Presentation on the topic of characteristics of Andrei Dubrovsky. Presentation by A.S. Pushkin “Dubrovsky” presentation for a literature lesson (grade 6) on the topic

  • 28.06.2020

and "Dubrovsky"

The novel “Dubrovsky” was begun on October 21, 1832, and completed on February 6, 1833.

The work was never published during the writer’s lifetime, and comparing the text of the novel with Pushkin’s plans, researchers came to the conclusion that the novel was not finished. The genre of the work is also not defined, but Pushkin himself considered it a novel.

From the history of the novel “The novel “Dubrovsky” was inspired by Nashchokin. He told Pushkin about one Belarusian poor nobleman named Ostrovsky (as the novel was originally called), who had a lawsuit with a neighbor for land, was forced out of the estate and, left with only peasants, began to rob, first the clerks, then others . Nashchokin saw this Ostrovsky in prison.”

Vladimir Dubrovsky Vladimir Dubrovsky is a guard cornet, his father did not spare anything for his maintenance. Being wasteful and ambitious, Vladimir “allowed himself luxurious whims, played cards and went into debt, not caring about the future and envisioning sooner or later a rich bride, the dream of his poor youth.”

Vladimir is a very brave and comprehensively educated person. He knew the French language, geography, and grammar well, which allowed him to pass himself off as a Frenchman, be the teacher of Troekurov’s son, and practice singing and dancing with Masha. Many even envied his courage. After all, he was not afraid of the angry bear and shot him, not thinking that by doing so he might anger his owner. By this act, Dubrovsky aroused sympathy from Masha and respect from the imperious master Troekurov.

Masha Troekurova Masha was 17 years old, and her beauty was in full bloom. She had no friends and grew up in solitude. She had a huge library at her disposal and “naturally, having taken a break from writing all kinds of writing, she settled on novels,” which made her meek, sensitive, dreamy, impressionable, responsive to the grief of others, and the girl’s heart lived in anticipation of beautiful and ardent love.

Masha's fate is decided. The father decided the fate of his only daughter: he agreed to a very profitable marriage with Prince Vereisky.

Masha tried to persuade her father not to condemn her to an unhappy fate with an old, hated man. She burst into tears and threw herself at his feet. Masha begged her father not to destroy her. But Troekurov was stern and did not take pity on her, but, on the contrary, accelerated the wedding and locked Masha in her room, not letting her out until the wedding itself.

Wedding Before the wedding, a lady, surrounded by maids, was cleaning up the motionless Marya Kirilovna, Masha’s head “languidly bowed under the weight of diamonds, she shuddered slightly when a careless hand pricked her, but was silent, looking senselessly in the mirror.” At the altar she “saw nothing, heard nothing.” Masha had been waiting for Dubrovsky since the morning, but his help came too late.

On the way from the church, Vereisky's carriage was attacked by Dubrovsky and his robbers in order to free Masha, but she could not break her oath before God. Her responsibility did not allow her to escape from her unloved husband with Vladimir.

Prince Vereisky wounded Dubrovsky, but he did not shoot at him, without shedding a single drop of blood in revenge, he left.

Conclusion: social inequality and social prejudices did not allow two people on different social ladders to be together, even loving each other.

ILLUSTRATIONS OF THE NOVEL “DUBROVSKY” Wonderful illustrations for the novel were created by artists Evgeny Lanceray, Boris Kustodiev, Dementy Shmarinov. Wonderful illustrations for the novel were created by artists Evgeny Lansere, Boris Kustodiev, Dementy Shmarinov. Look at the artists' illustrations. Look at the artists' illustrations.

Artist D. Shmarinov, Dubrovsky

Television film A television film was created based on the novel “Dubrovsky”. Have you seen him on TV? Did you like him? Is this how you imagined heroes? A television film was created based on the novel “Dubrovsky”. Have you seen him on TV? Did you like him? Is this how you imagined heroes?

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About the novel The novel “Dubrovsky” was written in St. Petersburg, begun on October 21, 1832, completed on February 6, 1833. Published in 1842, after the death of the author, the title “Dubrovsky” was given by the publisher.

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The story “Dubrovsky,” carefully edited by Pushkin, was never published during the writer’s lifetime and, by all accounts, was considered unfinished. One of the draft plans for the 3rd volume has been preserved. But, as Professor V. G. Marantsman writes, “the incompleteness of the novel, however, is very conditional. “Dubrovsky” in the form in which it exists is an artistic whole. The endings of many of Pushkin’s works, due to their unconventionality, create the impression of unfinished action... in the poet’s mind, life is inexhaustible. Perhaps for the same reason the genre of the work was not defined: Pushkin himself considered it a novel.”

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The real basis of the work In 1802, the landowner Dubrovsky from Nizhny Novgorod had his relative’s estate taken away by court. It is obvious that Boldin’s impressions, when the peasants demanded the removal of the manager, were also reflected in the work. And the setting of the story is the place of many peasant uprisings - the Volga region, the time of action is the 20s of the 18th century. “The novel “Dubrovsky” was inspired by Nashchokin. He told Pushkin about one Belarusian poor nobleman named Ostrovsky (as the novel was originally called), who had a lawsuit with a neighbor for land, was forced out of the estate and, left with only peasants, began to rob, first the clerks, then others. Nashchokin saw this Ostrovsky prison.”

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The main conflict Pushkin’s thoughts about the relationship between man and society are also clearer, the idea that social law interferes with human relations. “Neither friendship nor love is able to unite people at different levels of the social ladder...” writes Professor V. G. Marantsman. The conflict is based on the inequality of the heroes before the law, the legal powerlessness of the heroes. Being poor and persecuted, Vladimir Dubrovsky protests against lawlessness and injustice, acts not in accordance with the circumstances, but in accordance with his feelings. This leads him to defeat in everything he does. And this elevates him in the eyes of the reader: in difficult life circumstances, he protests against despotism and always remains a man, a man of honor.

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Vladimir Dubrovsky Vladimir Dubrovsky is a guard cornet who lives on his father’s considerable salary. No different from his friends, being in the prime of his youth, Vladimir “allowed himself luxurious whims, played cards and went into debt, not caring about the future and envisioning sooner or later a rich bride, the dream of his poor youth.”

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Dubrovsky is a man of honor. Pushkin's hero is an intelligent and comprehensively educated man. It was not difficult for him to pass himself off as a Frenchman, the teacher of Troekurov’s young son. In addition, he taught Sasha grammar and geography, and with Masha he studied singing and dancing. Many envied the courage of young Dubrovsky. What did it mean just not to be afraid of the angry bear, and at the same time of its owner, Kiril Petrovich, and to shoot this bear. None of Troyekurov’s guests could even imagine this. To fall out of favor with the Pokrovsky master - what could be worse! But Dubrovsky was not afraid. Moreover, by this act he forced the powerful master to respect himself even more.

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Masha and Dubrovsky. Dubrovsky appears sincere, noble, gentle and timid on the pages dedicated to his meetings with Masha Troekurova. His love for the girl is so great that Vladimir even refuses to take revenge on her father, his sworn enemy. In other words, love leads him to the Christian commandment: not to respond to evil with evil, to forgive your enemy.

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Masha Troekurova Masha grew up impressionable and responsive to the grief of others. Later, “having taken a break from writing all kinds of writing, she settled on novels,” which made her meek, sensitive and dreamy. The sentimental novels that Masha read, her seventeen-year-old age, became the reason that the girl’s heart lived in anticipation of beautiful and ardent love.

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An attempt to change fate When, on a date assigned to her by Deforge, Masha finds out the truth that he is none other than Dubrovsky, she is scared, but the timidity and tenderness in Vladimir’s voice make the girl believe him and not give up her love. On the second secret date, heartbroken that her father is going to marry her to an old, unloved man, Masha, despite public opinion, agrees to run away with her lover. And yet fate decreed otherwise - the escape did not take place. The fate of Masha and Vladimir The nobility of the soul, an extraordinary sense of responsibility and duty to her husband, albeit unloved, and to God forced Masha to refuse Dubrovsky’s belated help. She cannot break the oath of allegiance, because for her these are not just empty words, but a sacrament performed in heaven. The morality that the girl learned from childhood and with which her whole soul was imbued, taught her to be responsible for her words and actions. This is the dignity and life drama of Masha Troekurova. Vladimir can only submit to fate and disappear from the life of his beloved.

“Dubrovsky” - Dubrovsky is a man of honor. Doomed. Masha grew up impressionable and responsive to the grief of others. The main conflict. The fate of Masha and Vladimir. The conflict is based on the inequality of the heroes before the law, the legal powerlessness of the heroes. To fall out of favor with the Pokrovsky master - what could be worse! Vladimir Dubrovsky is a guard cornet who lives on his father’s considerable salary.

“Dubrovsky lesson” - Minor characters. Agafya. The Troekurovs visiting Prince Vereisky. Paramoshka. Dubrovsky stops Prince Vereisky's carriage. Lunch at Troekurov's. Funeral of Andrei Gavrilovich Dubrovsky. Court. Arkhip. Quarrel between Dubrovsky and Troekurov. Grisha. The first date of Masha and Dubrovsky. Lesson-game based on the novel by A.S. Pushkin “Dubrovsky”.

“Saltykov-Shchedrin Wild Landowner” - The house in which the writer M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin lived and died. Son of M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin. Artists M. Skobelev and A. Eliseev. The room where M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin lived and died. M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin “wild landowner”. Drawing by Kukryniksy. Photograph from the early 1880s. M.E. Saltykov-Shchedrin Portrait by N. Yaroshenko. 1884

“Roman Dubrovsky” - Fire in Dubrovsky’s estate. Vladimir Dubrovsky's protest against unjust orders, arbitrariness and despotism. An adventure is a risky business of dubious integrity, undertaken with the expectation of random success. Lesson topic: A.S. Pushkin.<<Дубровский>>. Adventure is an incident, an unexpected incident in life, in adventures.

“Pushkin Dubrovsky” - What character traits did Deforge display in the “bear room”? Englishman. Pushkin planned the further development of the novel's plot. The work of A.S. Pushkin “Dubrovsky” is a novel. Why does Masha agree to escape with Dubrovsky? Chief of Police. Masha and Deforge. Denouement." Why is Vladimir late and the wedding of Masha and the prince took place?

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A.S. Pushkin’s novel “Dubrovsky” The presentation was prepared by the teacher of the Kalashnikovskaya Secondary School O.A. Stepanova.

History of the creation of the novel 1. The novel was not completed by Pushkin. 2. Worked on it from October 21, 1832 to February 6, 1833. 3. The author did not publish the unfinished novel. 4. It was first published posthumously in 1841 under the title “Dubrovsky” (after the name of the main character)

About the plot of the novel The novel was based on a message from Nashchokin (a friend of Pushkin) “about a poor nobleman named Ostrovsky... who had a lawsuit with a neighbor for land. He was forced out of the estate and, left with only the peasants, began to rob first the clerks, and then others.”

Nashchokin saw Ostrovsky in prison, and perhaps he himself told his story. Pushkin became extremely interested in Nashchokin’s story and almost immediately began drawing up plans, and soon writing a novel.

Initially, the hero appeared under the name Ostrovsky, then replaced by Andrei Zubrovsky, and finally named Dubrovsky.

It is known that before starting work on the novel, Pushkin visited Boldin and Pskov, where similar cases of the Nizhny Novgorod landowners Dubrovsky, Kryukov, and Muratov were considered. Pushkin heard Pskov legends about the revolt of the peasants of the landowner Dubrovsky, who offered armed resistance to the sent military team and declared that, on Dubrovsky’s orders, they would beat the landowners. Thus, the novel is based on true facts and life circumstances.

Vocabulary work NOVEL (French - narrative) is a large narrative work, usually distinguished by the diversity of characters and the branching of the plot. PLOT (French – subject, content) – the sequence and connection of events in a work of art.

Research task The writer, developing an already familiar plot in the spirit of W. Scott, decided to write a novel about a Russian noble robber forced to take the path of revenge. The idea of ​​an adventure novel about a noble robber was not realized. Why?

Perspective tasks 1. Observe how in the novel the feeling of revenge that possessed Vladimir Dubrovsky is replaced by another feeling 2. Carefully follow the path of Vladimir Dubrovsky.3. How does an officer become the leader of a gang of robbers? What is the starting point of a rebellion?4. Watch how friends become enemies. 5. Think about why high pure love was not allowed to come true?

Troekurov's estate 1. Who is Kirill Petrovich Troekurov? 2.Find a description in the text. 3. What gave him such power? 4. How did his neighbors and provincial landowners treat him? 5. Why was Troekurov so rude and capricious?

Hobbies of K.P. Troekurov 1. How did Troekurov spend his time? 2.Who was K.P. Troekurov’s neighbor? 3.Find a description in the text.

Relations between two landowners 1. Why did Troekurov respect Dubrovsky? 2. How does the incident at the kennel characterize Dubrovsky? 3. How did Troekurov react to Dubrovsky’s disappearance? (Highlight the verbs that characterize Trekurov’s actions) 4. Did he want to offend his friend? 5. What method of revenge does Troekurov choose?

Description of the hero's appearance 1. Describe the assessor Shabashkin. 2. How does Troekurov treat Shabashkin? 3. How does Shabashkin act to fulfill Troekurov’s desire? 4. How does Dubrovsky behave when he receives a letter from the court?

The trial and its consequences 1. How were Dubrovsky and Troekurov received in court? 2.How did the officials behave after the court decision was announced? 3. How did the heroes behave? 4. Why didn’t the judges receive the expected gratitude from Troekurov? 5. Why did Troekurov need a trial? What was his goal? 6. How did the scene in the county court make you feel?

After the trial 1. How has Dubrovsky changed since the trial? 2. What do we learn about the life of Dubrovsky’s son in St. Petersburg? 3. What was the relationship between the son and father of the Dubrovskys? 4. How did Vladimir take the news of his father’s illness? 5. How do the serfs of Troekurov and Dubrovsky relate to their masters? 6. How do the Dubrovskys themselves relate to their serfs? 7. How do the estates of Troekurov and Dkbrovsky appear? 8. How did father and son meet?

Vladimir’s farewell to his father and home “Where there was food on the table, there is a coffin” (taken from Derzhavin’s ode). 1. How did events develop upon the arrival of young Dubrovsky to his native estate? 2. What feelings does Troekurov experience when informed that he is now the owner of Kistenevka? 3. How do these feelings become clear to us, as Pushkin portrayed them?

Death of Dubrovsky “Thunder of Victory...” (beginning of one of Derzhavin’s choruses) 1. Why did Vladimir order Troekurov to be expelled? 2.Imagine the scene in the courtyard of the Dubrovskys’ house. Describe what the servants, the Dubrovsky serfs, look like and how they behave? And Troekurov? (Let’s portray curiosity, the triumphant hidden joy of the serfs, changes in Troekurov’s face.) How do you understand the epigraph?

Dubrovsky's funeral 1. The expression on V. Dubrovsky's face - “his face was scary” - what does this mean? 2.What feelings does the hero experience while in Kistenevskaya Grove? 3. How are these feelings reflected in nature?

Arrival of judicial officials 1. How do judicial officials behave when they come to take away property? 2. How does Shabashkin behave at the beginning and at the end of the scene? 3.How did the peasants’ indignation grow? 4. How does Vladimir behave? 5. How does this characterize him?

Fire in Kistenevka What feelings does Vladimir Dubrovsky experience in his father’s house, where the clerks are in charge? When did Vladimir get the idea to burn the house down? What is the blacksmith Arkhip up to? Did Dubrovsky want the death of his clerks? Why did the blacksmith Arkhip not spare the orders, but save the cat at the risk of his life?

Working with illustrations 1. Artist B. Kustodiev 2. Artist B. Shmarinov What did the artists depict in their illustrations? How are these images different? What feeling does each drawing evoke?

Find in the text a description of the episode depicted in this illustration. What happens in Vladimir’s soul after reading the letters?

Noble robber - What circumstances forced Vladimir Dubrovsky to become a robber? - Why did the courtyard peasants leave for Dubrovsky? - What is the perception of the leader of the robbers in the area? - Why didn’t the robbers touch Troekurov’s house? - Do you sympathize with Dubrovsky? Do you justify what he did?

Alone with the Bear What is the significance of the introduction to chapter 8? How does Kirila Petrovich feel about Masha? What is Masha's attitude towards her father? How does the author himself characterize Masha? How did Troekurov react to the appearance of Deforge? Why didn’t Masha pay attention to the teacher at first? What impression did Masha make on Deforge?

Brave teacher What “noble amusements” of Troekurov will we learn about from this chapter? How does the author feel about this kind of “entertainment”? How and why did the attitude of the Three-Curves towards Deforge change?

Lunch at Pokrovsky 1. Retell chapter 9 from Masha’s point of view (with romantic details) 2. Retell the chapter from Troekurov’s point of view (Reflect his self-confidence) 3. Retell the chapter from Dubrovsky-Deforge’s point of view (restrained and triumphant retelling) 4. What new do we learn about Dubrovsky ?

Dubrovsky takes off his mask 1. How does Pushkin portray the greedy and cautious Spitsin? 2. What details about the unjust trial does Deforge-Dubrovsky learn from Spitsin? 3.What words and expressions did you not understand in this chapter?

Masha and Dubrovsky 1. Why did Pushkin rearrange the events? 2. How is the appearance of Deforge in Troyekurov’s house explained? 3. How do they treat the “teacher” in Troekurov’s house? 4.What made Vladimir Dubrovsky enter Troyekurov’s house? 5.Why didn’t he take revenge on his enemy? 6. How does Masha feel about Dubrovsky?

Masha and Vereisky 1. What did Masha do to avoid marriage with Vereisky? 2. How do these actions characterize Masha?

Masha under arrest 1.What episode is depicted in this illustration? 2. How can you characterize Troekurov’s behavior towards his daughter?

Two boys 1. Why didn’t the seemingly simple and reliable method of communication between Masha and Dubrovsky work? 2. How do you imagine the boys, Sasha and Mitya? 3. Why did the police chief and Troyekurov release Mitya and what consequences did this circumstance have? 4. Make an outline for Chapter 12. 5. Read these episodes by role.

Irreversible words 1. With what feeling is Masha waiting for her wedding? 2.What does she hope for? 3. Read what happens to Masha while preparing her for the wedding? 4. Why didn’t Masha accept Dubrovsky’s help?

The Last Battle 1. How does Pushkin describe the everyday life of Dubrovsky’s bandit camp? What does he call Dubrovsky's peasants? 2.What details of the text “refute” this statement? 3. What did the peasants rebel against? 4. Why did V. Dubrovsky leave his peasants? 5.What is the author’s attitude towards his robber hero? 6.What is the main idea, the idea of ​​the work?

Thank you for your attention!