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  • 09.06.2019

Everyone has flashes of romance loving man, and he decides to cook breakfast for his wife. But the decision is only half the battle, because the desire must be realized. So that in your family life there was more romance, we suggest successful recipes, what to cook for my wife for breakfast.

Of course, ideally it should be breakfast in bed. Don't forget about the surroundings: ready meals put it on a tray, put a glass with a rose or other flower, put a napkin, perhaps put a candle. It will turn out beautifully if you also include romantic music, and after breakfast give my wife a massage.

Omelet with vegetables and cheese

Required ingredients:

  • Six eggs;
  • Half a glass of milk;
  • Two tomatoes;
  • Half a glass of cheese, cut into cubes;
  • Brown bread crackers, hot sauce, salt and pepper;

Break eggs in a bowl, add salt and pepper, sauce. Stir, then pour in milk and whisk. Add cheese and tomatoes to the mixture (cut into small cubes). Pour the mixture into a frying pan, in which by this time the butter should be well heated. Serve sprinkled with crackers.

Sandwiches in the shape of a heart

Required ingredients:

  • 4 square slices of bread;
  • Butter;
  • Four slices of ham;
  • Cucumber;

First, the wife will need to make a heart out of the bread for this breakfast. If you have a special cookie cutter at home, then there shouldn’t be any difficulties. When there is no mold, you need to use a sharp knife. Grease the finished hearts on both sides with butter and place in a dry, heated frying pan. Bake for two minutes on each side.

Spread pieces of cooled bread with butter, put a slice of cucumber, cut out hearts from the ham and place them on the cucumber. Now fold the sandwich.

Chocolate pancakes with homemade syrup

Required ingredients:

  • A third of a glass of cocoa;
  • A glass of flour;
  • Two thirds of a glass of sugar;
  • One egg;
  • A glass of milk;
  • A packet of vanilla sugar;
  • A teaspoon of baking powder and a pinch of salt;

For the syrup:

  • 100 grams of butter;
  • A glass of brown sugar;
  • Two tablespoons of natural honey;
  • Half a cup of heavy cream;
  • Three bananas;

First, prepare the syrup by melting the butter, adding brown sugar and honey. Heat to a boil, then pour in the cream and turn the heat to low. Cook until you get a mass that has a consistency similar to cream.

Simple heart shaped pancakes

If you want to prepare a breakfast for your wife that will definitely be remembered, you need to focus on romance. It is difficult to find a more suitable dish for such a breakfast than heart-shaped pancakes. The secret is that we will pour the dough from a bottle. This way you can create absolutely any shape for pancakes, including a heart.

Required ingredients:

  • 600 ml milk;
  • 10 tablespoons of flour;
  • Three tablespoons of sugar;
  • Two tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • Two eggs;
  • A pinch of salt;

Insert a special funnel into a mineral water bottle. Pour flour, sugar and salt through it, pour in the previously scrambled egg, vegetable oil and milk. Close the bottle and shake it well to mix the dough. Now use a hot nail to make a hole in the lid. Pour the batter into the hot frying pan in the shape of a heart. First make an outline, and then fill the center of the heart. Fry until golden brown. You can serve these pancakes with sour cream, whipped cream, pieces of fruit and berries.

Fruit salad “Bed Passion”

Required ingredients:

  • Banana;
  • Kiwi;
  • Mandarin;
  • Mango;
  • Ten seedless grapes;
  • 2-3 strawberries for decoration;
  • A jar of natural yoghurt, a teaspoon of fresh lemon juice;

Peel and cut the banana into slices, sprinkle with lemon juice. Cut the kiwi into slices, mango into cubes. Divide the tangerine into slices and cut each into 4 parts; simply cut the grapes into two parts. Slice the strawberries into thin slices and set aside. Before serving, mix all ingredients, except strawberries, and season with natural yogurt. Arrange the strawberry layers on a plate. It will be beautiful if you sprinkle the salad with nuts.

Breakfast drinks for wife

You can, of course, just brew tea or a traditional morning cup of coffee, or you can try your best here by preparing something new and unusual. Women love surprises. And in a big surprise in the form of breakfast there can be many small pleasant moments.

American style hot chocolate

Required ingredients:

  • 600 ml milk;
  • Three tablespoons of cream;
  • Six tablespoons of cocoa powder and sugar;
  • A little vanilla, a pinch of cinnamon;
  • Zest of one orange (grate finely);
  • A pinch of salt, whipped cream (for decoration);

Cocoa is mixed with salt and sugar, milk is added. Place the mixture on the fire and heat until the sugar is completely dissolved. Then add cream, vanilla and cinnamon. Boil. Pour into cups, garnish with whipped cream and sprinkle with citrus zest.

Natural smoothie

Required ingredients:

  • A glass of natural yogurt;
  • A glass of natural, freshly squeezed juice;
  • Half a banana;
  • 100 grams of any berries;
  • Six ice cubes;

Combine all ingredients, turn on the blender and beat until smooth. This morning drink is served in a tall glass. Additionally, you can decorate it with a straw.

Ginger tea

Required ingredients:

  • A tablespoon of black tea;
  • 2 cm ginger root;
  • 500 ml boiling water;

Pour the tea leaves into the teapot. Cut the ginger into thin slices and place in the kettle. Pour boiling water over and leave for two minutes. Then you can pour through a strainer into cups.

To prepare breakfast for your beloved wife, you will need a maximum of an hour of time. All the recipes, you see, are very simple and quite feasible even without special training. But romance will strengthen your relationships and diversify your life. Let every morning be good! If you want to prepare your loved one not only breakfast, but lunch or dinner, then we have it in a feature article.

06/16/2015 3 509 0 ElishevaAdmin

Breakfast / On a quick fix

Men can do anything. And everything they do, they succeed the best way. Every man knows this, and it's true because they all say it.

Therefore, a man will be able to cook breakfast much better than a woman would, even if he is taking on such work for the first time in his life.

And when it comes to preparing breakfast for the girl you love and serving it in bed, there can be no obstacles.

Before choosing a breakfast dish, it is advisable to find out what exactly your lady loves and what she hates, so as not to get into trouble. You can find out these details subtly by coming from afar and asking indirect questions. After all, they say that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. Do you think it’s different with women? It’s just that men rarely risk taking this path, and that’s why they remain in the unknown.

If you met your girlfriend only last night and did not have time to find out the details of her childhood, then you will have to take a risk. The second method is no less good than the first. This means that you cook a dish that you know how to cook well, and hope that it does not fall into the “I can’t stand” category. Let it be a simple scrambled egg (which is actually not that simple at all) or porridge, but it must be cooked and served perfectly.

Breakfast marks the beginning of the day and often sets the tone for the day. Just try to make your girlfriend’s day start beautifully, then yours will be successful too.

What should a girl's breakfast be like, what should she prepare for her beloved and how to surprise her

It should be tasty and beautiful. And satisfying, but not plentiful, fatty and heavy. As the Ossetians used to say in the old days: “Food should be light on the back and pleasant on the stomach.” So try in this spirit.

Girl on a diet

This is quite likely; now everyone is on some kind of diet. Therefore, just in case, exclude everything fatty, fried, sweet and high-calorie. Just don’t try to limit yourself to a glass of water - she won’t appreciate such humor.

The simplest breakfast for a girl

There is no need to panic; you can choose fresh fruit for breakfast. If they are different, then there is a chance to please with something. For example, place one banana, orange, or kiwi on a plate - you just need to peel it. You can serve fruit with nuts, yogurt (natural and unsweetened), or kefir (low-fat).

Or you can cook something interesting from the same set of products, for example, banana lassi.

Banana lassi


Chopped banana, 1 pc.

Unsweetened yogurt, ½ tbsp (or kefir, or fermented baked milk)

Cold water, ½ tbsp

All this is whipped in a mixer and poured into a beautiful tall glass.

Dried fruits and nuts for breakfast

Of course, fresh fruits are better, but if that doesn’t work out, you can treat them with dried fruits. They just have to be carefully sorted and washed, and then dried. It is good to serve hot tea and nuts with dried fruits; instead of tea, you can offer some dairy products. If she doesn’t mind sweets, then you can mix nuts and dried fruits in honey - you’ll get a delicacy. In this case, tea or milk is not canceled.

Porridge - best friend slender girls

Porridge is very suitable for a girl’s breakfast, because you can feel full by eating just a little porridge, and it does not spoil your figure. Unless, of course, you eat porridge with cracklings, as we like. But for your girlfriend, you serve one of the porridges presented in the following recipes.

Milk porridge

It’s not at all difficult to cook milk porridge correctly; you just have to strictly follow one simple rule: you need to continuously stir the porridge all the time, from the moment of boiling to the point of readiness. To prevent the porridge from being cloying, it is often diluted half and half with water.

To make it more pleasant to eat porridge, you need to put butter in it, at least a little bit - for the smell. You can put dried fruits or raisins in other porridges - for example, in barley.

Barley porridge with raisins


Barley groats, 1 part

Milk or milk with water, 2 parts


Bring the milk to a boil and add the cereal in a thin stream, stirring vigorously. Stir further and add raisins. After 10-15 minutes of this work, throw in the oil, mix in last time and transfer to a slightly warmed cup. Serve with coffee or tea.

Porridge on the water

If there is no milk or the diet is too strict, then you can get by with water. In this case, you don’t have to spare raisins or dried fruits, and butter won’t hurt either.

When cooking in water, you should remember that the proportion of cereal and water should be maintained in a ratio of 1:2, but for oatmeal it looks like 1:3.

Cereals for breakfast

They are convenient to serve for breakfast, especially since, in addition to regular cereal, there are also cereals instant cooking. They require cooking for 2-3 minutes, while regular ones need to be cooked for 10-15 minutes. Instant cereal is sometimes poured with hot milk or water and allowed to brew a little. It’s good to add the same nuts, dried fruits and butter to them.

Oatmeal cereal for breakfast


Regular oat flakes, 1 part

Milk with water, 3 parts

Boil the required amount of water, add the flakes and cook quietly, stirring all the time. Add salt and raisins. Serve with tea, put honey on the table.

Breakfast salad for your girlfriend

As you remember, a salad for a girl must be low-calorie, and preferably made from fresh ingredients.

Any Mediterranean-inspired salad is what it takes. The main thing is that it contains fresh lettuce and other greens. And the filling will include cucumbers, tomatoes, multi-colored bell peppers, olives, and certainly feta cheese or fermented milk cheese. It’s best to dress this salad with olive oil mixed with lemon juice.

Sesame seeds, pink pepper, and crushed nuts are suitable for decoration. You can accompany this salad with black bread toast. It is served with juices.

How to prepare Shopska salad


1 cucumber

1 tomato

Bell pepper, ½ piece

Sweet red onion, ½ head

Cheese cheese, 50-70 g

Olive oil

Lemon juice, 1 tbsp

All this is not chopped, but cut quite finely, mixed and seasoned with juice and butter. Pieces of cheese are thrown on top, and you can serve.

Hearty English breakfast

If you are going on a hike, or intend to take a walk, skiing or cycling, then you won’t go far on salads alone - you need to have a thorough breakfast. For these purposes there is a traditional English breakfast.

It is known in two versions - full and simple.

Simple: bacon with scrambled eggs and toast.

Full: the same, plus vegetables, beans, coffee with cream or strong tea, and of course a bun with jam. Beans can be canned; their protein content does not suffer from canning.

Omelette with mushrooms


Champignons, 50 g

Milk, 100 ml

1. We cut the mushrooms along the cap, this makes it more decorative - the silhouette of the mushroom is visible.

2. Mix the eggs with milk and heat the frying pan.

3. Fry the mushrooms in oil for several minutes, and pour the egg-milk mixture over them.

4. Add some salt and fry slowly for several minutes. Then we turn off the fire, fold the omelette in half and cover the frying pan with a lid - let it simmer a little.

5. Serve the omelette, preheating the plate.

Bacon and eggs


Chicken eggs, 2 pcs

Bacon, 3 strips

Toast bread, 1 slice

Greens (cilantro, or dill, or parsley)

1. Place bacon on a hot frying pan, fry and transfer to a plate.

2. Break the eggs into the same frying pan and fry them for 2 minutes. Turn off the heat, cover the frying pan with a lid and let it sit for a while.

3. Transfer the scrambled eggs to a plate and sprinkle with chopped herbs.

4. Place canned beans on a plate.

5. Toast is cooked in the same frying pan, in the remaining oil. It is spread with jam or butter and served with coffee or tea. Coffee can be with cream, and tea can be with milk.

French breakfast

A French breakfast must include fresh pastries. It could even be a croissant and coffee, that’s the whole breakfast. Or a baguette, just out of the oven, still hot. It is cut lengthwise and spread with butter or fig jam. Coffee should be strong black, it can be replaced with a glass of orange juice. But the French don’t neglect omelette with mushrooms for breakfast either.

The prepared breakfast must be served carefully to make it beautiful - girls know how to notice little things. The glass should sparkle, the plate should be heated and on the mat, and the knife and fork should be neatly wrapped in a napkin.

And the main thing is that the dishes are not undercooked or burnt. However, you will be forgiven for this.

If you think that breakfast in bed is a stupid romantic idea and that you generally need to eat in the kitchen and not in the bedroom, then we advise you to think about it again. It seems like such a small thing, but it will certainly make your loved one happy. Believe me, you will need very little time and skill to make a simple, quick and very beautiful breakfast.

Idea #1

You don't need to hire a chef from France to cook. Moreover, you don’t have to cook anything at all, since supermarkets have been selling ready-made products for a long time.

What will you need? A regular tray, cereal, two buns, an egg (yes, it needs to be boiled), milk, a cup of coffee (the alarm clock in the photo is just for show). All! Is it difficult?

Coffee makers from the Hit Purchase store will help you prepare aromatic coffee for breakfast. Sweet cappuccino, strong espresso or invigorating Americano - you will find a coffee maker for any type of coffee on the store’s website.

Idea No. 2

Another simple option is with a small vase and flowers. Otherwise, everything is elementary.

What will you need? Regular tray, egg cup, croissant, egg, juice, vase, small flower.

What could be better than a glass of freshly squeezed juice in the morning? A juicer will help you prepare it. View detailed characteristics products you can by following the links.

Idea No. 3

Look how elegant and appetizing berries and cream look in a simple glass. In addition, an elegant set of tableware was used for serving: two plates, a cup and a teapot. Surely you have at least one tea set at home (from your grandmother). Maybe it's his time? Stop collecting dust in the closet!

What will you need? Wooden tray, tea set, glass, egg cup, juice, egg, berries, whipped cream, bread, coffee.

Idea No. 4

And this is a breakfast option for two. Very tasty and appetizing. You can assemble such beauty in 5–10 minutes, but what romance!

What will you need? A large tray, two pairs of tea, two plates, juice, croissants, buns, eggs.

Idea No. 5

The beauty of this serving is in the beautiful tray. This is what brightens up the simplest breakfast. The tray is easy to grab by the handles and rearrange. Unusual glasses were used for serving, but we can easily replace them with classic mugs.

What will you need? Original tray, two glasses, plate, milk, cookies.

Idea #6

And again a tray with elegant metal handles. Please note: the author of the composition did not care much about the design, but the presentation still turned out cool. Take at least a neatly folded towel or a flower in a tiny vase. In one word - beauty!

What will you need? Original tray, tea pair, plates, towel, vase, flower, butter, jam, bread, coffee.

Idea No. 7

It looks like this breakfast was put together from everything that was in the kitchen. Uncomplicated and simply brilliant! A napkin with pretty flowers on which the plates stand gives the zest to this presentation.

What will you need? Tray, beautiful napkin, large white plate, tea pair, jug, glass, coffee, juice, tomatoes, cheese, crackers.

Idea #8

Interior stores sell many creative tables. For example, this one is covered with bright paper with floral ornament. This way, the table becomes the center of attention, and all you have to do is prepare pancakes or toast and serve them with jam.

What will you need? Original tray, tea pair, pancakes, jam.

Idea No. 9

Breakfast for true aesthetes is thought out down to the last bun. There are white napkins, a shiny jug, juice, berries, sweets, and several types of jam. Take note if you want to make an impression.

What will you need? A simple tray, white napkins (small towels), white dishes, berries, coffee, juice, jam, buns, water, cream.

Idea #10

A great summer breakfast for those with a sweet tooth. We are not sure that one girl can eat so many cakes in the morning, but it is immediately clear that the author of the composition tried his best. Once again we see a stylish tray with handles and flowers in a vase (you’ve probably already learned two indispensable attributes of a romantic breakfast in bed).

What will you need? Tray with handles, vase, flowers, cake dish, tea pair, glass, sugar bowl, plate, watermelon, juice, coffee or tea.

Idea No. 11

If you're serious about going to bed, consider buying a special table. It is convenient to carry, kneel and fold. And if you put a vase with a rose on it and use bright dishes, then any breakfast will turn into a romantic surprise.

What will you need? Breakfast table, several plates, a cup, a vase with a rose, a glass, berries, a croissant, whipped cream, coffee.

Idea No. 12

A beautiful table can be not only wooden, but also wicker. It does not fold, but instead of legs it has small pockets for a book, newspaper or napkins.

What will you need? Wicker breakfast table, two glasses, plate, jug, cups, egg cup, tea, juice, egg.

Idea No. 13

To surprise and please your loved one, you don’t need anything supernatural; sometimes one small detail can create festive mood. In this serving, the main feature of a beautiful breakfast is the original bread stand (however, the tray also deserves attention). Agree, eating such a breakfast is a pleasure.

What will you need? Tray, teapot, cup, bread stand, gravy boats, butter, jam, bread, tea, berries.

Idea No. 14

Another cool breakfast table option, this time it's clear and made of thick plastic. This presentation will appeal to those who do not like romance, but prefer strict style and practicality. Nothing extra - just healthy, tasty food and latest news.

What will you need? Transparent table, mug, glass, plate, yogurt, bananas, nuts, tea, juice.

Idea No. 15

Breakfast for fans of minimalism and food that does not harm your figure. No croissants or buns - only muesli and berries! If your significant other carefully monitors his body, he will enjoy such a simple but healthy, nutritious and low-calorie snack.

What will you need? Tray, bowl, cup, coffee, berries, muesli, yogurt.

Idea No. 16

Perhaps the most romantic and bright breakfast in our selection. Such a morning surprise will win the heart of any girl! Men, remember.

What will you need? Vase with flowers, plate, mug, box for berries, jar of jam, milk, pancakes, jam, berries, coffee.

Idea No. 17

Breakfast will look much more festive if you place identical coasters under each dish.

What will you need? Tray, bowls for berries, tea pair, jug, berries, milk, pancakes.

Idea No. 18

You will be surprised, but this table is made from the lid of an old suitcase. Anyone can make one: unhook the lid from the main part and put beautiful fabric or paper inside. All! What you put inside is no longer important.

What will you need? Suitcase, fabric, two tea pairs, jug, vase, flowers, croissant, berries, coffee.

Idea No. 19

This craft table can also be made from an old box, if you use only its upper part.

What will you need? A table from a box, a pair of teas, a vase with a flower, a candlestick, napkins, coffee.

Idea #20

When the beautiful mini-table setting is ready, don’t forget to add notes with declarations of love or wishes to it good morning. Attach them to toothpicks and stick the sticks directly into the food. You'll see how nice it will be for your other half to read your little messages.

What will you need? Table, teapot, mug, plate, glass, cutlery, vases with flowers, tea, buns, berries, juice.

How do you surprise your significant other in the morning? Tell us in the comments and share your ideas!

Useful tips

How to pleasantly surprise or unexpectedly please your better half?

How to Express Your Infinite Love , appreciation and respect?

There is nothing simpler - this is a romantic breakfast in bed.

And it doesn’t matter whether there is a suitable reason or round date- this event in itself is both a holiday and a gift.

Best breakfast in bed

1. Choose the right day

For breakfast in bed, it is best to choose a day when the person for whom it is intended is not in a hurry. There is no doubt that weekends or holidays are the ideal time for such an unusual breakfast. However, be sure that on this day your chosen one or chosen one has nothing planned for the morning. Otherwise, all your efforts will be in vain.

2. Prepare in advance

If you are not going to treat your loved one to oatmeal, it is best to think through the breakfast concept in advance. Discreetly prepare all the necessary utensils and accessories in the kitchen. Make sure you have all the necessary ingredients and supplies on hand. Even one missed detail or missing product can jeopardize your entire plan.

3. It's a surprise

The element of surprise is half the fun. Wake up early and try not to wake up your partner. If this does happen, try to get out of the situation with the words: “I’ll be a minute, I’ll be right back.”

Preparing breakfast should not take more than half an hour. Try to remain as quiet as possible. If you plan to turn on a food processor or mixer, use it in the farthest room or on the balcony.

Romantic breakfast in bed

4. Drinks

Start from the personal preferences of your loved one. If it is hot coffee or tea, it is better with cream or milk - this will minimize the risk of getting burned. If it is juice or a cocktail, then in wide, stable glasses and preferably with a straw. It is better to pour drinks only up to half of the dishes and use a bedside table or nightstand for them.

If this significant date or a very special morning, you can offer a glass of champagne, wine or your favorite cocktail.

5. Food

To please your loved one, you need to know his tastes and preferences well. And also correctly take into account your culinary abilities and the time allotted for cooking. Breakfast in bed does not involve new recipes and experiments - it is too risky.

If you are not a first-class cook or are not in the mood to cook today, stop at something very simple or already prepared. In the end, the most important thing about this breakfast is not the food.

6. Pleasant little things

Breakfast in bed is both a gesture of love and a small holiday. And what is a holiday without flowers? A small bouquet or just one rose on a tray will tell everything about your feelings. True romantics will love a note with words of love or a lyric poem.

Don't forget about beautiful napkins, festive dishes and exquisitely decorated dishes - all this will give you the feeling of an unforgettable holiday.

Turn on light music, prepare a fresh newspaper, your favorite magazine or, as a last resort, a TV remote control.

7. Serving

A table-tray for breakfast in bed is, of course, a very convenient thing, but quite replaceable. Instead, use a tablecloth folded in half, a simple tray, or a large cutting board previously decorated with napkins.

Don’t forget to prepare and bring all the necessary items and ingredients at once - salt, sugar, spoons. napkins, etc. A romantic breakfast should not be interrupted by trips to the kitchen.

Avoid dishes that require the use of a knife - this is very uncomfortable in bed. As well as crumbling and heavily stained foods and sauces - who knows, you may still need this bed immediately after breakfast.

8. Correct ending

After breakfast, give your better half some time to relax - listen to music, read a newspaper or magazine, watch TV last news. Offer to take a pre-prepared relaxing bath or a simple shower.

While your partner is away, clean up the bedroom yourself and wash all the dishes. On this wonderful morning, only one can relax. However, who knows, maybe your turn will come very soon.

Remember - nothing in this world is perfect. A romantic breakfast in bed can consist of a minimum number of dishes from the most simple products. But this is exactly the case when only the emotional and moral side of the action matters. The main thing is to give joy to your loved ones, say words of love, of which there are never too many, and just be happy!