity.

IV subgroup (P. Podkasisty, V. Palamarchuk, V. Palamarchuk) - after the stage of ceremonial work, the primary work is divided into two types:

  • the primary work under the teacher's curiosity is an independent work in the class. Before her lie classy create, folding tasks, independent writing work, geographically expensive. Well apparently, the elements of self-sufficient practice of learning here are discussed with instructions, with the help of a teacher, as a result of which schoolchildren develop a new beginning of self-sufficiency, fixing an individual style of activity;
  • self-sustaining robot teaching posture controlled by the teacher - self-sustaining robot at home. Mova go about homework - write that letter. Pediatricians and hygienists speak out against domestic tasks, respecting them with the overwhelm of teaching. The order of this homework is to make a positive impact on the development of the mind, the development and self-improvement of the child, to adopt the vibration of the beginning of independent learning activity.


You can subdivide them into two subgroups.

І subgroup - methods of stimulating interest before training:

  • creation of a situation of interest in the presentation of that chi and other material (a review of the anniversary celebrations, tukavih prigod, humorous urivkiv, revisiting the first TV shows, films). The development of interest in learning - tse zasіb aktivіzatsії nauchannia, scho priyaє better acquired knowledge. Tsіkavo teaches - tsіkavo with them and the reader. Baiduzhіst navchanni negatively affects all participants in the initial process;
  • learning games as a method are of great importance for stimulating and shaping the interest in knowledge (playing-priority, quizzes toshcho). Prominent teacher-father B. Nikitin clave for his children over 500 didactic games. Educational games can evoke the character of role-playing games, as if they are successful among high school students (study of the courses “Fundamentals of Economic Knowledge”, “People and Suspіlstvo”, “Etika” then). At the grі obov "it is the fault of buti veduchі, vykonavtsі, experts, peeps.

Rіznі vidi іgor mіstіt іn аbі:

  • clarification of the plot (smіtu y minds gri);
  • preparation of dіyovih osіb for vikonannya their roles;
  • training of uchniv-experts, leader.

Awakening and deepened interest to the knowledge of the teacher’s soul has the humor of the teacher, which spires on yoga pedagogical ethics, the intellect of the teacher and the teacher.

  • initial discussions can generate interest in the subject, if they are nicely organized (but not organized). The teacher prepares the topic ahead of time, what to discuss. Learn to read various literature with problems. An important role is played by the rules of the discussion, the initiative of the teacher and the leader. The discussion of success is held between parallel classes;
  • analysis of life situations and the interest of learning as a method of putting theoretical knowledge into practice.

The Minds demokratizatsії that gumanіzatsії Process navchannya th digit vihovannya role vіdіgrayut diferentsіyovany that іndivіdualny pіdhodi, situatsіya of Success in navchannі for uchnіv serednogo rіvnya scho Yea incentive for uchnіv Yakimov teacher dopomagaє viyti on vischy rіven The Teaching dosyagnen, provodyachi іndivіdualnі konsultatsії, dodatkovі zanyattya.

ІІ subgroup - methods of stimulating learning "language and performance. The ideal training is based on interest, without grades, poor rating. An innovator in this approach to training is the Georgian teacher Sh. Amonashvili.

Golovne in this method - to teach a child to live not only for the stimulus "want", but for the stimulus "required", "necessary";

  • roses "clarification of the name of the primary subject - a method of stimulation, the main rule of which is: "To be fit in life", "Without whom it is impossible to be enlightened by that cultured person", "At the future, you will become necessary";
  • help to the development of the subject (spelling, disciplinary, organizational and pedagogical). Їх vykonanny privchaє uchnіv to discipline, є є golovnі v vykoristanny tsikh methodіv, hocha dannya aspect vyvchena in didaktіcі lack;
  • zahochennya that punishment in navchanni: otsіka uchnya for suspіhi, uhvalennya that condemnation of the teacher. The internal law of a skin teacher is not to be corrupted by anti-pedagogical tricks: seeing a lesson, giving a negative mark for behavior, physically punishing you too soon.


The reformation of the central lighting primary foundations in accordance with the Law "On the central secondary education" transfers the implementation of the principles of humanization, the democratization of education, the methodological reorientation of the process of training for the development of special education, the formation of yoga competence.

Vіdpovіdno up to thіѕ chіnyuyutsya y go to otsіnyuvannya navychalnyh achivny shkolyarіv. Evaluation can be grounded on a positive principle, which, for us, transfers the level of achievement of learning, and not the step of yoga failures.

Competence, as a pedagogical category, is the most important building, which is based on knowledge, knowledge, values, health, well-worn knowledge. Henceforth, competence does not only build up to knowledge and beginners, but to lie down to the sphere of folding skills and special features.

The main groups of competencies that require modern life are:

  • social, pov"yazanі s readiness to take on the responsibility, be active in making decisions in a sustainable life, in regulating conflicts in a non-violent way, in a functional development of democratic institutions of a sustainable life;
  • polikulturnі - susyuyuyutsya razuminnya dissimilarities of people, vzaimopovagi to їhnої movi, religiї, culture lean;
  • communicative - convey the meaning of the important in the robot and the supple life of the oral and written speech, animate the kіlkom with the language;
  • information, understanding the growing role of information in the daily life and transferring information technologies, improving health, critically comprehending and victorizing various information;
  • self-development and self-enlightenment, pov "yazan" with the need for that readiness to gradually learn like in a professional career, so in a special and supple life;
  • competencies that are realized in the practice of building up to rational productive, creative activity.

Competences are an integrated result of the initial activity of the students and are formed beforehand on the basis of the definition of a global average education. Reveal the riven of such an opinion by clicking on the assessment.

On the fact of evaluating the initial achievements of students and knowledge, smartening up that newcomer, bringing creative activity, emotional-valuable status to the most important activity.

The main functions of assessing the initial achievements of students are:

  • control over the transfer of the level of achievement of a good academic (class, group), showing the level of readiness to master the new material, which gives the reader the opportunity to plan and lay out the initial material;
  • initial - zooming in on the organization of the assessment of the initial achievements of the students, if it is carried out, it is repeated, the systematization of the primary material is clarified, and the preparation of the academic (class, group) is improved;
  • diagnostically-correcting, which helps to identify the causes of difficulties, blaming them in learning for the hour of learning, revealing gaps in knowledge and in the minds of that correction of yoga activity, directing to the adoption of shortcomings;
  • stimulating-motivational, which determines the topic, such an organization of evaluation of the initial achievements of the students, if it is carried out, it stimulates the need to improve their results, develops the capacity and strength of the students, forms the motives for learning;
  • vikhovna, which transfers the molding of the vminnya in a vidpovidally and zeseredzheno pracsyuvati, zastosovuvat priyomi control and self-control, the development of the features of specialness: practicality, activity, goodness, then.

In this rank, in problems of control, correction, you can see the following elements:

  • a system of principles of power and rules;
  • vidi control;
  • zmіst control over different types of primary duties;
  • norms of the chotiribal and twelfth-tibal system of evaluation.

This system is based on the didactic principle of knowledge, learning, learning, which is based on such principles:

  • systematic nature of the form of control;
  • all-encompassing (usefulness, completeness) to the form and control;
  • differentiation (for a different subject) and individuality (for style and forms of control);
  • about "the activity of the assessment;
  • ur_znoman_tnennya types and forms of control in the activity of the teacher;
  • Unity was able to control from the side of the entire pedagogical team.

Binary - dependent, if the method and form are merged into a single whole, or two methods merge into one. These methods were first adopted and characterized in 20 years by the author of the assistant "Pedagogy" A. Pinkevich (1925).

In the 1950s, M. Verzilіn de- scho from other positions continued grading the category of methods.

Ukrainian didactician A. Aleksyuk classifies the group of names of the methods by other authors behind the core of knowledge: verbal, practical and practical, about "the same for specific forms and naming chotiri equal and zastosuvannya:

  • on the informational, or dogmatic, equal verbal form of the binary character of the verbal-informational method;
  • on the problematic, or analytical, equal verbal form of the binary character of the verbal-problem method;
  • on the heuristic, or random, equal verbal form of the nature of the verbal-heuristic method;
  • on the last level, the verbal form swells the character of the verbal-pre-sliding method.

For example, learning the scientific method of learning with other methods made it possible to create a scientific and illustrative method, scientific and problematic, scientific and practical, scientific and last.

Binary classification is the most realistic in practical didactics.

Integration (universal) - the process of integrating three-p "yati methods in a single goal of the organization of teaching. Tsі methods dotally score the first hour of the integration of the initial courses ("History of Svіtovoї culture", "Svіtova" slovos).

Methods of training vikoristovuyutsya practically like the sukupnіst of one-time teachers - priyomіv.

Priyomi navchannya - tse okremі operatsії, rozumovі chi pracіtіnі dіії teachers аbo uchnіv, yakі rozkryvayut аbo dopovnyuyut sposіb svoєnnya material, scho vrazhaє dії dії method. For example, priyomi aktivіzatsії rozumovoї dіyalnostі at oral vikladі znan (pіvnyannya, zіstavlennya); acceptance of stimulation, control, mutual control and self-control; the method of conversation includes the following: presentation of information, activation of respect and thought, acceptance of memory, illustrations, demonstrations.

Ukrainian educator V. Shatalov repeatedly stated that more than a thousand methods were used in the yoga arsenal, while at the same time there were more than 30 methods used in the yoga arsenal, pointing to those that were used by the warehouse method. A leather teacher creates a low acceptance in the way of samples and a selection of the most effective ones, proving those that are not accepted by the teachings. The teacher creates his own authoritative handwriting for the zastosuvannya of individual approaches.

Methods of learning are not only directing to the transfer of that spriymannya knowledge, reduce and learn, and may have a significantly wider range of diy, which manifests itself in the functions of the initial process: enlightenment, development, development.

Illuminating the function as the basis for transferring the knowledge of these methods and adopting the core of the primary activity of scientists, as if they would take the knowledge to the successful acquired knowledge, reduce the scientific gaze of that yoga of warehouses - reconcile, like the upliftment of the correctness of their knowledge. Here, the whole palette of methods was stagnated, which is more classified. Lighting function to serve for the creation of a creative character, artistic and aesthetic setting to the manifestations of nature and a suspenseful life.

Vihovna functіya є neviddіlnoyu vіd osvіtnої i recognized for the unity navchalno-vyhovnoy process. At the beginning of the zavdyaka, the teachers of goal-directed methods and methods of teaching seem to be interested in the language, depending on the degree of development of interest in that number of other subjects, which incoliate into the future choice of a particular profession.

The developmental function may be psychological and pedagogical change. In 70-80-ki rocks, Pedagogіchni L_teurі Avtotoriiiyi, Scho Rosumoviya Roshuvnii School of Curable Breakdown With Zipuvannі problem-scooping Method Method, Scho Km_tvitel І Springt ї ї Duma Springs, Kolya Diti Zmalka Krevelov Not Tils to Burn Material, and , purposefully form their abstract ideas. In the process of writing Ukrainian, Russian literature, they develop a culture of morality into academics. In the process of cultivating foreign language, the scholars are also attached to the songs of light culture. With the development of mathematics - logical thinking, diligence.

From the same time, the very existence of these three functions confirms the regularity of the unity of education, development and development of learning.

In such a rank, the classification of teaching methods was propagated to the greatest extent and universally. Koristuyuchis her, the teacher chooses the most optimal methods, to give the opportunity to learners to take the initial information, be active in the process of learning.

At the presentation of the pyramid, the knowledge was acquired by the scholars in the development of dotality and argumentation of the choice of quiet and other methods in the process of derivation of primary subjects.

1. The concept of teaching methods and their classification.

Method (literally, the way to something) means a way to achieve the goal, a certain way of ordered activity.

teaching method they call a method of ordered interconnected activities of a teacher and students, activities aimed at solving the problems of education, upbringing and development in the learning process.

They are one of the most important components of the educational process. Without appropriate methods of activity, it is impossible to realize the goals and objectives of training, to achieve the assimilation by trainees of a certain content of educational material.

Main groups of methods.

Of these, three main groups can be distinguishedteaching methods : 1) methods of organization and implementation of educational and cognitive activities; 2) methods of stimulation and motivation of educational activities; 3) methods of control and self-control over the effectiveness of educational and cognitive activity.

1 method group
According to the source of transmission and perception of educational activities According to the logic of transmission and perception of information According to the degree of independence of thought According to the degree of management of educational work
verbalInductivereproductiveUnder the guidance of a teacher
VisualDeductiveProblem-search Independent work of trainees
2 group of methods
3 group of teaching methods
Methods of oral control and self-control Methods of written control and self-control Methods of practical control and self-control
Individual survey Written tests Machine control
Frontal survey Written credits Control and laboratory control
Oral testsWritten exams
Oral examsWritten works
Proposed classificationteaching methods is relatively holistic because it takes into account all the main structural elements of activity (its organization, stimulation and control). It holistically presents such aspects of cognitive activity as perception, comprehension and practical application. It takes into account all the main functions and aspects of the methods identified by this period of pedagogical science, without discarding any of them. But it does not just mechanically combine known approaches, but considers them in interconnection and unity, requiring the choice of their optimal combination. Finally, the proposed approach to the classification of methods does not exclude the possibility of supplementing it with new private methods that arise in the course of improving the learning process in a modern school.

Before proceeding to the characteristics of individual teaching methods, it should be noted that each method can be imagined as consisting of a set of methodological techniques. On this basis, sometimes methods are defined as a set of methodological techniques that provide a solution to learning problems.

Let's move on to a more detailed description of all the main groups of teaching methods in education.

Verbal teaching methods

to verbal teaching methods include a story, a lecture, a conversation, etc. In the process of explaining them, the teacher sets out and explains the educational material through the word, and the students actively perceive and assimilate it through listening, memorization and comprehension.


This teaching method involves an oral narrative presentation of educational material, not interrupted by questions to the trainees. This method involves an oral narrative presentation of educational material, not interrupted by questions to the trainees.

Several types of story are possible - story-introduction, story-exposition, story-conclusion. The purpose of the first is to prepare students for the perception of new educational material, which can be carried out by other methods, for example, by conversation. This type of story is characterized by relative brevity, brightness, emotionality of presentation, which makes it possible to arouse interest in a new topic, arouse the need for its active assimilation. During such a story, the tasks of the students' activities are communicated in an accessible form.

During the story-presentation, the teacher reveals the content of the new topic, carries out the presentation according to a certain logically developing plan, in a clear sequence, highlighting the main, essential, using illustrations and convincing examples.

The story-conclusion is usually held at the end of the lesson. The teacher in it summarizes the main thoughts, draws conclusions and generalizations, gives assignments for further independent work on this topic.

In the course of applying the storytelling method, such methodological techniques are used as: presentation of information, activation of attention, methods of accelerating memorization (mnemonic, associative), logical methods of comparison, comparison, highlighting the main thing, summarizing.

For teaching in the distance learning model, it is quite an effective way, although not too advanced computer speech data can affect the quality of the educational process, which can be more than replaced by audio cassettes. Which is very effective for the learning process.

The conditions for the effective use of the story are careful consideration of the topic, the successful selection of examples and illustrations, and the maintenance of the proper emotional tone of the presentation.

Educational lecture.

As one of the verbal teaching methods, an educational lecture involves an oral presentation of educational material, which is more capacious than a story, with great complexity of logical constructions, images, proofs and generalizations. The lecture, as a rule, occupies the entire lesson, while the story occupies only part of it. As one of the verbal teaching methods, an educational lecture involves an oral presentation of educational material, which is more capacious than a story, with great complexity of logical constructions, images, proofs and generalizations. The lecture, as a rule, occupies the entire lesson, while the story occupies only part of it.

During the lecture, methods of oral presentation of information, maintaining attention for a long time, activating the thinking of listeners, methods of ensuring logical memorization, persuasion, argumentation, evidence, classification, systematization and generalization, etc. are used.

The conditions for an effective lecture are a clear thinking and communication of the lecture plan, a logically coherent and consistent presentation of all the points of the plan one by one with a summary and conclusions after each of them and logical connections when moving on to the next section. It is equally important to ensure accessibility, clarity of presentation, explain terms, select examples and illustrations, and select visual aids. The lecture is read at such a pace that the listeners can make the necessary notes. Teachers therefore clearly highlight what should be written down, unambiguously repeating when necessary, to facilitate recording.

This method is easiest to use with the help of audio cassettes, as well as with the help of video equipment, as well as satellite television, but you can still attach a lecture with the help of a summary, a book and a computer package.


The method of conversation involves a conversation between the teacher and the students. The conversation is organized with the help of a carefully thought-out system of questions, gradually leading students to assimilate a system of facts, a new concept or pattern. The method of conversation involves a conversation between the teacher and the students. The conversation is organized with the help of a carefully thought-out system of questions, gradually leading students to assimilate a system of facts, a new concept or pattern.

During the application of the conversation method, methods of posing questions (basic, additional, leading, etc.), methods of discussing the answers and opinions of students, methods of correcting answers, and methods of formulating conclusions from the conversation are used.

Questions for the conversation should be capacious enough for a holistic perception. Too much fragmentation of the topic into questions destroys its logical integrity, and too large questions become inaccessible for students to discuss. Questions should not require students to give monosyllabic answers. The teacher can use auxiliary, leading questions to continue the discussion of the problem under study.

Conversations are possible during which students remember, systematize, generalize what they have previously learned, draw conclusions, and look for new examples of using the previously studied phenomenon in life. Such conversations are mainly explanatory in nature and are designed mainly for operating on previously learned, for activating the memory of students.

At the same time, conversations are possible and highly desirable if the students are sufficiently prepared, during which, under the guidance of a teacher, they themselves look for possible answers to problematic tasks. Such teaching methods in this case can only represent a fairly active correspondence between the teacher and the students. Otherwise, this method is possible with distance learning only for the duration of the session. But it should be borne in mind that some trainees simply need suchteaching methods .

Visual teaching methods

Visual methods are important enough for students who have a visual perception of reality. Modern didactics requires the most rational options for the use of visual aids, allowing to achieve a greater educational and educational, as well as developing effect. It orients teachers to the use of visual teaching methods in order to simultaneously develop the students' abstract thinking.

A feature of visual teaching methods is that they are necessarily offered, in one way or another combined with verbal methods. The close relationship between the word and visualization follows from the fact that the dialectical path of cognition of objective reality involves the use of living contemplation, abstract thinking and practice in unity. The teachings of I.P. Pavlova about the first and second signal systems shows that when cognizing the phenomena of reality, they should be used in conjunction. Perception through the first signal system should organically merge with the operation of the word, with the active functioning of the second signal system.

L.V. Zankov studied several basic forms of combining words and visualization, which should also be taken into account in distance learning:

Through the medium of the word, the teacher directs the observation that is carried out by the students, and the students extract knowledge about the appearance of the object, its directly perceived properties and relationships from the most visual object in the process of observation;

Through the medium of the word, the teacher, on the basis of the observation of visual objects carried out by the trainees and on the basis of their knowledge, leads the trainees to comprehend such connections in phenomena that cannot be seen in the process of perception;

Students receive information about the appearance of an object, about its directly perceived properties and relationships from the verbal messages of the teacher, and visual aids serve as confirmation or concretization of verbal messages;

Starting from the student's observation of a visual object, the teacher reports on such connections between phenomena that are not directly perceived by students, or draws a conclusion, combines, generalizes individual data.

Thus, there are various forms of communication between words and visualization. It would be erroneous to give complete preference to any of them, since depending on the characteristics of the learning tasks, the content of the topic, the nature of the available visual aids, and the level of preparedness of the trainees, it is necessary to choose the most rational combination in each specific case.

Practical teaching methods

Practical teaching methodscover a very wide range of different activities of trainees. During the use of practical teaching methods, the following techniques are used: setting a task, planning its implementation, operational stimulation, regulation and control, analysis of the results of practical work, identifying the causes of shortcomings, correcting training to fully achieve the goal. . During the use of practical teaching methods, the following techniques are used: setting a task, planning its implementation, operational stimulation, regulation and control, analysis of the results of practical work, identifying the causes of shortcomings, correcting training to fully achieve the goal.

Practical teaching methods include written exercises, where during the exercise the student puts into practice the knowledge he has gained.

Practical methods also include exercises performed by students with sound recording, sound reproducing equipment, this also includes computers.

Practical teaching methods are used in close combination with verbal and visual teaching methods, since practical work on the implementation of practical work should be preceded by an instructive explanation by the teacher. Verbal explanations and illustrations usually accompany the process of doing the work itself, as well as an analysis of the work done, which is best done through personal contact with the student.

Inductive and deductive teaching methods.

Inductive and deductiveteaching methodscharacterize an extremely important feature of the methods - the ability to reveal the logic of the movement of the content of educational material. The use of inductive and deductive methods means the choice of a certain logic for disclosing the content of the topic under study - from the particular to the general and from the general to the particular

Inductive teaching method.

When using an inductiveteaching methodthe activities of the teacher and students proceed as follows: When using the inductive method of teaching, the activities of the teacher and students proceed as follows:

Teacher Student
1 optionOption 2
At first, he sets out facts, demonstrates experiments, visual aids, organizes exercises, gradually leading students to generalizations, definitions of concepts, formulation of laws. At first they assimilate private facts, then draw conclusions and generalizations of a private nature.
2 optionsOption 2
It puts before students problematic tasks that require independent reasoning from particular provisions to more general ones, to conclusions and generalizations. Independently reflect on the facts and draw accessible conclusions and generalizations.

An inductive study of a topic is especially useful in cases where the material is predominantly factual in nature or is associated with the formation of concepts, the meaning of which can only become clear in the course of inductive reasoning. Inductive methods are widely applicable for studying technical devices and performing practical tasks. Many mathematical problems are solved by the inductive method, especially when the teacher considers it necessary to independently lead the students to the assimilation of some more generalized formula.

The weakness of the inductive method of teaching is that they require more time to learn new material than deductive ones. They contribute to the development of abstract thinking to a lesser extent, since they are based on concrete facts, experiments and other data.

Deductive teaching method.

When using the deductive method of teaching, the activities of the teacher and students are as follows:

The deductive method contributes to the rapid passage of educational material, actively develops abstract thinking. Its application is especially useful in the study of theoretical material, in solving problems that require the identification of consequences from some more general provisions.

So for mathematical concepts, the general relations of magnitude act as a universal basis, for grammar, the role of such a universal basis is played by the relations of the form and meaning of the word. Since these general foundations of communication can be expressed in the form of models (schemes, formulas, laws, rules), students are taught to use these models. This approach allows students to acquire knowledge of a general and abstract nature earlier and from them to derive more specific and specific knowledge. But this does not mean that it is necessary to move on to a deductive study of the entire material. Its rational combination with the inductive approach must be found, since without the inductive approach, it is impossible to successfully prepare students for solving more complex problems.

As can be seen from the characteristics of the activities of the teacher and students, when using deductive or inductive teaching methods, the previously described verbal, visual and practical methods are used. But at the same time, the content of the educational material is revealed in a certain logical way - inductively or deductively. Therefore, we can talk about an inductively or deductively constructed conversation, about a deductive and problem-based story, about a reproductive or search-based practical work. The teaching method is a multifaceted concept. In the currently used system of teaching methods, several methods conventionally identified in the classification are combined. And the fact that we are talking about the application of the deductive or inductive method in this situation is determined by the leading didactic task set by the teacher at this stage of education. If, for example, the teacher decided to focus on the development of deductive thinking of a generalized nature, then he uses the deductive method, combining it with the problem-search method, implemented through a specially constructed conversation.

In this work, the list of logical teaching methods is limited to two types - deductive and inductive. This was done only for greater accessibility of a holistic classification of teaching methods. In principle, this subgroup of methods for organizing learning also includes methods of educational analysis, investigative synthesis, educational analogy, and the identification of cause-and-effect relationships.

Reproductive and problem-search teaching methods

Reproductive and problem-searching teaching methods are singled out, first of all, on the basis of assessing the degree of creative activity of students in the cognition of new concepts, phenomena and laws.

The reproductive nature of thinking involves the active perception and memorization of the information provided by the teacher or other source of information. The application of these methods is impossible without the use of verbal, visual and practical teaching methods and techniques, which are, as it were, the material basis of these methods.

A lecture is structured in a similar way, in which certain scientific information is presented to the audience, appropriate notes are made, which are recorded by the audience in the form of brief notes.

A reproductively organized conversation is conducted in such a way that the teacher in the course of it relies on the facts known to the trainees, on previously acquired knowledge. The task of discussing any hypotheses, assumptions is not set.

Visualization in the reproductive method of teaching is also used in order to better and more actively assimilate and memorize information. An example of visualization, for example, is used in the experience of the teacher V.F. Shatalov supporting notes. They consistently display especially bright numbers, words and sketches that activate the memorization of the material.

Practical work of a reproductive nature is distinguished by the fact that in the course of their work, students apply the previously or just acquired knowledge according to the model. At the same time, in the course of practical work, students do not independently increase their knowledge. Reproductive exercises are especially effective in helping to develop practical skills and abilities, since turning into a skill requires repeated actions according to the model.

Reproductive methods are used especially effectively in cases where the content of the educational material is predominantly informative, is a description of the methods of practical actions, is very complex and fundamentally new so that students can search for knowledge.

On the basis of reproductive methods, programmed learning is most often carried out.

On the whole, reproductive methods of teaching do not allow to develop thinking, and especially independence, flexibility of thinking; to form the skills of search activities in students. With excessive use, these methods contribute to the formalization of the process of mastering knowledge. It is impossible to successfully develop personality traits by reproductive methods alone, just as it is impossible to develop such personality traits as a creative approach to business, independence. All this requires the use of teaching methods along with them, which ensure the active search activity of students.

Problem-search teaching methods

Problem-search methods are used in the course of problem-based learning. When using problem-search teaching methods, the teacher uses the following techniques: he creates a problem situation (poses questions, proposes a task, an experimental task), organizes a collective discussion of possible approaches to solving a problem situation, confirms the correctness of the conclusions, puts forward a ready-made problem task. Trainees, based on previous experience and knowledge, make assumptions about ways to solve a problem situation, generalize previously acquired knowledge, identify the causes of phenomena, explain their origin, choose the most rational option for solving a problem situation.

Problem-search teaching methods are very effective for distance learning because they are often used in practice using visual, verbal and practical methods. In this regard, it is customary to talk about methods of problematic presentation of educational material, about problematic and heuristic conversations, about the use of visual methods of a problem-search type, about conducting problem-search practical work of a research type. According to I.Ya. Lerner, this type of methods includes such special cases as the method of problem presentation, partial search, or heuristic, research teaching methods. Particular cases of the problem-search method are those proposed by M.I. Makhmutov binary methods: explanatory-inciting and partial-search, inducing and search. All these are, as it were, specific levels of manifestation of the problem-search method in its broadest sense, as well as a combination of various methods with a gradual increase in the search element in the teaching.

The presentation of educational material by the method of a problem story and a problem-based lecture assumes that the teacher in the course of the presentation reflects, proves, generalizes, analyzes the facts and leads the students' thinking, making it more active and creative.

One of the methods of problem-based learning is heuristic and problem-search conversation. In the course of it, the teacher poses a series of consistent and interrelated questions to the students, answering which they must make any suggestions and then try to independently prove their validity, thereby making some independent progress in the assimilation of new knowledge. If during a heuristic conversation such assumptions usually concern only one of the main elements of a new topic, then during a problem-search conversation, students solve a whole series of problem situations.

Visual aids with problem-search methods of teaching are no longer used to enhance memorization, but to set experimental tasks that create problem situations in the classroom.

Problem-search exercises are used when students can independently, on the instructions of the teacher, perform certain types of actions that lead him to the assimilation of new knowledge. Problem-search exercises can be used not only when approaching the assimilation of a new topic, but also during its consolidation on a new basis, that is, when performing exercises that deepen knowledge.

A valuable type, especially for distance learning, is research laboratory work, during which students, for example, independently find out the laws of melting bodies or any other laws. Such laboratory work is carried out before studying the theoretical material and puts the trainees in front of the need to make some learning discoveries.

Problem-search methods in distance learning are mainly used to develop the skills of creative educational and cognitive activity, they contribute to a more meaningful and independent mastery of knowledge. These methods are especially effectively used in cases where it is necessary to achieve the formation of concepts, laws and theories in the relevant field of science, and not the communication of factual information. The share of distance learning is much better if problem-search methods are combined with reproductive methods for greater efficiency.

2. Methods for stimulating learning activities in the learning process.

The role of motivation in learning.

Various studies of the structure of human activity invariably emphasize the need for a motivation component in it. Any activity proceeds more efficiently and gives qualitative results, if at the same time the person has strong, vivid, deep motives that cause a desire to act actively, with full dedication of strength, to overcome inevitable difficulties, adverse conditions and other circumstances, persistently moving towards the intended goal. All this is directly related to learning activities, which are more successful if students have a positive attitude towards learning activities, if they have a cognitive interest, a need to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities, if they have a sense of duty, responsibility and other learning motives.

The stimulating role of all teaching methods.

In order to formulate such motives for educational activity, the whole arsenal of methods for organizing and implementing educational activities is used - verbal, visual and practical methods, reproductive and search methods, deductive and inductive methods.

Thus, each of the methods of organizing educational activities at the same time has not only an informative and educational, but also a motivational effect. In this sense, we can talk about the stimulating and motivational function of any teaching method. However, the experience of teachers and science has accumulated a large arsenal of methods that are specifically aimed at the formation of positive motives for learning, stimulate cognitive activity, while contributing to the enrichment of students with educational information. The function of stimulation in this case, as it were, comes to the fore, contributing to the implementation of the educational function of all other methods.

As noted above and in the works, the group of stimulation and motivation methods can be divided into two large subgroups. In the first of them, to present the methods of formation of cognitive interests among students. In the second - methods, mainly aimed at developing a sense of duty and responsibility in teaching. Let us characterize in more detail each of these subgroups of methods for stimulating and motivating learning.

Methods of formation of cognitive interest.

Special studies devoted to the problem of the formation of cognitive interest show that interest in all its forms and at all stages of development is characterized by three obligatory moments: 1) positive emotion in relation to activity; 2) the presence of the cognitive side of this emotion; 3) The presence of a direct motive coming from the activity itself.

It follows that in the learning process it is important to ensure the emergence of positive emotions in relation to learning activities, to its content, forms and methods of implementation. The emotional state is always associated with the experience of emotional excitement: response, sympathy, joy, anger, surprise. That is why the processes of attention, memorization, comprehension in this state are connected to the deep inner experiences of the individual, which make these processes proceed intensively and therefore more effective in terms of the goals achieved.

One of the methods included in the method of emotional stimulation of learning can be called the method of creating entertaining situations in the classroom - introducing entertaining examples, experiments, paradoxical facts into the educational process. Many teachers use the analysis of excerpts from fiction dedicated to the life and work of prominent scientists and public figures to increase interest in learning. Such methods of increasing the entertainment of learning as stories about the application of certain predictions of science fiction writers in modern conditions, and showing entertaining experiments are also successfully used.

Entertaining analogies also act as a technique that is part of the methods of forming interest in learning. For example, analogies in the course of physics, based on the principles of bionics, evoke a very positive response from students. When studying the phenomena of location, analogies are drawn with the methods of orienting bats. When considering the lifting force of an aircraft wing, analogies are drawn with the shape of the wings of a bird, a dragonfly.

The emotionality of the experience is evoked by using the technique of surprise, for example, Pascal's paradox, with the persuasiveness of these examples, it invariably causes deep emotional experiences in students.

One of the methods of stimulation is the comparison of scientific and worldly interpretations of individual natural phenomena. For example, students are invited to compare everyday and scientific explanation of the phenomenon of weightlessness, the laws of falling, the laws of swimming.

All the above examples show how the techniques of artistry, figurativeness, brightness, entertaining, and surprise included in the methods of forming interest cause emotional elation, which in turn excites a positive attitude towards learning activities and serves as the first step towards the formation of cognitive interest. At the same time, among the main points characterizing interest, it was emphasized not just the excitement of emotionality, but the presence in these emotions of a proper indicative side, which manifests itself in the joy of knowledge.

The main source of interest in the educational activity itself is, first of all, its content. In order for the content to have a particularly strong stimulating effect, it must meet a number of requirements formulated in the principles of education (scientific nature, connection with life, systematic and consistent, comprehensive educational, educational and developmental influence). However, there are some special techniques aimed at increasing the stimulating effect of the content of the teaching. First of all, they include the creation of a situation of novelty, relevance, bringing the content closer to the most important discoveries in science and technology, to the phenomena of social and political domestic and international life.

Educational games.

A valuable method of stimulating interest in learning can be called the method of cognitive games, which is based on the creation of game situations in the educational process. The game has long been used as a means of arousing interest in learning. In the practice of the work of teachers, board and simulator games are used, with the help of which history, wildlife, types of aircraft and ships are studied. A valuable method of stimulating interest in learning can be called the method of cognitive games, which is based on the creation of game situations in the educational process. The game has long been used as a means of arousing interest in learning. In the practice of the work of teachers, board and simulator games are used, with the help of which history, wildlife, types of aircraft and ships are studied.

Educational discussions.

The methods of stimulating and motivating learning also include the method of creating a situation of cognitive dispute. It is known that truth is born in a dispute. But the controversy also causes increased interest in the topic. Some teachers are skilled at using this method of activating learning. First, they skillfully use the historical facts of the struggle of scientific points of view on a particular problem. However, the teacher can create a dispute situation at any time by asking the most trivial question “Who thinks otherwise?”. And if such a technique causes controversy, then the trainees themselves are divided into supporters and opponents of one or another explanation and wait with interest for the reasoned conclusion of the teacher. So the educational dispute acts as a method of stimulating interest in learning. Great results in this area are achieved with the help of electronic discussions.

Stimulation through the analysis of life situations

An analysis of life situations is often used as a method of stimulation. This method of teaching directly stimulates learning by maximizing the concretization of knowledge.

Creating a situation of success in learning

One of the effective methods of stimulating interest in learning is to create a situation of success for students who experience certain difficulties in learning. It is known that without experiencing the joy of success it is impossible to truly count on further success in overcoming educational difficulties. Therefore, educators should select some students who are in need of stimulation, would receive at the appropriate stage the task available to them, which would give them self-confidence, and they could continue their learning activities at a more favorable pace. Situations of success are also created by differentiating assistance to students in completing educational tasks of the same complexity. Situations of success are also created by the teacher by encouraging intermediate actions of the student, that is, by special encouraging him to new efforts. An important role in creating a situation of success is played by ensuring a favorable moral and psychological atmosphere in the course of performing certain educational tasks. A favorable microclimate during training reduces the feeling of insecurity and fear. The state of anxiety is replaced by a state of confidence.

3. Methods of control and self-control in training.

Methods of oral control.

Oral control is carried out by individual and frontal questioning in the classroom, which can be said quite difficult in the context of distance learning. In an individual survey, the teacher poses several questions to the student, answering which he shows the level of mastering the educational material. With a frontal survey, the teacher selects a series of logically interconnected and puts them in front of the entire audience, calling for a short answer from one or another trainee.

Machine Control Methods

The most common method of control in distance learning. Programs for control can be of several types controlling, training and teaching-controlling. Programs for control are, as a rule, according to the method of control programmed exercises. Answers are typed either in numbers, or in the form of formulas, or with the help of a pointer. Each program maintains a high degree of control objectivity. Also, with the help of a computer network, many issues can be resolved using correspondence or modems. The most common method of control in distance learning. Programs for control can be of several types controlling, training and teaching-controlling. Programs for control are, as a rule, according to the method of control programmed exercises. Answers are typed either in numbers, or in the form of formulas, or with the help of a pointer. Each program maintains a high degree of control objectivity. Also, with the help of a computer network, many issues can be resolved using correspondence or modems.

Methods of written control

In the learning process, these methods involve the conduct of tests, essays, written tests. Such work can be both long-term and short-term.

4. Choosing the optimal combination of teaching methods.

Criteria for choosing teaching methods

Most of the researchers of the problem of teaching methods come to the conclusion that since the concept of "method" is multifaceted, multilateral, the method of teaching in each case should, as it were, be constructed by the teacher. In any act of learning activity, several methods are always combined. Methods always seem to mutually penetrate each other, characterizing the same interaction between teachers and students from different sides. And if we are talking about the use of a particular method at a given moment, this means that it dominates at this stage, making a particularly large contribution to the solution of the main didactic task. , comes to the conclusion that since the concept of "method" is multifaceted, multilateral, then the teaching method in each specific case should, as it were, be constructed by the teacher. In any act of learning activity, several methods are always combined. Methods always seem to mutually penetrate each other, characterizing the same interaction between teachers and students from different sides. And if we are talking about the use of a particular method at a given moment, this means that it dominates at this stage, making a particularly large contribution to the solution of the main didactic task.

The following regularity was established in didactics. The more aspects the choice of teaching methods was justified by the teacher (in perceptual, gnostic, logical, motivational, control and evaluation, etc.), the higher and more durable educational results will be achieved in the learning process, and in less time.

When choosing and combining teaching methods, it is necessary to be guided by the following criteria:

Compliance of methods with the principles of teaching.
Compliance with the goals and objectives of training.
Correspondence to the content of this topic.
Compliance with learning opportunities for trainees: age, psychological; the level of preparedness (education, upbringing and development).
Compliance with the existing conditions and the allotted training time.
Compliance with the capabilities of assistive learning tools.
Compliance with the capabilities of the teachers themselves. These opportunities are determined by their previous experience, the level of perseverance, the specific features of the dominance of power, pedagogical abilities, as well as the personal qualities of teachers.

Levels of decision-making on the choice of teaching methods

Conventionally, there are several decisions made by teachers about the choice of teaching methods:

Solution name Characteristics of this level of decision making
Stereotypical solutions The teacher invariably prefers a certain stereotype of the application of teaching methods, regardless of the specifics of the tasks of the content, the characteristics of the trainees.
Trial and error decisions The teacher tries to change the choice of methods, taking into account specific conditions, but does this through spontaneous trials, making mistakes, choosing a new option and again without a scientific justification for the choice.
Optimized Solutions Decisions that are made by scientifically based selection of the most rational methods for given conditions in terms of some specific criteria.

That is why it is so important to master the ability to make the best decision when choosing teaching methods.

verbal methods visual methods. Practical Methods
In the formation of theoretical and actual knowledge For the development of observation, increasing attention to the issues being studied. To develop practical skills and abilities.
When the material is predominantly information-theoretic in nature. When the content of the educational material can be presented in a visual form. When the content of the topic includes practical exercises, experiments.
When the trainees are ready to assimilate information by the appropriate verbal method. When the interface is properly designed. When trainees are ready to perform practical tasks.
When the teacher is good at this kind of verbal methods. When the teacher is prepared in the most thorough way and used an individual approach to each student. When the teacher has the necessary material for experiments and exercises.
reproductive methods Search Methods
When solving problems this method is used especially successfully. For the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities. For the development of independent thinking, research skills, creativity.
With what content of the educational material it is especially rational to apply this method. When the content of a topic is too complex or too simple. When the material has an average level of complexity.
Under what characteristics of students is it rational to use this method. When the trainees are not yet ready for the problematic study of this topic. When trainees are prepared for the problematic study of a given topic.
What opportunities should a teacher have to use this method. Here problematic methods can be applied selectively by trainees. When the teacher has time for a problematic study of the topic and is well versed in search methods of teaching.
Inductive Methods Deductive Methods
When solving problems this method is used especially successfully. To develop the ability to generalize, to draw conclusions from the particular to the general. For the development of the ability to carry out inferences from the general to the particular, the development of the ability to analyze phenomena.
With what content of the educational material it is especially rational to apply this method. When the content is stated inductively or should be stated as such. When the content of the topic is stated deductively, or it should be stated as follows.
Under what characteristics of students is it rational to use this method. When trainees are prepared for inductive reasoning or have difficulty in deductive reasoning. When trainees are prepared for deductive reasoning.
What opportunities should a teacher have to use this method. When the teacher masters inductive methods When the teacher owns deductive methods and has appropriate didactic developments.

1. The concept of teaching methods and their classification.

· Main groups of methods

· Verbal teaching methods

- Story

- Educational lecture

- Conversation

· Visual teaching methods

· Practical teaching methods

· Inductive and deductive teaching methods

· Reproductive and problem-search teaching methods


2. Methods for stimulating learning activities in the learning process

· The role of motivation in learning

· The stimulating role of all teaching methods

· Methods of formation of cognitive interest

· Educational games

· Educational discussions



3. Methods of control and self-control in training

· Methods of oral control

· Machine Control Methods

· Methods of written control

4. Choosing the optimal combination of teaching methods




1. The concept of teaching methods and their classification.

Method (literally, the way to something) means a way to achieve the goal, a certain way of ordered activity.

A method of teaching is a method of ordered interconnected activity of a teacher and students, an activity aimed at solving the problems of education, upbringing and development in the learning process.

Teaching methods are one of the most important components of the educational process. Without appropriate methods of activity, it is impossible to realize the goals and objectives of training, to achieve the assimilation by trainees of a certain content of educational material.

Main groups of methods.

Of these, three main groups of teaching methods should be distinguished: 1) methods of organizing and implementing educational and cognitive activities; 2) methods of stimulation and motivation of educational activities; 3) methods of control and self-control over the effectiveness of educational and cognitive activity.

1 method group

According to the source of transmission and perception of educational activities

According to the logic of transmission and perception of information

According to the degree of independence of thought

According to the degree of management of educational work




Under the guidance of a teacher




Independent work of trainees


2 group of methods

Methods for stimulating interest in learning

Methods for incentivizing responsibility and debt

educational games

Beliefs about the importance of teaching

Educational discussions


Creation of emotional and moral situations

Organizational and activity games

Rewards and punishments

3 group of methods

Methods of oral control and self-control

Methods of written control and self-control

Methods of practical control and self-control

Individual survey

Written tests

Machine control

Frontal survey

Written credits

Control and laboratory control

Oral tests

Written exams

Oral exams

Written works

The proposed classification of teaching methods is relatively holistic because it takes into account all the main structural elements of the activity (its organization, stimulation and control). It holistically presents such aspects of cognitive activity as perception, comprehension and practical application. It takes into account all the main functions and aspects of the methods identified by this period of pedagogical science, without discarding any of them. But it does not just mechanically combine known approaches, but considers them in interconnection and unity, requiring the choice of their optimal combination. Finally, the proposed approach to the classification of methods does not exclude the possibility of supplementing it with new private methods that arise in the course of improving the learning process in a modern school.

Before proceeding to the characteristics of individual teaching methods, it should be noted that each method can be imagined as consisting of a set of methodological techniques. On this basis, sometimes methods are defined as a set of methodological techniques that provide a solution to learning problems.

Let's move on to a more detailed description of all the main groups of teaching methods in education.

Verbal teaching methods

The verbal teaching methods include a story, a lecture, a conversation, etc. In the process of explaining them, the teacher sets out and explains the educational material through the word, and the trainees actively perceive and assimilate it through listening, memorization and comprehension.

Story.This method involves an oral narrative presentation of educational material, not interrupted by questions to the trainees. This method involves an oral narrative presentation of educational material, not interrupted by questions to the trainees.

Several types of story are possible - story-introduction, story-exposition, story-conclusion. The purpose of the first is to prepare students for the perception of new educational material, which can be carried out by other methods, for example, by conversation. This type of story is characterized by relative brevity, brightness, emotionality of presentation, which makes it possible to arouse interest in a new topic, arouse the need for its active assimilation. During such a story, the tasks of the students' activities are communicated in an accessible form.

During the story-presentation, the teacher reveals the content of the new topic, carries out the presentation according to a certain logically developing plan, in a clear sequence, highlighting the main, essential, using illustrations and convincing examples.

The story-conclusion is usually held at the end of the lesson. The teacher in it summarizes the main thoughts, draws conclusions and generalizations, gives assignments for further independent work on this topic.

In the course of applying the storytelling method, such methodological techniques are used as: presentation of information, activation of attention, methods of accelerating memorization (mnemonic, associative), logical methods of comparison, comparison, highlighting the main thing, summarizing.

For teaching in the distance learning model, it is quite an effective way, although not too advanced computer speech data can affect the quality of the educational process, which can be more than replaced by audio cassettes. Which is very effective for the learning process.

The conditions for the effective use of the story are careful consideration of the topic, the successful selection of examples and illustrations, and the maintenance of the proper emotional tone of the presentation.

Educational lecture.As one of the verbal teaching methods, an educational lecture involves an oral presentation of educational material, which is more capacious than a story, with great complexity of logical constructions, images, proofs and generalizations. The lecture, as a rule, occupies the entire lesson, while the story occupies only part of it. As one of the verbal teaching methods, an educational lecture involves an oral presentation of educational material, which is more capacious than a story, with great complexity of logical constructions, images, proofs and generalizations. The lecture, as a rule, occupies the entire lesson, while the story occupies only part of it.

During the lecture, methods of oral presentation of information, maintaining attention for a long time, activating the thinking of listeners, methods of ensuring logical memorization, persuasion, argumentation, evidence, classification, systematization and generalization, etc. are used.

The conditions for an effective lecture are a clear thinking and communication of the lecture plan, a logically coherent and consistent presentation of all the points of the plan one by one with a summary and conclusions after each of them and logical connections when moving on to the next section. It is equally important to ensure accessibility, clarity of presentation, explain terms, select examples and illustrations, and select visual aids. The lecture is read at such a pace that the listeners can make the necessary notes. Teachers therefore clearly highlight what should be written down, unambiguously repeating when necessary, to facilitate recording.

This method is easiest to use with the help of audio cassettes, as well as with the help of video equipment, as well as satellite television, but you can still attach a lecture with the help of a summary, a book and a computer package.

Conversation.The method of conversation involves a conversation between the teacher and the students. The conversation is organized with the help of a carefully thought-out system of questions, gradually leading students to assimilate a system of facts, a new concept or pattern. The method of conversation involves a conversation between the teacher and the students. The conversation is organized with the help of a carefully thought-out system of questions, gradually leading students to assimilate a system of facts, a new concept or pattern.

During the application of the conversation method, methods of posing questions (basic, additional, leading, etc.), methods of discussing the answers and opinions of students, methods of correcting answers, and methods of formulating conclusions from the conversation are used.

Questions for the conversation should be capacious enough for a holistic perception. Too much fragmentation of the topic into questions destroys its logical integrity, and too large questions become inaccessible for students to discuss. Questions should not require students to give monosyllabic answers. The teacher can use auxiliary, leading questions to continue the discussion of the problem under study.

Conversations are possible during which students remember, systematize, generalize what they have previously learned, draw conclusions, and look for new examples of using the previously studied phenomenon in life. Such conversations are mainly explanatory in nature and are designed mainly for operating on previously learned, for activating the memory of students.

At the same time, conversations are possible and highly desirable if the students are sufficiently prepared, during which, under the guidance of a teacher, they themselves look for possible answers to problematic tasks. Such teaching methods in this case can only represent a fairly active correspondence between the teacher and the students. Otherwise, this method is possible with distance learning only for the duration of the session. But it should be borne in mind that some trainees simply need such teaching methods.

Visual teaching methods

Visual methods are important enough for students who have a visual perception of reality. Modern didactics requires the most rational options for the use of visual aids, allowing to achieve a greater educational and educational, as well as developing effect. It orients teachers to the use of visual teaching methods in order to simultaneously develop the students' abstract thinking.

A feature of visual teaching methods is that they are necessarily offered, in one way or another combined with verbal methods. The close relationship between the word and visualization follows from the fact that the dialectical path of cognition of objective reality involves the use of living contemplation, abstract thinking and practice in unity. The teachings of I.P. Pavlova about the first and second signal systems shows that when cognizing the phenomena of reality, they should be used in conjunction. Perception through the first signal system should organically merge with the operation of the word, with the active functioning of the second signal system.

L.V. Zankov studied several basic forms of combining words and visualization, which should also be taken into account in distance learning:

Through the medium of the word, the teacher directs the observation that is carried out by the students, and the students extract knowledge about the appearance of the object, its directly perceived properties and relationships from the most visual object in the process of observation;

Through the medium of the word, the teacher, on the basis of the observation of visual objects carried out by the trainees and on the basis of their knowledge, leads the trainees to comprehend such connections in phenomena that cannot be seen in the process of perception;

Students receive information about the appearance of an object, about its directly perceived properties and relationships from the verbal messages of the teacher, and visual aids serve as confirmation or concretization of verbal messages;

Starting from the student's observation of a visual object, the teacher reports on such connections between phenomena that are not directly perceived by students, or draws a conclusion, combines, generalizes individual data.

Thus, there are various forms of communication between words and visualization. It would be erroneous to give complete preference to any of them, since depending on the characteristics of the learning tasks, the content of the topic, the nature of the available visual aids, and the level of preparedness of the trainees, it is necessary to choose the most rational combination in each specific case.

Practical teaching methods

Practical teaching methods cover a very wide range of different activities of trainees. During the use of practical teaching methods, the following techniques are used: setting a task, planning its implementation, operational stimulation, regulation and control, analysis of the results of practical work, identifying the causes of shortcomings, correcting training to fully achieve the goal. . During the use of practical teaching methods, the following techniques are used: setting a task, planning its implementation, operational stimulation, regulation and control, analysis of the results of practical work, identifying the causes of shortcomings, correcting training to fully achieve the goal.

Practical methods include written exercises, where during the exercise the trainee puts into practice the knowledge he has acquired.

Practical methods also include exercises performed by students with sound recording, sound reproducing equipment, this also includes computers.

Practical methods are used in close combination with verbal and visual teaching methods, since practical work on the implementation of practical work should be preceded by an instructive explanation by the teacher. Verbal explanations and illustrations usually accompany the process of doing the work itself, as well as an analysis of the work done, which is best done through personal contact with the student.

Inductive and deductive teaching methods.

Inductive and deductive teaching methods characterize an extremely important feature of the methods - the ability to reveal the logic of the movement of the content of educational material. The use of inductive and deductive methods means the choice of a certain logic for disclosing the content of the topic under study - from the particular to the general and from the general to the particular.

inductive method. When using the inductive method of teaching, the activities of the teacher and students proceed as follows: When using the inductive method of teaching, the activities of the teacher and students proceed as follows:



1 option

Option 2

First, he sets out facts, demonstrates experiments, visual aids, organizes exercises, gradually leading students to generalizations, definitions of concepts, and formulation of laws.

At first they assimilate private facts, then draw conclusions and generalizations of a private nature.

2 options

Option 2

It puts before students problematic tasks that require independent reasoning from particular provisions to more general ones, to conclusions and generalizations.

Independently reflect on the facts and draw accessible conclusions and generalizations.

An inductive study of a topic is especially useful in cases where the material is predominantly factual in nature or is associated with the formation of concepts, the meaning of which can only become clear in the course of inductive reasoning. Inductive methods are widely applicable for studying technical devices and performing practical tasks. Many mathematical problems are solved by the inductive method, especially when the teacher considers it necessary to independently lead the students to the assimilation of some more generalized formula.

The weakness of the inductive method of teaching is that they require more time to learn new material than deductive ones. They contribute to the development of abstract thinking to a lesser extent, since they are based on concrete facts, experiments and other data.

deductive method. When using the deductive method, the activities of the teacher and students are as follows:

The deductive method contributes to the rapid passage of educational material, actively develops abstract thinking. Its application is especially useful in the study of theoretical material, in solving problems that require the identification of consequences from some more general provisions.

So for mathematical concepts, the general relations of magnitude act as a universal basis, for grammar, the role of such a universal basis is played by the relations of the form and meaning of the word. Since these general foundations of communication can be expressed in the form of models (schemes, formulas, laws, rules), students are taught to use these models. This approach allows students to acquire knowledge of a general and abstract nature earlier and from them to derive more specific and specific knowledge. But this does not mean that it is necessary to move on to a deductive study of the entire material. Its rational combination with the inductive approach must be found, since without the inductive approach, it is impossible to successfully prepare students for solving more complex problems.

As can be seen from the characteristics of the activities of the teacher and students, when using deductive or inductive teaching methods, the previously described verbal, visual and practical methods are used. But at the same time, the content of the educational material is revealed in a certain logical way - inductively or deductively. Therefore, we can talk about an inductively or deductively constructed conversation, about a deductive and problem-based story, about a reproductive or search-based practical work. The teaching method is a multifaceted concept. In the currently used system of teaching methods, several methods conventionally identified in the classification are combined. And the fact that we are talking about the application of the deductive or inductive method in this situation is determined by the leading didactic task set by the teacher at this stage of education. If, for example, the teacher decided to focus on the development of deductive thinking of a generalized nature, then he uses the deductive method, combining it with the problem-search method, implemented through a specially constructed conversation.

Note that in this work the list of logical teaching methods is limited to two types - deductive and inductive. This was done only for greater accessibility of a holistic classification of teaching methods. In principle, this subgroup of methods for organizing learning also includes methods of educational analysis, investigative synthesis, educational analogy, and the identification of cause-and-effect relationships.

Reproductive and problem-search teaching methods

Reproductive and problem-searching teaching methods are singled out, first of all, on the basis of assessing the degree of creative activity of students in the cognition of new concepts, phenomena and laws. are singled out, first of all, on the basis of an assessment of the degree of creative activity of students in the cognition of new concepts, phenomena and laws.

The reproductive nature of thinking involves the active perception and memorization of the information provided by the teacher or other source of information. The application of these methods is impossible without the use of verbal, visual and practical teaching methods and techniques, which are, as it were, the material basis of these methods.

A lecture is structured in a similar way, in which certain scientific information is presented to the audience, appropriate notes are made, which are recorded by the audience in the form of brief notes.

A reproductively organized conversation is conducted in such a way that the teacher in the course of it relies on the facts known to the trainees, on previously acquired knowledge. The task of discussing any hypotheses, assumptions is not set.

Visualization in the reproductive method of teaching is also used in order to better and more actively assimilate and memorize information. An example of visualization, for example, is used in the experience of the teacher V.F. Shatalov supporting notes. They consistently display especially bright numbers, words and sketches that activate the memorization of the material.

Practical work of a reproductive nature is distinguished by the fact that in the course of their work, students apply the previously or just acquired knowledge according to the model. At the same time, in the course of practical work, students do not independently increase their knowledge. Reproductive exercises are especially effective in helping to develop practical skills and abilities, since turning into a skill requires repeated actions according to the model.

Reproductive methods are used especially effectively in cases where the content of the educational material is predominantly informative, is a description of the methods of practical actions, is very complex and fundamentally new so that students can search for knowledge.

On the basis of reproductive methods, programmed learning is most often carried out.

On the whole, reproductive methods of teaching do not allow to develop thinking, and especially independence, flexibility of thinking; to form the skills of search activities in students. With excessive use, these methods contribute to the formalization of the process of mastering knowledge. It is impossible to successfully develop personality traits by reproductive methods alone, just as it is impossible to develop such personality traits as a creative approach to business, independence. All this requires the use of teaching methods along with them, which ensure the active search activity of students.

Problem-search teaching methods

Problem-search methods of teaching. Problem-search methods are used in the course of problem-based learning. When using problem-search teaching methods, the teacher uses the following techniques: he creates a problem situation (poses questions, proposes a task, an experimental task), organizes a collective discussion of possible approaches to solving a problem situation, confirms the correctness of the conclusions, puts forward a ready-made problem task. Trainees, based on previous experience and knowledge, make assumptions about ways to solve a problem situation, generalize previously acquired knowledge, identify the causes of phenomena, explain their origin, choose the most rational option for solving a problem situation.

Problem-search teaching methods are very effective for distance learning because they are often used in practice using visual, verbal and practical methods. In this regard, it is customary to talk about methods of problematic presentation of educational material, about problematic and heuristic conversations, about the use of visual methods of a problem-search type, about conducting problem-search practical work of a research type. According to I.Ya. Lerner, this type of methods includes such special cases as the method of problem presentation, partial search, or heuristic, research teaching methods. Particular cases of the problem-search method are those proposed by M.I. Makhmutov binary methods: explanatory-inciting and partial-search, inducing and search. All these are, as it were, specific levels of manifestation of the problem-search method in its broadest sense, as well as a combination of various methods with a gradual increase in the search element in the teaching.

The presentation of educational material by the method of a problem story and a problem-based lecture assumes that the teacher in the course of the presentation reflects, proves, generalizes, analyzes the facts and leads the students' thinking, making it more active and creative.

One of the methods of problem-based learning is heuristic and problem-search conversation. In the course of it, the teacher poses a series of consistent and interrelated questions to the students, answering which they must make any suggestions and then try to independently prove their validity, thereby making some independent progress in the assimilation of new knowledge. If during a heuristic conversation such assumptions usually concern only one of the main elements of a new topic, then during a problem-search conversation, students solve a whole series of problem situations.

Visual aids with problem-search methods of teaching are no longer used to enhance memorization, but to set experimental tasks that create problem situations in the classroom.

Problem-search exercises are used when students can independently, on the instructions of the teacher, perform certain types of actions that lead him to the assimilation of new knowledge. Problem-search exercises can be used not only when approaching the assimilation of a new topic, but also during its consolidation on a new basis, that is, when performing exercises that deepen knowledge.

A valuable type, especially for distance learning, is research laboratory work, during which students, for example, independently find out the laws of melting bodies or any other laws. Such laboratory work is carried out before studying the theoretical material and puts the trainees in front of the need to make some learning discoveries.

Problem-search methods in distance learning are mainly used to develop the skills of creative educational and cognitive activity, they contribute to a more meaningful and independent mastery of knowledge. These methods are especially effectively used in cases where it is necessary to achieve the formation of concepts, laws and theories in the relevant field of science, and not the communication of factual information. The share of distance learning is much better if problem-search methods are combined with reproductive methods for greater efficiency.

2. Methods for stimulating learning activities in the learning process.

The role of motivation in learning.

Various studies of the structure of human activity invariably emphasize the need for a motivation component in it. Any activity proceeds more efficiently and gives qualitative results, if at the same time the person has strong, vivid, deep motives that cause a desire to act actively, with full dedication of strength, to overcome inevitable difficulties, adverse conditions and other circumstances, persistently moving towards the intended goal. All this is directly related to learning activities, which are more successful if students have a positive attitude towards learning activities, if they have a cognitive interest, a need to acquire knowledge, skills and abilities, if they have a sense of duty, responsibility and other learning motives.

The stimulating role of all teaching methods.

In order to formulate such motives for educational activity, the whole arsenal of methods for organizing and implementing educational activities is used - verbal, visual and practical methods, reproductive and search methods, deductive and inductive methods.

Thus, each of the methods of organizing educational activities at the same time has not only an informative and educational, but also a motivational effect. In this sense, we can talk about the stimulating and motivational function of any teaching method. However, the experience of teachers and science has accumulated a large arsenal of methods that are specifically aimed at the formation of positive motives for learning, stimulate cognitive activity, while contributing to the enrichment of teaching educational information. The function of stimulation in this case, as it were, comes to the fore, contributing to the implementation of the educational function of all other methods.

As noted above and in the works, the group of methods of stimulation and motivation can be divided into two large subgroups. In the first of them, to present the methods of formation of cognitive interests among students. In the second - methods, mainly aimed at developing a sense of duty and responsibility in teaching. Let us characterize in more detail each of these subgroups of methods for stimulating and motivating learning.

Methods of formation of cognitive interest.

Special studies devoted to the problem of the formation of cognitive interest show that interest in all its forms and at all stages of development is characterized by three mandatory points: 1) positive emotion in relation to activity; 2) the presence of the cognitive side of this emotion; 3) The presence of a direct motive coming from the activity itself.

It follows that in the learning process it is important to ensure the emergence of positive emotions in relation to learning activities, to its content, forms and methods of implementation. The emotional state is always associated with the experience of emotional excitement: response, sympathy, joy, anger, surprise. That is why the processes of attention, memorization, comprehension in this state are connected to the deep inner experiences of the individual, which make these processes proceed intensively and therefore more effective in terms of the goals achieved.

One of the methods included in the method of emotional stimulation of learning can be called the method of creating entertaining situations in the classroom - introducing entertaining examples, experiments, paradoxical facts into the educational process. Many teachers use the analysis of excerpts from fiction dedicated to the life and work of prominent scientists and public figures to increase interest in learning. Such methods of increasing the entertainment of learning as stories about the application of certain predictions of science fiction writers in modern conditions, and showing entertaining experiments are also successfully used.

Entertaining analogies also act as a technique that is part of the methods of forming interest in learning. For example, analogies in the course of physics, based on the principles of bionics, evoke a very positive response from students. When studying the phenomena of location, analogies are drawn with the methods of orienting bats. When considering the lifting force of an aircraft wing, analogies are drawn with the shape of the wings of a bird, a dragonfly.

The emotionality of the experience is evoked by using the technique of surprise, for example, Pascal's paradox, with the persuasiveness of these examples, it invariably causes deep emotional experiences in students.

One of the methods of stimulation is the comparison of scientific and worldly interpretations of individual natural phenomena. For example, students are invited to compare everyday and scientific explanation of the phenomenon of weightlessness, the laws of falling, the laws of swimming.

All the above examples show how the techniques of artistry, figurativeness, brightness, entertaining, and surprise included in the methods of forming interest cause emotional elation, which in turn excites a positive attitude towards learning activities and serves as the first step towards the formation of cognitive interest. At the same time, among the main points characterizing interest, it was emphasized not just the excitement of emotionality, but the presence in these emotions of a proper indicative side, which manifests itself in the joy of knowledge.

The main source of interest in the educational activity itself is, first of all, its content. In order for the content to have a particularly strong stimulating effect, it must meet a number of requirements formulated in the principles of education (scientific nature, connection with life, systematic and consistent, comprehensive educational, educational and developmental influence). However, there are some special techniques aimed at increasing the stimulating effect of the content of the teaching. First of all, they include the creation of a situation of novelty, relevance, bringing the content closer to the most important discoveries in science and technology, to the phenomena of social and political domestic and international life.

Educational games. A valuable method of stimulating interest in learning can be called the method of cognitive games, which is based on the creation of game situations in the educational process. The game has long been used as a means of arousing interest in learning. In the practice of the work of teachers, board and simulator games are used, with the help of which history, wildlife, types of aircraft and ships are studied. A valuable method of stimulating interest in learning can be called the method of cognitive games, which is based on the creation of game situations in the educational process. The game has long been used as a means of arousing interest in learning. In the practice of the work of teachers, board and simulator games are used, with the help of which history, wildlife, types of aircraft and ships are studied.

Educational Discussions. The methods of stimulating and motivating learning also include the method of creating a situation of cognitive dispute. It is known that truth is born in a dispute. But the controversy also causes increased interest in the topic. Some teachers are skilled at using this method of activating learning. First, they skillfully use the historical facts of the struggle of scientific points of view on a particular problem. However, the teacher can create a dispute situation at any time by asking the most trivial question “Who thinks otherwise?”. And if such a technique causes controversy, then the trainees themselves are divided into supporters and opponents of one or another explanation and wait with interest for the reasoned conclusion of the teacher. So the educational dispute acts as a method of stimulating interest in learning. Great results in this area are achieved with the help of electronic discussions.

Stimulation through the analysis of life situations

An analysis of life situations is often used as a method of stimulation. This method of teaching directly stimulates learning by maximizing the concretization of knowledge.

Creating a situation of success in learning

One of the effective methods of stimulating interest in learning is to create a situation of success for students who experience certain difficulties in learning. It is known that without experiencing the joy of success it is impossible to truly count on further success in overcoming educational difficulties. Therefore, educators should select some students who are in need of stimulation, would receive at the appropriate stage the task available to them, which would give them self-confidence, and they could continue their learning activities at a more favorable pace. Situations of success are also created by differentiating assistance to students in completing educational tasks of the same complexity. Situations of success are also created by the teacher by encouraging intermediate actions of the student, that is, by special encouraging him to new efforts. An important role in creating a situation of success is played by ensuring a favorable moral and psychological atmosphere in the course of performing certain educational tasks. A favorable microclimate during training reduces the feeling of insecurity and fear. The state of anxiety is replaced by a state of confidence.

3. Methods of control and self-control in training.

Methods of oral control.

Oral control is carried out by individual and frontal questioning in the classroom, which can be said quite difficult in the context of distance learning. In an individual survey, the teacher poses several questions to the student, answering which he shows the level of mastering the educational material. With a frontal survey, the teacher selects a series of logically interconnected and puts them in front of the entire audience, calling for a short answer from one or another trainee.

Machine Control Methods

The most common method of control in distance learning. Programs for control can be of several types controlling, training and teaching-controlling. Programs for control are, as a rule, according to the method of control programmed exercises. Answers are typed either in numbers, or in the form of formulas, or with the help of a pointer. Each program maintains a high degree of control objectivity. Also, with the help of a computer network, many issues can be resolved using correspondence or modems. The most common method of control in distance learning. Programs for control can be of several types controlling, training and teaching-controlling. Programs for control are, as a rule, according to the method of control programmed exercises. Answers are typed either in numbers, or in the form of formulas, or with the help of a pointer. Each program maintains a high degree of control objectivity. Also, with the help of a computer network, many issues can be resolved using correspondence or modems.

Methods of written control

In the learning process, these methods involve the conduct of tests, essays, written tests. Such work can be both long-term and short-term.

4. Choosing the optimal combination of teaching methods.

Criteria for choosing teaching methods

Most of the researchers of the problem of teaching methods come to the conclusion that since the concept of "method" is multifaceted, multilateral, the method of teaching in each case should, as it were, be constructed by the teacher. In any act of learning activity, several methods are always combined. Methods always seem to mutually penetrate each other, characterizing the same interaction between teachers and students from different sides. And if we are talking about the use of a particular method at a given moment, this means that it dominates at this stage, making a particularly large contribution to the solution of the main didactic task. , comes to the conclusion that since the concept of "method" is multifaceted, multilateral, then the teaching method in each specific case should, as it were, be constructed by the teacher. In any act of learning activity, several methods are always combined. Methods always seem to mutually penetrate each other, characterizing the same interaction between teachers and students from different sides. And if we are talking about the use of a particular method at a given moment, this means that it dominates at this stage, making a particularly large contribution to the solution of the main didactic task.

The following regularity was established in didactics. The more aspects the choice of teaching methods was justified by the teacher (in perceptual, gnostic, logical, motivational, control and evaluation, etc.), the higher and more durable educational results will be achieved in the learning process, and in less time.

When choosing and combining teaching methods, it is necessary to be guided by the following criteria:

Compliance of methods with the principles of teaching.

Compliance with the goals and objectives of training.

Correspondence to the content of this topic.

Compliance with learning opportunities for trainees: age, psychological; the level of preparedness (education, upbringing and development).

Compliance with the existing conditions and the allotted training time.

Compliance with the capabilities of assistive learning tools.

Compliance with the capabilities of the teachers themselves. These opportunities are determined by their previous experience, the level of perseverance, the specific features of the dominance of power, pedagogical abilities, as well as the personal qualities of teachers.

Levels of decision-making on the choice of teaching methods

Conventionally, there are several decisions made by teachers about the choice of teaching methods:

Solution name

Characteristics of this level of decision making

Stereotypical solutions

The teacher invariably prefers a certain stereotype of the application of teaching methods, regardless of the specifics of the tasks of the content, the characteristics of the trainees.

Trial and error decisions

The teacher tries to change the choice of methods, taking into account specific conditions, but does this through spontaneous trials, making mistakes, choosing a new option and again without a scientific justification for the choice.

Optimized Solutions

Decisions that are made by scientifically based selection of the most rational methods for given conditions in terms of some specific criteria.

That is why it is so important to master the ability to make the best decision when choosing teaching methods.

verbal methods

visual methods.

Practical Methods

In the formation of theoretical and actual knowledge

For the development of observation, increasing attention to the issues being studied.

To develop practical skills and abilities.

When the material is predominantly information-theoretic in nature.

When the content of the educational material can be presented in a visual form.

When the content of the topic includes practical exercises, experiments.

When the trainees are ready to assimilate information by the appropriate verbal method.

When the interface is properly designed.

When trainees are ready to perform practical tasks.

When the teacher is good at this kind of verbal methods.

When the teacher is prepared in the most thorough way and used an individual approach to each student.

When the teacher has the necessary material for experiments and exercises.

reproductive methods

Search Methods

When solving problems this method is used especially successfully.

For the formation of knowledge, skills and abilities.

For the development of independent thinking, research skills, creativity.

With what content of the educational material it is especially rational to apply this method.

When the content of a topic is too complex or too simple.

When the material has an average level of complexity.

Under what characteristics of students is it rational to use this method.

When the trainees are not yet ready for the problematic study of this topic.

When trainees are prepared for the problematic study of a given topic.

What opportunities should a teacher have to use this method.

Here problematic methods can be applied selectively by trainees.

When the teacher has time for a problematic study of the topic and is well versed in search methods of teaching.

Inductive Methods

Deductive Methods

When solving problems this method is used especially successfully.

To develop the ability to generalize, to draw conclusions from the particular to the general.

For the development of the ability to carry out inferences from the general to the particular, the development of the ability to analyze phenomena.

With what content of the educational material it is especially rational to apply this method.

When the content is stated inductively or should be stated as such.

When the content of the topic is stated deductively, or it should be stated as follows.

Under what characteristics of students is it rational to use this method.

When trainees are prepared for inductive reasoning or have difficulty in deductive reasoning.

When trainees are prepared for deductive reasoning.

What opportunities should a teacher have to use this method.

When the teacher masters inductive methods

When the teacher owns deductive methods and has appropriate didactic developments.

A lesson is a collective form of education, which is characterized by a constant composition of students, a certain scope of classes, and strict regulation of educational work on the same educational material for all.

An analysis of the lessons being conducted shows that their structure and methodology largely depend on the didactic goals and tasks that are solved in the learning process, as well as on the means that the teacher has at his disposal. All this allows us to talk about the methodological diversity of lessons, which, however, can be classified by type:

1. lessons-lectures (practically, this is a monologue of the teacher on a given topic, although with the known skill of the teacher, such lessons take on the character of a conversation);

2. laboratory (practical) classes (such lessons are usually devoted to the development of skills and abilities);

3. lessons for checking and evaluating knowledge (tests, etc.);

4. combined lessons. Such lessons are conducted according to the scheme:

- repetition of what has been passed - reproduction by students of previously passed material, checking homework, oral and written survey, etc.

- development of new material. At this stage, the new material is presented by the teacher, or "extracted" in the process of independent work of students with literature.

- development of skills and abilities to apply knowledge in practice (most often - solving problems on new material);

- issuing homework.

Optional classes as a form of education were introduced in the late 60s - early 70s. in the process of another unsuccessful attempt to reform school education. These classes are designed to give a deeper study of the subject to everyone, although in practice, they are very often used to work with lagging students.

Excursions are a form of organization of training, in which educational work is carried out within the framework of direct acquaintance with the objects of study.

Homework is a form of organization of learning, in which learning work is characterized by the absence of direct guidance from the teacher.

Extracurricular activities: olympiads, clubs, etc., should contribute to the best development of individual abilities of students.

In world and domestic practice, many efforts have been made to classify teaching methods. Since the category method is universal, “multidimensional education”, has many features, they act as the basis for classifications. Different authors use different bases for classifying teaching methods.

Many classifications have been proposed, based on one or more features. Each of the authors gives arguments to substantiate his classification model. Let's consider some of them.

1. Classification of methods according to the source of transmission and the nature of the perception of information (E.Ya. Golant, E.I. Perovsky). The following features and methods are distinguished:

a) passive perception - listen and watch (story, lecture, explanations; demonstration);

b) active perception - work with a book, visual sources; laboratory method.

2. Classification of methods based on didactic tasks (M.A. Danilov, B.P. Esipov.). The classification is based on the sequence of acquiring knowledge at a particular stage (lesson):

a) the acquisition of knowledge;

b) formation of skills and abilities;

c) application of acquired knowledge;

d) creative activity;

e) fastening;

f) testing knowledge, skills and abilities.

3. Classification of methods by sources of information transfer and knowledge acquisition (N.M. Verzilin, D.O. Lordkinanidze, I.T. Ogorodnikov, etc.). The methods of this classification are:

a) verbal - the living word of the teacher, work with the book;

b) practical - the study of the surrounding reality (observation, experiment, exercises).

4. Classification of methods according to the type (character) of cognitive activity (M.N. Skatkin, I.Ya. Lerner). The nature of cognitive

activity reflects the level of independent activity of students. This classification has the following methods:

a) explanatory and illustrative (informational and reproductive);

b) reproductive (boundaries of skill and creativity);

c) problematic presentation of knowledge;

d) partial search (heuristic);

e) research.

5. Classification of methods, combining teaching methods and their corresponding teaching methods or binary (M.I. Makhmutov). This classification is presented by the following methods:

a) teaching methods: information-reporting, explanatory, instructive-practical, explanatory-motivating, encouraging;

b) teaching methods: executive, reproductive, productive and practical, partially exploratory, exploratory.

6. Classification of methods for organizing and implementing educational and cognitive activities; methods of its stimulation and motivation; methods of control and self-control (Yu.K. Babansky). This classification is represented by three groups of methods:

a) methods of organization and implementation of educational and cognitive activities:

verbal (story, lecture, seminar, conversation), visual (illustration, demonstration, etc.), practical (exercises, laboratory experiments, labor activities, etc.),

reproductive and problem-search (from particular to general, from general to particular),

methods of independent work and work under the guidance of a teacher;

b) methods of stimulation and motivation of educational and cognitive activity:

methods of stimulating and motivating interest in learning (the whole arsenal of methods for organizing and implementing educational activities is used for the purpose of psychological adjustment, motivation for learning), methods of stimulating and motivating duty and responsibility in


c) methods of control and self-control over the effectiveness of educational and cognitive activity: methods of oral control and self-control, methods of written control and self-control, methods of laboratory and practical control and self-control.

7. Classification of teaching methods, which combines the sources of knowledge, the level of cognitive activity and independence of students, as well as the logical path of educational modeling (V.F. Palamarchuk and V.I. Palamarchuk).

8. The classification of methods in combination with the forms of cooperation in teaching was proposed by the German didact L. Klinberg.

a) Monological methods:




b) Forms of cooperation:





c) Dialogue methods: - conversations.

9. The classification of methods by K. Sosnitsky (Poland) suggests the existence of two teaching methods:

a) artificial (school);

b) natural (occasional).

These methods correspond to two teaching methods:

a) presenting;

b) search.

10. The classification (typology) of teaching methods, set out in the “Introduction to General Didactics” by W. Okon (Poland), is represented by four groups:

a) methods of mastering knowledge, based mainly on cognitive activity of a reproductive nature (conversation, discussion, lecture, work with a book);

b) methods of self-acquisition of knowledge, called problematic, based on creative cognitive activity in the course of solving problems:

The classical problematic method (according to Dewey), modified for the Polish education system, it contains four important points: the creation of a problem situation; formation of problems and hypotheses for their solution; ordering and application of the results obtained in new problems of a theoretical and practical nature;

The randomness method (England and the USA) is relatively simple and is based on a small group of students considering a description of a case: students formulating questions to explain this case, searching for an answer, a number of possible solutions, comparing solutions, detecting errors in reasoning, etc.;

The situational method is based on introducing students to a difficult situation, the task is to understand and make the right decision, to foresee the consequences of this decision, to find other possible solutions;

An idea bank is a brainstorming technique; based on the group formation of ideas for solving a problem, testing, evaluating and choosing the right ideas;

Micro-teaching - a method of creative teaching of complex practical activities, is used mainly in pedagogical universities; for example, a fragment of a school lesson is recorded on a video recorder, and then a group analysis and evaluation of this fragment is carried out;

Didactic games - the use of game moments in the educational process serves the process of cognition, teaches respect for accepted norms, promotes cooperation, accustoms both to win and to lose. These include: staged fun, i.e. games, simulation games, business games (they are not widely used in Polish schools);

c) evaluation methods, also called exposing methods with the dominance of emotional and artistic activity:

Impressive methods;

Expressive methods;

Practical methods;

teaching methods;

d) practical methods (methods for the implementation of creative tasks), characterized by the predominance of practical and technical activities that change the world around us and create new forms of it: they are associated with the performance of various types of work (for example, wood, glass, growing plants and animals, making fabrics and etc.), the development of work models (drawing), the formation of approaches to the solution and the choice of the best options, the construction of the model and verification of its functioning, the design of specified parameters, individual and group assessment of the task.

The basis of such a typology of methods is V. Okon's idea of ​​the constant development of the creative foundations of the individual through the structuring of the taught knowledge and teaching methods. “The information that a person needs is always intended for some purpose, namely, for understanding the structure of reality, the structure of the world of nature, society and culture that surrounds us. Structural thinking is such thinking that unites the elements of this world known to us. If, thanks to a successful teaching method, these structures fit into the consciousness of a young person, then each of the elements in these structures has its own place and is associated with other structures. Thus, a kind of hierarchy is formed in the student's mind - from the simplest structures of the most general nature to complex ones.

Understanding the basic structures that take place in animate and inanimate nature, in society, in technology and art, can contribute to creative activity based on the knowledge of new structures, the selection of elements and the establishment of connections between them.

11. Based on the fact that a holistic pedagogical process is provided by a single classification of methods, which in a generalized form includes all other classification characteristics of B.T. Likhachev calls a number of classifications, as it were, constituting a classification as a classification. It is based on the following:

Classification according to the correspondence of teaching methods to the logic of socio-historical development.

Classification according to the correspondence of teaching methods to the specifics of the studied material and forms of thinking.

Classification of teaching methods according to their role and significance in the development of essential forces, mental processes, spiritual and creative activity.

Classification of teaching methods according to their compliance with the age characteristics of children.

Classification of teaching methods according to the methods of transmitting and receiving information.

Classification of teaching methods according to the degree of effectiveness of their ideological and educational impact, "influence on the formation of children's consciousness, internal motives" and behavioral stimuli.

Classification of teaching methods according to the main stages of the educational and cognitive process (methods of the stage of perception - primary assimilation; methods of the stage of assimilation - reproduction; methods of the stage of educational and creative expression).

In the classifications identified by B.T. Likhachev, preference is given to the latter as scientific and practical, synthesizing in a generalized form the characteristics of teaching methods of all other classifications.

Two or three dozen more could be added to the series of named classifications of teaching methods. All of them are not without flaws, and at the same time have many positive aspects. There are no universal classifications and cannot be. The educational process is a dynamic construction, this should be understood. In a living pedagogical process, methods also develop and take on new properties. Union

them in groups according to a rigid scheme is not justified, as this hinders the improvement of the educational process.

Apparently, one should follow the path of their universal combination and application in order to achieve a high degree of adequacy to the educational tasks being solved. At each stage of the educational process, some methods occupy a dominant position, others - a subordinate position. Some methods are more effective, while others are less effective in solving educational problems. We also note that the non-inclusion of at least one of the methods, even in its subordinate position, in solving the problems of the lesson significantly reduces its effectiveness. Perhaps, this is comparable to the absence of at least one of the components, even in a very small dose, in the composition of the drug (this reduces or completely changes its medicinal properties).

The methods used in the educational process also perform their functions. These include: teaching, developing, educating, encouraging (motivational), control and correctional functions. Knowing the functionality of certain methods allows you to consciously apply them.