Scenario of the award ceremony for Mechanical Engineer's Day. Congratulations to machine builders

  • 22.09.2023

Let the work be easy now,
Let your working day be a holiday.
And may you not be too lazy to work hard!

We wish you to keep pace with luck,
We wish you not to go astray,
We wish you patience! So good morning!
Mechanical engineers, happy holiday to you!

Tireless seekers
And experts in mechanisms,
The smartest creators of machines,
We will dedicate poems to you on this holiday!

It is unusual, our poem,
Our poetic congratulations!
Life without cars is now unthinkable,
How can industry exist without them?!

We don't want to live today
Without small and large cars!
No cars, no rockets
Progress has no future!

Look around you, how many cars there are in the world!
And in the field, in the forests, on the roads, in the mountains.
Helping machines reach the top,
And build houses in all cities.

We wish to achieve more mastery,
Even though you are all masters without a doubt!
And love to you, and happiness, and whatever fate
I smiled at you on Mechanical Engineering Day!

Nozzles, bushings, tires, enamel,
Steering wheel, pedal, discs and steel.
Everything together looks like a pile of rubbish.
His hands, time is my machine!

Mechanical engineer - words are useless.
Let's say thank you to him.
You are our genius, you are our golden,
Today is your holiday - away from work.

Modern wonderful world
Full of fabulous cars -
They wash, sew, wash, cook,
They clean and count
They collect, saw, chop,
They drill, they hammer, they wake you up in the morning,
We can't live without them,
After all, a car is not a trifle:
Does it better, faster
And more accurately, and smarter -
To all machine creators
Let's hasten to bow!

Dear mechanical engineers,
You are winners in technology!
Everyone knows: mechanical engineering
It matters a lot.

Cars and trains -
After all, we can’t live without technology!
Rockets and planes -
Also your area of ​​work.

The ship's whistle welcomes you,
The locomotive whistle welcomes you,
A car horn salutes -
And we give you congratulations!

No, perhaps the world is more difficult, more necessary,
More interesting mechanical engineering jobs:
Screw to screw and mechanism to mechanism
Each new project expects heroism from you,
May it always be easy for you to succeed
In this life, any work, and on time
All your plans will come true,
On this holiday, please accept our congratulations!

People who build cars
Help you live in peace
Don't be lazy and work hard
And share with machines
And affairs in the house,
In the office, factory,
Factories and planes
Ships and helicopters,
Medicine, manufacturing -
Machines have superiority -
Accuracy, minimum costs,
Without fatigue and injuries,
People who build cars -
"Planetary" heroes!

At the entrance to the factory,
The common people are trampling,
Some to the machine, and some to the assembly,
Someone's going straight to cleaning.

You are all involved in cars,
And you are wonderful at your work!
To produce cars,
There is a lot to know!

To all the hard workers in the world,
Not lazy people, but hard workers,
On this joyful day -
Our congratulations from the factory!

May there always be inspiration
So that you can always create miracles,
To always make people’s work easier,
We wish you not to know difficulties in life.
And here is a congratulation for you, congratulations,
May all your creations be praised.

Tatiana Bisyarina

24.09.2012, 15:38

A decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR in 1980 established the holiday Machine Builder's Day. And the Decree of 1988 finally confirmed this date. From now on, everyone involved in the country's engineering industry celebrates the last Sunday of September as their professional holiday. This year it is September 26 - Mechanical Engineer's Day. The same date marks the holiday of engineering industry workers in Kyrgyzstan, Belarus and Ukraine.

The mechanical engineering industry is decisive in the economic development of the country. This is the core of the industry, a significant branch of the industry. It is in it that all intellectual potential is concentrated. Of course, the mechanical engineering industry includes not only the production of cars of various brands and other equipment. The domestic mechanical engineering industry consists of three segments, which today are at different levels of economic development: transport, heavy and electronics industries.

Electrical machine-building plants were the first to use Western technologies. And the electronics manufactured on them began to focus on the production of products according to Western standards from foreign components. The field of transport engineering includes various enterprises: aerospace, automotive, and shipbuilding industries. And this segment is the most rapidly and effectively developing. Heavy engineering is the most crisis-ridden industry. In it, some enterprises (machine tools, tool manufacturing) are experiencing a deep decline, while others, on the contrary, are developing steadily - these are metallurgy, energy, and raw materials enterprises.

The fruits of a mechanical engineer's labors accompany a person everywhere - public and personal transport, agricultural machinery, and many household appliances. Also, thanks to mechanical engineers, we have factory machines, nuclear reactors, spaceships, submarines and much more.

Thus, the results of the work in this area are an integral part of our lives, and Mechanical Engineer’s Day is a universal holiday for engineers and workers working in the mechanical engineering industry. It is widely celebrated at enterprises, corporate evenings with ceremonial speeches, festive events, and feasts are organized. On this day, veterans are honored, competitions and concerts are organized.

Tatiana Bisyarina

24.09.2012, 15:38

Machine tools, cars and combines...

Cars surround us everywhere now,
Without them, our life would be more difficult.
Mechanical engineer, congratulations to you
Our whole Russia is a great city!

Have a strong family and more luck,
And you will always get everything you want!
In your work - great inspiration to you
We want to wish you from the bottom of our hearts!

In machines, drawings, documents, parts
A mechanical engineer is like a fish in water.
Such a set of skills and knowledge
You probably won’t find it in anyone or anywhere.
Machines, mechanisms, huge and complex
You can create hundreds and thousands.
So let it definitely become possible
Everything you want to wish for yourself!

Tatiana Bisyarina

24.09.2012, 15:39

They say that whoever drives a car falls in love with it for life. Iron horses accompany people all the time - they are personal, public, and agricultural transport. And there are so many brands of cars and cars that it’s impossible to list them all! They all exist thanks to the work of mechanical engineers. Today we congratulate you on the holiday and wish you - may more and more cars be born with your help, may they become better and better! Happy holiday to you and good luck in your work!

Today we want to congratulate you on your professional holiday - Mechanical Engineer's Day - and wish you all the best. May all your hopes come true, and may the sincere gratitude of motorists make your work truly joyful and fruitful! Happiness to you and good luck in your work! Happy holiday!

What is most important to a person? That's right, it's time! Cars of different brands, sizes and colors help humanity save as much time as possible for business. A car is a friend, a source of pride, and an object of constant care and even affection. Modern man is attached to his car as much as our ancestors were once attached to their horses. And today we want to congratulate all those thanks to whom cars ply the roads around the world - mechanical engineers. May your work bring you joy and satisfaction! Happy holiday to you!

Congratulations on Mechanical Engineer's Day

Perhaps every person in our country dreams of acquiring a personal vehicle. They say that a car is not a luxury, but a means of transportation. So, in order for this statement to become truly fair, all those whose professional holiday we celebrate today are working. We congratulate you and wish you only success, may there be much more than failure! Happy holiday!

Congratulations on Mechanical Engineer's Day

All the years they kept in alignment
For our mechanical engineering.

Everything in the world rests on her.

You will find products everywhere:
On the field visible in tractors,
At sea - in beautiful ships,

On the rails - in locomotives.
Wherever you look -
You will see a row of cars.
How much work was put in
On the trains running into the distance,
In carriages, boilers and appliances,
And into engines, and into motors!
And all this was created by people!

And on the holiday of mechanical engineering
We will express our admiration to them.
Thank you for your hard work

We really appreciate your work.
So be stronger than the machines!

Tatiana Bisyarina

24.09.2012, 15:40

Ceremonial event
Dance duo RUMBA
Fanfare 1 presenter: Good afternoon!
Presenter 2: Hello!
1 presenter: Look out the window: a crane tower over a house under construction, many cars on the road, hundreds of machines at the factory,
2 presenter: refrigerator and stove in our kitchen, sewing machine, hair dryer,
1 presenter: equipment of a medical clinic, a cash register in the nearest supermarket, an airplane drawing a thin stripe in the sky - these are all products of mechanical engineering.

2 presenter: “From a needle to a rocket” - this is how you can define a list of mechanical engineering products that is immense for everyone.
1 presenter: Every year on the last Sunday of September, a professional holiday is celebrated throughout the country - Mechanical Engineer's Day.
2 presenter: And today in the hall there are those who are in one way or another involved in this important industry: future specialists, and for now students of our college, their mentors, as well as students of city schools
1 presenter: It’s especially nice to see honored guests in the hall:
Head of the Zlatoust urban district Alexander Nikolaevich Karavaev
2 presenter: Chairman of the meeting of deputies of the Zlatoust urban district Zhilin Vyacheslav Anatolyevich
2 presenter: Deputy General Director of the Stroytekhnika plant Shmurygin Ilya Fedoseevich
1 presenter: And the General Director of PromNefteMash LLC Dmitry Valerievich Nikiforov 2 presenter: For our college, this holiday is also very significant: this year marks 90 years since Zlatoust Industrial began training personnel for mechanical engineering.
1 presenter: Over the years, our college has graduated more than 4,000 specialists for this industry.
2 presenter: Most graduates make a significant contribution to the development of modern mechanical engineering through their daily work.
1 presenter: The floor for congratulations goes to the director of the Zlatoust Industrial College named after. P. P. Anosova to Viktor Viktorovich Sidorov

V.V. Sidorov1 presenter: The presence of the city’s top officials at our event once again emphasizes the importance of this professional holiday for our native Zlatoust.
2 presenter: The floor for congratulations goes to the head of the Zlatoust urban district, Alexander Nikolaevich Karavaev

Congratulations to ALEXANDER NIKOLAEVICH Karavaev
GIFT1 presenter: We ask Vyacheslav Anatolyevich Zhilin, a graduate of our college, chairman of the meeting of deputies of the Zlatoust city district, to come up on stage

Congratulations to Zhilin VYACHESLAV ANATOLIEVICH.
GIFT 2 presenter: In 2007, our college became the winner of the national project “Education” and the owner of a grant for the purchase of modern equipment.
1 presenter: Thanks to cooperation with the Stroytekhnika plant, a training ground equipped with the most modern equipment was opened in February 2008.
2 presenter: During this time, more than 100 college students completed internships at the test site, some of them remained to work at the plant.
1 presenter: On the initiative of the director of the Stroytekhnika plant, Valery Alekseevich Rostov, in 2009, on the occasion of Mechanical Engineer’s Day, a prize was established for academic success and active mastery of the profession for students in the specialties “Mechanical Engineering Technology” and “Automation of Technological Processes and Production.”
2 presenter: Maintaining tradition, we invite to the stage Deputy General Director of the Stroytekhnika plant Ilya Fedoseevich Shmurygin

Nikolay Melnikov is currently on an industrial internship in the city of Petrozavodsk at the Petrozavodsk Mash1 enterprise: Good traditions are always preserved and supported. It is significant that in the anniversary year for the college, the tradition of the Stroytekhnika plant was supported by another city enterprise, and we give the floor to the General Director of PromNefteMash LLC, Dmitry Valerievich Nikiforov

Award 1 presenter: Another dance gift for everyone present.
2 presenter: On stage Alena Bilalova and Vadim Kuznetsov

Dance number

1 presenter: Mechanical engineer! What a wonderful word!
He is proud of all the achievements of a great country
And the thirst for knowledge leading to new discoveries,
And the feeling with which you are in love with your business.

2 presenter: We are all happy to congratulate you on this day!
We look at your successes with white envy!
Work by inspiring your colleagues by personal example:
After all, together you are strong, and with you the country is ahead!
1 presenter: this concludes our event.
2 presenter: We once again congratulate you all on the wonderful professional holiday Mechanical Engineer’s Day!

Tatiana Bisyarina

24.09.2012, 15:42

We trust machines to do a lot of things,
And the one who builds them is simply an ace!
And on this day we wish with all our hearts,
Machine builders, congratulate you!
Be healthy, happy, rich,
We would like to wish you our warmest wishes.
Be happy with your life and salary
And you should never be discouraged.
There are different builders,
On construction sites, roads and hydroelectric power stations,
But building cars is the main thing,
Congratulations and honor to you!
We wish that all endeavors
Come true as quickly as possible!
And new generation cars
It was a dream come true to live this life!
Mechanical engineer, congratulations to you,
We wish you health, good luck and happiness,
So that hard work is duly rewarded,
So that you are not puzzled by worries.
So that you are happy every day,
And you forgot what laziness is.
May you be the pride of the whole family,
May all days in the future be joyful.
Mechanical engineer! What a wonderful word!
He is proud of all the achievements of a great country
And the thirst for knowledge leading to new discoveries,
And the feeling with which you are in love with your business.
We all are happy to congratulate you on this day!
We look at your successes with white envy!
Work by inspiring your colleagues by personal example:
After all, together you are strong, and with you the country is ahead!
Machine tools, cars and combines...
Where would we be today in a world without cars?
And on this day, of course, it was no coincidence
With a bow we thank their creators!
Today we praise the machine builders,
They lead the entire life of the country forward!
And of course we congratulate them from the bottom of our hearts,
More happiness, less worries!
Cars among other metal
They live and help us in everything,
We will build pedestals for their creators,
Today we sing for their creators.
May your life, machine builder,
In which you are both a cog and a motor,
It's like it's going to turn into a fairy tale
In an exquisite and expensive pattern.
Everything that drives and flies -
The work is yours!
You are such a profession
They didn’t choose it suddenly!
It's interesting to build cars
And this has attracted you since childhood.
Happy holiday, may everyone
What have you built
I could always fly and drive!
I couldn't comprehend for a long time
And I couldn't imagine
What car, besides the Volga,
This is an elevator or a machine.
But today I'm not young
And I have an interest
Who forged the blacksmith's hammer
And riveted a cast iron press?
Congratulations to everyone,
According to your work, honor!
Be healthy and unbending,
Like a forty-six key!
Mechanical engineer!
Your day has come -
Your holiday
A holiday is always good.
Congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
Allow me
Thinker, Guardian,
Machine creator
Skilled in life
Almost everything.
And may you be happy
And the light will bring
And our thanks,
And our love.
Be happy,
And healthy in spirit!
Our dear mechanical engineer!
On your Day we sing your glory:
You give wisdom and strength to the country,
You start it on the rise!
Your brain is sometimes harsh, sometimes ardent,
The hands are cunningly arranged:
You stamp the fender liners, you pour the forks
And you cook subway cars!
The conveyor and the hammer are subject to control,
Depths and space for you.
Be healthy, beautiful and young
In your heroic destiny!
That's how we are built: we are always in a hurry -
And they help us to be on time everywhere
And accomplish everything, and comprehend the machines,
Those who managed to become needed by everyone.
Cars are everywhere. Cars are not a miracle
They are familiar to us, like everything around us.
They are not built and built by heroes at all,
They are simply creators with a good pair of hands.
Thanks to them, these laborious hands,
And to warm souls and precise eyes -
Because machines, undoubtedly and wisely,
Helpers came into our lives.
Mechanical engineer! Your day has come -
It's your holiday, and a holiday is always good.
Let me congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
Thinker, protector, creator of machines,
Those who can do almost everything in life.
And may it bring you joy and light
And our thanks and our love.
Be happy, successful, and healthy in spirit!
My son asked me:
"Tell me about the machine!"
"Stator, housing, axis, spring,
Nut, bushing, chain, bed.
Clutch, shaft, gearbox, tire -
It turns out to be a car."
"Who makes the machine?"
"Hands, human mind, son."
Hurray for machine operators, viva!
They have a holiday today, brother!
All the years they kept in alignment
For our mechanical engineering.
There is no more important industry in life -
Everything in the world rests on her.
The industry has always been held in high esteem
You will find products everywhere:
On the field visible in tractors,
At sea - in beautiful ships,
At stations - in powerful turbines,
On the rails - in locomotives.
Wherever you look -
You will see a row of cars.
How much work was put in
On the trains running into the distance,
In carriages, boilers and appliances,
And into engines, and into motors!
And all this was created by people!
We will not forget to congratulate them,
And on the holiday of mechanical engineering
We will express our admiration to them.
Thank you for your hard work
In industry - oh, heavy!
We really appreciate your work.
So be stronger than the machines!

Every second Sunday in August a wonderful professional holiday is celebrated - Builder's Day.

In order to make your corporate party celebration fun and interesting, we offer a fun and dynamic ready-made version of the holiday script.

It is proposed to choose the most active of all employees as the leader.


Balloons, colorful ribbons or humorous posters related to the theme of construction, and a festive menu will help create the necessary holiday atmosphere.

As small competition gifts and souvenirs, you can use items also related to construction (rulers, tape measures, trowels, mittens, etc.).

Leading: Today we celebrate Builder's Day! Hooray!

Construction is not a toy; you won’t meet a fool here.

What can I say, we will definitely have fun today,

After all, you and I are, without reproach, experts in the profession!

Also in his speech, the director can recognize the best employees and summarize the results of their work.

If this is provided for in the event plan, you can hold a ceremony for awarding certificates of honor or memorable gifts.

Why should we build a house... Should we draw it?

So, for the competition you will need:

Leading: Everyone knows that a builder is a jack of all trades,

At least he can build a palace - just like that, out of boredom...

And today he has a super important task -

Build a city in an instant on sheets of paper!

Participants are asked to draw urban infrastructure objects (apartment building, clinic, kindergarten, school, store, etc.) on sheets of paper while blindfolded.

If the competition is between teams, then each will have to create their own city with the same objects. If each employee participates individually, then a collective “city” should emerge.

In order to decide who will draw which building, you can write all the objects on small pieces of paper, mix and invite participants to pull them out.

Since the players will be blindfolded, the rest of those present can verbally help them, indicating where and how to draw (left or right, higher or lower), or, conversely, try to confuse them.

Leading: Yes... Our city turned out to be a nice one, but every builder knows first-hand how all real estate projects require properly completed accompanying documentation.

So, what am I saying, because we have a bureaucratic mess - we have a city, but it doesn’t have a name - we need to fix this urgently!

City name

All participants can participate and propose their own version of the city name; the most original and creative name should win. To make it easier to decide, you can organize a vote with the results counted.

After the name of the “city” is given, it will be possible to decorate the wall with the resulting drawings with the name, and organize an interesting place for memorable photographs.

Another option to continue the competition - the presenter can invite the participants to decide on the position of mayor of the city and give him a large toy medal with the inscription “mayor” as a distinctive and memorable souvenir.

Drawing a wall

For the competition you will need:

  • two large sheets of whatman paper or drywall;
  • markers.

Participants are asked to split into two teams, and each task is to paint a blank sheet of paper with brickwork as quickly as possible.

The winner is chosen based on speed and quality of execution.

Safety precautions

Construction helmets will be required for the competition. Important - there should be one less helmet than the number of participants.

The game is similar to chair elimination - players stand in a circle near a table with helmets, and while the tune is playing, they move and dance to the music.

As soon as the music stops, each participant must quickly take a helmet and put it on his head; whoever does not get it is eliminated from the game, and so on until the winner.

Construction is life

Leading: Today our respected builders tried their hand at urban planning, and even gave a name to their own city.

But construction is neither more nor less, but a whole life, and probably each of those present has many interesting and funny stories behind them.

Dedication to young builders

If the team has young employees, you can conduct a comic rite of passage into the “secret order of builders.”

The most experienced employee or director from the team can take on the role of “initiator”.

For originality, after the participant answers all questions in the affirmative, the “initiator,” like a medieval ritual, can jokingly christen the “newcomer” with a trowel.

Leading: And now I turn to young construction specialists - are you ready to take a solemn oath?

(Participants answer in the affirmative)

Leading: Vow to love building buildings?

Participants: We swear!

Leading: Run to work without being late?

Participants: We swear!

Leading: To be the first in everything, to have your own approach?

Participants: We swear!

Leading: Working without sparing yourself all year?

Participants: We swear!

Leading: Congratulations to the new members of the “secret order of builders”, good luck!

You can prepare comic orders or medals in advance and solemnly present them after the initiation ritual.

Tower construction

For the competition you will need toy blocks.

Competing teams are asked to build the tallest tower in a certain time - for example, while playing some funny song.

Participants must run up to the place where the tower is built and each place one cube, then return back to the team, passing the baton to another participant, and so on.

During a rush, the tower will collapse, so you will have to start construction all over again. The team with the taller tower wins.

"Behind a blank wall"

For this competition, participants also need to split into two teams, the players of each “team” come up with their own word related to the construction theme.

The task will be to show this word to your opponents only with gestures, without the help of words.

You can compete during a feast, just each pretending participant will take turns leaving the table.

The team that guesses the most words will win this competition. If you need to complicate the task, you can use entire phrases instead of individual words.

"You must Fedya, you must!"

For the competition you will need:

  • two rolls of inexpensive wallpaper;
  • scotch;
  • scissors.

This is a dance competition - one volunteer is selected from each team, who, as in the famous film Fedya, is wrapped in a roll of wallpaper, leaving only his legs free.

For convenience, to prevent the wallpaper from flying apart, you can use tape. The rest of the team must correctly cut out a piece of wallpaper in the place where the dancer's face is located.

Castles in the air

For the competition you will need:

  • balloons (you can use different shapes and colors);
  • scotch;
  • scissors.

Each team is invited to use balloons and tape to build their own castle while some fun music is playing.

The winning team is determined by the beauty of the resulting structure, its reliability and stability.


After active competitions, you can give the participants a break and entertain them by asking construction riddles; everyone who gives the correct answer can be given a small souvenir.

Who makes the world go round at a construction site? This is the main... (foreman).

Sometimes I'm brick, sometimes I'm deaf,

Carrier, with ears... That's what people say!

Come on, answer - who am I? (wall).

I'm a fun instrument

My neighbor doesn't sleep because of me,

Make me any crevice,

Who am I? Electric drill).

The blocks are lifted by the tall and stooped giant himself (a construction crane).

Kosoy and the Associate Professor swam in it,

And so the security didn’t catch it (cement).

He is iron - without arms, without legs,

They drive it all into a block (nail).

From large overwork

I move out sometimes...

Sometimes I leak

If it rains in the morning...

I climbed higher than all of you -

Who is this... (roof).

And I need to be built

If there is no dog.

Let a thief pass by -

Who am I? Together - I... (fence).

It comes in yellow, red and white.

And they will build walls (bricks) from it.

Completing the program

Leading: Dear builders! Today you have proven to all of us that you are professionals not only in your field, but also excellent dancers, artists, intellectuals, and simply wonderful multifaceted people!

Of course, without your work there would be no peace and comfort in our warm homes, thank you for that! And in conclusion, I would like to tell you one anecdote:

At a construction site, after an inspection, the inspector asks the builder:

Why is there a hole in this wall?

Wait, but this is not a hole at all - this is a window!

What other window, here's the plan - there shouldn't be any window here!

But you yourself told us about a creative approach to work...

So let me once again congratulate you on your professional holiday, dear builders, and wish you every time to be truly creative in completing the tasks assigned to you!

And if you still haven’t decided to take on the responsibility of organizing and holding a corporate event for Builder’s Day, then the Event-Police company can do it with its wonderful turnkey service.

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Scenario for the holiday “Machine Builder’s Day”.

Responsible for pre-profile training at Municipal Educational Institution Secondary School No. 59 in Tolyatti

The holiday is held for students in grades 5-11 and parents of students.

The holiday is held on the last Sunday of September.

The venue is the assembly hall of school No. 59 in Tolyatti.

Decoration: festive balloons and posters

Guests invited to the holiday: labor veterans of the Volzhsky Automobile Plant, representatives of the administration and VAZ employees, students.


Togliatti is a city of mechanical engineers. Since 1970, the automobile plant has been producing small cars of the VAZ, Lada, and Priora families, which are known and loved not only in our country, but also abroad. Honored veterans of mechanical engineering and novice specialists live in our city. In every family there is a person whose fate is connected with the Volzhsky Automobile Plant.

This is a solemn and festive day for all workers and engineers of the mechanical engineering industry. This is a professional holiday for everyone who works at enterprises and complexes that produce machines, machinery and equipment for other sectors of the economy; for automakers, those who make cars, motorcycles, etc. for us, as well as consumer goods and defense products. On this day, festive events are organized at factories, feasts, honoring veterans, concerts, competitions, performances, etc., etc.

You may ask where did this wonderful holiday come from??? Let's tell you - by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 10/01/80 "On holidays and memorial days", (as amended by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 11/01/88 "On amendments to the legislation of the USSR on holidays and memorial days") it was established that the latter Sunday in September is celebrated as Mechanical Engineer's Day. With the publication of this Decree the history of this holiday began.

On the last Sunday of September, our country celebrates Mechanical Engineer's Day.

Mechanical engineer!

Your day has come -

Your holiday

A holiday is always good.

Congratulate you from the bottom of my heart

Thinker, Guardian,

Machine creator

Skilled in life

Almost everything.

And may you be happy

And the light will bring

And our thanks,

And our love.

Be happy,

And healthy in spirit!

For you, dear guests, 9th grade student…………. performs the song “……………”.


One of the most important achievements of modern civilization is cars. One of the most important professional achievements that a person can make in his life is to become a road transport worker.

Today a labor veteran came to us…………. . His grandson studies at our school in the 5th grade. We solemnly invite ………….. to our stage and ask you to tell the students of our school about your work.

(a guest comes up on stage and is given the floor).


For you, dear ……………, 8th grade students will perform a dance ………….. .

A 10th grade student appears on the stage (he is in special clothes, holding a wrench). Next to him is a 5th grade student. A dialogue takes place between them:

10th grader:

My son asked me:

5th grader: “Tell me about the machine!”

10th grader:

"Stator, housing, axis, spring,
Nut, bushing, chain, bed.
Clutch, shaft, gearbox, tire -
It turns out to be a car."

5th grader:

"Who makes the machine?"

10th grader: “Hands, human mind, son.”
Hurray for the villagers, viva!
They have a holiday today, brother!


Guys, you see how interested the 5th grade students are in the blue-collar jobs at the Volzhsky Automobile Plant. Let's get acquainted with some specialties. And our guests will tell us about them - our former students, and today students of the Tolyatti Mechanical Engineering College.

Students come up to the stage, holding posters and TMT paraphernalia. They talk about the working specialties of VAZ:

Machine operator;




That's how we are built: we are always in a hurry -
And they help us to be on time everywhere
And accomplish everything, and comprehend the machines,
Those who managed to become needed by everyone.
Cars are everywhere. Cars are not a miracle
They are familiar to us, like everything around us.
They are not built and built by heroes at all,
They are simply creators with a good pair of hands.
Thanks to them, these laborious hands,
And to warm souls and precise eyes -
Because machines, undoubtedly and wisely,
Helpers came into our lives.
Mechanical engineer! Your day has come -
It's your holiday, and a holiday is always good.
Let me congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
Thinker, protector, creator of machines,
Those who can do almost everything in life.
And may it bring you joy and light
And our thanks and our love.
Be happy, successful, and healthy in spirit!

Motorists literally and figuratively move humanity forward, along frozen icy roads, among hot sands and gloomy swamps. One of the most important achievements of modern civilization is cars. One of the most important professional achievements that a person can make in his life is to become a road transport worker. Test drivers are considered the fastest at VAZ. An 11th grade student has ………. Dad tests the reliability of the cars. We asked him to tell us about interesting and curious incidents in his biography.

………………… comes up on stage.


Dear……………….., for you and all motorists, 10th grade students will perform the song……….


All the years they kept in alignment
For our mechanical engineering.
There is no more important industry in life -
Everything in the world rests on her.
The industry has always been held in high esteem
You will find products everywhere:
On the field visible in tractors,
At sea - in beautiful ships,
At stations - in powerful turbines,
On the rails - in locomotives.
Wherever you look -
You will see a row of cars.
How much work was put in
On the trains running into the distance,
In carriages, boilers and appliances,
And into engines, and into motors!
And all this was created by people!
We will not forget to congratulate them,
And on the holiday of mechanical engineering
We will express our admiration to them.
Thank you for your hard work
In industry - oh, heavy!
We really appreciate your work.
So be stronger than the machines!

Continued success to you in this!

On September 28, 2019, the last Sunday of this month, we celebrate Mechanical Engineer's Day. This is a professional holiday for engineers and workers in the engineering industry.

On Mechanical Engineer's Day, many enterprises hold festive evenings and organize corporate parties. We offer one of the possible options for organizing a corporate party for Mechanical Engineer Day.

Scenario for celebrating Mechanical Engineer's Day

The presenters greet and congratulate the guests.

First presenter:
- Mechanical engineers, happy holiday to you!
Let your working hours be easy,
Let your working day be a holiday,
And may you not be lazy to work!

We wish you to keep pace with luck,
We wish you not to go astray!
We wish you patience! So good morning!
Mechanical engineers, happy holiday to you!

Second presenter:
- Dear machine builders! Without your noble work, the life of modern society is unthinkable. Let your work always bring benefit to people, and may it bring you pleasure. We wish you achievements in all your endeavors, bold ideas and good prospects!

Then, according to the scenario for celebrating Mechanical Engineer's Day, the management of the enterprise gives the floor, which awards the best workers with certificates of honor and valuable prizes.

Look around: a crane tower over a house under construction, cars on the road, hundreds of machines in a factory,

- ...The refrigerator and stove in our kitchen, the sewing machine, the hairdryer, the equipment of the medical clinic, the cash register in the nearest supermarket, the plane that drew a thin strip in the sky - these are all products of mechanical engineering.

The industry has always been held in high esteem
You will find products everywhere:
On the field she is in tractors,
At sea - in beautiful ships,
At stations - in powerful turbines,
On the rails - in locomotives.
Wherever you look -
You will see a row of cars.

How much work was put in
On the trains running into the distance,
In carriages, boilers and appliances,
And engines, and motors!
And all this was created by people!
We will not forget to congratulate them,
And on the holiday of mechanical engineering
We will express our admiration to them.

Then the holiday scenario on Mechanical Engineer's Day may include fun games and competitions organized by the presenters.

For the first competition, several people are selected who must build a car from construction kit parts (or from matchboxes) as quickly as possible.

Participants in the second competition must write on sheets of Whatman paper in 5-7 minutes as many names of machines and various mechanisms as possible.

You can organize a toast competition, the winner of which will be the employee who makes the longest and most ornate toast to the mechanical engineers.

Then the presenters speak again:
- That’s how we are built: we’re always in a hurry,
And they help us to be on time everywhere
And accomplish everything, and comprehend the machines,
Those who managed to become needed by everyone.

Cars are everywhere. Cars are not a miracle
They are familiar to us, like everything around us.
They are not built and built by heroes at all,
They are simply creators with a good pair of hands.
Happy holiday, dear mechanical engineers!

And the corporate holiday on Builder's Day will end with a dance program.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

Slide description:

Machine Builder's Day The holiday - Machine Builder's Day - was established by Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 01.10.80 N 3018-X "On holidays and memorial days", as amended. Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated 01.11.88 N 9724-XI “On amendments to the legislation of the USSR on holidays and memorial days.” Mechanical Engineer's Day is celebrated on the last Sunday of September and in 2012 falls on the 30th.

2 slide

Slide description:

Meaning of Mechanical Engineering. Mechanical engineering in Russia Mechanical engineering as an industry has existed for more than two hundred years. In terms of the number of employees and the value of output, it ranks first among all sectors of world industry. The level of development of mechanical engineering is one of the important indicators of the level of development of the country. Mechanical engineering determines the sectoral and territorial structure of industry in the world, provides machinery and equipment to all sectors of the economy, and produces a variety of consumer goods. In addition to machinery and equipment, instruments and tools for industrial purposes, it produces all kinds of products for household and cultural purposes. Depending on the products produced, mechanical engineering is divided into energy, transport, agricultural, production of technological equipment for many industries, machine tool building, etc.

3 slide

Slide description:

Meaning of Mechanical Engineering. Mechanical engineering in Russia Mechanical engineering creates machines and equipment used everywhere: in industry, agriculture, everyday life, and transport. Consequently, scientific and technological progress in all sectors of the national economy is materialized through the products of mechanical engineering, especially such priority sectors as machine tool building, electrical and electronic industry, instrument making, and production of electronic computer equipment. Mechanical engineering, therefore, is a catalyst for scientific and technological progress, on the basis of which the technical re-equipment of all sectors of the national economy is carried out.

4 slide

Slide description:

The main economic purpose of mechanical engineering products is to facilitate labor and increase its productivity by saturating all sectors of the national economy with fixed assets of a high technical level.

5 slide

Slide description:

Mechanical Engineer's Day All years we have looked up to our mechanical engineering. There is no more important industry in life - Everything in the world rests on it.

6 slide

Slide description:

Mechanical Engineering Day The industry has always been held in high esteem, You will find products everywhere: On the field it is visible in tractors, At sea - in beautiful ships,

7 slide

Slide description:

Mechanical Engineer's Day At stations - in powerful turbines, On rails - in locomotives. Wherever you look, there are cars everywhere.

8 slide

Slide description:

Mechanical Engineer's Day And a lot of work has been put into trains running into the distance, into carriages, boilers and instruments, and into various kinds of motors.

Slide 9

Slide description:

Mechanical Engineer's Day And all this was created by people! We will not forget to congratulate them, and on the holiday of mechanical engineering we will express our admiration for them.

10 slide

Slide description:

Machine Builder's Day Thank you for your hard work in our heavy industry! We really appreciate your work, so be stronger than machines!

11 slide

Slide description:

Mechanical Engineer's Day Life without cars today is impossible, We feel safe with them, and we congratulate you, those involved in the creation of technology, on your full awareness of the hard, long work that was put into creating comfort for us. And with pleasure we would like to wish you to Work, build, think and dare! And let your work be only pleasure, Your work is a relief for all of us!

12 slide

Slide description:

Mechanical Engineer's Day The Mechanical Engineer's Day is a solemn professional holiday for all those who work in the engineering industry. These are workers and engineers who make various vehicles, as well as tools that are indispensable in the national economy. The holiday is celebrated brightly and solemnly. On this day, ceremonial events are held dedicated to mechanical engineering and all those who work in this industry. Wonderful concerts are held for the heroes of the occasion, as well as congratulations to labor veterans. Mechanical engineering is an honorable and respectable profession. After all, these people work so that everyone has the opportunity to live better, live brighter. Mechanical engineering today is one of the most important branches of industry, without which no area can do. Vehicles are needed always and everywhere. And in the national economy it is simply impossible to do without tools made in mechanical engineering.

Slide 13

Slide description:

Mechanical Engineer's Day This holiday is dedicated to mechanical engineering workers. This is the day when engineers and ordinary ordinary workers in the engineering industry receive congratulations and promotions, bonuses and pleasant salary increases.

Slide 14

Slide description:

Mechanical Engineer's Day Mechanics overlord, Who can handle everything - My friend, the mechanical engineer! I want to congratulate you! On your wonderful holiday, I wish you from the bottom of my heart: May your life be wonderful, to the glory of people and machines!

15 slide

Slide description:

JSC "Zavolzhsky Motor Plant" JSC "Zavolzhsky Motor Plant" is part of the company JSC "SOLLERS". The date of formation of ZMZ is April 17, 1958. The main purpose of the plant: Production of internal combustion engines with a working volume from 2.2 liters to 4.67 liters. The company produces over 80 engine modifications for cars and buses of three Russian automobile companies - UAZ OJSC, GAZ OJSC, Pavlovsky Bus OJSC. OJSC "ZMZ" also produces spare parts for manufactured engines. The geography of supplies of ZMZ OJSC products is Russia, Germany, CIS countries, Southeast Asia and Latin America. The trademark of OJSC "ZMZ" is included in the customs Register of intellectual property objects. Over its history, the Zavolzhsky Motor Plant has produced more than 14,000,000 engines of all modifications.

16 slide

Slide description:

OJSC "Zavolzhsky Motor Plant" Since January 2008, ZMZ has been carrying out mass industrial production of 4-cylinder gasoline engines of the ZMZ-406 family with a displacement of 2.5 and 2.7 liters for light-duty commercial vehicles and minibuses that meet the requirements of the Euro-3 environmental class. JSC "GAZ" and all-terrain vehicles of JSC "UAZ", diesel ZMZ-5143 with a displacement of 2.2 liters for SUVs "UAZ-Hunter" of the Ulyanovsk Automobile Plant and gasoline 8-cylinder V-shaped engines for medium-duty trucks of JSC "GAZ" and buses of the PAZ-3207 type produced by Pavlovsky Bus OJSC.

Slide 17

Slide description:

OJSC "Zavolzhsky Motor Plant" Since November 2005, the enterprise has been producing industrially the small-displacement diesel engine ZMZ-5143 (2.2 l) for UAZ-Hunter vehicles of OJSC "UAZ" and selling it on the secondary market on orders from third-party organizations.

18 slide

Slide description:

JSC "Zavolzhsky Motor Plant" In 2009, JSC "ZMZ" together with UAZ and the Ministry of Defense carried out standard tests of a military modification of the "Hunter" vehicle with a ZMZ-5143 diesel engine. The ZMZ-5143 diesel engine is used to equip military SUVs. Deliveries of ZMZ diesel engines to the Ministry of Defense began in 2009.

Slide 19

Slide description:

JSC "Zavolzhsky Motor Plant" JSC "ZMZ" has its own design and experimental base.

20 slide

Slide description:

Zavolzhsky Motor Plant: Winner of the competition “1000 best enterprises and organizations of Russia of the XXI century” in the nomination “For high business activity and effective activities” Awarded the international prize “Golden Mercury” for an active marketing policy and high sales volumes Included in the “white list” of Greenpeace enterprises , promoting openness in the field of environmental protection.

On September 28, 2019, the last Sunday of this month, we celebrate Mechanical Engineer's Day. This is a professional holiday for engineers and workers in the engineering industry.

On Mechanical Engineer's Day, many enterprises hold festive evenings and organize corporate parties. We offer one of the possible options for organizing a corporate party for Mechanical Engineer Day.

Scenario for celebrating Mechanical Engineer's Day

The presenters greet and congratulate the guests.

First presenter:
— Mechanical engineers, happy holiday to you!
Let your working hours be easy,
Let your working day be a holiday,
And may you not be lazy to work!

We wish you to keep pace with luck,
We wish you not to go astray!
We wish you patience! So good morning!
Mechanical engineers, happy holiday to you!

Second presenter:
— Dear machine builders! Without your noble work, the life of modern society is unthinkable. Let your work always bring benefit to people, and may it bring you pleasure. We wish you achievements in all your endeavors, bold ideas and good prospects!

Then, according to the scenario for celebrating Mechanical Engineer's Day, the management of the enterprise gives the floor, which awards the best workers with certificates of honor and valuable prizes.

- Look around: a crane tower over a house under construction, cars on the road, hundreds of machines at the factory,

- ...The refrigerator and stove in our kitchen, the sewing machine, the hairdryer, the equipment of the medical clinic, the cash register in the nearest supermarket, the plane that drew a thin strip in the sky - these are all products of mechanical engineering.

— The industry has always been held in high esteem,
You will find products everywhere:
On the field she is in tractors,
At sea - in beautiful ships,
At stations - in powerful turbines,
On the rails - in locomotives.
Wherever you look -
You will see a row of cars.

How much work was put in
On the trains running into the distance,
In carriages, boilers and appliances,
And engines, and motors!
And all this was created by people!
We will not forget to congratulate them,
And on the holiday of mechanical engineering
We will express our admiration to them.

Then the holiday scenario on Mechanical Engineer's Day may include fun games and competitions organized by the presenters.

For the first competition, several people are selected who must build a car from construction kit parts (or from matchboxes) as quickly as possible.

Participants in the second competition must write on sheets of Whatman paper in 5-7 minutes as many names of machines and various mechanisms as possible.

You can organize a toast competition, the winner of which will be the employee who makes the longest and most ornate toast to the mechanical engineers.

Then the presenters speak again:
- That’s how we’re built: we’re always in a hurry,
And they help us to be on time everywhere
And accomplish everything, and comprehend the machines,
Those who managed to become needed by everyone.

Cars are everywhere. Cars are not a miracle
They are familiar to us, like everything around us.
They are not built and built by heroes at all,
They are simply creators with a good pair of hands.
Happy holiday, dear mechanical engineers!

And the corporate holiday on Builder's Day will end with a dance program.

We trust machines to do a lot of things,
And the one who builds them is simply an ace!
And on this day we wish with all our hearts,
Machine builders, congratulate you!
Be healthy, happy, rich,
We would like to wish you our warmest wishes.
Be happy with your life and salary
And you should never be discouraged.

There are different builders,
On construction sites, roads and hydroelectric power stations,
But building cars is the main thing,
Congratulations and honor to you!

We wish that all endeavors
Come true as quickly as possible!
And new generation cars
It was a dream come true to live this life!

Mechanical engineer, congratulations to you,
We wish you health, good luck and happiness,
So that hard work is duly rewarded,
So that you are not puzzled by worries.

So that you are happy every day,
And you forgot what laziness is.
May you be the pride of the whole family,
May all days in the future be joyful.

Mechanical engineer! What a wonderful word!
It contains pride for all the achievements of a great country
And the thirst for knowledge leading to new discoveries,
And the feeling with which you are in love with your business.
We all are happy to congratulate you on this day!
We look at your successes with white envy!
Work by inspiring your colleagues by personal example:
After all, together you are strong, and with you the country is ahead!

Machine tools, cars and combines...
Where would we be today in a world without cars?
And on this day, of course, it was no coincidence
With a bow we thank their creators!

Today we praise the machine builders,
They lead the entire life of the country forward!
And of course we congratulate them from the bottom of our hearts,
More happiness, less worries!

Cars among other metal
They live and help us in everything,
We will build pedestals for their creators,
Today we sing for their creators.
May your life, machine builder,
In which you are both a cog and a motor,
It's like it's going to turn into a fairy tale
In an exquisite and expensive pattern.

Everything that drives and flies -
The work is yours!
You are such a profession
They didn’t choose it suddenly!
It's interesting to build cars
And this has attracted you since childhood.
Happy holiday, may everyone
What have you built
I could always fly and drive!

I couldn't comprehend for a long time
And I couldn't imagine
What car, besides the Volga,
This is an elevator or a machine.

But today I'm not young
And I have an interest
Who forged the blacksmith's hammer
And riveted a cast iron press?

Congratulations to everyone,
According to your work, honor!
Be healthy and unbending,
Like a forty-six key!

Mechanical engineer!
Your day has come -
Your holiday
A holiday is always good.
Congratulate you from the bottom of my heart
Allow me
Thinker, Guardian,
Machine creator
Skilled in life
Almost everything.
And may you be happy
And the light will bring
And our thanks,
And our love.
Be happy,
And healthy in spirit!

Our dear mechanical engineer!
On your Day we sing your glory:
You give wisdom and strength to the country,
You start it on the rise!
Your brain is sometimes harsh, sometimes ardent,
The hands are cunningly arranged:
You stamp the fender liners, you pour the forks
And you cook subway cars!
The conveyor and the hammer are subject to control,
Depths and space for you.
Be healthy, beautiful and young
In your heroic destiny!

That's how we are built: we are always in a hurry -
And they help us to be on time everywhere
And accomplish everything, and comprehend the machines,
Those who managed to become needed by everyone.
Cars are everywhere. Cars are not a miracle
They are familiar to us, like everything around us.
They are not built and built by heroes at all,
They are simply creators with a good pair of hands.
Thanks to them, these laborious hands,
And to warm souls and precise eyes -
Because machines, undoubtedly and wisely,
Helpers came into our lives.
Mechanical engineer! Your day has come -
It’s your holiday, and a holiday is always good.
Let me congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
Thinker, protector, creator of machines,
Those who can do almost everything in life.
And may it bring you joy and light
And our thanks and our love.
Be happy, successful, and healthy in spirit!

My son asked me:
"Tell me about the machine!"
"Stator, housing, axis, spring,
Nut, bushing, chain, bed.
Clutch, shaft, gearbox, tire -
It turns out to be a car."
"Who makes the machine?"
"Hands, human mind, son."
Hurray for machine operators, viva!
They have a holiday today, brother!

All the years they kept in alignment
For our mechanical engineering.
There is no more important industry in life -
Everything in the world rests on her.
The industry has always been held in high esteem
You will find products everywhere:
On the field visible in tractors,
At sea - in beautiful ships,
At stations - in powerful turbines,
On the rails - in locomotives.
Wherever you look -
You will see a row of cars.
How much work was put in
On the trains running into the distance,
In carriages, boilers and appliances,
And into engines, and into motors!
And all this was created by people!
We will not forget to congratulate them,
And on the holiday of mechanical engineering
We will express our admiration to them.
Thank you for your hard work
In industry - oh, heavy!
We really appreciate your work.
So be stronger than the machines!

Look out the window: a crane tower over a house under construction, cars running along the road and parked near the house, workshops of a nearby factory with hundreds of machines, equipment of a medical clinic in the next block, a cash register that gives us a check in a store, an airplane drawing a thin the streak in the sky is all mechanical engineering products.

You don’t have to go far: all the numerous household appliances and equipment in our homes today, from a hairdryer in the bathroom to a refrigerator and stove - all of this is produced by mechanical engineering.

“From a needle to a rocket” - this is how one can define a list of mechanical engineering products that is immense for everyone (except statistics). The basis of the economy of any developed state, the most significant branch of industry - this is what mechanical engineering is.

Mechanical engineering in our country has not had its best years. But times are changing. And today there are real prospects for development. Among the most important areas are the creation of large integrated machine-building structures, the education of a new generation of engineers, technicians and workers, the development of high technologies, the development of a sales and service network for products.

The Union of Russian Mechanical Engineers, created in 2007, should play a serious role in the implementation of these plans. This public organization has set itself the goal of uniting professionals who care for their industry and its future, who understand that the modernization of Russian mechanical engineering, which should provide equipment to key sectors of the country’s economy, long overdue; that it is impossible to solve problems through the efforts of individual enterprises - this means that these efforts must be combined.

These are the problems, plans and hopes of not just sub-sectors of mechanical engineering - these are the plans and hopes of almost every third Russian working in industry. Yes, more than 4 million people work at mechanical engineering enterprises.

And every year on the last Sunday of September, all of them - scientists from specialized research institutes, engineers and workers - celebrate their professional holiday - Mechanical Engineer's Day, established in 1980.

Probably, there is no other professional holiday like this - widely celebrated, with so many participants. On this day, machine builders participate in festive events at factories, honor veterans and applaud the awards and gifts of the best professionals.

Millions of families and friends gather at festive tables. Everyone is united by a common cause - work in mechanical engineering. And those who are awarded will not forget to attach the “Honored Mechanical Engineer of the Russian Federation” badge.

On the same day, mechanical engineers from Russia, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, and Ukraine celebrate their professional holiday.