The professional holiday of postmen is Russian Post Day. Postal Day (Postman's Day) When is Russian Postal Day celebrated?

  • 06.08.2023

To celebrate Russian Post Day in 2019, as well as to congratulate everyone who is affected by this holiday, you need to know the dates. Despite the fact that every year our society is becoming more and more information-based, not a single country has completely abandoned postal services and it is postal services, as it was many centuries before, that is still the connecting link between people for communication and transmission of information .

About mail history

Russian Post Day in 2019, the date falls on July 14 this year. The history of mail in our country and around the world is long. As for Russia, post played an important role in the historical development of our state. After its founding, 300 years later, in 1994, Postal Day was officially approved in the Russian Federation; this holiday has taken root and is considered quite popular, because many citizens work in this particular government structure.

Even before the advent of the telephone and the Internet, people had mail, and in our country the emergence of this institution is associated with the name of the reformer Tsar Peter the Great. During his reign, he issued a decree on the creation of an internal postal line - the first in the Russian Empire. In the life of a modern person, mail still plays a great importance, but what can we say about its true significance in historical times.

Interesting! According to statistics, postmen in modern Russia process and receive about a billion letters, three billion printed publications, as well as up to 12 million parcels and about 44 million money transfers during one calendar year.

Post in Russia today is a single corporate structure, which includes all postal departments in the country, specializing in the delivery of cargo and correspondence. As for the holiday itself, it can be called quite young for our country, but the history of mail began a very long time ago, one might say, back in the Stone Age. Back then, people used signal fires to convey information.

After this, the system of transmitting letters and parcels developed greatly in ancient states, including Rome and Egypt. As for the word itself, it comes from the Latin expression “mansio pozita”, which is translated into modern Russian as “station at a point”.

As for the foundations of Russian mail, they were laid long before the reign of Peter the Great, back at the end of the 9th century AD. At that time, there was an active development of Kievan Rus, then the city of Veliky Novgorod made a special contribution to the development of mail; in the 15th century, they were already engaged in sending private letters using a single established system. When the Tatar yoke began to dominate the Slavic lands, the development of mail slowed down a little.

Interesting! In Russia, during the era of the Golden Horde, postal stations were established, which were called pits. This system began to spread quite quickly and by the end of the 16th century it already connected all Russian lands.

The word “mail” itself became widespread only in the 17th century. Peasants and people in those days carried messengers and messengers, and coachmen could carry not only letters, but luggage and people. The first Yamsk order was established in 1516; it was responsible for the supervision of coachmen, as well as the delivery of state papers. But all the same, as a separate structure, the state regular postal service in Russia appeared precisely under Peter the Great. You might want to do something for the holiday table.

Modern mail and its features

Russian Post Day will be celebrated in 2019 on July 14; this holiday, according to official documents, falls on the second Sunday of July every year. This day is considered a professional holiday; it has been celebrated in our country only since 1992. Until this time, postal workers celebrated their professional holiday on Communication Workers Day, which was, of course, not entirely correct.

A special place in the history of modern Russian mail is occupied by 1996, when the state monopoly on certain postal services was broken and commercial postal companies began to be established in Russia. In 1997, the president of the country restored the emblems and flag of the Russian post office, and on the occasion of the celebration of Post Day in 2001, a special artistic marked envelope was issued. On this envelope, as a postage stamp - a sign of payment, the letter “A” was marked.

Since September 2002, Russian Post has been a state unitary enterprise and has exactly that name. This new organization with the old functions adopted its charter in 2003. Mail is the first source of communication, which appeared long before modern means of information transmission. Many people, even today, in the era of the Internet, prefer to exchange data using mail, and it is simply impossible to send parcels and gifts in any other way. For the holiday table, see how to cook delicious ones.

So, Russian Post Day in 2019 will be celebrated on July 14, this will be the second Sunday of the second month of summer. By the way, World Post Day is celebrated in the fall, namely on October 9. Despite the fact that in our country this is a fairly young holiday, the Russian post office itself has a long and eventful history. It is mail that many scientists and historians call the step that led man to the information age.

Our country annually celebrates Russian Post Day on the second Sunday of July. In 2019, this holiday falls on the 14th of July. The very first mentions of mail can be found in written monuments dating back thousands of years. Russian mail is considered one of the oldest in Europe.

It is safe to say that the post office played a significant role in the historical development of our state. 300 years after its founding, Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 944 of May 16, 1994 officially approved the emergence of a new holiday - Russian Post Day.

The history of the Russian Post Day holiday goes back to the time of Peter I. It was he who issued the Decree on the creation of the first internal postal line. With the publication of this Decree, regular postal service began to emerge in Russia. For centuries, postal communication has been a reliable intermediary between people, connecting human hearts and destinies, bringing the joy of communication.

Today mail is of great importance in our daily life. Take for example the following figures: Russian postmen receive, process and deliver more than 1 billion letters, 3 billion printed publications, 12 million parcels, 44 million money transfers per year.

Russian Post is a single corporate structure, which includes postal departments of almost all territories and regions of Russia, specializing in the delivery of goods and correspondence.

About the Russian Post Day holiday

Russian Post Day is one of the youngest professional holidays in Russia. Humans have always had a need to transmit messages. It should be noted that the world history of news exchange began back in the Stone Age. In those days, ancient people figured out to use smoke from fires, the sounds of trumpets and signal drums to transmit information. Then messengers began to be sent with oral messages.

Such ancient states as Assyria, Rome, Egypt and Persia already had a fairly well-developed postal service. The word “post office” itself comes from the Latin expression “mansio pozita...”, which translates as “station at a point...”.

From the history

Russian Post Day is a great occasion to look at a page of history.

On the territory of Russia, sending messages has also been used since ancient times. The foundations of the Russian postal system were laid at the end of the 9th century. At this time, the development of Kievan Rus began.

A special place in the history of Russian mail can be given to the mail of Veliky Novgorod of the 11th-15th centuries. In this principality, the system of sending private letters became quite widespread.

The Tatar yoke slowed down the further development of mail. From the Tatars a new name for mail came to Rus' - Yamskaya chase.

During the era of the Golden Horde, pits were established in Russia - postal stations. Then the entire local population was obliged to deliver horses and guides to certain points. Later this system spread further. By XV-XVI, postal services already covered the entire territory of Russia.

Foreigners visiting Muscovy called the communication system that existed among the Russians “mail.” But this word became widespread only in the middle of the 17th century. Peasants and townspeople in those days had to carry messengers and messengers. Coachmen transported not only letters, but also luggage and people. In 1516, the Yamsk order was established, which was responsible for the supervision of coachmen and the delivery of state papers. But the state regular postal service in our country was created during the reign of Peter the Great.

In 1693, the first Russian shipyard was founded in Arkhangelsk. After this, it became necessary to establish regular postal services between Arkhangelsk and the capital. To achieve this, the king ordered the organization of internal postal lines along this route. The Viceroy of the Northern Land, who lived in Yaroslavl, was entrusted with this innovation.

This decree regulated the conditions for the transportation of mail, the conditions for the selection of personnel, responsibility for the safety of mail, as well as the equipment of inns (pits). Even the special uniform of the coachmen was stipulated and responsibilities for the maintenance and construction of roads were distributed.

In addition to letters and parcels, money began to be sent by mail in 1781. At the same time, postmen appeared who delivered correspondence to recipients.

The first post offices were established in Moscow in 1711, in Riga in 1712, in St. Petersburg in 1714. Post offices were opened in many cities of Russia. In the period 1712 - 1716, a military field post was created to serve the army. In 1874, the Universal Postal Union was founded, which included Russia. This made it possible to establish postal relations between 22 countries.

Russian Post Day has been celebrated in our country since 1992 as a separate professional holiday. It should be noted that until this time, postal workers were forced to celebrate their professional holiday on Communication Workers Day.

In 1996, the Ministry of Communications of the Russian Federation violated the state postal monopoly on some postal services. For this reason, commercial postal companies were established in the country.

By presidential decree in 1997, the emblem and flag of the Russian post were restored. In 2001, Russian Post, on the occasion of Russian Post Day, issued an artistic marked envelope. On this envelope, as a sign of postage, you can see a non-denominated stamp with the letter “A”.

On September 5, 2002, the state unitary enterprise "Russian Post" was created. State registration of the enterprise took place on February 13, 2003, and the Charter of this organization was adopted at the same time.

Mail can be called one of the first sources of communication; it appeared before the telegraph, telephone and the Internet. Even then it united different cities and countries. Many people even today prefer to use postal services.

Mail today

Today, there are more than 40 thousand post offices throughout Russia. More than 360 flights, 450 mail cars and about 17 thousand cars are used to transport mail.

Currently, in addition to its traditional services, the post office also offers electronic, hybrid and express mail, the Internet, distribution of advertising materials, parcel trading and cargo transportation. You can also pay utility bills and other bills at the post office, make photocopies and laminate documents, etc.

If necessary, it is possible to cash out money from plastic cards, repay a bank loan, and take out insurance. You can also purchase lottery tickets, consumer goods, or plane, train, etc. tickets.

As you know, postmen deliver mail. The profession of a postman has great social significance. The word “postman” itself began to be used in 1716. Until this time, employees who delivered mail were called postmen or letter carriers.

In 2009, the professional skills competition “Postman of the Year” was held for the first time.

We cordially congratulate all postal workers on the holiday, Happy Russian Post Day!

The history of the Russian postal system goes back more than a thousand years - its foundations were laid at the end of the 9th century. In the 15th-16th centuries, a network of postal stations covered the entire territory of Russia. In the 19th century, the first Russian postage stamps and cards appeared. In 1874, Russia became one of the founders of the Universal Postal Union.

Russian Post Day was established by decree of the President of the Russian Federation on May 16, 1994, and is celebrated annually on the second Sunday of July. In 2018, this date falls on July 8th. The holiday was established to mark the 300th anniversary of the creation of the first Russian internal postal line between Moscow and Arkhangelsk, founded by decree of Peter I.

Beautiful congratulations in verse

Russian Post Day is the most important date,
The only connection was once upon a time!
There is nothing more reliable and better in the world right now.
And I congratulate you on this holiday.

Health and happiness, love, kindness,
Bright sunshine and beautiful flowers to you.
Let friends come to the rescue at the right time,
Luck and joy will always find you!

In the world of high technology,
Internet, SMS,
The importance of mail is relevant,
Everyone understands its weight.

Only this service clearly
It will convey not only the essence -
In every line and parcel
Warmth of hearts and souls.

Today we congratulate
You, messengers of the winds.
Let everyone be happy
Happy, cheerful and healthy.

Who's knocking on my door
With a thick shoulder bag?
Letter carrier of all times -
Our beloved postman!

Who is the fastest in Russia?
Kinder and more necessary than everyone else?
Well, of course it's him -
Our wonderful postman!

What should we say today?
What should we wish for him?
May he be so healthy
So that you don't need doctors!

Let him work like this
So that we can be proud!
And such love for him,
To the ends of the earth!

Congratulations! This holiday
Let him fly around the planet,
So that everyone in the world knows
Our mail is like the wind!

Like a wild hurricane
Either he is here, or he is there!
Through mountains and fields,
Across rivers and seas

Parcels and parcels
They are rushing to send mailings to people!
Be happy, friends,
We can't live without mail!

It's been a long time since emails, text messages,
They filled everything around.
Words are flying,
Roaming from north to south.

But still sweeter than a telegram,
Envelopes with letters are warmer.
Dear mothers send letters,
And they expect letters from their sons.

Let the postmen bring joy,
The country is waiting for good news.
Not photocopiers, not phones,
Russia is strong by mail.

May your parcels arrive today,
With bouquets of bright flowers.
And champagne pours from the bottle,
Under a stream of congratulatory words.

After all, today is your holiday - Russian Post Day,
Summer day, smile quickly, postman.
Let the crazy elements rush past,
Be inspired by your great dream.

Congratulations in prose, beautiful cards

Happy Russian Post Day. I wish you never to hesitate or slow down, but always and everywhere to be on time. May your work be appreciated, may your life be full of pleasant events, surprises, news and news, may your cherished dream come true every time. Good travels, good luck and happiness!

Congratulations on Russian Post Day. I wish to please everyone every day with good news, long-awaited letters, happy telegrams, interesting packages and simply warm words, and in return to always receive sincere gratitude from people, good luck from fate itself and pleasure from my life.


Year after year, postal workers connect millions of human hearts. The postman travels a long way so that the mother receives news from her son, the wife receives a letter from her husband, and the grandson receives a greeting card from his beloved grandmother. And finally, the day has come when I can thank you with all my heart for your help, your responsibility and patience. Happy Russian Post Day!

Congratulations to all Russian postal workers! You are irreplaceable links that connect people, stop expectations, and help friendship! We wish you to work productively, always good weather, grateful clients!


Happy Russian Post Day! The duty of your profession is to bring news to people. So, I wish that the news is only good, and that work brings satisfaction and joy exactly on time, just as you do your important and necessary work. Happy holiday, dear postmen!

The importance of timely information cannot be overestimated. Many legends, tales and heroic stories are told about people who selflessly deliver important and personal messages. We are talking about postal workers, whose professional holiday in Russia is celebrated on the second Sunday of every July.

Russian Postal Holiday: the origins of the holiday and profession

Since ancient times, humanity has been looking for unique ways to deliver information, using smoke from fires, sound signals, and carrier pigeons for these purposes.

But the most reliable method of transferring letters, parcels, and letters from hand to hand has always been delivery by messengers.

These first ancient postmen paid with their own heads more than once for bringing bad news.

Or, on the contrary, they received unique and expensive rewards for bringing long-awaited news.

For the first time, the work of the post office is mentioned in documents with a thousand-year history. In Russia, the origin of the postal network is associated with the construction of the Arkhangelsk port.

To create regular communication between Moscow - Pereslavl Zalessky - Veliky Rostov - Yaroslavl - Vologda - Arkhangelsk, the first postal route was created by Decree of Peter the Great.

Responsibility for organizing the postal message fell on the Viceroy of the Northern Land, who lived in Yaroslavl at that time.

The Decree thoroughly spelled out all the features of the postal service, starting from responsibility for the construction and maintenance of the road route, and including requirements for work regulations, responsibility for transportation, equipping inns, as well as the selection of personnel and the uniform of coachmen.

Over the course of several centuries, the work of post offices improved and the scope of activity expanded.

The duties of the post office were entrusted with some financial transactions in the form of pension payments, postal transfers, and acceptance of utility bills.

The arrival of the postman was awaited with anxiety and joy both in every home and at the front during the Great Patriotic War. After all, it was the cocked-cornered letters brought by the postman that were the only way to receive news from relatives.

Selflessly and fearlessly, postal workers, in the rain and scorching sun, hiding from enemy bullets, hurried to houses and trenches to bring the long-awaited news.

The role of the postal service in the economic development of the country and the volume of services provided, even in the age of virtual communication and electronic methods of communication, has not become less.

It is worth imagining that humanity has lost the opportunity to send postcards to lovers, send congratulations to business partners, receive parcels and parcels, pay payments without charging huge fees for services, subscribe to your favorite magazines and newspapers, and the role of mail in the modern world will immediately become clear.

When is Postal Day celebrated in Russia?

300 years after Peter the Great’s decree on the creation of a postal route in Russia, a new Decree was signed on May 16, 1994, on the basis of which the Russian Post Day holiday was established.

The holiday is celebrated annually on the second Sunday of July.

On the same day, both professionals and amateurs celebrate their holiday.

Before this, there was no holiday for postmen in the history of Russia. Together with the whole world, International Post Day was celebrated, which falls on October 9, and was established back in 1939.

Therefore, today modern postal workers have two professional holidays.

Russian Postal Workers Day: traditions and features of the celebration

Modern post office in Russia is a huge network, including 40 thousand branches. The delivery of goods involves a variety of transport, consisting of 450 mail cars, 360 flights and 17 thousand different vehicles.

Over the course of a year, postal workers deliver more than a billion postal messages and letters and 3 billion periodicals. Customers receive more than 12 million parcels and more than 44 million money transfers via mail.

On Russian Post Day, government agencies celebrate the work of the best employees with certificates, awards, honorary titles and cash bonuses. Millions of people, despite the availability of electronic communications and other methods of delivery and payment, use postal services.

Therefore, it would be nice if regular postal customers did not forget to congratulate the employees of the nearest branch on Postman’s Day, at least in words or with a postcard.

Russian postal service is one of the oldest in Europe. It is not surprising that several decades ago a special holiday was established - Russian Post Day. It is celebrated by those who work in delivery services across the country, in post offices, communication institutions, etc.


The exchange of news took place back in the Stone Age. Of course, what was then does not even remotely resemble postal services, but this does not change the essence. The first mentions of mail in Rus' are found in chronicles, and it acquired its more or less civilized form by the 13th century. What existed then?

  • pits - postal stations located at a distance of 30 to 100 miles on one road;
  • in each of these pits there were supposed to be horses that were changed during the transportation process;
  • coachmen - people who transported people, goods and letters on horse-drawn vehicles.

Transportation took a very long time: the first attempt to deliver a parcel from Ufa to Moscow took 70 days. The situation of the coachmen was further aggravated by the fact that they had neither maps nor, of course, modern navigators, and therefore they could simply get lost. Often the coachmen were never waited for...

Everything changed greatly with the coming to power of the great reformer Peter I. It was thanks to his decrees that branched postal routes appeared in Russia, the condition of the roads themselves improved, post offices appeared, etc. In 1693, Peter I issued a Decree on connecting Moscow and Arkhangelsk by postal routes, because The first shipyard began to be built in the northern port city.

And so, 300 years after this significant event for the whole country, Russian Post Day was established. This happened in 1994, and since then the holiday has been celebrated annually on the second Sunday of July.


Despite the fact that Postal Workers Day is an official holiday, there are rarely any large-scale events dedicated to it. The only exception may be anniversaries. But this does not mean that employees of a particular department cannot organize their own celebration.

They also conduct quizzes where you have to remember as many names of songs, books, films, etc. related to the shipment. You can invite participants to write a telegram, where each word begins with letters that make up another word: “LETTER” - “Please list My Responsibilities” or “CONNECTED” - “The Gophers Are Out, I’m Behind Them, Yo!” etc. The funnier it gets, the better.


Happy Russian Postal Workers' Day, we must congratulate all those who are related to the holiday. How can this be done and with what?

  1. A letter would be most welcome, and not electronic, but paper. It should contain a sheet of paper with a hand-written congratulation, whether it will be in verse or in prose - it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that all the words come from the heart.
  2. - also a great option for congratulations. You can, of course, get by with the electronic version, but it’s still better to prefer the paper version. And if it also ends up in the mailbox and with a stamp, then the postal worker will definitely appreciate it.
  3. SMS and emails are best left as a last resort, even a phone call is perhaps more appropriate.

Those who want to please postal employees with gifts can take a closer look at practical things designed to make the life of postmen and their colleagues more comfortable. They present, for example, lanterns, raincoats and umbrellas, key holders and key rings, cozy mittens, scarves, etc. The main thing is not to make a mistake with the date of Russian Postal Day - the calendar will tell you what date it is celebrated, because every year these are different dates. By the way, we must not forget that today the post office provides not only forwarding services, but also many others, and those who do this should also not forget to congratulate.