Supersonic aircraft Tu 160. Aircraft "White Swan": technical characteristics and photos

  • 14.10.2019

Supersonic strategic missile-carrying bomber with variable wing geometry. Designed to destroy the most important targets with nuclear and conventional weapons in remote military-geographical areas and in the deep rear of continental theaters of military operations. Chief designer - Valentin Bliznyuk. The vehicle made its first flight on December 18, 1981, and was adopted by the USSR Air Force in 1987. Maximum speed - 2 thousand km/h, practical range - 12 thousand 300 km, service ceiling - 21 thousand m. Crew - 4 people . Armament: up to 12 cruise missiles or up to 40 tons of air bombs. Flight duration is up to 15 hours (without refueling). At least 15 aircraft of this type are in service with the long-range aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces. By 2020, ten modernized Tu-160M ​​aircraft are expected to arrive.

​Work on the creation of the TU-160 "White Swan" aircraft, a missile-carrying supersonic long-range bomber, began in 1968 at the A.N. Tupolev Design Bureau. And in 1972, a preliminary design of such an aircraft with a wing of variable geometry was made. In 1976, the Tu-160 model project was approved by the commission. The NK-32 engine was developed specifically for this aircraft model by the Design Bureau named after. Kuznetsov in 1977.

Tu-160 Photo

According to NATO classification, these strategic bombers are called “Black Jack”, and in American slang they are called “bludgeon” (Black Jack - to beat with a baton). But our pilots called them “White Swans” - and this is very similar to the truth. Supersonic Tu-160s are beautiful and graceful, even with formidable weapons and amazing power. The weapons chosen for them were Kh-55 - subsonic small-sized cruise missiles and Kh-15 - aeroballistic missiles, which were placed on multi-position installations under the wings.
The Tu-160 prototype was approved at the end of 1977, and the experimental production enterprise MMZ “Opyt” (in Moscow) began assembling three prototype aircraft. Kazan production manufactured the fuselages, the wing and stabilizer were made in Novosibirsk, the cargo compartment doors were made in Voronezh, and the landing gear supports were made in the city of Gorky. The assembly of the first machine “70-01” was completed in January 1981 in Zhukovsky.

The Tu-160 with serial "70-01" was first tested in the air in 1981 on December 18. During state tests, which ended in mid-1989, the Tu-160 aircraft fired four Kh-55 cruise missiles as the main armament of the aircraft. The maximum speed of the aircraft during horizontal flight was 2200 km/h. This speed for operation was limited to 2000 km/h - this was introduced due to the condition of the resource limit. Many Tu-160s were given personal names, like warships. The first Tu-160 was named “Ilya Muromets”.

  • Tu-160 crew: 4 people.
  • Engines: (turbine) four NK - 32 TRDDF 4x14,000/25,000 kgf (thrust: working / afterburner).
  • The unit is three-shaft, dual-circuit, with an afterburner. It is started by an air starter.
  • Behind the left support of the main landing gear is the APU - an electrical engine control system with hydromechanical duplication
  • .Weight and loads: normal take-off - 267600 kg, empty aircraft - 110000 kg, maximum combat - 40000 kg, fuel - 148000 kg.
  • Flight data: 2000 km/h - flight speed at altitude, 1030 km/h - flight near the ground, from 260 to 300 km/h - landing speed, 16000 m - flight ceiling, 13200 km - practical range, 10500 km - duration flight at maximum load.


Tu-160 is one of the USSR combat aircraft, which the press learned about before its construction, several years ago. In 1981, on November 25, the aircraft was prepared for testing in the town of Zhukovsky (Ramensky) near Moscow. The car was parked alongside two Tu-144s and was photographed by a passenger from a plane landing at the nearby Bykovo airfield. From that moment on, the bomber received its nickname “Ram-P” (Ram - from Ramenskoye) and the NATO code - “Black Jack”. With this name, the heaviest bomb carrier of all time was presented to the world.
At the negotiations on SALT-2 in the 70s of the last century, L.I. Brezhnev said that, in contrast to the American B-1, a new strategic bomber was being designed in the USSR. The press mentioned that it would be produced at a plant in Kazan. What about today?
During the collapse of the USSR, Tu-160s were distributed among the republics. 19 of them went to Ukraine, the air regiment in Priluki. Eight were transferred to pay off gas debts to Russia, and the rest were simply cut up. In Poltava you can visit the last Ukrainian “swan”, turned into a museum.

Tu-160V (Tu-161) is a missile carrier project that includes a power plant that runs on liquid hydrogen. Taking into account the peculiarities of the fuel system, it differs from the basic version in the dimensions of the fuselage. Liquefied hydrogen, which was used in engine units as fuel, was reserved at temperatures down to -253 °C. It is additionally equipped with a helium system, which is responsible for controlling cryogenic engines, and a nitrogen system, which controls the vacuum in the thermal insulation cavities of the aircraft.
  • Tu-160 NK-74 is a modification of the Tu-160, which contains more economical bypass turbojet engines with an NK-74 afterburner. These power plants were assembled to order in Samara at SNTK im. N.D. Kuznetsova. The use of these aircraft engines made it possible to increase the flight range parameter.
  • Tu-160P is a modification that is a heavy long-range escort fighter that could carry medium- and long-range air-to-air missiles on board.
  • Tu-160PP - electronic warfare aircraft project. On this moment There is only a full-size model; the characteristics of the new aircraft and the composition of the equipment have been determined.
  • Tu-160K is a project of an aircraft that is part of the Krechet aviation and missile complex. Brought to the stage of a finished preliminary design at the Yuzhnoye Design Bureau. The chief designer was V.F. Utkin. Work on the ARK "Krechet" was carried out in 1983-1984. in order to increase the efficiency and survivability of ballistic missiles during a nuclear explosion and to test the energy functionality of the carrier aircraft. Armed with the Krechet-R missile.

This is a two-stage small-sized ICBM of the 4th generation. It was equipped with sustainer solid fuel engines running on mixed fuel. In flight mode, liquid monopropellant was used. The carrying capacity of the Tu-160K carrier aircraft was 50 tons. This meant that the modification could carry on board two Krechet-R ICBMs weighing 24.4 tons each. Taking into account the flight range of the Tu-160K aircraft, its effective use was at a distance of up to 10 thousand km.
At the project stage, the development of ground equipment for coordinating the actions of the aircraft was completed in December 1984.
The Krechet-R missile control system is autonomous, inertial, and connected to external information sources. The coordinates and speed of the rocket were received on board the aircraft from a satellite, and the position angles of the command instruments were specified from the astrocorrector. The first stage of controls is the aerodynamic rudders, the second is the control rotary nozzle. The ICBMs were planned to be equipped with separating warheads with individual guidance and warheads, which were intended to break through enemy missile defense. Work on the ARK "Krechet" was curtailed in the mid-80s of the twentieth century.

Tu-160SK is an aircraft that was intended to carry a three-stage Burlak liquid system, the mass of which was 20 tons. According to the designers’ calculations, up to 600-1100 kg of cargo could be launched into orbit, and delivery would cost 2-2.5 times cheaper , rather than using launch vehicles with a similar payload capacity. The missile launch from the Tu-160SK should take place at altitudes of 9000-14,000 m at an aircraft speed of 850 to 1600 km/h. The characteristics of the Burlak complex were supposed to be superior to the American analogue of the subsonic launch complex, the carrier of which was the Boeing B-52, equipped with a Pegasus launch vehicle. The purpose of "Burlak" is a constellation of satellites in the event of mass destruction of airfields. Development of the complex began in 1991, commissioning was planned in 1998-2000. The complex also had to include a ground service station and a command and measurement point. The flight range of the Tu-160KS to the launch site of the launch vehicle was 5000 km. 01/19/2000 between the aerospace corporation “Air Launch” and “TsSKB-Progress” in Samara, regulatory documents were signed on cooperation in the direction of creating the “Air Launch” aerospace complex.
Tu-160M ​​is the latest modernization of the Tu-160 aircraft. It includes new weapons and electronic equipment. It can carry on board up to 90 OFAB-500U weighing 500 kg each. According to experts, the Russian missile-carrying bomber is in many respects ahead of its British counterpart, the Typhoon fighter. The flight range of the domestic aircraft without refueling is 4 times greater than that of the British aircraft. The Tu-160M ​​is also capable of carrying more nuclear-free missiles and bombs and has better engine efficiency.

More than three decades ago, the first flight of the largest supersonic aircraft Tu-160 in the history of military aviation took place at the Ramenskoye airfield near Moscow.

The Americans called the new Russian bomber Blakjack or “Black Jack”.
Among our pilots, he received the lyrical nickname “White Swan”.

It is believed that the development of a new Soviet bomber was a response to the American B-1 strategic bomber.

In almost all characteristics, the Tu-160 is significantly ahead of its main competitor.
The speed of the “swans” is 1.5 times higher, the combat radius and maximum flight range are just as large, and the engines are almost twice as powerful.

The Council of Ministers of the USSR formulated the task for the development of a future strategic bomber in 1967. Initially, the Sukhoi and Myasishchev Design Bureaus were involved in the work.

Already in 1972, design bureaus presented their projects - “product 200” and M-18.
The State Commission also accepted for consideration the out-of-competition project of the Tupolev Design Bureau. The members of the competition committee liked the M-18 project from the Myasishchev Design Bureau the most. It met the stated requirements of the Air Force.

Due to its versatility, the aircraft could be used to solve various types of problems, had a wide range of speeds and a long flight range. However, taking into account the experience of the Tupolev Design Bureau in creating such complex supersonic aircraft as the Tu-22M and Tu-144, the development of the strategic carrier aircraft was entrusted to the Tupolev team.

The developers of the Tupolev Design Bureau abandoned the documentation on existing projects and began to independently continue work on shaping the appearance of the new attack aircraft.

In total, about 800 enterprises and organizations of various profiles were engaged in work on the Tu-160 in the USSR.
Serial production of the aircraft was organized at the Kazan KAPO named after Gorbunov, where they are still produced today. And, despite the fact that in 1992 it was announced that bomber production would be curtailed, work resumed in the early 2000s.

The Tu-160 became the first domestic serial heavy aircraft to use a fly-by-wire control system. As a result, the flight range has increased, controllability has improved, and the load on the crew in difficult situations has decreased.

The bomber's sighting and navigation system includes a forward-looking radar and an OPB-15T optical-television sight.
The Baikal onboard defense complex has radio and infrared threat detection equipment, radio countermeasures systems, and fireable decoy cartridges.

During the development of the aircraft, the ergonomics of the workplaces were improved, the number of instruments and indicators was reduced, in comparison with the Tu-22M3. To control the aircraft, there are not steering wheels, as is customary on heavy aircraft, but handles.

Initially, the aircraft was planned exclusively as a missile carrier - a carrier of long-range cruise missiles with nuclear warheads.
In the future, it was planned to modernize and expand the range of transportable ammunition.

Today, the aircraft can also be equipped with free-falling bombs (up to 40 tons) of various calibers, including nuclear ones, disposable cluster bombs, sea mines and other weapons.

In the future, the bomber's armament is planned to be significantly strengthened with the help of the new generation high-precision cruise missiles X-555 and X-101, which have an increased range and are designed to destroy both strategic and tactical ground and sea targets.

A control system for the engine and fuel consumption, alignment, as well as a service system, from which in crisis situations the crew can receive a hint about the most optimal actions for the Tu-160, were developed by Aviation Electronics and Communication Systems OJSC.

The aircraft is equipped with four NK-32 engines, developed at OJSC Kuznetsov, which is now part of the Rostec holding - United Engine Corporation (UEC). Structurally, the NK-32 is a three-shaft dual-circuit engine with mixing of output flows and a common afterburner with an adjustable nozzle.

Next year, Kuznetsov plans to transfer to the Ministry of Defense the first NK-32 engine, produced on new production equipment using new technologies.

But still, the main feature of the bomber design is the variable wing sweep.
This design solution was also used in the American analogue - V-1.
The wings of the “White Swan” can change their sweep from 20 to 65 degrees.

This solution has a number of advantages.
During takeoff and landing, the aircraft's wings are spread to the sides, their sweep is minimal.
This allows you to achieve minimum takeoff and landing speeds.
For all its weight, the aircraft does not require overly long runways; it only needs 2.2 km for takeoff and 1.8 km for landing.

On the other hand, increasing the sweep, when the wings are pressed against the fuselage during flight, reduces aerodynamic drag and allows one to achieve maximum supersonic speed.
For example, if a civil airliner covers a distance of 8,000 km on average in 11 hours, then the Tu-160 can fly in 4 hours without refueling.
Thus, the Tu-160 can be considered a “multi-mode” bomber, that is, capable of sub- and supersonic flight.

The aircraft's high flight characteristics are confirmed by a number of world records.
In total, the Tu-160 set 44 world speed and flight altitude records.
In particular, a flight along a closed route of 1000 km with a payload of 30 tons was carried out at an average speed of 1720 km/h.
One of the latest established is the maximum range flight record. The flight duration was 24 hours 24 minutes, while its range was 18 thousand km.

Currently, the Russian Air Force has 16 Tu-160s in service.

Each of the planes has its own name: “Ilya Muromets”, “Ivan Yarygin”, “Vasily Reshetnikov”, “Mikhail Gromov” and others.

Crew: 4 people
Aircraft length: 54.1 m
Wingspan: 55.7/50.7/35.6 m
Height: 13.1 m
Wing area: 232 m²
Empty weight: 110,000 kg
Normal take-off weight: 267,600 kg
Maximum take-off weight: 275,000 kg
Engines: 4 × NK-32 turbofan engines
Maximum thrust: 4 × 18000 kgf
Afterburner thrust: 4 × 25000 kgf
Fuel mass, kg 148000

Flight characteristics:
Maximum speed at altitude: 2230 km/h (1.87M)
Cruising speed: 917 km/h (0.77 M)
Maximum flight range without refueling: 13950 km
Practical flight range without refueling: 12,300 km
Combat radius: 6000 km
Flight duration: 25 hours
Service ceiling: 15,000
Climbing rate: 4400 m/min
Run length 900 m
Run length 2000 m
Wing load:
at maximum take-off weight: 1185 kg/m²
at normal take-off weight: 1150 kg/m²
Thrust-to-weight ratio:
at maximum take-off weight: 0.37
at normal take-off weight: 0.36

According to the Air Force's plans, strategic bombers will be modernized.
The final phases of testing are now underway, and development work is being completed. According to forecasts, the modernization should be completed in 2019.

According to the commander of Russian long-range aviation, Igor Khvorov, the modernized aircraft will be able, in addition to cruise missiles, to hit targets using aerial bombs, will be able to use communications through space satellites and will have improved targeted fire characteristics. Electronic and aviation equipment will also undergo complete modernization.

Full-scale development of the Tu160 supersonic strategic missile carrier-bomber was started at the Tupolev Design Bureau in 1975. Based on TsAGI's proposals and advice, an aerodynamic assembly of a multi-mode aircraft was developed, which actually combined within itself the capabilities of the Tu-95 aircraft with a swept wing of enormous aspect ratio, with the configuration of the sweep angle of the wing consoles in flight, tested on the distant Tu-22M bomb carrier, coupled with a central integral part of the aircraft, partly implemented on the SPS Tu-144.

The Tu-160 aircraft retained the corresponding features of a languid traditional bomb carrier - the design of a cantilever monoplane, a huge aspect ratio wing, four engines mounted on the wing (under its fixed part), a tricycle landing gear with a nose strut. All missile and bomb weapons are located inside in two similar weapons compartments. The crew of the strategic airship, consisting of 4 people, is located in a pressurized cabin located in the bow of the aircraft.

The first flight of the Tu-160 aircraft was carried out on December 18, 1981 by the crew of leading test pilot Boris Veremey. Flight tests confirmed that the required features were met, and in 1987 the aircraft began to enter service.

NATO gave the vehicle the preliminary designation “RAM-P”; later the aircraft was given a new code name - “Blackjack”.

Flight performance properties:

Dimensions. Wing span 55.7/35.6 m, aircraft length 54.1 m, height 13.1 m, wing area 360/400 sq. m.

Number of places. Crew - four people.

Engines. Four NK32 turbofan engines (4x14,000/25,000 kgf) are placed under the wing in two engine nacelles. The APU is located behind the niche of the left main landing gear support. The engine control system is electronic, with hydromechanical duplication. There is a retractable fuel receiver boom for the in-flight refueling system (Il78 or Il78M are used as refueling aircraft).

Weights and loads, kg: maximum take-off 275,000, normal take-off 267,600, empty aircraft 110,000, fuel 148,000, normal combat load 9000 kg, maximum combat load 40,000.

Flight data. The highest speed at high altitude is 2000 km/h, the highest speed at the ground is 1030 km/h, landing speed (with a landing weight of 140,000 - 155,000 kg) is 260-300 km/h, the highest rate of climb is 60-70 m/s, practical ceiling 16,000 m, practical flight range with normal load 13,200 km, with critical load 10,500 km, take-off length (at maximum take-off weight) 2,200 m, run length (landing weight 140,000 kg) 1,800 m.

Armament. In two intra-fuselage cargo compartments, different motivated loads with a total mass of up to 40,000 kg can be located. It includes strategic cruise missiles (12 units on 2 multi-position drum-type launchers) and Kh-15 aeroballistic hypersonic missiles (24 units on 4 launchers).

In the future, the bomb carrier's armament is planned to be significantly strengthened by introducing the latest generation of high-precision cruise missiles, which have an increased range and are designed to destroy both strategic and tactical ground and sea targets of virtually all classes.

The aircraft has the highest level of computerization of on-board equipment. The information system in the cabins is represented by electromechanical indicators and indicators on monitors. The classic steering wheels for huge machines have been changed to control sticks similar to those used on fighter planes.

There are currently 15 Tu-160s in service with the Russian Air Force. The Russian Air Force Directorate plans to increase the number of such aircraft to 30.

The material was prepared on the basis of information from RIA Announcements and open sources


After the end of the 2nd World War, in which the USSR and the USA were allies, there was a redistribution of Europe according to spheres of influence. In the 50s, two main military-political blocs were formed - NATO and the Warsaw Contract, which for decades were in a state of constant confrontation. The “cool war” that began in the late 40s could at any moment develop into a “hot” third world war. The arms race, spurred on by politicians and the military, gave a strong impetus to the development of new technologies, especially in rocketry and aviation, but had a disastrous effect on the economic development of the USSR, which did not want to yield to the West in anything. Decisions in the field of weapons development made by Russian politicians and military officers were often not supported by economic ability. At the same time, the Russian design idea was in no way behind the Western one, often ahead of it and, in the main, restrained by the decisions of politicians. In the late 50s and early 60s, the Russian Alliance took the lead in the development of strategic missile weapons, while the Americans relied on strategic aviation. Military parity between the two countries and two military-political blocs was maintained virtually until the collapse of the USSR.

In the field of development of strategic aviation, the Russian design bureaus of A.N. Tupolev, V.M. Myasishchev, R.L. Bartini and P.O. Sukhoi developed countless projects that were often ahead of their time, but were never implemented “in metal." Projects of strike Russian strategic aviation systems, well-known and published in the open press in recent years, such as, for example, the Tupolev “125” and “135”, remained “on paper”. In the Russian Union, which became fascinated by the creation of strategic missile systems during the time of N.S. Khrushchev, strike aviation was “not held in high esteem.” Only a few languid, experienced aircraft were built, and even those were not fully tested (from time to time due to the fact that they were very

progressive). At the beginning of the 60s, for example, all work on the M-50 and M-52 strategic aviation systems was stopped. developed at the Design Bureau of V.M. Myasishchev (with all this, the design bureau itself was generally closed), and in the 70s - on the T-4 (“100”) aircraft, made by the Design Bureau of P.O. Sukhoi and which very successfully began the test cycle . Thus, by the mid-70s the USSR had a strong nuclear missile attack system, while at the same time the small strategic aviation had at its disposal only old subsonic bomb carriers Tu-95 and M-4, which were unable to overcome the strong and modern air defense system of a potential enemy. The Americans, in turn, constantly developed and improved their aviation component of a nuclear strike.

In the Russian Union, the military only in 1967, i.e. a couple of years after the “Khrushchev” lull, they remembered strategic aviation. The impetus was the US decision to develop the AMSA project (Advanced Manned Strategic Aircraft, i.e., an advanced manned strategic aircraft) - the future B-1. A new competition was announced in the USSR for an intercontinental multi-mode strike aircraft, which resulted in the creation of the Tu-160 missile-carrying bomber, now recognizable throughout the world. which in the West received the nickname Blackjack. This book will tell you about the steps of creating the most advanced Russian aviation strike system, as well as about many of the intrigues that preceded this work. The reader will be able to find information about the design of the Tu-160 aircraft and its flight-tactical properties, information about the operation of the bomber in the Russian and Ukrainian Air Forces, and the usual color options for production vehicles.

On November 28, 1967, the Council of Ministers of the USSR issued Resolution No. 1098-378, which announced the start of work on a new multi-mode strategic intercontinental aircraft (CMC). The developers were required to design and build a carrier aircraft that possessed only the highest flight characteristics. For example, the cruising speed at an altitude of 18,000 m was set at 3,200-3,500 km/h, the flight range in this mode was determined within 11,000-13,000 km, the flight range in high-altitude flight at subsonic speed and near the ground was 16,000-18,000 km and 11,000, respectively. -13000 km. The strike weapons were supposed to be replaceable and included air-launched missiles (4 x X-45, 24 x X-2000, etc.), as well as free-falling and adjustable bombs of various types and purposes. The total mass of the combat load reached 45 tons.

Two aviation design bureaus began designing the aircraft: the P. O. Sukhoi Design Bureau (Capital Machine-Building Plant "Kulon") and the just restored V. M. Myasishchev Design Bureau (EMZ - Experimental Machine-Building Plant, located in Zhukovsky). OKB A.N. Tupolev (Capital Machine-Building Plant "Experience") was loaded with other topics and, most likely, for this reason, was not involved in the work on the new strategic bomb carrier at this step. By the beginning of the 70s, both teams, based on the requirements of the acquired mission and the preparatory tactical and technical requirements of the Air Force, prepared their projects. Both design bureaus proposed four-engine aircraft with variable-sweep wings, but with completely different designs.

After the announcement of the competition, the Design Bureau, led by General Designer Pavel Osipovich Sukhoi, began developing a strategic dual-mode bomb carrier under the symbol T-4MS (or product “200”) - At the same time, increased attention was paid to the greatest continuity of its design with the design of the previously developed strategic aircraft T-4 (products “100”). Namely, it was planned to preserve the power plant, on-board systems and equipment, use already mastered materials, standard design and technological solutions, and proven technological processes.

While working on the preliminary design of the T-4MS aircraft, the Sukhoi Design Bureau studied several options for aerodynamic configurations. First, we analyzed the possibility of creating a strategic bomb carrier using the usual large-scale growth method of the previously developed T-4M aircraft (product “100I”) with a variable-sweep wing, but an attempt to implement the first option in the layout scheme of another did not produce the desired results, since it led to a sharp increase in dimensions and aircraft weight, without ensuring the placement of the required weapons. The designers were obliged to find new principles for constructing the layout diagram of a strategic missile-carrying bomber that would satisfy the following main provisions:

obtaining very probable internal volumes with a small washed surface;

ensuring the placement of the required weapons in the cargo compartments;

obtaining very probable structural rigidity in order to ensure flights at enormous speeds near the ground;

exclusion of the propulsion system from the power circuit of the aircraft in order to ensure the ability to modify the aircraft according to the type of engines used;

the prospects of the assembly based on the conviction of the ability to continuously improve the flight-tactical and technical features of the aircraft.

Working on the latest variations of integrated layouts of the T-4M aircraft, the developers concluded that the option that satisfies the listed conditions corresponds to an aerodynamic assembly with an integrated circuit of the “flying wing” type, but at the same time, a part of the wing of a relatively small area must have a sweep that can be changed in flight ( i.e. rotary consoles).

This assembly (under the number “2B”) was developed in August 1970 by designer L.I. Bondarenko, approved by the head of the general design department of the P.O. Sukhoi Design Bureau O.S. Samoilovich, the Main Designer of the aircraft N.S. Chernyakov and the General Designer OKB P.O. Sukhim and served as the basis for the upcoming development of the preliminary design.

Blowing models of selected assemblies in TsAGI wind tunnels showed the possibility of obtaining large values ​​of the aerodynamic property coefficient at both subsonic and supersonic flight speeds.

An indescribably high calculated value of the aerodynamic property (17.5) was obtained at a speed corresponding to Mach number = 0.8, and at a speed corresponding to Mach number = 3.0, the coefficient was equal to 7.3. With the new “integral” assembly, the problem of elastic deformation of the wing was also resolved. The small area of ​​​​the rotating consoles, coupled with the rigid supporting body of the center section, ensured the ability to fly at enormous speeds near the ground.

Throughout 1971, the P.O. Sukhoi Design Bureau carried out work to refine the preliminary design of the “200” to a stage that allowed it to be submitted for competition. In the same year, purge models were made, and in the TsAGI wind tunnels, different versions of the center section, rotary wing consoles, vertical and horizontal tails were studied on models. When purging different configurations of the T-4MS, it was discovered that the aircraft was “not centered” and had a five percent instability. The chief designer of the theme, N.S. Chernyakov, decided to finalize the assembly. As a result, variants of the “200” appeared with a long nose and additional horizontal tail. One of them, scheme 8, had an unusual, needle-shaped nose. As a result, an assembly with an elongated nose and a slightly protruding canopy was adopted (everything else corresponded to the initial version of the aircraft assembly). Work on the T-4MS topic was completed in September 1971.

As mentioned above, another enterprise that began designing the CMC was the OKB of General Designer Vladimir Mikhailovich Myasishchev (EMZ), which was restored in the mid-60s, which at the end of 1968, by Order of the MAP, in accordance with the tactical and technical requirements of the Air Force, was entrusted with creating a preliminary design of the strategic multi-mode multi-purpose missile-carrying aircraft with the possibility of its use in 3 different versions.

The EMZ team began work on the so-called “20” theme (or the M-20 multi-mode missile-carrying bomber). The main strike and reconnaissance version of the aircraft was intended for launching nuclear missile and bomb attacks on remote strategic targets, as well as for conducting strategic reconnaissance. The second option was to ensure the fight against transoceanic air traffic (i.e., search for and eliminate transport aircraft and long-range radar detection aircraft). The 3rd option was a long-range anti-submarine aircraft designed to search for and eliminate cruising submarines at distances of up to 5000-5500 km. The overall maximum flight range of the aircraft at subsonic speed was supposed to be 16,000-18,000 km.

Having completed the preparatory part of the work, V.M. Myasishchev continued to consider the promising task of creating a high-speed heavy aircraft as the main goal of his own revived Design Bureau. Having research on the topic “20” behind him, the General Designer achieved the inclusion of the EMZ in the competition to create a supersonic multi-mode strategic carrier aircraft. The relevant MAP Orders were issued on September 15, 1969 (No. 285), September 17 and October 9, 1970 (No. 134 and No. 321, respectively). New work has begun on the topic “18” (or the M-18 aircraft).

The EMZ team, with great enthusiasm coming from its manager, took on another task. On February 15, 1971, V.M. Myasishchev made a report to representatives of various research institutes and design bureaus about the research work carried out by the EMZ team together with TsAGI, as well as various research institutes of the Ministries of Defense, Radio Industry and Defense Industry. Myasishchev noted in his report the main features of the technical specifications for the new aircraft, specifically:

increase in combat load at normal flight weight by 1.8 times;

the need to install special equipment to overcome the air defense of a potential enemy;

increasing the mass of the combat load and, as a result, the flight weight of the aircraft;

increase in thrust-to-weight ratio by at least 1.5-1.7 times due to the requirement for takeoff from 1st class unpaved airfields;

increasing cruising speed to 3000-3200 km/h.

All this, based on the beliefs of Myasishchev and EMZ professionals, led to a decrease in flight range by 28-30%. The General Designer also informed those present that a large amount of theoretical and practical research work had been carried out on the topic of multi-mode CMC on EMS, including:

parametric studies of the features of different configurations of the M-20 aircraft using a computer (up to 1200 hours), dynamics and maneuverability in different flight modes (many tests and research work were carried out together with TsAGI);

study of optimization of geometric and weight features of different CMC schemes for different flight masses (from 150 to 300 tons) and aircraft sizes;

study of heat transfer coefficients and heat loss on models

aircraft in the T-33 TsAGI tube;

study of strength and stiffness features and optimization of the main design modes for different schemes and different materials, including studies in SibNIA and TsAGI pipes (T-203);

research and selection of schemes for the main systems (control, equipment, chassis, weapons, power plants, etc.);

design work on the main components of the aircraft structure (wing, fuselage, landing gear, power plants).

In addition, at EMZ, on topics “18” and “20”, a number of different CMC layouts were studied at once. “Myasishchevtsy” began work with an analysis of aircraft layouts made according to a conventional aerodynamic configuration, after which they analyzed probable options for CMC layouts according to the “canard” configuration. Namely, the following CMC aerodynamic schemes were worked out:

conventional with a variable-sweep wing and two-fin or single-fin tail;

conventional with variable sweep wing and T-shaped tail;

“duck” design with a triangular wing and tail;

canard design with variable sweep wing;

“canard” design with a complex-shaped wing and downward deflecting consoles;

"tailless" scheme with a delta wing.

Ultimately, the developers also came to the conclusion that a multi-mode CMC must have a variable-sweep wing. The differences between the different variations of the CMC M-18 and M-20 were that for the main variants of the M-20 the designers used the canard design, and for the M-18 the classic aero design.

Options for multi-mode CMC were developed under the specific management of General Designer V.M. Myasishchev with the participation of many leading professionals of the recreated OKB: deputy chief designer G.I. Arkhangelsky, acting. deputy chief designer M.V. Gusarov, acting Deputy Chief Designer V.A. Fedotov, Head of the Aerodynamics Department A.D. Tokhunts and many others. K.P. Lyutikov was appointed lead designer for CMC. Tokhunts was responsible for the general views, assembly, aerodynamics and power plant, Fedotov supervised all work on strength, the introduction of new materials, as well as certain design developments (from individual components to the creation of frames for the designed aircraft), N.M. Glovatsky provided the production part of the projects, immediately performing the functions of the chief engineer of a massive production facility built next to the design bureau.

The assemblies were calculated for aircraft with a take-off weight of about 150 tons and the ability to refuel in flight, as well as for aircraft with a take-off weight of about 300-325 tons, not equipped with a refueling system. The type of engines depended on the take-off weight. With an aircraft take-off weight of 150 tons, the thrust of each engine should have been 12,000 kgf, with a weight of 300-325 tons - approximately 22,000-25,000 kgf. It was planned to use promising engines from the Design Bureau of N.D. Kuznetsov. The crew of the bomber consisted of three to four people. The wing area, depending on the take-off weight, ranged from 670 to 970 m2. The main weapons used were two large air-to-surface missiles. Defensive weapons were not provided.

The M-18 project, in its layout solutions, corresponded in almost every way to the layout scheme of the South American Rockwell B-1 bomb carrier and therefore was promoted as more promising (or maybe more harmless based on the principles of novelty?) for the upcoming development. At a faster pace, a more fundamental and important design element of a multi-mode CMC with variable wing sweep was being developed - a unique hinge for rotating the console (its model underwent strength and dynamic tests at TsAGI). Nine shields and two flying laboratories were deployed. As a result of the work carried out, the take-off weight of the Myasishchev aircraft was reduced by 10%.

It must be emphasized that in the multi-mode CMC projects being developed by the P.O. Sukhoi and V.M. Myasishchev OKB, as already mentioned, it was assumed that the aircraft would be introduced in the main version as a strategic bomber-missile carrier with the possibility of further modification into a high-altitude spy or anti-submarine aircraft.

After the Air Force identified new tactical and technical requirements for the promising multi-mode CMC in 1969, it was decided to develop the latter on a broader competitive basis, setting deadlines for the submission of preliminary designs by OKB competitors. Now, in addition to the design bureaus of P.O. Sukhoi and V.M. Myasishchev, the Design Bureau of A.N. Tupolev (MMZ “Experience”) has also been attracted to the work.

Indeed, the specialists of MMZ "Experience" in the process of research, testing and serial production of Tu-144 aircraft gained invaluable experience (as this corresponded to the open name of the company!) in solving the main problems of supersonic flight, including experience in designing structures with a huge service life in criteria for long supersonic flight. Effective thermal protection of the aircraft airframe structure, its systems and equipment under conditions of long-term kinetic heating, a set of structural heat-resistant materials with the highest physical and mechanical properties were developed, and the development of their production at serial plants was introduced. Massive turbofan engines and turbojet engines with take-off thrusts up to 20,000 kgf, with specific features applicable for long-range aircraft, were also mastered in production and operation; multi-mode air absorbers were designed and tested, etc. Here we must also add the experience in developing and fine-tuning complex weapons systems and flight and navigation equipment, acquired by the Tupolev team during the development of Tu-22M series aircraft and aircraft-missile systems based on them.

At MMZ "Experience" the start of work on CMC. which at the preparatory stage of work was designated differently - both as the “K” aircraft, and as the “60” product, and as the “160” aircraft (or Tu-160) - can be attributed to the 2nd half of 1969, when in The design bureau, within the framework of Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR No. 1098-378 of November 28, 1967 and the tactical and technical requirements for the aircraft developed by the Air Force, began to consider possible options for solving the problem. Work on the latest topic was concentrated in department “K” under the general direction of A.A. Tupolev. Under the specific leadership of V.I. Bliznyuk, who previously participated in the development of the project for the strategic supersonic intercontinental system “108,” and A.A. Pukhov, several options for the probable layouts of the upcoming aircraft were worked out in the brigades of the “K” department. One of the very first to propose a project for an aircraft with a variable sweep wing, but the analysis of this option at that stage gave a poor result: the wing rotation unit led not only to a significant increase in the weight of the aircraft structure, but also to its complication, which generally made it difficult to obtain data on the flight tactical characteristics of the aircraft.

Indeed, the totality of the requirements in the 1967 decree posed a very complex and difficult task for the developers. At the first step of work on CMC, the Tupolev team decided to take supersonic and cruising speeds (with the latter, the greatest flight range was achieved) as the main features that determine the type of aircraft. It must be emphasized that immediately with the start of the design of a new strategic bomber, department “K” studied the probable ways of developing a supersonic passenger aircraft, which then began work on the new SPS-2 (or Tu-244), therefore the designers tried to use some of the existing developments when choosing aerodynamic assembly of the "160" aircraft. Therefore, along with the CMC variant with variable wing sweep, at the first step the Tupolev team also considered a variant of the “tailless” layout scheme, which was used for the SPS-1 (Tu-144) and SPS-2 (Tu-244) projects. The developments of the OKB for the SPS-2 (Tu-244) project made it possible, at a theoretical level, to obtain an aerodynamic quality within the range of 7-9 units in supersonic cruising mode, and up to 15 units in subsonic flight mode, which, coupled with economical engines, made it possible to achieve a real a given flight range (according to the materials of the Tu-244 project, dated 1973, the flight range of an aircraft with turbojet engines, which had a specific fuel consumption of 1.23 kg/kgsch in supersonic cruising mode, reached 8000 km in supersonic mode). The design of a “tailless” aircraft, coupled with a power plant of appropriate power and efficiency, guaranteed high-speed and long-range characteristics. The main difficulties associated with this scheme were the use of new structural materials and technologies capable of ensuring long flights at high temperatures. In order to reduce the degree of technical risk for the new project, the Tupolev team decided, unlike their own rivals, to limit the cruising flight speed of the new CMC to M = 2.2-2.3.

One of the main requirements for the CMC was to ensure a long flight range, while the aircraft had to overcome the enemy’s air defense zone at high altitude at supersonic speed (or near the ground at subsonic speed), and make the main flight to the target at a good altitude with subsonic cruising speed. The least important requirement was the ability to operate the aircraft from runways of limited size. Fulfilling all the above conditions on one type of aircraft meant solving a complex technical problem. A compromise between the subsonic and supersonic features of the CMC could only be achieved by introducing a variable-sweep wing and engines of a combined design - single-circuit at supersonic speeds and double-circuit at subsonic speeds. When choosing a good CMC assembly, aerodynamicists conducted comparative studies of models with fixed and variable sweep wings, which showed that when flying at subsonic speeds, the aerodynamic quality of an aircraft with a variable sweep wing is approximately 1.2-1.5 times higher than that of an aircraft with fixed wing, and when flying at supersonic speeds, the aerodynamic quality of a CMC with a variable-sweep wing in the folded position (at maximum sweep) is virtually equal to that of an aircraft with a fixed wing. As mentioned above, a significant drawback of the CMC with a variable-sweep wing was the increase in flight weight due to the presence of an additional mechanism for rotating the wing consoles. Calculations have shown that when the mass of the hinge unit is more than 4% of the mass of the bomb carrier, all the advantages of an aircraft with a variable-sweep wing are completely lost. When using the same type of engines, the flight range at medium altitudes and subsonic speeds of a CMC with a variable-sweep wing was approximately 30-35% (and at low altitudes, 10%) higher than that of an aircraft with a fixed wing. Flight range at supersonic speeds and high altitudes with any of the two layout schemes it turned out to be approximately similar, and at low altitude - approximately 15% more for the CMC with a variable sweep wing, while the latter also had better takeoff and landing properties.

As previously mentioned, the fundamental point in the design of the heavy-duty CMC was the choice of the highest value for supersonic flight speed. In the process of theoretical research work, a comparative assessment of the range of an aircraft with a variable-sweep wing, designed for flight with 2 variations of cruising supersonic speed - at numbers M = 2.2 and M = 3 - was carried out. At a speed corresponding to the number M = 2.2, the flight range increased significantly due to the lowest specific fuel consumption of the power plant and the greater value of the aerodynamic property. In addition, the design of the CMC airframe, designed for a speed corresponding to M=3. implied, as already mentioned, the introduction of a significant (by weight) amount of titanium alloys, which led to an increase in the cost of aircraft production and to additional technological dilemmas.

With all these contradictory problems, the project developers came to General Designer A.N. Tupolev, who, quickly assessing the situation and weighing all the pros and cons, proposed developing the CMC according to the proven layout scheme of the Tu-144, refusing to use a variable wing sweep flight. It was on this basis that the designers tried to make their own first version of a strategic multi-mode carrier, which in its technical solutions was radically different from the T-4MS projects of the P.O. Sukhoi Design Bureau and the M-18/M-20 of the V.M. Myasishchev Design Bureau.

Thus, the initial project of the “Tupolev” strategic missile carrier, presented by the Design Bureau in the early 70s for a preliminary design competition, was developed according to the layout scheme of the Tu-144, in fact, as its upcoming development, taking into account a new motivated purpose. The aircraft design, in comparison with the Tu-144 passenger aircraft, was distinguished by greater integration of the central part of the airframe and the introduction of spacious weapons compartments into the fuselage.

In this project, developed along with another version of the aircraft with a variable-sweep wing (work on which was nevertheless continued in order to find ways to optimize the entire structure and its individual components), it was supposed to achieve the required flight-tactical features due to a higher level of weight return . But the fulfillment of the main requirement of the Air Force - ensuring the intercontinental operating radius of the aircraft, at the specific fuel consumption that the engine operators could actually obtain, was not ensured with this scheme.

At the initial stage of design, work at the MMZ “Experience” on the topic “K” (or “160”) was carried out in an active manner and without much publicity - a very limited circle of people in the design bureau itself and in the Ministry of Aviation Industry knew about them. From 1970 to 1972, several versions of the CMC layout diagrams were prepared. By 1972, the development of the preliminary design of the aircraft was completed and presented to the Air Force scientific and technical committee. The Air Force immediately accepted for consideration the projects of the T-4MS and M-18 aircraft, submitted to the competition by the Design Bureau of P.O. Sukhoi and V.M. Myasishchev, respectively (all three projects were considered as part of the competition to create the latest strategic airborne system, held by the Ministry of Aviation industry of the USSR in 1972).

The projects submitted for the competition turned out to be completely different, as one would expect. The different style and style of work of the “fighter” and “bomber” design bureaus could not but be reflected in the proposed designs. But what united them in common (especially the projects of the Design Bureau of P.O. Sukhoi and V.M. Myasishchev) was the desire to use the greatest number of justified design and technological innovations. In this regard, it is interesting to quote an excerpt from a book of memoirs posted in Russia by Colonel General V.V. Reshetnikov, who at that time held the post of commander of distant aviation.

“Since everything was clear with Tupolev, the commission paid its first visit to Pavel Osipovich. The project he proposed was striking in its unusual aerodynamic shapes, close to a flying wing, in the volume of which there was room for engines, ammunition, and fuel, but the thick profile of this huge load-bearing surface was very confusing: the powerful edge of the attack rib did not fit well with the idea of ​​a supersonic aircraft. Overcoming awkwardness, I carefully asked Pavel Osipovich about this, and he, it turns out, was expecting such a question, introduced me to the developments and showed the materials for blowing the model in the TsAGI supersonic wind tunnel. Doubts were gradually removed, the car seemed completely real and tempting. The thick-profile wing with smooth integral curves of the outlines of its edges was, apparently, Pavel Osipovich’s discovery, which he so desired to implement in the design of a huge supersonic ship.

A more exciting and equally deeply developed project was proposed by Vladimir Mikhailovich Myasishchev. It was a thin-body, fast-moving, luxurious “pike” that seemed even lighter than the weight contained in it. Eh, let her fly and fly! Vladimir Mikhailovich, an experienced and brilliant designer of languid warships, as usual, has now introduced many new, unique solutions into aircraft systems, without repeating what has already been achieved, and the combat capabilities promised to reach the level of the greatest in the world.”

In the fall of 1972, at the scientific and technical council at the Ministry of Aviation Industry, reports were heard on the above projects “160” of the A.N. Tupolev Design Bureau (with a girder wing based on the Tu-144), T-4MS (“200”) of the P.O Design Bureau Sukhoi and M-18 OKB V.M. Myasishchev.

The “160” aircraft project did not receive support due to its “non-compliance with these tactical and technical requirements.” Colonel General V.V. Reshetnikov said at a meeting of the Air Force scientific and technical committee regarding the project of the A.N. Tupolev Design Bureau that the Air Force is being offered practically a passenger aircraft! The situation was somewhat complicated by the incorrectly overestimated aerodynamic quality of the presented aircraft in the project. Reshetnikov himself, in the book already mentioned above, recalled the following on this matter:

“Sitting down in a small hall and peering at the posters hanging on the board, I was surprised to recognize the familiar features of the Tu-144 supersonic passenger aircraft. Is it really that one? Its technical and flight characteristics did not match the data, it suffered from a low level of reliability, was uneconomical and difficult to operate. There were also huge failures. Civilian aviation fenced itself off from him in every possible way......Alexey Andreevich (Tupolev - author's note), holding himself somewhat more constrained than usual, approached the shield with a pointer in his hand. The essence of his proposals boiled down to the fact that between the spread engine packages that occupied the lower part of the fuselage, bomb bays crashed into which missiles and bombs would be located. Without delving into subsequent discussions, it was clear that, having become a bomb carrier, this failed airliner would become heavier under the weight of its ammunition and defensive weapons, lose its last reserves of strength, and all its flight properties would fall down.

After about 5 minutes, or maybe 10, I stood up and, interrupting the report, said that we didn’t want to consider the proposed project further, since the passenger plane, designed at one time for the needs of Aeroflot, even in a brand new form, would not be able to get rid of it at first inherent parameters that are completely unnecessary in a combat version, and at the same time will not be able to implement within itself these requirements for a strategic bomber.

Alexey Andreevich, apparently, was ready for such a turn of events. Without a word of objection, he turned to the central, largest poster, took it by the neck and pulled it down with force. In complete silence, the crack of tearing Whatman paper was heard. Then, turning in my direction, he apologized and said that to consider a new preliminary project, he would invite us to his place again.”

To escort two Russian Tu-160 bombers that were heading towards English airspace. The United Kingdom's Ministry of Defense later announced that Russian Aerospace Forces aircraft did not cross the country's border during the incident.

The Tu-160 is the largest and most powerful supersonic aircraft with variable wing geometry in the history of military aviation. This aircraft can deliver up to 40,000 kg of bombs and cruise missiles to the east coast of North America in just 5 hours.

After which the bomber can return back to its “home” airport with one in-flight refueling. At the same time, the flight for the crew will take place in the most comfortable conditions: on board there is a toilet, a kitchen with a cupboard for heating food, as well as a folding berth for rest.

See the AiF, which represents the legendary bomber.

Child of the arms race

In the 1960s, the USSR actively developed strategic missile weapons. The country has acquired the most advanced nuclear missile deterrence system, and in the field of strategic aviation, as a result of this “distortion,” a serious crisis has emerged. By that time, the subsonic bombers Tu-95 and M-4 were completely unsuitable for breaking through the US air defense. As a result, the Soviet government in 1967 issued a directive to quickly create a fundamentally new strategic aircraft that could compete with the supersonic B-1 Lancer being developed by the Americans.

Undercover battles

There is the following joke in aviation: “No one ever developed the White Swan, it somehow hatched on its own.” In fact, of course, the best Soviet engineers worked on the Tu-160 project, but this unique aircraft was created, indeed, under very strange circumstances.

The fact is that initially only specialists from the Sukhoi Design Bureau and the Myasishchev Design Bureau were assigned to work on the supersonic bomber project, and for some reason such a giant of design thought as the Tupolev Design Bureau remained on the sidelines. Some explain this choice by the heavy workload of this bureau at that time, others claim that the Soviet leadership simply did not really like Andrey Tupolev, who was always ready to very firmly defend his own opinion.

By the beginning of the 70s, the developers participating in the competition presented their projects. Sukhoi presented the T-4MS, which generally satisfied the stated characteristics, but was an overly expensive project - the body of the bomber was supposed to be made of titanium. Myasishchev presented the more budget M-18.

At that time, the M-18 seemed to win the competition, but the Myasishchev Design Bureau was not allowed to implement its project. The Soviet government, unexpectedly for the entire aircraft industry, decides to completely remove this bureau from participation in the creation of a supersonic aircraft. The reasons for this turn are still debated. It was only officially reported that the Myasishchev Design Bureau at that time did not have sufficient resources to implement such a large-scale project.

It would seem that now the development of a supersonic bomber should definitely have gone to the Sukhoi Design Bureau, but no. For some also not the most obvious reason, the authorities decided that the new aircraft should be built by the Tupolev Design Bureau, and Sukhoi specialists were advised to throw all their efforts into creating the Su-27 multi-role fighter.

As a result, all the papers on both the M-18 and T-4MS ended up in the Tupolev Design Bureau. Taking the Myasishchev Design Bureau project as a basis, the bureau created the legendary TU-160, which pilots nicknamed the “White Swan” for its graceful appearance and “flapping” wings.

Swept advantage

The wing of the Tu-160 has a variable sweep. The aircraft takes off and lands with its wings spread. Most of the flight is usually carried out at a speed of 900 km/h with almost straight wings, and the bomber reaches “supersonic” speed having already folded them. This solution allows you to minimize aerodynamic drag and achieve the highest speed.

Yeltsin despite

Before the collapse of the USSR, 34 supersonic bombers were created; after the collapse, only six Tu-160s remained on the territory of the newly formed Russian Federation. Most of the cars, 19 units, ended up in Ukraine.

Long-range strategic aviation absolutely did not fit into the defensive nuclear-free doctrine of Ukraine. Therefore, the young republic began to destroy bombers that were expensive to maintain. The liquidation took place using funds allocated by the Americans under the Nunn-Lugar program.

The Tu-160 was not treated much better in Russia at that time. The president Boris Yeltsin ordered to stop serial production of supersonic bombers. Yeltsin then spoke out in the spirit that after the dissolution of the Warsaw Pact organization, no one needed strategic aviation anymore.

The situation for the Tu-160 began to change for the better only in the late 90s. By that time, Ukraine, having spent about $2.5 million, had destroyed only two bombers. Another 9 cars were rendered unusable. In 1999, Ukraine, violating the agreements concluded with the Americans, arbitrarily stopped the process of eliminating aircraft and transferred to Russia 8 serviceable Tu-160s to write off part of the debt for gas.

When collecting Tu-160s in all countries of the former USSR, 16 Tu-160 units were in service with the Russian Air Force. And since the mid-2000s, these machines no longer rust at airfields, but make regular flights. So, in 2006, the ex-commander of the Long-Range Aviation of the Russian Air Force Igor Khvorov reported that during the exercise, a group of Tu-160s entered US airspace for some time and went unnoticed.

In 2015, the Russian Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu announced plans to resume serial production of the Tu-160, which is due to begin in 2023. The question of exactly how many new supersonic bombers the Russian Aerospace Forces need is still at the approval stage. It is only reported that the Tu-160 in the M2 version will combine the latest innovations in avionics, which will significantly increase the efficiency of the aircraft.

First baptism of fire

In 2015, the Tu-160, which had never previously participated in military conflicts, received its first combat use. Bombers from the Mediterranean and Caspian seas began to strike with Kh-555 and Kh-101 cruise missiles at the most important targets of the Islamic State terrorists in Syria.

As a result of a massive bomber attack, it was possible to destroy control points of illegal armed groups in the provinces of Idlib and Aleppo. Also, cruise missile strikes blew up ammunition depots, militant training camps and logistics points involved in the illegal export of oil to the countries of the Middle East.

Nunn-Lugar program- the unofficial name of the American Cooperative Threat Reduction Program ) , which was developed by Senators Samuel Nunn and Richard Lugar. This initiative has been implemented by the United States since December 12, 1991 in relation to Russia and the CIS countries. One of the main goals is the destruction “in the interests of security” of military equipment, as well as nuclear and other types of weapons of mass destruction.

The terrorist group “Islamic State” is banned in Russia.

On January 25, Russian President Vladimir Putin visited the Kazan Aviation Plant named after. S.P. Gorbunov (a branch of Tupolev PJSC, part of the United Aircraft Corporation, UAC), where he observed the demonstration flight of the modernized Tu-160 strategic bomber. This new missile carrier with serial number 0804 was named after the first commander-in-chief of the Russian Air Force, Pyotr Deinekin.

Test flights of the aircraft began last week. The rolling out ceremony of the first prototype took place on November 16, 2017. It is expected that by the end of this year the missile carrier will be transferred to the Aerospace Forces (VKS) of the Russian Federation. The volume of the contract for the supply of ten modernized Tu-160M ​​missile carriers to the Russian Ministry of Defense will amount to 160 billion rubles. According to the president, this will allow the enterprise to be fully loaded by 2027. The head of state called the work done to create the aircraft “a great success for the plant’s team.”

The story of the "swan"

The supersonic Tu-160M2 (according to NATO codification - Blackjack) is an improved version of the Tu-160 developed in the USSR. Among the pilots he received the nickname "White Swan". Along with the Tu-95MS, it forms the basis of the modern fleet of Long-Range Aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces. The Tu-160 is the largest supersonic aircraft in the history of military aviation, the heaviest combat aircraft in the world, capable of carrying cruise missiles with nuclear warheads.

It was created in response to the introduction of the Rockwell B-1 Lancer intercontinental bomber into the United States. The need to create a new aircraft was also explained by the fact that at the end of the 1960s, strategic aviation only had outdated subsonic bombers - Tu-95 and M-4.

Compared to its American rival, the Tu-160 received a fly-by-wire control system, a rudder in the form of an all-moving upper part of the fin, and a rotating “ridge” that improves flow around the articulation area of ​​the moving and fixed parts of the wing. The central beam of this aircraft, 12.4 m long and 2.1 m wide, which is the main structural element of the structure, is made of titanium using a unique technology. The maximum flight range is almost 14 thousand km. By the way, in 1985, during tests on the Tu-160, the speed of sound was exceeded for the first time.

From 1981 to 1992, 36 such aircraft were built, although initially it was planned to make 100. The first 19 copies of the bomber were transferred to the bomber air regiment in the city of Priluki, Ukrainian SSR, from 1987. Therefore, after the collapse of the USSR, the Russian Federation did not have a single new strategic bomber. In 1992–1994, six aircraft were built and transferred to the bomber air regiment in Engels. In 1999–2000, Russia received from Ukraine 11 strategic bombers (eight Tu-160 and three Tu-95MS), as well as about 600 air-launched missiles in settlement of Ukrainian debts for Russian gas. The ten aircraft remaining in Priluki were disposed of at the insistence of the United States, and another was transferred to a museum in Poltava. Today, the Russian Aerospace Forces have 16 units in combat.

Cost of "White Swan"

Expert estimates of the cost range from $250-600 million (in 1993, the media called 6 billion rubles, which corresponded to approximately $600 million). One hour of flight of a missile carrier (without combat use) costs, according to official data for 2008, 580 thousand rubles (about $23.3 thousand). For comparison: the cost of the American B-1B bomber, which is close to the Tu-160 in terms of flight performance, is $317 million; an hour of flight costs $57.8 thousand.


The decision to resume production of bombers in a modernized version was made in 2015. The Russian Ministry of Defense reported that their serial production should begin in 2023. In June 2017, Viktor Bondarev, who then held the post of commander-in-chief of the Aerospace Forces, stated that the Tu-160M2 could take off for the first time at the end of 2018. PJSC Tupolev began work on the creation of deeply modernized aircraft.

Swan update

Despite the external similarity with the previous version, the Tu-160M2 is distinguished by the latest combat support systems, as well as the latest versions of the NK-32 bypass turbojet engine (produced at the Samara PJSC Kuznetsov).

According to a TASS source in the military-industrial complex (DIC), the new aircraft is not a prototype of a modernized version of the bomber.

The aircraft underwent only minor modernization; the airframe and engines remained the same. Fully digitized documentation on the new missile carrier will be released no earlier than the middle of this year, and without it, work on the construction of the Tu-160M ​​is impossible

source in the defense industry

Thanks to modernization, efficiency will increase by 60%. According to Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Yuri Borisov, the Tu-160M2 will be a practically new aircraft, two and a half times more efficient than its predecessor. The appearance of the updated "White Swan" is as recognizable as that of its "elder brother", created in Soviet times.

The Ministry of Defense plans to restore production of the Tu-160 strategic bomber. We are not talking about a one-to-one restoration, because the Tu-160, which we have in service today, is an aircraft developed in the 80s, which, fortunately, has surpassed its time in its performance characteristics. It has the best characteristics today. The aircraft we are talking about will probably be called Tu-160M2 and will be practically a new aircraft

Yuri Borisov

Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation

According to the commander of the Long-Range Aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces, Lieutenant General Sergei Kobylash, the introduction of new digital technologies will “significantly increase the combat capabilities of the strike complex using long-range precision weapons.”

Economical engines with wider resource capabilities will increase the flight range, which, together with the declared power-to-weight ratio, will maintain the Tu-160 strategic missile carrier's leading position among strategic strike systems

Sergey Kobylash

Commander of Long-Range Aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces, Lieutenant General

Due to the modernization of a number of engine components of the NK-32 series 02, the aircraft has become more economical. “It has wider resource capabilities. Thanks to this engine, the Tu-160M2 bomber, the production of which is planned to be launched in Russia, will receive expanded capabilities, including an increased flight range,” noted the United Engine Corporation (UEC). UEC stated that the test bench for new engines has been reconstructed and certified to work with NK-32 power plants.

This engine has been modernized: the main blocks and components have become more economical, the engine as a whole has better resource capabilities, and due to work that has improved its economic performance, the aircraft’s flight range will be at least a thousand kilometers longer compared to the existing one

Victor Bondarev

ex-commander-in-chief of the Russian Aerospace Forces, Colonel General

As the press service of the Kazan Aviation Plant explains, the model was built on the basis of the technological reserve available at the enterprise. “It was completed, among other things, to solve the problems of reproducing the Tu-160 in a new look: restoring the final assembly technology, testing certain new technological solutions, testing new aircraft engines with improved characteristics,” notes the plant’s press service.

Possibilities of the "swan"

Suppliers of components for the new aircraft did not stand aside either. During the modernization of the Tu-160, the Radio-Electronic Technologies Concern (KRET) is creating new computer and on-board systems, control equipment, a strapdown inertial navigation system, an electronic warfare complex, fuel and flow metering systems, as well as weapons control systems. The board of the new Tu-160M2 will be made with elements of integrated modular avionics, which will later be used for the PAK DA. The development of avionics (avionics) for the Tu-160M2 was promised to be completed by 2020.