Pletnev about the scandalous departure from “vintage” and the division of money. A. Romanov (“Vintage”): What is a hit? This is a 100% guessable story! What class were you in then?

  • 20.06.2019

According to the spectacular brunette, there was no drama or conflict at the time of her farewell to Vintage. Colleagues in the group reacted with understanding to Anna’s decision to perform solo. “When it became known that I left the group, they started asking me: “What happened? Didn’t you divide the money?” And I didn’t even have anything to answer. Apparently, over all these years I was never able to become a person in show business, because I couldn’t come up with a scandal,” Pletneva noted with a smile.


Alexey Romanov, who created “Vintage” together with the performer, responded to her resignation letter due to at will surprisingly calm. “He answered me only one thing: “Thank God that you suggested this yourself: I didn’t know how to tell you the same thing.” He felt that I was becoming cramped within the group and I was ready to move on,” explained the ex-soloist “Vintage.” “In this situation, he behaved like a friend, not a colleague.”

39-year-old Pletneva, who always performs in erotic outfits, promised that she will continue to remain a “bad girl.” “I chose this stage image consciously. Fortunately, no one dictated to Lesha and me how to behave, how to dress and what to sing - we were our own producers. I can’t say that solo singer Anya Pletneva will be very different from the lead singer of the Vintage group Anya Pletneva, because it was also me,” the star emphasized.

However, the singer made some adjustments to her appearance. “Of course, there will be changes, otherwise why would I leave the group then? I have many serious songs that I have not performed at concerts before, and I want them to be heard. This does not mean that I will now sing exclusively lyrical ballads, I’ll turn into a kind of Alla Borisovna Pugacheva and become correct. No, I’ll still remain a hooligan and a “bad girl,” HELLO! magazine quotes the performer.

By the way, earlier Pletneva admitted to journalists for the first time that in her youth she was crazy about Vladimir Presnyakov. At the same time, at that time Anna did not perceive the artist’s beloved woman, singer Kristina Orbakaite, as a rival. “I saw him on TV and fell in love, despite the fact that I was brutal in my musical tastes, I listened to St. Petersburg rock - Tsoi, Nautilus Pompilius, and The Doors, Björk. I was not interested in pop music. But Volodya appeared, and I stopped eating, “I couldn’t sleep and breathe without his music,” the artist recalls. “I didn’t perceive Kristina Orbakaite as a rival, she seemed to me a temporary phenomenon in Presnyakov’s life.”

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15.10.2014 11:57

Vintage History of the group (Vintaj Photo) Russian group, Anna Pletneva, Alexey Romanov

“Vintage” is a Russian pop group consisting of singer Anna Pletnyova and singer, composer and sound producer Alexey Romanov. Previously, the group included dancers Miya (2006-2008) and Svetlana Ivanova (2008-2011).

Since its inception, the group has released five studio albums: “Criminal Love”, SEX, “Anechka”, “Very Dance” and “Decamerone”. The group also released eighteen radio singles, seven of which topped the Russian radio chart, staying in first place for a total of 23 weeks. “Vintage” has become the most rotated group since the introduction of the Russian radio chart. For two years in a row, the group has been among the top five most rotated artists of the year, and in 2009 it took first place. The team achieved commercial success with the singles “Bad Girl”, “Loneliness of Love”, “Eve”, “Roman” and “Trees”, which became successful in digital sales.

The musical style of the group was Europop, mixed with various styles of music (electronics, dance-pop, psychedelic pop, etc.), into which elements were introduced, both from classical music, and from images of Russian and foreign popular culture, inspired by Madonna, Michael Jackson, Audrey Hepburn, Sophia Loren, Eva Polna and Enigma.

The group is a laureate and nominee of various music awards, including “RMA”, Muz-TV Award, “Golden Gramophone” RU.TV Award and “ Steppenwolf" Since 2008, “Vintage” has been an annual laureate of the “Song of the Year” festival. In 2011, 2012 and 2013 they were recognized best group at the ZD Awards, according to the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper.

2006: Formation of the group

The Vintage group was formed by the ex-soloist of the Lyceum group Anna Pletneva and the former lead singer of the Amega group Alexei Romanov in mid-2006. The history of the group’s origins from the lips of the soloists goes something like this: Anna was in a hurry to important meeting, however, her plans were not destined to come true. She collided with Alexei Romanov's car. While the artists were waiting for the traffic police officers, they made a mutual decision to create a pop group.

According to Alexey Romanov, after meeting with Pletneva, the group worked in the studio for six months, trying to find their own sound: “We really locked ourselves in the studio. We spent six months searching for sound. We didn't understand. We were like blind kittens back then. Now, of course, it’s cool to remember this. We then created our own new story, which had nothing to do with previous projects.” Initially, it was decided to name the team “Chelsea”, but then the name “Vintage” was chosen. Alexey said that at that time the group submitted a request to the London law firm that owns the Chelsea brand, but after a while they saw on TV how Sergei Arkhipov presented a diploma with the same name to a group from the “Star Factory”. Anna Pletnyova also said in an interview: “We even negotiated with an English record company about this. They considered our proposal. But then there was an embarrassment. The head of a well-known media group, having received the rights to the name, presented a diploma with the name “Chelsea” now famous group“Chelsea”, graduates of “Star Factory”.

On August 31, 2006, the official creation of the group and its name were announced. It was also reported that the band was filming a video for the first single “Mama Mia” and that two-thirds of the band’s debut album was ready, which was recorded at Evgeny Kuritsyn’s studio. Later, the group’s second single was released - the song “Tselsya”, which rose to number 18 on the Russian radio chart.

2007-08: Album “Criminal Love” and single “Bad Girl”
2010-11: Album “Anechka”
2012: Album “Very Dance”
2013 - present: Album “Decamerone”

Major Alexei Romanov named composer of the year in Russia musical critic Maxim Kononenko in his blog “This guy has surpassed Konstantin Meladze,” -

And he continues in his review of Katya Lel’s new album. “If the surname “Alexei Romanov” appears at least once on the record, then you should immediately take it. The main pop composer of the year, who surpassed even Konstantin Meladze in the number of hits, is represented on Katya Lel’s new album with three beautiful songs at once. It is absolutely impossible to understand where this guy takes so many beautiful melodies - but somewhere he takes them"

I have long believed that Meladze’s fame is somewhat overstated, like his brother, singer Konstantin Meladze, who year after year sings monotonous songs written to him by his brother. I don’t know why Konstantin doesn’t attract other authors and composers; I wouldn’t like to think that the reason is trivial - money shouldn’t leave the family.

And now on the composer's Olympus new king. What is known about him? Not much, but there is much more information on the Internet about another Alexei Romanov, a famous Soviet rock musician who continues to work in his genre.

But since Maxim, apart from the photograph, does not say anything more about Romanov, I tried to find out a little more.

As it is written on “Alexey Romanov - ex-vocalist of the pop-rock trio "Amega" - returned to Russian scene in September 2002. Before that, he spent about a year in Spain, where he lived with friends, taking a break from the vicious attacks of the press and former producers.”

- Alexey, what made you write your own songs?

Lack of sex (just kidding, of course). I realized that I needed to write my own songs after I talked to Andrei Grozny, and he asked me if I knew what awaited me in 10 years. I realized that I don't know. To know this, I had to write solo songs, develop myself as a person, an artist, and prove to myself that I was also worth something.

- Did you encounter any difficulties when starting a solo career?

Yes, I had troubles leaving the group. In general, 2002 was a very difficult year. This is precisely why I left for Spain. I don’t want to talk about it now - it’s all behind me. I rested and was alone with nature. Of course, it was difficult to start all over again, but there is no need to be afraid of it. If you have lost hope and cannot start over, consider yourself dead.

2.5 octaves. But, fortunately or unfortunately, this does not matter in this country. And it doesn’t matter everywhere. The main thing is that you sing sincerely and about what really worries you, and how many octaves do you have... You can sing a song on two notes so that everyone will cry. For example, in my last song, which will be released in September, "Please Don't Cry", has few notes and her range is not great, but she is very sincere and honest.

Most of your songs were written in Spain. Is this really sunny country influenced your creativity? Or did love become the impetus for writing?

In fact, my work is influenced by Antarctica. Or rather, the distance from it. I was very glad that I was not there, and, experiencing this joy, I wrote great amount songs. Yes, Spain, nature and, of course, love - all together.

- Which artist/group's music influenced you?

Queen. Wham!, George Michael, Whitney Houston, Madonna (especially her). We met with her in New York. I really liked her as a person.

- On what target audience do you find your way around when writing your songs?

It’s stupid to focus on someone, I’m not writing a business plan, but songs. And the fact that many people like them makes me very happy.

- How do you feel about the term “pop”? Do you make a division for yourself into “pop” and “pop music”?

I would like to come up with a new term, because I’m already pretty tired of both. Why not just call it "mainstream", or translate it into Russian? There is no pop music, no rock music, no pop music - everything is mixed. In America, Britney Spears is called a rock singer, and this is true. I believe that I have already grown beyond the age when artists pay attention to this.

Almost crying from the “divorce”, the pop heroine is preparing for a new breakthrough

Passions are running high: one of the finalists of the ZD Awards is the epoch-making (so we can already say!) group for our pop music, the Vintage group, which has more than once taken the lead, last time can become “Group of the Year” with its golden lineup. Anna Pletneva and Alexey Romanof always called themselves “ musical husband and wife,” left their previous stage colleagues at the peak of their fame to start working together, and seemed to have created an unbreakable creative union. But just recently - 11 years after their crowned union - the super-pop tandem announced their separation. Pletneva was replaced by four new vocalists, whom Romanof selected, however, together with Anya. The former frontwoman continues her career solo. In an interview with ZD, the artist explained why she broke up so much strong union, what awaits fans around the corner and how she met the new “Faina Ranevskaya”.

Anya, it is quite obvious that ZD readers, when choosing the finalists in the “Group of the Year” nomination, voted for the “classic” “Vintage”, in which you and Alexey Romanov were one musical whole. At the height of popularity, the group breaks up. ABBA you are ours!!! Why?

To my great regret, this story really ended. We made the decision together, although many fans thought that I, as the frontwoman of the group, put an end to it. What happened was the logical outcome of what was happening; we simply had no choice. IN Lately everything was like in a marriage that had already cracked, although outwardly it did not manifest itself in any way. A union, personal or creative, cannot last long in this state. If people no longer burn with a single impulse, are not in the same cage, and something has broken inside, it means that very soon their paths will diverge. Unfortunately, this happened in our case too. The fact that they still vote for us as a single creative whole, on the one hand, is incredibly pleasant, on the other hand, it even hurts, like a knife to the heart, because right now we are saying goodbye to that same amazing energy, to the very team that lived quite a long time and happy life. But, despite any disagreements, short-term grievances between Alexei Romanov and me, I know for sure that inside there was only great love for our common brainchild, great pride for it. I speak very emotionally because the feelings are overwhelming. And I have a clear understanding that we made this entire amazing story together: it would not have been born if our tandem had not arisen.

Back in August last year, you renamed the group: “Vintage” turned into the “Anna Pletneva” project, and then new members appeared... Did you carefully plan the separation algorithm?

No. Now from the outside it may seem that all our recent joint actions were a cunningly planned scheme - the video “A Little Advertising”, where we showed ourselves in a coffin, the very words of this song - “leave at least a little love after the period as a keepsake.” In fact, this was absolutely not the case: we planned to continue working together, but fate decreed otherwise. And, by the way, with the advent of the Anna Pletneva project, the Vintage group did not disappear anywhere; it continues to exist successfully in updated composition. Now the group has four soloists - four “bad girls”.

- What do you see as the “Vintage” phenomenon? What secrets of success were manipulated?

We certainly had these secrets, but, to be honest, we ourselves could not fully reveal them. Before the birth of the group, both Lesha and I were not creatively free, each was in his own musical “prison” - I was in the Lyceum group, he was in Amega. Perhaps the fact that we broke out of there and began to go “in spite of” gave a big impetus to further development. It's been 11 years since we created Vintage. At the beginning of this journey, we were called “downed pilots,” artists no longer needed by anyone. And we, being proud, stubborn people, decided - “come what may,” we felt free and began to have fun, without thinking about the format, about the trend. We created our own trends. But still, I think the main reason for success was the action of some magical powers that I believe in. And the way they work is inexplicable.

Many Russian artists are still criticized for being one level lower Western performers, and your shows were truly high quality. What foreign samples did you focus on?

Lesha and I are not only similar creative stories, we are also the same age, so we grew up in the same era, essentially listening to the same music. We caught that one crucial moment, when the forbidden became accessible, Madonna and Michael Jackson appeared on the stage, to whom “Vintage” once dedicated the song “Mickey.” These artists changed people's consciousness, and they influenced us too. In addition, I was a more alternatively oriented girl than Romanov, at some point I went crazy about Björk - I really liked her. I remember the first clips, the first VCRs on which they were recorded. All this could not help but leave an imprint, and all this shaped us as individuals from childhood. But, of course, we never copied anyone's shows on purpose, that would have been too primitive. Sometimes some associations and allusions arose: for example, I attended Lady Gaga’s performances several times and thought that in some sense this story was parallel to ours. It seems to me that in creative world there is a certain unified information field - and similar energy can manifest itself in different people in different parts of the world. This is also such an interesting and inexplicable thing.

- Isn’t it chilly now, as a solo performer? What thoughts does a new stage begin with?

Now I feel my strength, and this is, first of all, the power of experience. Of course, that girl 11 years ago and me today are two different people. I feel confident, I know that I can do a lot, and most importantly, I want to move on. In show business, in life in general, everything is not as simple as it seems from the outside. We don’t go in a straight line, we rise and fall, and in this situation it is very easy to break down, to lose the desire to do anything, to create something new. I still want this, which means I can. In my case, this formula works one hundred percent.

- What level are you setting for yourself now?

I have a lot of ideas. I want to make it big solo concert. After big changes a lot needs to be built anew, in a sense - to start from clean slate, but go further and higher. I have a favorite phrase from the book “Alice Through the Looking Glass.” When Alice and the Red Queen are running along chessboard and at some point Alice asks the Queen if they have reached the goal, which, it would seem, is very close, she replies: “Well, dear, to get to the next square, you need to run twice as fast.” Right now I have a feeling that I have to run twice as fast, make a dash, and I will do it.

You recently released a very funny and unexpected clip“Girlfriend”, filmed with comedian Marina Fedunkiv. How did this work come about?

This is a unique story because we really became friends, although we didn’t even know each other before. We realized that we don’t want to stop, we want to rock, we’re filming our series, we meet constantly and just laugh together. She, of course, amazing person, unlike anyone else. I am very glad that Marina appeared in my life. You know, this is such a Faina Ranevskaya of the new era. I always adored Ranevskaya, dreamed of meeting her, and so I met her - in some new incarnation. It’s great that everyone liked our duet, although for me it was an unusual experiment, a gift of fate.

- What are the main conclusions you have drawn for yourself over the years on stage?

You know, I feel and clearly understand that I am not even halfway there yet. Therefore, can I draw conclusions in another 20 years? And maybe I’ll write a book about it. (Laughs.)

Alexey Romanof (Perepelkin)
basic information
Full name

Alexey Romanof-Perepelkin

Date of Birth
Years of activity

1998 - present time

A country



Alexey Romanof (Perepelkin)(born April 14, Moscow) - Russian singer and composer, lead singer of the Russian pop group “Vintage”. Former lead singer Russian group"Amega" (1998-2005). Alexey is the author of almost all the songs of the Vintage group.

Amega Group

The team was formed by producer and composer Andrei Grozny. The leader of the group was to be Alexey Romanov (Perepelkin). But in 2001, with a scandal, he left the project for solo work. But in 2005, Alexey Romanov returned to the group for a short time, but a week before the filming of the video for the song “Running Away” he unexpectedly announced his departure. The group released hits that became beloved throughout the country due to the fact that their work was distinguished by deep, meaningful lyrics by poetess Tatyana Ivanova and original arrangements by Andrei Grozny and sound producer Sergei Kharuta. At the end of October 2001, the MTV channel reported that Alexey Romanov had left the group. He returned to the Russian stage in September 2002. Before that, he spent about a year in Spain, where he lived with friends and prepared his own project. In 2003, Alexey released his own EP “Nunca Olvidare: I’ll Never Forget.”

Group "Vintage"

In 2006, together with the ex-soloist of the Lyceum group, Anna Pletneva, he created the Vintage group. The story of the group’s origins from the mouths of the soloists goes something like this: Anna was in a hurry to an important meeting, but her plans were not destined to come true. She collided with Alexei Romanov's car. While the artists were waiting for the traffic police officers, they made a mutual decision to create a pop group.

According to Alexey Romanov, after meeting with Pletneva, the group worked in the studio for six months, trying to find their own sound: “We really locked ourselves in the studio. We spent six months searching for sound. We didn't understand. We were like blind kittens back then. Now, of course, it’s cool to remember this. We were then creating our own new story, which had nothing to do with previous projects.” Initially, it was decided to name the team “Chelsea”, but then the name “Vintage” was chosen. Alexey said that at that time the group submitted a request to the London law firm that owns the Chelsea brand, but after a while they saw on TV how Sergei Arkhipov presented a diploma with the same name to a group from the “Star Factory”.

Discography in the group “Amega and Solo Album”

  • "Up. Part 1" - 1999
  • "Up. Part 2" - 2000
Solo album
  • EP “Nunca Olvidare: I’ll Never Forget” - 2003

Discography in the group “Vintage”

  • "Criminal Love" - ​​2007
  • "SEX" - 2009
  • "Anechka" - 2011
  • "Very Dance" - 2013
  • Alexey's real name is Perepelkin, and “Romanof” is his pseudonym. But according to rumors, Alexey is “Romanof” even according to his passport.