The folk craft in which Maria Sycheva worked. Secrets of the ancient masters

  • 02.07.2020

The III International Congress of Traditional Artistic Culture, which ended yesterday in the regional capital, is not only an exchange of experience between scientists and artists, it is a solution to pressing issues and outlines future affairs.

Chinese souvenirs from Russia

One of these issues is the creation of an infrastructure for the sale of handicraft products, as well as the fight against counterfeit goods. “Unfortunately, part four of the Civil Code, designed to regulate the circulation of intellectual property rights to works of science, literature and art, today excludes works of folk art from the list of objects of copyright and, accordingly, makes it impossible to apply the institution of related rights to it. In my opinion, this is a serious omission of the legislator. And one of the tasks of the Congress is to develop a consolidated opinion and practical recommendations to solve this problem,” said valid state Advisor to the Russian Federation 3rd class, associate professor Yuri Bundin.

Today, the souvenir market is flooded with cheap Chinese fakes, which can be 6(!) times cheaper than the original. But our craftsmen are especially offended that foreign tourists buy them as souvenirs from Russia.

Photo: press service of the Vladimir administration

The participants of the Congress decided to propose to the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation to accelerate the ratification of the UNESCO Convention for the Protection of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, and recommend that the subjects of the country adopt similar regional laws following the example of Tatarstan. Thus, issues of folk artistic culture will rise to the level of state policy of the Russian Federation.

The second block of measures that, according to the congress participants, needs to be taken by the government of the country and the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is comprehensive support and popularization of traditional crafts and culture. The resolution included a proposal to annually hold a festival of folk craftsmen, regional competitions, scientific and practical conferences and exhibitions. Doctor of Art History and Professor of Kabardino-Balkarian University in Nalchik Boris Malbakhov believes that it is necessary to regularly carry out practical work to revive artistic crafts, identify folk craftsmen and attract them as employees of systemic enterprises of artistic crafts, and promote the improvement of the personnel training system for such enterprises.

“In Soviet times, much attention was paid to artistic crafts. At that time, all tourists took local souvenirs as souvenirs. To revive this, investments are needed,” says Boris Khasanovich.

Mysteries of artifacts

At the congress, Ugra shared its experience in the field of preserving traditional culture with other regions and countries. The district's craftsmen are bit by bit reviving forgotten crafts, but they have not yet revealed all the secrets of ancient technologies.

More than 20 artists and craftsmen presented their original works at the exhibition “Ceramics - a source of discoveries”. The exhibition runs at the House-Museum of People's Artist of the USSR V. Igoshev in Khanty-Mansiysk until November 26.

“I used the papier-mâché technique, and the materials were paper, PVA glue, hemp thread, plant materials - grass, branches,” says artist-designer of the Center for Folk Arts and Crafts Inessa Skryabina.- My research work is in recreating Bronze Age technology. To do this, I prepared clay with additives and let it sit for several months. And the drawings on the vessels are from archaeological finds.”

Craftswomen from Kondinsky district Svetlana and Ekaterina Lebedev showed how the ancient inhabitants of Ugra applied patterns to ceramic vessels. Mother and daughter held a master class on ancient tournettes - special rotating wooden stumps covered with leather.

Ekaterina Lebedeva adds wool to clay for viscosity and plasticity, and when fired, an interesting color appears on the vessel. She also draws ideas from archaeological finds from sites where settlements used to be located. These are Chilimka, Maly Atlym, Barsova Gora, Endyr, Khulyum-sunt, Nizyamy and Luchkino.

“Atlym ceramics have been little studied, especially in our region. The stamps on the ceramics were made so carefully that even modern people cannot repeat it. How was such ceramics made at a time when there was no technology? Neat, even, without rulers or pencils, without a single flaw! - Ekaterina reflects. - Either those peoples had a well-developed eye, or they had some kind of adaptations. And one more thing - ornaments were never simply blurted out on ceramics. They all had their place. Every cross and every stripe meant something.”

How not to dissolve

Master of the Uray branch of the Crafts Center “School-Workshop of Folk Crafts” Galina Tarasova shows a collection of birch bark snuff boxes. In fact, no one needs a snuff box now - they don’t use tobacco. The answer to the question “why” has already been prepared - it’s about the ingenious locks on the snuff boxes. Of course, they cannot compare with modern combination locks and safes, but they were made without glue or other fastening materials, which speaks of the dexterity and ingenuity of that time.

Her colleague Ekaterina Smirnova talks about the method of reconstruction and replication of the male and female costume of the merchant class of the cities of Surgut, Mangazeya and Berezovo. The seams at work were done by hand, without using a sewing machine, and the fabrics were selected similar to those found in these cities.

Chief curator of the Intersettlement Center for National Crafts and Crafts Marina Aipina conducted a master class on weaving mats. The employees of this institution revived the ancient craft of the Agan Khanty.

“They used to live in tents, and to keep the floor warm, they first put grass on it, then mats, and on top - deer skins,” said Marina Aipina. - This helped keep the house warm. Today, the center orders mats to decorate the interior or as gifts for loved ones.”

Teachers of the Teremok kindergarten Tatyana Volkova and Marina Zhilyakova came to the congress to get acquainted with the technologies of folk crafts.

“Today we tried to draw, weave mats, and made dolls,” Marina Zhilyakova shared her impressions. - We will teach our students. We need to know our traditions, remember how our ancestors lived, how they created comfort.”

According to Maria Maistrovskaya, a professor at the Moscow State Academy of Arts and Industry named after Stroganov, Ugra is sensitive to the revival of traditional folk arts and crafts.

“The most important thing in the era of globalization in which we live is not to lose ourselves and not to dissolve in this huge boundless sea of ​​average humanity,” emphasized Maria Maistrovskaya. - And it is in traditional artistic culture that a person can draw his originality and originality. In Ugra they do this with success.”

Photo: / Evgeny Zinoviev

Special opinion

Chairman of the Assembly of Indigenous Minorities of the North Eremey
Aipin: “I want to say a few words about the Masters. I remembered the story about the “great hunter Bakhtiyarov”. So he sees a beautifully built house and says: “Master!” - this was his highest rating. Met a hunter - “Master!” I met a beautiful woman in a beautiful dress - “Master!” Why the great hunter? Periodically, he carved on the trees “here a hunter killed an elk”, “here a hunter killed a wolverine.” But why? He didn't do all this. And then, so that another hunter, following Bakhtiyarov’s trail, would see that the elk was no longer there and leave. Let the elk live and multiply. And so, when I meet good researchers and scientists, I always remember Bakhtiyarov. I wish you to be Masters, and that every word you leave in the souls of our district residents will increase our sense of beauty.”

  1. The bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in Russia, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, is (select one correct option from the list below)
    1. Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation
    2. President of Russian Federation
    3. State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation
    4. multinational people of the Russian Federation
    show Answer: multinational people of the Russian Federation
  2. Russia has historically developed as a multinational state. Determine the sequence of voluntary entry of the territories listed below into the Russian state, if it is known that the Republic of Khakassia is celebrating its 290th anniversary as part of Russia this year, and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is celebrating its 385th anniversary.
    1. The Republic of Ingushetia
    2. The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)
    3. The Republic of Khakassia
    4. Udmurt republic
    show Answer: 4 - 2 - 3- 1
  3. Wooden architecture has a long history in Russia and, thanks to skilled craftsmen, is known far beyond its borders. It is not for nothing that the oldest Russian monastery, founded in the 10th century on Mount Athos, is called “Xylurgu”, which means “woodmaker”, “carpenter”. Masterpieces of wooden architecture are preserved in open-air museums in many regions of our country: in the Irkutsk region - in "Taltsy", not far from Veliky Novgorod - in "Vitoslavlitsy", in the Arkhangelsk region - in "Malye Korely".

    In which region is the world famous Kizhi Museum-Reserve located?
    (choose one correct option from the list below)?

    1. Republic of Karelia
    2. Sevastopol
    3. Udmurt republic
    4. Moscow
    show Answer: Republic of Karelia
  4. Match the names of sacred scriptures or sets of sacred texts, as well as the types of temples with the traditional religions of Russia
    (write your answer in format A – 1; B – 2, etc.):
    A. Islam
    B. Buddhism
    B. Judaism
    G. Christianity
    1. Tripitaka, stupa
    2. Koran, mosque
    3. Tanakh, synagogue
    4. Bible, church
    show Answer: A - 2, B - 1, C - 3, D - 4.
  5. 65 years ago, Rasul Gamzatov wrote the poem “Soldiers of Russia” about the heroic crew of the T-34 tank, who accomplished a feat during the liberation of Crimea from the Nazi occupation in April 1944. The crew of the tank consisted of seven Russians and a representative of one of the peoples of the North Caucasus - Hero of the Soviet Union Magomed-Zagid Abdulmanapov. Below is an excerpt from this poem: Sleeping in Simferopol in a mass grave
    Seven Russians and ___???___, my fellow countryman.
    Above them is a tank, their soldier’s monument,
    Still retains traces of past attacks,
    And the country gratefully brought out
    Their names are on the marble slab.

    Fill in the missing word (choose one correct option from the list below):

    1. Chechen
    2. Avar
    3. Dargin
    4. Nogai
    show Answer: Avar
  6. Many Russian educators, who showed concern for the development of national languages, at the same time sought to introduce people to the all-Russian culture and history, taught love for both the small and large Motherland - Russia. Among them we can name the great educator of the Chuvash people, Ivan Yakovlev, and the Bashkir people, Miftakhetdin Akmulla. The name of Mikhail Chevalkov means a lot to Altaians and Teleuts.

    Determine which nation the enlightener Kayum Nasyri was the son of

    1. Tatars
    2. Mansi
    3. Ingush
    4. Udmurts
    show Answer: Tatars
  7. In Yakutsk in 2005, an unusual monument to the family was unveiled, personifying the friendship of Yakuts and Russians. The sculptural composition presents: the father is a Russian explorer and Cossack ataman, the mother is the Yakut beauty Abakayade Syuchyu, their son Lyubim.
    Name the father of the family - the great Russian explorer
    (choose one correct option from the list below).
    1. Nikolai Miklouho-Maclay
    2. Petr Semenov-Tien-Shansky
    3. Semyon Dezhnev
    4. Vitus Bering
    show Answer: Semyon Dezhnev
  8. Appaz Iliev is the oldest person in Russia. On March 1, 2017, he turned 121 years old. In his recent interview, answering the question of what is most important today for residents of multinational, multimillion-dollar Russia, the centenarian said: “Russians must always tell the truth, live with justice, then there will be benefits. If you live in truth today, then tomorrow you will have a normal life. (...) Today we have a fair ruler in our country, take everything good from this situation.” In the native village of the oldest man, 43 families live, and all have the same surname - the Ilievs.

    Name the region where this village is located
    (choose one correct option from the list below).

    1. Nizhny Novgorod Region
    2. Orenburg region
    3. The Republic of Ingushetia
    4. Altai region
    show Answer: The Republic of Ingushetia
  9. It is known that the outstanding Russian poet A.S. Pushkin was greatly influenced by his nanny Arina Rodionovna, who, according to one version, was of Finno-Ugric origin and was from the village of Lampovo in Ingria. Currently, Ingrians live mainly in Russia.
    Indicate in which regions (choose the two correct options from the list below).
    1. Kaliningrad
    2. Udmurt republic
    3. St. Petersburg, Leningrad region
    4. Republic of Karelia
    show Answer: 3, 4.
  10. In the 20th century in our country, among the masters of folk crafts that were previously considered “male”, outstanding masters – women – appeared. The first woman in Dagestan to devote herself to metal jewelry processing was Manaba Omarovna Magomedova. The first female engraver in Chukotka was Vera Aromke Emkul. The first artist of Palekh lacquer miniatures was Sofya Mikhailovna Golikova (Vakurova).
    Name the famous folk craft in which Maria Alekseevna Sycheva (Uglovskaya) worked - the first woman initiated into the secret of applying designs from a special alloy on metal
    (choose one correct option from the list below).
    1. brazed filigree
    2. artistic bone carving
    3. Veliky Ustyug blackening on silver
    4. Dymkovo toy
    show Answer: Veliky Ustyug blackening on silver
  11. “Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern - a man and a steamship” - the well-known words of the postman Pechkin from his favorite children's cartoon. Under the command of Admiral I.F. Kruzenshtern made the first Russian trip around the world. Ivan Fedorovich was the first to map most of the coast of Sakhalin and describe the life and customs of the indigenous inhabitants of this island.
    List them among the peoples listed below
    (choose the two correct options from the list below).
    1. Udmurts
    2. Nivkhs
    3. Lezgins
    show Answer: Nivkhs, Ainu.
  12. Tatar craftswomen made raisin (iliza) fabric bibs for women's clothing, skillfully decorating them with silk and gold-woven ribbons. Raisins were worn only by married women.
    For what purpose (select one correct option from the list below)?
    1. just to show wealth
    2. for wind protection
    3. exclusively as decoration
    4. hide the chest slit of a woman's dress
    show Answer: hide the chest slit of a woman's dress
  13. One of the most famous military pilots of the Great Patriotic War, a Lak on his father and a Crimean Tatar on his mother, at the age of 25 became twice Hero of the Soviet Union. In total, during the war, he made 603 combat missions, conducted 150 air battles, in which he personally shot down 30 and as part of a group 19 enemy aircraft.
    Say his name (choose one correct option from the list below).
    1. Amet-Khan Sultan
    2. Vladimir Kokkinaki
    3. Alexey Maresyev
    4. Alexander Pokryshkin
    show Answer: Amet-Khan Sultan
  14. The dances of each people of Russia have made a unique contribution to the culture of our country. At the same time, folk art has a lot in common, for example, circle dances: among the Buryats it is yokhor, among the Ossetians it is simd, among the Russians it is round dance.
    What is the name of a similar dance among the Lezgins (choose one correct option from the list below)?
    1. yally yar
    2. Karagod
    3. lady
    show Answer: yalli yar
  15. During the Patriotic War of 1812, the French army called the representatives of this people “Northern Cupids” for their masterly archery. Who are we talking about (choose one correct option from the list below)?
    1. Russians
    2. Karelians
    3. Bashkirs
    4. Kchechens
    show Answer: Bashkirs
  16. One of the most famous collectors of Russian fairy tales was Alexander Nikolaevich Afanasyev. He published more than 70 articles devoted to the study of fairy tales of the Russian people, including “Grandfather Brownie”, “Zoomorphic deities among the Slavs”, “Poetic legends about the heavenly luminaries”. In addition, A.N. Afanasyev published the collection “Russian Folk Tales”.
    Indicate how many fairy tales are included in this collection (choose one correct option from the list below).
    1. 60000
    show Answer: 600
  17. Altai folk storytellers, kaichs, accompany their narration with the accompaniment of an unusual instrument reminiscent of a dombra - topshura. This instrument is made from a single piece of wood sacred to the Altai people - cedar.
    What are the strings for this instrument made of (choose one correct option from the list below)?
    1. leather
    2. horsehair
    3. from nettle
    4. from the veins and intestines of animals
    show Answer: horsehair
  18. In the traditional cuisine of many peoples of Russia there are drinks made from sour milk: the Tatars, Bashkirs, Kalmyks, Altaians and others have katyk, ayran, kumys; among the Chechens and Ingush - yetshura.
    What is the name of a fermented milk drink in traditional Russian cuisine (choose one correct option from the list below)?
    1. suorat
    2. Varenets
    3. yogurt
    show Answer: Varenets
  19. The defense of this fortress - from the morning of June 22 until September 1941 - is an example of fearlessness, valor and heroism of the Soviet people. It has been established that soldiers of more than 30 nationalities fought to the death here, demonstrating loyalty to the friendship of the peoples of our multinational Motherland.
    What fortress are we talking about (choose one correct option from the list below)?
    1. Brest Fortress
    2. Kronstadt Fortress
    3. Peter-Pavel's Fortress
    4. Oreshek fortress
    show Answer: Brest Fortress
  20. It is known that by decree of Peter I the holy book of Muslims, the Koran and the biography of the Prophet Muhammad were translated into Russian for the first time.
    And by whose decree was the Koran first published in printing using public funds (select one correct option from the list below)?
    1. Catherine II the Great
    2. Ivan IV the Terrible
    3. Vladimir the Great
    4. Yaroslav the Wise
    show Answer: Catherine II the Great
  21. Saint Innocent (Veniaminov), Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna, Archbishop of Kamchatka, Kuril and Aleutian spent many years in the Far East of Russia, traveling on dogs and reindeer across the northern lands. With his meekness and friendliness, he earned the love of the Aleuts, Koryaks, Chukchi and Tungus, built schools for them, taught children himself, and for the first time explored the life and traditions of these indigenous peoples.
    Indicate the city one of the founders of which the saint was and the name to which he gave (choose one correct option from the list below).
    1. Blagoveshchensk
    2. Moscow
    3. Vladimir
    4. Vladivostok
    show Answer: Blagoveshchensk
  22. “Samoyed”, “Dzhigit”, “Kalmyk”, “Yakut” are:
    1. historical names of ships of the Russian navy
    2. names of settlements
    3. names of folk dances
    4. methods of tying marine rigging knots
    show Answer: historical names of ships of the Russian navy
  23. Bely Island is located in the Kara Sea and is the northernmost territory of the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug. For the Nenets it has long been sacred. It was forbidden to set up tents and take women to the island: according to local beliefs, the owner of the island, Sir Irik, really did not like this.
    Sir Irik is translated into Russian as (select one correct option from the list below):
    1. White Tsar
    2. White Old Man
    3. White Wind
    4. White Hunter
    show Answer: White Old Man
  24. Orthodox saints Peter and Fevronia are the patrons of family and marriage. What city was their life connected with (choose one correct option from the list below)?
    1. with Vladimir
    2. with Murom
    3. with Suzdal
    4. with Moscow
    show Answer: with Murom
  25. From which of the ancient cities of Crimea did the spread of Christianity in Rus' begin (choose one correct option from the list below)?
    1. Korsun (Chersonese settlement in Sevastopol)
    2. Cafe (Feodosia)
    3. Panticapaeum (Kerch)
    4. Kerkinitida (Evpatoria)
    show Answer: Korsun (Chersonese settlement in Sevastopol)
  26. Representatives of this people dug their homes on the slope of a hill or mountain, making an entrance-corridor from the side of the river. Such a building was called “karamo” and often it was possible to swim into it only by boat.
    Representatives of which people are characterized by such buildings (choose one correct option from the list below)?
    1. Ossetians
    2. Yakuts
    3. Selkups
    4. Tatars
    show Answer: Selkups
  27. In the Nizhny Novgorod region there is Lake Svetloyar, with which the legend of Kitezh-grad is associated.
    People have settled along the shores of the lake since the 17th century (choose one correct option from the list below):
    1. Mari
    2. Udmurts
    3. Russians
    4. Tatars
    show Answer: Russians
  28. This religious building was erected in 1823 in Moscow on the territory of the Tatar Settlement in memory of the heroism of Muslim soldiers shown in the Patriotic War of 1812. It was closed in 1939 and reopened in 1993.
    Name it (choose one correct option from the list below).
    1. Complex of Inam and Yardyam mosques in Otradnoye
    2. Cathedral of Christ the Savior
    3. Pokrovsky Stauropegial Convent
    4. Moscow historical mosque
    show Answer: Moscow historical mosque
  29. The military topographer Vladimir Klavdievich Arsenyev and the hunter, a native inhabitant of the Ussuri region, Dersu Uzala, walked together many kilometers of the taiga and became good friends. VC. Arsenyev wrote two books about his guide: “Across the Ussuri Region” and “Dersu Uzala”.
    What nationality did Dersu Uzala consider himself to be (choose one correct option from the list below)?
    1. Russians
    2. Greek
    3. Chechen
    4. gold
    show Answer: gold
  30. Who is the author of the lines:
    “Forgetting my native language - I will go numb. Having lost Russian, I will become deaf” show Answer: Tanzilya Zumakulova

Ethnographic dictation: which questions turned out to be the most difficult for Kazan residents

How well do you know the culture of your native country? What about the region? This knowledge could be tested by writing a Great Ethnographic Dictation. This year, residents of 85 regions of Russia and 11 neighboring countries are taking it out. We asked why people are ready to sit at a desk on a working day and answer questions about the peoples of the country

This year you could test your ethnographic literacy in Kazan at two sites: at the House of Friendship of Peoples of the Republic of Tatarstan and at the Kazan Federal University. In the regions of the republic, 20 sites were organized for those wishing to join the cultural and educational event.

Upon entering the dictation, everyone was given identification numbers by which you can find out your results. At 10 a.m., volunteers handed out question papers. It doesn’t look much like a dictation, but rather like the Unified State Exam, only without the ringing frames, controllers and selected phones. But the organizers still did not recommend using “cheat sheets” and googling answers on the Internet, because dictation is a test of knowledge, otherwise what’s the point?

Perhaps because the event took place on a working day, there were few people willing to write a dictation. The venue of the House of Peoples' Friendship was only half full.

“We came to write an ordinary dictation on knowledge of the Russian language, we came and discovered that we were writing an ethnographic test,” he says before the dictation Fania Gabitova. “Now we are forced to collect all our knowledge, concentrate and remember everything we know about the peoples of our country. But we always hope for good results. There will probably be questions about traditions, the ethnic group of the people, perhaps about linguistic culture, dances, cuisine, we are ready for them.

The protest participant was not mistaken in her assumptions. The dictation consisted of 30 test questions. 20 questions are the same for all of Russia and neighboring countries, and 10 are compiled taking into account regional specifics. In Tatarstan, these were questions about Tatar culture, history, customs and prominent people. For example, the question about the Tatar poet, hero of the USSR, born in the Orenburg region. Last year, all issues were federal issues.

Residents of Russia and foreign countries who speak Russian, regardless of education, social affiliation, religion and citizenship, could take part in the dictation. The main thing is to be over 15 years old.


30 is the maximum amount of points that can be scored for correctly completing all tasks this year (one point for each correct answer).

45 minutes are given to write the Great Ethnographic Dictation.

No ratings are given - you can know history and geography very well, but have no idea why Tatar women need a raisin bib or what the name of the Kryashen holiday, celebrated on the day of remembrance of the apostles Peter and Paul, is.

The texts of the questions contained useful information and history about other similar peoples. For example, in the question about women craftsmen, you can find out that the first woman in Dagestan to process metal jewelry was Manaba Magomedova, and the first woman engraver in Chukotka was Vera Emkul. But the trade in which Maria Sycheva became famous had to be named herself.

Retired English teacher Aliya Nurgalieva says that she came to the dictation out of curiosity:

Dictation of medium difficulty. The most difficult questions were about the diversity of peoples, their customs and traditions... Dagestanis, Udmurts, Karelians. This dictation makes it possible to understand that we live in a large multinational state and should live in peace and harmony. I think I will have average results, closer to 30. The test is still quite difficult for schoolchildren, if only for the 11th grade, and even then for advanced students who are well versed in geography and history,” she says.

For those who were unable to test their knowledge at regional sites, online testing has been organized on the website of the Great Ethnographic Dictation, which can be taken on November 3 from 10.00 to November 5 until 23.59.

By the way, an hour after the start, 3,425 people wrote the online test.

The all-Russian results of the action will be summed up on the Constitution Day of the Russian Federation on December 12. Residents of Tatarstan will be able to find out their results on November 8 on the website of the House of Friendship of Peoples of the Republic of Tatarstan.

By the way

The “Great Ethnographic Dictation” campaign was launched for the first time in 2016. Almost 90 thousand people wrote the dictation: 35 thousand in person and more than 50 thousand online.

The youngest participant in the dictation was a 12-year-old girl from the Ulyanovsk region, the oldest was an 80-year-old man from Mordovia. The average score for dictation in the country was 54 points out of 100 possible. Tatarstan showed the best result in Russia - the highest average score was 81.3.

    The Tula region joined the All-Russian educational campaign Great Ethnographic Dictation. See how Tula residents wrote this test.

    And if you want to try to answer the test questions yourself, here are the questions themselves:

    1. The bearer of sovereignty and the only source of power in Russia, according to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, is:

A) President of the Russian Federation

B) State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation

C) Multinational people of the Russian Federation

D) Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation

2. Russia has historically developed as a multinational state. Determine which territory was the first to voluntarily join the Russian state, if it is known that the Republic of Khakassia is celebrating its 290th anniversary as part of Russia this year, and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) is celebrating its 385th anniversary.

A) Republic of Ingushetia

B) Republic of Khakassia

B) Republic of Sakha

D) Udmurt Republic

3. Wooden architecture has a long history in Russia and, thanks to skilled craftsmen, is known far beyond its borders. No wonder the oldest Russian monastery, founded in X century on Athos, is called “Xilgurgu”, which means “woodmaker”, “carpenter”. Masterpieces of wooden architecture are preserved in open-air museums in many regions of our country: in the Irkutsk region - in "Taltsy", not far from Veliky Novgorod - in "Vitoslavitsy", in the Arkhangelsk region - in "Malye Korely". In which region is the world famous Kizhi Museum-Reserve located?

A) Republic of Karelia

B) Udmurt Republic

B) Moscow

D) Sevastopol

4. Correlate the names of sacred scriptures or sets of sacred texts, as well as the type of temples with the traditional religions of Russia (write your answer in format A-1-IV, B-2-III, etc.):

A) Christianity 1) Tripitaka I) church

B) Islam 2) Tanaz II) stupa

B) Buddhism 3) Bible III) synagogue

D) Judaism 4) Koran IV) mosque

5. 65 years ago, Rasul Gamzatov wrote the poem “Soldiers of Russia” about the heroic crew of the T-34 tank, who accomplished a feat during the liberation of Crimea from the Nazi occupation in April 1944. The deceased crew consisted of seven Russians and a representative of one of the peoples of the North Caucasus - Hero of the Soviet Union Magomed-Zagid Abdulmanapov. Below is an excerpt from the poem:

Sleeping in Simferopol in a mass grave

Seven Russians and_____, my fellow countryman.

Above them is a tank, their soldier’s monument,

Still retains traces of past attacks,

And the country gratefully brought out

Their names are on the marble slab.

What word is missing?

A) Chechen

B) Avar

B) Nogai

D) Dargin

6. Many educators of Russia, who showed concern for the development of national languages, at the same time sought to introduce people to the all-Russian culture and history, taught love for both the small and large Motherland, Russia. Among them we can name the great educator of the Chuvash people, Ivan Yakovlev, and the Bashkir people, Miftakhetdin Akmulla. The name of Mikhail Chevalkov means a lot to Altaians and Teleuts. Determine which nation the enlightener Kayum Nasyri is the son of:

A) Ingush

B) Tatars

B) Udmurts

7. In Yakutsk in 2005, an unusual monument to the family was unveiled, personifying the friendship of Yakuts and Russians. The sculptural composition presents: the father is a Russian explorer and Cossack ataman, the mother is the Yakut beauty Abakayade Syuchyu, their son Lyubim. Name the father of the family - the great Russian explorer:

A) Semyon Dezhnev

B) Vitus Bering

B) Nikolai Miklouho-Maclay

D) Peter Semenov-Tien-Shansky

8. Appaz Iliev is the oldest person in Russia. On March 1, 2017, he turned 121 years old. In his recent interview, answering the question of what is most important today for residents of multinational, multimillion-dollar Russia, the centenarian said: “Russians must always tell the truth, live with justice, then there will be benefits. If you live in truth today, then tomorrow you will have a normal life. Today we have a fair ruler in our country, take all the good from this situation.” In the native village of the oldest man, 43 families live, and all have the same surname - the Ilievs. Name the region where this village is located:

A) Nizhny Novgorod region

B) Altai region

B) Orenburg region

D) Republic of Ingushetia

9. It is known that the outstanding Russian poet A.S. Pushkin was greatly influenced by his nanny Arina Rodionovna, who, according to one version, was of Finno-Ugric origin and was from the village of Lampovo in Ingria. Indicate in which regions Ingrian people currently live:

A) Udmurt Republic

B) Republic of Karelia

B) St. Petersburg, Leningrad region

D) Kaliningrad

10.BXX century in our country, among the masters of folk crafts, previously considered “peasant”, outstanding female craftsmen appeared. The first woman in Dagestan to devote herself to metal jewelry processing was Manaba Omarovna Magomedova. The first female engraver in Chukotka was Vera Aromke Emkul. The first artist of Palekh lacquer miniatures was Sofya Mikhailovna Golikova (Vakurova). Name the famous folk craft in which Maria Alekseevna Sycheva (Uglovskaya) worked - the first woman initiated into the secret of applying patterns from a special alloy on metal:

A) Dymkovo toy

B) artistic carving

B) Veliky Ustyug blackening on silver

D) brazed filigree

11. “Ivan Fedorovich Kruzenshtern - a man and a steamship” - the well-known words of the postman Pechkin from his favorite children's cartoon. Under the command of Admiral I.F. Kruzenshtern there was the very first Russian trip around the world. Ivan Fedorovich was the first to map most of the coast of Sakhalin and describe the life and customs of the indigenous inhabitants of this island. Who are they :

B) Udmurts

B) Lezgins

12. Tatar craftswomen made raisin (or izu) fabric bibs for women's clothing, skillfully decorating them with silk and gold-woven ribbons. Raisins were worn only by married women. For what purpose:

A) for protection from wind

B) hide the chest slit of a woman’s dress

B) just to show wealth

D) exclusively as decoration

13. One of the most famous military pilots of the Great Patriotic War, a Lak on his father’s side and a Crimean Tatar on his mother’s side, at the age of 25 became twice Hero of the Soviet Union. In total, during the war he made 603 combat missions, conducted 150 air battles, in which he personally shot down 30 enemy aircraft and as part of a group, 19. Say his name:

A) Alexander Pokryshkin

B) Vladimir Kokkinaki

B) Alexey Maresyev

D) Amet-Khan Sultan

14. The dances of every people of Russia have contributed to the culture of our country. At the same time, folk art has a lot in common, for example, circle dances: among the Buryats it is yokhor, among the Ossetians it is simd, among the Russians it is a round dance. What is the name of a similar dance among Lezgins?

A) karagod

B) yalli yar

D) lady

15. During the Patriotic War of 1812, the French army called the representatives of this people “Northern Cupids” for their masterly archery. Who are we talking about?

F) Chechens

B) Karelians

B) Bashkirs

D) Russians

16. One of the most famous collectors of Russian fairy tales was Alexander Nikolaevich Afanasyev. He published more than 70 articles devoted to the study of fairy tales of the Russian people, including “Grandfather Brownie”, “Zoomorphic deities among the Slavs”, “Poetic legends about the heavenly luminaries”. In addition, A. N. Afanasyev published the collection “Russian Folk Tales”. Indicate how many fairy tales are included in this collection:

17. Altai folk storytellers, kaichs, accompany their narration with the accompaniment of an unusual instrument reminiscent of a domra - topshura. This instrument is made from a single piece of wood sacred to the Altai people - cedar. What are the strings for this instrument made of (select the correct option from the list below):

A) from animal intestines

B) from nettle

B) made of leather

D) from horsehair

18. In the traditional cuisine of many peoples of Russia there are drinks made from sour milk: Tatars, Bashkirs, Kalmyks, Altaians and others - katyk, ayran, kumys; among the Chechens and Ingush - yetshura. What is the name of fermented milk drink in traditional Russian cuisine:

B) Varenets

B) yogurt

D) suorat

19. The defense of this fortress - from the morning of June 22 until September 1941 - is an example of fearlessness, valor and heroism of the Soviet people. It has been established that soldiers of more than 30 nationalities fought to the death here, demonstrating loyalty to the friendship of the peoples of our multinational Motherland. What kind of fortress are we talking about? :

A) Kronstadt Fortress

B) Oreshek fortress

B) Peter and Paul Fortress

D) Brest Fortress

20. It is known that by decree of Peter I, the holy book of Muslims, the Koran and the biography of the Prophet Muhammad, were translated into Russian for the first time. And by whose decree the Koran was first published in printing using public funds:

A) Catherine II the Great

B) Ivan IV the Terrible

B) Vladimir the Great

D) Yaroslav the Wise

21. Saint Innocent (Veniaminov), Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna, Archbishop of Kamchatka, Kuril and Aleutian, spent many years in the Far East of Russia, traveling on dogs and reindeer across the northern lands. With his meekness and friendliness, he earned the love of the Aleuts, Koryaks, Chukchi and Tungus, built schools for them, taught children himself, and for the first time explored the life and traditions of these indigenous peoples. Indicate the city, one of the founders of which the saint was and the name to which he gave:

A) Vladivostok

B) Blagoveshchensk

B) Vladimir


22. Traditionally, one of the most widespread and popular holidays that are widely celebrated in Tula is Trinity. In the Suvorovsky district of the Tula region, it is customary to “baptize the cuckoo” on Trinity Sunday. It means:

A) bake pies

B) catch larks

B) fry eggs

D) weave baskets

23. In the 19th century in the Moscow province, a very popular element of clothing were kalizhki, which were:

A) a type of shirt

B) light birch bark shoes

B) knitted hat

D) short sheepskin coat

24. Name the collector of folk songs in the Voronezh province, the organizer of the first Russian folk choir:

A) Mitrofan Efimovich Pyatnitsky

B) Igor Aleksandrovich Moiseev

B) Mikhail Borisovich Turetsky

D) Vitaly Grigorievich Kostomarov

25. Orthodox saints Peter and Fevronia are the patrons of family and marriage. Which city was their life connected with?

A) with Vladimir

B) with Murom

B) with Suzdal

D) with Moscow

26. Russian enamel enamel, known since the 10th century, received enthusiastic reviews back in medieval Europe. Today this “fire writing” is one of the unique crafts of modern...

A) Myshkina

B) Rybinsk

B) Rostov the Great

D) Pereslavl-Zalessky

27. The tradition of burning a straw doll on Maslenitsa, a symbol of the ancient Slavic deity, has survived to this day. Indicate one of the names of this straw doll:

A) Kostroma

B) Mokosh

28. In the Chernsky district of the Tula province, on the Feast of the Ascension, peasants baked special flat cakes, greased with eggs. What were these flatbreads called?

A) stairs

B) pies

D) cheesecakes

29. They used to say about the Ryazan men “slant-bellied”, because they always had some object in their belts. Which?

“Forgetting my native language, I will go numb,

Having lost Russian, I will become deaf.”

A) Tanzilya Zumakulova

B) Gabdulla Tukay

B) Rasul Gamzatov

D) Kosta Khetagurov

Hieromartyr Vladimir Ambartsumov. Image from

"I have not seen the righteous forsaken"

Once upon a time, Father Vladimir and his wife dreamed that they would have 12 children - 12 preachers of the Word of God. Their dream was realized by subsequent generations.

Father Vladimir's daughter Lydia became the wife of Archpriest Gleb Kaleda, and her brother Evgeniy became a priest. Now there are 12 priests in the Ambartsumov-Kaleda family, there are abbess, deacons and seminarians.

And one of his granddaughters, his mother, gave birth to six sons and six daughters. Thus the Lord multiplies and blesses the race of the righteous.


Hieromartyr Vladimir (1892-1937, memory November 5) came from the family of an honorary citizen of the city of Shamakhi, Baku province, Ambartsum Egorovich. Ambartsum Egorovich put a lot of effort into organizing the education of deaf and mute people in Russia. He was widowed early: his wife died in childbirth, leaving three small children.

Concerned about the arrangement of their fate, he moves to a German colony near Tsaritsyno and invites the kind Lutheran Caroline Andreevna Knobloch to live with him. Caring for children brought two single people together and they got married. Three more children were born, the youngest of them was the future martyr Vladimir.

Initially, Caroline did not feel much love for her husband. She decided to marry him because she felt sorry for the children left without a mother.

Since childhood, Volodya observed the sincere religious life of his parents. Ambartsum organized a private school for the deaf and dumb, but children from low-income families were taught there for free.

Family. Little Vladimir (in the center) with relatives. Image from the site

Dog Doron and electric current

It’s hard to imagine how much excitement Volodya brought to his mother as a child. He was interested in everything, he was not afraid to risk his life for the sake of an argument with friends, for example, during an ice drift he once crossed the wide Volga River near Saratov on ice floes. There was a time when he lay down on the tracks waiting for a train to pass over him. More than once Caroline anxiously waited for her youngest to return from a walk. This nature lover could spend hours in the forest, studying the voice of each bird. He spoke to the feathered creatures in their language.

One day Volodya saw several boys mocking an unfortunate dog. Volodya literally snatched the dog from their hands and took it to him. He gave his four-legged fox terrier the nickname Doron. The grateful dog began to faithfully serve his young master, who taught him extraordinary tricks with great pleasure and interest. Doron even learned to jump through trees and chase cats on them.

Playing with Doron was not his only hobby. He was literally bursting with interest in everything: from the microscope he rushed to the piano, from studying languages ​​to his favorite experiments with electricity. He played the violin and harmonium, and knew Greek, Latin, English and German well.

He was especially fascinated by electrical physics.

In his experiments, the young researcher stopped at nothing: he made an electric gun and punched a hole under the window of a nearby house.

The elder sister Natasha, seeing something shiny in her brother’s hands, ran away screaming wherever her eyes looked: Volodya’s electrodes often shocked her.

V.A. Ambartsumov, student of the Moscow Imperial University.


After two years of her son’s studies at the Moscow Imperial University, Caroline insisted that he continue his studies in Berlin: in Germany they taught technical sciences better. It is in Germany that another “interest” appears in life - Christianity. Vladimir becomes an active member of the Christian student movement.

Students studied the Gospel in small circles. But Lutheran teaching was “not enough” to become closer to God; it seemed too rational. Vladimir converts to Baptistism. Later, the holy martyr compared Baptism to the first class, but was sure that “you cannot be a first-class student all your life.”

One morning Vladimir woke up with an inexplicable strong feeling that he urgently needed to leave Germany for Russia. But when I looked at my watch, I realized that the train had already left the first station. And yet, contrary to reason, for some reason he began to pack his things. The train route went around the entire city, making many stops along the way. Vladimir managed to do urgent things and at the last station jumped on the departing train. This turned out to be the last train from Germany to Russia before the First World War!

Vladimir Ambartsumov (right) during his studies in Germany

Sermon and the beginning of family life

Volodya continued his studies at the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Moscow University. There, in a Christian circle, I met Valentina Georgievna Alekseeva. In 1916, Volodya and Valya got married.

The talented physicist Vladimir Ambartsumov was predicted to have a career as a world-famous scientist, and after graduating from university in 1917, he was faced with a choice: to devote his energy to science or to a Christian mission. He chose the latter.

The beginning of a new life and family coincided with the beginning of the social catastrophe of a great country. To support his family, the young scientist gives private lessons. Children are born. First Zhenechka, and two years later Vitya. There was a severe famine in Moscow in 1919. The Ambartsumov family moved to Samara.

An active Christian life could not help but attract the attention of the Soviet authorities. In 1920, Vladimir was arrested and transported to the capital. After a month and a half, he was released, but was prohibited from leaving the capital. His wife moves in with him. The common pain is the death of Vitenka’s youngest son, who did not live even two years. A great consolation was the birth of his daughter Lida in 1922.

Soon Vladimir was elected chairman of the Central Committee of Christian student circles.

Vladimir Ambartsumovich and Valentina Georgievna. Children (from left to right): adopted son Nikita, Lida and Evgeniy

Wife's death

Valentina Ambartsumova soon fell ill from the harsh conditions. Dying, she asked her husband: “Volodenka! I'm dying, but don't grieve for me too much. I only ask you:

Be not only a father to your children, but also a mother. I entrust them to you...Times will be difficult. There will be a lot of sorrow. There will be persecution. But God will give you strength, and you will endure everything...”

Vladimir Ambartsumovich loved his wife very much. He repeatedly said that he himself did not know where he ended and where she began. Her death was a terrible loss.

Unusual funeral

Valentina Georgievna was buried on Trinity Saturday. Many people came to say goodbye to the virtuous Christian woman. Everyone was dressed in light clothes, remembered her kindness and sang Christian songs. Many years later, when the widowed husband became a priest, a parishioner told him after confession that he came to faith after seeing an unusual funeral, at which all the people sang joyfully and wore white clothes. Father Vladimir exclaimed with tears: “It was my wife’s funeral!”

Funeral prayers

A few days before her death, Valentina Georgievna, talking with her Baptist friend, supported her opinion that funeral prayers have no meaning. On the fortieth day after her death, Valentina appeared in a dream to this friend. The woman felt the obvious presence of the deceased. Valentina said: “Are you praying for me? Pray, pray, it’s necessary!..”

Adoptive Nikita

Vladimir left three children. Instead of the deceased Vitya, he and his wife took Nikita, who had lost his relatives, as their children. When Nikita grew up, he managed to find his birth parents. He began to live with them, but gratitude to those people who helped him get on his feet remained in his heart for the rest of his life.

Second mother

Maria Alekseevna Zhuchkova with Lydia and Evgeny Ambartsumov, 1925. Image from

Relatives and friends wanted to sort out the orphaned children, but Valentina’s close friend Maria Alekseevna Zhuchkova unexpectedly volunteered and said that she considered the deceased her spiritual mother. As a token of gratitude to her, Maria was ready to devote all her strength to raising her children.

Maria Alekseevna was Orthodox. The children loved her like their own mother and began to call her mom. Vladimir Ambartsumovich invited Maria to be his wife, but she, despite her sympathy and inclination towards him, refused, because she knew the prediction of Blessed Maria Ivanovna of Diveyevo that he would be a priest and believed him. For the second time, a married man could not take holy orders.


Vladimir Ambartsumov in the illegal situation of Manikino 1925

Since 1924, Vladimir had to go underground, as the authorities officially banned the activities of Christian circles. He understood that he was greatly risking the well-being of his loved ones, but he could not, did not consider it right to leave Christian service. He said that in such difficult years as came after the revolution, people even more need a word about faith.

After the Christian movement was banned, repression began. To avoid arrest, Vladimir had to change his appearance: he shaved off his beard and mustache, got a short haircut, and replaced his usual glasses with pince-nez. Hiding from persecution, the preacher resigned from the civil service and spent the night in different places.

The poor children were so bored without their father that they often asked God: “Lord, let daddy have a beard again!”

Baptism and Priesthood

Vladimir Ambartsumov. Moscow 1922

A person close in spirit to the future martyr was Father Valentin Sventsitsky. In the St. Nicholas Church on Ilyinka, where Father Valentin served, in 1925 a significant event took place for the Ambartsumov family: children were baptized. The following year, Vladimir Ambartsumovich also officially converted to Orthodoxy. Before this, the children and their father were in church, but did not participate in the Sacraments.

As soon as Vladimir Ambartsumovich was baptized, he became an active parishioner of St. Nicholas Church. He happily served and read during services, and organized pilgrimage trips to Diveevo and Sarov. To earn money for his own needs and for his family, he gives private lessons in the German language and general subjects.

A year after Baptism, Vladimir Ambartsumovich took holy orders. He became the rector of the Moscow Prince Vladimir Church in Starosadsky Lane. He served with inspiration, his sermons were clear and vivid. The church was full of young people.

Father Vladimir was friends with his father. When Father Vasily, due to health reasons, was forced to temporarily leave his parish, he very much asked Father Vladimir to replace him. Father Vasily’s spiritual children fell in love with the new shepherd and were able to trust him; they appreciated him for his delicacy and respectful attitude towards people.

After the death of Father Vasily Nadezhdin, Father Vladimir took over his orphaned parish - a church in honor of St. Nicholas at the Straw Gatehouse. The community, which was organized by Father Vasily Nadezhdin, was one of the most famous in Moscow and the “youngest”.

Conditions for prayer?

Father Vladimir could, without being distracted, pray for a long time in the corner of the room, in which at the same time they were noisily talking, eating, sleeping and doing other household chores.

Archpriest Gleb Kaleda, whose mother Lydia Vladimirovna was the daughter of Fr. Vladimir Ambartsumov, said, remembering the Hieromartyr Vladimir: it is a shame to make excuses and listen to the excuses of others that there were no conditions for prayer...

Priests Fr. Sergius Bordelius and Fr. Vladimir Ambartsumov. 1928

Staff care

Father Vladimir recognized the hierarchical authority of Metropolitan Sergius (Stragorodsky), but he was not sure of the canonicity of his locum tenens. For this reason, Fr. Vladimir decided to leave the state, but did not leave the priestly ministry: he was a confessor, serving in the homes of loved ones. Realizing that he did not have the opportunity to often meet with spiritual children, Father Vladimir “attached” newcomers to spiritually mature children.

Help for poor families

Knowing the need from experience, Fr. Vladimir organized constant financial support for the families of people repressed for their faith. First of all, I tried to help the families of priests. Father Vladimir donated his salary to help low-income people. He did not forget about his children, but he was ascetic.

His daughter Lydia recalled how she was once given beautiful blue shoes. The father immediately gave them to the girl, who had no shoes, since Lida had shoes.

The priest asked those community members who had material wealth to share their surplus with poor families. The assistance was clearly organized: the volume and timing of donations was determined. Largely thanks to Father Vladimir, the families of Father Vasily Nadezhdin, Father Mikhail Solovyov, Father Vladimir Medvedyuk and many other priests survived in those hungry times.

In 1932, Vladimir’s father was arrested, accused of counter-revolutionary work among young people. They were going to send me into exile in the Northern Territory for three years, but at the request of the leadership of the Academy of Sciences, they released me from custody and gave me a suspended sentence.


O. Vladimir took part in many scientific developments; he had copyright certificates for inventions. He made a small iron sippy inkwell for his daughter. There was no ink at school then and you had to bring it from home. Glass inkwells and vials often spilled, and my father’s invention turned out to be very practical.

There was a period when the priest became interested in incubators and chickens. His children had their own chickens, for which Father Vladimir built a special chicken coop out of plywood, which had nests and a drinking bowl made from an inverted bottle.


For a couple of years, Father Vladimir had to wander from home to home, while his children lived near Moscow with Maria Alekseevna. When he really missed his children, he told his friends that he was going to Lidino. He gave this name to this place after his daughter’s name.

The priest's children were then considered deprived: they were not given food cards and were not allowed to enter higher educational institutions. Father Vladimir brought them food, which good people shared. This is how the circulation of goodness went on in nature.

Personal watch for children

When Zhenya and Lida grew up, the priest tried to devote personal time to them at least once a week. At pre-agreed hours, he talked first with Zhenya, and then with Lida.

When Zhenya’s time was up, he did not want to leave his father and said: “What should you and Lida talk about, just about dolls.” The girl was upset and crying.

With each child separately, Father Vladimir read the Holy Scriptures and explained them. He taught his daughter church singing, and his son physics and mathematics. Zhenya’s training turned out to be so qualified that when the young man became a philology student, he made good money by tutoring physics and mathematics.

Last arrest

Since August 1937, when mass arrests took place in the country, Ambartsumova understood that Father Vladimir might soon be in custody. The priest was arrested in early September. Maria Alekseevna collected the most necessary things in his pillowcase, and the authorities led the priest along a dark street to the train. On the way, Lida picked an apple and gave it to her father. One of the investigators indignantly told her to take her apple back. Maria Alekseevna was not afraid to object at such a moment: “Do you have children? So give the children the opportunity to say goodbye to their father!”

They never saw each other again.

Father Vladimir was sent to Butyrka prison. During grueling interrogations, investigators tried to find out the names and surnames of believers with whom the priest was associated, but he named only those people about whom the investigation already had information.

Hieromartyr Vladimir was shot on November 5, 1937. Relatives learned of his fate only in 1989.