Why Pierre and Bolkonsky were friends. Why Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov are friends (based on the novel by L

  • 28.06.2020

The novel “War and Peace” has become nothing less than a masterpiece of Russian literature. Is it only Russian? World! Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov are the heroes of the novel, constantly searching for their place in life. Perhaps, thanks to common goals, their relationship grew into a true friendship in which they sincerely trusted each other. It may seem strange, but I considered them as lovers, all because they looked in the same direction.

It is quite possible that my opinion is stupid, but each person experiences what they read in their own way, each reader has different emotions and impressions.

Both heroes are unique, completely different in character, but they strived for self-improvement and tried to comprehend life. The life of any hero depends on the author, therefore Tolstoy L.N. guided Bolkonsky and Bezukhov through an ongoing series of hobbies, namely those moments that seemed to them the most significant for society. Some hobbies led the heroes to disappointment, as they always expected something more and ended up being disappointed. Stage after stage, the heroes merged into one whole. Is not it so? After facing harsh reality, the friends discovered something truly authentic and truthful.

The most interesting thing is that they were keen on the same values, but treated them differently. It may not be correct to call Napoleon valuable, but still. Both the prince and Pierre went through a fascination with Napoleon. He attracted Bezukhov as the heir to the revolution, and Bolkonsky associated his dreams of exploits and glory with this man.

How can one not say about Natasha Rostova, who also united the heroes. It was she who gave family happiness to Pierre and brought Andrei back to life.

Why are Bolkonsky and Bezukhov friends? All because friendship helped them stay on the difficult path of life. Of course, today there are a lot of people among us who envy their faithful and sometimes bewitching relationships. They are wonderful people. It is not for nothing that Bolkonsky, after recovery, came to the conclusion that truly true relationships are brotherly love, forgiveness of enemies and friendship.

The epic novel "War and Peace" covers a large historical period and introduces many real historical characters. Leo Tolstoy managed to describe all the social strata of that time: nobility, aristocracy, high society, merchants, peasantry, army. The main idea of ​​the novel is to show the feat of the Russian people who rebelled against the conqueror Napoleon. One of the most interesting storylines was the friendship between Pierre Bezukhov and Prince Andrei Bolkonsky.

The images of the heroes are very contradictory: they have different ages, different characters and social status, but they have a lot in common. The prince sees in Pierre a bright soul who can be taught life. Bolkonsky becomes a mentor and role model for Pierre. Both are united by the search for the values ​​of life, the search for ideals, self-development, and a great desire to comprehend the world around them.

Bolkonsky’s contemptuous and arrogant attitude towards people is the prince’s initial position; this is evidenced even by his disrespect for his own wife. But, having gone through the path of losses and disappointments, he understands both the meaninglessness of his previous worldview and the value of the joys of life.

Pierre is an incredibly trusting person. He cannot resist someone else's will, and therefore submits to it. Having gone through humiliation in captivity, he understands that the highest value lies in the person himself, the individual’s ability to satisfy the needs of his restless soul. He is constantly tormented by philosophical questions: who am I, what is good and evil, what is death? In order to achieve happiness and wisdom, he is forced to go through hatred and disgust for himself and everything around him. It was these attacks of powerlessness and despair that helped the hero in the formation of spiritual life.

Tolstoy argued that a person will always go hand in hand with finds and discoveries, as well as with losses and disappointments. Every event that happens to the characters in the novel makes you think not only about the causes and consequences of their actions, but also about the motives that prompted them to do so. And the main motive for the friendship between Pierre and Prince Andrei is, undoubtedly, all those amazing qualities that each of them lacks so much, but which they find in each other.


The epic novel "War and Peace" covers a large historical period and introduces many real historical characters. Leo Tolstoy managed to describe all the social strata of that time: nobility, aristocracy, high society, merchants, peasantry, army. The main idea of ​​the novel is to show the feat of the Russian people who rebelled against the conqueror Napoleon. One of the most interesting storylines was the friendship between Pierre Bezukhov and Prince Andrei Bolkonsky.

The images of the heroes are very contradictory: they have different ages, different characters and social status, but they have a lot in common. The prince sees in Pierre a bright soul who can be taught life. Bolkonsky becomes a mentor and role model for Pierre. Both are united by the search for the values ​​of life, the search for ideals, self-development, and a great desire to comprehend the world around them.

Bolkonsky’s contemptuous and arrogant attitude towards people is the prince’s initial position; this is evidenced even by his disrespect for his own wife. But, having gone through the path of losses and disappointments, he understands both the meaninglessness of his previous worldview and the value of the joys of life.

Pierre is an incredibly trusting person. He is not...
can resist someone else's will, and therefore obeys it. Having gone through humiliation in captivity, he understands that the highest value lies in the person himself, the individual’s ability to satisfy the needs of his restless soul. He is constantly tormented by philosophical questions: who am I, what is good and evil, what is death? In order to achieve happiness and wisdom, he is forced to go through hatred and disgust for himself and everything around him. It was these attacks of powerlessness and despair that helped the hero in the formation of spiritual life.

Tolstoy argued that a person will always go hand in hand with finds and discoveries, as well as with losses and disappointments. Every event that happens to the characters in the novel makes you think not only about the causes and consequences of their actions, but also about the motives that prompted them to do so. And the main motive for the friendship between Pierre and Prince Andrei is, undoubtedly, all those amazing qualities that each of them lacks so much, but which they find in each other.

Friendship between Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov essay

  • 1. The concept of friendship.
  • 2. Friendship between Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov
  • 2.1. Bolkonsky's image
  • 2.2. Image of Bezukhov
  • 2.3. Relationships between characters
  • 3. The further fate of friends.

Therefore, friends are not just good acquaintances. Nowadays it is very difficult to find a true friend, someone who is ready to sacrifice something for you, who is always ready to listen, come to the rescue and just be there. It is also difficult to be a good friend yourself, and not just expect it from others.

Reading Tolstoy's immortal novel, I really liked the relationship between Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov. They are such different people, unlike each other, but they were connected by a strong and tender feeling of friendship.

Prince Bolkonsky is a handsome and charming rich aristocrat, with impeccable treatment and secular manners. He is proud and arrogant, slightly mocking and ironic. He is well received by high society, they fawn on him and flatter him.

But the young man feels disgusted by the deceitful and false world, by its artificial pleasantries and fake smiles. He is burdened by this, refined hypocrites and gallant dummies are alien and not pleasant to him.

But, on the other hand, the prince, who has absorbed the secular worldview, cannot truthfully and sincerely express his feelings. He has chained himself in the armor of coldness and arrogance, he is disappointed and alienated.

Bezukhov is the complete opposite of Bolkonsky. He, the illegitimate son of a rich count, who has no knowledge of social life and no formal manners, is a very sincere and good-natured person. Although he lacks external beauty and sophistication, Pierre is beautiful on the inside. His modesty and openness, warmth and selflessness attract sincere and thoughtful people, but at the same time repel the hypocritical and evil.

Bezukhov, having received the title and inheritance, in the simplicity of his soul strives to win a place in society and attract attention to himself. But, unfortunately, his straightforwardness and generosity turns against him - they are trying to fool the young count.

A curious and remarkable acquaintance develops between these two different men. In a social salon, over a respectable empty conversation, time flies steadily and the evening passes leisurely. But the general serene and insignificant pastime is disrupted by a sonorous emotional voice, defending what is wild and surprising for high society. Pierre expresses his extraordinary, original opinion.

Bolkonsky immediately draws attention to his ardor and honesty, shyness and originality. Knowing Bezukhov since childhood, Andrei decides to continue acquaintance with this non-trivial, quirky personality. They spend the rest of the evening in intimate, heated conversation.

It is not for nothing that the author so often gives an accurate description of these conversations. They colorfully and vividly display the relationship between two opposite characters, with such different characters and dissimilar fates.

Bolkonsky and Bezukhov often disagree, but this does not prevent them from communicating with each other respectfully and cordially. They - reasonable and humane people - realize that the opinion of another has the right to exist, and that it is not necessarily false or erroneous.

Bolkonsky, as the elder and more experienced, tries to support Pierre and guide him with his advice. But the young count does not always listen to his world-wise friend, and therefore reaps the bitter fruits of his mistakes and blunders. Yet he becomes more knowledgeable and practical.

Communication with Bezukhov has a positive effect on Andrey. He learns to be open and trusting. Perhaps, if not for their meeting in Bogucharovo, the disappointed and tired Bolkonsky would not have been able to start living again and let into his heart the saving feeling of love for the beautiful, naive Natasha.

Different friends have different unique destinies. Andrei, to whom life and love opened up, who began to live not only for himself, but also for others, who believed in happiness and experienced bliss, dies from a severe, painful wound. And Pierre, who sacrificed his feelings for the well-being of his friend, who experienced pain and disappointment in family life, finds simple and quiet happiness in marriage with

“What’s wrong? What well? What should you love, what should you hate? Why live and what am I...” For many thousands of years, humanity has been struggling with these questions, but the further it goes in search of an answer, the more new questions arise before it.

The heroes of L.N. Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace,” Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov, are also constantly busy searching for a place in life. Their relationship very soon grew into friendship - real, sincere, trusting. It seems to me that true friends, like lovers, according to one great man, do not look at each other, but in the same direction. Of course, this criterion can be applied to Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov, who are so different in character and uniqueness of life path, but similar in their endless desire for self-improvement, for a meaningful, full life. Tolstoy leads his heroes through a continuous series of hobbies for what seems to them the most significant in the life of a person and society, but very often these hobbies lead the heroes to disappointment, since what initially attracts them turns out to be small and insignificant. And only as a result of cruel collisions with the world, as a result of liberation from “mirages,” do friends discover what, from their point of view, is true, authentic. However, the most interesting thing is that both Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov, uniquely, each in their own way and even at different times, come to results that are striking in their generality. Thus, as they penetrate deeper into the true essence of the society around them, they become cramped in the narrow, false and meaningless space of light, which limits and burdens them, and they leave there in search of new human values.

Both Pierre and Prince Andrei at one time go through a fascination with Napoleon, and if Bezukhov is attracted to this man as the “heir” of the French revolution, then Bolkonsky associates his own dreams of great glory and feat with the name of Napoleon. Observation and communication with ordinary Russian people, soldiers during the historical events of the War of 1812 helps both Pierre and Andrey to become convinced of the falsehood and inconsistency of this idol.

The courage and strength of ordinary people during the Battle of Borodino made Pierre Bezukhov hate Napoleon, who brought so much evil to humanity. In a painful search for truth, he gradually frees himself from petty egoistic feelings and comes to understand the true values ​​of life, which amaze him with their simplicity, accessibility, naturalness, kindness, and in this he is again helped by Russian soldiers, and especially Platon Karataev in captivity French. Pierre begins to understand that the meaning of life is in itself, its natural joys, in serving people.

Prince Andrei, during the battle of Austerlitz, accomplished a feat before being seriously wounded, picking up a falling banner and trying to carry the soldiers along with him. And so, wounded, he falls to the ground and sees the blue sky high above him. Everything changes in his soul: “How quiet, calm and solemn, not at all like how I was running... It’s not at all how the clouds crawl across this high endless sky. How come I haven’t seen this high sky before? And how happy I am that I finally recognized him. Yes! everything is empty, everything is deception, except this endless sky.” Severe military events, fierce battles of embittered and frightened people destroying each other, a serious wound that put him on the brink of life and death, reveal to Bolkonsky the illusory nature of his aspirations for military glory, force him to recognize both the pettiness and insignificance of the imaginary greatness of Napoleon . Material from the site

Disillusioned with the ideals and goals of his life, Andrei Bolkonsky, having recovered, withdraws into himself. And only after a long period of time, mortally wounded in the Battle of Borodino, the prince comes to the conclusion that the true relationship between people that one should strive for is a relationship of friendship and brotherly love, forgiveness for enemies.

Thus, the desire to comprehend the truth, to find the meaning of life unites Andrei Bolkonsky and Pierre Bezukhov. On this difficult path, they often experience disappointment, but they persistently achieve their goal. And in this, undoubtedly, they are always helped by arguments with each other and friendly support. The views of Andrei and Pierre after their spiritual formation are in many ways similar, even their love for Natasha Rostova, which brought “rebirth to life” to Bolkonsky and gave family happiness to Bezukhov, makes them related to each other.

I believe that friendship not only elevates people like Pierre Bezukhov and Andrei Bolkonsky, but also helps them in difficult life situations. And I would really like to have such loyal and interesting friends as these wonderful people.

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