Museum of Education. Museum of Education named after Academician G.A.

  • 30.06.2019

Since October 2005, the Museum of Education has been operating in Moscow, dedicated to everything related to teaching science to schoolchildren and students. The museum welcomes both adults and young guests. The entrance is free.

Employees of the Museum of Education created eight thematic exhibitions. The exhibition “History of Education” tells about the origin and development Russian school. Guests will be able to see royal decrees on the education of citizens, textbooks and objects that were used in ancient schools and universities.

The interactive exhibition “Entertaining Science” invites visitors to plunge into fascinating world physics and chemistry, conduct interesting and unusual experiments.

The ethnographic exhibition “Streets of Moscow” contains many household items of Muscovites from the 16th to 19th centuries. Guests will see furniture, decorations, kitchen utensils, things that no resident of old Moscow could do without.

The exhibition “Nomadic School” is dedicated to the northern peoples of Russia. Visitors will learn about the peculiarities of education in schools of nomadic peoples.

“Earth from Space” is one of the most popular exhibitions of the Museum of Education. The exhibition includes many images received from the ISS, satellites, and from the personal collections of Russian cosmonauts.

Kids will be delighted with the interactive exhibition " Magic ABC book", allowing you to familiarize yourself with the letters of the alphabet in a fun, playful manner. Children will solve puzzles, play games, and participate in master classes on making unique crafts.

A separate exhibition of the Museum of Education is dedicated to A.S. Makarenko. Guests will get acquainted with the life story of the great teacher, with his innovative teaching methods.

IN Exhibition hall The works of schoolchildren and their teachers are presented.

The Museum of Education constantly hosts lectures, master classes, creative evenings, meetings with famous people, premieres of documentaries and feature films.

The museum is located in a two-story mansion of the 18th century, which is an architectural object of national significance.

Museum "Magic ABC Book" is unusual museum, designed for children aged two years and older. The exhibits here can be touched, smelled, and played with. The museum is positioned as educational institution. Children visit the Magic Lantern Museum to have fun and learn at the same time. In the halls of the museum you can immerse yourself in a real fairy tale where learning will be easy and fun.

The Magic ABC Book museum was opened in 2005. The museum operates in the building and is one of its halls.

The Magic ABC Book museum positions itself as an educational institution. There are a number of exhibitions open to children aged two and over.

The exhibition “The Magic ABC Book” is an interactive exhibition for the youngest visitors of the Moscow Museum of Education. Here are letter toys, puzzles, games, amazing crafts etc.

The museum has several unusual sections. For example, in the “Fairytale Land of Zabukovarye” you can visit castles and palaces in the form of letters, where young visitors are told a whole legend or fairy tale about each exhibit. There are also letters made of crystal and malachite. And the most unusual thing is when you find yourself in the so-called Garden of Aromatic Letters. Each letter here is given its own flavor. “R” smells like rose, “M” - mint, “K” - cinnamon, “L” - lavender.

In addition, there are unique exhibits: for example, sheets of the alphabet of the court artist Elisabeth Boehm, primers by Alexander Benois, quills and inkwells of the 19th century, as well as a collection of works by the ancient Russian child prodigy Onifim (the boy scratched on birch bark).

Children are allowed to touch all exhibits presented in the “Magic ABC Book” museum. The letters, for example, are made the size of a child, and the guide will tell you about each fascinating story. The museum even has the “Bukvar-Bukvarich Residence,” which contains a wide variety of primers from all over the world.

The Magic ABC Book Museum-Theater on Vishnyakovsky Lane is a place where children come. This is the only museum in the world that can be visited from the age of two. But basically, it is designed for older preschoolers and students primary classes. Almost all of the museum's exhibits can be held in your hands, touched, or even smelled.

There are several interesting exhibitions with meaningful names, self-explanatory: “Antique school supplies”, “Doll letters”, “Curious toys on the theme of school”. “The Fairytale Country of Zabukovarye” is a diorama where colorful letters are visible in the outlines of houses and castles.

Each exhibit fairyland has its own legend. The most unusual exhibition of the museum is the “Garden of Aromatic Letters”, where each letter of the alphabet has its own smell. The letter "R" has the scent of rose, "M" smells like mint, and "K" smells like cinnamon.

There is an exhibition of children's crafts and drawings, as well as an exhibition of various editions of primers and alphabets

Tour cost:

Excursion program


Without a bus

With a bus

With a guide on the bus*

With animator**





















Cost of excursion from additional services animators and a gift for each child:

Excursion + Animation program


Without a bus

With a bus

With a guide on the bus*

With animator**





















* The price includes the accompaniment of a tour guide
** Included in the price animation program in the bus

For this excursion, the cost of a bus within the Moscow Ring Road will be










For groups traveling from the Moscow region and nearby regions, it is possible delivery of the group to the excursion site railway in a dedicated train carriage. Please check with the manager for the cost and terms of this service.


  • The indicated prices are not an offer and may vary depending on the distance of the school from the place of the excursion and the specific season of the event.
  • During holidays and the season of high demand for tourist services, special prices apply for transport services, subject to individual calculation.
  • Bus transportation organized groups schoolchildren are carried out in accordance withBy Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 1177 of December 17, 2013. (as amended as of 12/30/2016), Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated 12/30/2016 N 941 “On approval of the Procedure for filing a notification about the organized transportation of a group of children by buses” with the provision complete package documents.
  • Mir company school trips» is guaranteed to submit a notification to the traffic police.
  • The indicated prices for transport services are calculated at the average tariff and are valid within the Moscow Ring Road. Delivery of transport to areas located outside of the region is subject to individual calculation and is paid additionally.
  • Any excursion can be organized taking into account the customer’s transport.
  • The excursion can be organized for any number of people, the cost is calculated individually.

The price of the excursion includes:

  • Delivery to the excursion site and back by a comfortable bus;
  • Tour of the museum exhibition

The Moscow Museum of Education as a whole is dedicated to knowledge and experience gained through visual and effective means. Here children can independently explore objects, conduct experiments and obtain results that are difficult to predict in advance. The museum encourages children to engage scientific activity, teaches to observe and draw conclusions.

Description of programs

The museum will tell you about the knowledge and skills that various ethnographic groups and nationalities used and still use today. Through everyday objects folk crafts exhibition " So different and similar” will convey to children how various knowledge and skills help in life and everyday life!

For first-graders, the museum presents the exhibition “ Magic ABC Book“, on which you can see toy letters or smell smell letters.

And finally, the exhibition “ History of education” will tell older children and teachers about the main stages of the formation of Russian education.

In addition to excursion programs, the Moscow Museum of Education has in its arsenal a fascinating performance of the Theater entertaining scienceCafe of Physical Wonders” for middle school children.


  • (10/17/2013) by GORGONA - First-graders finish studying the primer in February, so when the mothers of our class learned about the “Magic Primer” program, which takes place at the Museum of Education, they immediately wanted to time the excursion to coincide with an important event....

How to book a tour

Duration of the excursion: from 30 minutes for one group.

Maximum number of people in a group for an excursion: 12 people. If the group is more than 15 people, it will be divided into two subgroups.

Duration of the performance: 1 hour 20 minutes.

Maximum number of people in a group for a performance: up to 35 people.

Cost of the excursion for a group of schoolchildren: visiting the museum and excursion service is free! To conduct an excursion for a group of schoolchildren, you must pre-register and bring with you a letter with the school seal and the signature of the director. The letter form can be found by calling the number below.

Working hours : Monday to Thursday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m., Friday is a day off, the first Thursday of every month is a sanitary day.